why is Yea Forums so boring
Why is Yea Forums so boring
because shitposters have no originality and spam the same threads over and over again with no new OC in sight
SJWS, Nintendo fanboys and Mods biased for Nintendo, /pol/ secret posters, etc.
muh japs
muh boobs
muh trannies
>posts wojak #5935927
Gee, I wonder
Nintendo autists that somehow takeup up 80% of the board yet never make anything funny are the parasite sucking the soul out of this board
You tell me
Redditcunts, twitchfaggots, underagetards, Niggers, youtube reading 'le epic funny greentext stories' , facebook screencap pages
This but take out /pol/
>wojak bad frog bag
hello r*ddit
Because the only way to start a thread that wont be immediately deleted is to start it with bait and a screencap of a tweet or reddit post. The mods are all cumguzzling faggots who clearly couldn't care less.
Posting wojak shit isn't helping OP
anti-freedom ruined it aka: pussies like you, newfag
The cuckold mods keep deleting all of the fun threads.
Is this a Goldeneye wojak?
Reddit are literally the only people who have posted either of them in nearly a decade.
ironic shitposting invited real shitposting
before the thread gets deleted
it's because no one has any creativity and anything remotely funny gets instantly driven into the ground
meanwhile all you get are the same threads being repeated over and over because those people have very small minds
Forced memes, mostly.
t. shits out the latest epic clown pepe and zoomer wojak for the epic lols
keep saying it
>Wojaknigger thinks he gets to decide whats boring or not when he doesn't even play videogames
Not enough good Wojack edits lately
Wojak posting redditors like you became the majority.
I don't even go on /pol/ anymore and hardly ever post about poltics. I hate both sides of SJW trannies and righty wing electionfags that fall for bait
Yea Forums pretends it's composed of scrupulous contrarians but at pretty much any given time of day the entire board is filled with threads concerning the most popular normie trash apropos an endless stream of wojak/frog edits.
Threads concerning obscure gems or otherwise underrated games are extremely rare, but often worth the perusal.
You can't just USE that word casually like some type of fucking intellectual. Who do you think you are? King of Vocabulistics?
seems you carved out your own mentally retarded side
what are you even talking about nigger
Amen, risk of rain threads, resetera and twitter screenshots up the ass and fucking Deltarune/Borderlands talk.
These fuck boys just talk about the most up to minute normie shit and it funny to see Yea Forums try and act cool and distant from reddit when they talk about the same fucking topics.
>risk of rain
>delta rune
Yeah, how dare there be vidya on the vidya board!
These pretty much cover it. People think it's "funny" to make another bait thread for the 10th time this day, with exactly the same replies and behavior algorythm.
Someone posted "no gf"? Post Ryan Gosling.
Someone posted "classic wow"? Post "we're going home".
Someone posted "ffxiv"? Spam "trannies".
Another shitty bait article screencap and "he's right, you know"? 480 posts and 220 image replies omitted.
Anything Nintendo related? Sticky that shit.
I think it's finally time to move on from Yea Forums. Not because I'm mad, but because I'm bored.
So I recently got out of prison (cops found my ex's prescribed Ritalin in my car). Been out for 4 months now. Why does Yea Forums hate wojack and pepe now?