PS5 set for wireless PSVR headset with powerful next-gen graphics

>Full backwards compat
>INSANE specs
>PS+ Premium seems INSANELY good for value
Dudes... PS5 is already sounding like a fucking beast!!! can't wait for next gen!!

Attached: 0x2nxnD.png (922x774, 983K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>can't wait for next gen!!
That's great user!
Please buy them day 1 to support Sony and the developers! Buy 2-3 if possible! Then buy the mid-gen upgrade again!

>Streamline Wireless VR
>Huge push for studio Japan for more Astrobot goodness
>Become THE VR system getting people to realize the VR meme
PS5 sounds too good to be true, hope it's less that 500$

>buttery smooth 30fps

couldn't even deliver good games this gen, why trust them with another where games are gonna be even more expensive

I genuinely can't tell if these kinds of posts are sarcasm or not anymore.

Bloodborne is better than every jewtendo game ever made.


That's nice but where are the game

>full backwards compat

Enjoy having to buy all your games digitally again because Sony won't be assed to put in proper support reading old discs. Also enjoy your massive emulation input lag.

>Full backwards compat
don't lie to me

Even if that were true, what does that have to do with what I said?

>console vr

Attached: 91F624A4-6FCA-4B2B-94BC-EAFDE6FB8D49.jpg (550x268, 31K)

>B-but next gen Nintendo will have a new Mario kart game!

I'm actually excited for Iron Man VR. The guy who did MGS4 is handling the game play, story, and level design. The game will be unadulterated ludo, and there simply won't be anything like it.

>be a video game image board
>talk about video game system
>positively, unironically
fuck, I've been here too long and wait for the "OH NO NO NO, LOOK AT THAT DUDE" post

Doesn't matter how much of an upgrade the PS5 is there will be no games for a good while and I'll bet Sony will drop the ball with backwards compatibility.

Current gen is going to be the last gen. They might release another one but with everyone being able to stream games with nothing but a Chromecast and a controller I'm pretty sure they'll be defunct quickly.

>there will be no games for a good while

Attached: PS4Games.jpg (1304x2680, 3.37M)

>The guy who did MGS4 is handling the game play, story, and level design.

Name a single PCVR game with a 90 on metacritic.

Premarketing hype, OP. I guarantee you half that shit will fall away come actual launchtime. My money's on the backwards compat being cut and the specs being dialed down.

There's nothing to talk about.

Streaming games is and will forever be a meme. Even normalfags can spot input lag.

anything is better than jewtendo, but all games are coming to PC and performs better too.



Attached: YYZ Drum Solo.webm (1122x648, 572K)

Yeah this, the PS4 wasted half of its lifetime with like 1 game, same with the PS3, if I have learned anything is to wait before buying Sony consoles.

>but all games are coming to PC

I've still yet to play on an HDTV or gaming monitor with comparable input response to a CRT. Some come close, but when you compare side by side, which I have done at length, the instantaneous feel of a traditional tube television is so much more satisfying and nostalgic that I can't help but lament the direction things went in.

I like how we always talk about Nintendo in Sony threads.

>Full back compat but you have to rebuy them like ps2 on ps4, even if you bought them digitally in the past
Sony would jew it all right.

Good gaming monitors are pretty close, but I think HDTV have become worse with time in that aspect.

That applies to all consoles you tard


Not the PS2.

>VR focus

oh nonononono

>metacritic scores
yep, it's a consolefag


Attached: 1551046966372.png (1920x1080, 1.1M)

Its the opposite for the Switch atleast, first year cool games
next 3 years nothign but ports

oh boy, can't wait for that silky smooth 24fps

The 360 and Xbone blew all of their load in the first few years, so if anything it's the opposite of Sony consoles. And the Switch had a lot of killer games in the first year (BotW, Odyssey, Arms, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2).

So it's pretty much just the PS3 and PS4.


>Full backwards compatibility
>Stronger hardware than Stadia
>The best VR experience
How are they doing it Yea Forumsros???

Predicting the reveal now:
>"Its for the low low price of $800!"
>*audience is dead silent*

PS5 is going to fail so hard, its not even funny at this point.

Gran Turismo needs to make a comeback in a big bad way. How could Snoy let their premier racer fall down the pipeline like this?


Attached: mCXCZpY.png (887x517, 451K)

>A low price of $800!
>Online only!
>Mandatory VR set!

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>quality games
oh no, it's a pcfag

>no Japanese exclusives because Sony is now an American onions company and they censor good stuff
>even less cinematic exclusives (aka the western ones) than this gen
I don't see this console interesting me any time soon.

The amount of Sony shilling on this site is embarrassing, we need to do something about these, resetera, reddit, and discord trannies shitting up this site.

Games when?

Sony is reddit and ResetEra repellent, lad.

Let them do their shilling and complain about how every other fanboy except them is shitting up the site, if you don't reply to them they will get tired.

>Sony is resetera repellent

Why would someone just go on the internet and tell lies? Resetera is nugaf aka sonygaf aka sony stronghold #1.

Good joke



Sony keeps getting lucky with their garbage marketing gimmicks I swear to God
>Ps1 sold truckloads because CD ROM was hip and cool
>Ps2 sold truckloads because DVDs were hip and cool
>Ps4 literally got free marketing by virtue of how hard their competitors fucked everything up

Notice that the Ps3 is the system that had to play catch-up and it's because Sony got too confident in their former success and blu-ray was a weak gimmick to sell compared to earlier novelties. Ps5 might be the same.

Remove Crash, Neir, Dragon Quest, and HellBlade, Xbox and Switch has those.

with a 600$ price tag

Attached: NintendoGAF.jpg (1468x1269, 407K)

VR and 4k are such memes. Who the fuck is pushing this shit?

I can't wait, Microsoft will kill them with the one-two combo of Lockhart $300-$400 and Anaconda $500 while Nintendo hits them with the one-two punch with the handheld-only Switch and Switch Pro.

The console industry is a purgatory where companies live their lives forever in a cycle of success -> failure -> success -> failure for eternity. They never learn from their old mistakes, and they never learn to try to stay humble while they are winning.


I laughed

Are we pretending that Microsoft didn't already BTFO Sony?

Attached: Xgod.jpg (3000x3000, 1.7M)



Sony's VR is going to fall on its face next gen, Sony has nothing that can push the PS5 and if the BC isn't perfect they're fucked.

Also most of them are out

if Sony actually cares from the start this time they could definitely do something decent (as opposed to using the whole exercise to flip old unsold PS3 waggle peripherals). it's definitely a tragedy that the console shitters crept in so immediately, with facebook and PSVR.

Attached: boneworkscrowbarclimb.webm (620x310, 1.79M)

Ill wait for the mid gen upgrade. Till than ill chill with my pc

>post yfw bloodborne remastered becomes the only game worth playing on the ps5

Attached: tenor (9).gif (220x196, 850K)

There's that word again.

Can't wait for another quality FromSoft remaster!

Attached: Dark Souls Remastered Comparison.jpg (1437x770, 97K)

Yes bizzaro user

That too

Microsoft needs to lay off the AAA outside Halo, and focus of AA. Backwards compatibility already gives them an edge.

>have to comply to sony's list of no-no's to put your game on their console even though rating systems already exist in every region

I could see Microsoft doing pretty well next gen. They've just bought a bunch of new studios and Phil Spencer seems to be infinitely better than the last guy.

It's the best game of this gen by a long shot so yeah

True of every platform.

Wish i still had the screencap of an user saying his uncle worked for sony and would be pushing VR hard around 2019 to the ps5, that was like 3 years ago

I believe that's the plan, they bought some smaller studios just for that.

Sony is literally pandering to them.

I think he was right. Didn't think I would ever believe my uncle work for this company post.

Not when Hollow Knight exists.

That's Neogaf and the fact that people were excited for the announcement of the Switch doesn't prove that they don't like Sony, holy shit, your mind just works in black and white, I guess you think that to like Sony you have to hate Nintendo, that's what you faggots do all day in here anyway.

Smash was censored for Cuckera. Never forget that.

>Still no games


Bloodborne is an 8.5/10. I know it's the only game the ps4 has but that doesn't make it that good. Sony tards are fucking pathetic.

They have a tendency to hate everybody.

PSVR for PS5 will be Sony's Kinect. Screencap this

Attached: 25626757.png (352x116, 64K)

I still can't believe that forum has a voice in the industry, it was formed like a year ago and only by the most toxic SJWs on the internet, and developers fucking listen to them!?

I forgot, were they the ones that had god rays on the girls legs and removed the feather from one of the animation frames?

>Vampire the Masquarade: Bloodlines
>Far Cry
>Every emulated Nintendo Game since Dolphin has VR support
Your move console kid.

Everything in Bloodborne is good except for the gameplay, which proves that PS4 has no good games



Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid.jpg (5760x3240, 1.3M)

Stay seething nincel

I think he's talking about the western guy who did MGS4.

>It's the best game of the ps4
Fixed that for you.

It's better than any game on Soitch and skeleton console.

Wasn't that the move? Remember the move? WHAT A HIT

>the best game of the ps4
You called?

Attached: GoW Combat Trial.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

>Vampire the Masquarade: Bloodlines VR
Wait what

>Flashy shit with no substance
Miss me with that gay shit It still looks pretty nice tho

Man doing this shit before getting the blades was a huge pain in the ass.

>Flashy shit with no substance
No one mentioned Nier: Automata, user.

That's end game content.


Attached: 1447577821649.jpg (1020x716, 142K)

May be thinking of a different trial.

It didn't tank the main console's sales though
Kinect was the reason 360 died faster AND Xbone launched so poorly


This was funny when I was younger and it was about the PS3. Are you underaged?

okay wait, vr right now requires an insane setup involving multiple cameras and wires up the ass to make it work the best, and it hasn't been around for that long, yet they claim that they can deliver a similar experience with no wires already, I have doubts

Fair enough
>Sony Files Patents For VR eSports Live Viewing
>get to watch gooks play SFV in silky smooth 24 FPS

It's definitely possible. There's still going to be a camera though.

You wish deflect flag.

Attached: BASEDSNOY.png (1052x1672, 794K)

Why would I be seething? I own a ps4 you dumb Sony cucks. Stay delusional, mad and the worst fanbase on Yea Forums.

Rumor is that the camera is built directly in PS5. Hey, remember when everyone said Kinect was a spy device and hated it when it was mandatory?

I'm curious to see what the fuck is gonna happen with the next Xbox now that they don't have Kinect crippling them.

And here’s the proof.

Attached: image.jpg (3264x2448, 1.15M)

Found the coping PClard.

Attached: Ludwig.webm (1280x720, 3M)


Attached: 1398469523698.jpg (350x335, 27K)

Say any game on Soitch better than Bloodborne. Just one.

It's gonna win.


Attached: mad.gif (290x218, 1.03M)

>INSANE specs
>Can't be more powerful than the most powerful pc part
>And you get new one every six months
Whatever you say, kiddo.

Why does it seem like the remaster has no proper shaders

Mario Odyssey.

The specs are weaker than the new xbox aren't they? plus it has a CPU that's only 3.2GHz while the xbox's is 4.0GHz. Might switch to xbox next gen unless Sony recognizes they're the weaker system this time and focuses on framerate this time, but that'll never happen so I'm sorta worried but let's see what happens

>Ape Escape
>Wild ARMs
>Ratchet and Clank
>Demon's Souls Complete
>Parappa the Rapper
>Jak and Daxter
>Twisted Metal
I want these.

>Full backwards compat
>By streaming only

We got a living manchild here folks

Not going to happen. Sony announced they are only going to focus on big budget games from here on.
>Plays videogames
>Calls other people manchildren

>it doesn't count because it destroys my anus
every time

>Full backwards compat
You lost me there. At least make an attempt to be a little believable

Lol, @sonyfags


Attached: soyvr.jpg (253x352, 11K)

wouldn't have noticeable "input delay", I don't know what else to call it since it's wireless, like using a wired controller vs a wireless controller

Honestly if the specs are weaker than the next Xbox then there's no fucking salvation for this console.

Microsoft has a lot of studios now, they don't have Kinect anymore, they have amazing backwards compatibility with 4K and shit, the Game Pass, it just sounds like a way better deal.

Sorry but Odyssey is literally babby's first game. Piss easy and piss short.

Bloodborne is made for high IQ ludologists.

Attached: 1492773540929.jpg (3000x2300, 736K)

If by chance it's sold separately from the console Sony should burn itself to the ground


Keep hoping, Xcuck. If there's one thing they've been consistent about, it's pricing. PS5 will be $399 and there'll be 12 different Nu-Cuckbox SKUs with half being $499.

I can't believe that during the whole lifespan of the PS4, the only game Sony friends bragged about was, is, and will be Bloodborne.
>it's just that good!
Well I finished it and I don't see what's the big deal.

Yet it's harder than Bloodborne
Then why do only shitskins play it?

Bundling it with the console would be suicide. VR has a lot of potential for growth, but it's not console-tier mainstream and it never will be. Shit makes people sick.

Take your /r/XboxOne fanfic back where it belongs, zoomer.


Go to sleep nincel. You've done enough shilling the bing bing wahoo shit.

God of War is the best game on PS4.

Attached: GoW Chaos Blades.webm (620x348, 2.87M)


Back to bed.

Attached: it's failed doctor asher madan!.jpg (400x400, 43K)

MS has been failing all gen. Spencer is all hype and nothing more. They are being made irrelevant third-place runners. They had their shot with 360 and blew it.

I gotta buy another fucking headset? Yeah, no.


>Sony fanboys exist
b-but why... If your life is hating Nintendo, you could also play on PC or Xbox...

Attached: VR Noir.webm (622x350, 2.97M)

Attached: thefuture2.gif (349x248, 1.67M)

It's the best game of this gen. I have all consoles and nothing comes close to BB.

Is Sony going to keep doubling down on censorship for the next gen?

>2014 specs

God I hate console fags. Stop buying this fucking shit already you anti-consumerist little fucks. Aren't you mouth breathers tired of spinning constantly at the wheel of planned obsolescence?

I swear you donkey faced idiots are legitimately the biggest victim market possibly in the history of humanity. Name a more sheeps wool over the eye retard then that of the consolefag.

GoW is really good. Much better than anyone thought. However it can't eclipse BB. The level design and bosses of BB puts it way above GoW.

Guys! Sounds like a SUPERCHARGED PC!!!! Whooooaaaaa...

Attached: Supercharged PC.webm (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Consoles are the thinking man's choice.

Attached: PS4-Games.jpg (1304x2468, 3.1M)

sorry if I didn't word this right, I'd actually like to know if wireless vr would have a delay of some kind, like if you are trying to peak around a corner and the in-game camera reacts a few seconds after you made the actual motion

salty cuck

It would be an imperceptible difference.

>chasing the VR meme.
Looks like Sony is going to have it's own version of the Kinect Debacle

Attached: 1554740439567.png (465x822, 639K)


I'm expecting another $599 console from Sony.

>Implying they'll repeat the mistakes they made with the PS3

Based as shit

Unfortunately I don't think even Sony is arrogant enough to try bundling it and sell a $400 console with a $200 add-on for a $600 total. It'll still be a net negative as they divert too many resources to it, but it won't be a total disaster like Kinect was with XB1.

I'd love to be proven wrong though.


Attached: gv.png (607x172, 23K)

Good thing none of these are AAA.

Keep dreaming nincel.

>Switch version ends up being the most faithful despite being 30fps

>lol they hab bad grafix
And yet consoletards play on 10 year old PC hardware

snoycels stay seeeething

Attached: 1553549017485.png (2430x1931, 659K)

Reddit loves sony you shit eating mong.

Attached: 1554812009751.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)

Most of those games did not come out within the first couple years of the PS4's lifetime nice lack of reading comprehension retard

>That pic
Every time. How is it infinitely funnier than whatever punchline is hidden under it?

Attached: turbo laughter.png (327x316, 221K)

>He thinks PS5 will be $500 & come with VR


This time.

There's just no fucking way its going to be possible to sell this thing at even close to the rumored specs without Sony either selling it at a massive loss, charging $600+, or both. Its just not possible.

So they'll either reveal something that's far weaker than what people are expecting or it'll be another PS3 and lose billions of dollars.

>>PS+ Premium seems INSANELY good for value

Jesus fuck, how desperate were you when you made this list? FF7 RE, Death Stranding, Days Gone, fucking Detroit, indie padding all over the place, multiplats, the list goes on.

Attached: 1554526453340.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

You say this like they didn't lose $4 billion on the PS3.

Looks like it's up to Spider-Man to save this thread.

I don't care if that shit's wireless, just make it so the bitches in skyrim vr don't back away from me when I get too close to them

Attached: 1501145866636.jpg (500x565, 16K)

>implying anyone should buy a censored console for VR
you MUST be retarded right? not to mention no crossplay/crossplatform

you are functionally retarded if you buy playstation VR


>accusing anyone of being from reddit

Pretty cool, but I'm holding out for PS9

Attached: hqdefault (2).jpg (480x360, 19K)

not an argument

That's average for modern PC VR

And still more fps than the switch
And still more resolution than a pc
And still more games than xbox

Reddit hates Sony.

One of my biggest issues with my vive, even more than the resolution, is simply that it's a hassle.
VR is just a hassle.
For me personally, VR would be way better if it was really easy to slip in and out of it at a moments notice and to be able to wear it comfortably for extended periods of time, not to mention all the fucking cables.

I didn't say anything about Sony though, zoomer. :o)

>still more resolution than a pc
Fuck it. Rape him.

Attached: xz.png (666x656, 113K)

>not true
>not true
>still bullying xbox despite xbox being crippled by microsofts missmanagement over the years. as if beating it at anything is an accomplishment
I hope im not responding to bait. only so many (you)s can be given out

>day 1 edition with sub 100 serial number to collect
>second console to use
>third console to pirate
>fourth console to giveaway on /r/ps5
>fifth console it’s the updated model
>over 5more consoles as exclusive models to collect
Try to keep up poorfag

Remove No Man's Sky, HellBlade, Nier, World of Final Fantasy, and both Dragon Quest games, all of those are on Xbox and Switch.

>>PS+ Premium

>Light rays everywhere
LMAO What's the fucking point? VR is 90% about porn.

>multiplat, first week emulable, can be played pirated 1week before launch
>rehash game
>floped ip dropped on the first year by the developers
>wiiu port with paid online
>weeb trash game running on 360p and sub20fps

>killer games

>600/100$ it’s to much for a console #boycot #omg
>drops 1200$ on a vga that it’s going to be useless 1 year after

You know they will.


20th anniversary... Still no Wild ARMs in sight. My

>vr port wireless

>harder than BB
You are a serious fucking retard


an RX 580 is 10 year old hardware?

Ps plus 45$ a year
Ps plus premium 90$ a year


Attached: 12-14.webm (640x360, 1.3M)

but why

>drops 1200$ on a vga

A waht? I don't have a gaming pc you fucking moron.

>buying new game for 60$

>getting all new games for 90$ a year


all games? including 3rd party? sounds too good to be true desu

>play seiko on 4K and 60fps on pc

>play bloodborne on upscaled 4K and sub20fps
That’s hard af I just can’t beat the plaza the game it’s to slow even on my overclocked watercoled ps4 pro with 4tb ssd

wireless vr is already a thing. It's a little bit bulky, but it works. Same with inside out tracking.

> 1st boss in the game (if you didn't do cleric beast first)
OK retard. And how is odyssey harder exactly? I played it when I first got my switch and it was easy as hell, just find the pattern and do the same shit over and over

>30 FPS is ba-

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at 1.37.23 AM.png (1958x294, 94K)

No, they don't.

wires aren't really a big deal unless you're a bumbling retard. You're not dancing all over the room and spinning in circles like in the movies. You pretty much stand in one spot and turn side to side every few minutes. If not just sitting down.


You're trying too hard friend. Here's your (you)
Don't bother replying I'm not going to respond

Maybe No third party’s
Just look at origins pass
All ea games with season pass and best seller games for 90$ a year
That’s where the industry it’s goin to a subscription base platform

More award winning exclusives than any other gaming platform!

At no point did I say Odyssey was hard (it's not), but neither is Bloodborne. Gascoigne is also considered one of the hardest bosses in the base game.

You literally can't fail at Toddler Odyssey ever.

If he says it's the best, it must be the best. Companies wouldn't just go out and lie like that. That's not something they'd do.

But it’s true I can’t stand bloodborne it’s beautiful but it’s to slow the framerate it’s umpla hence it’s harder to play than seiko

I want to buy a Quest. After fucking about with PCVR the convenience would be godly.

I was thinking of buying a Go for like VR180 and Youtube and shit, but there's no point with the quest on the horizon.

It pisses me off that the YouTube VR steam app is fucking broken.

Attached: 1554733120454.jpg (950x950, 445K)

I can see this working if the games are good and there's enough of them
ea pass kinda sucks because EA's new games suck compared to the old ones

Yes, they do. Sony is söy repellent in its purest form. Pumping out high testosterone games like God of War.

The fuck are you replying for then nigger? because you can cheese the boss means it's not hard? Stop posting retard

Sonyfags run reddit.

Can someone explain to me why console "players" put up with 30 FPS?

Attached: Why FPS is important.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Quest is gonna be outdated and overpriced in a year, just wait for Valve's tetherless VR that's actually powerful and comes with Knuckles.

>next gen graphics

Attached: 1507741933125.gif (267x180, 389K)

>Using intended game mechanics is cheesing
>Unironically thinking BB is hard
Think it's for you to stop posting.


They're eating their own kind now. Amazing.

90% of people who play games on them don't know any better or just don't give a shit, and it's not like some PC players put up with 15fps because their build is garbage right?

You say that like Sony exclusives don't consistently have the best graphics around.

Attached: Ghosts of Tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>just wait for Valve's tetherless VR that's actually powerful and comes with Knuckles.
Yeah, but that isn't gonna be convenient for watching motherfucking videos.

In any case, I grew up with handhelds, so I do not, nor have I ever, given the slightest damn about power and graphics.

this looks like shit
the models don't even touch the ground properly

That's not exactly an argument. Are you gonna keep defending the new CEO like a cuck or admit Sony is making stupid business choices?

literally everything more than 5 feet away is a giant blur

God of War and BB are high testo. Also I'd include GT Sport since sexy cars are boner fuel.

Their estrogen games are Horizon and UC4. No energy or punch whatsoever.

>hehe I over leveled my character's health and strength and beat everything ez
>"what bro? It's in the game!"
Also yeah I gotta get some sleep goodnight xoxo good luck with your retardation


Everyone is making dumb business choices right now. However Sony is still in the best position for next gen.

Snoy is cuckera

>Sony is söy repellent in its purest form
Imagine actually thinking this is true after the lesbian kiss in the TLOU2 sneak peak at E3.

what? Is this bait?

But why was Smash censored due to cuckera outcry?

Dark Souls Remastered

I'm not overlevelled in the slightest there. Keep seething that you got filtered by Papa G, though.

Lesbians are hot though.

Trust me dude, after you're done watching porn you might wanna play some games, and Quest isn't going to be a very good platform to do that if it's closed entirely on Oculus' platform, even with exclusives.

Attached: qx.jpg (1024x568, 64K)

They have to be experimenting with the idea of easy detachable upgrade parts for PS5 right?

Why does none of Sony's games look fun? Even Ninja Theory's next game is said to be a return to traditional fun gameplay over what HellBlade was.

I'm going to go drink, later fags

>Soitchfag latching to past-gen ports to defend the bing bing tablet
A common tale as of late

There's a reason the new GOW is colloquially known as God of Söy.

Sony's games are the epitome of fun. They put gameplay first on top of state of the art graphics.

Attached: Uncharted 4 China Lake.webm (640x360, 2.93M)


But this doesn't look fun at all, plus all of their games look the same.

Yea ForumstendoGAF is not a metric for anything, toddler.

Attached: 1516609194132.png (1330x1607, 65K)

I have a vive dude, I know what proper PCVR is like. 6dof is more important than graphics, and I'm confident that Quest can provide that.

I don't like facebook though, but they are funding lots of games, so until Nintendo releases their own headset, it's my best choice.

Attached: 1553787539779.jpg (1000x1000, 85K)

I would cum on her face definitely.

Bing bong wahoo? Is this what you're looking for?

Hey. Honest question. If you think this place has a Nintendo bias, how about complaining to the mods about it, or just fuck off?


Attached: nt.png (1366x768, 1.07M)

They gave up on the Vita remarkably fast, but VR is the hill they'll happily die on?

Attached: Cbkermit2.gif (615x385, 3.54M)

>so until Nintendo releases their own headset,
Someone tell him.

Attached: 1000489_00_FBLOL30.jpg (900x900, 596K)

Thanks for reminding me about Deep Down and the disappointing realization that it's never coming out. Fucking Faggot.

I didn't say anything about Nintendo, though.

You retards really do have no standards. I'm fucking disgusted.

Attached: CZYCRh0UAAAvxbj.jpg (480x480, 31K)

I expect nintendo to release their own 6dof standalone headset at some point, this shit is just the beginning.

Nintendo will dominate Portable VR
Sony will dominate Console VR
Valve will dominate PC VR
Oculus will die.

Imagine how fucking beast high end PC will be in next gen.

If you don't like the way games are discussed here, you are more than welcome to you join your snoy circle jerking friends on resetera.

But it's actually good. Name another 400+ hour VR game?

Jesus christ man

>"The PS5 will launch with a lackluster library and fuck up on Backwards Compatability"
Yes all those PS4 games that won't be playable on your overpriced PS5 because they'll refuse to do Backwards Compatability so they can sell you remasters of their first party shit. Learn to read.

Attached: 1553158729973.jpg (540x443, 54K)

The vast majority of Sony console owners have never purchased a Sony game.

You have no idea how lonely I am

But I like it here since unlike Cuckera you can also make fun of tendies

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Wipeout Omega

PCVR has better tracking, better resolution, better performance and better potential for games that don't have to set their graphics down on more intensive games.
PCVR can grow from various places and various companies while PSVR is at the whim of Sony and can be killed off whenever they feel like it. I like some of the exclusives I've played on PSVR but RIGS is tragically dead, Firewall is just shitty VR Rainbow Six Siege and any PCVR game ported is simply going to be better on PC.

Well then keep crying about a Nintendo bias, bitch tits.

Attached: sony_arrogance.png (1570x1260, 279K)

>But why was Smash censored
Not sure
>due to cuckera outcry?
Lmfao nice fanfic

Wireless VR is a thing, it's just fucking garbage.

Then you're gonna be stuck bitching and whining about Nintendo bias on Yea Forums forever.

Since Yea Forums is full of retards anons have no idea of the sort of hardware likely to go into the ps5 (obviously exact details are unknown, but we can make educated guesses based upon AMD's current designs and existing manufacturing capabilities) the sort of horsepower a ps5 have will most likely be impressive but still generations behind a meaty PC.

And you can't do a single thing to stop me, tendies.

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The question is: can we hack it? The PS4 hacking scene is already shit so I dont think this will be any better. In fact it will be worse.

I'll stick to pc and switch. There is no way I'll pay money for pretty looking games that aren't fun.

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Let's hope this works. Stadia can't into VR.

Calm down snoy. Bloodborne isn't even a good souls game. Souls isn't even a good series. It's shit

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user, just because they let you look 360 degrees does not make it VR, that's all the BOTW update does, no first person, no fighting with the joycons like motion controllers, no actual VR interaction whatsoever. Part of what made Astro Bot work is that it has you in an active role in the VR space, your controller is part of the game, your head is used to smash obstacles, this is not that and calling it a VR game is basically calling every single VR modification for emulated games VR games as well which means PCVR still blows it out of the fucking water.

>Sony's games are the epitome of fun. They put gameplay first
There is an actual paid Sony shill in this thread

No need to be jealous, PC friend.

Attached: Amazing GoW Combat.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

Why would we stop you from complaining?

Honestly after the PS4 and Vita, I'm probably never buying a Sony console again.

I don't give a shit about the specs, the gimmicky VR, or paying even more for premium.

WHERE the FUCK is Gran Turismo 7?

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Imagine falling for the 'Vita is bad' meme.

Attached: Vita_Games.jpg (1392x832, 417K)

>Disc cost more than YOUR life
Fuck this. PS4 Pro Already cost me 2 months from work

>Bitching and whining
>This is somehow a good thing
Nigger if you have a problem with Yea Forums take it up with the mods or leave.

But I have one and its fucking awful. There is exactly 1 good game for it.

Honestly just sticking to Nintendo + PC this gen.
It's not worth having a useless paperweight that's only good for two or three games.

Nah, Sony's first parties outside of Japan Studio prefer pretentious circlejerking and Insomniac are freelancers. If any company cares about fun the least, it's Sony.

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That is GT for PSP,

Attached: 10509069.png (172x277, 66K)

>15 years
>Still no Egyptian gods
They wasted the nine realms in one game, and have the gull to stick around in Norse county.

>Only good for two or three games
Weak bait.

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Sounds too good to be true, which means it probably is. Shame developers are going to use the extra processing power to push effects instead of steady 60fps

Ngl GoW reminds me a lot of DMC2
Mechanically it's decent, but the enemies aren't a threat at all so the whole game is boring and poo

Yeah, like I said, only two or three GOOD games.

I don't see pic related

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>Current year
>60 FPS isn't the industry standard
What went wrong?

Attached: 60 FPS vs 30 FPS.webm (640x360, 2.62M)



Cool, drop the useless VR and make some video games.

That looks like an awful lot of trash.

>Auto combos are something to be proud of

GTAV, Rocket League, Battlefield, Apex, and FIFA are all better than anything on that list.

Dead serious

>caring about some youtube """app"""
Just download the videos with youtube-dl and watch them in the player of your choice.
You never know when your favorite video will disappear anyway, might as well save it.


Nintendo it’s a paperweight
And pc only has good 2 or 3 games

Prioritizing Resolution over framerate. Most monitors and TVs don't even fuckin' support over 1080p


>no u

Except I've enjoyed more games on a Nintendo to PS4 basis this whole gen
>PS4 to Wii U
>PS4+Vita to 3DS
>PS4+Vita to Switch
Each I'd rather own Nintendo.

>Implying 48 fps is any better

>YYZ Drum Solo.webm
i breathed heavily

I play at 4k 120hz (can go to 144hz but that disables freesync so isn't worth it). Shit is fantastic.

30fps is faithful numbnuts

I like how no one falls for the shilling anymore since the ps4 """pro"""

>If I shitpost enough about it they'll stop buying it and it'll fail!

Attached: VR_Growth.jpg (2160x1470, 1.22M)

Why Sonyfags always say PC has like 3 games but when they post pics of collections or catalogues they always put shit that's out for every other fucking platform?

You know that there are 35 million Kinects out there, right? What do you think the VR install base is?

Well OP, much like the valve index and Star Citizen, let me know when it's released and I'll check it out.

Until then.... I'm going to go do other things.

The only thing that saves PSVR is non-h jap devs.
Western devs do not give a shit about structure and cute girls.

Console industry, as shitty as it is, could give humanity a favor by forcing VR in every house, thus reducing costs of production and lowering the sales failure chance on PC.

>bersekr and the band of the hawk
this shit is bait

Someone should talk to Sony about its alcohol problem.

sorry that I enjoy actual video games

shouldn't you be playing your VR games rather than posting?

Was it hard writing all of that with so many dicks in your mouth?

Does anyone seriously even care about consoles that much? I mean the entirety of any given consoles merit at this point is exclusive games. I honestly wouldn't have any quips with throwing my PS4 in the trash if exclusive games magically stopped being a thing.

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silky smooth

Attached: silky smooth 15 fps.jpg (1155x1600, 382K)

Next gen will probably allow 1080p60 in every game or 4K30/45 for traffic faggots

>90% of the games worth playing game out 4 years after the system released

You just proves him right

Is there any wireless interface capable of transmitting stable 1440p@60 without big lag?

MS Pajeets and tendies seething

>IP count didn't go up
pity (You) for your trouble

>Shenmue 3
>Nex Machina
>Toukiden 2
>Dragon Quest Heroes 2
>What Remains of Edith Finch
>Ace Combat 7
>Ni no Kuni 2
>Nier Automata
>Danganronpa V3

>Deep Down
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
>Death Stranding

The rest are either horrible westacuck moviegames or outright kusoge. The only worthwhile exclusive on that picture is Gravity Rush 2. And Sony murdered it.
Keep in mind that PS4 is like six years old now. And it only has two alright games to offer. BB and GR2. Compare that to PS2. Or even PS3 that had a much better Japanese support and garnered a lot of great games by the end of its lifespan. Sad.

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>PS Plus Premium

oh fuck off actually

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woah,,, is that like the moon??? simply epic. bravo miyazaki, epic gayman kinoe,, really makes you thi*k

Best CEOs desu

Learn to spell, Pajeet. Spencer doesn't pay for your illiteracy.

Things just haven't been the same since Kaz stepped down.

They're always desperate, why do you think they have to convince themselves that games like TLoU and GoW18 are good?

Frame timing is just as important and AAA titles drop frames like it's going out of fashion on consoles. It's honestly nauseating.

they make millions from this shit. Microsoft too.


if next gen consoles have shit cpus and no backwards compatibility then I'm going full PCfag

man stfu

It looks like a garbage c-tier movie, not video game.

>Does anyone seriously even care about consoles that much?
Outside of Nintendo systems? Not much. Microsoft has pretty much given up on exclusives so I can get them on pc and Sony has been putting out mostly trash.


you buy nincel shit, your opinion doesnt count

>muh movie games

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Looks worse than Ryse Son of Rome.

Most of those games are on PC as well.

Hey now! Baneposting is an art
When even god wants to Banepost i think that means something

The problem is that consoles prioritize resolution over fps

Lesbians are only hot when they're cute. If they're fat faced bushpig looking fucks you may as well be jacking off to gay porn because neither of those things is hot.

Problem is visual-driven marketing campaigns. Hopefully next gen it will be less important as 4k graphics are harder to show off.

Btw. Firmament (from the Myst guys) also just announced Stretchgoals for PS4 and PSVR support:

But the game doesn't look any better on a 1080p screen which most people own.
4k footage doesn't look any better when compressed by youtube for trailers
Everything supports 60fps these days though.


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the wireless VR headset is just speculation based on patent, there strong hint in many Sony patent that even the pad and the motion controller could come with recharable swappable batterys. let's hope is true, DS4 battery life is pretty bad and that feauter could be really welcome.

That's my point. 4k graphics will be harder to show off so hopefully (but maybe not likely) they'll instead focus on 60 fps.

Also the most popular game in the world is 60 fps. So hopefully that counts for something when future devs decide graphics or frame rate.

Reminder that all consoles should have a minimum of 60 fps and mouse and keyboard compatibility, at the very least so people can play certain games types more effectively on them, like RTS and FPS.

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VR actually works and is fun tho

>INSANE specs

just like the ps3
or the ps4


>after removing multiplats and meme games only 2 remain


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Persona is on PS3 so feel free to cross that out as well.