Is this a joke?
Is this a joke?
Jesus Christ. I haven't been to /twg/ in years but I imagine they're pissed
>is the entire Warhammer franchise and fan base a joke
/twg/ here, only people mad are people who wanted gor-reddit, us chads are excited for the inclusion of /ourskink/
Explain to a pleb
Remember when the lizards beat the strongest demons by dropping large rocks on them?
He's based as fuck
The only problem is that he's supposed to be free but he gives perks to DLC-only units
calling a tactical meteor shower is fucking badass though
It was so, so very based
new free lizard lord for warhammer 2
people were expecting it to be a saurus or kroxigor lord (big smashy lizards) instead of this guy
whats the problem ratcucks?
Literally never play lizardbois so I couldn't give a fuck.
Rattling guns is all I care about.
All I wanted was Kroak and I got him. I don't care about anything else.
>Tehenhauin and tictactoe
>NOT rawrgor the reddit lizard
Absolutely based and skinkpilled.
>Still no Clan Moulder
Salty desu
Where the absolute fuck are the new races? Its been like a year.
>jurrasic Ace Combat instead of white Kroq-gar lmao
Skinks > reddit lizards
There was a new race literally in November
both of you kill yourselves
>not liking based rats
guns and funny voices haha so EPIC
You can make literally anything reddit if you boil it down enough and slap epic on the end
Orcs and skaven are reddits favorite races though.
Really tells you a lot about nu-Yea Forums with all these furries around
>pleb taste as far as the eye can see
I mean if that's your take warhammer probably isn't for you in general.
Unless you're a faggot elf player in which case kill yourself.
I honestly wanted the albino lizard but this guy's gimmick is different from the other lords we have had thus far so he's cool in my book.
Plus, Gor is in the Mixu mod pack anyway
>haha mustached men and steam tanks so EPIC
>haha titties and edgy armor so EPIC
>haha fat lizards and dinosaurs so EPIC
>haha manlets and grudges so EPIC
His name is tic tac toe
A lot of the lizard lore names are puns, though.
>t. butthurt ching chong
i like the dark elves because nude mods
>twwh has a policy of flc content alongside dlc content
>4 base factions in the game, helfs/delfs/lizards/rats
>3/4 have gotten a flc lord for campaign/mp alongside various dlc releases
>next announced dlc is for lizard/rat units/lords
>dlc lord for lizards is a skink (same type of small lizard as in op pic)
>lizards are the only race w/o a flc lord, so it is assumed that they are getting one w/ the dlc update
>already have a couple of lords
>>mazdamundi, spell casting toad lord on a dino as a caster
>>kroq gar, saurus on a dino as a melee lord
>>tehnenuain from the upcoming dlc, roided up skink that revolves around buffing skinks
>mass speculation about who flc is going to be, narrowing down to a couple of likely suspects
>>gor rok, a giant white super sized saurus who is just an all around tank; would be a strong foot lord not on a dino
>>nakai, a giga nigga kroxigor (larger than both skinks/saurus) who travels the world btfoing shit, would be another non-mount centric foot lord that would buff kroxigors and could start anywhere outside of designated lizardmen start zones
>reveal today
>its another skink guy, tiktakto
>his schtick is buffing fliers
>however lizards aren't a flier centric faction
>the best flier they have will require you to buy dlc
>seems superfluous after inclusion of skink lord in dlc that seemingly outclasses him in most aspects
WH fans are rabid about characters because the setting is dead and this is the best wh vidya that exists, and CA only does a few extra characters per faction. So for them to waste a slot on a somewhat irrelevant guy who is also somewhat redundant pisses people off. Its just CA not bothering to put any effort into the flc lord yet again.
Personally, I would have preferred the kroxigor lord as there are 4 castes of lizard people (slann/saurus/kroxigors/skinks) and if they had done a krox lord that would have been one from each cast available as a legendary lord
whats /ourfaction/ and why is it, of course, the empire?
>t. anally anguished antifun police