Is there any hope for this being decent or are we doomed with shitty Star Wars games until EA loses the license?

Is there any hope for this being decent or are we doomed with shitty Star Wars games until EA loses the license?

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i think we're fucked chief, even if we get a remake of something good

It's going to be a shooter, isn't it? What is the studio behind this? Bioware?


what everyone wants
>custom character
>lightsaber combat
>light side and dark side choices
what EA will deliver
>preset character with zero fucking personality
>blaster combat
>no choices

Maybe a little, sometimes EA forgets to fuck up a game.

In b4 all the

>Another bog standard Imperial Era game
We're already off to a bad start.

when are they revealing it?

think i read saturday?

>Disney Wars
There will never be another good Star Wars game.

the way they initially revealed this game was so retarded
just some guy in the audience awkwardly namedropping the title

I trust Respawn to put a respectable amount of effort into it but given the fact that they and SPORTS are the only thing keeping them afloat right now after Anthem's flop, I'm gonna have to hard pass on the assumption that EA's gonna needlessly meddle with it and I wish to never give EA direct money ever again.

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EA forces frostbite on everyone right? thats pretty much a negative right off the bat for anything not a battlefront

In its current state Bf2 is fucking great.

Its solid, saying its great or even fucking great is a bit too much.
I really can't see a good melee combat system coming out of this. The best way to handle it is go Jedi Outcast style and focus on blasters/positioning and go all out without regards for game balance when you get the saber.

The 13th.

Doesn't Titanfall run on Source?

Great is a bit of overstatement. I would say good at best.

>doomed with shitty Star Wars games until EA loses the license

>EA game
>"unga bunga is this maybe be good after all??!"

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i like non force sensitive characters desu. give me imperial commando instead please.

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The real question is
>will this just be another fucking game as a service that EA is trying to force everything to be
Even though it is Respawn, they've put out 3 games and the only one that wasn't gimped by EA was the one that EA was sure was going to fail. All due to their dumb fucking decisions concerning Titanfall 2's release. They were positive no one wanted anymore Titanfall stuff so they pretty much told Respawn to have at it but don't expect any solid support.

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It's already confirmed to be a padawan on the run after order 66

Why not a force sensitive character that isn't a Jedi or a Sith
They don't even necessarily have to be a lightsaber fag at all.

I wish you stupid fucking 3rd worlders would stop giving EA money for the yearly diveball rehash.

You forgot forced political subjects that won't fit. Like a Strong Female Protagonist that takes off her tactical helmet to show us, the audience, that she's a Strong Female Protagonist

So you mean like all Star Wars protagonists that aren't Jedi or Sith? There is no such thing as luck, after all.

Unless you mean gray force users, in which case they literally did not fucking exist for Lucas, and Disney just ruined their one shot at doing it when they had Rey take the fucking books.

Yeah. Even FIFA got the frostbite treatment.

>From Respawn Entertainment comes a brand-new action adventure game which tells an originalStar Wars™story around a surviving Padawan set shortly after the events ofStar Wars™:Episode III -Revenge of the Sith
For you lazy fucks that don't bother looking at the story

can you make your own character or is this a preset?

No really, no.

For those of you who are trying to say it will be good because MUH RESPAWN MUH TITANFALL 2, remember that
>Respawn is TERRIBLE at balancing their games, the absolute worst
>take months to fix basic shit
>female characters ALWAYS have smaller hitboxes, it was the case in Titanfall 1, it was the case in Titanfall 2, it's the case in Apex, and it will be the case in Fallen Order
>barely communicate with playerbase despite always requesting feedback and saying they're listening
>still using source engine
>slow as shit with updates
And this is only taking into account Respawn's problems, because on top of this bullshit, you're still going to have EA's DLC and lootboxes and skins in your face 24/7

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There's no way EA is going to top Jedi Outcast

Let's be real, they won't even reach Academy.

Best case scenario, it's as good as the Revenge of the Sith game

>EA puts out game
>Everyone buys it and then gets mad because it's lootbox filled shit
>Repeat for about 5 years
>EA announces a new game
>"Maybe this might be good...."
You people deserve this.

Either EA or Disney will ensure that it's trash.
Star Wars is dead, move on and be happy.

They're going to make a streamlined game for normies with epic cinematics and super badass powers that you need to unlock individually, by purchasing the secret jedi books only for $4.99


>Is there any hope for this being decent
>Star Wars

>yfw the Padawan is Venom Anakin created by Sheev in order to rally together all the surviving Jedi so Vader can kill them all in one fell swoop

If this is a bomb I guarantee Lucasfilm drops EA by January. Battlefront 2 has just finally become the game it should have been on release.

I'm not defending it. (Bought it for like 10 bucks)

But Disney aint dumb. They want money. And EA isnt bringing it in.

>darth vader
>for the 5 billionth time

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preset shit

If you think about it, there should have been dozens of different orders of monks, wizards, mystics, etc. who independently discovered the Force on their home planets and developed unique ways of using it. It never made sense that the Jedi and the Sith were the only two groups of people to learn about it.

It's more likely to be a shitty god of war 3 clone with p2w microtransactions shoved in two months after release.