What kind of deck/crads do you use in this Yugioh game? Or any Yugioh game for that matter?

What kind of deck/crads do you use in this Yugioh game? Or any Yugioh game for that matter?

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>World Championship 2006

I use a sacred phoenix of nepthys rushdown deck in ultimate masters world championship 2006

Shit i didnt look at your picture but assumed it was gx duel academy because of thumbnail jaden and now my post looks autistic

In Worldwide Edition I had fun with an Exodia deck. I always wanted to make a deck focused on killing the cards in the opponent's deck and making them lose by having no cards in their deck. Forget the term for it. But I never wound up getting the cards I needed to build it properly, so I just stuck with my Exodia deck. It was kind of a shame that game only let you have one deck built at a time.

Whatever the current meta deck is
I only play YGOpro

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the default zombie deck is fucking broken compared to the other starting ones

I use a Horus Deck. It felt nice bringing out the giant chicken and beating the ai with it.

Duel Puzzle are whole another level, though. Its some high iq stuff in there.

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Banish decks were always fun to me.
Also in Spirit Caller I made this deck that focused on cards that have LP damaging effects.

Fairy deck in this shits on everyone.
Sanctuary in the Sky + Marshmallon and the AI has no idea what to do. Then just stall until you can summon the super Airknight Parshath (Neo-Parshath was it?) and go for the kill.

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I try to make gemini decks because they usually have pretty cool looking cards, never any good though.

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>this is a thing, now

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>stalling against an incompetent AI
If you haven't won by turn 3 against an AI deck, your deck is too slow


I just run Cyber Stein > Ultimate Dragon and just kill my opponent. I still remember beating Marik via Deckout due to him having shitty cards.

I've beaten 2 our 3 of those gba yugioh games back in the day and I remember always using equipment decks. Mainly that one card that attacks as many times as the number of equips it has.
They banned/limited it in the later games tough.

i use a final countdown deck. you get around 3000 gold per match.

I’m a Yugioh brainlet, what’s a really good deck to use in Duel Academy?

That seem balance, compare to Master Piss era and Zoo Era.

I think the only one I would sometimes beat via deckout without even specifically trying to was Odion.

This era has the healthiest meta in a long while

Only against the level 1 and arguably level 2 AI. The main usefulness of the deck (Call of the Zombie into free Ryu Kokki/Vampire Lord) is honestly just too slow and vulnerable to removal against someone with decent cards. Objectively speaking the spellcaster deck is the best because it has a bunch of decent and generically useful cards in it.

Yeah. Still, I miss her. FREE FIREWALL.

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I used a Zombie mill deck (which I also used in real life) all throughout the game.
It's completely satisfying after playing so many decks focused on draining life points to focus on a new objective that's still totally viable.

>no peeking

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