Sekiro Support Thread

who does need help
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Why is Chained Ogre considered casual filter ?

there are 3 casual filters
lady butterfly

Yeah but why chained ogre? Just get the flame vent and the fight is over.

high damage
wide hitbox moveset
10m grab move to btfo dodgefags

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I'm getting my asshole remodeled by O'rin of the Water.

Well remodel her asshole first before initiating the fight then. That should help.

>sword saint isn't a casual filter

How the fuck do I beat the Hirata Estate version of Owl? I want to be done with this trash game already but I don't want to quit with three bosses left to go.

best yandere

Buddy I didn't do Hirata before the ogre so I had no idea where to get the flame vent, and trekking halfway around the game HOPING I would find it seemed like more effort than just stabbing the dude.

>4.6% completion on PS4
cant be real senpai

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get good you trash shitter

The game is so boring. First you take forever to kill everything so you can focus on the current areas boss, then you take forever to kill the boss itself. I just killed this huge gorilla with a sword stuck in its neck and got the flower, how much longer is this boring slog of a game?

That’s the thing. Most people doesn’t even bother with the bell and goes straight to the area after the crazy old lady’s house. This is why you see people complain about Ogre more than the Drunkard or even the Shinobi Hunter.

Sword Saint is the last boss (for the most part). If you made it that far, I think you're past the filters.
1.ichimonji double not mikiri parry his thrust for more posture dmg on him

This happened to me, then I saw a post on here that trivialised the fight for me. Literally just parry everything and use bing bing wahoo head jumps when she does kanji sweeps, and her posture shits the bed quite easily. Don't worry about her vitality at all, just focus on parrying and watch for her kanjis.



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>take forever to kill
cause u bitch ass keep running around instead of playing offensive

Which is the way you're supposed to go, you don’t visit Hirata village until you killed the first actual boss or lady butterfly will hand your sad puppy ass to you constantly

If you don't like it then stop playing, user. No one is holding a gun to your head.

I feel like I invested enough time into this that I might as well play it to the end, I just want to know how much is left until I reach the end?

Probably like halfway, depending on what other stuff you did up to the monkey.

use spear man

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Just don't get hit lol.

Also if you really are struggling with the guardian ape, I suggest you make sure you have gotten to Mibu Village BEFORE you kill him. All I'm saying.

Quite a bit.

Meh, then I call it quits. I don’t know where else to go and I don’t give a shit about anything in that game. It had some pretty areas tho, so it was nice while it lasted.

Then Godspeed, user.

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Is there anything I can miss if I finish the fountainhead area?

Not really support, more confusion. I'm fairly early on in the game so sorry if I'm actually retarded.
When going through the snake area I got the stealth eye attack on him and went forward in the level. I was watching him freak the fuck out because I had friends over watching me play, I guess I ran out of time so when I started going into the little cave area to leave the section he attacked and killed me. When I respawned he was no where to be seen. Is this a glitch or is he supposed to fuck off after you stab his eye? I'm on PC if that helps.

how do you guys get good at this game?
I had no trouble with bloodborne whatsoever, breezed through it and put hundreds of hours into it afterwards fucking around and doing various challenge runs
picked up sekiro and I'm getting my ass handed to me by just about everything, dying endlessly at every boss and miniboss and needing a full two resurrects to eventually take them down, along with all of the healing items i have on me and a ton of support items.
i'm not button mashing, i'm trying to approach fights tactically (baiting out safe attacks i can deflect and going in for a swing or two), i've grinded enough to unlock the skills that seem to be the most useful, but i'm still getting stomped, just seem to be having trouble adapting to this kind of playstyle
that's not to say i'm not enjoying this game, I am, having loads of fun with it and it's been satisfying as fuck to finally get over bosses that have been giving me a rough time, but it's still difficult enough where i feel like i'm perhaps doing something wrong or approaching fights the wrong way. any tips/advice? i just finished fighting the horse guy

He fucks off after he's done REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing

Stay in the enemies' faces for most encounters and block like crazy

Is there an NPC guide or suggested route that I can read up on? I don't want to fuck myself over with the NPCs or fuck up area order. Also, how do I get rid of Dragonrot? The Sculptor just caught it.

just enemy pattern knowledge
that is all

Thanks, I was worried that the game fucked up and I missed something.

>my brain is too slow to react to sweep or thrust attack and automatically goes to block every time

The fuck do I do now?

is the dodge almost completely useless then? I feel like it is so I haven't been using it and I've been trying to mostly block, but every now and then muscle memory kicks in and I end up dodging and taking a hit.
so how do people breeze through shit on their first time then? just hang back long enough to figure out boss pattern moves and then move in to block every attack?

It took me more attempts than Lady Butterfly or Genichiro. I struggled even with Flame Vent.
>if you can't beat the final boss, you're a casual
Makes sense to me.

No thanks, I just installed a cheat mod to beat the game and I feel very accomplished.

Casual filter is supposed to be an early level boss that stops casuals from progressing through the rest of the game.

And that's okay!

>tfw getting filtered by Butterfly
This time surely

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i died a lot too but
her spin kick pattern
and ninjathrow -> 2 slash pattern
is all you gotta parry

I need help on genichiro's 2nd phase, I haven't touched the game in a week because of that.

I just beat Ape in the watering hole, how does spear help with him?

learn 2 lightning reversal, it does like 1/4th of his posture damage

>Enemies attack from off-screen
>Lock-on just randomly disengages in a fight
>Fighting crowds means you get stunlocked to death, bottom line
>Everything feels unresponsive as fuck
>Get staggered by moves you interrupted
>Inconsistent parry windows
>Most grabs have broken hitbox ranges that extend way beyond where they should and animations auto-correct when you get grabbed
I'm okay with hard games that demand you to get better at them with a lot of work. But this feels like no matter how good I play, the game is working against me with unfair and uncertain bullshit.

This fucking ape is really pissing me off. I have his first form down pat but he just immediately instakills me with terror in his second. Also sometimes I can get close and not get hit, other times it's like he has homing missiles. What a shit boss where they have to keep changing the rules for artificial difficulty.

>try to lightning reversal on geni
>end up avoiding the lightning everytime
Still fucked him up, though. Thanks, monkey axe.

You can parry his sword until he falls then then fuck his neck hole with it to pull out a centipede and do a large amount of posture damage.

You can run away when he screams even if you are standing right on his face, run, don't dash. Or use the phoenix lilac umbrella if you wanna face tank it. Also this

I was casual filtered by shinobi hunter, beat the Ogre on my second try.

>got my ass destroyed by the first mini boss after you get the arm

Took multiple tries since I'm not used to the mechanics yet but I don't like where this is going if I struggled this early.

Give me a hint about how to deal with Owl 2's explosives.

Practice with Hanbei

lessons for the rematch I guess. Does the rematch fight have two healthbars while headless or still just one?

Anyone try out this mod? Is it more accurate than Activision's translation?

1st phase play carefully and when you see him stand up taller fucking book it since hes doing the leap grab.

2nd phase is easy as fuck with no spear etc. If he does the sliding swipe, you jump, if he jumps, you jump right when he lands. He outright gives you a fuckload of openings for free damage on those and on the super overhead if you parry his small combo.

I lost to the first shogun / general guy and got butthurt about it; then, I deleted the game. How do I get over this?

>haha let's try countering this thrust
Hanbei made it seem so easy

Play aggressively but not greedily, just go back and forth and take advantage of her DANGER moments.

On 2nd phase either Snap the illusions or just avoid them until they turn into death orbs, play safer but the same thing pretty much.

The base Umbrella can block his AoE scream damage and Terror buildup, makes it real easy to stay on his ass when he pulls that move out of nowhere

Normal explosion you fucking dodge backwards twice or something like that, combo one you fucking block or parry the first few hits, dodge backwards on opening and run out of it.

And I assume other models of umbrellas block it as well, but i just haven't upgraded it myself yet

only a secret boss and a whole ass ending

Hit her with a ceramic shard when she's a talkable npc to be able to deathblow her, and use sabimaru. Sabimaru poisons her quick, she vomits when poisoned, which stuns her and does a huge chunk of posture damage. If you have leaping kicks or high monk, use those on her sweeps

I cannot beat Demon of Hatred. The second phase fucks me up with the fireballs flying everywhere. I try running to the right and I'm constantly getting stuck on terrain and nailed by a bunch in a row.

Learn that you are not perfect. No human is. You've never played the game before, of course you'd lose.

keep talking to emma and she'll ask you to get a blood sample from someone else with it. after talking to her a couple times she'll give you what you need to deal with it

>sword saint is actually right translation
>"corrects" to just Saint Isshin
aside from that
True Monk and Sakura Dragon is accurate

And another thing, why is the parry system so FUCKING non-functional? The game is based around it and yet guarding is one slow, clunky animation and it's a mystery which frames count as parry vs a regular guard and when you're even protected. I keep trying to parry minibosses and even when the timing feels perfect I'm not sure it was a parry because I still take more posture damage than they do. Otherwise I just eat hits and fucking die because it's an obtuse system that WASN'T FUCKING PLAYTESTED

FUCK those fireballs, man. I still don't know how I made it past this faggot besides just running straight at him every time he tried to run away

use fire shield nigger

Two. First phase is solo then he calls in a buddy for the second phase. It's easier than the first fight though and the if you firecracker the second ape you can break it's posture and kill it in the stun window.

2nd phase dude you have to play patiently and run more, let him eventually give you an opening to get close, don't force it. If you can get to phase 3 you are pretty much given a win if you have Malcontent and you use each stun to the max.

fireballs shouldn't be too hard to dodge by sprinting but if you keep getting caught on stuff maybe consider using the upgraded umbrella that blocks fire attacks

Don't parry the kick she does where she lifts her leg up and slams it down. If you parry it, it stops her combo, and her next move if you dodge it is always an extremely slow stab you can punish with an ichimonji double or charged flame vent.

Don't parry the kick she does where she lifts her leg up and slams it down. If you parry it, it stops her combo, and her next move if you dodge it is always an extremely slow stab you can punish with an ichimonji double or charged flame vent.

There's a lot of melee moves and vertical slices for enemies to keep an eye out for, be a use they can be side or back dodged and gives you free attacks.

If you actually can't beat it normally just do the cheese fall death, works on Gyobu too at the start of the game.

But I want to save emblems for malcontent in phase three.

The fire balls are always used when the Demon creates distance between you. Whenever it jumps back or sweeps away, immediately run STRAIGHT for it. Sprint in a direct line to its feet and you will make it there under the fireballs and you will get some free hits before you have to dodge his next attacks. The secret to the demon is to stick close and always try to be on his ass literally.

Your posture will fill up but never break on a perfect parry. If it breaks and you die, well you didn't perfect parry and you're just not as good as you think you are.

Literally one emblem per use, that's nothing
Also, using a shield makes you duck, which makes you less likely to be hit by fireballs

I'd probably care if the game had animations, hitboxes and active frames that were designed by a competent team

>get hit by fireballs
>knocked down
>roll right into second set of fireballs

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git gud

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The animations are great don’t be a sourpuss because of muh hitboxes

The casual gate remains closed.


just did both isshin fights a few hours ago, felt gud to git gud

I suck at video games btw, if iI did it, so can you user, dont give up

which issgin?
1.sword saint.
2.based old man

>LITERALLY impossible to tell the difference between a sweep and a thrust
lol nice game fags

>Jobbichiro is a casual filter

You can tell by how the enemy is positioning their weapon.

>realizing the term casual filter is a casual filter

Fuck you

Isshin is so overblown that it's not even funny, the shura ending one shits on sword saint. 2nd form outright jobs it if you aren't a pussy and the 3rd form kills himself spamming lightning

I fucking hate Demon of Hatred, but I also fucking love him. His design is so fucking cool, but he fights like a cunt.

>MFW the ring of fire at phase 3

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Is number 3 under Deflection Advice true? That's actually cool as fuck, thematically.

I'm going to keep trying in the hopes I am in fact just bad but I hope you know FromSoft is probably aware by now that they can be as lazy as they want to and their janky shit will still be defended by (You) just because their games appeal to le hardcore gamur cred


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Why is this game inconsistent with its apparition types?

I think the loading screen tips mentions it as well.

>beat every boss/mini boss in 3 tries max
>die to Owl(father) 20+ times
I have no clue what i'm doing wrong and have only gotten to his second phase twice
Are there any tools specifically helpful for this fight?

I don't know how to tell you this but one is a sweep and the other is a thrust


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I bet you're a huge baby to play fighting games with.

>dude just get this one particular item on your blind first playthrough from this one location you probably havent found yet and its easy haha


>enemy aboout to thrust
>enemy about to swing
open ur eye

Anything goes in a fighting game. Why would I complain when I can match you at the character select screen if I wanted to. It's completely different from the stuff I'm bitching about in Sekiro right now

don't choke on 3rd
keep hugging him like u did in prior phases

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You find the bell before the ogre, and it's spoonfed to you that the buddha statue is used for it.

You can also overhear a conversation about the guys guarding the prosthetic (right in front of where the actual prosthetic is)

Throw a charged shuriken at her any time you see her hop upwards.

If you keep her out of the air, her only perilous attacks are sweeps.

Don't dodge her butterflies if it's causing you to eat her melee swipes.

One of her chains includes a stomp, never parry this stomp, dodge and use something like Ichimonji or a Flame Vent.

In general, try to set people on fire if you think you can't keep up pressure as it locks their posture in place.

When he does his retard combo into firecrackers try and parry the first few hits, dodge out of the crackers and sprint away. On 2nd form he usually always follows up fire owl with mikiri counterable dash, and if he does blue owl sprint away. Play aggressive but get those parries in.

Because no one ever complains about animations and hitboxes in fighting games, especially not people who feel entitled to be better at it than they are.

Again, youre assuming everyones paying attention and autistically finding everything without cheating with a walkthrough or reading up on it. Casuals dont do that, therefore ogre is a casual filter.

You can parry every single non-grab perilous attack in the game. You just have to do it with a perfect parry.

You know, people say the soundtrack in this game sucks, but Demon of Hatred and Lady Butterfly are pretty solid.

Dodging and going for hp damage was immensely helpful to me in this fight. Every time he does anything there is a way to dodge through it and punish with 1-2 hits. Flame also fucks him up real good, like most things in the game.

I've only fought him on NG+ with bell and no charm though

Don't dodge away from the fire crackers, dodge towards him when he does his swipe and get some swipes on his back. Parry his swings, when you see him do a tetsuzanko, get ready for him to throw smoke. Let him throw the smoke, wait a beat, and then dodge towards the side his swing is coming from, and you'll get some free hits in on him.

Try to never dodge away from an attack, you'll just hesitate and prolong the fight. If you dodge, it should be to the side or back of the enemy to keep the pressure going.

That's true but those and Owl's second fight are the only OST that stands out to me in Sekiro, Kitamura kind of half-assed it in this game.

I'm too tired and I'm not playing at peak performance. I'm going to get a good night's sleep, have a nice breakfast early morning, and make some progress tomorrow.

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The NPC's quests aren't as bullshit as dark souls 3. Just do the temple before genji for an NPC, hug a wall in kuros room, Eat lots of rice/give to old lady, Don't send big monk to the dungeon, buy all the pot guys items and black hats items. You can do everything in any order before dragon I think

too much logic for one retard to handle.

Pass: 1234abc

I need help with Isshin I already placed my summoning scroll

Have a good night, user

good strat gl

this is the true shinobi way to win this fight.

people who say suck are probably
soulborners who were more liking western gothic opera style music than Sekiro
personally Sekiro tops other soulborne osts
but thats just me to each their own

>not mentioning hirata ost
Le epic fight musicfags are the worst

user, what are you talking about? There's blocking and parrying. Blocking happens if you hold the block/ deflect button and keep your sword in that protective stance, and then get hit, and has a barely-noticeable effect. Deflecting is when you see that big bright yellow radius of sparks flying everywhere, and hear that loud CLANG. In order to deflect you have to not be holding down block, and when an attack comes your way, press the deflect button right before the attack hits you in time. This always works, and if it doesn't, it's because you have mistimed it. Your posture will fill up, but never get broken so long as you perfectly deflect. If you block an attack with high enough posture your guard will get broken. Practice with Hanbei or some of the foot-soldiers in the outskirts to get basic timings down if you're having trouble.

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I thought the OST was pretty alright overall. Some tracks I liked more than others

Reminder to force disable g-sync if you think you're having input lag problems

I guess it prolongs it a bit more but that combo does a hefty chunk if you fuck that dodge up. I prefer backing out of it and then going in when its safe.


I bet you won't call me that twice

Genichiro at the top of Ashina Castle is kicking my shit in.

My first two attempts were the closest I ever got to beating him, but since then I just can't get it to click anymore.

You're hesitating, user

Speaking of which can you just continue with the main game and fight him whenever and still get the ending?

I agree, user, but the issue is those are two songs out of an entire OST that are memorable or recognizable in some form. Others that I can remember offhand, but don't necessarily think are on par with stuff in DaS 1,3, or Bloodborne are
-Divine dragon
-Altered form (Ogre and other monster fight theme)
-Apparitions (because it's just so different)
-Hirata estate
-Fountainhead palace

The last two sort of blend into the back of your mind regardless and are nice, but at least to me personally weren't terribly memorable. This is really unfortunate, especially since it comes after >Ludwig, Lady Maria, Twin princes, Soul of Cinder, Gael, Vordt, Pontiff, Abyss Watchers, Gehrman
and many more.

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rest a bit and comeback
ur burnt out it seems

>found the big snake again
>sits at the temple and oneshots when trying to get near

Am I just fucking up or are you supposed to come back with an item or something?

I heard a certain feather or perhaps a master of puppeteering can get past it.

Anybody know if skill points carry into the next game cycle?

it does
but for sword u gotta retrieve again from rice loli

Yikes consolefags, what happened?

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I'm about to do it lads. Gonna try Sword Saint on NG+ with no charm and bell demon. NG took me like 40+ tries to beat him. God knows how much this is gonna take.

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The extra 17% used CE

I don't think demon bell affects boss fights. I think it only affects mobs with drop tables.

I beaten him today. Always attack, it makes him more predictable to defect his attacks.

He's h-hard okay

Try fighting him with 25 fps then come back and talk

I'm honestly shocked it's 21% given his difficulty

Just be up in his face constantly. On the second form, try be trying to get behind him like a DS boss and he'll just whiff his big shit.

What about the actual hardest boss on PS4?

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I can currently beat the game in about three and a half hours, ask me anything

bro check out gascoin completion on bloodborne
we had some good laugh last thread lol

Do you hate going through levels as much as I do.

you will do fine

if they didnt put a fucking genichiro phase 2 before isshin, im pretty sure most people would've actually completed isshin. its not that its hard, its just that its a boss that requires a lot of learning on each phase so youre gonna be redoing a lot unless your a hyperproXD and having a fucking mini boss every re-try is a huge pain in the ass. fuck you for that from

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I found Isshin harder than Owl, I think that % is skewed by the fact that Owl is somewhat of a secret boss

Genichiro is easy as fuck though. He shouldn't take more than 30 seconds.

What you should be complaining about is Emma in Ashura ending who is 10x harder than Genichiro.

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I can't hate From for it. Better than pulling a Gwyn and making you run across half the game world to get back to the arena. Giving you a miniboss before is good enough compromise for me.

Not really, there's a lot of shortcuts and you can sprint through everything

The only thing I really hate is trying to get sneak attacks on Corrupted Monk or the camera/grapple points making me eat a death after stabbing the snake in the palanquin.

Also I get the sneaking suspicion that attack power doesn't matter for Genichiro/Owl/Isshin.

>the ''''''''''''''''gentle''''''''''''''''''' blade

Killing Emma legit puts a pit in my stomach.

lol grow a pair

Jobberchiro outright gives you like half his health bar during his meme mortal blade double intro, you can down him in like what 20 seconds?

i dont care in how much you can fucking handle him, i wanna focus on the sword saint not on some faggot, it really takes me out of my groove

So what are the odds of a DLC?

I was shocked how much damage she did. I only fought her the first time on NG+ without charm but she basically two-shot me.

You're supposed to parry everything in his phase 2. When he keels over and exposes his neck stump, you pull out your spear

I don't need no help. game is easy

I love Senpou music, those EMBs can all go fucking die.

I'm sorry that I feel disdain for killing a character I like.


emmafags are the worst

Yeah I get your complaint on it but really, just sprint behind him at the start and laugh at how quick that retard falls over.

i already beat the sword saint and i already went behind his back for free hits, was just pointing out from's bullshit

People always talk about Owl 2, but Owl 1 holds up the candle pretty well

SS Isshin phase 2 is giving me cancer

There's probably a larger percentage that got shura ending and called it the end. That being said I actually struggled with Shura ending isshin more than I did with the other version, but that might be because of ng+ boosted damage from a boss I hadn't seen before.

I wish I hadn't done shura so soon because now I'm playing ng++ knowing I missed about 3 attack boosts because of picking it.

80~90% of a time after swinging combo
its thrust so mikiri
huge jump stomp is freebie dmg
3rd phase - just deflect lightning

You can skip her entirely just sayin

Every opening after you hit, try extending it with firecrackers. If you can hold out and get to stage 3, the victory is almost given to you due to the retard spamming lightning.

Absolute certainty.

H-heh yea how about that 3rd phase am I right guys?

What is there to like?

Many PC players play on potatoes too.

You pretend not to see me?

Her voice and demeanor.

Also she kicks more ass than Genichiro.

I don’t know what’s the term. Distorted Buddhist chantings? Yeah I love that shit in my nipponese games. The only other game I remember incorporating that in the soundtrack was Senran Kagura.

10 times harder than easy as piss is still easy as fuck, Emma is even quicker to deal with than Genichiro once you figure out her moves.

Hintswim under the bridge. Not that I’m encouraging that

>Sabimaru poisons a ghost

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why she can't be my mom

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corrupted monk has bullshit too like being able to perform an arial deathblow but only an arial deathblow at the very start of the fight even though the monk clearly knows where you are and you can't perform a deathblow any other way without fighting her.

The closest thing of a indication you get is the loading screen tip that says that the Okami women were susceptible to being poisoned, as well as their descendants ala Snake Eyes. How you're supposed to apply this logic to O'Rin, I have no fucking clue.

I’m to the point where I piece Geni up easily, however sometimes he still catches me with some bullshit. It’s just more annoying than anything else and adds unnecessary time from actually learning Isshin.

Fight him like how you would fight the blue samurais in the castle. Don’t let up your offense, throw in a perfect parry after 2-3 hits. He’s actually a lot easier than you think. Only hiccup might be his lightning form but even that’s also a cakewalk once you get the timing for lightning reversal down.

Don't spam R1. That's the biggest thing with phase 2. You want to keep the pressure on him but never spam R1. He has hyperarmor on several of his moves and he will punish you hard if you spam R1.

I literally just bought it. Give me some time.

I ended up beating him by cheesing him
>wait until he does his 4 combo attack or lunge
>strong attack once
>back off and wait for it again
It took me 20 minutes to beat him

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its higher than 4% now isn't it? i just did it a couple days ago and i could swear the trophy wasn't that rare...

anyone else inting because they're retarded on demon of hatred or just me

the fight is easy as fuck and i'll use 1-2 flasks on phase 1 but the moment phase 2 hits i'll just automatically start getting hit by everything that was in phase 1 and be a fucking retard and just waste the ~3 minutes spent in p1. I've been on this fight actually all day counting breaks lmao.

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He has nothing new except for that big ass double slash from the mortal blade.
You should literally be able to dispose of him and start isshin within 30-40 seconds since he only has one health bar and does nothing new

Idduno I think the bullshit just intensifies but I'm so glad you won't think I'm a casual now if I stay stuck on owl forever and go play other games.
take her near the bridge and get her against a wall and she'll just block while trying to get back and you break her posture with pure r1 spam.

Parry everything you can and don’t forget to swing back at him, keep on top of him and eat his posture as quick as possible. Watch for his own parry, indicated by a big spark and clang, then parry his counter attack. If he starts his 6 hit combo or w/e I would try to get out of the way unless you have mastered parry because he can break your posture easily and one shot you at the end. Also his bow will fuck you if you try to hang back and heal

samefag (cont)

the fight is actually fun in this game it's so weird to do after unlearning the playstyle from ds1-3+BB. my retardism is primarily to blame but holy fuck this fight gets annoying at times

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>i'm not button mashing,
that's your problem.

>not trying to poison/burn every boss
Also she's "of the water" and the game is about corruption and taint.

>your body is damaged by fire but chained orge isn't
>your body is on fire but enemy touching you act like the fire is not there
Afraid of fire my ass

Yeah, the fight was a pain in the dick. Just went to sleep and beat him the second go after work the next day. The longer you go on, the more impatient you get.

I literally just beat him. If you can beat that second health bar the 3rd is free with the Malcontent whistle. You can stun him 3 times with it and break his posture ending the fight. Also, use that suzaku umbrella to block his fire bullshit.

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SS Isshin phase 2 is mikiri bait.

SSishin 3 is lighting counter bait with a mixture of phase 2 throw in.

SS Isshin phase 3 goes down quicker than phase 2
His spear attacks randomly have super armor and will fuck you up.
Phase 2 you need to look for his 6-7 hit spear combo that he always ends with an unblockable(unblockable is a thrust almost 85% of the time and sometiems he does a sweep if you are to close for the thrust) or his jumping spear slash that allows you free 2 hits.

Also never go for more than 2-3 hits during phase 2 and 3 after your 2-3 hits back away and look for more bait to counter
OWL 2 is much harder and much more relentless than SS Isshin

>had Sabimaru equipped for most of the game
>didn't realize the blue ladies were Okami warrior women until the Okami Leader miniboss
In retrospect they're the only common enemy that's consistently female so I guess I only have myself to blame

Nah I feel ya. I won't lie, I've provably died at least 20+ times to him now. I've got his first two phases down and can absolutely no damage them until phase 3. Phase 3 fucks my shit up. Got really close one time and then mistimed my jump for his running attack, died, and as I revived he did the fire attack.
It's just the shitter in me talking, but this fight did not need 3 fucking phases

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Demon of Hatred.
Don't say just dodge right.

demon of hatred is the most ds boss in the whole game, just stay under his crotch and sidestep/poke him

Who's that cutie?

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Run to the left. there's some moves you have to look out for before you run to his left.

>Malcontent whistle
>oh sweet that's right I have that
>go to use it
>nothing happens
>needs to be the fully upgraded one

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>helping people and asking for help

you might as well cheat like a game journo and use godmode you fugging casuals

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If you've got phase one down you should be fine for phase 2, as long as you keep the pressure on he won't do anything new apart from burning the ground between him and you, this can be completely blocked with the flame version of the shield though, as most of his fire based attacks can be.

>walks VERY fast in your path

>Throws Fire Owl of great fortune giving you a free mikiri next hit
Owl 2 would be better if he didn't outright JUST himself on phase 2.

sometimes if u use it while hes doing attack animation it skips it and COUNTS
so use it when hes just standing

He's vulnerable to Malcontent
The umbrella blocks his phase 2/3 fire, not sure if you need the fire umbrella specifically but that's what I used.

He's really just pattern memorization, and trying not to trigger the zoop attack, which after phase 1 he will use if you are ANYWHERE between his feet.

Ichimonji double or upgraded flame vent? for fucking butterfly? Most players fight her way before that shit

fuck you lol the other user didn't actually get any advice on it either besides malcontent which no one wants to farm for just to beat one boss.

Easiest miniboss fight for me.

I think I focused too much on defensive deflection in my playthrough.

>use snap seed
>lose snap seed
I dont suppose there's any other way of getting these are there?

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It's how I beat him, though

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Stick to his hairy nutsack and parry his combos up close, if you aren't close anymore, bait attacks and safely go back in. Phase 2 is more of the same but the fire spirits are pretty much sprint away and the flame wall is a free gap closer. Phase 3 you blow your fucking kazoo finger and watch the retard cringe.

yeah but prayer beads. this game is different from soulsborne games in that stuff like gourd seeds/beads arent reset in NG+... you'll have to fight her eventually if you want that bead.

It's just a suggestion to make it easier for someone who is stuck. Calm down spazoid.

Neither of those things are even hard to get early in the game.

For Butterfly or Corrupted monk? Butterfly doesn't need them at all, just run around like an idiot and they eventually turn into a bullet hell and by the time you do the first Monk you should be able to buy some.

fuck off nigger, go play CoD or some other casual shit

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fuck the ape escape fight

I immediately killed the monkeyfuck who follows me around when I saw the name of the encounter but I can't fucking catch the rest.

you dont need them for anything and they arent even that good for being a rare item

Is there some cheese strat for spear isshin? Kiting makes phase 1 a joke. I hear for phase 3 I just gotta lightning reversal him. I am ready to be done, but he keeps stuffing me. I am slowly downloading spear phase, but I really just want him to die. Thought about using butterflies to get his hp down, but he moves too fast.

Don't run at all.

Stand your ground and parry if it's a non fire attack or use your umbrella if it's a fire attack. Umbrella shits out damage. Especially after a flaming leap.

Don't even use malcontent, save the emblems for more umbrellas.

The only time you should be running is phase two and three when he can do the flame wave, so you can do a sprinting jump and grapple.

You literally doesn't need snap seed for anything, when butterfly summons ghosts you can just kill them in 1 hit, plus they give you items back when you kill them.

If for Butterfly, you don't need them. If for corrupted monk, you still don't need them, and using pocket ash is just as effective and you can get that shit anywhere

Every opening, 1 slash into a firecracker into more slashes, and then continue until your next opening.

Don't get greedy when attacking him during his openings (like 2 attack max, then wait and deflect/dodge his next move) because he has super armor on a lot of his moves and will hit you while you attack him.

How do I beat Fire Isshin's input reading bullshit
>One Mind: can't be parried, take damage even through block when mashing L1
>overhead into fire sweep: literally no way to punish it

Chase the purple one into the dark where he can't see you, chase the green one toward the Bell and ring it to stun him, chase the orange one toward the waterfall so he can't hear you.

If you want to cheese his spear phase, just run far from him, wait for him to do his jump attack, then dodge to the side and attack his back, it takes longer but if you're a shitter that can't parry his spear that's probably your best bet at cheesing him.

Ogre is only hard because the game teaches you about Perilous Attacks 5 minutes before him and then tricks you with his grab that is actually a sweep.

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Just run like hell for the ring of fire, you can easily outdistance it

>Yea Forums literally kites and hit and runs sekiro bosses
how do you guys manage to wipe your own asses


Run. You can easily run behind him during that move.

Or just firecracker him every time he's about to do the fire AoE attack. It'll stop it.

One Mind can be parried.

If you're having trouble parrying it, use the fire umbrella and tap deflect during the Shockwave portion.

However if you manually perfect parry the first Shockwave hit and keep mashing block, the rest of the hits will also be perfect parries.

Yeah surprised and happy his ass didnt have a Phase 3 cause he took me the most tries to beat

Just beat the horse dude

I just barely walked into the Headless boss fight and got turbo fucked, so I'm assuming I'm just not ready for that fight yet

where the fuck is fire isshin?

>beat the first owl fight on my first try
>get my ass kicked on the second one
fuck that shuriken slash and firecracker slash combo

Side with Owl for the bad ending.

Nah he's hard enough as is. I don't know the official numbers but I'm willing to guess he has the most health and posture in the game next to DoH. He's a battle of endurance and learning to perfect parry everything. Arguably the best boss in the game imo

>Fighting Demon of Hatred
>Phase 3
>Almost widdle his health down completely
>He does his charge attack
>I jump in the air
>He gets caught on a tree during his charge, so his hitbox lingers in the same spot for too long
>Instakill when I touch the ground

Yeah, these games are bad. I love 'em, but they're fucking awful. They're buggy glitchy messes that barely function most of the time.

I love Dark Souls and Sekiro, but they kind of suck.

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Dodge into him/his sides to completely dodge the gunpowder and also get some free hits in.

I didnt for most, but he has this giant ass arena so fuck grandpa pajama sam(urai) and his 4 phases.

You better believe I’m skipping mini bosses not Orin but I skipped every headless nigger I came across and the ghost sphere guys plus the Seven Spears before SS Isshin fuck that guy he can keep his bead


Does the whistle work on the horse boss.
It works on all manner of beast so it should stagger the horse allowing hits shouldn't it?

>bosses use your own martial arts against you
>kill a boss and get their martial art
>can use arts and techniques that show up in the prologue cutscene

I love this shit

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>plus the Seven Spears

how the fuck did you beat monk without killing seven spears first, monk's moveset is literally seven spears but more elaborate.

Fucking RNG Boss. Every attack is easy to dodge and punish except for his ranged bullshit. It seemed completley random if he would get enough distance to hit me after a charge in my fights.

You can instakill DoH by getting him to commit suicide off a cliff.

For his shuriken combos, the deflect timing for shuriken into slash is the same as double shurikens, and if he does double shurikens, dodge to his side during his Haohmaru slash and get sone slashes or a charged flame vent on him.

For his firecracker slash, parry until you see his shoulder slam, let him throw the powder, and then dodge to his right when he starts to swing, and you can get some hits in on him.

Nah, I fight these bosses honorably.

You may need a few specific items used for ghost busting before you can kill a headless, confetti temporarily increases damage against them and pacifying agent temporarily reduces terror build up

Not him but the monk is way more forgiving if you die. Seven Spears has you stealth all the way around or kill a lot of enemies to try him again, the monk's adds are easy to deal with.

>completely dodge the gunpowder
WRONG user!
Dont give him false info.
After he throws the gunpowder out he ignites it with the slash from the sword and the slash can hit you and knock you right back into the gunpowder.

Better off just jumping back and avoiding that move altogethor.
You can dodge it with the invinsibilty frames on the forward doge,BUT if your of by a millisecond you'll just get hit and its hard to see the slash anyways cause the explosion obscures your view

The only seven Spears I came across is the one standing next to the general before the final battle with SS Isshin

just firecracker bro

lol holy fuck this game

How does he get on the damn roof?

You missed the one that shows up in the Reservoir before the ministry invasion

there's a seven spears guarding kuro's prison after you killed the cow.

Mother fucker i know that but want to know if the whistle works too casue you get the whistle much farther in the game after you have beaten him.

Anyone tried it in NG+

Dumb shit you did in your playthrough?

>tried to fight headless without lilac umbrella even though I had it in my inventory
>same with demon of hatred and the fire umbrella
>didn't realize I could sprint until I was a few statues into Ashina Outskirts
>got stuck on Genichiro for at least two hours before I learned to stop baiting for attacks
>didn't realize that a lot of martial arts do chip damage through blocks until I read it on Yea Forums
>gave the giant carp the poisonous bait before the precious bait because I didn't realize it was poison
>missed the first memorial mob in outskirts, didn't find it until second playthrough

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I've died way too many times to his phase 3 now, gonna do go with this method if I can actually figure it out

just firecracker

Where to find more of these? (Referring to pepe pics)

>Seven Spears has you stealth all the way around or kill a lot of enemies to try him agai

>jump to the other side of the cliff
>stealth kill the gong guy just to be safe
>run into bush
>stealth kill 2 guys
>throw your rope to a cliff and backstab him because sekiro NPCs are blind when it comes to their sides

it's not as hard as you said on my end but I agree that the route was much shorter and easier for monk.

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It's the slash you're dodging not the gunpowder you dumb shit

I didn't know certain prosthetics had charged attacks until 2apes

you don't need umbrella at all for headless hes already a joke
fire umbrella is also completely uneccessary for DoH

can you actually kill robert legit without him forcing him off the bridge?

I have tried to use my spear but it did nothing to his armor.

Hmm I never saw Kuro in prison I just fought my way up the castle and he was with Geni

no, its the only way, because a deathblow can't kill him.


On my 5th playthrough and the ogres grabs are now insta-kills

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>killed the looter
>send the guy listening to the music to his death
>found out that I should leave him alone so he can reunite with his ghost wife

NG+ here I come

i usually make em on free time
using template

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Yeah, but after you dodge the gunpowder, the ignition won't hit you if you're nowhere near it.
It's just another free hit for you compared to jumping back/running away from the firecrackers.

It was instakill on NG+ without charm

So basically Ceaseless Discharge cheese?

by Kuro's prison I mean the place where Kuro was held captive during the tutorial bit when you started your game, you can come back to the same place later after killing the fire cow.

The swing's hitbox happens at the same time as the firecrackers.

>same with demon of hatred and the fire umbrella
You can beat DoH without umbrella at all. Same for headless.

Is there any way to kill those retarded headless dudes without using divine confetti? Getting sick of farming it just for them, also their rewards suck.

You can also lead him to ghost wife and then kill ghost wife.

Oh ok. I didn’t mess around the base level of the castle too much. I see no point in clearing mooks that just respawn every time you die to the next boss you are trying to clear

they both do damage asshole
when he throws the gunpowder out by itslef without the combo it dmages you




I put off buying any of the final combat skills because they cost too much, then with points becoming a pain in the dick to actually grind out I didn't get the final move of any tree until ng3, by then they were underwhelming.

Shura end

Fuck these gay ass fishfags and their constant stealing of my youth and lighting spamming!

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"A Shinobi should know the difference between victory and honor"
Shinobi are meant to be scumbags which is displayed by Owl many times in the game.

Honor is for Samurai and nobles,but even Genechiro tosses away his honor and dignity when faced with choosing between himself and the revival/defeat of Ashina.
This is also stated by Emma with how Genichiro had been acting since the events of Sekiro began to take place.

Please be ironic. Please

user look at his teeth you don't want him sucking that.

I’m sure they all burn through spirit emblems like crazy too


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Heh that’s one of the few areas you can’t just sprint through easily. I actually had to stealth around so I didn’t get enfeebled

Finally the game encourages me to cheese the bosses

Demon of Hatred is actually the sculptor, right? Surely an old friend who wants to be put out of his misery deserves some honor, no?

Thats why items basically give you free hits,but have limited uses so you at least have to fight the boss a little bit.

You can basically get boss down to final phase then use item spam on them and end it without every learning how to finsih them off properly

>mfw you can steal your youth back by cannibalizing on them

FUCK the demon of hatred

And FUCK whoever thought he was a good idea

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Yeah, which feels redundant too when you could use them to throw a couple firecrackers during a fight to guarantee some damage opportunities anyway.

How the hell do I beat battlemonks in combat. I just stealthkill or run past them at this point.
Also, where do I go after reaching temple in Senpou. I talked with the less-crazy priest and he gave me some item for their "child" but the only door there does not open.

>and this is why i don't want to git gud

Honesty the demon of hatred fight isn’t so bad
What is shit about it is how the camera consistently fucks you over and you can’t see what the hell is going on

battlemonks are garbage 1 v 1 though, they are only a legitimate threat when there's someone else nearby.

I can't get a single hit in except maybe when they're backflipping.
I can fight them a long time while parrying, dodging but can't fucking touch them.

Head to Ashina Castle sculpture and grapple about up to the highest rooftop, you can continue on a new path from there. I think you're supposed to go this way before senpou temple so you might be returning back there when you need a certain item.

>I can fight them a long time while parrying, dodging

Their posture, like most common NPC mobs are fucking garbage, be aggressive and rush them but only deflect, they break posture really easily.

Shuriken when they jump up, or midair deathblow if you have it

>Get stuck on terrain and fail your maneuver
>Camera clips into foilage and blocks what's going on
Oh yeah. This for hardcore gamers only.

Just spam the dodge counter slash and she wouldnh't be able to do anything in the first phase. It's still very effective in the second phase but you'll still have to avoid the illusion and butterflies she'll throw at you. She also tends to jump back away from you.

But seriously, how do you get up that roof?

I have only has this problem with fighting lone shadow in the well and to a much lesser extent, corrupted monk.

Anyway to counter mist nobles' succ attack? I'm at Minamoto courtyard and they're everywhere. I can sneak around but them items man.

Is there a gimmick to killing that long arm centipede cunt? Is it really just 'deflectspam - jump - 1,2 hits - deflect spam - jump - 1,2 hits - back off for posture' for like 5 minutes straight?

Shuriken them, its like 4 hits.

just killed genichiro 0 deaths on my first try ama

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PC is the cheater community, this isn't new.

isnt it like 50% or somthing?

>jumps on wire
>swoops down
>misses me by a whole metre when I am not even trying to dodge

butterfly is ridicolously easy and I am shit at action games, just remember to:
>parry her shruikens
>shruiken her when she backflips/jumps onto the wire
>avoid her kicks
>don't panic at P2, either wait it out or unlock the camera and kill the ghosts (they die in 1 hit)

I've been at this fight for almost an hour now. Normally there are smart ways around a fight to bend it to your advantage, but I can't wrap my head around this one.

Any advice for the two Headless in the Fountainhead Lake?

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I think the music is weak for all the reasons I think Souls is weak - it lacks variety and a feel to each locale or character. DeS shits all over Sekiro with regards to music.

Sound design is quite good when its not abusing stock sounds.

Spam shurikens at her when she's off the ground, catching her off a wire knocks her ass to the ground and you can run over and slap her a bit. The illusions she makes in phase 2 can actually be killed in 1 hit and drop spirit charms, instead of running around waiting them out, run around dash attacking safe targets to get more shurikens.

That's it as far as I knew, it's fun to deflect spam but at the same time fighting them are also boring as fuck, it's a weird feeling when I fight them.

get the spectral headless first
get the main 1 later
i fucked up the order going for main one

There was some sort of object a little in front of the one that's more in the open, I hid behind it to buff up, rushed in for a few attacks and back to heal. I'm pretty sure when I killed it the other died as well.

Literally beat her first try, I don’t understand how people find her challenging

Holy shit, user does it again.

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Fucking christ I honestly might skip the faggot for now then, I don't have the patience for that shit. I love the aggressive 'taking turns" style fights you can get into with most bosses and minis, I really don't have it in me to just tediously repeat the same cycle of shit like I'm fighting a shitty dark souls enemy.

Genchiro's fight theme is 10/10

>same track you have heard early in the game before but dramatized and played in a different beat due to context

fucking japs are master in this craft.

gratz! desu im skipping these headless fucks on NG+s
but im glad i could help

So how many ares does Tengu mask isshin show up in?

Only spots i caught him were after the horse fight and before the sunken valley.

Any other spots he shows up at?

why cant we have more hot female villains

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dub or sub?

but dub has its own charm

this meme will endure, i feel it.

O'rin can be cheesed by jumping on her hed, going for a backstab deathblow.
Then just deflect and whack her until her posture is gone. Standard posture murder fight.
Fuck those headless though. Before beating true monk divine confetti farming as a pain in the ass.

Because FromSoft have no imagination.

sub, don't be a fucking retard

Emma's voice alone in dub/sub is an entirely different character, not to mention you are missing out on Kaiba Genchiro.

There are small moments when I'm playing this game and it's the first time I've enjoyed a From game since DaS1 (and yes I played Bloodborne). But then I hit a wall and get frustrated and feel like I don't understand what the game is really expecting of me. Most of my deaths are probably my fault but some things could be better, a few of these hitboxes are awful man. Dragonrot is stressful too

dude dont get stressed over fucking dragonrot
learn enemy's pattern
if you are exhausted take some rest
then comeback later
if you really hit the wall search guide on youtube

Dragonrot literally doesn't matter. It only affects sidequests and the sidequests are all shit. You can cure it later if you feel like doing the quests.

and this is their cope

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I remember getting through the first Dark Souls and having a good time, but I think I'm getting casual now. Having a hard time with Sekiro. Got through Hirata Estate up until Juzou, but he kept destroying me (one wrong guess on the timing of his attacks and I get fucked up). I went back to the main route and killed chained ogre though.

I like this game's combat system a lot, but feel like it's a bit more unforgiving than past games, since it pushes you into playing with the high risk/reward mechanics of deflect and mikiri counter. Even more so since you can't grind for soul lvls.

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I mean, just look at that Eurogamer fag who cheated at the final boss. He did that on PC.

My god why are her nipples so hard.

How do I increase my peenie weenies size?

How long until we get Emma as a playable costume?

just wait for the headbutt and overhead slash move to get some easy hits and hit him while he is drinking. might take a while, but you should be fine as long as you don't panic or get greedy.

stop playing this game like a soulsborne, the moment you take advantage of luring out weaker enemies and killin them first, exploroing and stealth kills this game became much more easier until you hit another wall.

I am a zoomer who haven't played and this game felt like a mix of hitman/MGR/DMC to me, sekiro does have some soulsborne influence but if you play the game like it's one of those games you are going to get fucked hard.

Lol this has been patched out

is there a way to reset vitality and attack power to 0 for ng+?

>tfw you kill this big retards' dogs and he gets upset and looks around for them
are we the real demon?

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5 minutes straight is doing it wrong, are you getting the JJ Abrams lens flares on every hit? If not you aren’t parrying them all.


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you can always just jump on her head and then you can backstab her

Nope why would you want to do that? Just play the hard mode with bell

yes, its exactly that but it shouldn't take any longer than 20-30 seconds. what the fuck are you doing to make it take 5 minutes?

just for some extra challenge with no charm and demon bell

>tfw your group is so pathetic you try to force your rentfree boogeyman amongst a bunch of anons peacefully discussing a video game

already out

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Every single enemy with a weapon the strat is, learn their moveset, and get in their faces and parry the attacks and do a finisher at ~70% of their health bar.

>walk up to them
>suddenly dogs have raging rabids
nah we are good

back to /pol/ autist

I'm a PS4 pleb

When? I did it today

how's the load time on PS4 for Sekiro, I am playing bloodborne on a non-Pro and the loading time is driving me mad.

in case if you are not one of them, that post was made a tranny masqureading as /pol/ if you can't tell already.

>on ps4
>that load time
>that fps
god damn i hope you enjoy the game

I'm on pro, but after living through launch Bloodbornes 50+ second load screen I didnt even notice they were long on Sekiro. I think after a point I stopped dying a lot and they became irrelevant.

BB takes 50+ second to load on a fucking Pro? christ.

I didn't finish BB and was thinking of buying a pro hoping to bypass the horrendous load time but I am not so sure now.

>50 sec
>roughly minute
man i would be so fucking mad if i die on ps4
holy fuck

Can I fight the Owl in the memory after visiting fountainhead palace? I feel like hunting for some prayer beads and getting more attack power before trying again.

They fixed the minute loads after launch, but by that time I was near completion. I swear 2 hours of my first playthrough was load time. Going through again recently it's not as bad.

you can do the owl (padre) fight any time before Saint

You can fight owl anytime after you get the bell.

However, you can't get the bell if you finish Fountainhead

Alright, I will see if I can get a Pro for cheap after Sekiro NG+

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Okay both sword saint and DoH are walling me, and that's fine because I'm tired anyway. Just to clarify, sword saint IS final boss yes?

Thanks, I haven't gone to the Fountainhead yet so I'll finish that and then I'll come back for Owl.

Has anyone else here had their enjoyment of other games ruined by Sekiro? Unless it's some CUHRAAAYYZEE game like DMC or MGR they all just feel like dogshit.

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Play Senran Kagura, the gameplay is just as snappy and fun as DMC. The moves feel very clean and fast.

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I had this after Hollow Knight and Sekiro fixed me up

I played smash ultimate today and holy shit it feels so fucking slow

Which Sekiro bosses are unskippable? i am on ng+ and i want to get shura ending asap

been playing DMC5 royal guard only because i wanna parry like I did on sekiro..
but thats about it..

What the fuck happened to modern shinobi?

Gyoubu > Genichiro > Monkeys > Monk > Ape > Emma&Isshin

Lady Butterfly.

after i'm finished up with Sekiro for the time being i'm starting Persona 5. Hoping playing something completely opposite gameplay wise will make it easier.

Just beat Isshin
That was a really good fight. I just wish Genichiro wasn't a phase 1. Got annoyed he was basically standing between me and sexy grandpa

They became based.

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>about to do emma and isshin
what am i in for?
i beat SS isshin with 10 try
am i gonna be ok?

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genichiro was forced phase indeed
at least genichiro is ez phase

The first time around he kept giving me shit with his dumb mortal slash, but I don't think I even took damage from him the last 2 times I fought him going for all the endings.

They're okay. Just learn to deflect and react quickly to their moves.

I went to the forest with ghost enemies (through the caves) with 4 health drinks. The enemies are dropping a lot of skill points, which makes me think I shouldn't be there yet,and the terror cave boss before it has a shit ton of health. Am I right? Should I go to the temple left of the bridge (where the old lady is) instead?

Back dodge in a grab, don't try to side dodge it, it tracks and moves them forward. If you do get grabbed, get off the ground as quick as possible. Otherwise Emma fights a lot like phase one isshin.

Phase two isshin has fire attacks. If he puts his sword into the ground, it's going to be a straight line attack, of he starts an ichimonji, it's going to be a fire sweep. If he sheaths, fire is going to flare from the ground. Find an empty spot and don't hesitate, one mind can be parried, or you can use umbrella.

keep exploring
dont get scared

If you ask me the easiest way of progression is
outskirts to before ogre
hirata to fire barrel
rest of outskirts
rest of hirata
all of castle
sunken valley

I unintentionally cheesed him, he got completely stuck on the environment for the entire fight after doing one of those exploding jump attacks during phase one so I just hacked away for what felt like ages and he couldn't do much about it. I'm ok with it though. Owl 2 is making me rage, killed me at least 12 times so far and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere with it. I also died to Sword Saint once as well. I just want to be done with this game really badly at this point, I'm so tired of its bullshit, it really stopped being fun but I'm literally at the end.

Can anyone actually die from the dragonrot?

i collect those, print them on my shirts and wear them during my nights out, usually at bars. i have 43 now.



But they can die from story progression.

You can have hardcore shit and fanservice shit at the same time because japs are based.

granted fanservice shit overflows the market because its infinitely easier to make since all you need is a lewd artist.

they just cough

kuro is too cute

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OK. Im currently at the Samurai miniboss (the one with monkeys surrounding him) next to the building with flute sound. I'll just defeat him, head a bit further, find a bonfire and go back. One more question - can the ill people die? I'm saving up the dragon cure until I find a second one, but I'm worried that I'll miss something. Do I have to cure them?

no its a complete psych out, does exactly and only what it says, which is lower unseen aid (and stops side quest progression)

thats actually smart
genre switcharoo

No, that would be the dragon Kuro Kuro

Don't worry about saving dragon droplets, the game gives you a ton and I think I used 3? my entire first playthrough where I died about 100 times.

I think i got lost. Where is abandoned dungeon entrance? I need mortal blade but cant remember how the hell to get there.

ashina castle bottom

Demon of Hatred is fun

Yeah, this. I beat him on my 2nd go, but I think it would have taken longer if I didn't already read about dodging to your right. Made it really easy.

lol no

Can I call myself a progamer if I defeated the horse Samurai on the first try?

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Horselord is ez

You don't have to back off for posture. If you're perfectly parrying you'll never be guard broken.
If you're not able to consistently parry then all you need to do is pick up Ichimonji - Use firecrackers after every swing combo and then hit him with Ichimonji double to recover all of your posture straight away.

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>offer this bell to buddha t: some delusional cunt
Yeah ok which fucking buddha?
Why the fuck would I run errands to some old crackpot lady when I have a little boi to save?

Give rice to the old grandma and she'll give you a cryptic hint as to how you can pass the snake.

I wish bosses could be respawned.
Jinsuke is ez but fun to fight.
Mod for this when?

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anything I should do before going into NG+? anything to grind out? emblems or anything? Except the get all the Lazaluluite and I guess beads, which I think I've done.
and what Lazzarus weapons are the best to upgrade first? I was thinking of shuriken and Sabimaru.

>Why the fuck would I run errands to some old crackpot lady when I have a little boi to save?
Because the ogre just slammed you into the ground for all your HP, you heard he was weak to fire, and your only alternate path at the moment is to deliver the bell (which either the old lady or the son specifically say to bring back to the sculptor, I forget which)

Bonus points for talking to the NPC you see when you go backwards from the ogre, who also tells you specifically where fire can be found

>tfw go lucky with lady butterfly
>her AI sperged out during the second phase and she just kept kicking me instead of dashing away like she always does
>i parried her to death in 20 seconds before she even used the first illusion
Does this count as cheating? I feel kinda guilty about it.

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Just use it when you need to progress a sidequest and the relevant npc is sick. I'm almost 50h in and only used dragonrot cure 1 time and I'm hoarding a bunch of them.

jinsuke is mini-boss not boss

>you will never have friendly sparring with Jinsuke on wooden katanas
I understand why Souls don't have boss rush mode(it's about grinding exp/multiplayer abuses/unique souls, all this shit), but Sekiro really needs it.
I love Sekiro combat, but i'm not really into fighting same filler enemies just to fight one time butterfly hag.

Let's not count game journalists into that %.

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The bull mini-boss feels like an enemy from a different game. There's no parrying involved. I just run around trying to hit it's butt, but I always die to its autistic flailing.
Am I missing something?

It’s too much bros
I’m barely scraping by on the mini bosses and I haven’t even reached Lady Butterfly yet
Even the basic enemies fuck me up from time to time

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It feels like a souls enemy plopped into Sekiro. It doesn't really fit the rest of the game and there's not much else like it

>any move performed from a sheathed stance pierces guard
>this guy figured that out and does EVERY ATTACK from a sheathed stance
Fucking genius

You won't get worse

So do I just continue running around chipping its health away?

>have all achievement
>got them last week
>Yea Forums is still struggling with this game

the normie invasion is real.

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how the fuck do i beat sword saint
i havent gotten past spear phase yet

Hit its head when you can, it hurts it more, and abuse firecrackers as much as possible (you can't spam it, but use them every now and then)

that's a mistranslation. It's supposed to be "of mibu"

Stay on his ass. Don't get greedy with your attacks. Parry a lot. Use the rocks for cover if you need to heal.
It's really just a lot of pattern learning and figuring out when he's going to use which attacks and how to counter him.
If you need practice and haven't killed them yet, the miniboss in Isshin's place and the spear guy in front of the resevoir are pretty much there to learn parts of his moveset, and Isshin's basically just a culmination of everything you've learned

>actually having the time to charge the fucking thing and use it. Easier to just whittle him down instead of leaving yourself open for for a couple of seconds

lady butterfly is impossible

BUtterfly AI is broken af. Just Slash, Slash, Dodge, very rarely had to parry in that fight. Jump for the sweep and she'll be dead in no time.


>be shit at video games with piss poor reflexes
>Yea Forums keeps saying lady butterfly is impossible, this is gonna suck!
>beat her in about five tries
>Yea Forums keeps saying genchiro is hard, this is gonna suck!
>beat him in three tries
>Yea Forums keeps saying owl 2 is impossible, this is gonna suck!
>beat him in about five tries
>Yea Forums keeps saying demon of hatred is impossible, this is gonna suck!
>beat him in about five tries
Why is Yea Forums full of shitters? I'm expecting Isshin to be a cakewalk.

Yeah dude they really fucked up releasing the game in a completely unwinnable state like this, hope you're still under the 2 hour mark for a refund

stop lying on the internet

Most people on Yea Forums spend more time shitposting about games that they don't even play than actually playing games.

Fuck just his sweep attack, the rest is alright mostly

What are the best combat arts?

I just bought it
Scared it's gonna fuck me up

High monk for cool points and long combo.
Whirlwind slash for taking out mobs.
Double Ichimonji for posture damage.

you'll be fine

Is High Monk really that good? I haven't unlocked it yet.

Explain please!

Here user!

based distortion

why the FUCK arent my lightning deflects working on sword saint
you literally just jump before it fires and press the attack button when the lightning hits you right?

Jump after him


Jump when he starts charging.
Not earlier or you'll land too soon.
You can practice that in Fountainhead with the purple Okami nigs.

Keep talking to him every time you see him

get ready for a wild ride

So I missed both Owl 2 and Demon of Hatred. Was there any way to know how to get to them without using guides or asking people or am I just a brainlet?

Owl 2 is easy to miss because you have to do multiple eavesdrops on Kuro and talk to Emma. Missing Demon of Hatred is borderline brainlet because all you have to do is go explore Ashina Outskirts. There's even a dying guard at the castle gate that tells you to go out there. The idols are all closed off there too which should tell you something is different.

>still stuck at drunkard


It's 12% now.
>implying sonychads aren't superior gamers due to having half the fps
I could probably beat this game blindfolded on PC.

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There's three more. :)

Demon of Hate is easy as fuck to find, all you had to do was get the Ashina Castle idol again and an NPC there would tell you how to get to it, but you were too fucking lazy to even do that.

>tw stuck on Owl 1 for a week

I fucked up so bad, I had a few days off work and didn't die to a boss more than 4 times during my playthrough up until him, didn't play for 5 days now I cannot fucking beat him

help with owl at hirata estate

who else here part of the 1% club?

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Lmao after being stuck on lady butterfly for a while I started using cheese tactics, I literally just did a single attack then dodged, rinse repeat the whole fight. For some reason her AI couldn’t handle this and she barely hit me at all. I hope all the bosses in the game can’t be cheesed this easily.

Not many bosses are good at active pursuit, Genichiro can shoot you with arrows and Owl and Isshin will give you trouble no matter what, but everyone else can be whittled down over 15 to 20 minutes going 1 hit at a time.

A percentage of those have to be cheaters.

Nah only she can.