>EDF Iron Rain about to come out in like an hour (already released in Europe)
>No threads
What class you gonna play?
EDF Iron Rain about to come out in like an hour (already released in Europe)
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Damn, I guess Yea Forums hates video games.
PC version when?
I already played Insect Armageddon
Right when EDF 5 comes out on PC.
This seems more like the MHW of the series for better or worse.
>stable frame rates
I can already tell this won't feel like a real EDF game
>Just bought EDF5
>EDF5 goes on a random sale a week after I bought it for half off
>This just comes out
God damnit.
Hard to say, either trooper but spec it like air raider with turrets and air strikes or the wingdiver slut
Oh don't worry, it has massive frame drops. I'm watching a stream of it right now waiting for the game to release and it goes cinematic pretty fast.
Same, really wish I would have waited for that sale
The game is fun as fuck, but still, it was literally half off and with that I could have picked this up too. Reee.
So is this connected to any of the other games timelines? Wasn’t 5 separate from the other ones?
I definitely got my money’s worth out of 5, but missing that sale pisses me off
Except World still had the same gameplay as older Monster Hunters, just with minor tweaks regarding things like item management. Iron Rain would be like taking a Monster Hunter game and making it all about the small monsters.
>making it all about the small monsters
That doesn't make any sense. It's an EDF game. You shoot small and giant things with regular and crazy weapons and vehicles.
Except now you have to grind out shitty F2P looking gems just to gain the privilege to fucking unlock classes.
I'm not sold on it at all. Have you seen prices for weapons? You need to grind like crazy to get them.
E rank about 2k money
D rank - about 20k money and gems
C rank - about 70k money and way more hens
B rank - fucking 220k money and 3k gems of one color + about 500 of other color.
Haven't seen A rank but its too much.
For stage on hard in the middle of the game you get 40k gold and few hundred gems. If you used items like grenades, healing ones or summoning a vehicle - you get money deduction.
I'll take random weapon drop instead of this shit.
Not to mention overall it seems just wrong (out of battle area shit, active reload, hardly any feedback from shooting enemies, bad stage design) . I'll wait for sale
No, it's a side game by other developer, think of Insect armageddon
None of the EDF games are connected, even the mainline ones. But all mainlines games have the same mechanics, spin off version have a vastly different gameplay mechanics
What? are you retarded? classes are unlocked as you progress, same with weapons.
Wrong, EDF 2 is sequel to first game. EDF 4.1 (2025) is sequel to EDF 3 (2017)
Insect Armageddon is my favorite,if its anything like that im in.
>out of battle
its the same as EDF5 but instead of open map, they restricted inside the map
>active reload
Again this is also in EDF5
whats the best EDF for someone whos never played one but is interested?
So what's so different about Iron Rain? is it gud?
And half the content.
EDF 2017 then EDF 4.1 in that order. Gotta let the shitty charm wash over you then get blown away by the upgrades of 4.1.
More content than Tri, nigger.
Well true but EDF1/4.1/5 has nothing to do with each other
And less content than everything else.
Would you like to know more?
Just skip all the earlier games and start fresh with EDF5.
>new generation has less content than older ones that have had time to develop
They have the complete Starship Trooper outfit from the movies but you unlocked it on later mission
Do they have the newer CGI stuff or just the 1997 movie stuff?
2 and 4 had more in their base versions.
>comparing cheap handheld shit to AAA home consoles
Just from the live action movie iirc from watching gameplay video
>comparing games that can just reuse a larger amount of assets to an almost complete rework
The base version of MH2 was on PS2, dumbass.
Isn't it by the same guys who did insect armageddon? Hard pass then because the gunplay in IA was crap and enemies were even more of a bullet sponge than normal for EDF.
No one gives a shit about MH in here you fags. Post more EDF.
How many stages are in Iron Rain?
Please don't tell me these threads are gonna be infected by MHWfags.
So continuity isn't exactly that high in EDF games. You don't need to know any of the prior games, you could start off with EDF5 and that exactly how the last 4 games are played, except without all the frustrating part
>post something retarded
>someone calls you a retard
>"wow wtf xfags"
Learn to google user and stop spouting bullshit other peoples already knows
The fuck is this no fun looking garbage, I play EDF to scream TO SAVE OUT MOTHER EARTH FROM ANY ALIEN ATTACK as I get flung 40 miles into a walking death mech standing in the center of an army of Ants and giant sword weilding frogs.
stuck on mission 13, I hates the "you need to kill the boss but it will spawn enemies every 3 minutes just make your life a living hell" mission
is it any decent, i'm expecting 20 bugs on screen max
Is there a worse vidya feeling??
More than that, you can easily get swarms if you're not careful.
>is it any decent,
>i'm expecting 20 bugs on screen max
That's what you get.
FUCK when did it go on sale?
I have been holding back for so long
>about to come out in like an hour
About 2 months ago m8, the deluxe version basically was the same price as the normal one now.
In March.
I picked it up during the sale since I had somehow forgotten it even came out in December.
Fucking kill me now
D3 publisher just wrote some people back. They're not even working on the PC version and it's not decided if one will even be made.
For Iron Rain or EDF5?
>no more PC EDF
That would be an absolute tragedy. PC gaming a shit.
There is no active reloads in 5. And yeah, I'll take solid border instead of "mission failed if you don't return to battle zone in 15 sec" retardation
Completely irrelevant.
You're either a pussy for trying to backpedal after being proven wrong or you're a fucking retard for butting into an argument you know nothing about.
Just ditch your meme machine and get a fucking PS4 already and you will never have to worry about whether you'll be getting x game again
EDF5. No one really cares about Iron Rain in the PC groups. But yeah, PC support is "undecided"
It's by other Japanese developer known for wwe games
Why do you lie on the Internet. There are no good sized swarms. They are mediocre and not focused on you.
>"its irrelevant because reason"
why DO you lie on the internet?
>that 1 ant that glitch and wonder off outside the border and you can't kill it
>PC support is "undecided"
That sucks, I don't want to have to go back to a controller and paid online just to play some new EDF.
I watched like 5 hours of various stages yesterday, swarms only seem big cause whole enemy scale is off. There are no proper swarms.
It is. user said games are not connected when they are, when proven wrong user started blabbing some irreveland retarded shit.
Yes, 3 of 5 mainline games are separate not related series, but to treat other games as non existant just cause you said retarded thing is pathetic.
I barely see enemies on the screen, what is this
Westernized EDF game, attempt #2
I don't want to play in buttery smooth 10 FPS even more
>you can literally respawn if you fail in multiplayer, no need to rescue
what is this shit
You have limited respawns. If you run out, you fail the mission. Please learn about the game before posting.
How can you even die if there is barely anything to kill you I wonder
yes, and? it's still shit, there are what, 4-5 tries?
there is literally zero teamplay required anymore. Thanks to class removal and every weapon equippable by anyone.
Enemies are health sponge, you have to waste a lot of time to kill one, while for example robot spiders walking on you can kill off you quickly.
There are still some challenging moments here and there, but they seem come from not being able to stop enemies properly, cause they hardly stagger. So you shoot at enemy until it dies but it doesn't react on damage most of the time
>there is literally zero teamplay required anymore
>for example robot spiders walking on you can kill off you quickly
God you're dumb. You're just complaining to complain. Go away. You can rez your teammates with items instead of just endlessly tapping each other back up like in the other games. Go away, retard. You have 0 idea what you're talking about and making a fool of yourself.
hey, faggot, anyone can watch gameplay now. There are no more unique team roles because any "class" can use any weapon. People in online now just separate and do their own thing
Yeah, you still can reassurect allies, so?
Only good thing I've seen about IR so far is various vehicles, which games PUNISHES you for using, via deduction of money by the end of the stage.
Less fanboying, retard.
Why won't you say something about weapon and item prices and gem required?
I don't need to defend the game. You either like it or you don't. I just hate faggots that come on Yea Forums and spout misinformation.
>made by a japanese dev
Devs aside its suprising how it manages to look way jankier than edf4 and 5 despite having better texture and lighting work, i wonder how large the team for iron rain was
What misinformation?
Nothing I said is untrue. Anyone can go watch any stream from dozens atm and see it for yourself.
For example you unlock C rank weapons on hard, they cost 60k-70k and 1k of one color gems and 500 of another. Or item which costs 1500, 800 and 800 gems
for stage on hard you about 30-40k and just about few hundred of gems. The grind is immence. PvP looks like fucking shit. Enemies hardly stagger. Amount of enemies is way lower, yeah there are still hordes, but you can't reduce those "hordes" quickly enough that's why it feels you are overwhelmed.
Teamplay is dead cause anyone can fullfill any role. Sure in any game you can work as a team, but it's not as depended as it was before.
well they hadly made any action games before aside some shit, mostly known for wwe games which I heard is okay.
Iron rain doesn't look like bad game, but it doesn't look like good one either. I still would prefer it over Insect Armageddon
No EDF 5 PC port?
This is the saddest news I heard all week.
Still not buying a PS though , fuck your exclusivity bs
Not everyone can fill every roll in every mission, you can swap yes, but you cant do everything just like the old ones, you can change your roll every mission.
I'm not going to defend the item costs. I hate grind myself. It wasn't even part of the conversation. What I was pointing out was how you claim there's no reason to rescue people. That's obviously false. You say you watched gameplay videos but that's obviously not the case if you didn't know that simple rule. Play the game for like 5 seconds and you would've know that.
You then go on to claim that enemies can kill you quickly, but teamwork isn't required? With only a limited number of lives, every death is super punishing. Going off on your own is death and you'll cause the entire mission to end. Don't pretend like people didn't fart around in the other games with their giant ass mechs, jet packs, and helicopters. You're delusional. This isn't some tactical shooter. This is a fuck around shoot big monsters game. Being able to equip any weapon changes nothing in that regard. You bring what's best for the mission. That's always been the case. You can't carry everything, so your teammates need to help out.
Again, stop posting until you play the game.
Personally my biggest grievance is that the gunplay looks like a big downgrade from 5, which in my opinion had fantastic feeling weapons combined with the chunk particles that flew off of enemies and the dismemberment.
EDF5 port is happen eventually
fun fact about exclusivity. It's done cause it's way easier and cheaper to make game for one platform. Porting and multiplatform development costs money, and its not even a sure fact it'll pay for itself. That's why you see a lot of niche games just being exclusive for consoles.
that's not true and not a "fun fact" at all.
It's cheaper to develop for PC instead of using consol kit.
Iron Rain's weapons just feel weak and uninteresting so far. There is hardly any feedback when you use them.
EDF sounds a lot like IDF
Well shit I might give it a shot then
EDF5 gore was fucking amazing, I didn't expect it at all. I don't understand why IR seems to get the most important shit wrong.
one is insects killing people, one is people killing insects.
well obviously not every equipment setup will work each time, but with only 2 slots per any character it really killed majority of classes' flavour
>Again, stop posting until you play the game.
I'm sorry, I'm not going to pay full price this time around, I did so for EDF5, but for Iron Rain? Game doesn't seem to worth it.
And no, I can perfectly see what gameplay is via gameplay videos, "you can't criticize anything until you play" is fucking retarded.
> What I was pointing out was how you claim there's no reason to rescue people
I never said there is no reason, I said that there are respawns. Different things entirely.
>You then go on to claim that enemies can kill you quickly, but teamwork isn't required?
not required in a sense that there are no more distinct classes. Of course basic teamplay "shoot at same enemies until they die and help each other) is still a thing, duh. Teamplay complaint was more about lack of unique classes which help each other.
Basically teamplay is less interesting now, even if I exaggerated it a little.
>Working on multiple versions doesn't cost more than working on a single one
Nigger I'm still playing EDF 5
Yeah, cheaper develop for your machine or few similar configurations.
What about few thousands of possible configurations? What about various OS and driver issues?
Having one (two with pro) hardware to work for is way easier.
Only difference is entry price of getting a devkit.
Yeah, gunplay is just off, doesn't help that enemies don't react much on it either.
>releasing both games on console within a year of each other with no PC release date in sight of either
Should have released Iron Rain on PC first so we could have SOMETHING, then later release IR on PS4 and EDF5 on PC around the same time.
I have a good hunch you get EDF5 in summer, so calm your tits
Do they also have the assault rifle at least? I will fucking buy it.
I don't believe in hunches though.
I really like the new kaiju they're showing off, but something feels off about the game. Not quite to the same degree as Insect Armageddon, but enough to be noticeable.
I'll probably play the not-Fencer though.
>fun fact about exclusivity. It's done cause it's way easier and cheaper to make game for one platform. Porting and multiplatform development costs money
fun fact 2:
no small game company is making their own engines, they always had and still have tons of middleware that streamlines development for multiple platforms. in case of unity or UE4 it only takes ticking one box to compile a console port.
Honda, noooooo!
>in case of unity or UE4 it only takes ticking one box to compile a console port
check out this retard
Sure, compiling a binary for PS4 is dead simple, but you also have to fine tune the graphics settings, draw distance, LOD, occlusion, level streaming, memory handling and various other parameters to have it run optimally for the given hardware. Then you have to do test it to make sure it hasn't fucked anything up elsewhere. The same goes for when you compile a project intended for PS4 to PC, you have to do the same shit.
>in case of unity or UE4 it only takes ticking one box to compile a console port.
wow, I hope you are baiting
All of that has been automatic since CryEngine 3. Playtesting certain ports I'll give you, but the cost is surely negligible.
Sure it has baseline tweaks set for each platform type but you usually still need to go and make changes to that and fine tune those changes. It's not a one button solution at all.
People seem to treat developers and publishers as retards.
Do they think if it was such easy solution, devs wouldn't release game on PC? Basically free money after all.
Turns out it's not as easy.
Looks like it's got a lot of "new iteration" jank to it.
I'll wait til their second go using this new engine.
so its sequel to insect armageddon? dropped
I think you are still living in the 90s.
Game engines , libraries and universal drivers have been a standard for more than a decade now.
It's not even the same devs, right?
Okay, then tell me why PC ports of console games are not common place if it's that easy?
Or why they take months or more to port?
Please, I'm excited to hear about your super informed opinion which totally won't involve something like "Sony paying them money to keep game as exclusive".
It is that easy. Easier than developing for consoles. Publishing on consoles has nothing to do with "how easy" it is. Businesses don't work like that.
Sony paying them money to keep game as exclusive.
Just because you don't like the reply doesn't make it not true.
Also , japs can't into PC , their market is different.
Then why they don't port the game? Do tell the reason, totally well infromed individual.
Why PC ports can still be really bad with a lot of bugs and shit? It's easy after all
>Sony paying them money to keep game as exclusive.
Ah yes, they pay literally every game developer to keep games as exclusive, got it.
Even if those games have also Switch ports.
Can you provide at least shred of evidience aside of "Sony is eviiiil!!!!, wooo"?
You can't.
If the patch that fixes the bugs comes out in less than a week then it was shitty developers , not some imaginary difficulty on developing for PC.
What are you talking about , most developers releash on Steam , not on consoles. It's way easier for small teams.
Ah yeah, let's ignore a lot of broken PC ports which took months to get better, or lets ignore that usually PC ports being handled by completely different companies which publishers pay money for their work.
Do you think they pay them money just to put an cross in chekbox?
You are fucking retarded. As expected from PC port beggar, who can't into being idort.
Who is most? Indie trash? Well, what a surprise.
Why we get small teams into this? We talk about regular 3rd party release with some budget, not indie trash.
Maybe PC ports don't fucking worth the hassle at times, it's not that hard of a concept.
It's not too bad actually, been playing since it dropped and it's definitely far better than IA was
There's framerate issues but every EDF on console does
I take examples from the games I have played.
Disgaea 5 was a perfect port.
EDF 4.1 was a good port
Neptunia games were perfect ports
Monster Hunter World was patched fast
Bigger budget means Sony dolarinos
I'm not usually an advocate of the soul soulless meme, but it really is fitting here. Something just feels off. Also the fact that they charge full price for a series that prides itself in it's b-movie / game spirit is rubbing me the wrong way.
I'll keep waiting for the EDF5 PC release
Ah yes, good old
>it doesn't happened to me therefore there are no issues ever possible
Especially funny when you take Disgaea into example, considering how long it was delayed over and over again.
So basically you've been playing games for like few years and think you know it all, as expected from "PC masterrace" retard.
More like EDF games released on Sony cause it's their biggest platform with established fanbase. But hey, keep that retarded train of thought going.
Sony doesn't give a crap about EDF and D3 publisher, especially in west.
Last months PS+ was EDF 4.1 for Japan free, what west got? Shitty indie walking puzzle simulator instead.
EDF has always been a broken shitty mess.
Well they did say it was a more "serious" take on the franchise (one which relishes in being campy).
>No super weapons in Iron Rain similar to rule of god or End of Earth
>no xbone release
too hard to develop for xbox
a lot of nice talk about Iron Rain
I can't really hate Yuke's for overall what they did, because game doesn't seem too bad. but still fuck everything about currencies
its a fun game, if you want to farm currency do it in harder difficulty, you'll get a bonus
Easy=100% reward
Normal=150% reward
Hard=300% reward
Hardest=450% reward
Disaster=600% reward
What about gems? Those seem quite a bit harder to obtain in big amounts.
I mean I get that you can farm and grind to get all weapons and technically it's nice to not rely on random, but honestly it's just a killjoy I'm not ready to pay fullprice for.
After a few days or week peoples probably will come up with a grind guide like EDF4.1 and 5 that makes grinding much more easier
Why undecided? I thought 4.1 did pretty well on steam.
I guess, but I still really put off by this approach.
Amount you earn thru normal gameplay doesn't seem enough to really enjoy new weapons. And it feels like online mode was added just so people had a place to grind for gems.
I don't know man. Theres currently an initiative to send them mass emails to show them we want a PC port. Got the info from 4.1s steam forums
They even port that shitty wing diver shump spin off on steam, the fact haven't port EDF5 mean they have no interest on PC market. Whatever the reason is, its clearly not worth their time.
>the fact haven't port EDF5 mean they have no interest on PC market
I doubt about that, prolly PC port just takes time and stuff. Just wait, 4.1 didn't happen overnight eithre
>new game in a series comes out
>Level of discourse in threads on Yea Forumsimmediately drops to grade school level
See you in a couple days when the new game smell wears off, edf bros
They're not even thinking about working on it at this point man
Did that slipped in some interview? Probably missed that then, a bit weird, I thought 4.1 was well recieved, but again, it was half price and a lot of regional pricing too making it dirt cheap.
Maybe port wasn't worth it in the end. Especially considering that thing where 4.1 could break your saves if you play with randos which they couldn't fix it and just put a huge warning sign instead.
Didn't the PC version sell better than the PS4 version in the states?
>Bikini set is in ultimate edition only
I want it so bad but i couldn't see myself paying 90$ for it.
I think that probably just mean they can't announce it atm.
PC version is undecided, not unannounced. Undecided means they're not making it currently
You forget that it's japanese publisher, that means Engrish.
I wouldn't take this as complete face value.
They never confirm anything via emails anyway. Just your regular "we can't say anything at the moment" speak.
Let a man dreams user, no need to crushed his hopes
"Dear Mr. XXXX
I'm sorry reply late.
I am very thankful for enjoying our produced "EDF4.1"!
Because I am sorry, we are in the development company, please contact the Publisher of support for porting to the PC.
We will continue to make games for fans like you.
Also thank you now.
Since this article we use translation software, please forgive me, but there may be a mistranslation.
Sincerely yours,
D3 Publisher
Cope harder
I have 5, 160 hours in it already. Not everyone who thinks PC version is quite likely to happen is port begging idiot.
4.1 was fun and all but it got stale quick. Enemies were just damage sponges with no real mechanics or character to them, you just shot at the horde until they all dropped dead. Rinse and repeat 100+ times and you've completed the game. 5 didn't look like anything new, added a few enemies but it seems like a mission pack for 4.1. In a vacuum that's fine, but if I've already played one or more in the series, I don't really feel like playing another. IR seemed like it would go more in the smaller scale higher detail direction, but looking at gameplay it seems to be the same game except smaller scale. Still mowing down tonnes of boring ants and generic enemies that you just fire away at until they gib. Hell explosions aren't even all that satisfying since they are lazily made. Seems they also copied most EDF4.1 classes and generally didn't give a fuck about improving the formula at all.
How about enemies that have weakspots, breakable carapace, limbs you can shoot off to cripple them, or really just anything but plain fucking ants? I know there are some enemies like that (e.g. the UFOs) but for 99.99% of the game time you're just shooting away at ants and spiders.
In the end Lost Planet 1 and 2 are still the best bug killing games by a mile.
>4.1 was fun and all but it got stale quick. Enemies were just damage sponges with no real mechanics or character to them, you just shot at the horde until they all dropped dead. Rinse and repeat 100+ times and you've completed the game
spotted a person who just played thru games once on normal and thought he beat the game
What’s the best EDF game on PS Vita?
2017 portable is pretty sweet and best you will get on it, cause 2 is enchanced PS2 port. Tho I wish I had Vita TV cause playing on vita is uncomfortable.
2 is still pretty fun. Both are often on sale, try them
it may happen one day but its not "quite likely to happen" especially after their response to the matter. I'm not insulting you for port begging, but your refusal to accept reality
I just don't think even if they had PC port in work they'd said anything different in that email.
Companies don't announce ports in emails.
I was bored by the time I got halfway through the game, and even more bored by the time I finished it, why do you think replaying the same missions but with much more spongy enemies would change that in any way? Played on hard, by the way, and enemies were already huge damage sponges, even with weapons pushing the allowed limit (not when taken alone, but when you consider there's 500 of them).
Lost Planet is just Monster Hunter with guns
Visually the game looks awesome, 4.1 looks like it was a PS1 game.
Is it fully compatible with the Vita TV?
>We will never see another lost planet game
>no one else will emulate what LP did
I just want a sand-box Lost Planet with more VS', more akrid and the freedom to kill ridiculously large akrid and hordes with equally ridiculous weapons
So how is this compared to 5? i'm still balls deep on that one so it will be a while until i get into Iron Rain.
>ywn never climb onto the back of a gigantic acrid in your mech and look for weak spots
congratulations of missing majority of the game
>never tried weapons
>never had to come up with unique tactic per stage
>never beat demon army
"sponges" literally non issue, way to route yourself as an idiot
go play your AAA trash
says person who never seen PS1 games period and was born after it's release
Too bad LP2 used GFWL, otherwise I'd play it with my bros.
>ps4 exclusive
for fuck's sake
Stick with 5, if you want to play EDF in a different flavor, play IR. Its good but not as good as 5 with some mind boggling decision in gameplay mechanics. Its actually punished you for using items for whatever reasons.
easy to get fix or use gameranger
How is this game compared with 4.1
>EDF version specifically made to pander to westcucls
>Still no disc release outside of japan
Nigger, playing the game over and over again on harder difficulties and grinding isn't going to make it any better if I find the basic gameplay extremely tedious. It's just a grind.
different developer, all changed mechanics, seems to have less content
watch gameplay.
Its a way to cheap out on localization without paying a publisher. Basically they found a loopholes on how to sell their product overseas with paying taxes.
Problem that EDF on normal is basically tutorial stroll. EDF on hard and above - now it's actually challenging game.
Monsters not "just become spongies" they change their movement patterns, become way more aggressive, etc.
One stage which was a stroll in the park on normal can be a death sentence is you do approach it in wrong direction on harder difficulties.
Obviously EDF is not for everyone, but you really a fucking clueless idiot based on your criticism.
Never played EDF but I have this one on the Vita, is it good? I heard these games are grindy as fuck
Man I have no money, rip
>says person who never seen PS1 games period and was born after it's release
Im 30 kid and yes I owned a PS1
4.1 looked like absolute fucking dogshit and had horrible graphics and animations, get the fuck over it and stop getting triggered.
>EDF on hard and above - now it's actually challenging game.
Too bad I played it on hard (and some on very hard) then, huh?
Doesn't stream sometimes give you money back if you buy something just before a sale? Try asking support.
It's okay but lacking in viscera and the hitboxes on enemies for blocking movement are FUCKING MASSIVE and a bunch of other annoying things. It's just not great, I guess.
Ah, so you are same aged faggot.
Poor soul, being this retarded must be hard on you. Go dug that PS1 out and play 3d game on it. I bet it'll look worse.
4.1 is a budget PS3 game, duh, cause it's a fucking port. Not PS1 game. PS2 maybe.
It's pretty fun yet simplistic, but Air Raider there is quite awkward for solo play or on Vita without proper R2/L2 shoulder buttons.
Grind comes in form of needing armor to play harder stages (not mandatory), and getting right weapons via random drops. It's not really that bad.
Well then your taste is shit, duh. You seem literally hate fun, try Insect Armageddon, it may be game for you.
It's the same as any other but since it's a port of 2 it might be a bit barebones and simple compared to others, and yeah you'll need to grind a bit of armor if you want to survive the higher difficulties
if this looks a appealing to upi step right up
No its just poorly made and looks like dogshit. We're done here shitposter.
>can't differentiate between PS1 game and PS3 game visually
>calls me shitposter
sure, user, whatever makes you sleep better at night
>Theres currently an initiative to send them mass emails to show them we want a PC port
Why?Where the sales of 4.1 matching the console ones not enough to convince them of that?
What more do they want?A back alley blowjob and cab-fare too?
we attek on titan now