The original Xbox.
The original Xbox
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no games
Literally only worth it for DoA 3
Xbox... Home
>preferring doa3 over 4, 5, 6 or even 2
No games. Not worth effort for emulation.
Best controller bar none.
I had one
Had a lot games for it
it's not perfect but xbox emulation been getting there, can play a decent amount of things already
It's not about preference, Xbox doesn't have much to choose from, maybe MechAssault and Panzer Dragoon Orta I guess.
>even 2
2 is the best buddy
Is it better to play Chaos Theory on PC or on the original Xbox?
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge is a great game.
pc for sure but it certainly looked and played great on OG xbox
Xbox. PC is missing some effects and it already runs great on OG.
Underrated and the Duke is the best controller.
>tfw my xbox's disc drive is starting to fail
>live in a shithole where people resell the fuck out of old consoles for as much as possible
Is there a way to hack it for reading games off a usb or something?
>tfw no JSRF BC
just let them do it sega please
>The Xbox no games meme somehow still exists
Fuck you niggers on, the Xbox had some amazing stuff, MS was desperate for japanese dollars so they look studios go nuts on it, Smilebit in particular produced a ton of great stuff. Never mind Tecmo's offering like NGB and the DOAX games.
hundreds more than the gamecube
sold more software and hardware too
Phantom Dust
Ninja Gaiden Black
Metal Wolf Chaos
need JSRF and Otogi on Xbone BC
yes but make sure you own OG splintercell and buy an xbox to USB adaptor
does that still apply with dgvoodoo2?
They're sour grapes fags who had to deal with the inferior PS2 versions of multiplats.
Pls give buying advice I want one.
The beauty of the office Xbox was it was built like a pc, there's lots of soft mods and hardmods out there for it.
Softmod+a bigger hard drive would do it, used to run modded halo 2 on mine
>ywn again steal host and make everyone in the lobby load your modded map full of troll shit
PC retards don't know that the Xbox used architecture that wasn't available at the time for PC's, so yes the Xbox at the time was indeed more powerful than a PC, its why certain games look so much better while the PC version is lacking some shadows and details.
>Yes, the original Xbox is my favorite console: I'm not at all ashamed to admit it. I can tell you about at least 15 of its titles that haven't aged and are still worth playing today, if you'd like.
Friendly reminder to remove and replace the old clock capacitor before it destroys the motherboard.
At least it was before I fucked everything up
Otogi doesn't look good to me at all.
Please explain the appeal.
Wait, what?
Modded Xbox + big hard drive. Clean graphics. I used to download Lost episodes in HD.
It starts to leak after time. The acids disintegrates the board. If you have it modded, you will need to remove the mod and insert a new one cap. Then mod it again.
They're time bombs. This has only become known in recent years now that they're starting to get old.
I already googled a bit, I have a 1.6 version motherboard so I'm safe from that little fucker, thanks anyway for mentioning it, I had no idea this was a thing.
After seeing so many threads about what anons grew up with and play today, I realized Xbros were in the minority and we'll never have healthy, insightful Xbox threads on Yea Forums, ever
Maybe if /vr/ allows 6th gen and generals in the future
>Maybe if /vr/ allows 6th gen and generals in the future
I'm pretty sure you can do that already.
What's your prediction for next week announcement?
>How many games?
>And what titles?
This is old xbox, we don't really give a fuck about the xbone.
>tfw no emulator
Stay out of /vr/.
Make me fag.
Not really. Maybe you can slide with Dreamcast games but at most you can only talk about ports of older games, I think, or sequels of a series within the context of a discussion of an allowed iteration, like past Gen II Pokemon games
Xbox has proved that they only ever release Wow-it's-fucking-nothing news in these streams.
After the Mexico City event, you'd have to be stupid to believe they're worth your hype or time watching
But this guy is right too Even 360 had very little soul
I don't understand why people make such a big deal about this.
You should be more concerned about Sony and Nintendo fanboys. Look at how they treat that board with what they can discuss now.
I am and you're correct, I'm only interested in og xbox now, I have a 360 that I only keep because I'm forcing myself to finish the last leg of my backlog on it (I don't have any newer console than my 360, and never will again) which consist of around two dozens of games, after that I'm selling it for like 40 bucks or whatever.
Hope they do a mini for this.
Is Breakdown good? I found a copy on Ebay for cheap and I'm wondering if it's worth it or not.
80% of those are mediocre and some aren't even exclusives
I'm still wondering what puts Otogi in the same league as all those other games
Looks like shovelware that only nostalgia could love
I have a 1.6 so I allegedly don't need to worry.
Fuck off sonytards.
that's cuz it's missing genuinely good games and for some reason opts for meme picks that are hogging spots
I like Xbox
you didn't answer my question so I'm going with my instinct and assuming Otogi is in fact not good
actually playing a non capcom fighter. wew lad
Which games do you think are good on 360? Or what has your interest that you've yet to play?
I personally tried out Ninja Gaiden II some weeks ago. It's decent but has some heavy flaws imo.
>assuming capcom fighters are top tier
lmaoing @ your life
>he hasn't played Guilty Gear XX #Reload
genuinely a casual
Every time
Threads slow so post your GOAT lists guys.
>Best 3D Fighting Game
Dead Or Alive 3
>Best Third-Person Shooting Game
Star Wars Battlefront
>Best ARPG
>Best turn-based RPG
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
>Best Platformer
Jet Set Radio Future
>Best Racing Game
Probably Sonic Riders
>Best Party Game
Fuzion Frenzy
>Best Arcade Game
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
>Best Halo
Combat Evolved
>Best Horror Game
The Suffering
>Best First-Person Shooting Game
Timesplitters: future Perfect
1.6 Xbox's don't have problems with the clock capacitor but do have trouble with 480p for some games, mostly sega ones. It's possible to get it working anyways though.
I turned mine on after like 10 years and I think this is what happened to it. It turns on as soon as you plug it in and crashes randomly after 5-10 minutes.
How do I fix this shit?
The OG Xbox was like a good spec PC with a controller.
>Best 3D Fighting Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Third-Person Shooting Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best ARPG
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best turn-based RPG
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Platformer
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Racing Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Party Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Arcade Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Halo
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best Horror Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
>Best First-Person Shooting Game
Kingdom Under Fire Crusaders
Dunno man, we're fucked.
I keep telling people this: Xboxs are only like $10
Just buy it. Even if it was $30, it'd be worth it. Some of the best games demand that price at brick n mortar retail shops.
You mean exclusives? or 'soft exclusives'? Or simply multiplats?
Absorbed nearly all of the Dreamcast games and had plenty of its own. It was a solid system.
It even had some 1080p games too, 'Enter the Matrix' I believe was one of them.
Also I liked the Duke, however I called it Big Bertha.
Which one?
>'Enter the Matrix' I believe was one of them.
It was 1080i, like GT4.
its a shame that Xbox got Silent Hill 2 and 4 but no 3
user here says we should buy it
Man i use to game on dat console all da time homies. i grew up in the hood sucking dick and playing dat ugly elder scroll game on it that ran in 8 fps. Also i hate niggers.
any 360 games, exclusive or otherwise
>Absorbed nearly all of the Dreamcast games
that's unfortunately simply not true
Ninja gaiden 2 is one of the most kino games ever released. You must have been chugging your soi
Is it really that good or you're just memeing?
Listen, Yea Forums: there's more to a game than the story, art direction, music, setting, characters, and aesthetic, okay?
There's also things like level design and gameplay. Heard of them?
It has great levels and gameplay. What are you crying about virgin? Whats good gameplay to you? Batman and uncharted? Zelda? Kill yourself
how the fuck do I enable this on console that's both soft and hard modded
dont get overhyped cuz that would ruin everything but its a legitimately good game you should definitely give Kingdom Uner Fire: The Crusaders a shot
But where do we buy it? With a time machine? I have a bad feeling about this.
It's unfucked not-garbage dynasty warriors with good versus multiplayer.
Yea Forums is rotting your brain. Learn to talk without using stupid memes.
You don't. The cap bled acid all over your board a decade ago and it slowly ate away at it.
To fix that you'd need to trace and repair every affected connection
That's what I feared. Guess I'll find a cheap second hand one then.
The platforming segments are on rails with no challenge to them. The game lacks decent physics to accommodate its heavy focus on platforming, such as no indication of when Ryu is about the end a wallrun. They even messed up control scheme, such as when you are hanging and climbing down pipes, by making going forward not pressing up on the thumbstick, but sideways. As it is, the platforming sections are aggressive wastes of time that are neither challenging nor fun.
The camera does not work in the player's interest---they even acknowledge this by starting players on default lock-on when facing bosses, when otherwise the game is supposedly fine doing without lock-on. No, the truth is that the camera works against the player by not staying where you set it, but constantly slowly resetting itself to be facing where Ryu is facing, even when you're just walking. It's worse in combat, trying to tumble all across the arena while keeping your eyes set on specific enemies, especially since the camera is zoomed in so close on him.
As for gameplay, it's like Ninja Gaiden II was made to be a 2D platformer in 3D. The focus is on killing enemies as soon as possible, basically no matter how you do it. Cool, not bad. HOWEVER, the game provides you with bogus instant kill options basically starting when you've hit an enemy once or twice. Okay, whatever right? I can just not use them? No, because the instant kill option is hardcoded to one of your basic attack buttons and triggers as soon as you use, even if you intended a normal attack. Okay, I guess I just won't use Y when I delimb an enemy, right? No, because you are actively rewarded for spamming Obliteration Techniques, not just because it grants fucking invulnerability, but because it also gives you a massive point bonus (3000pts per OT) that translates into the amount of essence you get, which directly translates into your ability to unlock your moveset through weapon upgrades.
>tfw never owned an OG Xbox
>thinking of getting one for Ninja Gaiden Black and Jet Set Radio Future
>hear about this
Is it still worth looking for one with this issue in mind?
Don't toss your old one like idiots do. Spare parts are good. The DVD drives fail and are proprietary.
For JSRF yes
Ninja Gaiden Black is overrated unless you're a boomer who enjoyed 5th gen and earlier games---then you can see it as a upgrade on everything that came before it.
I sold mine to some idiot after 360 came out for $300.
Guess I'm the idiot now.
Only if you didn't back up your saves
Xbox originals are dirt cheap. Do you all not know what Ebay or Goodwill is?
Ok so the part about platforming and camera. Those things are infinitely INFINITELY worse in ninja gaiden black. They have been relegated to simple pace changers in ng2 for a reason. That awful military warehouse/factory and climbing those rocks with a set of controls/physics not meant for platforming was harder than any actual combat encounter. A lot of people didnt even know you could move the camera in ngb because unless you click the right stick, moving it puts you in first person. Its actually non functional and was outdated at launch. There are third person dreamcast games with better cameras, and that controller had no right stick.
You can also use Y normally as long as its your second press. If its your first then yeah you will decap and finish. But say your combo is XYYX or whatever. The Y presses wont trigger it. And no one cares about points unless theyre going for the score attack achievements in the dlc.
And Ultimate Techniques are the same thing---spam them as much as you can, get invulnerability, AND get massive point awards, on top of slaughtering scores of enemies. And don't give me that bullshit about "timing" them correctly so that you can "effortlessly" chain them together. The gameplay loop is smack smack till delimb an enemy, Obliteration Technique (AKA Install Kill) it, then charge a Ultimate Technique almost immediately by absorbing its essence, then let it rip through scores of mooks. That's it, besides spamming Flying Swallow and jumping around a lot. You barely even need to rely on parrying, not that it's a mechanic with a whole lot of depth to it here.
And the combos are bad too. It gets massive points for trying something new with action games and giving you a fuckhuge list like in 3D fighting games to work with, but they are largely all way too automated. They do way too much with simple button presses, leaving you to be able to get by simply by spamming different buttons and and alternating whether you hold forward or not. There's no depth to it. Even the Izuna Drop is reduced to alternations of Heavy and Light attacks with almost no directional input.
Magic is cool. But the game took no notes from Dead Or Alive 4. You just get generic blasts of energy that you can only use a few times before you can't anymore. These two grant you invulnerability during use, serve no purpose other than dealing damage; and to top it off, you're actually discouraged from using Ninpo by the end of stage score counter, which docks points if you have empty ninpo bars when you clear a stage.
Because the focus is on getting OTs and then getting UTs, the expanded movesets and multiple weapons are basically fucking useless. You pick the Talons, Dragon Sword, or your favorite, then just use that for a prolonged period of time until you get bored---not even forced to switch really, you just get bored---& cycle to the next weapon to do the same thing over again.
>buy xbox on a whim from local store
>disk tray doesn't work
>take it back
>sorry we don't have any others we can give you store credit
>you fat nigger
>go back home, defeated
>dig through toolbox to find my security screwdrivers
>take the thing apart, pry open disk drive, softmod it
>clone old hdd to new one
>fire it up, everything is fine, need to install new dashboard but fuck it
>start transferring games over via ftp
>come back later, filezilla is crapping out
>hit the wrong option when I cloned the hdd
>fire up chimp, reformat
>see that the hdd is two tb, as planned
>see box on dresser, it's the 4tb hdd I was going to put in my emulation pc
I rage quit for a bit.
Gunvalkyrie best valkyrie.
>Those things are infinitely INFINITELY worse in ninja gaiden black.
And? It's still not good in this game. I'm not interested in defending the first Ninja Gaiden game either.
>You can also use Y normally as long as its your second press.
Yes; you can even use it if you're far enough away from the enemy you're aiming at. But if you're close to it, which will happen a lot, you're forced to never start a combo that begins with Y, else you get an OT.
>And no one cares about points unless theyre going for the score attack achievements in the dlc.
This game isn't good for styling either, because of the reasons I mention in that post and here What combos you're doing may LOOK cool, but everyone who's played the game knows it's completely unnecessary and maybe even detrimental to your play, nor is it hard to do.
Playing this game is simply not satisfying. It's not satisfying on a cuhrayzee character action game standpoint, because you are not rewarded for being cuhrayzee. And it isn't satisfying on its own terms as a "Kill everything in your path immediately" standpoint because it gives you way too many tools that win you the game and let you bypass the feeble challenges it puts up.
Its cheap to replace the drive, UNLESS you need one of the ones that need to read backups.
Splintercell, any version, or Mechassault or some James Bond game will work. I still have Mechassault, so I use that.
>paying for fucking og xbox games
>of all things to pay for
This is what we've come to, huh?
One of the KUF games is trash, but I forget which one.
modding is too much work
and you need to pay for Splinter Cell, genius
Softmodding an xbox takes less time than a 3DS.
you're forgetting the swapping of hard drives
and the fact is,
>buy game
>it jist works
>buy game
>get USB adapter
>get software
>set up software on xbox
besides, Xbox is one console you really would want to have physical versions of, especially in the coming years
I'm playing it on BC.
so yeah
Ninja Gaiden II isn't that good.
It's okay, but you really need to temper your expectations going into it, unless your IQ hovers around 100 and you have no sense of game design.
fantastic console
dropped mine down a flight of uncarpeted wooden stairs, survived
jesus, you're lucky that those stairs survived that thing falling on them.
>buy xbox
>get disk
>disk drive fails because it's old as shit and made with cheap parts
>clock capacitor leaks fluid all over the mobo
>out 25-50 bucks, depending on what you paid
>buy xbox for 20-45 bucks
>get splintercell for 5 bucks
>don't have to swap hdds if it is too hard for your pea brain
>install games, run off hdd
>if anything fails, clone the hdd to a new one and lose absolutely nothing
XBOX had the best multiplat versions of that generation by a long shot. Splitscreen on a PS2 looked like a fucking DOS game compared to the same on XBOX
>yfw og xbox is older than the average Yea Forums poster
>clock capacitor leaks fluid all over the mobo
this can be an issue in your modding case too, brainlet
>disk drive fails
what actually happens is that it won't open unless you bang on it and maybe even position it on its side
>get splintercell for 5 bucks
I don't believe that the known key to modding doesn't command a high price these days
>implying softmodding prevents the clock capacitor from leaking
as convenient as it is to have a modded Xbox its not for everyone plus if you aren't confident in what you are doing you can brick the console. It should mean nothing to you if someone wants to buy physical copys
>yfw they've never even played nor heard of Xbox games other than Halo and maybe Ninja Gaiden
everyone should push anons to git gud
>modding case causes the clock capacitor failure
Confirmed for knowing jack shit about old xboxes, probably underage b&.
3 is better than 4 and 5 combined. 2 ultimate is hit or miss in terms of beating it but they added best girl hitomi to it so it's a hard pick.
This thing felt like the future when I started it up
Man I loved playing Panzer Dragoon and PGR on it.
Shame that there's no Panzer Dragoon games anymore and PGR was killed in favor of Shitza.
Forza is good.
t. nigger
Fuck you.
You want me to tell your owner about your behaviour?
PGR was awful arcadey garbage, shithead.
ok kek
my first console since my parents didn't want me to play video games for years
lucky you
er, the first console part
I switch on my og xbox, it works just fine. I played doa2u for hours.
I bought it in 2004.