Will this finally kill Yea Forums?

Will this finally kill Yea Forums?

Attached: Capture.png (308x319, 14K)

oh shit is it active now?

So what's stopping people from changing a pixel?

That shit's already happened. Bethesda filed takedowns on a bunch of regularly circulating images when the first D44M trailers were releasing and everyone was shitposting about the stupid "OBJECTIVE: PUSH THE BUTTON" popups.

Images would just get posted anyway but with some shitty editing usually involving a frog, it'd just be r9k

fappening did this, so you already lost years ago.

no, wojak edits aren't trademarked

Kust edit the photo a bit change the dimensions a little

Attached: hdgdh.jpg (261x193, 7K)

oy vey

just wait for that then, when fair use is dead and everything is up for grabs.

you can also place filters based on likeness % which forces you to do more massives changes

this shit is also pretty fast and easy to do, that's how google does reverse searches

I've had this happen once or twice, but it's wildly inconsistent
you'll be able to post whatever again in a week or two

Attached: file.png (800x600, 101K)

Attached: 0mfay069y0x01.png (842x792, 82K)

>flip image
>add huge white borders
>robots btfo

oy vey

What was the image even?

>change one pixel
>suddenly entire hash changes
>Yea Forums can't identify it

fuck filters lul

Attached: 1528690710040.png (308x319, 23K)

Attached: 1531062761391.png (308x319, 22K)

Oy vey

oy vey

>try to start filtering shitty threads based on image because the text isn't helping
>there's like 20 versions of the exact same image with different cropping, format, or added pixels
gonna need more advanced scripts that analyze the pictures at this rate

Attached: 1554046431212.jpg (403x401, 191K)

They only care about copyright if a megacorporation owns it. No one will act it David Firth's videos are stolen or if Rilex lenov's Patreon art is put up for free.

>tfw no europoor.

Attached: 6A38B3C7-389C-4AED-87ED-5A9EBE28F106.png (768x576, 525K)

oy vey

open paint and put a dot on the image

Attached: 1550967930875.png (638x359, 312K)

europoor BTFO?

oy vey

oy vey

i'm just waiting for when the megacorps just own anything because they changed the laws.