What are some show openings you never skip?
What are some show openings you never skip?
>in space
how absurd
It's like nigger dwarves.
>tfw no belter gf
>he believes the space jew
dumber than the niggers
also one punch man season 2 episode 1 is out RIGHT NOW
This isn't Yea Forums
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But I just started watching Black Sails and holy fuck I love the intro
Any season intro really
You're a letter off but to answer your question youtube.com
Expanse game when?!?!?!
Literally the best sci-fi show running right now, fact.
The fact that they even made a kids show for this is incredible to me
Daredevil's and The Punisher's opening are top notch
>the fucking soundtrack
Damn it, I have to watch again
DS9's opening theme is kino
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare is like if the OPA was the Free Navy and the Earthers were more militant.
Hollywood will market nearly anything to kids. This show was absolute kino though.
The books are infinitely better.
A recent one which is fucking great, American Gods.
It's not even the first Verhoeven film to have a kids' show. Robocop had two.
luke cage theme is the best on netflix
>look at these fucking inners
Lol no it’s fucking garbage
the expanse is literally the best scifi show around right now and it shits all over the absolute abhorrant garbage that is star trek
The first version is better than the second half of the show's version
how does it feel to be complety wrong and have no taste in front of everyone here?
Fact: the intro is far better than the show.
>implying we're not going to send out a bunch of them to mine the asteroids for us
Best fucking show
You would know all about it
Since this is still a vidya gaem board, here's the best Game intro/trailer
Shit I posted the wrong one
shame the show its self is badly written meandering nonsense with no drive or anything happening at all
Twin Peaks
Black Sails
True Detective(season 1)
Recently: Doom Patrol
best game intro resident evil outbreak
Agreed, still love the intro.
Tyalyn. Starburst.
Stranger Things
If there was one show that got a remake I wish it would be this one. The core of it is fucking incredible but the effects are some of the worst I've ever seen and a lot of the dialogue/acting is truly painful to endure.
why did you even make these?
It looks cool
Hold on till season 2, the cast grows into their roles better, the main guy gets replaced, and in season 3 the cgi effects are taken over by a different company
Season 1 is only something you appreciate after you watch the whole series. It IS poorly acted and it does have shitty effects. Both get much better as the show goes on.
I promise you, nothing has rivaled the storytelling since.
Also, if you can, find a way to watch it not on Amazon. They really fucked with the cgi scenes.
I've watched the whole thing. The effects did get a lot better but thats not saying much. The only actors that I thought really felt like they actually fit their roles were the 2 alien guys. The rest were serviceable at best throughout the whole show. I realize this is probably a pleb opinion.
>nothing has rivaled the storytelling since.
I agree.