He's right, you know

he's right, you know

Attached: sony.png (612x625, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>twitter thread
>an actual good take on the OP

has hell frozen over?


That's not marketing, Sony became arrogant after the success of the PS4 and have become extremely anti-consumer.

Meh, nobody gives a shit about censorship unless Nintendo does it.

>PSN name change is a shit show
lmao how did they fuck that up?

>Microsoft giving up on consoles
>Nintendo's April fools joke was announcing the Switch is getting games
Sony just kind of wins by default

So literally what happened by the end of the PS2 era?

Yeah and it almost killed them.


Something about users losing data because some genius decided to tie it to your username.

Sony is getting ready for the ps5. The ps4 has a few more games left but it's mostly done.

>sony going full 599 U.S. dollars
>no bluray player to save them

And to think it went all this time without a killer app.

Reminder to the people who were born the day the 360 released, Sony will always be the lesser of the two evils. Microsoft dominating the market is bad fucking news. Everything wrong with the console market now came from them, and them being on top with the next generation will make things even worse. Sony is fucking retarded, and with their Jap ass backwards traditions, but holy shit is it not a lot when compared with MS.

Dont need a great game when the competition doesnt have any games.

Sony just got lucky that one E3 because they probably would have implemented the same dumb ideas MS thought of.

Well that is true but the problem is that its competitors all have games.

and they are still fucking winning how are they doing this????

They got arrogant again after starting off the gen so well

sadly true

both God of War and Uncharted were worse off than the previous gen games. Unfortunately for MS Halo and Gears were FAR worse this gen than last gen, and last gen had THREE FUCKING GOOD HALO AND GEARS GAMES EACH. JESUS CHRIST

nobody has the killer game. this generation was complete horseshit.

Why are we talking about hypothetical nonexistent situations?

The pattern points to Western games having a crisis. Investing more and more into the West will be the undoing of these first parties.

>nobody has the killer game
Pretty much only Sony didn't have one this gen. Hell even Microsoft had one but the problem there is that they went multiplat.

>what the fuck is going on at PlayStations
The dumbfucks from Commiefornia.


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i'm a trophy fag and this generation has been so bland I just bought a graphics card and plan to pirate everything.

>even Microsoft had one
Which game was that?

I assume they have pretty much already stopped developing stuff for the PS4 save for TLOU2, but in my opinion they are sacrificing way too much.

yeah but master chief collection was a shitshow up until 2018.

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Both Halo and Gears changed devs that's why. There are 2 Destiny games and Epic went full retard with it's Launcher and Fortnite.

Brilliant, thanks.

>changed devs
>that's why
Destiny and Fortnite are also exceptionally worse than Halo or Gears on the 360

>being such a flip-flopper that you can't pick a name and stick with it

western games still outsell weebshit and weebshit is just as bad, infact it's trying to "catchup" to ubisoft style game design.

I'm not saying that these games are good but having completely different devs will have an impact on the quality and quantity.

All three of the main competitors are bad fucking news if they reach monopoly status. So sit the fuck down and shut that cumtrap, you consolewarrior piece of shit. Sony has killed more studios and done more hilariously offensive anti consumer shit than EA and Enron combined.

Basically unlike something like Steam or Nintendo Network where things are tied to something static(e.g. an account username/account ID) and you have a community name you can edit that is what actually shows up in multiplayer titles and things, basically a shitload of PSN is tied to your PSN name and letting people change that is going to fuck up a shitload of things that name is associated with, up to and including a lot of purchases and they're not interested in going back and fixing this, instead just saying "change it at your own risk"

Western games outsell everything because it's been the most marketed for nearly 20 years. Japanese design is far superior to Western design.

Fucking commie, I swear.

I posted a Twitter screenshot shitting on the Stadia and still got a solid 200 replies. Yea Forums just can't resist responding to Twitter screenshots, even if they agree with it.

because they have no competition

the sole fact that NINTENDO a company that has NO IDEA how online works for shit allows you to change your online nickname at any time with no drawbacks speaks volumes to how shit this is with sony, like holy shit how do you even come to this board baldface to shitpost with golden faces and justifying yourself for owning a PS4?

But Nintendo jumped into the online market for their Nintendo products, like, a decade after Sony did. It's more reasonable to compare Xbox to Sony, although Xbox is owned by Microsoft and probably had far more intelligent engineers with previous experience to future proof their shit.

>Ms giving up on consoles

They just bought a ton of new studios

they started 7 years ago, yeah i get it but still, even back then they still didn't incorporate MOST of the features PSN and Xbox Live launched today, even to this day nintendo still doesn't have shit like party chats or a fucking messaging system between users, sony starting first and not fixing this shit many years ago is even worse, they've got plenty of time to solve this shit

I just hope those chinks die already. They are the most cancerous forces on vidya even more than EA right now. Microsoft is just offering an alternaive for those who don't want to build a PC, Nintendo's cancer is self-contained but those small dick gooks are stuck in the 90s. Giving my energy to MS next gen.

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PlayStation is Californian (formerly Japanese), not chink.

>sony no bc
>paid online, p2p, doesnt have own servers, network dies when someone sneezes. Got hacked during ps3 era, doesnt include 4k blu ray in consoles, streaming service is trash, 1 exclusive worth buying on ps4 so far(until tlou2 comes out), didnt offer refunds until a few weeks ago, no way to appeal a ban. Created the mid cycle console refresh because their consoles are always overheating and need to be repaired

>MS, dedicated servers, trying to make crossplay a thing, allows pc gamers to play their games, gamepass has downlodable games and is consistently $1/mo, allows you to play new microsoft games on pc or xbox with gamepass(tho admittedly they all suck besides forza amd gears), most powerful hardware, trying to get gamepass on switch, offers refunds like steam

Sony da bad guy guize!

Sony is a failed incompetent tech company that deserves to die, the PS4 was a fluke and now that Microsoft isn't acting retarded they keep losing ground. Stop supporting them they hate you, look how bad they're treating their users now that they have the lead. Don't trust those chinks.

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I loved the PS3 after around the little big planet launch until it finally died. They just need the games to be there for a reasonable price.

This is exactly what happened with Microsoft this gen. I don't understand how these two companies have such an issue with hubris.

>Sony sells like hotcakes since the PS1
>hurr the PS4 was a fluke

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>tfw didnt fall for the PS4 meme
i will literally never buy one, not even to pirate shit on it

You know sony owns the rest of the world console wise, right?

Not him, but both MCC and FH4 were big system sellers.

>Mad Xcuck pushing his fanfic

What do you mean by losing ground? 2018 was the second best selling year for the PS4, sold 2.5x more than the xbone.

What does ey stand for?

>quoting OP twice
you mad bro

Xfags have to make shit up so they can put off having to come to terms with the fact that five years in the Cuckbox Juan is still a turd.

>Moving from Illinois to Texas soon
I'm coming, my fellow Xbros!

you would think they learn their lesson from the ps2 to ps3 transition, but nope, falling in the same pit over and over again.

LITERALLY none of that shit matters.

Pissing off a few million people doesn't mean shit in the grand scheme of things. Sony makes so much money off of FIFA and CoD that they could piss off the entire world and they'd STILL make bank.

Normie money >>>>> your money

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We don't like illiefags like you here.

>hurr durr the industry is the same
They outsold two toy companies that had no idea what the fuck they were doing hardware wise, but when they had to compete with Microsoft on equalt terms aka gen 7 they got assraped, if only Microsoft didn't fell for the motion control meme they would had won this gen, but now that they understand that their place in this market is to offer the best alternative possible to PC, I dont' see how they will lose.
What the fuck is Sony going to launch to compete vs Halo infinite? The last lesbians? Come on.
I'm not even an Xfag tho. I don't buy consoles but everytime Sony has the lead they take a huge shit on the industry like they're doing it right now censoring games and pushing that sjw propaganda.

>Name change is a shitshow

In what way? There's practically no issues outside of a handful of games hardly anybody plays except maybe Warframe

The way sony is acting they might do something stupid as the ps3 launch which is could hurt them in the long run, similar to how the xbone pr per-release was godawful.

I'm going to Austin, don't worry.

FIFA is owned by EA and COD by Activision, they can make money anywhere, no matter the platform they choose, fuck off underage

How do you get .147 retweets?

I honestly don't get why you faggots don't just use twitter if you're just gonna repost twitter posts. When the fuck are we getting a containment board for autists like you?
That being said, yeah he's right.

Is beyond me how anyone could support Sony.

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That doesn't mean the statement isn't true.

you just need to be a punchable faggot 24/7 on twiitter, just do nothing but post tweets all the time and get into flamewars, basically what you do here but on twitter

The difference between the PS3 and the Xbox 360 is less than a million, and the xbox had one year more in the market, how the fuck is that getting assraped?

Don't forget all the security issues
A motherfucking message bricking your console

Plus that one game that bricked consoles
No wonder the ps4 is such a success, consoles bricking left and right so people have to replace it

It's true, but it doesn't affect anything. Normalfag money too strong.

v-vr will save them

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I really want a repeat, but even worse repeat, of the PS3 situation. I want the PS5 to fail so badly that the gaming industry as a whole at least partially collapses due to consumer dissatisfaction with censorship and anti-consumer bullshit, among many smaller issues.

Xbox can fail miserably next gen and it wouldn't make a difference. Nintendo is too unique in its own right that it's failure didn't really do anything to the industry (Wii U), and PC is too far spread apart across different manufacturers, operating systems, and client launchers for any failure to go far.

Playstation is the only one in such an influential position where its downfall could doom the industry, and if that happens, a formal purge can begin

This has happened to literally every console manufacturer since the start of console gaming

>what the fuck is going on at Playstation

quality software for quality players who are totally not pretending to like games and do actually care for gameplay and less for some pretty visuals on screen

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Microsoft is a bit irrelevant to pay again for COD marketing deals, and Nintendo don't give a shit about those kinds of thing.

Now for FIFA, playstation get plastered everywhere on football games so shit have a strong association with brand.

SIDF has arrived I see.

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I agree. It's just a statement on poor choices, every other major gaming company does shitty choices constantly, especially nowadays, and most of them don't really get effected, ESPECIALLY the main three.

Sure mate, everyone who isnt' bing bing wahooing isn't really enjoying games.

>whats going on
they moved HQ to california

ITT SEETHING Nincels amd PC turds

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Yeah, they can't handle their cocaine.

In their near 30 year history, TLOU 2 will have been their only exclusive that made the 97 club. That's honestly pretty pathetic
> Zelda: OOT (99) (Nintendo 64)
> SoulCalibur (98) (Sega Dreamcast)
> Grand Theft Auto IV (98) (PS3/Xbox 360)
> Super Metroid (97) (Nintendo SNES)
> Metroid Prime (97) (Nintendo GameCube)
> Chrono Trigger (97) (Nintendo SNES)
> Perfect Dark (97) (Nintendo 64)
> Mario Galaxy (97) (Nintendo Wii)
> Mario Galaxy 2 (97) (Nintendo Wii)
> Mario Bros 3 (97) (Nintendo NES)
> Mario World 2 (97) (Nintendo SNES)
> Mario Odyssey (97) (Nintendo Switch)
> Zelda: BOTW (97) (Nintendo Switch)
> Portal (97) (PC/Xbox 360/PS3)
> Resident Evil 4 (97) (Nintendo GameCube)
> Code Veronica (97) (Sega Dreamcast)
> Metal Gear Solid 2 (97) (Playstation 2)
> Grand Theft Auto SA (97) (Playstation 2)
> Grand Theft Auto III (97) (Playstation 2)
> Grand Theft Auto V (97) (PS4/XB1)
> Red Dead Redemption 2 (97) (PS4/XB1)
> The Last of Us Part II (97) (Playstation 4)
> Metal Gear Solid (97) (Nintendo GBC)

bruh, if PS5 normal fags will just move to scarlet, its literally what happened in 2013, xbox one shat the bed and everyone moved instantly to PS4 no questions asked, i know many xbox 360 owners who had no choice but to move to PS4 because all their normie friends bough a PS4 as well
again, normal fags are like cancer, if the host dies, they will move the closest life form

Blaming California for Sony's retardation is like blaming treehouse for Nintendo's. Sony as a whole is cancer.

>What the fuck is Sony going to launch to compete vs Halo infinite? The last lesbians? Come on.
The Last of Us sold more than any Halo. Infinite will be lucky if it manages to sell half of what TLOU2 is going to sell.

He probably meant Sony's divisions other than PlayStation. It's true that all of them are failing, PlayStation and FGO are the only things that keep them alive. Though they generate more than enough money.

Those xbox sales are mostly us.
Sony sells worldwide. Its why ms is trying so hard to get streaming and japanese games going on their hardware. Theyre trying to take sony’s marketshare outside the us. Sony is a failing company besides the playstation

>nier and FFXV on the PS4 side
>muh sales
>literally persona 5 twice
>neil cuckman games
fucking hell, thanks for the laughs


They have a division for insurance that is doing fine tho.

>PS1 was a success
>PS2 was a massive success
>PS3 was a success

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Thing is, most of the "problems" people here say the PS4 has recently are literally irrelevant. When next gen starts, normies will not abandon the brand that gave then GoW, Spiderman or TLOU2 for the one that released Crackdown, State of Decay and other shit like that.

>Playstation is the only one in such an influential position where its downfall could doom the industry,
If sony dies the industry would have a renaissance.
>No more cinematic experiences
>Consoles prioritizing a well balanced game experience instead of fixating with resolutions
>No more censoring
>No more SJW shit
>No more massive shilling campaings of missinformation
>No more shitposting
>Weebshit would stay in Japan
>It could leave the door open for another competitor with a new fresh perspective
Fuck Sony.

What's wrong with the sony name changes?

with sony is different bro, this time they actually moved their HQ from japan to california
in nintendo's case, NOA and nich maragos were taking the chance with 3ds+ Wii U region lock to censor all the shit they wanted, remove the region lock with switch and immediately NOA and treehouse lose all their influence, Nintendo HQ is still in Kyoto japan

What is more pathetic is Xbone having a better year than the Nintendo Switch in 2019

>PS3 was a success

Fuck no shit was a literal money sink, they barely scrapped out of it. 599 US dollars and YLOD nearly killed the division.

This is what people thought about the transition from last gen to this one, only it was with the 360 -> Xbone.

Where da games

>normal fags are like cancer, if the host dies, they will move the closest life form
That's not how cancer works at all, user.

>implying all that shit wouldn't just move to Xbox or even worse, nintendo and PC

>Everything is going perfectly for years
>Move to Avacadofornia
>Instantly turn to shit

Really... makes you think

>muh sales dont matterr!!!!!!

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What the fuck is this?

i should've said "parasites" but you got the message

Fuck off, Xniggie.

Not marketing, more about PR / Reputation

If we talk advertising they are doing great since 4 out of 5 normies think the only console that exists is the PS4

It's the 5th best selling console of all time, user.

You wildly overestimate how much the average casual buy gives a shit about those games.

If the PS5 release is a shitshow you'll have normies who buy the lesser evil to play their madden and fifa and calladooties on and their friends will buy the same system so they can play together and the friends of those friends will do the same and so on and so forth. It'll be the exact same series of events that happened to the Xbone.

Xbots dont exist on v

That's what I was kind of getting at with my post, doom the industry, a "burn it down" approach so gaming can have a renaissance.

So Sony only needs to not have the worst console reveal of all time and they will be fine?

Expression that's guaranteed to be paired with this gesture

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Maybe you don't remember PS2 -> PS3

Nintendo are also gooks that yearn their monpoly days from the 90s but they are they have no influence on gaming since the mid 00s, it is true that motion controls were cancer but that shit faded away and no one is going to copy the switch. No one is copying their games either, no one is looking at BOTW as a blueprint for their games. Sony in the other hand is leading the witch hunt against anything that triggers liberals. Microsoft did some bad shit yes, but with all honesty they're the lesser evil right now. Unless you're a sonyfag which in that case I feel sorry for you because you're a fucking cult, there is no reason to support Sony right now or ever.

I wouldn't have used his terminology but for quite a long time the PS3 was tens of millions of units behind the 360. It wasn't until early 2010s, as I recall, where they really recovered. Mind you, they both lost fucking piles of money, with MS and the RRoD, Sony and their fucking retarded marketing plans. So they really are just pulling circles, it seems.

Wait, did the last of us 2 come out?

There is not any reason to believe the PS5 release is going to be a shitshow, other than wishful thinking. Also the PS3 reveal was a shitshow and pretty much tied what the 360 sold.

based fucking montana

Maybe at launch but it got better, stop living in 2006 you faggot.

So it's the most retarded spelling of "ehhh" possible?

PSP sold 80m but sofware sales were negative after a while.

Selling 1000 gorillions don't matter if shit is selling at loss. Meanwhile WiiDS printed money hard because Nintendo produced them with lunch money and raked 100% profit out of them. Revenue or sale numbers mean shit alone.

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i think M$ really learned their lesson with xbone, scarlet will definitely blow PS5 out of the water with specs i think its one of the things they will absolutely make sure of
they played safe with xbone leaving it considerably behind PS4 in GPU performance and packing it with CPU to move kinnect at system level, remember that most multis STILL plays at 900p on xbone, but yeah actual console performance is a BIG buzz word for Normal fags, the strongest one will get the most attention

based montana, west virginia and rhode island

>Forced VR
>PS plus premium
>an actual home console
>better online services

>There is not any reason to believe the PS5 release is going to be a shitshow, other than wishful thinking

Was there any reason to believe the PS3 release was going to be a shitshow?

>Also the PS3 reveal was a shitshow and pretty much tied what the 360 sold.

Yeah, after several years when devs finally learned how to make games for the damn thing while the 360's library dried up and died as MS tried to push its retarded Kinect nonsense nobody wanted.

>Mario World 2
Is this supposed to be Yoshi's Island?

read my post again faggot
>or even worse, nintendo and PC
i'm just saying, Sony dying does not guarantee the end of all the shit they're pushing

He could have gone with "meh" too, but only faggots use "ey".

No but like Red Dead Redemption 2 we know it's getting a 97 anyway

That elf's rocking some nice kicks.

>Was there any reason to believe the PS3 release was going to be a shitshow?
there are many but im not going to sit down and explain all that shit to you, you was probably a baby when PS3 launched


>Red Dead Redemption 2
>PS4 exclusive
choose 1

Still amusing that OOT never ever going be topped due ton of factors.

Ton of reviewers gave BOTW a lower ish score to troll or spite the damn thing, but even then still somewhat impressive with number of reviews.

this, Jim sterling gave it a 6 just to be a contrarian faggot, he single handedly dropped the score from 98 to 97
there are no conditions to ever get a 99, you will always have some faggot playing devils advocate for fun and 5 minutes of free publicity

>Yeah, after several years when devs finally learned how to make games for the damn thing while the 360's library dried up and died as MS
Bullshit, after several years meaning almost all the gen cycle the PS3 had nothing, NOTHING. It was when the last of us dropped when that piece of shit started raising interest.

>Was there any reason to believe the PS3 release was going to be a shitshow?
What about the Xbox One? You are just speculating based on what you want to happen. So far we don't know shit about the next consoles so asuming Sony is going to fuck up the reveal because of reasons makes no sense.

read the fucking thread faggot, cocky sony is back from the PS2 days, they will get super cocky and try to fuck people in the ass like they did with PS3, granted its all speculation but there's a pattern here that might repeat again, they got away with all sort of anti consumer practices this gen because they had literally NO competition, this might not be the same case next gen

They test the waters with how much they can get away with, if at one point they actually do get away with things it will be very profitable, this market only has a few competitors, and with how Nintendo is doing things, Sony only has to worry about Microsoft, so its not that bad if they lag behind.

Can you be specific? What exactly do you think they can do that turns people against them when the crossplay, no e3 and censorship didn't make a dent in the sales numbers.

>what's going on
First place syndrome (why put in any effort to get more customers when you already have them?) + quickly entering the absolute fucking shit time between an old console dying and a new one establishing itself.

The same way MS got cocky with the Xbox One, which practically crippled the division to the point where MS was considering completely abandoning the console market. Xbox One's reveal, marketing, the Kinect, Don, was so catastrophic that Sony had the generation served to them on a silver platter. Even Nintendo did the same fucking thing with the Wii, same as they did with the SNES, same as all these companies do when they huff their own farts too often.

That's just a testament to it's quality since it still lacked memorable music, coherent story & traditional dungeons. I honestly think the 2020 sequel can get a 98 if it fixes BOTW's issues

OOT have way less reviews than BOTW, but even if a game is a perfect 99/100 there is always one retard shitting on it for attention.

It's impossible to create same conditions as OOT perfect score today.

All they have to do is tumble coming out of the gate with the PS5. If the casual buyer sentiment turns against them for one reason or another it could easily snowball out of control.

Whether or not it'll happen is yet to be seen. Personally I'd like for Sony to get knocked down a peg in general because a company being wildly successful only ever makes things go to shit anyway.

>The seething Xcuck screeches for the 82nd time

I didn't mind shitty online when it was free,

>What about the Xbox One?
Seriously? Before the reveal Microsoft had a lot of awful E3 presentations, they were forcing the kinect since.
Besides charging you for online while offering the worst service possible with no security at all
Besides openly lying about the actual capabilities of their consoles, saying they perform like a high-end PC
Besides showing their games running on PC to mislead people
Besides censoring games
Besides denying cross play
IMO two things primarily.
Forcing VR and focusing too much on VR games, see the state of play.
Thinking their first party support is enough to sell their consoles when they have nothing exciting to show, they will have a weak launch window with the last of us 2 as the system seller. Here is where Microsoft will win because they will have Halo Infinite, Battletoads, Gears 5 and all their recently bought studios will have something to show.

get ____ go _____


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It's kinda hard to fuckup since Nintendo already launched a new console and microsoft is struggling to stay relevant.

Unless for some reason Switch starts to snowball out of control. But honestly I doubt that such thing can happen even with Pokemon.


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Well yeah 99 will never happen again, but 98 is still totally possible in today's era

Since this is the shitposting thread I'll ask here.

What's this shit about dunkys wife getting plowed by nignogs? Apparently it was posted on /gif/ but I can't find the thread

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Peggle 1

>Pushing his busted talking points
Making it too obvious here now, Asher.

I completely forgot about there being a sequel until you said 1 and in my mind it all came back.

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Fuck off Eric you stupid ugly bitch lol

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>they will have Halo Infinite, Battletoads, Gears 5
We'll see about that. Gears 5 for starters releases this year so it won't be a launch game for the next Xbox. Battletoads could go either way, i'm expecting a Mighty Number 9 kind of thing honestly. And 343i is incapable of making a good game, Halo Infinite won't be much better than 4 or 5. Also TLOU sold more than any Halo, so a competition between TLOU2 and Halo Infinite won't go the way you believe. Naughty Dog is a lot more popular this days than Halo.

>rscottyg mad because his projection got called out

Neck yourself. :^)

Nuh uh Gears of Woke 5 will be the GOTY and Halo Infinity and Beyond will make the Xbox One X Super Anaconda the fastest selling console ever. Take that Snoy!!!!!!

Funny thing is they still implemented online checks. Though it's only for movies, which bit my friend in the butt a couple years ago during the hurricane season where we had no internet so the box was useless in that regard.

>PS4 announced
>HQ in Japan
>move HQ to California
>PS4 starts going to shit
It's that simple

Both Sony Music and Pictures always find a way to fuck everyone with a shitty ass DRM.

Literally fucking who you dumb bitch seek help uggo

Dude the Halo franchise has sold over 65m units. But like I said I bet sony believes the TLOU2 can compete with one of the most normie liked games just beneath CoD and Battlefield. Do you know why the PS4 actually won? Because of Destiny not because Bloodborne, or nier, or Persona is the normie shit that makes you win the sales race.

and it literaly lost ALL the profit the BEST selling console of all times did

eric you're the biggest lolcow on this board since Chris-chan.

Halo 5 has the best MP of the series though. It just has a fucking awful campaign and the armor design is shit.

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People will rag on Nintendofags for eating shit up but PR doesn't matter for Sony becaue their fans will eat up the PS5 even if it launches with nothing

But TLOU is a normie liked game. And as i said, it sold better than any Halo. TLOU sold 17 million while the best selling Halo is the third one, which sold 11.87 million. And right know, TLOU is a lot more popular. The normie dudebro audience of Halo moved on to COD and now Fortnite and only the fans remained. TLou2 will definitely sell more than Halo Infinite.

>State Of Play was trash
the fuck you talking about, dat psvr gains

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>muh eric
Neck yourself. :o)

>they all suck
>Prey, MHW and RE5 just got announced got GP
>Game Pass Ultimate sub coming soon, combines XBLG and GP into one 15 per month sub
It's fantastic.

Imagine being such a Snoyboy that you unironically think the Snoy Direct was anything other than a complete and utter embarassment.

>lacked memorable music
i'll give you the story and the dungeons, but botw had some of the best tracks in the entire series
>monk maz koshia battle
>calamity ganon battle
>hyrule Castle
>rito village
>tarrey town
>sidon's theme
>hinox battle
>master kohga battle
do i have to keep going?

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It was proven fake by images from the source and moles/hair not matching up, the voices were edited in. The thread's now just doomfags circlejerking over how it's gonna apparently ruin his career.

>french leaf

This. Halo 4 is the worst multiplayer in the series but par for the course of a singleplayer Halo experience. Halo 5 is the WORST single-player experience where you play more missions as the nigger than fucking John. This being said I feel Halo 5 has the best multiplayer. Its faster but not too fast, shields matter and make TTK distinct in the shooter genre as Halo always has been but with 5 the B button or whatever being able to move you around and shit makes everything feel fluid and in your control. It just feels the most polished.

The music is pretty bad in general yes it has like 3 good tracks but that's it maybe you have bad taste for music.

>Xcucks and their no games seething and crying again


Nothing good comes out of Commiefornia, notice how all this shit happened the moment they moved their HQ there.

Well their """bad""" marketing is clearly working since the PS4 is by far the best selling console this gen.

This fact makes the nincels seethe.

>reddit spacing

I don't recall Nintendo censoring games published by third party companies after Mortal Kombat 1 era.

And here we have a great example of a seething nincel.

>muh snoy censoring games! reee
>but nintendo censors too

Honestly who's idea was it to move their HQ at California?

If that’s the case, PS4 software numbers are some of the best.

PSN also did gangbusters last year.

>he thinks zoomer cucks won't eat up whatever anti-consumer shit corporations come up with
Remember if you're anti-corporation you're an entitled nazi

Remember how Sony helped Square to re-release Final Fantasy games uncensored on PSX? How time flies

>PS4 software numbers are some of the best
PS4 software sales are thoroughly average. Adding all those $5 flash sales as full game sales doesn't count.

>what the fuck is going on at playstation
Who could have guessed, giving the car keys to Bay Area trust fund babbies who've only ever ridden the metrolink results in a wreck.

Why is Code Veronica on this list?

Their entire E3 presentation was them jerking off real hard over a couple of exclusive games, it doesn't help that they've been showing Days Gone at E3 since the cold war and it's still not out.

Arrogance is probably the best word to describe it, they are on top and can choose to do what they want but you won't be on top long if you keep acting that way.

>It's OK when MS do it

They havent done that since like the kinect days. Microsofts had great e3s since 2015 and this was the turning point


Go eat your soi popcorn at the church of snoy while a cuck struts his banjo and you watch slow walking and hiking in empty open world mountains

>Quantum Break
>Sea of Thieves
>Crackdown 3
>Halo 6 is a CGI trailer announced ten months ago and that's not out for another two years
MS haven't had a good E3 in ten years and you calling your half-assed emulation a turning point just shows that you're another /r/Xbox One shill.

Fuck, imagine the stench in that audience.

To be fair everyone had bad E3 presentations for a number of years, VR and motion bullshit played a huge part in it. However last year specifically Sony went one direction and Microsoft clearly went the other, unless you were a fan of one of the 4-5 specific games they showed there wasn't much to take out of it.

I believe everyone should have access to every game, let everyone enjoy themselves and have fun, exclusives in this day and age only harm the industry.

>sony e3
>game where you walk slowly in a forest
>game where you walk slowly in a city
>game where you walk slowly in another forest
>game where you walk slowly in the mountains
>game where you walk slowly in a haunted house
>game where you fly and then the online server gets shut off a year later
>game where you read cutscenes for 60 hours of the game

Dont act like snoy is any better. They are both worse than their predecessors but at least the xbox one lets you revisit said predecessors library and also has good online, a good controller, gamepass, and the strongest console.

Are you the same person from this thread?

>muh busted talking points
>not using xbone
You're exposing your /r/XboxOne origins too much.

Graphics were amazing, Story was compelling & it was a Dreamcast exclusive

These arent talking points. This is the ps4s library. Uncharted in a different (sometimes not) environment. Or anime shovelware. The ps4s best games are whatever you can find on ps now since it lets you play older games. Microsoft and sony release safe sequels. Nintendo shits out kiddy trash for western numales and cardboard boxes. Dont you see yet? They all suck but the XBONE sucks the least

>twitter thread

>didn't even tried denying it
You have to go back.

Found you!

Attached: xcuck decides to be honest for once in his miserable life.png (1335x809, 120K)

Nintendo bonus.

>your mind is the same at 30 as it was when you were 10
get out faglord
Anyone's alias that they though of as a kid will change eventually when getting older because kids are unimaginitive with the names they come up with and they will end up cringeworthy and embarassing later on so changing it is only proper

Nice cope fagboat. Seethe some more

Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are all so monumentally fucking retarded that it's amazing there's even a "current gen" in the first place

Microsoft is one step away from becoming 3rd party at this point. Pretty sure that's going to be their move next generation

They've literally confirmed a set of next-gen consoles and already have a line up of Xbox/Windows 10 only games, they're not going third party.

He tells himself for the 27th time.

I've bought sony from PSX to PS4 but I'm done with that shit. Unless there is a bloodborne 2 tier exclusive for PS5 then I'm completely done with playstation in the next gen. I'll just make due with my PC and the switch since microsoft doesn't seem like it's going to pick up the pace anytime soon.