What do you want to see in the new Splinter Cell Yea Forums?
What do you want to see in the new Splinter Cell Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Michael Ironside
>back to Chaos Theory style gameplay (Sam is in his 50s. Blacklist and Conviction's movement makes no sense)
>no open world
>Spies vs Mercs
>back to Chaos Theory style gameplay (Sam is in his 50s. Blacklist and Conviction's movement makes no sense)
Never ever going to happen and Ubisoft's CEO says so
>When you create a [new entry in a series] you have to make sure you will come with something that will be different enough from what you did before. Last time we did a Splinter Cell, we had lots of pressure from all the fans saying, ‘Don’t change it, don’t do this, don’t do that.’ So, some of the teams were more anxious to work on the brand.
Sam Fisher in a wheelchair with tank mechanics
I honestly liked Blacklist's movement, but it just does work for Sam.
Alternatively, I wouldn't mind a Splinter Cell game with Ironside back as Sam, but with Sam in a Lambert type role. Keep the movement from BL, but make the playable character a new, younger character.
And, if Ubisoft have the balls, make a mission where the new agent gets captured or something and Sam is the only one good enough to get him out. Then you could have a mission or two with Chaos Theory style gameplay as Sam.
I miss lambert. Do you think a game with him would be possible? Could be before double agent.
A 70s-80s Cold War Splinter Cell would be absolutely kino
I remember the first two games strongly for their atmosphere and tone. A bunch of the levels had a kind of subdued realism that made it feel more tense than the comic book action of MGS.
What I want is that old breaking and entering vibe. Hacking a laptop in a darkened apartment while you hear ambient noise from people still out in the streets. Spy shit. But I'm not sure a big studio would greenlight a game like that post-modern warfare.
like the first three games with nicer graphics and more stealth mechanics. set it it in whatever time, period you like, use new characters, whatever, i just want an actual stealth game
Yeah a second echelon game would be cool.
Another working copy of linux would be nice
I actually liked the more open and MGS V like stealth in Wildlands moreso than Blacklist. Make it like that except linear. Put Ironside and make him spout funny lines. Done.
show tits kanker
how do i play through chaos theory on my first go?
You just play it, how else?
Play SC1 first
>Lambert has passed away
>Fisher has been recruited to manage these new missions
>Agent Connell recruited as field operative. Early 30s. Shows aptitude, but lacks experience. Shows high resistance to panic.
>Tactical support by Agents Blaskie and Gadbuis
Blacklist's movement system
Mark to aim removed; replaced with the following
On activation time is slowed 70% and enemies glow red; background colors dulled and monotone. Aiming is still manual. Lasts 2 seconds. Recharges on melee stealth neutralization.
>Stealth system expanded
>Darkness and Noise tracked - Only sound level meter is shown
>Electromagnetism and Heat tracked via view modes
>Player's 3D model is not rendered when in shadows. Model is rendered with transparency in half-shadow. Model represent's the AI's actual ability to see you.
>Daytime missions are available.
>Same model dynamics as in shadows when in daytime crowds "lost in the crowd"
Agent Gadbuis can set up off-site explosions for distraction and in some cases provide sniper support
Agent Blaskie can provide intel from offsite
The first mission involves infiltrating a dam controls office in central USA. Intel showed potential threats from international sources and the offices have not responded in 2 hours. The office is full of bodies and active bombs throughout.
>Connell: Wait a minute. They're still here. ROE?
>Fisher: Lets have a talk with our guests. We only need one
What made the first 3 splinter cell games stand out from mgs, and most other “realistic” action adventures for that matter, was its subdued nature. You spent most of your time slowly sneaking through third world office buildings with mostly mundane objectives like hacking financial records, and planting bugs. The only games that invoked a similar feeling were the last few hitman games -absolution.
sounds kino, but it won't make ubishit ALL the money so it'll be a competitive e-sport / looter stealther / open-world game with rpg elements and a live service model
and the story will be told through youtube promos and online comics
How about a game that doesn't cause depression for once? You know, one that isn't dark and drab...
Amon Tobin soundtrack. thats all
The games are all about engulfing yourself in literal darkness, if you want sunshine play Cyberpunk 2077
It's likely going to be a sad dad game set in the post-apocalypse. I also wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft has a hand in it. The original Splinter Cell was a timed exclusive for Xbox. Ubisoft have recently made some weird remarks about how important Xbox was for the series.
What made Splinter Cell stand out from Metal Gear Solid was the fact the developers were split into two factions who hated each other. One faction wanted to make Thief. The other faction wanted to make Metal Gear Solid. The Metal Gear Solid fanboys largely lost. Working on Splinter Cell was such an in-fighting driven nightmare that many of the developers involved left the industry for good.
>no open world
This. Open-world is the death of good level design. But my expectations are non-existent since Ubi can't help themselves.
>Post apocalyptic Splinter Cell in the Far Cry universe
Please no, please please please no
Also that writing is fucking cringe my god
>Also that writing is fucking cringe my god
What is wrong with the writing?
That shitty Wildlands DLC was a better SC game than Conviction or Blacklist ever did
A return to form a la Chaos Theory.
Miss me with that gay shit if not.
>improvises, adapts, overcomes
literally a fucking twitter meme
Someone has to make the push to write Sam Fisher out of the story. He is literally old. Even Tom Clancy eventually had to do it.
>literally a fucking twitter meme
It's a venerable mantra of the United States Marine Corps. I wasn't aware the US military, of which Sam Fisher is a pathetic puppet, was a twitter meme.
It's unbelievably cliched and doesn't have an ounce of the wit Sam Fisher is known for, just I'M A SURVIVOR, AND A SURVIVOR SURVIVES shit we've seen in every post-apoc monologue.
Sam Fisher being old is almost certainly going to be the entire point of the next Splinter Cell. They're already foreshadowing it super hard in GR: Wildlands where he is indeed an old man, but "the only one left".
No open world, but open levels are good.
They need Sam to have a solid protege or something.
Underrated post kek
I wouldn't expect Sam Fisher to be particularly witty after his plane gets nuked out of the sky and the planet is being bombarded with nuclear weapons resulting in the collapse of human civilization as we know it.
Sam wasn't particularly witty in GR: Wildlands, either.
Have you played Far Cry New Dawn? Then you'd know the writers know this phrase from a facebook post or twitter meme, because the whole game is chock full of that kind of hackneyed shit
Also Sam was trained in the Navy, and 3rd (and 4th) Echelon are both NSA
Of course. Levels the size and complexity of DX and Thief are good, but most SC games have levels far smaller than that even. Like the Bank level, is basically just a mid-sized villa. But you're playing at practically crawling speed anyway and the content density is high enough that they feel like larger levels.
Even hubs with full level offshoots could theoretically work, but SC is ideally meant to be a globetrotting experience with varied locations so that'd be very hard to get right.
>Have you played Far Cry New Dawn? Then you'd know the writers know this phrase from a facebook post or twitter meme, because the whole game is chock full of that kind of hackneyed shit
You do realise Ubisoft games are meticulously researched, right? Look at the huge amount of work they put into the Biblical symbolism in Far Cry 5.
Not him but do you think that they did the same level of efforts for a cheap cashgrab like ND?
Yes? Do you think Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues had less research put into it just because it was DLC?
Do you think one company is the same as the other?
How on earth is New Dawn a "cheap cashgrab"?
>You do realise Ubisoft games are meticulously researched, right?
Ubisoft are a far better developer than Obsidian of course.
>globetrotting experience
I never really cared for it. That's why the MGS series resonates more with people because they get more invested with the nuances of the setting.
For SC, it's always the same old military base, villian's home (with security guards patrolling), or some other uninspired shit. Just make one really interesting setting and stick with it.
...it's literally a Far Cry 5 DLC sold as a separate $40 game
How much is Ubisoft paying you?
It was a standalone "DLC" much like BD and Primal preceeding it. It has a higher production value compared to those two but it was no FC6.
>Ubisoft are a far better developer than Obsidian of course.
Chaos Theory > Self Titled > Conviction > Black List > Pandora Tomorrow > Double Agent
Ubisoft should just make a mode of the game where you can play it with the same sort of detail and nuance of Chaos Theory or if you prefer the more casual and streamlined approach like Black List. Both were great in their own ways.
>Splinter Cell: Self Titled
Never heard of that one, is it good?
it will be something like:
>open world
>muh super futuristic technology
>muh watered down political story
>play as sam fisher's daughter
yea, no thanks
It came out in 2013 for the Vita and was a "what if" story about Sam's daughter dawning a sexy leather outfit and becoming a slutty spy for daddy.
It didn't do too well though.
Amon tobin kind of music should get back.
>make stealth optional
Why the fuck would you sneak when you can just run and gun everything? Stealth is done out of necessity. Retards who dont get game design shouldn't voice their opinions so loudly.
I know that I didn't liked PT and DA that much (It was all because of the Shanghai chinks fault) but It's the first time I've seen someone rated Conviction higher than those two.
>CT like levels, more open, more routes to avoid the enemy entirely
>a plot that isn't fucking boring
>less gadgets, have passive abilities to show how experienced Sam is
>co-op where you need to kill your teammate at the end
>remove the mark and execute system
Upgrading your suit was kinda neat, maybe put that in but make them actually have different things than "this one sneaks better".
Back to being a stealth game. Tactical "action" belongs to MGS/Ghost Recon
That's just Blacklist and nu-SC. Before that we had moving trains, ships, bathhouses, submarine bases etc. in addition to the more predictable stuff like drug kingpin mansions and island terrorist base and whatnot. You could still do all that in a sufficiently interesting and varied locale like a large metropolitan area of course.
One thing SC used to do right was play to the uniqueness of the environments, so you could use the train's machinery noises to your advantage and hang on the outside or underside and stuff like that which was largely absent from last few games.
PT suit is by far my favorite. God damn that game was good.
I enjoy Blacklist but it lacks the calm atmosphere that makes the old games so compelling. Bring back levels with a strong focus on ambience, bring back the old lighting mechanic, bring back Ironside, and remove mark and execute + any forced shooting segments.
Blacklist is decent but it was just too actiony for me. That, and the fact that the AIs can't see beyond 10 feet and the plot it is bargain bin TV drama tier bores me.
Mark and execute is disabled on Blacklist's hardest difficulty desu.
Forced shooting was already in Chaos Theory, it's not exactly a new thing.
For me the big issue of Blacklist is the ridiculous speed of movement and vaulting over shit. Simple modification of speed would've changed the tone of the game tremendously.
I still replayed it like three times, its fun as fuck action game. If you want to do lethal stealth and kill everything quietly I have yet to find a more satisfying vidya.
last splinter cell i played in 2013. Dont even remember the story tbqh.
Imagine if the splinter cell franchise followed this youtube.com
Additionally, Blacklist needed more levels/settings that, you know, actually encourage/warrant a non-lethal playstyle.
An actual stealth game. for the love of god please.
I was mad about the Conviction we got but I would actually furious if the game was released to be a fucking AC like brawling game
I want to see it not happen because Ubisoft can't be trusted to make something that isn't fucking awful normie dudebro garbage that's dumbed down to all fuck to appeal to the largest market possible.
It's not only the movement speed. The last 1/3 of the game's levels have a ridiculous amount of forced action or are way too dense with enemies and noise
I think in the books he has several, or a team of three, who saved him or something
Never thought about that, I'd be genius.
Splinter cell s going to have a problem where just about all of your cool gadgets can be done on a mobile phone. 80s tech would remedy that.
Mark and execute isnt relevant in higher difficultieso of the more recent games, so that part isnt very important.
Not the other user, but on the topic of movement speed, so much of the nuanced movement of earlier splinter cell games is just fucking gone in Blacklist.
You no longer have analog movement of any kind, your means for interacting with doors are all violent and loud, your climbing speed for pipes/ledges is MAXIMUM SPEED.
Fuck Blacklist and fuck Blacklist apologists, it's a fucking awful Splinter Cell game.
>sam is nigger
It's important because the levels are still designed around the mark and execute mechanic.
And that's the entire problem with Blacklists design, the entire thing is a compromise built around a ton of shitty mechanics and merely removing the mechanics the game was built around does not remedy the problem.
That game's pipe climbing is its biggest offense.
I still think people miss the point of Blacklist somewhat. The full nonlethal stealth run is gated as a challenge. Lethal and loud is considered the relatively easy way to clear missions, while literally Ghost mode through the levels without being seen by anyone is the hardest, but arguably the most satisfying.
Of course brainlets will say wow this game isnt stealthy at all, but it just didnt force you to play stealthy, in the same way that other games do not force you to collect all collectibles.
Ah yes, another case of Benjamin Button syndrome.
Blacklist ghost run is still quick as hell thanks to its action stealth approach. Like the other anons said, the movement alone is way too quick and agile compared to the more grounded from what we got before. Blacklist might had included things that were missing on Convictions but the core is still Convictions. The stealthiest run on Blacklist doesn't feel as stealthy as the first 3 games.
Conviction was good but it wasnt a good Splinter Cell game
Anyone else annoyed by the retarded amount of worship Chaos Theory gets? Sure, it's a great game but its not the greatest of all time and it certainly isn't without flaws.
I remember going from SC1 and Pandora Tomorrow to it and it was ridiculous how much more obvious of a console port it was. Movement is floaty and glaringly optimized for the analog stick than digital buttons, very clunky.
>It's important because the levels are still designed around the mark and execute mechanic.
They are really not, game forces you to do that only once at the beginning. Game still encourages ghosting since it rewards you with the most points/cash/whatever it was.
Agent 1 and Agent 2 returning as main characters.
It doesn't really matter to me how fast someone can stealth through Blacklist compared to older games. The point is, you still can do it and it's a legit option, disproving morons who keep claiming it's not stealthy anymore.
Nah the biggest offense is how the fucked up movement (and all of the fucked up design) creates a cascading effect of shit design right throughout the game, the audio being another big one.
Because now you've taken away the players ability to finely control their movement and speed, you've also taken away their ability to finely tune how much noise they're making. Blacklists solution? Arbitrarily assign noise levels to various actions/movements. Make some extremely loud, make others completely quiet, they don't have to correlate to the movement or players intentions at all, job well done, 10/10 stealth game.
Non-lethal and Ghost runs in Blacklist are the very definition of artificial difficulty, it's you fighting against the entire design of the game.
>People miss the point of Thief. The full lethal approach through the levels without leaving anyone alive is the hardest, but arguably the most satisfying.
Did you say open world? Why didn't I think of that? Thats genius! I'll tell the dev team right now! It will be the BIGGEST Splinter Cell World of all time!
How do you mean?
Conviction was horrible.
Blacklist is basically a good version of Conviction, but still not a good Splinter Cell.
>They are really not
They literally are man, i'm fucking amazed the devs didn't just stick fucking huge flashing icons above enemies saying "SEE HOW WE'VE PLACED THIS GUY ALONE, THIS IS THE GUY YOU KILL TO FILL YOUR METER" and then "SEE HOW THESE GUYS ARE CONVENIENTLY BUNCHED UP, THESE ARE THE GUYS YOU KILL ONCE YOUR METER IS FILLED"
The entire fucking game, every single fucking level, is designed like that and it is so fucking painfully obvious.
Chaos Theory is really good and I do think that it was the greatest of all time. Not only that the single player contents improved from its predecessor, but as a package it's much more wholesome with its excellent coop and MP mode. It has flaws but what a damn near perfection it was.
However, I do think that people who put CT on the highest pedestal are the people who dismissed other SC games. I can say that SC1 was almost as good as CT and CT isn't that much different compared to the previous 2. It was simply better.
It matters when I already played the previous SC games and I want the authentic SC experience by completely ghosting BL. It didn't. Because the pacing is still too fast.
They could fixed it easily by making Sam moves slower so being patient and careful is much more rewarded.
Michael Ironside made Sam Fisher, he IS Sam Fisher.
Replay Chaos Theory's ship mission, you will find very similar pattern of enemy placement.
Blacklist level design still offers almost always couple of different ways of getting from point A to point B, you are encouraged to not mess with the enemies and to find a different path very often.
I think you just wanted to hate the game. Not saying that you are completely wrong, but you definitely missed out on some stuff the game had to offer. Replay it on hard difficulty.
Like blacklist awful
im impressed they didnt do the recruit thing in blacklist, you see fans wanting that since the character is old and it would make sense to keep him around as mentor. one of the few game series where fans would be cool with playing as a new character and they dont use it.
Even Halo did it and that was a horrible game to pull that off (it went as terrible as it could have).
I've played it on hard difficulty, i've ghosted every level, the game has fucking nothing to offer but infuriation as to how it's a massive step backwards not only in design, but in technology as well from a game made a decade prior.
I mean fuck, even the basic interaction system in Blacklist was fucked, no more simple menu to scroll through to precisely select WHAT you wanted to interact with and HOW, instead everything had shitty context sensitive environmental prompts which became an absolute clusterfuck if you're trying to do two things at once like move a body/do literally fucking anything.
Blacklist is awful.
>yeah they dismiss the 1st SC
>even though it’s actually not as good as CT
What’s your argument then?
The game is called Thief and you think the point of the game is to go full lethal?
I can appreciate action approach being an option, so that ghost/stealth non-lethal become choices rather than the only way to play. However, Blacklist was clearly designed for action first and foremost, every level was designed around it in fact, almost to the exclusion of stealth, with stealth largely relegated to a "surprise sneak attack benefit"-thing more than anything else. Not playing it that way feels like you're fighting against the game mechanics, mark-and-execute etc. every step of the way.
There was very little reason to be cautious, whereas in the old games you were practically forced to peek through keyholes, cycle through your optics, and observe guard patrols now you could just wing it and the AI would make up for any fuck-up on your part behind the curtains. You could practically feel the casual oozing through the walls.
SC1 is simply good. The levels are great to play, the controls are stellar on PC, and for the first game in the series it was a solid entry. It has some duds mainly the forced shooting levels but aside from those, it's great.
People seems to mistook it that because CT was so good, that means the previous ones isn't worth playing. I always thought that CT was "SC1 but better" instead of "the only game worth to play in the series". SC1 is worth to play even to this day, and gameplay wise it wasn't that different compared CT.
I have never bothered with mark and execute in both Conviction and Blacklist besides the story-driven ones so all this talk about fighting game mechanics is pretty silly. They can still be fun.
Man I really have to avoid these threads. You get literal retards nowadays trying to argue "game mechanics".
SC1 was actually difficult to play without a good amount of trial and error
>rainbow six
>ghost recon
>splinter cell
>brothers in arms
ruined and dead
Eeh, trial and error is true but I wouldn't called it difficult. After all, if my 14 years old of me can beat it then so can you.
>Man I really have to avoid these threads
I hope you do
>Man I really have to avoid these threads.
Everyone would thank you.
Wildlands pvp is the best thing to ever come out of the Ghost Recon franchise, but of course we're all just gonna spout misinformation without knowing anything
And yet nobody cares about CT, while MGS2 is one of the best games ever.
Everyone meaning reddit samefags like you trying to fit in? Waah i hate Blacklist waaaahhh please give me my slow patient jank i have the literal reflexes of a sloth mmmm so stealthy yeeesss
>t. never played GR1 multiplayer
Ironic considering that redditards probably would had picked Convictions and Blacklist because of ADHD
Lmao shut the fuck up you dumb spaz
>They can still be fun.
You know that you're already beaten when "fun" is your only argument
These 2 statements don’t even correlate
>I have this pistol with unlimited ammo disabling lights
>I can sit in the dark for days trying to get the perfect timing so that when a guard comes by I can disable lights at the exact moment to pounce on him
>Oh that didnt work, well I can try an unlimited number of times
>I'm so hardcore and stealthy
Bet you never even read the books either
You know that you don't really have anything worthwhile to say when someone can still have fun regardless of all your dumb posturing. Go back to your Nintendo roster threads maybe
So what did you think of Ghost War again? Oh that's right,
>I never tried it btw but it's ruined
>hurr durr brainlets don't get the game
>at least 3 replies explaining carefully why they're think it doesn't work compared to the older games
>who cares lmao it's fun
Literally a plebeian response in otherwise an interesting discussion
Chaos Theory is possible to beat without the OCP tool
Aside from that trap in the bank, after breaking in the vault
>full melt down mode
I was just hoping you'd politely fuck off, but this is even better.
>It doesn't work
It still works. Not as well as everyone would like, but it still works.
Some things are just irredeemable about them, of course, like Conviction being more Max Payne than Splinter Cell, and no Ironside in Blacklist, but really, it could have been a lot worse.
You've been spoiled too much by how good the older games were.
I wish you'd put a bullet in your head too, but we can't have everything we want in life, now can we.
>I-I mean s-sure its shit, b-but try the DLC!!!
Fuck off shill.
>Chaos Theory is possible to beat without the OCP tool
Not using the OCP tool??? Wouldnt that be "fighting the game mechanics"? Oh no!
>Ghost War is DLC
Holy misinformation, Batman! This is the kind of turd that comments on what Splinter Cell should be like lmao
It works but only barely, and obviously isn't as good as the older games. To me they were basically making a hole that was already fixed before. They made Blacklist based around the flawed mechanics of Convictions when it could had been much more than that. Many of the problems were already fixed from the older games.
>You've been spoiled too much by how good the older games were.
Is it wrong to do so? Naturally I want the next thing to improves from what we already got, no? Is it uncommon these days not to have good expectations?
>People objectively discuss why Blacklist is a bad Splinter Cell game and how each and every facet of it's design is weaker than previous entries in the series.
No, but I still had fun. I'm just thankful it wasn't completely ruined like C&C.
Good for you but I hadn't that much fun from it. And so did some of the people in this thread.
>I-it "felt" too fast, he "feels" too agile, you could be less "careful"
Red Alert 3 was kinda fun user
Also that was 11 years ago holy hell, felt way more recent
Imagine being this salty
Then prove that you can play older SC games in the Blacklist style
Keep reeeee'ing sperg, we're now only here to see how many straws you can grasp at and how badly you and your arguments can self destruct.
Of course you cant. For an elite soldier Sam even aims with his gun poorly in the older games.
Okay, it's by design and you arent really supposed to go around shooting people, but it really doesn't make that much sense.
In the same vein, if you triggered any alerts in Blacklist, by design you can still salvage your run and it's much easier to do that with the better shooting, but honestly any SC fan knows that any alert is a failure.
I remember playing MGS2 after CT and was shocked how shitty it is.
What was your argument? New game irrevocably bad?
The argument is that Blacklist is as stealthy as the older games. People pointed out that it's because it feels too "fast", which you thought wasn't objective
So can you make the opposite, make the older games plays faster like the modern ones so it can make the argument more objective to your liking?
Blacklist gave you more options but you could still be stealthy
i hope they drop stealth altogether and make it a third person shooter.
That's not the entire argument about. It was whether if the BL stealth is good compared to the older games, which is attributed with its movement system, m&e system, and the more open to lethal option. As evidenced by the posts of
An SC game should be a stealth game first and foremost, not just a simple option you can pick if you want to. It should be the only option you have to take because it's a fucking stealth game.
I'd prefer a ghost recon sequel. Future soldier was kino.
Tbh you could kill everything in the first 3 games too. But I do agree that stealth should be a necessity because guns blazing can't get you very far.
No, that Blacklist had...
Shit Stealth
Shit Movement mechanics
Shit Interaction system
Shit Lighting system
Shit Sound propagation/generation
Shit AI
Shit Level design
Shit Writing
Shit Voice acting
Shit co-op that reduced the fucking awesome co-op of CT/DA to a literal horde mode shooter
Literal fucking First Person Shooter segments
The only thing Blacklist had going for it was that it wasn't Conviction, but even then Conviction did it's own thing and owned it, Blacklist was just some horrible bastard child trying to convince people it was a proper Splinter Cell game again.
When you really think about it, you're right. But........ it is honestly not the worst thing ever.
In higher difficulties in Blacklist, you can't really go in guns blazing either, you just die in like 3 shots. Stealth is a necessity there, too.
I think what they tried to do was simply not instantly doom the player for trying to fight. In the older games there was simply no way to fight back once you were in a firefight. Of course, in Blacklist that isn't the case, but you don't instantly win, either.
>What do you want to see in the new Splinter Cell Yea Forums?
i hope we get to play as a person of color.
Isnt that the sidekick with the fps view
95 year old sam fisher that can do backlifps and other bs
was that in blacklist? i didnt play blacklist but ive seen people shitpost about it.
Yes, there is a single segment of a single mission where you play first from Sam's regular point of view, then as the black dude in first person mode.
Read it in his voice. Great VAs all around.
Dennis Haysbert as Lambert in Pandora Tomorrow is even better and very underrated.
Most people probably never noticed the difference
>...it's literally a Far Cry 5 DLC sold as a separate $40 game
Do you also consider Half-Life Opposing Force a cash grab? ND is a standalone DLC sequel sold at a reduced price. How the fuck is that a cash grab?
Reduce the price. It's a cash grab. Sell it at full price. It's a cash grab. What do you WANT?
Obsidian have literally never released a AAA game that wasn't a mod of someone else's game. No, South Park doesn't count.
>Literal fucking First Person Shooter segments
You mean that section which was a giant fucking homage to Spies vs Mercs, the beloved SC mode?
>Shit co-op that reduced the fucking awesome co-op of CT/DA to a literal horde mode shooter
Doesn't Blacklist have full co-op? Like, missions have alternate routes only accessable with 2 people and everything. What are you even talking about?
and because of that segment people think he will be the main character of any new game.
Nobody gives a shit about SC. Cope.
Literally who?
The books suck, Clancy lost his touch eons ago.
Those are optional side missions. Story missions all have exclusive routes that you can only access in coop.
But fair enough you just love to shitpost. And the coop wave mission that you posted is available in single player as well.
Did Clancy actually write the first SC book?
I thought it was Raymond Benson or someone just using his name.
I'm sure Clancy had ghost writers, hell he wasn't even really in the military. He got disqualified because of his eyesight.
Clancy never wrote any of the SC books, hell he didn't write most of his books.
I miss it lads
Wait a moment. Are you conflating the challenge missions with co-op? They're very different things. Those missions were awesome. It was so satisfying to attempt to remain undiscovered as you picked them off one by one.
I've genuinely never understood why some people get so pissy about brief genre switches in videogames where you temporarily play as a completely different character with a completely different playstyle.
>And the coop wave mission that you posted is available in single player as well.
Missions, plural.
Also how does them being available in SP make it better and not in fact infinitely worse?
I mean jesus fucking christ do you even listen to yourself "it's ok that MP has a horde mode because they also included a horde mode in SP as well"
The fuck kind of ass backward logic and justification is that.
>It's ok that I took a shit in your fridge because I also took a shit in your shoes.
i am de spy now
you have to be over 18 to post on this board
What exactly is your issue with side missions where you attempt to survive waves of increasingly dangerous enemies while gathering intel? Did you also hate the expeditions in Far Cry New Dawn?
Do you understand what a side-mission means? Optional game mode that just says "stay alive for as long as you can".
Jesus fucking christ are you literally complaining about free additional content you zoomer piece of shit
>back to Chaos Theory style gameplay
This you stupid baguette fucks.
There is no need to fuck with perfect gameplay, just update the graphics/physics as you go along and make new levels/content.
Like this user said
Make the 1st(and best) game again but in HD and new tools/weapons/stuff to use
>chaos theory
>first game
God how much I loathe current day Yea Forums
Why do people keep posting screenshots like this? What's with the cluttered HUD meme? What's with the minimap? What's with the objective list onscreen? Have you guys even SEEN what modern Ubisoft games look like?
It's literally a parody of Blacklist's HUD.
You know, the last Splinter Cell game?
>What's with the cluttered HUD meme?
What meme?
that's MP
the entire upper hud section is not present in SP
Blacklist was a long time ago. It's like some people haven't played a Ubisoft game since 2014, and think they're still tower climbing icon spam. I get the criticism of Blacklist's HUD design, sure, but there's no reason to think a new Splinter Cell will look like that. Ubi favor lightweight huds with full customization of what info is shown. They've ditched minimaps in particular.
To be honest, I think part of the problem is that the font sizes are way bigger than they used to be. If you took the Splinter Cell 1 HUD and blew it up to modern standards, it'd fill way more of the screen.
The HUD was getting noticeably busier by Chaos Theory.
>Blacklist was a long time ago. It's like some people haven't played a Ubisoft game since 2014
Or you know, maybe they fucking have and they're so endlessly fucking disgusted by Ubisoft games that they'd rather not see any more games from them.
Are we seriously dissing Conviction/Blacklist's awesome convention of showing mission directives projected onto the scenery? Also, stuff like the "Proximity Shocker" label tell you what gadget you have equipped. Blacklist has WAY more gadgets than the early games. Blacklist allows you to choose whether to kill or choke people before-hand. It is essential that the game tell you whether you're in lethal or non-lethal mode. Could they have used an icon? Sure. But then you get ambiguous icons and players get confused.
Again, why are you posting screenshots from the multiplayer? The SP HUD is extremely clean and minimalist. You can even customize it further if you want.
To compare and contrast, this is what Ghost Recon 2 looked like back in 2004-ish. Ubisoft hit peak HUD kino with King Kong which was completely hudless in 2005, and Far Cry 2, which was extremely minimalist, in 2008. Then they went to crazy HUD town, but have since gone back to Far Cry 2-era stuff.
In SP you can pretty much turn off the entire hud
>Are we seriously dissing Conviction/Blacklist's awesome convention of showing mission directives projected onto the scenery?
Zoom zoom.
I never understood why people liked mission objectives being displayed like that. Is pressing the select button that hard?
And you'll quickly discover that Wildlands was never designed to be played with the HUD switched off because they couldn't even be fucked mapping enough keys for items and just resorted to "next item" past the first few meaning you have NO fucking way of knowing what you've selected without the HUD turned on.
Not to mention the majority of the game isn't designed with location markers etc turned off and doesn't actually give you any information on where to go.
Or any information on who your targets are.
All because the game was DESIGNED with having a fuck huge disgusting hud and a screen full of icons in mind.
Nu-bisoft is pure fucking cancer.
Its a necessity because >consoles, not some form of wretched evil inherent stupidity.
Are you retarded? Granted, the movement was a binary "slow" or "faster" option to affect walk, run, crouching, and climbing. But did you actually look at your controls to find that? You absolutely did not climb ledges and pipes or crouch walk, or run instead of walking, all at maximum speed at all times. There was explicitly a bind for that, to move slower. It was still a toggle though, unlike Chaos Theory's scale, but at least check the shit your mouth spews.
It wasn't a problem that either originated with Blacklist nor allowed itself to be ignored in Blacklist. That was all Conviction, for as good for an action-y game that it was, did dick all to encourage the player to use that toggle to slow down climbing and walking. Blacklist still emitted noise if you crouch walked faster, enough to be heard through floors if the ceiling above an enemy was close enough.
Go and play with your pipe faggot.
Oh and you must be an absolute fucking mongoloid who either didn't pay attention to the shit they played, likes to exaggerate their arguments on the internet because they can't scrub up more than a couple of brain cells, or you're lying about having played Blacklist for any amount of time, because you were not ever forced to loudly open doors. If you were a fucking mong who meleed doors instead of interacting with them, that happened. No other reason.
It might be high time you went back and played Chaos Theory champ then compare the number of ways in which you can interact with doors in CT to Blacklist.
Alternatively double down on that massive case of cope you've got going on right now.
Oh yeah butterball, I'll do that and have fun with it AND Blacklist while you struggle to read the shortened and limited door options in Blacklist to determine how to slam it open and how to open it silently, you two bit fucking ape. If you struggle too hard with that, it's the most amazing thing in the world for you to have ever played Chaos Theory and get past the first mission.
You're a mongoloid with Blacklist doors, you're a mongoloid who has to resort to flavor of the month Yea Forums memes like "cope" because the most you use your eyes and brain for are to coordinate your semen coated fingers down to your ballsack to give it a scratch every once in a while.
Grandpa, controllers don't even have a select button anymore.
>tfw genuenly prefer conviction over BL
>love the ''i dont give a shit'' attitude sam's got and just pops fuckers because he know's he's getting old and just wants to get trough it
>the coop was great, especially the ending
man i a SC game comes out and it's got a spies vs mercs mode that isnt shit like it was in BL i'd buy it for that alone, or just re-release the chaos theory multiplayer
Well then the touch pad or the one square with another square trying to infuse itself into the other square button.
I'm a zoomer. Just grew up with playing PT and CT on the PS2.
>agent 1 and 2
>not bob and steve
You could have just said I was right, and you were wrong. But I guess that's a bitter pill for swallow given how far up your own ass you've already crawled at this point.
Is the first game worth playing? I remember playing it for a bit and felt the level design was a bit linear and moved on to Chaos Theory and loved it. But I'm willing it to give it another chance.
The number of ways is the same as in Conviction
You can’t open them slowly, you can’t pick the lock nor can you break it.
You can only open or bash it
>Can't even open doors incrementally in Blacklist
>Only option is fling them fully open
Shit game, shit non-argument, and congrats on completely missing anons point.
Take anons advice and go and actually play Chaos Theory because it's pretty evident you haven't, Blacklist has less than half of the door options of Chaos Theory.
Soft reboot with a new agent and Sam as your Lambert.
Make it a cute chick in a skintight suit.
>Soft reboot with a new agent and Sam as your Lambert.
Alright. Cool, cool.
>Make it a cute chick in a skintight suit.
And you blew it.
>Spies vs Mercs
desu this is the only thing that can make me buy a Ubishit game
And use your snakecam to check under. Like I've been saying, check shit before saying shit, because as the doors as well as the majority of mechanics in BL ARE simplified, that leaves so little excuse to be wrong about it in your criticisms. BL and Conviction both have plenty of easier and more legitimate criticisms to receive as part of the Splinter Cell series, and bitching about "always moving at max speed" and "only being able to open doors loudly" are both low hanging fruit that are STILL wrong. Options are still there, no matter how bareboned and simplified they are.
I never disagreed about them being more limited, but I like both fucking generations of the games, what a shock. Ape-anons have to chimp about because they can't figure out the walk bind or look down on the door to see the snakecam option.
You want a real criticism about the doors within the level design? It's not even the lack of options, but the fact that there's not even a single time I can recall in Blacklist where you care to use the snake cam. At most there might be a guy standing guard directly in front of a door, but who gives a shit when you saw him from 30 feet back using Sonar goggles? Fuck Sonar goggles for making infiltration so brain dead, not the door options.
you went trough all the trouble to extract him but he just lays there for the rest of the game
Nigger user was right, you're wrong, Blacklist is grossly simplified, get over it, no one gives a fuck about your shitty opinion. The entire game is a train wreck of comprised design.
I'm just saying that's a stupid idea. SC is at least tries to be realistic. A woman in a skintight outfit sneaking around isn't even remotely realistic. This isn't MGS. i.e. a glorified anime.
>A woman in a skintight outfit sneaking around isn't even remotely realistic
that's sexist, user
What the hell am I wrong about, you stupid motherfucker? "Yes doors are limited, map design is around Sonar which is fucked, and you imbeciles couldn't figure out the walk bind and read three simple fucking door options."
You stupid niggers aren't right about a damn thing, no matter how many of you dumbasses are whooping.
Oh no wait I have to respond with typical nu/v/ faggotry like "have sex" and "cope".
>walk bind
>a literal “stealth mode enabled” button
Amazing game bro
People simply said that Blacklist simplified and streamlined the gameplay, including the number of ways you have to interact with doors. That is objectively fact you turbo sperg.
It's amazing how ass blasted this thread has made you, you're literally frothing.
Good stealth
I don't think blacklist intentionally streamlined doors. They just removed lockpicking, intending on adding it back in the subsequent title that got stuck in development hell.
For ubisoft to just let it die since they can't make good games anymore. Nothing they can do will make a new splinter cell game good. Just let it die
>They just removed lockpicking
And jimmying doors open with your knife.
And opening them incrementally.
opening doors gradually, as cool as is in its novelty, is absolutely useless in the game. you never use it once because even a tiny opening gets you exposed and everything that that function does, the snake cam does better.
*bursts through a door and starts shooting*
You talkin' shit?!
>The moment in PD when you are in the elevator with the contact helping you infiltrate where Lambert contacts you in a panic and tells you to shoot her right now and don't ask any questions
that sounds fucking hilarious
>absolutely useless in the game. you never use it once because even a tiny opening gets you exposed
Absolute horseshit.
It absolutely does not expose you with even a tiny opening, and it leaves your ass way less exposed then sitting down with a snake cam.
Not to mention it has lots of uses beyond even just safely peaking and allowing you to cautiously enter a room without fully exposing yourself in a completely open doorway, it allows you to create safe fields of fire, opening doors just enough to toss a grenade through without exposing yourself, gives you a clear shot to take out lights without exposing yourself, if you know which way the door opens/closes it can even be used as reactive cover in a firefight as bullets will incrementally open/close it again giving you a bunch of different tactical options, it's especially useful in co-op having one player slowly open a door whilst the other covers. It's way more than a fucking novelty which is why it's a feature in a TON of tactical games. Just because you're too much of a brainlet to understand, let alone utilize mechanics isn't a good reason to remove them, in fact that's the very basis of "dumbing" something down and the very core of what's wrong with Blacklist.
>If the player shoots Dahlia as ordered, the game fails to give a proper explanation as to why this was a necessary move, only that Shin Bet wasn't playing straight. If the player spares her, a much more proper explanation is given in the final portion of the Jerusalem level.
>Dahlia was a contact of NSA consultant Dermot Brunton and mentioned him to Fisher as a means of proving her supposed trustworthiness.
>If the player spares Dahlia, she will appear in the last stage of the mission in her attempt to kill Fisher. >According to Lambert, "She has sniper stats that could disprove Kennedy conspiracies".
>It is possible to simply knock out Dahlia with a sticky shocker or ring airfoil during the last section.
>If Sam kills Dahlia, he will have to deal with more guards and the sniper will be ordered by someone else.
Rad, that was a tense moment
What game?
It's intense as fuck and funny
If you don't shoot her, she runs off, yells a signal word and you get ambushed for a really hard gun fight including a sniper. If you shoot her, Fischer absolutely chews out Lambert but you don't get ambushed
>dark levels
>no sonar or marking
>combat not encouraged at all
>story not inspired by 24
>no focus on kill animations
>no open world
>characters like Grim aren't treated like they're important
>nightvision looks like nightvision
>charming dialogue
>no needless unlocking or OP gadgets
Also, as a personal preference I would prefer if Spies vs Mercs wasn't complicated and at most just dropped you in a game and let you choose between 3 loadouts
You're such a faggot and your ideas are casualized garbage
Blacklists ending was literally
>No, it hasn't even begun!
I enjoyed the Home Alone mission, though.
>Have you guys even SEEN what modern Ubisoft games look like?
Yes. For honor's HUD makes me want to kill myself.