BB = Sekiro = DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS >>>> DaS2
BB = Sekiro = DaS1 > DaS3 > DeS >>>> DaS2
>Demon's that low
Nigga all those other games are just trying to capture the feeling of playing DeS again (and failing for the most part).
Nostalgia. Go play it again and you'll understand what I mean.
But muscle-kun that's my list
BB = Sekiro = DeS > DaS1 >> DaS3 >>>>>> DaS2
Dark Souls 1 was my first souls game, user. As much as I love it, that final third is a fucking mess. DeS didn't reach the highs of Dark Souls for me, when I played it, but it never reached the same lows either.
Higher highs feel even better when contrasted by lower lows
These games blow ass, in all honesty. I've beat them all, but I've realized that the time it takes to do the same boss over and over until you memorize the patterns just make the game a boring timesink.
I play DeS pretty often and you really ranked it too low.
My list is:
Gameplay wise: Sekiro > BB > DeS > DaS1 > DaS3 > DaS2
Overall as games: BB > DeS > Sekiro > DaS1 > DaS3 > DaS2
No, that's not how it works.
t. filtered by the chained ogre
demons is still perfectly playable and still does things better than the later games. the only real flaw about it are the tendency systems. you could also argue weapon upgrades being a bit too resource heavy but the game does not expect you to max out your weapon in NG like the other games.
also the console it's on is a flaw on it's own. unlike some recent remasters these days, demon's souls NEEDS a re release. the FPS drops on the original version are so bad, same as dark souls.
Dark Souls 2 is better than Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls
Stop making threads, Soulsbronies.
Nah. Literally all the bosses in Dark Souls were just remixed ideas from Demon's. II and III were even more of a simulacrum.
At least BB and Sekiro tried to do something different by changing the setting and adding twists to the gameplay.
BB is light years ahead of Sekiro. The latter is a boss rush game with useless filler in between. However the boss fights are really good.
Dumb $oyman frogposter and Alex Jones is a turbo like lover
waah waah DaS2 decided it wanted to be different from the the other souls game me put it low
This list is objectively correct.
I beat SSI though.