ITT: Vidya red flags
>It's fun
ITT: Vidya red flags
I want my games to be absolutely miserable and i want to hate myself every single second i'm playing them.
That's how i know a game is truly good and patrician.
>western development team
>Yea Forums likes it
...can salvage a series. Twice.
Ok but that's under Nintendo.
Then it becomes ok because Nintendo.
>Japan is involved in any way
Metroid Prime was shit compared to Super Metroid, don't @ me
>"it's a good game. Just not a good ____ game"
>that one friend likes or recommends it
We all have that one
unironically the biggest red flag
>fun with friends
"Its a good anime. Just not a good ____ anime"
This is actually the biggest red flag of them all.
>Yea Forums hates it
>Yea Forums loves it
Then it's probably good
>Yea Forums won't shut the fuck up about it
It's complete shit
>Yea Forums likes it
>it's a fanservice game
>it's a slavshit game
>it's full of janky broken mechanics/bugs
>all of the above is forgiven simply because there's no brown people and women are only there to be sex objects
which games does Yea Forums recommend that will push me to finally unironically kys?
>redditor tranny seething this hard
>It's not fun
You can't disprove that post, you can only throw memes at it in impotent rage.
>It's comfy
>you're a poorfag if you don't want to pay for literal garbage/nothing
>Yea Forums threads have more waifuposting than actual discussion about the game
unironically based
This is fine if the game has been out for years and most discussion has been exhausted outside of oddball new players.
Yeah i was about to say
This definitely happens if the game has been around for a long time and has no bearing on the quality of the game itself.
People just ran out of things to talk about.
Happens a lot to games that are getting older on /vg/.
>the dark souls of x
Yeah. Ape Escape is the prime counterexample here.
>general for long running series
>they exclusively discuss the mobage now
Yes, but in five minutes I will no longer be mad and you will still be retarded
>It gets good after X amount of hours in
>we'll fap today
>we'll fap later
>we'll fap some day
>Yea Forums isn't talking about it
>Yea Forums mostly only has one opinion about it
>it's korean
Hey wait a minute. Is this just a stealth Flip Flappers thread?
To be fair, “it’s fun” is a perfectly valid conclusion.
It’s exactly that though: a conclusion; don’t fucking use it as a defense
and yet you still post here
>we don't use the word "fun"
>You press buttons
>crowdfunded and episodic
>cinematic experience
As a KH2FMfag i want to nuke the KH general from fucking orbit.
10 times, in sequence.
Then nuke it again, and again, and again, just to make sure.
>it isn't real
What's the fucking point?
>it doesn't alt tab properly
>in five minutes I will no longer be mad
I doubt it, being mad is pretty much your kind's default state.
>Dual monitors
>Focusing on the other monitor causes the game to minimize instantly
>he says posting anime
>snoy exclusive