Western "cinematic" combat

>western "cinematic" combat

Attached: ghosts of arkham.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I just want an inFamous 1 & 2 remaster, man. Fuck this shit

man after playing Sekiro this shit looks fucking weak

The character animations look fucking terrible. It's especially noticeable in other webms. I was kind of excited, too.

I ws about to say: interesting how before Sekiro came out i was like "ok this isn't so bad", but after Sekiro now this looks absolutely atrocious.
It's all about perspective, i guess.

The combat looks far more realistic than in Sekiro. Looks to be less quicktime events too.

It's ok user.
At least you tried.

Attached: 25.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

At least the leaves move!

Doesn't matter because this shit will sell anyway.

Will probably get removed in a downgrade.

i have to hand it to Fromsoft, they have upped their animation game. there is still some weird stiffness, but i think it's more their style at this point than anything

>enemies don't block

Attached: batmans of tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

was about to say
OP looks scripted af

Name one Western game with good combat (no gunplay) which is not named God of War

The best type of combat is physics-based. The less quicktime events the better.

>this is bait but Sony Ponies will actually use this as an argument

God of War doesn't have good combat.

Visuals are pretty good, but the combat and animations need work

I'm guessing it's something they got used to after animating mecha for years.

Way more realistic than anything From has churned out.

sekiro fags SEETHING

it does

this is not true at all, are you retarded
predetermined and consistent length animations which can be combo'd together once you understand the timing is superior
you should always be punished for imitating a move that takes too long to finish if you got greedy

Blade & Sorcery. Checkmate.

Dark Souls

Hollow Knight. The combat is very simple, yes, but it works well nonetheless, and the boss fights are decently designed.
As far as western big budget games? I got nothing. They all suck dick. God of War was unique in that it was at least playable.

In a good combat system you should be in charge of the "animations", not some mini-cutscenes. It's common sense.


>realism =/= good

Why are you quoting me?

Attached: retardd.jpg (372x141, 9K)

Better than Sekiro at least since you can actually beat the fucking game.

Attached: slap.gif (480x360, 1.2M)

Looks clunky but dem leeefss

Attached: 1553449626492.gif (314x232, 1.15M)

looked good when I first saw it, but now looks so clunky, jesus

God of War is typical quicktime event trash inspired by brainless Jap games. Nothing innovative about it.

Attached: exanima.webm (704x400, 2.55M)

>Slide to me Sekiro!

Where did you get this idea that unrealistic is good? Haha.

>See a trust attack
>Doesn't Mikiri Counter

Owl is disappointed.

Why's spear dude just pacing in the back?

Cool tech demo bro

Stay mad its a western game

Looks clunky and slow.

What does clunky mean?

he said western dude

nah gow is goty, you never played it

>the virgin bamham

This is exactly why western trash sells
Spend all the money on worthless gimmicks like this and mocapping and facial animations or whatever instead of core gameplay and level design.

it is

Westerners have innovation in their genes unlike Asians.

Attached: 1553976252242.webm (1280x720, 786K)

t. ADHD zoomers

I'm going to reply to your seriously on the 1% chance you aren't baiting me: Dark Souls is a Japanese game made by a Japanese company and is clearly made with a Japanese mindset.

No matter the amount of technical prowess, nothing in this game will every reach the level of kino that is the fight agaist Divine Dragon or Isshin Ashina.

christ those animations are so clunky
why can't the west animate good fighting at all? You can see it full force in mortal kombat and DmC was having trouble for poor animation too.

Good thing he didn't say anything about QTEs.

Why does a 300 pound nerd complain about things being slow? I bet you couldn't beat anybody in a real sword fight.

something I've noticed tends to happen a lot in normie "hero" type games where you're playing as Cool McBadass slicing/punching/dicing past hordes of mooks. they'll always put a handful of enemies up in combat against you but only one of them will ever actually be attacking you, the rest will just pace behind and give the illusion of you being in a bigger battle than you really are. normies eat that shit up because it makes them feel like they're playing a badass whose taking on a lot of enemies at once and coming out on top still alive when it's really just programmed to be a series of easy 1v1s. that kind of shit is just normie bait cancer. don't have high hopes for ghosts of tsukushima after seeing that and other footage of it, like other anons said it looks so laidback and clunky after playing sekiro.

looks identical to Sekiro desu

Themes make the game not where the game is made. The ideas are western with christian ideology clearly in mind.

>Westerners have innovation in their genes unlike Asians.

Attached: japanbamham.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


>Try to charge owl with a stab attack
>He counters you
Happened to me once but was pretty surprising

I could beat your faggot ass, that's for sure.

Far Cry 3 had this along with takedowns with a knife. At the time I thought it was the worst game ever, now it's an industry standard.

if Dark Souls was made by a western company it'd have QTEs in combat / boss battles, "cool" finishers for enemies, heavy cutscenes / story elements, a voiced protagonist, western style combat with combos and that bullshit where only one enemy attacks you at once, a stealth system, and it'd be about 10 times easier with no death/humanity mechanics to actually take advantage of western normie audiences. would probably be no invasions either. the reason dark souls is such a succesful western/medieval type game is BECAUSE it's made by nips, they didn't take any queues from horrible mechanics that plague similar western games today

>they're having this shitshow compete with Sekiro and Nioh 2
man they must feel retarded

Your stupid

How is Dark Souls in any way christian or western in its themes? It is absolutely buddhist in its values. It has a vaguely european visual aesthetic but that's about it.

this but unironically

I don't think they were ever shooting for realism.

How is me banging your mom not illegal

The game could be improved if only they made it more like inFamous.

Will this shit ever get finished?

Neither does this game seem to shoot for unrealism, so why the complaints?

is calling this game Batman a good thing or a bad thing? Because the combat system in the Arkham game is fucking cancer

every arcade, indie and AA game you like


90% of triple AAA western titles focusing around 3rd person hand to hand or melee combat released in the last decade have had most of those features in them. I don't know what else to say but that triple AAA western games seem to have heavily stagnated in terms of originality and all seem to be borrowing the same mechanics from each other when they're god awful and make for absolutely boring games to play. Problem is they still sell incredibly well because normie gamers love being pandered to with cinematic style gameplay that does half of the work for them.
That's not to say japanese games are good just because they're japanese, a majority of nip games are garbage gachashit but when they do actually break the mold and create something original it's usually a decent game because it doesn't borrow from the same pool of shitty cinematic gameplay mechanics that most similar western games use.
>At the time I thought it was the worst game ever, now it's an industry standard.
Yeah, it really is a shame. You see this shit everywhere now and it's blatant as fuck. Why even have a ton of enemies if only one of them will ever attack you? It's even more blatantly obvious when you switch from attacking an enemy you're currently attacking to one pacing on the outside, all of a sudden the badly damaged enemy who you had already hit a few times and was in the middle of attacking you tag teams out and paces around like it's no big deal. Shit's infuriating and I seriously wish companies would stop pushing that kind of cinematic bullshit. It's a game, not a fighting movie, combat in games should be rewarding because it's challenging and requires some skill to pull off, not because the game makes you feel like you're a badass just because it's holding in the reigns.

It is the best looking of the three.

Charge attack. Watch the long windup

I don't understand your comment.

look like shitty journos have fun the easy mode

Of course. From fanboys are braindead.

protags head is fuckin xbox hueg man

That makes even less sense than your previous tantrum.

The animations themselves aren't even that bad, but the robotic transition between animations looks like fucking garbage. Look at the spearman right before he thrusts at the player. I hope they fix some of this shit so I don't have to see something this clumsy being shilled all over Yea Forums when it releases.

>that blood splatter at the end

Wouldn't be too terrible if it wasn't for the shit animation

It's not about cinematic. Having all enemies attack at once makes it much more challenging (not suitable for low IQ gamers) and we can't have that in modern games.

I remember Gothic 3 had this active enemy limit as well. Then a mod came out, increased the number of enemies to a much higher number and all of a sudden it became a herculean effort to liberate one town held by orcs.


>slowdown during attacks

I hated it when BOTW did it, I hate it now.

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I just want an action game with dynamic gore

>woman """"samurai""""
>cinematic combat with EPIC slowmo
>slow clunky animations
Another Sony masterpiece on its way I see.

this looks awful, but not as bad as days gone

Hollow Knight is fucking shallow versus every other Metroidvanias. Not a good example.

Attached: sekino4.webm (854x480, 2.94M)

The lighting and leaves and general atmosphere is great, but the rest is just boring.

Only retards looked at both and didn't immediately know Sekiro would be better, especially considering the devs.

literally the only thing it had going for it honestly



there are no QTEs in Sekiro, not a single one, why do you lie on the internet?

Wow shit that looks incredible, but what I hate about the Soulsborne games is that you die in 2 hits from normal enemies, forcing you to repeat segments over and over, it's specially frustrating that there's usually no save spots near the bosses so you have to go through common enemies to get to them and then get killed in one hit.

retard right here

Kill animation is by definition a quicktime event. Just because you haven't realized it yet doesn't make it not so.

seKINO has "bonfires" literally right before just about every boss

Dark Messiah

exanima is realistic if it was a game about a bloke and his mates going on a drunk pub crawl through a SCA Heavy/Medieval re-enactor method actor city

Toribash is the best fighting game of all time!

Attached: Toribash.jpg (1024x786, 60K)

It's not the precision that matters, it's the principle of the system.

Fuck that, I want a real Sly 4

you mean deathblows? no, that’s not a QTE, you know what the recognized definition of a QTE is and it is not pressing one button for a deathblow, don’t be a retard just to push some agenda I don’t even give a fuck about

>Bamhamurai swings at soldier's spear
>Hits spear
>Soldier's arm disconnects at shoulder

Attached: stock photo of doctor.png (626x754, 58K)

In Ass Creed Revelations, i made a wrong jump and fell in the midle of an horde of enemies, since there was no "load previous checkpoint" option i stood still so the soldiers could kill me and it would restart faster.

They couldn't, turns out your hp would regen faster than the one guy attacking could hit you.

Attached: 1551528844711.jpg (537x537, 38K)

I'd argue that that's exactly what makes it cinematic, though. It's about devs taking the lazy way out with the illusion of an overwhelming, "X on 1" fight that makes the player feel like they're taking on a large horde of enemies without actually putting in the effort to design and create either AI or a system that makes those kinds of battles viable and challenging without being impossible. Take a look at the way the Sekiro does it- the 4 on 1 or 5 on 1 combat situations in that game where you're fighting against mooks feel incredibly natural, nothing holds back against you so unless you're sharp on your toes and have good spatial awareness you're going to find yourself backed into a corner very quickly. Despite that, it's not impossible an even a semi-decent player will be able to hold his own against multiple enemies because the game is designed with that in mind.
"X on 1" battles where you only fight one enemy at a time are "cinematic" because they rely on visuals instead of gameplay to make the player feel like they're fighting multiple enemies at once.
"X on 1" battles with good game design where there is no limit on the number of enemies that can attack you at once aren't "cinematic" because the feeling of the player fighting multiple enemies at once is brought across by actually having the player fight multiple enemies at once.
And sure, in that example of Gothic 3, no wonder it made the game so hard if it wasn't designed for multi-enemy battles to begin with. It's not a problem that just starts and ends at how many enemies are attacking you, the game needs to have gameplay mechanics that actually support fighting against multiple foes simultaneously
just my two cents

Any locked-in animation triggered by a button press which takes control away from you is a qucktime event. It's what lazy developers to do when they don't want to make real gameplay.

Still more realistic than this garbage:

Save point placement is pretty convenient this time around.

Attached: sekino6.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>Ashina Cross him right before he does
fucking beautiful

Attached: 1523153652567.png (5000x2571, 124K)

>usa makes a game about Japan and their culture

Wow dude fire swords and white lines everywhere, just like my Dark Souls 3!

Congrats on the most autistic post today

>Backs into privacy screen and it crumbles as it should
>Blood spurts from where the sword strikes and not from the other side of the body
That is a very realistic webm, user. Moreso than the nonsense you were pointing to as realism. Because protip: "realism" is fucking worthless, what matters is how believable something is, i.e. internal consistency.

Gothic 3 wasn't designed for it, but it sure made it better. You couldn't just charge enemies at will, you had to position yourself better so you wouldn't get raped from all sides. Most people who played it with the community patch say it's better that way.

Obviously the average joe would have simply thrown in the towel and said the game is too hard.

I swear it looked good before. Look at those stupid sliding steps and slow mo. The animations look like they mo-capped them slow and then sped them up, resulting to just no weight to them.
I thought SeKino and Nioh animations were "eh, fine", but now I see they're really polished.

Attached: 1554661468117.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

God that looks so fucking shit after playing nioh and sekiro. Hope the story/setting/world is good because the combat looks worse than asscreed and bamham.

>That is a very realistic webm, user
I'm sorry but as someone who does real combat sports, I'm not even going to debate this with you.

To put it simply: anime is not real.

so pressing R1 to swing a sword is a QTE? You’re either autistic or a cunt, either way I’m done talking to you

>as someone who does real combat sports
So it's the concussions talking bullshit and not you?

Attached: statwal.png (1030x772, 894K)

>ignoring what he said about internal consistency because it’s actually sensible and doesn’t further your own point
way to go pal

they really fucked up by taking so long to release this game, if they had launched before sekiro did they might have had some shot at making decent sales and receiving positive reception
now almost every single asset of the game as reviews start coming out and people start playing it is going to be compared against sekiro and from what we've seen so far tsukishima looks clunky and slowpaced as hell. the one thing that really matters in those kinds of games is combat and if it ends up being as poor as it comes across in video tsukishima is just going to be remembered as as unpolished, poor-man's sekiro. wonder how the devs are feeling right now, or if they're going to take any pages out of sekiro's book and try to revamp their combat system a bit before launch


Attached: My_Smile.jpg (267x323, 19K)

Holy jank, are Gothic devs responsible for these animations?

>gook third person cover based shooter
It's a shame to see American devs degrade to the point where even with 6-7 years of unhealhty crunch, billions of dollars, and world war one levels of stress casualties and turn over the best they can do is churn out empty open words with time gated content.
Thank the stars for Eurojank and small passionate asian teams constantly looking for alternate methords.

Attached: third person gook em up.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

you know what would be really realistic is if you died of dysentery 10 minutes into the game, or were conscripted into an armor and had to march for 84 hours and then die to an arrow 3 minutes into your first battle

why don't they make good realistic games like desert bus anymore? fuck these unrealistic games

No because you did exactly what the button is designed to do. One button one mechanic. There is no button nor should there be for a complex lengthy kill animation, which at that point becomes like a quicktime event. You should perform the "kill animation" manually for it to be good gameplay.

Skyrim had these as well and I said the game is shit for introducing them, taking control away from the player. You little knuckleheads didn't understand it back then and now you even defend it like it's a good and not dumbed down mechanic. Have fun with your movie games on Stadia.

You unironically need a physics degree to play toribash well

yeah, that makes sense. thought you meant at first the mod implemented it in a haphazard way from the way i read your post initially.
>Obviously the average joe would have simply thrown in the towel and said the game is too hard.
Ain't it a shame that majority of games pander to shitters like that, thank god there's still a few companies like from though that aren't afraid of alienating buyers if it means catering to people who want a bit more of a challenge

so if it was just a single stab mapped to one button in the exact same situation it would be okay

>r1 to slash with sword
>r1 to do deathblow when posture is broken
>not okay because it has a longer animation
nah, this is a stupid and hollow complaint, not to mention desthblows actually have in game usefulness over other kinds of kills once you get skill upgrades, not to mention vault-over which lets you use ninjutsu in combat, of course you don’t know any of this because you haven’t played the game and are just talking nonsense
>calling me young
>saying I like Skyrim
>saying I give a shit about Stadia
just be quiet

>passionate asian teams
>its some generic corean mobile game

Sekiro is bullshido. Don't ever try your moves against a real bad guy.

Attached: tenor.gif (320x240, 3.57M)

wait, are the 9 foot tall headless japanese guys and centipede infested immortal monks bullshit too? I hope this game isn't actually unrealistic!

The absolute state of 2,500 man western studios, can't even keep up with no budget soulless china men.

It's too convenient if you ask me. You get an idol every 20 metres.


>I'm sorry but as someone who does real combat sports
Right up there with the "ackshually thats not how guns work, I should know because I sometimes fire them on the weekends" fags. Nobody gives a shit dude.

In real life if you put your momentum into something you can't stop it midway unless you are above laws of physics. There is nothing wrong with committing to something and failing, for example with a sword swing. But there is no single movement for any complex kill animation, even in real life, so why should it happen with a simple press of a button?

Dumbed down, that's what it is.

this shit looks like ass creed 1 combat
wait for enemt to atack and do counter execution

All of the fighting moves in Sekiro are bullshido. It's inspired by anime fighting. I'm surprised he doesn't run with his arms pointing back.

Attached: 1992 - current year.png (900x1082, 843K)

I'm beginning to suspect the real problem is you don't know what is required to get to that kill animation

You did. Also I'm right about this.

this actualy looks pretty good but i fucking hate darksouls slow and clunky combat

is this better?

Why does a simple sword swing button magically transform into something else? If I swing a sword with a button it should be always that way.

The only thing I gave a shit about is your pretentiousness. Nobody cares that you sniff your own farts on the weekend.

so you complain about QTEs then actually ask for a QTE, and the first half of your post applies to Sekiro, and most other From games where you actually have to commit to an attack. What do you want Mount and Blade combat? Fuck off you stupid autist you make no sense and don’t even clearly convey what your issue with it is

Lmao get a hint of this absolute brainlet in game design.
Sekiro is fast-paced, without Deahtblows people would get tired faster from the nonstop action and not get into NG+5 or shit.
Deathblows allow you to look around, breathe, rethink your strategy, plan your next few moves and adjust your hands on the controller BECAUSE it has long animations.

Man it feels like its been a decade since I last saw that gif. Might well have been, actually. I'm gonna go see if I can't look up the old SW lightsaber edits.

Top kek what is this garbage?

you are quoting a post with a webm of the combat, the fuck do you think

The absolute state of whatever this fucking shit is, dumbass. Jesus christ this bait is horrible.

because it's required for ninjitsus to grab a defeated enemy, and since you don't have access them at the beginning of the game the default is an execution?

Or doesn’t ‘magically transform’ it happens when you break the enemies posture, it is a core part of the combat, how about you do a little research before you spout a bunch of trite nonsense



I wish I was good at this game.

it’s faster paced than souls but parrying is essential, if you liked everything about Souls minus the combat I would definitely give it a shot

that was last gen
why would you want a remaster?

Are you autistic?

I feel unironically bad for Sucker Punch.
They didn't even know Sekiro existed when they started development, and now it's doomed before it comes out.
Except for the "appropriation" side of it I guess, idk what to think about that.

>it’s faster paced
thats all i needed to hear

I never wanted quicktime events of any kind. Actually I would want physics to play a role in combat rather than primitive animations. You should be doing as much of the movement manually as possible.
>game design
It's easier to design games around qucktime events, which is why most developers do them. Plius it helps that gamers are braindead with no standards and cannot appreciate cool ideas like Exanima, Die by the Sword, Blade & Sorcery, or hell even something more primitive like Dark Messiah.
Makes no difference to anything. Dynasty Warriors is even faster than From's animu games, but that doesn't make it better.

how so

It doesn't really feel like Dark Souls, hell it doesn't even really feel like Bloodborne. It's a lot faster paced than both of them, enemies are absolutely relentless and if you let your guard down you'll be backed into a corner really fucking fast. Everyone and everything attacks fast as fuck, your dodge has so few i-frames that it's basically unusable, and you need to master deflections pretty early on if you want to get anywhere in the game.
Deflections are sort of like dark souls parries only instead of it opening the enemy up to a riposte after all it does is negate damage, so when an enemy attacks you with a flurry of hits you have to parry every single one if you want to do it correctly, shit's really intense.
The more you hit an enemy / the more you parry the enemies attacks, the more "off balance" the enemy gets until it does eventually open itself up to a riposte like animation called a deathblow.
tl;dr it's fast, it's fun, and it feels really intense. you'd probably like it if you like that webm. feels like you're an actual master swordsman fighting other master swordsmen

so toribash has better combat than DMC

As someone who doesn't play these kinds of games, I have to say that the game(s) seen in these vids -
looks extremely kino, cinematic, eye-candy, and easy on the eyes. This game is just gorgeous to look at. The developers of this game are true romantics with a passion for cinema and a genuine talent for conjuring an emotional response through visuals and atmospherics.


The character animation in these vids -
is much more pleasing than the other two vids but the cinematics are just terrible and amateurish. There is nothing kino about this game. It might be fun to play but it sure isn't fun to look at. This game looks like it was created by a computer, not by a human with thought and character and emotion. Also, good lord, the camera tracking is just absolutely horrendous. The devs obviously don't want you to notice the lack of background and atmospherics. Pretty, this game is not.

What is with this animation? Looks horrendous

>grab a defeated enemy
The button makes a simple attack, not grab anything. There should be a grappling button separate for those purposes, which you have to manually sequence together to do something like a kill animation.
>Or doesn’t ‘magically transform’ it happens when you break the enemies posture
You are saying my choice of words doesn't please you, but nevertheless admit to it working exactly how I said it would. Ok. So, here's the thing. A kill animation should not come from any one button. Nor should the button/action change drastically depending on situation. Otherwise it goes in the territory of quicktime events and takes gameplay away from the player.

thanks for your input!

>physics based combat in Sekiro
use your brain, this would never work
>everything I don’t like is a QTE
I legitimately think you’re autistic because you are one of the most stupid and stubborn people I’ve ever talked to on this site. Just try and wrap your head around the idea that physics based combat is difficult to pull off well and in many cases is far from the optimal design choice, not using a physics based combat system doesn’t necessarily make you lazy. And seriously stop calling everything you don’t like a QTE it’s incredibly reductive and stupid
>press A button
>jump predetermined height
>fucking QTE fest, I’m out

>There is nothing kino about this game. It might be fun to play but it sure isn't fun to look at.

Attached: 1515105528739.jpg (238x241, 29K)

Attached: 1554317339205.jpg (686x790, 127K)

It's absurd that modern games don't have a dedicated button to breathe, i hate that way abstract away player control

just because the bait is long doesn’t mean it’s good

so your complaint is having multiple actions bound to one key, because from that I'm reading if you rebound deathblow there would be no issue

that looks so bad

Attached: owl ill likes fire.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

he cut off his arm

>a kill animation should not come from any one button
explain what the fuck this is supposed to mean, you are not explaining yourself in any way that is close to coherent
>nor should the button change drastically depending on the situation
it doesn’t, r1 attacks, deathblow is an attack. Seriously drop it because you clearly just want a different game, this isn’t even criticism at this point it’s you imagining something

I bet the game doesn't look like that on release.

>this pic
oozing entitlement.

Did you like Metal Gear Rising? It's kind of like that.

I'm so happy From software went from Demons Souls to now. They have always cared about Gameplay > Graphics. The game in the OP obviously only cares about graphics and cinematic presentation instead of good gameplay.

Attached: 1546254854878.jpg (717x720, 56K)

Journos will eat this shit up, because they won't have to even try.

I thought it was Sekiro for a second, so glad it's not

Wouldn't be a bad mechanic in a running game or in some swimming game when you had to hold your breath by pressing some buttons.
Yes, and you should be able to grapple any time you want. Or do a backstab animation any time you want. But it wouldn't really happen unless the enemy is in a weakened state or caught off guard.

Man imagine actually having thought that this would be better than Sekiro
Literally nothing about this looks better than Sekiro even the setpieces in Sekiro are better

Attached: 1553992250028.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

That’s pretty sick. What game?

Low effort bait.

yup. they did away with the shortcuts for the most part and just put bonfires directly before every boss. the only bosses i can think of where there wasn't a bonfire directly before the boss arena were my name is dude and the first corrupted monk.

>why can't game journos beat sekiro?

I wonder

Dead on arrival in a post Sekiro world

Attached: z.webm (700x394, 2.91M)

Candidate for most underrated post of the year and I'm voting for you

>do a backstab whenever you want
>but only if they are weakend or caught off guard
that’s literally how it works in Sekiro, I feel like I’m having a fucking stroke here

Batman and Ass Creed have really dominated the combat design of western 3rd person action games for a long time now.

>explain what the fuck this is supposed to mean
It's the difference between stabbing a player in Counter-Strike vs a takedown in Far Cry 3. Imagine what a garbage game mechanic it would be in online games if somebody just walked up to a player pressed a button and got a cutscene for a kill. No, it should manually done, aimed at the player, hit at the right time when he's not looking at you, all the while not taking control away from you.
>you are not explaining yourself in any way that is close to coherent
It's not my problem you only play dumbed down modern games.
>Seriously drop it because you clearly just want a different game
OP's game looks better to me than Sekiro. You are on the opposite side of this saying them same thing about OP's game, so why don't you drop it it's clearly not the game for you?

>muh graphics.webm
>game journalists will be defending this unironically

Attached: 1552595898502.png (428x456, 240K)

What game is this? I would love to play this.

Attached: 1537766878691.jpg (1920x1200, 1.02M)

dont mods fuck with the perception of where your sword's range is? i feel like id try and land a hit at tip range and whiff because the model is a bit longer than what kusabimaru actually is

>journalists has static platforms and written instructions
>bird has no instructions and is required to move objects to achieve goal
This webm will never fail to amaze me. It is undeniable proof we have begun devolving as a species.

In my ideal game you would just stab the enemy. It wouldn't be a sequence unless you make it a sequence.

It should be all about player control, you know.

Bravo user, I'm sure the other user will keep responding

Attached: 1542723638058.png (161x164, 42K)

western gaming was a fucking mistake

batmans of arkham

People in the west forgot that looking good in combat should come from being skilled, not pressing a button.

Attached: 1554829122073.webm (720x360, 2.43M)

Never played a single good Jap game in my life.

Whites = Asians.

Attached: b466298257c4093ff2aea8ef97582611a748124653c22501263fb8ec98554464.jpg (720x715, 70K)



by your definition, maybe. Everyone on Yea Forums has their own personal definition for what constitutes a QTE

Kinda. It was serviceable, but nothing incredible.

I'm the user who wrote this and I just found out that the game is Ghost of Tsushima, an exclusive for Playstation. I fucking hate exclusives. I don't care how gorgeous that game looks, I'll never spend another second thinking about it again. Fuck exclusives, fuck Sony, fuck companies who allow exclusives, fuck gamers who spend money on exclusives, and fuck Ghost of Tsushima.

Attached: 1541661102349.jpg (1391x2048, 466K)

Darksiders 2 and to an extent original Darksiders 3.

I wasted 2 divine confettis on this fight before I realized you don't even need it. Only use confetti when you hear the headless theme. it counts for orin though. lol.

Sekiro is actually more visually pleasing art style wise, senpu temple area is beautiful

japan makes games that take place in the US but it's ok when they do it right?



Attached: D3zJIfoW0AU3954.jpg (1473x2048, 198K)

name 1 good game that does this

resident evil
metal gear solid
devil may cry

japan has made hundreds of games featuring white american protagonists so why is it a problem for americans to make a samurai/ninja game?

Note the key difference between Sekiro here and what you see in Ghosts of Tsushima. GoS wants to make things look scenic or cinematic, so it can't risk a player fucking up or looking stupid. GoS has no respect for it's players, it doesn't believe that they can make "kino" moments, for lack of a better term, on their own. Sekiro and mechanically deep games are the exact opposite. Games like Sekiro are more like canvases that let their players make kino from the mechanics, like in this webm.

Those fucking HUGE HEADS

Attached: bushido_blade_2.jpg (1200x800, 66K)

This. Besides items being boring unlike the souls series this is the only bad thing about the game. Sometimes there's a buddha idol 5 meters apart, it's fucking ridiculous. Senpoku temple is the only place that has well paced Buddha statues

westcucks eternally BTFO


>high monk after the sweep
It's the only boss that actually punishes you for doing this. 70% of the time she'll do a delayed slash immediately after the sweep and catch you off guard

underrated post

I unironically love the Batman games formula. I just wanted to say it.


Attached: 1554134933572.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

God I wish combat arts didn't cost emblems.

I am sure a mod will be out for it given time thanks to the game being on PC.

Oh god they're all useless, aren't they?
Except for the ashina one.

Exanima. Game has been in development hell forever. The combat is really that smooth though.

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with it, I think. Not every game has to be super deep and methodical. The issue comes from two key factors, the first and most obvious being it's over-saturation. The punch-counter cinematic-esque combat was cool and new when Bam Ham did it in 2009, but since then it's been ripped off so much it's gotten stale. The other thing is that Bam Ham didn't JUST have the punchy bits. Punching was more of a connecting element, especially in Arkham Asylum. Direct combat bridged the gap between the quiet, tense moments of stealth and often served as punctuation to them. In a way the game was saying, "Congrats, you stealthily took out 3/4ths of the enemy, now it's safe to take the remaining 1/4th in open combat". Arkham Asylum also had puzzles and Scarecrow segments to break up the monotony. The switch to open world gameplay weakened that somewhat, but Bam Ham as a series has always had more than just it's combat. As far as I can tell, Ghosts of Tsushima doesn't have much besides it's simplistic combat, and that's disappointing.

It was Arkham with some decent air stuff
Nothing amazing

High Monk and Shadowwhatever are both fine.
If you care to use Bestowal, Floating Passage is also good.

Ichimonji Double is weirdly OP. I think the timing of it messes with the enemy's rhythm, because so many minibosses and even some bosses can just be stunlocked by it. Other than that a lot of combat arts are just too niche in their application.

Because Americans will fuck it up. Simple as

Attached: 1554654085894.jpg (450x511, 41K)

>Darksiders 2
It was so smooth why did they have to suck ass at everything else (except death)

>no hitstop
>that retarded stagger
>that framerate
>no merihari in animations so everyone just slashes without weight or startup
>idle animation keeps snapping at random
>shoddy cinematic camera
>magnetized and limited movement
>that slow-mo
>the entire thing looks like a UE4 asset flip that some bored guy slapped together for a youtube demo and reddit fame
Good Lord westacucks still cannot even begin to comprehend how to make an action game. On the contrary ever since Arkham series they actually started regressing in their design
They even sacrificed the one relatively alright action franchise of the west, God of War, on the altar of moviegames.

Just embarrassing.

Attached: 1552325543210.jpg (720x720, 64K)

Something with the body proportions in this game feels off and I cant put my finger on it. I know Japs are literal small dicked manlets but still

Attached: 1513637630302.gif (320x213, 1.4M)


Maybe it's the only game that didn't pretend that samurais were taller than 5 foot

It's not different though. It's the same sluggish Bamham AssCreed mess we've seen hundreds of times by now.

Why are people comparing a fantasy game to a historical based game?

Attached: 19.jpg (361x375, 19K)

it's the big heads.

The abnormal heads, they all look like midgets.

westcucks's pathetic "muh realism" cope

this game

Attached: Exanima_thotshot1.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

There's literally nothing wrong with that mechanic , because it's a reward for sneaking into a group of enemies. I give you that it could have some improvements, but it's a good idea on paper.

Legs too short for their long torsos. Also her head is gigantic making her seem like a bobblehead.
Westacucks just cannot make body proportions right.

Attached: LOOK AT WHERE HER KNEES ARE.jpg (1367x1874, 192K)

>historical based game
>strong female samurai

Attached: 15531188988371.jpg (856x642, 47K)

Early access trash aren't games. They're scams.

Attached: based fluffy slav.jpg (930x1232, 876K)

It's not ''abnormal''. adult headsizes remained roughly the same in the past centuries but overall sizes during that time were way smaller than today. Japs werent much taller than midgets during that period.

reminder the original language is fucking english but the enemies speak their native language

it's dumb as fuck they couldn't just man up and make the Japanese original

No. It's a trash idea on paper and when implemented turns the "game" into a mobile tier kusoge where you just click like a retard and see the scripted animations clear the entire room.

It's pathetic.

>wanting mediocre third person shooters skinned into a super hero game remastered
They need full ground up remakes, and with how recent they are just go for another sequel.
I like Sekiro but it should have had a bigger punishment for consecutively blocking attacks, or fucking up parry. You can legit mash L1 even on some of the better boss fights and the timing isn't as punished as previous games. I would be surprised if this game didn't have stamina of some kind to prevent spamming of any kind.

So, in other words, it has no style at all

>women on the battlefield able to trade with a man in sword play
>not with a long bow defending her home while men are away
yeah, really accurate game

who said I bought it?

Attached: Exanima_hshot2.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

You're not supposed to block with a katana

Fuck Ghosts of Toshiba

Post some more Sekino webms pls

Attached: Desktop 2018-12-11 20-46-17.jpg (378x444, 18K)

>Costs 4 emblems to use
>Absolutely shit damage, both for health and posture
>But hey, at least it's flashy as fuck!
Another thing about Sekiro I hate. The skills are 90% flashy movements, 10% actually useful attacks.

>long bow

where do you live where women are literally ogres.

seems like chivalry but from a top down perspective, I prefer the former but it's nice to see something new.

git gud

>parachute pants and retarded gook cloak/hat combo
who the fuck would want to play as this goober?

try it yourself
it's like 7gb in repacks

japanese women were using a longbow called a "yumi", which is not the king of longbow you are thinking of

Fair enough, I am not weeb enough in jap history to make claim against your post.

Are you a retard?Deathblows are literally finishing executions and doesnt affect how you play the game in anyway.For a move to be QTE it should have consecutive events following one after another in the middle of the fight where you dont get any control in return of cinematic experience.Deathblows are just finishers, not QTEs

You can just easily check this up on youtube, there is a lot of archery club in japan that have mostly women, it's a cultural thing, check what a Onna-bugeisha is

as a long-time gamer, redditor and 4chaner I have no problem with this webm

>there is a lot of archery club in japan that have mostly women, it's a cultural thing

fuck me, I completely forgot about the part where anime HS girls attend archery clubs is a common trope.

cursed image

>Sekiro was created by a computer
>when Ghosts of Sushi is literally just stringing together mocap animations

try harder next time

>turning your back to your opponent in a fight ever in any situation
>longass swings
>blows with literally 0 force
actual sword fighting is boring af and ends in less then 10 seconds 70% of the time

That doesn't look cinematic at all. Real cinematic gaming (tm) would have horrible input lag so the character animations could be as smooth as possible.

how come a studio with 10x the budget on their game makes worse animations than From Software, not even an AA developer?

Attached: 1538636368182.jpg (251x242, 14K)

Some shrine maidens and other women at home also wielded Naginata.

Attached: 1553108842251.jpg (797x1200, 201K)

Combat is magnitudes better. The only game that beats it is Gorn

Attached: Exanima_thotshot2.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Yes but they were not on the battlefield, they were expected to train to defend their home, not to go at war with the men

literally just all flash, no substance

For 6 emblems you can deal 3 times more damage by just spamming firecrackers or using flameblast

I know, I agree with you. That's why I said "women at home". desu I just wanted to post a cute pic.

I am not a big fan of either From or Sucker Punch but goddamn they really fucked themselves for releasing Ghost of Oklahoma right after Sekiro.

Putting cinematic synder-slow-down shlock side by side with Sekiro's fast gameplay is just suicide, game journos will probably love this game though.

Thanks for the cute pic user!

you want kino you pay emblem pig

Anyone else got more webms for collection?

Attached: sekino2.webm (800x450, 2.76M)

laid it out for you, you dumb frogposter


Even Caanadacucks don't even know how to stpell

>killing an enemy with a variation of his own move

fucking 100/10

Literally Ryse: Son of Rome, Whoever thought this was going to be anything is the same people who make this shit exist.

I want to cuddle her yumi

Journos will plaudit how "accessible" this shit is. And it's "graphics".

The combat in the BamHam games is also better than most games that copy it, it at least gave you cool toys and moves to fuck around with and look stylish, it also gave enemies a bunch of different weapons that they can pick up and which require different methods to beat. The games that copy it just stick to the core mechanics and do nothing to make it engaging or let you change up your style.

>no merihari
after itsuno and the GG devs at gdc talked about that, and even after playing sekiro, I can really start noticing the meaning of the concept
that slash at 0:15 feels disgusting now

user I understand you. You are talking about video games at a design level using vernacular near the same level. I'm really impressed and wish more anons could do this. I'm disappointed in Yea Forums because not only did they not understand but they also didn't try. Although typical behavior some lurker should've seen your posts and jumped in. I'm sorry you were not given this opportunity because I would've enjoyed reading such a convo. And its retarded how ostracizing these anons have been.

Then you'll love this

Attached: 1554662732547.webm (476x422, 2.13M)

Damnit wrong webm

Attached: 1554670297688.webm (484x216, 309K)

Cooking shit in RDR2.

Attached: 1554338482443.jpg (791x1024, 83K)

thanks, the first one posted is still great too.

>finish Sekiro
>not really interested in NG+
>try this new "Outward" game
>combat sucks
>decide I'll give Witcher 3 another try instead
>combat sucks
>maybe a Sekiro RP build in DS3 will be fun!
>combat sucks
>Sekiro has literally ruined sword combat for me
Fuck you Miyazaki.

Attached: tiresome.jpg (638x640, 89K)

MGR is the closest you can get to emulating Sekiro combat but most anons worth their salt has already played the shit out of it during its hayday.

MGR is really rough around the edges so you would probably just wish you were playing Sekiro again anyways, the Sam DLC is pretty great though.

I already beat it on hard mode.

Attached: tumbling down.png (553x463, 289K)

>finish sekiro
>urge to play tenchu again
>the stealth and cool equipment is still there, but the combat is increbibly stiff
>finish the first 3 games
>urge to replay shinobido
>that amount of stealth kills, secret skills with the hook in combat, the explosives, none of the things that made me play as a cool ninja were in sekiro
>don't want to play sekiro ng+ anymore
it hurts bros

Attached: 1538938849340.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

You do know about Blade and Sorcery?




Attached: awdawd.jpg (240x218, 30K)

>press x to autoaim, auto step to enemy and lock character controls during attack animation so you don't have to press any other buttons anymore
Fucking console trash movies.

Fair enough, beating MGR on hard mode first run was an exhilirating experience and everyday I thank that user who recommended me to do this.

I am going NG+ and play some tenchus after that.

can you explain it?

Watch this guy youtube.com/watch?v=gbNWb-vmlB4 @ 7:55 for a quick summary.

Or this guy
for something more in depth

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wait, are the 9 foot tall headless japanese guys and centipede infested immortal monks bullshit too? I hope this game isn't actually unrealistic!


>huuuuuuuuuuuuuurr, it's QTE despite literally not following any tradition of actual QTEs!
You probably think David Jaffe is solely to blame for them too, don't you retard?

Looks way better than Shitkiro, can't wait!

Thanks a lot user.

>snoy exclusive
>heavily shilled and defended by a horde of drones
Really activates the ol' noggin

Birb is so advanced that it flipped the box on its side to make it easier to reach its goal. You must also note that the ((( journalist ))) took several attempts after realising the solution, whereas Birb took only two attempts.

Poor man's Judgement Cut.

>mechanically deep

it's literally just
>block when they attack
>attack when they're vulnerable
with some useless mechanics here and there that you either are required to use (not mechanically deep) or allow you to cheese enemies (ruing the """""depth""""").

Why no HUD display? Is it meant to be a movie?

Yes. People are comparing apples to oranges. Sekiro is meant to frustrate people while Ghosts is meant to be a casual cinematic experience.

>strong wamen wearing armor and katana
hard pass alright

Attached: 14670703467070.png (686x582, 354K)

>matrix slow-mo
>sparks big as their heads

way to ruin the otherwise great atmosphere

Np senpai.
On a related note you should also check out this concise video about Hitstop youtube.com/watch?v=_jFbgoHyZnM (he also summarizes the advantage of limited animations)
Histop is also important in action game animations but not as essential as merihari. It's is really noticeable in Dark Souls, Sekiro and pretty much every Japanese action game and fighter. Even Korean MMOs utilize it in Vindictus, Blade and Soul and Black Desert Online. In short it's a small visual on-hit-feedback that occurs by frame freezing either you or the enemy when connecting/receiving attacks.

Hitstop is something that western devs also struggle with to this day. Just like easing/merihari some are completely unaware about the existence of it. Mortal Kombat only now implemented it. In its 11th installment.

Attached: 1544881858449.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Because hitstop looks retarded. Why sacrifice visual quality when you can provide feedback in a less jarring way?

It's 2019

Why the fuck can't western devs make good combat systems yet?

Fun fact: I made this 6 years ago, and the only thing I'd change now is replacing God of War with the new one because it managed to be even more dumbed down than the first 5 games.

Attached: western devs.jpg (1286x1018, 285K)

Nugow doesnt. The og trilogy was good


I hate dumb fuck greentexters like you that shitpost driveby and then never explain yourselves

Which game on the western side is more complex? Huh? HUH?

Fucking nothing you faggot.

Attached: ash army.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

name one (1) Japanese FPS/TPS that can rival something like Halo or Rainbow Six: Siege

why tehre are 2 batman games in the first place tho? at least replace with some ass creed or something

>or Rainbow Six: Siege

Oooof. Nuage zoomer pls

Attached: rogue spear.jpg (640x907, 60K)

Because Arkham City adds more combat mechanics over the first game and is still dumbed down garbo

Assy Creed games are a mess who cares - AA and AC are the games that get copied.

I'm not saying west side is complex, I'm saying too of the east side games aren't complex. Bayoneta is pretty light on controls compared to games like DMC or Ninja Gaiden or God Hand. Demon's Souls is attack, heavy attack, roll, block, parry. That's about it.

>all these seething nintenfags and pccels

oh god you guys are so PATHETIC

I can play both Sekiro AND my Kino of Tsushima

also God of War, you know, the Undisputed GAME OF THE YEAR?

Don't worry though I mean you guys have so many games to play like uhhhh Artifact? ummmm what's the game for pedophiles and furries, pokemon or some such? hmmm uhhhh cant think of much else

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The journalist didn't realize the solution until the last 5 seconds of video. His first execution fails because he dashes too low in his descent. I'm not even going to imagine the journo realized this, he simply just tried again.

Bird sees thing bird wants. Bird extends to aquire, it has failed. Bird rationalizes problem solving is needed to get thing. (This is the biggest difference journo spends decade touching obstacle and continues to fail going beyond clinically insane. Cuphead is always in motion at no point does journo show signs of actually thinking/problem solving.) To sum up bird it fails in execution once cuz birb got cocky, or lacked proper depth perception. So when birb realize he still too far he doesn't guess making up the difference he guarantees he gets thing by pushing box all the way up against the wall.

Christ the behaviors of journo suggests he is high as fuck on some amp and he has severe adhd.

I think they're a good contrast and I can't include everything. Hell, I'm even omitting western games that I think have GOOD combat systems, but that's not the point of the image.

>Undisputed GAME OF THE YEAR

Attached: 1550240056105.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

>and the timing isn't as punished as previous games
Nigga you can straight up hold L1 up and you'd be fine.

The same thing happens in DMC5 user.

Man it's so fucking late here, I can't be bothered to think. What is the point of your image?

Western games have shit combat systems aren't you paying attention lol

That looks clunky as hell. Who the fuck thought that using a mouse would be a good idea?

What is the space bounty hunter one?

So were half the remasters lol

Yeah, they are, I don't know why we're fighting in the first place.

The problem with this is that the Arkham games have a heavy emphasis on gameplay and a distinctly weak story. The game gives you the tools to be as lazy or as involved as you like, and in Knight in particular, if you play on the highest difficulty, it expects and requires you to fully understand and utilize everything available to you.

Thanks for the info, that's pretty interesting.

What are some good alternatives for feedback?

You fucking w0t m8? Learn English and geography and dont try again

>Themes make the game not where the game is made
Wait, does that mean that Ghost of Tsushima is a Japanese game?

>The problem with this is that the Arkham games have a heavy emphasis on gameplay and a distinctly weak story.

Are you a fucking retard? The games are nothing but cinematic shit

I even beat AC on New Game+ without upgrades and it was still easy shit. What are you talking about?

Attached: arkham shitty is easy.jpg (1343x718, 286K)

Hitstop is absolutely amazing.

>Why sacrifice visual quality when you can provide feedback in a less jarring way?
It's not "sacrificing" visual quality. It provides an "oomph" for every connected attack. Outright improving the visuals and satisfaction of melee. Did you see that linked video? Death's Gambit suffered because it didn't have hitstop. They later, thankfully, implemented it and it was an outright upgrade.

What are your "less jarring way" suggestions anyway? Like the ones in GoS? The jiggly, exaggerated on-hit staggering animations seen in and are awful. Looks like a WWE slapstick comedy. The feeling of a sword hacking through bodies is completely absent and it just seems like they're beating each other with turd sticks.

Flat hitstop is usually seen in 2D fighters and side scrollers like Hollow Knight.
3D action games such as MGR and Souls game utilize hitstops that also add "shakes" to enemy hitstop frames.

Attached: giant hitstop.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

The "west" is commonly used to refer to North American and European nations, while the "east" is commonly used to refer to Asian nations

I'm still playing through it and I'm unironically afraid of this. I don't think I'll be able to enjoy a lot of games nearly as much as I would have before playing Sekiro.

holy shit these animations look terrible after playing Sekiro

Do you have to wear the gay hat?

Do they have to add these annoying slow motion dodges? It's only going to hurt the pace of the combat.

I'm very aware of this I'm talking about all the gibberish after. Seriously please reread your post and get some sleep.
You are trying to say something about inputs in west vs east games but you misattributed the games and you go into full detail about dark souls input options and only dark souls AFTER you listed said games. The parts are all there but scrambled as all hell

>But there is no single movement for any complex kill animation, even in real life, so why should it happen with a simple press of a button?
Because it's fun to watch a complex kill animation after you've had a difficult fight.

Shut the fuck up. come back after a decade then I will sympathize.

never ever pcuks

Attached: gold.png (327x316, 208K)

Not that user but the first game runs like shit and looks like mud, second game would be natural to also update but its problems are negligible.

That is not a Japanese shooter that is better than any of the games I mentioned.

Resident Evil 4

I've watched five times now and I cannot tell the point of impact nor what actually killed birb; sword or trap. Dont shorthand it explain what hit-stop is how its utilized and exact references of time it occurs

Dude you are so stupid it hurts. You think the designers of Sekiro didn't make the game "kino" through the animations?

It's been a while since I've played Dragon's Dogma, but that circle area isn't a trap: it's just a place for you to lure the gryphon down (as it's a scripted sequence). It doesn't deal any damage to the enemy, from memory.

>no merihari in animations
What's merihari?

But it's cinematic? Didn't you watch the Matrix?

Well then it looks like there is zero impact and the bird is scripted to stand still/hold facing for .5sec and then the death animation begins.

The giant sword swing - Arc of Deliverance killed it. At exactly 0:20 you see gryphon freeze in its animation. One short frame where he stops in motion. That's when the attack connects. That's hitstop.

Here in this Vindictus webm you see the character freeze after every single sword slash and the enemy shake at the same time. That's hitstop.
Without this the attacking would feel floaty. As if you were just phasing the sword through him without any feedback of connection.
Again, watch this video youtube.com/watch?v=_jFbgoHyZnM

Attached: 1446952243606.webm (480x270, 2.83M)

In layman's terms good combat flow balance and pacing. That is a very basic definition because I believe the word means more than that as well and I literally can't think of a way to articulate it.
Its nipponese

It really defines the differences between jap and western games nowadays.
Japs have a fair budget distribution between graphics and gameplay, whereas western devs seem to dump 90% of the budget on graphics alone.

Yeah why would I want to play a game that challenges me when I could just play a movie that looks cool without any input on my end.

The Jap term "merihari" persisted since westacucks simply didn't have an equivalent for it because they're too retarded to know the basics of animation. Pic related. Itsuno's team having a rough time explaining basic concepts to Ninja Theory while rebooting DmC.

Attached: 1534868072158.png (1142x2814, 1.26M)

Is this bait?

The hitbox isn't the best, but the sword, considering it's length, clearly hit the gryphon around it's wing area just as it landed on the ground. Not only that, but your description of the event is wrong too
>and the bird is scripted to stand still/hold facing for .5sec
The entire game freezes for about .5 of a second (indicating a hit) - not just the gryphon. Otherwise it'd look visually unimpactful as there was no feedback on the hit through the player. Not only is there hitstop, but there's visual feedback in the form of blood, screen shake, rocks being brought up from the ground, etc. Not only that, but you can see the player charging up the attack BEFORE the gryphon comes down AND moving around with free camera control (the camera doesn't center on the gryphon).

Adding onto that, this effect isn't unique to just this gryphon. This webm is just passed around a lot as it impressive and looks cool to a ton of anons. And before you go
>hurr durr how was I supposed to know that it wasn't just scripted to do that
You're a pretty big idiot to think that someone performing an attack, there being visual feedback on said attack (in multiple forms) is supposedly a scripted event. Especially when the attack seemingly misses the gryphon: either showing that this was a fucking terrible dev (who seemingly got a ton of other visual feedback right) who got lazy on something as simple as snapping a player object in the right direction. Especially considering how the player has full control before the event in the first place.

>Game doesnt sell. I will have a dirt cheap copy in the bargain bin.
> Game sells a lot. I will have a dirt cheap used copy.

It's a win win for me. Still hope you drone will buy this game in drove. The more it sells, the cheaper second hand copy will get, so I can play this game without giving a cent to snoy.

Even with hitstop that could have been better. The attack animation is on point, but it's missing a reaction from the griffin since he just drops dead.

This is so fucking stiff and boring, cringe slow mo and badly animated holy shit
Look at her (""""her""""") miss her slash but her head perfectly track him

Attached: 1532759647410.jpg (750x673, 77K)

Does it need to be that extreme everytime you connect? Doesn't the rumble function already accent hitstop? this would bug the shit out of me (in second examples case). And rewatching 1st webm I can tell the precise point of impact and where the attack landed because I noticed a red line following the blade. Now that I understand, I really enjoy the way DMC5 only applies extreme hitstop when an enemy is launched or the player is tagged. There are many exceptions to that but they are very intuitive. Other visual confirmation that isn't hitstop but doesn't relay the moment of impact are lines made on the enemy relative to the slash that created them, they disappear pretty quick but it's a nice reminder I suppose.
Can you give me some extreme examples of games like this that do not have hitstop and suffer because of it?


How will they recover from sekiro?

I know for a fact some meaning (if not most) is lost in translation from katakana to English and is very difficult to fully explain by nip and west in native tongue. My fiance is learning katakana and kanji so I've seen some discussions on this word particularly, but more, I have seen many jap words simply dont translate well and share this problem. Language is literally the gap breaker here and I believe it's one of those "oriental" things. Fault lying on Japan because they can't even efficiently explain it to the west. I bet if they tried explaining to a chinaman, he would instantly understand. Oy vey

I'll tell you if you tell me what the demon hunter one is
do you think it could be Metroid?

>hyper realistic graphics
>nintendo 64 animations

Attached: 1554602601624.gif (300x338, 2.17M)

underrated post

I'm pretty sure he just wants to fuck the leaves

what is the second game on the second row next to doom?

Damn, the new SamSho looks like THAT?!

Im not supposed to hear this

>Open it up!
You first.

Attached: 1539152728987.jpg (500x500, 175K)

No it looks muddy as hell but I haven't played the game so I dont know how it feels/handles and the webm gives absolutely 0 context. You are being hyper aggressive and assuming I'm being pretentious about the whole ordeal when I'm genuinely trying to understand. You take it to another level after the line break by projecting words in my mouth and then attacking that as well. And IM fucking amped right now. Calm down please, let's just talk.

vermintide 2

How are
>physics based
>quicktime events
opposites? You can have physics based combat with quicktime events, and non-physics based combat without quicktime events. I honestly don't understand why you are relating the two.

Oh god, it's that autist that claims MonHun has QTEs because mounting is a QTE.
Fuck off with your headcanon definitions of a QTE, you autistic fuck.

I wonder if she ever made an article about entitlement.

>Hitstop is absolutely amazing

Depends on the game, in some MH titles it's part of the cause for some weapons to scale more poorly later in.

He never related anything user. He used those words without context and you spaghetti'd

>PS3 when PS4 has no backwards compatibility
>games copy pasted multiple times throughout the picture because you literally have no games
lmao holy shit

It's bad design because you literally press one button few times during very generous slow motion and enemies can't do anything when you do this.

did you beat the ogre?

Then he constructed his sentence in a retarded way and should take some grammatical lessons.

I've had a pretty shit week, honestly - didn't mean to take it out on you. It doesn't help that Yea Forums has a trend to shitpost points, rather than try to discuss it. It's habit to go on the offensive nowadays.

In reference to >Does it need to be that extreme everytime you connect?
In terms of Dragon's Dogma (the first webm), Arc of Deliverance only has that amount of extreme hitstop because you have to spend 3 or so seconds charging it up. It's a risk/reward, and the hitstop accentuates that. Personally, I think Vinductus' combat feels like shit, and that webm the other user posted showcases it well: it uses hitstop too liberally, and each hit loses it's impact due to it's overuse. DMCV, Dragons' Dogma (both headed by the same person), Bayonetta, Vindictus, Gears of War all use hit-stop really well. It's more of an action game thing, as most other games don't bother with it.

>Can you give me some extreme examples of games like this that do not have hitstop and suffer because of it?
If you remember a lot of the Dark Souls clones that came out a few years ago, one of the main reason they felt terrible to play was the lack of hitstop on certain hits (such as heavy hits). A lot of action rpgs that came from studios who did CRPGs suffer from this issue, alongside melee in first person shooters. Dragon Age: Inquisition, in my opinion, is one of the worst examples of a big game that has floaty combat and terrible animations/game feel. Assassin's Creed also has no hitstop: it has a huge focus on "realism", but the combat feels floaty and pretty shit to play. Skyrim has terrible animations for melee - to the point that people tell you not to play it - which combined with a lack of hitstop, makes each hit feel weighty and unimpactful. Overwach, I think has no hitstop on melee attacks, which makes playing melee characters boring.

If you notice, all of these are from studios who have no experience with melee or action combat.

Oh wow
The game's intended strong point is looking cinematic I guess but with these animations it's just vomit inducing
That's a big fat yikes

Unironically batman games, especially arkham knight.
It's a shame other devs copy pasted it and ruined the combat. But the rocksteady design is fucking perfect for the ip.

The game is more challenging than souls (No co-op, no leveling up etc.), so it makes sense that checkpoints are placed closer to each other. I'm not saying I like the direction they took when designing these placements in Sekiro, they could have just made even more shortcuts compared to souls, but still, it makes sense at least.
If this kind of placement was in Souls, it would have been terrible because invaders would never have a chance to fight hosts properly since idols are placed next to all bosses in this game.

For me Skyrim was the biggest example of 'floaty combat'. I think it's mainly due to the lack of some form of hitstop. I just came from Dragon's Dogma and it just all felt so weightless. Decided to just go for an archer run, since that does feel satisfying if you install the 'realistic physics' mod. Bodies drop semi-realistically from the impact of the arrow, instead of being launched at 100mph

>more 24 fps cinematic movieshit
Bravo Sony

Attached: 1454696267948.png (850x850, 63K)

>feel weighty
I mean floaty, my bad.

In regards to Blizzard too with Overwatch, their experience is from MMOs, RTS games, and Diablo. All of these genres do not tend well to this nice feeling melee combat where each hit needs to feel impactful, and there's a fine balancing act involved. Although, in saying that, MMOs can use animations to make attacks feel really good, a good example of this are both Final Fantasy MMOs. XIV's attacks have REALLY good sound design and animation design (and would be better if not constrained to a limit of 2.5 seconds), while XI's animations feel really good with that squeeze-stretch concept talked of earlier (and there it's super important that each hit feels good to land, even though you're not actively taking part in it, as you have about 1 auto attack every 3 or so seconds).

It's interesting to look at the differences in action combat between East and West, because the East has a much higher focus on making the gameplay feel impactful through your control of it and the animations reflect that. The West has a higher focus on making the animations technically fancy (every animation being mocapped is impressive), alongside general aesthetics, but allows the gameplay to suffer in it's wake. See: God of War vs. Devil May Cry, or the west rendition of Devil May Cry vs Devil May Cry.

and Kung Fu Panda is a chinese movie

It's fun as fuck and there's no chipping away at big tanky enemies. It's one of the only games I've ever played that tries to avert swords just basically clubbing enemies to death after a billion hits - when you stab someone, they're either fucking dead or severely injured.

Metroid and DMC3 respectively.

Why are the animations so snappy and gross in western games

One thing about Fromsofts games is the animation is always really nice and fluid and blends even if it can jank out at times

what gives?

Divinity OS

> Feudal Japan.
> Woman raises a sword to you.
> Beat her in a duel.
> Rather than killing her, as is honourable, instead take her as your sidekick.

You can tell this shit is made by Americans.

Thank God sanity. I was referring to the extreme hitstop. My non understanding is a result of Yea Forums flipping out over this. I apparently knew what it was the whole time I'd never seen the term hitstop. Probably because I've been in FG land lately and hitstop only happens when two attacks "clash" in some fighters.

It's like the chacha dance in doom but it freeze frames (I'm not defining any # of frames to be clear Yea Forums) everything in game. It's almost like a super reversal in a FG. Note I'm trying to appeal to anons of different genres here to help everyone understand. I have no fucking clue why they put it in a crpg as its designed to make that sweet sweet launcher 10x more sexy. You get a sense of "feeling it" because you are! Its feedback response! Small details often elevate the good to great. Anyone can see it, but it's easier to see if you've already played it because you can simulate that "feel" with whatever you are watching!

That woman literally used a bow to cover your ass the entire level. She headshotted the man you were carrying without hitting you. She pulled out her Katana to duel you because you don’t duel people with a fucking bow.

>and there's no chipping away at big tanky enemies
What are ape and demon of hatred?

>what are ape
your mom

Pretty much - hitstop is used to help simulate the feel of hitting something. If used well, it makes games feel much, much better to play. But if used terribly, it can make things feel weak because it's all about your frame of reference. If every hit makes the screen shake with massive amount of hitstun, then a club slamming down into the ground and squashing your character is going to feel about as hefty as you hitting an enemy with a dagger.

Gotcha senpai, see for my initial response. Baka-ass motherfuckers need to ease up on the hostility and actually try quality shitposting which I used just earlier today to soothe one such frenzied user and befriended a 2nd in a whirlwind of me redirecting all hostility into the ground. Quality shitposting is supposed to be fun for everyone. Aforementioned frenzied user was befriended as well because I was able to get him to respond to original befriended user's hypothetical in a reasonable manner by rephrasing his hypothetical.

Looks like a jankier Shenmue.

I'd like to quote frenzied user, he was very well spoken and hard to rattle.

>Black and White talk and absolutes are not conducive to a meaningful narrative between individuals or groups

I damn near cried it was beautiful on Yea Forums of all places

Valdis Story. Best combat in a metroidvania.

Here is a screencap right after thread pruned of me and another user sliding the thread in the most homosexual (bromanceual?) Way ever because it was just people hating at that point. At least.... I was sliding the thread, he just kept responding. Most useful.

Honkers is fucking mobile garbage
tuna is hot though

The pic I intended to post

Attached: Screenshot_20190410-210435_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 528K)

I liked the Sands of Time trilogy.
Dark Messiah
Jedi Knight games
Dying Light had some decent 1st person combat as well.

Attached: Sands of Time.jpg (640x908, 99K)

>Contextual dodge button
>Attack button
>Held Block button
>Contextual dodge button
>Attack button
>Attack button
>Held Block button
>Attack button
>Attack button
>Contextual dodge button

Attached: 1413592601281.gif (400x166, 580K)

This looks so fucking bad holy shit.

>the first corrupted monk
Even though the idol isn't right next to the boss, the road to the monk is still pretty much empty, if you've defeated O'Rin.

>not wanting to do that and say ``owary desu´´

When I was doing that there was a spectral samurai spawning on the bridge.
You know the ones in the castle.

Any of you nerds know what caused that?

Attached: 1532620123989.jpg (800x800, 392K)

Do it right, I ain't memearrowing

Ghost hoodoo juju

demon bell

Oh? Demon bell spawns unique enemies?
I thought the thing was placebo


Literally the only reason anyone is defending this game is because it's a PS4 exclusive. It's sad really.

Attached: 1554597796755.jpg (456x528, 47K)

Possibly, I think some people genuinely like batman combat though. They might have an extra chromosome or something.

This game will get a higher score than sekiro on metacritic and Yea Forums will literally be fuming over this

>playing videogames for realism

Zoomers will hang

Demon bell makes enemies harder. The ghosts spawn the more you're advanced with the main quest. it has nothing to do with the bell.

Console-war low tier, no effort, anime shitposts belong in

still better gameplay than TW3

the same thing can be said with nintendo exclusives, in fact you can also make the mental gymnastics to say that nintendrrones are the only ones shitting on sekiro/ghost of hiroshima because they can't play either games on their console.

but I am just here to shit on westcucks.

Everything this game could possibly attempt to do has already been done better by Sekiro.
All it will do is pander to the same people who want a pretty Japanese game but for whom Sekiro is too hard.

mad snoyboy

FUCK SUCKERPUNCH FOR MAKING THIS SHIT. Luckily sekiro will kill this.

Nah I'm just having fun waiting for thread to prune. You can drink as much as you'd like though, seems you enjoy it alot you baka-ass mofo

The dimensions of the characters and weapons are way off, they look like retarded semi midgets. This game is gonna be trash isn't it?

cringe tier second attempt no anime shitposting can stay though

But seriously


>there are no games where you need to eat, shit or sleep after a period of time has passed
Clearly the industry has their priorities wrong.

If she opens with a sweep she'll do a follow up attack. If she ends a combo with a sweep she won't do follow up. Very easy rule to remember.

Slide initiated.
You anime fags really can't resist with the baka shit can you? It's funny in an almost cute way

is this way, if you were lost.
Did you finish your milk yet user-san?

>Original image was just comparing RPG's
why are weebs so retarded?

Opening sweep here comes the heat
Combo ends low it's time to GO!

Severance motherfucker.

This looks worse than Arkham, at least the combat animations didn't look that retarded.

No UI is Always a plus for me, but this Looks really simple and stilted.

got a nasal exhaling of air from me

Scum would like to have a word with you. Best pissing/shitting/survival on the market (mostmy because he's the only one doing that, it's lackluster otherwise)

Dark Messiah

Attached: 1549812045513.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

why are those canadians fighting?

Ok, frog, you got me this time

This looks horrible

>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Ninja Gaiden 2

Those three games are just too good.

Attached: 1548271168462.gif (320x200, 1.18M)

If anything, it looks pretty stunning and Kino, even if the gameplay part is simple

Poor Canadians. What monster did this?

>all ninja games
Are you okay there user? There are more cool concepts out there than just ninjas


This I only play games that look good, who cares about gameplay in a videogame lol

>I like Sekiro but it should have had a bigger punishment for consecutively blocking attacks, or fucking up parry.
It does after you beat the game once

Add me to the list of people who initially thought this looked incredible, but now looks mediocre. I don't know what happened, but being exposed to DMC5 reminded me that impactful, stylized animations can exist with realistic graphics, and Sekiro made sword clashing an exciting occurrence.

Also the first video in further solidifies that the AAA western devs are fucking lazy, boring and uninspired when it comes to animation, especially on what's supposed to be over-the-top action. They just fucking can't do it right, they just can't.

Attached: merihari.png (701x909, 61K)

Finally a game journalists can finish.

Attached: light.jpg (2000x2000, 292K)

This game looks like absolute shit. I'm not surprised.

Attached: What am i looking at.jpg (1920x1080, 457K)

Why are you comparing a ninja game to a samurai game?

Pick up a fighting game. It's not sword fighting, but good ones scratch the same itch Sekiro does.

Sorry, but all three of these look like ass.
Ghosts: Stiff animations, combat looks off -- guy getting dismember while clearing blocking an attack
Sekiro: retarded tracer lines on swords that fill the entire screen, michael bay fire effects, a rhythm game centered on just jumping and parrying, bad UI pop-ups

inb4 soulsfag: wrong. I have no stake in any of these arguments. Just calling it as I see it

Attached: 1530855000055.jpg (800x805, 68K)

Are you retarded or something?
This is what is being critisized here, this isn't historically accurate

Vermintide 1 & 2
>uh but ders guns
It's a melee game you faggot.

Attached: 1527855924938.jpg (470x470, 46K)

vermintide should have been a singleplayer RPG

The western industry is sorely lacking genuine animators. Most of the skilled artists of old have since long left the industry because the industry is fucking relentless, or they have retired and or died.
Nowadays the west mostly gets by through cheap tricks like motion capture and 3d scanning etc. Then they just link all that together.
But since they lack the expertise of genuine animators, it looks like shit in the end anyway.

Basically. The west has more or less evolved into producing absolutely amazing and unrivalled programmer art. Because that's basically what it is.

You don't parry if you just hold it, you just block.

>the fucking tree leaves
A bit over the top.

I am pretty sure a lot of people are also defending it simply for being western. Add both reasons and we've got the mess we're witnessing here.

What are the endings for Sekiro? I ain't buying this shit if it's just another
>all roads lead to death
meme, like the past five Dark Souls games.

>When you can't make an arguments to shill for so you just throw petty insults

Honestly you need to look outside the Yea Forums bubble if you think GoT isn't going to be a success, especially considering it's probably a PS5 launch title normies and journos will eat it up

I played exanima cause meme so I can guarantee you that physic based combat are absolute dogshit

I drop any game that does that slo-mo crap during combat

its the same reason as action scenes of hollywood movie sucks. all of cinematic action scenes of marvel movies do not give me the same satisfaction that anime gives me. Anime is better than cinema in terms of how to express actions.

You're supposed to combine these with bestowal I think