>Ghost of Tsushima looks like another casual movie game from Son-
Ghost of Tsushima looks like another casual movie game from Son-
after playing sekiro, this looks so slow
I think people are assuming this will be like nioh/sekiro when it’s actually one of these linear cinematic games. The setting is the only thing it has going for it
Man that sitting looks so good for how horribly animated that shit is. This game is going to be awful.
Honestly looks pretty good, camera angle is pretty cool, not something I feel like I've seen much of. It does look slow like the other guy said but that doesn't need to be a problem as long as there's still some actual difficulty present. That is my only actual issue with this video, is that it doesn't make the game look difficult to play
How does this not look casual? Those enemies are so slow to make an attack and when they do it's even slower.
>action game
>action looks slow and clunky
The animations look so clunky.
>Round shield
>Sword looks like a scimitar
>That armor
Is he fighting middle easteners?
Finnish people.
really boring, its like watching someone play bloodborne lmao
I was pretty confused by that as well. Do we know what period the game is set in?
I literally just made this thread.
This looks awful
this is literally just nippon-RYSE without the color-coded qte combat
Whenever the mongols invaded.
He's fighting Mongols
Ryse was just a techo demo.
How the fuck did he cut his arm off with a downward slash when the dude was blocking?
It's literally a bamham clone. Just because the animation looks cool doesn't mean it's any less brain dead.
Good job you stupid fuck, that's not how you do it. The only way to finish that sentence is with a "y". If you had just put "Ghost of Tsushima looks casua-" you actually challenge what people have to say about it. Never make a thread again, Redditfag.
desu the next God of War should have this camera angle, nice compromise between the over the shoulder and the classic action game camera
Good thing Batman is good.
LMAO they don't even try to hide it.
looks like hot garbage, probably will be voted as goty because muh cinematic experience tho
Oh yeah. I guess I was just too used to the fluffy mongol style
>bamham combat is good
Next you're gonna tell me asscreed combat is good.
Why do developers make combat feel like air hockey where you just magically slide to your enemy?
>All these fags pretending they didn't enjoy the Batman games
I honestly forgot how fucking good Arkham Knight looked
It was
Then around Revelations and 3 it became absolute dogshit
It never did even from the tesser trailer with no gameplay. It looks genuinely engaging, and I can't wait for it and Nioh 2 to launch. It's a great time to be a ninja/samurai fan.
Assassin's Creed combat is good, brainlet.
I'm still gonna buy this game and you can't stop me.
Mongolians, you mongoloid.
Is this some tech demo? The fucking spearman is having a seizure right there and the other fucker literally did nothing.
I played and enjoyed the first two but the combat is by far the worst part of it
>dark souls lite is good
The enemy animations and hit feedback look pretty weak, I hope that's being polished.
this but @ other from software titles
Those robots trigger my memory of Catwoman's DLC with the electric floor bullshit that the game's mechanics were clearly not designed around. Pretty much the one fight in the game where spacing actually matters.
>dark souls lite
That's just Dark Souls.
Sorry I don't play capeshit
This is the one game that I am interested because the movie aspect of it.
When I saw he cutting the first guy I nearly came thinking it would have a combat akin Bushido Blade, but the AC combat kicked right after and became shit. I will play this, I think, but if they include a mode with OHKO I will buy for sure.
do we know what the story is yet? is it just the mongol invasion?
What inputs is the player actually putting in here to do all this cool stuff? I remember Arkham combat being extremely simple.
For example, here it would be something like
>L1, L1, R2, R1, L1+R1, X+X, R1, X+X, R1, R1+L1, R1, R2+R1+R2+R2+R1, X, Hold R1, R1
While keeping in mind timing and spacing which isn't automatically managed. It's not the most complex system but apparently it's enough to make most players (and journalists) give up.
Is Skeiro peak sword combat?
Dark Souls is almost insultingly easy once you return to it. It's a great place to start but braindead once you realize all the tricks. Only O&S is really a challenge now.
Change it to first person and you got it
Because you were fucking batman in them, not some random with grass armor
It's set in 13th century, on an island in-between Korea and Japan. The mongols just conquered Korea and are setting their ships towards Japan.
Game looks average but the setting is super interesting. I'm keeping a close eye on it.
Melee combat is awful with first person though
>there are people who think Ghosts is better than Sekiro because it has AAA graphics and only for that reason
Even zoomers don't consider graphics to be important, considering they play Fortnite and Minecraft.
Yeah I'm interested in the setting as well. Hopefully the rest of the game isn't so shit that it wastes the setting
>Enemies hold off attacking you one at a time to give the illusion that you're powerful
-y. Why the fuck is a man with a shield trying to twirl around you with his back turned?
I actually thought Dishonored was pretty good. The properly implemented timed parries, so hitting the block at the right time gave you a "deathblow." And it wasn't wacking people with a plank like Skyrim, you actually cut people heads off or did a quick jab to the throat.
That looks very slow and boring
>those robotic animations
>that fucking cinematic slowdown
Looks like they splurged all their budget in moving foliage
You're thinking of Dark Messiah, user.
Too bad Dishonored actively punishes you for using lethal violence.
How is there no game with better first person melee combat 12 years later?
>that stiff as fuck movement
as always, west proving that they don't know how to animate to save their lives
Dark Messiah is cheating user. No other 1st person combat system, or western combat system in general, will ever approach it. Except maybe Boneworks, we'll see about that.
Holy kek
First person combat is exceedingly hard to do well.
Yeah I feel bad for them coming after sekiro... I hope they can find some strong story and rpg appeal because they aren't gonna top sekiro's action gameplay, that's for sure.
You can enjoy something while saying the combat was braindead. If you were some random Nip instead of fucking Batman you wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much
Fun things are fun fuck you
Another good sony exclusive
kek it has assassins creed 1 combat
>beat Jobichiro without getting hit
>beat phase 1 Isshin without getting hit
>beat phase 2 Isshin with only 1 sip
>still choke phase 3 failing a lightning reversal
Based. Hoping for something like the Issen mechanic in Onimusha. Heard it was in Genji but I never played that.
AC1 was basically bamham without the flashing button prompts, and not quite as braindead as AC2.
I don't mean it as a criticism or a compliment desu
>that skill shot with the barrel
In the age of Nioh, Sekiro and Nioh 2 if you actually buy this game over those three, then you don't belong on this board
Pure ludo.
You need to go back.
But why?
I will buy it and make dab threads when it outsells and outscores all 3 :^)
Absolutely based.
If all you know about swordcombat is coming from anime then yes
It has literally no chance. As others have said Sekiro and Nioh have set a precedent GoT has to best, and from the BamHam gameplay and slow as fuck combat we've seen there's no way it will.
Is this made by a western studio? Cause jank character animations always seem to be a calling card.
No they haven't. Do you actually hear yourself right now? This game will definitely make a profit. Contrary to Yea Forums groupthink, a lot of people prefer more casual combat than Soulsshit. That coupled with the fact that it's not even completing with those two games, It will absolutely be successful. And there's nothing wrong with that, because the only thing theses games even share is a feudal Japanese setting.
>has a spear
>instead of using its range, goes into arm's reach to push the other guy away
I'm fine with not everything being realistic but this shit makes me mad
>Mongolian army, feared throughout the world
>Soldier is so shit they got "anime slashed" like butter, by literally who
I'm tired of this shit.
Someone post the sekiro bloodgush ninjutsu webm, its excellent bait
Casuals love the Souls games, though. Sekiro debuted at #1.
Make a headline for the game journalists.
>Ghost of Tsushima is what Sekiro should have been
>realism is what makes combat good
Name one game with realistic melee combat that is fun to play. It always ends up feeling clunky and slow as shit which is the last thing I want from a combat system in a video game
For Honor
For Honor's combat is arcade-tier realism lol
The camera angle looks so awkward
>grenade to the face
>no problem bro
Peak realism
The bloodsmoke ninjutsu at least requires positioning and button press to activate, and consumes large amounts of resources in doing so.
Holy fuck I hate Ubisoft HUDs. What is all this shit on my screen? Why is there a hundred post processing effects? What is going on?
Mongols got blown the fuck out by Kamikaze and japanese Forces though.
Twice even.
You took the webm from the other thread and felt the need to make your shitposting crap has its own thread, god you're insufferable.
Batman has the worst combat system of the entire video game history.
>extremely fast rolling in heavy armor
yeah realism
I didn't, I forced myself to finish the first one and then never touched the series again.
Batman is for brainlets even among capeshit fans.
Let's not get too carried away.
RPGs are different because it's not just about the button mashing, but equipment, stats, magic, etc.
Dunno what else "sword combat" could mean. A shitload of games use swords.
Sekiro's combat isn't that good, as soon as you have enough life to not die in 1-2 from an enemy, it gets very easy so basically the difficulty from Sekiro comes from shitty damage numbers. It might have decent system/mechanics but the game doesn't make proper use of it then which might've been a time issue considering the game is also pretty short. Might be fixed with Sekiro 2™
> It always ends up feeling clunky and slow as shit which is the last thing I want from a combat system in a video game
Dunno, if it's done well I don't mind "slow" combat. Then again I fucking hate shallow shit like musous but hey it's fast and you get thousands of kills and all you have to do is buttonmash
Quick chat is enabled.
Otherwise you have time, score I think and the minimap. Never played the game but I don't see how the HUD is disorienting
Someone at your level should not be like how it is though, at a base level the melee combat is fucking atrocious. You can have something like Dragon's Dogma which does it fine, not DMC tier but it does way more with the base combat
Gotta be pretty fucking autistic to actually believe this. Oh no you can beat a bunch of basic thugs by spamming counter! horrible game!
>large amounts of resources
You mean the resource that enemies very often drop? Come on man
>requires positioning
Don't give me that shit, positioning isn't even that important in combat.
Stealth in Sekiro is garbage. Even Bamham has better stealth which is also punishing
Look at the difference between thr armor in your youtube video with that bulky huge shoulder armor in your webm, he's even rolling with his halberd still on his hand
I'm not going to look for a video with the exact type of armor when the point is just about being able to roll in armor.
Then your argument is invalid, stop applying your realism bullshit in video game
No, it isn't. What the fuck are you talking about?
You complain about rolling armor, I give you a video with guys doing some shit in medieval armor and then you come up with some other shit like how in the video the armors don't have the correct frills.
It does look casual as fuck. Gameplay looks boring as shit. They look like two kids playing pretend fight.
I replied to you with "extremely fast rolling in heavy armor", that mean extremely fast rolling with that heavy armor dude in your webm
If you can run around and move well with your armor, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to roll.
You survive being cut by swords
You die from being kicked in the chest through massive plate armor
You heal from killing enemy soldiers
You can get revived being killed if you haven't been drowned, impaled by mutiple spikes, dropped into a chasm or have been explicitly executed
Injuries in general don't exist outside of short-term damage
Big, half-nude man with axe can survive being bludgeoned, burned, cut, stabbed or otherwise harmed just as well as a petite woman or an obscenely armored man
Being hit a lot by several people can make you near-invisible for a short amount of time bullies beware
Chinese monk can literally bend reality by teleporting
It goes on like that
Literally assassins creed tier "combat".
Just stand afk and press the button prompts to do "cinematic" counters while the enemies politely wait their turns.
The combat is literally one of it not the biggest complaint about batman.
Now imagine making a game about just that, the thing nobody liked.
I fucking love this guy.
are mongolians mongoloids?
i hate this sub, too broski
>hold X to dodge/parry
>hold O to auto attack
>ennemy try to block
>still get hit
was your webm supposed to be a rebuttal?
How did I look at this the first time I saw it and thought "that looks alright". After Sekiro and DMC5 this looks fucking terrible
But I want to play as a strong Mongol, not some weak homosexual ching-chong jap.
>samurai armor and katana looking like this in the 13th century
Dark Messiah's actual melee combat is garbage and shallow but the physics and magic make it fun.I dont know why people mention DM when there is a thread about games with good melee combat.
Batman's combat and stealth is far better than nearly every game that copies it and half the complaints people have about the style of combat don't even apply to it. It punishes you for sitting there and waiting to counter or for getting hit by dropping your score multiplier which reduces your damage, locks you out of some special abilities, and gives you less exp. It also adds in multiple weapons that the AI can pick up which can't be countered and require different methods to deal with. The AI also can't be killed by a single counter, especially if your score is too low. On top of that, it gives you a bunch of gadgets and moves to fuck around with and try to look cool. The stealth encounters start off very basic but eventually start ramping up by giving enemies collars that alert everyone when you knock someone out, giving them thermal googles to spot you on gargoyles, boobytrapping gargoyles so they explode when you get on them, putting down proximity mines, and getting jammers to disrupt your wallhacks. However, you also start getting a bunch of gadgets that give you plenty of options for dealing with guards. Like remotely disabling guns so guards have to get another one or stringing someone up to a gargoyle and cutting the rope to knock out their buddy when they check up on them. You also actually have a reason, outside of an objective on your screen, to use stealth because the guards have guns.
The games aren't super in-depth or even difficult but at the very least they try to change things up to keep you engaged and give you options. All the games that copy it just add in the core mechanics, do those worse than BamHam, and proceed to do absolutely nothing else with it. It's fucking embarrassing.
It's gonna be another Ryse: Son of Rome™
Probably because most things at E3 looked worse and this at least looked relatively unique when it was shown. I think Sekiro releasing first actually kind of fucked them.
b-but look at those graphics!
Can't wait for Nioh 2 to come after this so we can forget about this shit heap quickly. Sekiro and Nioh 2 are all I need.
Good post.
>combat roll with huge plate armor set
>Opening level at sea
>Storm quick time event
>Game doesn't give you any prompts
>Game over
I can't believe there are retards who didn't see this coming from the first Teaser.
This is why they keep winning, retards will buy trash regardless what they see
If you can beat 80% of enemies mashing 1 button then it’s safe to say that the game is pretty horrible
For Honor is unrealistic AND shit.
Mountain Blade
You dont master the combat system
you master the enemy
throw the same player against an enemy he doesnt know and watch him fail over and over again
dogshit game
That looks like absolute cinematic trash.
This is literally a cinematic QTE sequence, but without the button prompts showing up on the display. Think about this for a second.
This is not a dynamic, real-time active combat system where you are actually in control. It's on semi-autopilot mode.
They had the absolute pefect chance with this game to go way back in time and adapt Bushido Blade's combat system. It was fantastic, yet wasn't used by any other games afterwards.
Ghost of Tsushima would have been the perfect fit thematically. They could have created something truly unique in the industry, by fusing a traditional fighter's game mechanics with an open world action-adventure game.
The difficulty could have been easily made scalable from the cinematic walking simulator loving casual who just wants to lean back and enjoy the show unfolding itself, to the utmost frame counting autist and perfectionist.
Nu-God of War proved that with proper difficulty scaling everyone can be pleased.
When they announced this game I was cautiously optimistic. But with the gameplay reveal last year it was made clear they just want to be Naughty Dog 2.0
I like the spear guy running back and forth waiting for his turn. Looks hardcore
>that camera angle
Cinematic trash.
>For Honor
so this is the power of westcucks......
as if this would make it worse
the combat looks much more tactical than sekiro
you know what else looks tactical?
me fucking your mom
>soulstards complaining about another action game being too slow
we truly are living in an upside down clown world.
Why does the camera look like it doesn't focus on the player? Is this a survival horror game?
You could've picked a game that was unrealistic but fun, or unfun and realistic, and you went with one was both unfun and unrealistic.
Fuck iframes my sword is fucking passing through your body you fucking faggot weeb bitch
can't play without immediate i-frames and chucking potions
WotS games did this combat better with the added benefit of having interesting branching storylines
>mash attack button
>occasionally press alt button to counter unblockable attack when game slows down
>just more bamham combat
>casuals actually believe this shit
>player v 3 enemies
>all enemies wait their turn to be killed
>"the combat looks much more tactical"
>hurr where are my OP items and hookshots?
just because you can't run around like sonic the hedgehog and fly through the air doesn't mean the combat is worse
your actions look much more important here, exactly because you are so slow
that part took me forever
had to toss away my controller and switch to m+kb
>more important
All the player had to do was wait for an attack to punish and win instantly. You literally see the spear user lock itself into an attack.
Asylum is unironically the only good game of the series because it didn't do the open-world meme and instead crafted an amazing location.
>All the player had to do was wait for an attack to punish and win instantly
Better than in Sekiro, where you do the same, except the fight are boring damage sponge fights.
My guess is that the combat in this game is much more punishing and realistic, while Sekiro is more frantic but also more forgiving.
I never finished any of the bamham games.
Mad Max was better.
Why are there sparks on his blade when nothing hit it?
>slowmotion combat
based post and sums up my feelings about the arkham trilogy perfectly. Every other clone that came out turned out to have poorly made subsets of the core mechanics used in ak .
it's hours late to reply but
>Don't give me that shit, positioning isn't even that important in combat.
why do people that can't even get 1/3rd through the game out themselves like this
the story's critical path has multiple points where you have to use these abilities that have a positioning requirement explained
>it's much more punishing
A critical attack in Sekiro is dangerous. An attack in this looks slow and only advantageous for the player.
Feel bad for them given we just had sekiro, comparisons are going to be inevitable and if they just launched the game a year earlier or later, and it turns out good then perhaps people will be positive over it.
>the combat looks much more tactical than sekiro
>A critical attack in Sekiro is dangerous
It really isn't, since you easily can get away and simply chuck another potion.
I doubt there are potions in this game, or OP items like in Sekiro. The game looks much more realistic which is something I prefer.
>Spear guy just stands there awkwardly waiting for his turn to attack because the shield guy is already attacking you
>more tactical
Thats a blatant lie because I beat Owl 2 on my first try despite him having a completely different move set from Owl 1. I just used the skills i picked up beating SS Isshin on my first playthrough.
I bet it's exactly like Bam Ham where if you get beaten up all you have to do is not get hit for a while.
I actually feel sorry for the sucker punch devs honestly, it's like in a school's show and tell.
Imagine pouring hours and hours of effort into making a presentation but losing out to that other kid who made the same thing you were also doing but better than you every step of the way, all while spending less money and presenting his show and tell earlier than yours. I would honestly feel suicidal if I were one of those devs.
crowd ai acting retarded is a standard in games
there literally isn't a single game where enemies are really aggressive
in souls games it's the same
Sorry you got filtered bud
>there literally isn't a single game where enemies are really aggressive
>in souls games it's the same
in sekiro multiple enemies will attack you regardless though.
it's a fact dumbass
the lock-on combat doesn't fit to fighting multiple enemies
making ai stupid is the only way to make the gameplay balanced and fun
It actually is. See
It definitely feels good and looks satisfying when you're skillful enough.
they are also not really that aggressive there though
They ditched this in Sekiro though, enemies don't give a fuck.
>it's just casual sekiro
Give me 3 reasons why I should play this if I already played sekiro?
Try fighting the 2 monks with the straw hats in senpou temple and tell me that they aren't aggressive.
>it actually is
>2 undead firing arrows into the player while another one with a sword on the right is approaching the player
meanwhile in , the spear dude quite literally wait his turn until the other guys were killed first.
they may be more aggressive than here, but your character is also much faster and has an easier chance to evade
>they are also not really that aggressive there though
the first drunkard fight where there are 6 other NPCs around him begs to differ.
>a samurai sneaking around and fighting like a ninja
What absolute shit
>dude it doesn't count when you can just avoid them
holy backtracking batman
And here, you are Batman with a sword, and every enemy patiently waits their turn for the contextual counter.
Yeah that isn't being aggressive. They just stand there shooting past the player and then when the player is up in their face they just stand there and take a beating.
In Sekiro the enemies had no qualms about gangbanging you if you pull them all.
Only the double ape fight has AI that discourages them from double teaming you.
it doesn't count when you never really feel threatened while being outnumbered
the average enemy in sekiro is still the same old brainless zombie NPC in every other souls game
they are still nothing but sword fudder no matter how numerous
the only challenge in these games has always been just the boss fights
>guy waiting their turn to be killed = not very aggressive enemies who are still attacking you
good logic
They literally spit roast you. I'm on my third playthrough and I still have to sprint past them or use a candy to try and sneak.
>mistaking a Dao for a Scimitar
>it doesn't count when you never really feel threatened while being outnumbered
just stop, it's embarrassingly obvious that you haven't played sekiro at all for you to make this post in any honesty.
shadow of mordor/war was better
>it doesn't count when you never really feel threatened while being outnumbered
You mean like in the bam ham games where every enemy telegraphs their attacks for you to punish them by sprinting up to you because it's THEIR TURN TO DIE?
>never feel threatened while being outnumbered
Did you even play the game? If you pull those two straw hat monks or fight the two lone shadows inside the dojo, the first thing you want to do is just run back to the next idol and try to stealth kill one.
t. another casual dork whining about lack progression elements
i know you dorks think sekiro is the new hardest game ever, but in reality it's just another slightly harder casual game
Embarrassing post tbqh senpai
I never said anything about waiting for turns. That was your bullshit goalpost.
Clearly you haven't gotten past the chained ogre
how do you wanna know this game plays like bamham games? there isn't enough info about it yet to really make a judgement
i think it has potential though and comparing it sekiro and saying it has no chance is just retarded
>t. journalist
1 was great as it was MOSTLY stealth, 2 was ok at first due to being able to fly around a small city as batman
Knight was trash despite looking beautiful graphically, didn't play Origins
Compered to the sequels Arkham 1 didn't actually have THAT much fighting in it
Sorry but those animations are stinky
I like the setting and the art direction and I'll probably buy it, but the combat is a fucking mess
>make claim in
>"there literally isn't a single game where enemies are really aggressive" to defend ghost where enemies are literally standing still
>point to the DS webm when multiple enemies are attacking the player at the same time but by your mental gymnastics you still maintain that its' "not very aggressive"
ebin, simply sbin
We literally just watched enemies wait for their turn to be locked into a counter.
What is this game how and should i play it?
so just because some random enemy acts dumb means the game plays like bamham?
dork souls is also a bamham game now? lmao
>when weebs were saved from rightful Mongol razzing by a fucking storm not once, but twice
worst timeline lads
Fighting 3 nightjar ninjas on top of ashina castle feels pretty threatening
Because I really believe that it just happened to act in a way that is exactly analogous to AI from a popular genre of combat.
Almost as if i am a different user altogether.
>for honour
oh fuck off man the whole point is its like an arcade combat game, it being realistic would remove the whole point, and that isn't bad because it's not like its even trying to be in the first place
He either didnt play it, or got filtered way before then to have such a shitty opinion.
>loses argument
>"heh... I am not him bro..."
bury it, consider it mercy.
Did you just call me batman? u gay?
More likeゴースト汚物島
Isn't this game cultural appropriation?
Maybe if you're a 10 year old, with a reaction time of 900ms, enemies should take their turn a split second after the first one takes it's turn, thus creating a chain reaction where one mistake is gonna cost you most if not all your health. Some enemies shouldn't even wait turns, and instead attack at the same time, making them impossible to parry block, thus forcing you to dodge and position properly, combat should be faster, much faster, so much faster that you'll lose the first 50 times you try to parry, forcing you to actually pay attention to the animations and attack patterns, enemies should be able to parry you, and one shot you if they parry you, punishing you for rushing things as if you have something better to do then play the game, oh and there should be no easy mode.
It's kinda funny, since i played witcher 3 and it does this on occasion, mostly with human enemies, fight a pack of wolves and you'll instantly feel what it's like when the enemy either chains attacks or attack all at once. Humans, sitting there in a circle, taking turns feels silly, but at least in witcher, if you start spamming attacks on one guy he'll block and one of his buddies will instantly start stabbing you in the back as punishment for trying to rush.
Stop pretending the majority of normies and games journalists aren’t going to massively prefer this game because it isn’t a masochism simulator like Sekiro
Don't forget that the rest of the class start snickering and whispering to each other about what a total failure you are.
I only use lock on in the witcher 3 when fighting one enemy or flying enemies that take a bit to swoop. Because groups mess you up hard if you don't position properly and keepy an eye on all targets. If it forces lock on, then sure I guess, if not then it can afford to let enemies smack you in the back of the head for bad positioning and/or bad play.
The real victim here is Nioh 2. Ghosts of Tsushima is appealing to the casual audience whereas Sekiro and Nioh 2 are going for the hardcore action game crowd, and if Nioh 2 is just as shitty as the first game it’s gonna be dead on arrival after following up on Sekiro.
i literally first tried every boss after i got the combat down in my head, get gud faggot
>Nioh 2 is just as shitty as the first game
>first game shitty
Guessing someone never bothered to play the game or beat it for that matter?
Heyyy, that's pretty good.
Maybe, but why would it ever matter?
Say what you will, it does have pleasing animations.
I played it, the only thing it has going for it is the combat, I prefer Sekiro’s but I can see how people would like Niohs combat better. Literally everything else it does is inferior to Sekiro unless you are one of those tards who actually like pointless RPG mechanics and Diablo loot in their action games.
wow literally looks like a movie
Not him but i like them both, Nioh a little better because i can use different weapons.
holly nigger buddha
and now to go rest at the buhhda since used up all my emblems taking out 4 regular dudes
What are you talking about?
The ones you need to use are just "lmao stealthkill/backstub the cunt and use this skill you'll never use again"
If you fail it doesn't matter either, just try again. It's also just about getting one ending out of four.
I was talking about combat anyways. The only thing you have to do is to have locked on the enemy so you always face them for proper blocks/parry.
>but you just said that positioning matters!
Yeah, sure but it's not that important compared to other games where you also have to face the enemy or even crazier: games where you don't need to rely on lockon and can use moves effectively.
People joke about Soulsborne being about "just dodge lmao" but timing for that is more important than in Sekiro (you're completely safe when you jump against a sweep even if it hits you) and you also need to be careful where you're going to dodge. You have to dodge the attack, its potential followup or aoe which doesn't really exist in Sekiro
I don't know if you deal bonus damage if you manage to get behind an enemies though
But anyways you'll just reply with "lmao didn't play the game" again anyways.
lmao he actually didn't play the game
>doing better
It can still score some good points, like its content. Maybe the story is pretty accurate and you learn something.
Combat might be bamham but it's still fun.
Then again I didn't like Sekiro that much. I still have to do one ending but I doubt I'll ever replay it after that.
Why do you have to be so mean?
This looks like shit.
I'll stick with Bloodborne.
>one mistake is gonna cost you most if not all your health
then just chuck one of your million ptoions in souls games
problem solved
>I have a spear and this samurai guy has his stubby little sword
>Should I stand out of his reach and stab him with it?
>Nope, better run up and bash him with the SIDE OF THE FUCKING SPEAR
>million ptoions
>10 = million
Good thing that you always spawn at full health directly outside the bossfight if you've made a mistake.
>Then again I didn't like Sekiro that much. I still have to do one ending but I doubt I'll ever replay it after that.
How do you beat a game you don't even like 3 times?
getting that timing down is literally clairvoyance though since you have to start your attack before he does and if he uses any other opening attack you are buggered
>Good thing that you always spawn at full health
if you fully die then yes, if resurrected then no.
>directly outside the bossfight
a rare exception, not the norm in these games
there isn't a whole lot else to play right now?
Idols are never longer than a 30 seconds sprint away from the bossfight, most are 5 seconds walking time away from it. What's your problem?
>30 seconds sprint away
you have infinite sprint and run fast.
>What's your problem?
larpers like yourself
They are finally making a AC game set in Japan like people have been bitching about for a decade? That's good, but the combat still looks terrible.
why do brainlets like games that play themselves? do they really believe they're in control and doing these "badass" things?
This has to be bait
What other western devs don't realise is Batman was more of a simulator, they wanted the player to feel bad ass just like Batman
the Bamham gameplay probably isn't a good fit when you are playing a random Japanese guy
I dunno, the faggy slowdowns kinda kill it as a badass simulator.
AC combat nowadays is unironically better than this, still not great but better than most 3rd person Western RPGs.
It's not that bad, I just don't like it as much as most people seem to like.
I think it has some issues, it's a good game but not that great.
>When retards try and act smart
Love it. This is a Youtube comment section tier post.
The animation doesn't look cool though, it looks awful. Cocksteady might make gameplay systems for retarded toddlers but at least they can animate and model properly.
I know this is bait but use it as a reminder that every shitter on the planet says this about a slow ass action game, it's not tactical, it's just slow, fast action games use the same tactics but also employ reflexes into the mix, git gud.
>It's on semi-autopilot mode
This is actually a great observation, Tales of games have the semi-auto and manual modes, where on semi it will automatically move you closer to the enemy so you never miss, whereas in manual you can fuck up, seems like all those cinematic games use this semi-auto mode.
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
You used all your emblems for some easy dudes lmao
>It's okay when japan does it
You people are disgusting
only if you are an autistic child
>enemy blocks
>sword somehow goes right through his weapon and cuts his arm off
What the fuck is this
Looks kinda like if sekiro had dark souls combat.
Take it from someone who has mastered the Arkham combat system:
No, these games are fucking garbage and western devs copying them has been the biggest cancer to video games
It's 2019 and western devs still can't make a good combat system
If this game has a good story and cool characters I'll play it.
Yea Forums will hate it ofcourse but who cares?
Nobody said anything about items and accessories.
Try mecanics.
Nobody ever said gamers are smart. They could at least read a Wikipedia article on Mongolian invasion.
Those animations look kinda jank. One would think that a first party studio that has millions from Sony would be able to hire better animators.
You can definitely this and Dishonored had the same devs, even same of the animations are the same in Dishonored, just touched up a little.
>masochism simulator like Sekiro
Am i supposed to be seeing something in this blurry ass screengrab?
Folded one gorillion times
Turn on Bell Demon, they actually programmed enemies, not just the polearm monks but the majority of them to work together and they do some amazing shit. A nightjar ninja will pincer you from the front while one comes in from the rear, similar to the rats. While the standard monks actually have some moves where they hop over the other and support the other, I'm actually fucking amazed how much follow through even mooks have in trying to kill you in this. I haven't seen aggressive crowds of standard enemies that want you this dead since GodHand
>being this retarded
Again with this fucking slow mo. Every fucking time. I don't want my game to slow to a crawl for the sake of C I N E M A T I C, I want to actually play.
>fusing a traditional fighter's game mechanics with an open world action-adventure game
yeah I don't understand why this doesn't get done more often, to this day the only games to make you feel like a martial artist are still fighting games, I don't understand why nobody really tried to adapt the same mechanics to adventure or action games, maybe something to do with fighters being on a 2D plain?
Why are you proving everyone right with this webm, everytime? There's significantly more player input involved here in the first place.
Bullshit. Bell Demon only increases enemies' stats.
Shit gives me dodge mashing ptsd from arkham asylum
This looks like weeb Ryse
I thought third phase lightning was easy since you only have to time the counter late, phase 2 was the only one that fucks me up
>camera slow downs
>Enemies wait their turn instead of swarming
>Useless slowmo
>Clunky animation
This might've been impressive at PS4's launch for the sake of showing off the tech for the environment.
the term mongoloid comes from the fact that people with down syndrome have a face that resembles people from mongolia
so it's the other way around
Do you know what the word weeb means
I like ACO but that's a bad webm. Also, haha you fucking speared Taharqa.
The E3 "trailer" just unhyped me so much. Game looks okay but man Sony is just so fucking bad at showing them.
>Lets show 20 Minutes of going really slowly through the fields without doing anything. They will love it!
Faggots after E3:
Going really slow through fields without doing anything is literally all the game has to offer.
Repost that shit without the retarded special effect
You know you're not fooling anyone right?
It gives me physical pain knowing that there's someone ITT who genuinely thinks this looks like good combat.
People who get excited by this like this are the kind of people who think gameplay gets in the way of MAH ATMOSPHERE
memes/exaggerations aside, he's right though--most people can't stomach trying bosses more than once or twice. it's pretty sad.
After Sekiro this looks so slow and the animations are really janky.
And why isn't the spear guy fighting like he has a spear?
Lemme fix my shit:
>Mongolian soldier, fully armoured
>Still got "anime slashed" like butter, by literally who
I watched the footage and it honestly looks too videogamey. Not that hype anymore.
This is a single player story driven game. Its not for you. It will sell millions and for fucking MONTHS this board will wonder why. Can't wait.
Why don't Sekiro spear guys fight like they have spears?
Why are people talking like Sekiro was some sort of revolution? I mean i know why but just fucking stop it.
not the same guy, but its not so much that it bothers me in a "STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE" kind of way, i'm just sad that the big money cant be spent on games that actually focus on game play instead of crappy vidya-tier stories. but that's just supply and demand i guess.
Sekiro is amazing and nothing else is like it IMO
The only games I like as much as it that are samurai themed are the Onimusha games.
It's not an RPG.
I won't be surprised that it's a hit. Same way I wasn't surprised by "journalists" complaining about the difficulty in Sekiro, or Dark Souls or Cuphead.
But it'll be funny to see how journalists might actually double cross the devs and say this is cultural appropriation. Those will be a fun few weeks.
The combat looks just like ryse. And that's not exactly good.
>nothing else is like it
The game is literally an amalgamation of mechanics from previous games.
Previous games like what?
>japan action game after sekiro came out
>there literally isn't a single game where enemies are really aggressive
>in souls games it's the same
The nightjar on top of Ashina rooftops will surround you quickly and fuck your shit up.
The purple ninjas will absolutely demolish you.
The blue samurais in the dojo will rape you.
The ministry guys with dual swords will not hesitate to gangrape you.
Don't even get me started on the white monkeys.
Yes it does and most likely is.
Literally Mountain Blade combat but with pretty animations
>wasting emblems on wasting trash
lmao scrub
Souls and other action games. If you have to ask then you don't have a wide enough frame of reference. Funny that you mention Onimusha, i just finished 2 yesterday for the first time and i thought it had more interesting gameplay than Sekiro. Terrible camera though, that part was much worse than the first one.
Don't get me wrong though, i like Sekiro.
>there literally isn't a single game where enemies are really aggressive
Holy shit my sides! How did i even miss this gem?
You are like a newborn baby user. If newborn babies were as opinionated as they are stupid.
I can never tell if webm faggots are being ironic are they unironically think their shit looks impressive.
The worst it got was Sekiro threads, literally every "mad fightan skillz" webm was just some faggot executing one proper mikiri counter and getting like two free hits after.
if only you could see them through the thick brothy soup of effects
>Charged in and raoe enemies professional soldiers like children.
Glad I havent spend a buck on this shit.
God this game was such a flop. I wish the introduction wasn't nearly 2 hours long so I could have realized it in time to refund it.
>current decade
>don't have proper IK
if you think more player input = better game, you are literally the product of incest
>Souls and other action games. If you have to ask then you don't have a wide enough frame of reference.
That was just to bait you, you retard.
Of course it reiterates on previous Souls games - but so what? It's not like shitty western games that rip off Arkham Asylum and call it a day Sekiro hating retard
>this game isn't a movie game afterall!
>here, watch this extremely simplistic gameplay footage that sacrifices substance for MUH CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE
uh OP youre not good at backing up your points, I have to tell you
The jankiness of the start of the game was enough for me to refund it. If the start was THAT bad, how bad would the rest of the game be? Some developers are retarded and don't understand that realism at the expense of gameplay is not a good thing, I'm going to be immersed in an arcadey game because I'm into the experience but if I'm constantly frustrated at an "immersive" game due to its jank. its "immersive" controls or tedium, I'm not going to be immersed.
>le bait XD
What bait you stupid fuck? What point are you even trying to make? I just told you i liked Sekiro.
I thought i was talking to a sentient being but it turned out to be another moronic mouth frothing mongoloid, again.
>God this game was such a flop
Patently false, retard - it was the biggest RPG of 2018, with many contenders in that year
And the next game will do much worse, because people know the gameplay is aids now.
>make plebby bamham game, expecting to rake in big normiebucks
>sekiro comes, shits all over the place, overshadows this game, difficult games becoming mainstream now
tough shit.
t. has never played a single game in this genre
Yeah, you might want to take your mouth off user review dick because it's a p worthless metric
Absolution's gameplay is unironically 20 times better than KC:D.
Holy shit, I remember when BamHam was widely liked on this board but now it seems like we'll shit on every action game that isn't Fromshit or Platinumshit.
i unironically think this wave of "make games easier" was prompted as damage control so games like tsushima will go through less shit when it comes out
This game is going to suck isn't it.
>Holy shit, I remember when BamHam was widely liked on this board
Dark times because they were pretty shit games
i've beaten several bosses and mini-bosses in sekiro and I still haven't learned how to block or parry properly so I just dodge everything
Ghost of tsushima is going to be easy as shit though
Easy? Yeah no fucking shit. What's with you spergs needing every game to be difficult to enjoy it?
That was his point
yea it is that's why people are going "easy is okay!" with their articles. It's all paid for!
Probably a lie but if true you'll get filtered eventually unless you learn how to deflect.
Well, the world was apparently begging for Sekiro to be easier so here you go, that'll be $60 plus tip please
I might buy PS4 just for this game
What's with cucks wanting every game to be as brainless and as easy as the Arkham games?
I hope to fuck that they implement similar combat in whatever their next fantasy game is.
The nip shit just does nothing for me, but damn if the combat gameplay isn't great.
They make you feel like Batman.
Who gives a shit? It's still fun you autist. Hence why you put tons of time into playing then, apparently.
What's the point of having an amazing combat system if you don't need to use a tenth of it to win?
>"10 things Ghost of Tsushima does better than Sekiro"
>"it's inclusive, fair and everybody can play it unlike Sekiro"
You know it's coming.
i'm not too far into the game
I couldn't deflect lady butterfly's attacks so the only way I could beat her was walking behind her and attacking her back
I'm trying to kill the centipede in senpou temple now
I like BamHam and will get this too.
I also platted Sekiro last night.
I like having fun with vidya instead of having clinical autism.
Sekiro already has an easy mode.
I thought we were talking about BamHam, not Sekiro.
She THICC in active frames
I don't hate it. I'm disappointed because it could have been so much more. Instead they chose to settle for mediocrity and run of the mill industry standards everyone loves to copy 2000 times because they are all scared shitless of change and challenging the status quo.
Batgod is worst Batman so I never feel like Batman.
Dude you're classic "WELL WHY DID YOU PLAY A GAME YOU HATE?!??!?!?!" - to know how it works you retard? Not to mention I'm also a fan of Batman, specifically Mask of the Phantasm era Batman with the best Bat VA?
Isn't that just an insult to everyone who got filtered by sekiro.
Sony caters to disabled gamers with their difficu- I mean accessibility options.
>hate game
>play all the sequel and put hundreds of hours into the series
Either you're autistic or such a contrarian that you can't admit you enjoyed BamHam.
That's a good mini boss to learn how to deflect on.
>that canned enemy attack animation at 7 seconds
holy hell thats bad
I literally just told you I'm a Batman fan and Kevin Conroy's VA
Games still shit
That slow mo after the parry lol WHAT A BADASS
What skill is that?
I beat every fight in city by building up a combo, then pinballing between every enemy until everyone was dead. I never ever had to deviate from that strategy because absolutely no enemy could actually catch me once I started bouncing around the room. That's boring. It shouldn't have worked, but it did every single time
That's the last skill in the ashina tree I believe its call ashina cross.
Ashina Cross
Arkhamfags unironically think hitting 90-100+ combos is impressive
Especially in AC when they made dodges easier, but when you're fully kitted up, 100+ combos are basically the standard
It's called remove the 2 karma points it uses From. Otherwise I use it plenty.
>Spear guy gets defense up for vertical blow, leaving his torso open for stabbing
>Japanese guy does a vertical blow anyway
>Cuts out his arm
While all you sekirobabs and snoyggers are arguning about what pleb game is the best, I'm here awaiting the true Samurai kino to end all discussions
First one was shit, 2 eon't be much better
Came to post this.
that looks so weeb and retarded holy shit and yet sonyfags will praise like a new messiah
Looks like garbage
And that looks cooler do western developers even try?
The fact is I never played a game with bad gameplay from Sucker Punch. On the other hand I never played a game with good story from Sucker Punch. They usually have a very cool story idea but then always manage to butcher it in presentation somehow.
I'm still hoping that GoT will actually be good. Infamous 1 and 2 had pretty mediocre combat as well, but they made up for it in other places.
I guess I just have to hope that the ninja/ samurai sim elements are up to par.
Origins was the first AC game to have anywhere near good combat. You must be joking because in the first few AC games you could be outnumbered 10 to 1 and they'll attack one at a time, and the combat itself was just "push B to win."
In the last God of War which has lock-on as default on multiple enemies attack you at once while the camera is even closer and it's fine. It's better (but harder) to turn the lock-on feature off.
>you need to be autistic not to want a game that plays itself
looks fun
He's not an assassin. This is before the guild was formed.
Remember Me sort of tried innovation but didn't quite get there.
The composer of that game actually created a system where the music changes when the players does better combos, but he later admitted nobody ever noticed it because the combat was so convoluted and weird noone played the combat properly
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
Sekiro killed this game. When it comes everyone will talk about sekiro and how shit this game is and forget it.
I must've played it properly then because I noticed it. It was a neat touch and the soundtrack is really good. The game needed just a little more polish because nobody seems to remember a 7/10 title.
based fromsoft killing off cinematic garbage
This is literally weeaboo Ryse
and t b h Ryse wasn't that bad, just shallo and short but it was a good time
You want to force a Sekiro comparison but that's not what this game is not what it aims to be
The devs explicitly said they wanted to do the Japan-based AssCreed everyone was asking for and Ubisoft stubbornigly refused to give. Whether you like or not is something else entierly
>Japan-based AssCreed
That's Sekiro.
regardless of their intentions Tsushima/Nioh 2/Sekiro will all be heavily compared to each other in terms of quality and from the webm in the OP alone I can very easily see Tsushima mainly being known as 'that samurai game that's worse than Sekiro'.
i wish this were actually true, but the reality is that 75+% of the money to be made in gaming still comes from faggots who want movie-games, so that is what studios will continue to poor money into.
75% of the money in gaming comes from mobileshit, live-services and microtransactions
Movie-games are a small niche just like Soulsborne stuff
That looks fucking terrible
Nioh's presentation looks really fucking ugly.
Don't @ me, fags.
You have your hardcore gamer shit. Sony is the only one funding triple A single player games.
jokes on you, i'm buying all 4 of them
thanks for confirming what a fucking retarded child you are
superior nippon steel of course
Money comes from multiplayer games. All those ecelebs aren't playing Hellblade. They are playing Sekiro. That is the real gamer culture.
Yeah and the hard mode will just make enemies instant kill while being damage sponges like in ACO.
Fuck, the levels system alone made that game unbearable, there'd better not be any levelling in Sushi
>Xcucks seething yet again
Why the fuck would they make this when Sekiro is out first?
>The spear clips through the player model
That's awful.
The only noteable game is Sea of thieves which is really fucking good.
why isn't there a smile edit for Saint Isshin?
Most of the Xbox games are available on PC. The PS4 and Switch have a much better library, especially the Switch.
> You mean the resource that enemies very often drop? Come on man
They don't, though. it costs 6 to do it once and unless you've upgraded your spirit emblem capacity a fair bit, you can only do it two times.
> I fought enemies and got better and now I can beat them
> this is bad somehow
So how did he lose his eye, was it in subduing the Sculptor when he went Ashura mode?
so it has three times the complexity, thanks user.
Try fighting the group of Okami Warriors at the Grteat Sakura in Sekiro. They will literally gang rape you while you get sniped from behind.
sculptor never went shura mode, the whole reason he stopped being a shinobi was because he thought he was going to become one
even flames of hatred isn't a shura
Wow it's got numbers just like my MMORPGS
>Chinese monk can bend reality
Honestly, the game took a downturn with the addition of the Chinks, IMO.
vs genichiro is probably the pinnacle of all action games, not just sword fight. miyazaki and his team literally created new definitive genre of action games by producing this game, fuck off cory barlog.
>I couldn't deflect her attacks
I'm going to call input delay here, since deflecting is very straight forward in this game. Is there any way you could check if your controls are acting proper?
Vergil and Jeanne are still vastly superior.
Vergil only gets really interesting when he's DT'd and you have to find openings in someone blitzing round the arena and you can't just land a solid hit into a full combo
Azel 2 is the pinnacle of action games.
Genichiro is an absolute cakewalk when you've got the basics of parrying down, meanwhile DMD Vergil or NSIC Jeanne are legit challenges that make full use of the gameplay. I enjoyed Sekiro but all these Soulsish games just have far too simplistic gameplay to be anywhere near the "pinnacle of action games".
Might as well be turn based for how basic the physical interaction is
>deep combat system
>If your good at the game its easy!
Woopty do, your a minority that went through the entire game without a death I bet
wow you really are killing this enemy user
if I were to play just one "souls-like" just to know what they're about which one should I play (on PC)? which one is regarded as the best by fans? I get the feeling Sekiro is sort of the odd one out in the series so I'm assuming not that.
Obvious bait, but Dark Messiah trashes every game on that image, barring God Hand and Ninja Gaiden.
Dark Souls 1 and Sekiro kind of represent opposite extremes for the series, DS1 still had quite a bit of focus on a slower more exploration based world with some RPG mechanics while Sekiro is much more actiony. Something more in the middle would be Bloodborne, but I guess Dark Souls 3 is the most in the middle one on PC but it's a bit controversial here to put it lightly. DS1 would probably be the best pick I guess.
Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are by far the best, so I'd go with DaS1.
but can dark souls 1 be played at 60 fps with no problems on PC?
The remaster can easily, but unfortunately they really fucked up the lighting in some areas in that version and it looks genuinely worse than the original some of the time. If you want the original you'll have to pirate it since it's not on Steam anymore and get DSfix to unlock the framerate, however it's pretty poorly optimized so you'll need a relatively decent PC to handle 60fps. Pick your poison.
What went wrong?
Scamco being a shitty publisher as usual.
the fuck is that mmo tier hud? dreadful
Why is it that every time someone posts a combat webm from Nioh the person in it is always doing shit I can't do at all?
What skill is that even?
>those numbers popping up
it looks fucking terrible
Fuck me. You know, right now I'm playing God of War HD, a PS2 game, on my PS3, using a PS4 controller. I had to stop and think how cool that was. After seeing those Playstation 2, 2005 era graphics, and now watching this webm from Ghosts, it really makes me think about how far gaming has come in terms of visuals. I don't even know what more could be done with more powerful hardware in the next Gen.
>Glances at list
>I see Crackdown 3
>I see State of Decay
Ohok. I didn't know you were just gonna list every single game they ever made for Xbone, whether they're steaming piles of shit or actually good. Whatever.
>God War literally looks better than that game. It's better animated.
Hey sport, let's take those upvotes back to facebook back where they belong, alright? That's a good boy.
He did, the game tells you this. Isshin had to subdue him and in the process cut off his arm.
Looks like journalists finally got an easy mode
Play more games
did he cut that dude's shield arm off and also the shield with a fucking halberd? This is realistic? Sekiro almost exclusively goes for the throat or unarmored areas when he does a deathblow. He even stabs dudes up through their armpits. Mostly the throat though.
>People in this thread believe that Ghost will bomb
Man, Yea Forums indeed lives inside a bubble.
GoT will not only be successful but it will sell the best of the three samurai games released this year and the next, regardless of its gameplay, with Nioh 2 selling the worst, probably bombing.
GoT will be successful for the same reason GoW 2018 was: it has mass appeal.
Yea Forums is just an insignificant internet community that doesn't reflect the consumers as a whole.
you can roll, climb and do pretty agile stuff in full plate cause the weight of plate mail is distributed across the whole body so it doesn't feel heavy. Of course if you're unfit it won't be easy but anyone even semi fit can handle it and not be encumbered. Knights can be agile, not really that one in that game with that fantasy type armor, but if the game was realistic in terms of armor, he could roll and even climb with armor on.
Sekiro has already sold two million copies.
Those .webms come from an early alpha build.
They're dishonest as fuck. And I talk as someone who likes Nioh as much as the Soulsborne games.
So? GoT will sell six, maybe seven.
So will Sekiro.
I never said it was gonna bomb. Though from what I've seen I just don't have an interest in it. I'm not really into all the sick slow-mo cam stuff.