Reminder to never ever spend a fucking dime on Magic Arena
Reminder to never ever spend a fucking dime on Magic Arena
These are wotc employees btw
>WotC is actually going to fire the best artist they ever had because of this
Absolutely fucking disgusting company
>Remembers the time when scrump threatened to shoot up a school
The sargon ass kisser returned to twitter then i see.
Is this one of those cases where SJWs dig around peoples history to callout something as problematic and blow it up.
They're legit retarded. Mechanically dumb down the game to HURR MY PERMANENT GET COUNTER DURR every fucking set as well as hold terrible ideologies. More minority visibility? yeah I guess that's fine, but they don't need to be majority of the cards and 99% of magic players are white guys. On top of this, the art for cards has been on a general decline since Theros.
I wouldnt even mind a set with not a SINGLE white person in it, so long as the art was good and the mechanics were solid and not made for the hearthstone audience like every fucking set they've put out since Origins
Literally who is Kendra Smith? Some buttblasted peniswoman?
She didnt even said anything, her crime was she followed Alex Jones or hannity
>dont spend money on a card game
Do I look like a retard to you?
>giant neon magic the gathering logo slowly rotates in the background
>makes /pol/ incels cry
time to buy some packs
Jesus man no wonder actual facism is on the rise in the west,
I'd be a fucking nazi too if this kind if shit happened in any institution in my country.
Good thing I live in Israel.
>literal who has opinion
>the entire right-wing: ALL LIBURALS ARE BAD REEE
Worse, this is one of those times where SJWs dig around to find out who someone associated with and get them removed from their career.
>literal onions face
>fucking funko pops
>this is the person who calls people söyboys
2016 migrants really fucked Yea Forums up
>fuck hate
>goes on to post a series of comments reeking of hatred
Hmmm if only there was a word to describe this kind of behaviour
>Have opinion
>Get fired
Yeah naw but fuck drumpf right please I like my job
>Terese Nielsen
>Whose art on limited edition "Guru Lands" have become so iconic they go for 300 USD per piece
>Have done so much for MtG art over the years
>Gets shafted because MMUH ORANGE MAN
Fuck WotC, Ill buy my chink fakes, thanks
>havent played MTG in 15 years
From Wizards to (((Merchants))) of the Coast.
Keep buying those cards, white goys.
Most liberals are tho
We warned you back in 2012 SJW shit was going to get out of control. You faggots didn't listen.
I'd fire my employees if they followed scammers like Alex Jones and believed in fucking pizzagate too
>Openly admitting to enjoying or participating in anything in public
You retards haven't adjusted to the 21st century yet, I see! Don't worry, you'll understand that constant media over-saturation and social media control has lead to a surveillance state we willingly participate in at all times meaning that the only way you can enjoy things is through a lens of irony, since actually liking things that could be construed as "problematic" to the social order could have your entire life destroyed down to the very atoms.
You'll adjust. It's not so bad in the cage.
have the surgery.
Yeah I mean who really cares. They'll be swinging your ass from a lamppost in a few years anyway right?
Good. Fuck conservatives.
>Support the president of the united states in the united states
>Essentially social suicide
It's crazy that he might win a second election. You'd think with the amount of shit you can take for even following a conservative or even a libertarian on twitter, less people would vote for Trump.
>he thinks the artwork matters
>in magic the fucking gathering
AHAHAHAHAH yeah no. Bunch of minmaxing faggots.
>Playing Magic
I don't have a card smug enough for this.
The problem with Pizzagate is how it distracted everyone from the fact that Hollywood and the government really is full of pedphile rapist babyfuckers who probably slaughter kids on private islands with machetes for fun, they just don't do it with stupid pizza-themed code words.
That was how fascism rose in the first place a century ago, in response to commie gangs roaming the streets assaulting people and trying to take over countries.
t. tranny falseflagger
>mfw sitting way in the back here with warhammer
what was that dear? your hobby is being destroyed from the inside and out?
no then we proceed to be faggots and cause the fappening. which made everything worse
absolutely based, drumpfcucks BTFO
Reminder that /tg/ will not make a single peep over this
>Have godlike employee
>Makes the company big money
>Never made waves at work
>Model employee, wish other employees were like them
>Never discussed politics at work, kept very quiet about anything relatively controversial
>Found out they follow Alex Jones on Twitter (pre ban)
>Fucking fired lmao
This is why anonymity is so important and why the powers that be wish to eliminate it.
>fuck hate
The irony
They've been like that for years already
>no we wont reprint these cards because muh investments
>ok we might reprint some of these others cards so other formats are more accesible
>*every masters set does nothing to help other formats due to their higher price and limited availability*
Honestly just fire Rosewater. Every bad decision comes from him, creatures the tappening to jacetice league
>Being retarded
Art plays an important role in MtG in more ways than one, nigger.
deal with it, tranny
>they get triggered over literal whos just like the left
ironic isn't it
If the artwork didn't matter why are they even paying people to make it? You think you can sell a cardgame solely on a number and some text that says you win and your opponent is gay?
Right, leaking celebrity nudes really started the migrant crisis, fat, gay, trans acceptance, black lives matter, and all of the other leftist garbage.
I'm confused
Literally nothing wrong with this.
Have and express mind-numbingly retarded opinions, deal with the consequences. If you support a petulant, malignantly narcissistic manchild you need your fucking head examined.
>her crime was she followed Alex Jones or hannity
Should automatically qualify you for a straight jacket, who the fuck takes Alex Jones seriously? You may as well say you're way into fucking Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP bullshit, they literally sell the same products with different labels.
Ironic. 6/10 bait
People never learn. There's nothing some one hates more than being told what NOT to be. This is the reason the wealthy and powerful create controlled opposition, they know the inevitability of push back the more they push. Anglosphere far left loony bins don't realize that they're giving birth to the next right punk movement by being extremely authoritarian and oppressive to opposing views.
>Decadent kings held slaughtering games for their own entertainment only a few centuries ago
>Modern super-rich oil princes in Saudi Arabia purchase western women just to spray liquid shit on them for fun
>"No! OUR super rich and powerful are nothing like that! We're better! DIFFERENT!"
It's simple, really. The super rich and powerful over-indulge in stimuli to the point where they need more and more extreme stimuli to feel anything. History has shown us this countless times, and maybe you'll understand one day.
People with jobs that don't want to be caught in the modern-day witch hunt. It's a literal form of evil at our doorstep.
Crazed and insane democraps at it again.
It does actually, its the only TCG with good art. A sizable amount of people play the game because of it. People also line up and pay a oretty oenny just to meet the artists and have their cards signed. Cards with the artist's signature on it usually racks up the card's price too
Just another reminder of how utterly cancerous any type of social media is.
>You'd think with the amount of shit you can take for even following a conservative or even a libertarian on twitter, less people would vote for Trump.
Their high-pitched screaming makes them appear bigger than they actually are. That's why so many companies are folding to SJWs recently, it's in the perception.
Yeah, it started people coming here to look at actress assholes.
Stop pretending, faggot. The average magic card looks like a deviantart project. What, are you going to tell me this card costs tens of thousands of dollars because of the "beautiful" "art"?
is that good or bad?
The thing is you'll never own a business or be in a real position of hire/fire so it doesnt matter what you think.
If you were born a man, you'll always be a man. If you were born a women, you'll always be a women. No surgery or pills can ever change that.
What if I followed Alex Jones so I could make fun of him in my blog/debunk his shit on my youtube channel?
That's nice, tranny
She wasnt fired
These people are mentally unwell with a huge chip on their shoulder. They crave attention and what better way to get it than to bring someone down to their pathetic level
Go be a bigot in Alabama, they'll welcome your retarded ass with open arms and toothless grins.