Want to change my PSN name

>want to change my PSN name
>realize it could fuck a ton of shit up in terms of possible loss of bought items, online progress, trophy progress, PS3 stuff, etc. because PSN built on an old, broken as shit infrastructure
>decide it isn't worth it

Can Sony literally do anything right?

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They had no foresight when they were making PSN. It's literally the best they could do. Just don't change your name it's not worth it.

>expecting competence from a company who thought a rootkit was the best way to do music drm

apparently these are the only games affected, so almost literally nothing
pretty dumb though

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How hard can it be to implement a nickname system like Steam's? I feel like Sony took the hardest, most troublesome route for no real reason here.

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I loved those old demo discs. the song from the giant goldfish mecha wrecking that city still makes me kek

>Xbros have been able to change names for years
>absolutely no problems ever

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You have to use an xbox though.

>Want to change Switch Username
>Change it

the guys who developed the rootkit would eventually get bought out a couple of times. They now make Denuvo

>All irrelevant shovelware except for LBP3
So there's absolutely no issue

What the fuck.

>not having a futureproof username across all websites and services

If you didn't have the foresight to create a name that wasn't shit, why did you expect Sony to think these things ahead way back before you were born?

this, you should honestly have placeholder accounts for services ahead of time and alias' for your email to prevent people snatching them

If your tastes haven't grown out of thinking the names you came up with at 17 aren't shit I kinda feel sorry for you.

I actually came up with my online alias when I was like 11 in the 90s, and its fucking timeless. Sorry if people make fun of your name, but it's never happened to me once.

>If you weren't a fucking retard at 13 then I kind of feel sorry for you
ok xXxSephirothxXx01

I'm the only one who's ever made fun of my name. Sorry to hear you have the same tastes as an 11 year old, though. Sorry, "timeless" tastes. lmao.

I just made an alternate account and am re-platinuming the games I care about (a whopping 3 or 4). With the games I play, only fighting games show your account anyway.

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>I'm the only one who's ever made fun of my name.

Still one more than me!

>Sorry to hear you have the same tastes as an 11 year old

This holds no weight from someone worried about losing his LittleBigPlanet DLC.


My PSN is down, what the fuck.

They made PSN quickly to copy Microshit ASAP.
Just like how Microsoft introduced paid online and Sony jumped on that immediately as they saw it was working.

It takes almost zero effort. They are basically tying your account name to the things you own, which is completely retarded when you can just make a dedicated camp for this in your account data (which is literally what everyone else does) and let the name be mutable.

Sony is one of the few companies that doesn't let you change your username. Most online shit does, and I don't see why they can't do it if literally every single website and console can let you do it.

The only thing that occurs with LBP is that all your old stuff will be labled under your old username.

you had to pay for xbox live back in 2001 and it wasnt until the ps4 that you had to pay for playstation online

I love it when nerds get so insecure about their social status they have to roleplay like they were badass when they were kids or something.
No, I promise you you weren't cool when you were 13 no matter how hard you want people to think so.

I still don't understand how the xbox360 wound up significantly more popular than the ps3. It had paid online when the ps3 didn't. It had a cumbersome battery pack on the back of the controller where you needed to keep swapping batteries when you could just plug the ps3 controller in, and the ps2 was an insanely popular console with a shitload of games.
What the fuck happened?

I was a dumb fucking retard when I was 13 I was just slightly outside of the range of stupidity to not have my username be [anime][phonenumber] like half the people used to do
the only "issue" I ever have with my pseudonym is that it kind of looks like a real name so people sometimes assume it's just actually my name

>resorting to fallacies because nobody's buying your "I was way cooler than other kids my age!" larping
Yeah man you were totally 11 and named yourself after King Crimson lyrics in Runescape and then everyone stood up and clapped and you scored with that hot babe who was two grades older than you.

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>$600 at launch
>xbox had halo 3
case closed

It was cheaper and Microsoft was better at marketing to dudebros whereas PS was primarily known for nerdy Japanese games.

>Named yourself after king crimson lyrics in runescape
Bretty good user

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>Sony fucked modern PC gaming

>I still don't understand how the xbox360 wound up significantly more popular than the ps3.
>What the fuck happened?
360 may have been pretty bad but boy was the ps3 fucking atrocious
it's a major miracle it didn't end up as a wi-u tier failed abomination

It hardly affects LBP3. littlebigplanet.playstation.com/news/littlebigplanet-psn-online-id-change-faq

My name isn't even bad. I just don't like Dragon ball like I used to.


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>don't have a stupid edgelord/innuendo/tryhard/le ebic meme name
Feels good not being a retard.

>want to add switch friend
>need their friend code

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any concrete answer what happens to ps3/vita online games? does your name just stay as your old one or does it change and if it fucks up, you're screwed?

And it costs money to change your name

Because sony is likely selling your name and data to advertisers

Europe would never let their golden child fail

PS3 was a massive fuck up on launch. It was only in it's last 2-3 years it really became what it was.


does anything happen? I thought it just said it only affected like 5 random games that no one cares about

What I want to know is, if you change your ID, does it open the old one up for others to then use? If a name is taken, can I wait a while and see if they change and free up their old one?

You'll never convince anyone that you didn't come up with one of those things for your online name as a kid.

Cute dragon

your old name will stay

So has Steam, and Steam has free online multiplayer.

sony can you just stop existing?

Didn't Japanese PSN have a nickname system like Steam for a long time? Why in the fuck can't they just implement that?

You make it sound like Everybody's Golf isn't a big deal

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>one of the very few things that was done well for the WiiU
>remove it

I fucking hate that faggot who's in charge of the online department.

At this point I think someone tries to sabotage Playstation or Sony in general from the inside.
So many retarded decisions

You keep your original name permanently. When you change your name, you always have the option to go back to the original. What I personally am confused on is I've read people saying every name you change to is yours forever, meaning you can horde as many fucking names as you want. Also no names are put back into the wild with this update.

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people pay for this shit

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it and lbp3 are relevant but if the same shit is "wrong" with it as lbp3 it's nothing

I have a feeling it effects more than just "those" games. I'm worried about possible loss of DLC, ownership of games. This is Sony we are talking about here. They have no fucking idea what they are doing 90% of the time.