Be honest Yea Forums

Be honest Yea Forums
You're super excited
It is Star Wars after-all

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hasnt been a good star wars game in 10 or more years, i dont think anyone is

What kind of moron gets excited for an EA game in 2019?

If this was 2014 maybe

As long as there is no niggers in it it'll be a decent game. can't stand boottlip player models

let's see
>Disney Wars

Are you even old enough to buy M rated games?

Im done with the franchise. I even stuck around and will continue to stay with Doctor Who and Star Trek. Even though they also suffer from sjw shit. But Star Wars has sjw shit, bad writing, bad characters and shitty people who dismiss the fans. Fuck them.

I grew out of video games. And I don't even have sex.
Have sex.


>nuStar Wars

No, thanks, kind user, I'll pass.


Bitch, please.


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>disney wars

>Nu-Star Wars
oh no no no no no no

Only thing I'm excited for is the riots when it's canceled.

>Star Wars
I’ve seen 0 Star Wars movies start to finish

The only Star Wars game I played was the pod racer one on N64

I assure you I could not care less. I’m sure there are other amtbat feel the same way.

I bet it's gonna have a stronk POC woman as the lead
Big bad is gonna be a whyte male

Your mother said the same thing to me when she stopped by my place this morning BE_OTCH!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FUCKING NIGGERS!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

>more jedi shit

Fuck that, I would love a game where you played a normal fucking person in the star wars universe.

>Liked EU star wars
>became an isolated nerd
>Hate Nu-Wars
>become an isolated nerd for not liking Disney Star Wars.

I haven't given a fuck about Star Wars since Attack of the Clones.

You make your own character I believe. But you bet the side charactere are what you described.

MC is actually confirmed white male.

Don't get me wrong the game will be shit.

titanfall devs are behind the game, so the game will be at least decent.

Fuck that gay shit. Jedi are the best part of Star Wars, play fucking Starcraft you normie.

Posting SW that isn't LucasArts should be an automatic ban tbqh

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Yea but all their experience is with first person shooters and a lot of the devs fled back to COD

do you honestly believe that anyone on Yea Forums plays games

was it red-red-green or red-green-red?

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it'll be shit with all the manhandling the EA does

>EA starwars
they'll fuck it up
everyone knows but get excited anyway

I might be interested if it's got Jedi Outcast/Academy levels of combat.

You know you have to be 18 to post--
>pod racer one on N64
Oh you're just a masochist. Carry on.

So he's gonna be a faggot right? There's no fucking way that current EA will do a nuwars game with a straight white male as protagonist.

user, stop being so fucking dumb. The game will be shit and they can do enough virtue signaling with other aspects of the game that isn't the MC.

>AAA games have become guaranteed bad games over the past 2 years
>Star Wars anything has become guaranteed bad product over the past 4 years
>EA games have been guaranteed bad for the past 5 years
>EA making an AAA Star Wars game
Sorry to break it to you, but the numbers don't lie. This game is going to be a dumpster fire and I'm not even going to waste electrons in my brain stem thinking about it.

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Get some Bacta, soldier.

Not to shill EA but the prequels sucked ass, later form Lucasarts sucked ass and Activision sucked ass but there's solid Star Wars titles during that time despite it.

You shouldn't be optimistic for this but maybe cautiously pessimistic would be appropriate.

Ignoring the obvious >EA issue, the current Star Wars universe can't possible sustain any interesting story. There's no lore, there's no substance, no conflict. Even given the era this game's supposed to take place in, there's no way Disney is allowing this to be anything that doesn't completely misses the point of what makes Star Wars fun.

Sure, the prequels were shit but produced a lot of good content in other media, but that was because Lucas was too lazy to even supervise that shit and let people basically do whatever. That shit doesn't fly with Disney.
There's no hope for this game. Maybe things will change after IX drops, but not now.

Episode III is far brom being a bad movie and the sequels are making both episodes I and II looking like masterpieces now. 1313 could have been a shit uncharted clone but at least it could have been better than all the trash EA has launched until now.

how long before this game is cancelled too? or was this made in a cave out of scraps of the other star wars games ea cancelled?


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