How come sheik gets no love?

how come sheik gets no love?

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Because women are fucking disgusting.

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I don't know who this fag is but take it to one of the other trap threads.

this. she has no penis, faggot.

>fanart of sheik
>has fair skin, blue eyes
>obviously looks female

hate some artists, sheik specifically looks ambiguous brown

The last game she was just ridiculously sexy in was Hyrule Warriors, in Smash she has a cute tomboy voice but they're really trying to push the "haha sheik's definitely a man nobody played oot after all :^)" angle

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ultimate refers to sheik as "she/her" though

Not last time I checked

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God tier taste user

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>TLoZ game where you play as Zelda/Sheik and use a mix of magic and ninja tools never ever
Don't say Hyrule Warriors, that game doesn't count since they aren't the main characters.

>NoA going back on their word after the infamous tweet
About time

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They're ambiguous on it on purpose

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a lot of fun in hyrule warriors
but they don't let you use any Zelda skins with her, I just wanted my Skyward Sword Zelda skin to be using the harp to rape shit

more sheik please don't let this thread die

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My favorite Sheik pic

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How come Princess Ruto refers to Sheik as a "he"?

Checkmate atheists

because he's a fucking boy (female) as opposed to the far superior alternative: girl (male)

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Sheiks a guy, retard

are people joking when that say sheik is a guy?

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>female:dark skin, crossdressing, tomboy, elf, impregnation

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I want to see Zelda molest Sheik.

I want to see everyone molest Sheik

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Yes, yes to all of this

especially this

It's kinda hot that the princess is also a ninja.

Is Sheik a bottom?

Serious waste of a character design if they have no plans to use Sheik anymore outside of Smash. Who doesn't like medieval ninjas?

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>sheik as a catgirl, not a catboy

How do you know?

you know what
fair point
male sheik/ambiguous sheik is the best

I do appreciate ambiguity since that was kind of the point of the character, to be mysterious


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Faggot nonetheless, nice trips

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sheik's got one of the coolest designs of a nintendo character without being overtly edgy imo

Now someone do a black red and grey color palette swap edit with the red eye being white because of ebin contrast

>But he is a chick

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