so this is the power of /agdg/ wow.
So this is the power of /agdg/ wow
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice water!
what part of "a" don't you get?
Reminds me of the glory days of newgrounds.
while Yea Forums got text based patreon scam games
At least these guys are trying to do something.
is this the thread where i shill my game
Asuka and Rei need to have much bigger boobs.
lmao you sure showed that guy learning how to make a game
looks fun
Just post it, fuckface. I wind up buying every user's game so you'd get a sale.
to be fair the dev that OP posted literally refuses to improve after fucking years
can I add Sachiel to my party?
looks great, but surely your game looks way better, right OP?
Now this has soul.
I usually play shit from that general
Good stuff
True story time
>get godot
>hear gamemaker is really good
>want to try making something in gamemaker
>go to gamemaker website
>you have to make an account
>make account
>in order to actually make a project you need to pay 100$
>trial version is free
>let's you make a whopping total of 12 scripts
>get it anyways
>open gamemaker
>do this 5 more times
>finally opens
>try to place something down
And then I uninstalled it.
meh, I was browsing and OP is literally the peak of what you find on
get godot user.
pure talent son
kek, did you get bullied out of /agdg/ or something now? That's not even close to being the best looking game there... neither is it the worst.
>haha look at this loser doing something with actual value instead of spamming refresh on Yea Forums to shitpost or find shitposts to reply "fpbp" with what a fucking IDIOT haha
I already have it, I was just trying gamemaker to see if it was any better than godot
I'm shilling my game here now because fuck everyone i also don't get any (you)s on vg and i cri everytime
Wasn't the risk of rain dude from /agdg/
What games has Yea Forums made?
An improved UI and camera angle would do wonders for this look. I unironically like it but just wish it was an original design instead of using Eva.
risk of rain
OP is just using an old game.
Pic related is his current art skill.
My nigga. Reminds me a lot of Merlin's Revenge. Keep it up.
Progress about fixing your code never gets (You)s, user. It's sad to say, but people care about visuals it's just our nature. You have to have that JUICE. But I'm sure you're a strong enough person that you don't need validation from others in order to keep working on your dreams right?
heres my progress
its bad
>talking about yourself in third person
Yes hello I am shotadev
Has soul
What is some /agdg/ kino besides Risk of Rain?
fuck it, this is now agdg territory, here's what i'm work on atm
I'd shill mine but I'm just a nodev shitposter...
horror game?
Here's some upcoming kino, as for already released stuff there's Monolith, Tracks, and Devil Engine.
woah... so this is the power of /agdg/
looks great, it has it all... the music the graphics... everything, did you do it all?
keep it up! it'll be a success
Mostly not. It's an rpg, going more for killer 7 vibes
Man, Fight Knight looks fucking wonderful.
lewd is a crutch shitty devs use to mask the fact there is nothing good nor interesting about the game.
you're supposed to pirate gamemaker retard
Nice cursor
looks good desu
you can pirate it quite easily, gms2 works fine for me
what can i put in my 3d loli adventure game to piss of journalists for the clickbait advertising? I already have a retardera account ready to spam it as problematic content.
Will /agdg/ laugh at me if I post about VN development there?
>But I'm sure you're a strong enough person that you don't need validation from others in order to keep working on your dreams right?
Depends on the content. There were a couple that popped up there since /evn/ died, but I think only one ever released.
i only know about this list
You need a name. "Degrees of Lewdity shitposter-kun" doesn't work very well. Maybe "patreon-kun"?
Depends on art style and content.
I won't really care.
>incredibly low quality
I will applaud you for trying to make something.
>decent art
I'll be mildly impressed.
>art with an aliased brush
I will be impressed.
Bonus points:
>Not generic slice-of-life
Anyway, post a pic or smthn.
wait, i thought this was going to be gay
How about you actually make it first?
Mostly fucking around for a live demo I've got coming pretty soon.
Okay then, here it is.
Can I shill other user's work, or would that hurt their reputation?
I don't really have much to show at the moment, I was just asking for in the future, since we don't have art right now beyond placeholders.
Fair enough.
What's the plot then?
t. filthy nodev
It's set in a World War II-era alternate world where mechs developed instead of tanks (since tanks are impractical, of course).
The game is structured as a traditional romance VN in the first half, where the protagonist attends a high school/military academy. The latter half consists of the protagonist and his squad fighting a war which they are doomed to lose.
If I had to compare it to something, Muv-Luv would be the closest thing, though without the wacky anime humor, rape, and dimension/time travel nonsense.
Good enough.
That said, I should warn you, art assets for a VN absolutely take the longest amount of time/money to acquire.
after heavy research i have concluded that nobody likes bad end games and they will hurt your sales in the long run
debate me on this
If it's good, there is nothing wrong with it
>15 sales
>this game made 150$
based ?
This dev will improve. Just the fact that they're actually attempting to draw, texture, and model themselves shows promise in a way that indie devs that fall back on lazy pixel shit and impressionistic graphics do not. I could see this being the video game equivalent of a first drawing in a series of drawings that show how an artist improved over time.
i like bad end games :(
Yeah, I understand that we do have quite a large scope, but we do want to make this happen someday, no matter how long it takes.
I'm not too concerned about sales. Whatever time/money me and my friend put into this, I don't expect to get back.
You are right that people do prefer good ends, but our ends aren't totally bad, either (unless you screw everything up). The "good" ending is more on the bittersweet side.
But do you REALLY?
tell me your favorite games of all time and think about bad end games and how they leave a sour taste in the players mouth
nobody wants that shit
Ok, here are some games in progress that I'm following:
>a low-poly, Silent Hill-like horror game
>another SH-like game, this time in 2D
>Paper Mario but with bugs (I love the bee)
>Paper Mario but with anime girls (I love the art style)
>loli kidnapping simulator (see pic related)
fucking spam filters
>I'm not too concerned about sales
i can see your not serious about making games
VN assets are the quickest turn over btw not the longest
ok, which one of you did this?
Va-11 Hall-A devs were on /agdg/?
>you can only be serious about making a game if you're looking to make a buck off of it
I don't follow.
World of Horror came from /agdg/ too? Goddamn its like most worthwhile indies are from there
>Paper Bugs is slated for 2019
Oh shit.
quick googling suggests that it's true, yes
You are not tamers, fuck off, bitch.
>lolisimdev is still active
Well, at the very least he's one of the most tenacious devs to come out of /agdg/
alright Yea Forums what's your game idea?
Yes. This screen never made it to the final game, but 3 other /agdg/ games have small references. Streaming-chan has a hat with RoR (Risk of Rain) on it as well as the main character of Cavern Kings, and the tv that you can mess with in the background has a character from an in progress game.
If I like lewd enough then I'm not really looking for the game.
I just want a scenario that makes immersion
Well are you serious about it? You do have a working prototype right?
yes and no he posted once and got trolled and never came back
I have a ~6 hour demo of about 65k words. Placeholder art and (mostly) placeholder music, but it's all functional.
As for total progress, we've got a bit over 90k words, though not all of that is game-ready yet.
I'm not too keen on sharing it publicly right now, though I do plan on sharing it on LSF or /agdg/ when I have more content.
He's still in the /agdg/ discord. Then again
harry potter 1 is 76k words
That's cool, but
>using Harry Potter as a baseline fot VNs
Fun fact: Fate Stay/Night is longer than the Bible.
Fun Fact: Fate Stay/Night is less than 3000k words longer than Homestuck.
thanks dog have a nice cold one on me
at least fight knight isnt a complete failure, that's like 3 games from agdg?
3 million is quite a few though
Paper Bugs later this year too.
>homesuck is 800k words long
holy shit
daily reminder that everyone in this thread will MAKE IT BROS
how the FUCK does this site give birth to so many good games while plebbit struggles to have something with soul?
I don't even recognize your game my man
what's wrong with comparing a vn to the most self insert kids book of all time?
i do but to be fair the majority of his early shots were in some dark basement and he only recently started adding plants
yes, the original game even shows it if you let the title go long enough.
What am I looking at?
Well I sure fucked that pooch. 3k.
And that's not including all of the flashes which are over 3.5 hours combined.
>not getting beat up by other shotas
Looks like a tech demo with programmer graphics. And also very amateur. That is what /agdg/ is, not sure what you're expecting.
>want more lewd in games
>everything is desexualized nowadays
>still nothing interesting in the games
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about filthy SJW.
I'm making a point and click adventure game.
My issue at the moment is how to make actually challenging puzzles, that are grounded in reality and not moon logic.
I don't want it to be a walking sim, but in all honesty most p&c games these days are mainly about story.
Also not sure if I should include boobies.
Plz no bully placeholder art!
Ah, I've not been as active of Aggydaggy recently. Maybe thats it.
Thanks, user. Good luck with your projects.
Work backwards, then check if it still makes sense forwards. Eg. Think of a goal, then think of how you'd do the last step of that, then how you'd get to that step etc. Like say you choose opening a locked door. You decide the solution is removing the doorknob. You decide that requires a screw driver. You decide the screwdriver is in the toolbox. You decide the toolbox is in the flooded room with electricity. You decide the electric water is from the fuse box. You decide the fuse box needs a key. etc. Then you check if there are obvious more logical solutions to the problems when working forwards.
u both were posting at almost the exact same time in the exact same threads lol
Prove it.
radical, thanks man.
one of the (gameplay? story?) conceits that i've begun including is an obviously easier, but usually more mean-spirited or lazy solution, and a kinder or more positive solution to each puzzle.
The MC starts the game as a no-hoper slob, and depending on the way player tends to solve puzzles, they'll end up as either a better person, or the same jackass.
you too vn bro
i hope you make it even if i was bein a lil negative nancy
just remember that the VN crowd is small but they are VERY niche and you CAN make boatloads of cash!!
they are practically STARVED for good games
the power to believe is the most powerful asset we all have
Thank you, user. I'll try my best!
Fuck. I'm glad you recognized me
>steam takes a 30%
>epic takes 12%
Oh thats cool
>start visiting agdg wanting to like make game
>find out I'm too lazy and dumb to make a proper one
>leave agdg and invest my time trying to make a crude rape game in rpgmaker
a fate worse than death
i have send me to hell on my desktop
Hey I want to make a mecha game but I only want to have one mech you improve and there are on mech and ground sections like master blaster and stuff but I can't figure good gameplay ideas pls help
also i want the mecha to have an AI that might be the only other living being you talk with during the game
>im a retard brainlet
>failed algebra b 3 times in highschool
>swallow the rpg maker pill
>make progress 5 times faster
>enjoy making my game
>enjoy limiting my scope so my game doesn't get too out of hand
>game has built in saving and doesn't crash if at all
so zone of the enders?
ai isn't something thats living
try getting a prototype up and running in a week
thanks for this post frogposter.
maybe there's hope after all and people will recognize my game "Old fat man rapes cute girls and gets away with it." as a masterpiece one day.
>complaining about the path you chose that you can leave at any time
die you lazy piece of shit
jealous of you user, the only fanart i have is of someone drawing a big red x over one of my screen shots
lets kick it up a notch
they love every second of it and want to marry him at the end
It doesn't stop here. If you think it's code that sells games, you're (unfortunately) mistaken. It's art, ideas, and names.
I suppose it could be similar to ZoE but I want to try something a bit different, maybe reduce flying and increase ground/melee combat?
Also I meant to say sentient not living
I have no ideas for what to make though so I can't imagine how to even start with a prototype
>what part of "a" don't you get?
Awesome Games Done Quick
OP doesn't seem very awesome
what game is yours? maybe i'll make a fun edit
>Get Godot
>Zero support, missing features
>Get Unity
>Amazing software
>You can port it to other devices with a single click
>Release game
>Sell 0 copies because everyone hates Unity
Shit idea.
Unfortunately yes, but if you don't have solid code and gameplay behind it then you'll get massive backlash. Both elements are needed.
Good idea
dont get too hung up on story if you have nothing playable
chances are when you start to make something you might end up with something completely different then your goal
try downloading a game engine and start looking at tutorials
no one wont play your game just because its in unity
apparently the guy that made ringo ishikawa is 36 year old, it's pretty inspiring to feel that it isn't too late
Based water autist.
So how did all of you guys learn coding? Did you teach yourself or take classes?
Was hoping the chair would still spit out 10,000 (You)'s, but I guess sitting works too.
I literally won't pay for any game made in Unity
If I do buy one, and find out they just paid for the right to hide the logo I'm always pissed
>/agdg/ is mostly artfags plugging assets into gamemaker, rpgmaker, and unity creating generic rps and platfomer shovelware
wow who would have thought that a Yea Forums game dev thread would be swarming with retards who can't do anything besides the easy job.
They used to give GMS out on Humble Bundle a while back. Got mine for just a dollar.
Learning to code is actually really easy even if you teach yourself. Learning to code well takes a lot of time and practice though.
so you hate cuphead and hollow knight?
There are some people who are adverse to Unity and will hesitate to buy a game that's made in it because of all the shit that's made with it. The secret to having a successful Unity game is making sure that no one actually knows it's a Unity game, don't advertise the fact that it is and for the love of god, spend the cash for a pro license so you can remove the logos and splash screen from the game. You don't know how many people have no clue that games like the Katamari Damacy Reroll or Enter the Gungeon were made in Unity.
you are looking at me picking berries :D
What would you recommend for learning coding?
>implying coding is difficult
>not making your own game engine
Good games, hut I hate the devs for it
>used to have ideas for games but couldn't code
>can now code, but no ideas for games
depends on what you are doing. engine dev takes high iq. graphics programming alone requires einstein brain.
It's always funny to me when I see the millions of "I wanna make a game, how do I learn to code?"
It's not 1989, you no longer have to decode every sprite as assembly statements
To make a game, you need to be able to draw really well, 3d model really well, and be a good musician
Being a programmer is not important, especially if you are using stuff like Unity
I denounce my country
it's never to late to make game! you can make game when your 70!
lol that's when i first started making game and i thought i could make the player sit down by instantiating the player on top of the chair
the in game map has the sweet (yous)
though might get rid of it tho or only have it show up in towns cuz it takes up alot of space
then why do so many art fags struggle to do anything besides plug together default components and create generic pieces of shit?
>can now code, but no ideas for games
time to make lewd games
good to see this is still being worked on
>on aggy daggy
>sister walks in room
>hey user watcha doin
>oh on my favorite board were people game games
>show her this game as a example
>i think its a genuinely great 10/10 juicy game
>wow user this looks bad
are women stupid?
its does look bad. its a chaotic mess with too much screenshake and no focus on the foreground
The same reason a one man indie film usually looks terrible or is really short.
i think it looks amazing though
is it because its more megaman extreme or something?
They lack the dedication to make the game itself good. Or maybe they just don't know what makes a game good.
i mean megaman zero
but that requires art!
Cuphead didn't have any programmers
>dropping a redpill that's too spicy for Yea Forumsaginas
>lewd is a crutch shitty devs use to mask the fact there is nothing good nor interesting about the game.
Lewd games tend to have better gameplay than cinematic experiences
Steve Buscemi is God, please look forward to it
It's a game with a girly look, secretly designed for big men; it makes sense.
>too much scrrenshake
It's an indie game. Also gonna wait for feedback on the new demuh to see if I'll take executive action on the backgrounds
>those hand gestures
they knew...
what the fuck are you talking about
its immune to criticism because its an indie game?
is this the game with the magic girls?
I wanted to fug the mini old hag
are you immune to jokes
looks good desu
>want to make indie game
>can't figure out what to make the jobber enemies
normalfags are brainwashed to hate anything 2d
slimes of course :-)
nah its hack n slash, so its gotta be bigger than a slime
characters that have lost at this point
The more you lose to an area, the worse it gets
If it's a hacker, I'd say go for a human type desu, beyond that go nuts
Fucking tourist.
>hack 'n slash trash mobs
I fail to see how Slimes don't work here. But if that's the case, go with zombies.
Fat children.
Anime lolis
What's wrong with that code?
Fat Anime Lolis.
>Try to learn how to make vidya by myself.
>Fucking mental slog to go through.
>Try my hand at modeling first because coding looks like it'll put me to sleep.
>Realize I can't model shit without first drawing something to model or copying off of someone.
>Realize I have to learn how to draw.
>Don't want to draw.
>Try to learn how to draw anyway.
>After a week of practicing at least 3 hours a day give up out of pure frustration.
>Just accept my fate of working at a pizza delivery place and living with my dad for the rest of my life.
I rationalize to myself that I can live through all the self-disappointment and depression because if I don't then another person will have to take my place.
>tfw i stopped listening to my sister for advice
news flash
you'll never actually ""get good"" enough
the majority of people in this thread who have posted their extremely polished game have ALL gotten shit on at some point in time
all you can do is try your best and that's good enough
even if this is ironic kill yourself
Your placeholder art is amazing as it is. I really like it and would enjoy playing a game with your artstyle even if it wasn't the most amazing game.
I think an addition that would put your puzzles a league above others would be to have the player need to manipulate objects in their inventory. By that I mean you would pick up some item, and then you can inspect it to get a full view of it, and then you would have a sort of mini-puzzle on this object to get another object or make it useful.
Let me know how I can keep track of your game
Everyone's good at something, you just gotta dig around. You'll eventually find something challenging and fulfilling and hopefully well paying if you just keep expanding the horizon. It doesn't have to be glamorous or nothing, it's just gotta be something mildly stimulating, a nice 6/10. Gamedev isn't for everyone and it's definitely not some rockstar shit. Behind making anything "fun" like gameplay, visuals, or music; there's hundreds of hours of grunt work, most of it's pretty monotonous. Unless your hearts really set on it, I'd say don't go for it as anything serious. God speed user, something's out there.
did you draw all of that? looks fucking good user
do you have more pics?
what are you guys on the girl is ugly as shit
>Ugly people can't be well-drawn
Also, opinion.
Fun fact: with over 4 million words, The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is the longest work of fiction ever written.
she looks straight out of i have no mouth and i must scream
Wasn't this dethroned by something or has the word count just gone up that much since then?
Where's loliraep user?
Which is another great Point n' Click game.
Sounds like a compliment to me
Didn't /adgd/ faggots constantly shitpost at him until he left for other sites?
which is an amazing game
the girl looks good, also are you blind? there is a lot a background too, not only a girl
He's at 8ch. He even got an artfag to help him with the animations.
it was a good story but not a good game
you guys obviously never played or read them
that's your opinion man
Thanks man.
At the moment, the closest game I can think of that is similar is unforeseen incidents.
I have a couple of inventory manipulation puzzles half finished, with literal mspaint boxes for art, they're breddy time intensive cos you almost need to make a whole new "scene" to act as the close up, and draw every cunty little bit of interaction.
I also made the dumbass mistake of making it so that when you are holding an object to interact with shit, it becomes your cursor - that adds to the number of assets by a shitload. but eh. it's kinda worth it for the look.
I haven't got anywhere I post about my stuff yet. I'll do so once i've made a proper "demo" (and of course I'll post here!)
Thanks yo! I drew all of it, yes.
I have a bunch of sfw and nsfw pics. I've posted here and there over the years. I had a tumblr but it got nuked!
I'll take some more screenshots of shit i've done for the game a little later on.
No u.
But yeah, she's MEANT to be.
What the hell even happened to a few of you /agdg/ faggots? You guys made a demoday thread on Yea Forums in 2017, asked for feedback, I gave it to every single game that wasn't horror, looked like mobile trash or were irony filled memetic trash and the games that had decent potential still have no updates like that Insect Adventure DD16 one. Did all your devs die? At least Devil Engine got released on steam, thank god he made it work with that mysterious japanese publisher.
I fear that I would miss the thread if you ever post again.
I hope that someday in the future, I'll look on Steam or elsewhere and see your game and be reminded of the time I saw that one guy on Yea Forums
I wish you best of luck (or rather skill) and hope you are able to create something that you feel truly expresses your passion and makes you feel like you have put forth something beneficial into the world
8 words in and you already misspelled 'within'
Fuck man. Thanks!
I hope you're right there, and I hope that if I pull it off, that it gives you enjoyment to play!
>I have a bunch of sfw and nsfw pics. I've posted here and there over the years. I had a tumblr but it got nuked!
damn man do you have any other site with pics?
90% of games from any given Demo Day die out within a few months. 9% are still in active development. 1% actually release.
It looks really nice, well done user!
If you look for mcdoll on pixiv and sadpanda I think some of my old shit is still present.
Be warned though there's some degenerate shit from the request threads on there.
That only makes it better, you fool.
Both turned up nothing for me.
>1% actually release
That's a horrible unsourced statistic, but what do you call this?
Found it on pixiv in 2 minutes. You're just stupid.
>Can't view unless I sign up
Well, that explains why I couldn't find it.
Since when does being an amateur excuse those low res textures in [current year]?
What's the problem? That definitely looks like an amateur game.
I'd rather not derail the thread, but here:
Devil Engine is from here?
>15 sales
This is why I gave up on making games. You need a jewish publisher to make anything that will be noticed.
>Game is made by someone who is learning
Come on, user.
it was dethroned by a kancolle fanfic some time ago, which i think has also been dethroned by something else
Yes, the developer even made a quick update to their demo, adding customizable keyboard controls so I could actually play the fucking game well enough to beat it and provide some feedback.
That Shinji though
>Game is made by someone who is learning
I'm learning too but you don't see me using 240p textures on a game I know will be rendered at least on 720p.
You're really invested in defending OP's pic, is there something you wish to tell us?
>tfw can code but can't draw
All the good games are by people who can draw but can't code
>something you wish to tell us?
That's my first post in this chain.
learning to draw at an acceptable level isn't as hard as it seems user
>he fell for the programming meme
Everyone knows that even the simplest of games will sell if it looks good, user. Meanwhile Dorf Fort is only played by a handful of autists jerking off to how complex it is.
I wish I could draw, or there was some program to make even basic ass kid book level drawings so I could make a dumb vn or children's book
Maybe it's a stylistic choice dude, just because the tech is there doesn't mean one has to use it
That mentality is what's led us to AAA shit that's more focused on looking good than being fun or creative
Can't an amateur dev choose to stay away from that shit
Then type up words and sentences and make art assets out of pictures of those words.
Imagine making a game about the word block, needing to fight instead of block.
It would be fucking intense
cris is an international treasure
i wish him all the best in his future frogposting endeavors
you know what? i take it back this is some weird ass shit but you won me over
he made a stock rpg maker game with 8 original drawnings and made 150$
he should have made 0
>learning to draw at an acceptable level isn't as hard as it seems user
Yeah and then you realize you also gotta animate that shit and you are back to square one
>Maybe it's a stylistic choice
Then it's an awful choice. Blurry texture never look good and were only used before because the technology didn't allow them to use a higher res.
>That mentality is what's led us to AAA shit that's more focused on looking good than being fun or creative
Image resolution has nothing to do with the AAA mentality of making their games look as realistic as possible. You can make your game look fun and still use high res textures, just look at Overwatch or Sea of Thieves.
Good luck user. Passion projects with uncertain monetary returns are always difficult to achieve, but they are satisfying to complete. Just be aware that if/when finished, it's ok to feel distant for a little while, and it's normal for these types of things to not have a great impact in your life overall. If you really want a project like this done, then the peace of mind for completing it far surpasses the regret of never finishing it.
I'll be cheering on you user good luck.
But nigga doesn't want to maybe he thinks low res textures look good
>occasionally get a cool game idea
>think briefly about learning and making a game about it
>realise that if I were to do that I'd have to learn how to code/program, learn to draw, learn to model and animate, learn sound design etc.
>and also I'd have to spend years making shitty simple games before I could get to a proficiency where I'd be able to make a game I was actually interested in
>and since I'm not actually that smart, any game idea I do have would probably not be that fun or interesting to others (since if it was a good idea someone else would have done it already) so there'd be no money in it
>go back to consuming media instead of creating it
It's better this way.
I get that he thinks low res textures look good, that's why his game looks like shit.
Thanks hombre!
Use the ideas you had in the past.
How about you advertise your game? Did you even try to build a community or was it slapped up on whatever platform on a random day?
>Advertise without money
Where nigga? Advertising is banned on every public forum.
Already more and better gameplay than stuff like The Order, uncharted, Life is Strange, & Gone Home.
>mfw thinking awesome game I will release sooner or later
Fuck wagecucking.
>wanted to make games
>tried messing around in game maker and rpgmaker
>decided to learn to draw so i could make assets
>now full on artfag
>drop wagecucking to make a game on my own
>about to finish it but it has taken me 2 fucking years
>my bank account has like 20 bucks and live on my parents money
You better save a ton of money user, but even then it will still not be enough.
they did worse than shitposting, they took him seriously and got all autistically offended about it
>Not finding yourself a code monkey and making a game together
People from aggydaggy are advertising and have a following, so its not impossible. Ask them how they did it
>live in shitty apartment
>mom nags me to get a mortgage for a house
I mean, how can I afford paying for the anime tiddies artists that way?
Correct but unbased because I can pull on my peepee to lewd games.
i don't really want to make a game anymore, i just want to draw and immerse myself in the art world now. i still like games but i enjoy drawing a lot more now.
Fair enough. Good luck out there, user.
Obligatory share art so we can laugh/follow.
I want to fuck Kaori in the ass.
my old stuff is here. i wanted to be a concept artist for a while but after hanging out with other art students and going to industry events i felt that i wasn't suited for it. now i just draw dogs and shitpost on twitter.
maybe i'll draw porn or something i dunno
now you work in retail?
now im a bum
Should've studied law like me you'd be making 200k a year :)
do you smoke? do you drink?
cut that shit out immediately and save all that money for something else.
T. neet
post screenshots/ demo
>monolith came from /agdg/
One of my all time favorites. I love that Dev and can't wait for his next game
He's making dlc for monolith right now
Didn't the dev of baba is you also posted here?
I remember seeing gameplay of the game YEARS before release
Moved everything with no issue to 4.22, probably should make some visual progress this week instead of just trying to hammer out the combat of the weird state it's in.
Nope, no drugs or addictions of any kind, I have a pretty healthy life thankfully. The good thing is that my only expense is food (mostly pasta) and videogames (which I can't afford to buy anymore) so I don't need much to live.
No demo but I have plenty of screenshots and videos. It's weird lowpoly shit but I'm really proud of how it looks.
post a video then
that looks neat user
Yeah I was going to but the size limit is an asshole and had to convert it, but since you insist here is the last teaser I made a few months ago. Compression is abysmal though.
It's probably possible to make a decent roguelike on this engine.
>tfw too dumb to code so I just assist with spriting on ss13 projects
I guess I'll post something too.
friendly reminder that this was made by a poor as fuck colombian with schizophrenia
hello havock
I was making a game where you could edit your own combos. The combat system is all set up for it to work like that - it's just a case of actually having an interface to let you edit stuff and making moves. Then I got bored of it and went on to make something else that's nowhere near ready.
Anyway, here's a webm of what I implemented. Maybe I'll work on it some more if I get bored enough
i’m thinking the best approach to making my game idea is thinking of something really fun, then toning down the ideas to a point where it starts seeming realistic to make. this is the right approach, right?
that's pretty much the idea.
If you're making a plan its gotta be SMART
Time related
Otherwise you'll get a bit lost on what you want to achieve
Godot 3.0
Yay or nay?
It has no practical use.
There are many reasons a one man team/small group of amatures might want to use low-res graphics. Could be art-style, they could be placeholder graphics, it could be because of budget concerns.Ultimately, as long as they understand they'll likely be sacrificing certain potential audiences by using those graphics (if they do intend to use them) and those graphics are at least legible in the information they convey I fail to see the problem.
Too bad shotadevs use platfformers too often because they lack the writing skills that could be better put to use in an hgg2d game.
>this shitty game is better than no game
wow, such a high bar that you can only brag about being a better video game than a not-video game.
What would be the best game engine for a Metroidvania style game.
I know they're common as shit but fuck it I want a project to spend my time on.
There's not a method that works for every single game, each requires its own approach but this could work for your own. In my experience focus is the most important thing, a theme if you want. Think very very carefully and deeply what you want your game to do and be about. If you just want it to be "fun" (whatever that means), try to specify as much as possible what type of fun you want. For example, do you want long sessions of relaxing gameplay or short sessions of fast-faced, intense and difficult gameplay? Of course it doesn't have to be one or the other and you need to go much more in-depth than that, but really try to figure out a theme, what type of game you want to make. It's not something you can immediately decide either, you could start with a rough idea, like "something similar to X game with a bit of Y game", from then it will probably take plenty of prototyping, but once you figure out what your focus will be, you core idea, every single mechanic you add must rely, be created, improved or even entirely removed based on that theme. Otherwise, going with "let's just try things and see what sticks" will take you to a lot of back and forth, lots of wasted time and eventually most likely a series of disconnected mechanics that will probably not be that fun overall (even if they might be individually) and also, you are at the risk of falling into feature creep since you have no filter to decide what to keep or where's the limit.
If it's 2D probably Game Maker. Unity if it's 3D.
3D would help my 3D art portfolio. So I guess unity it is.
Stop advertising agdg fag
Lewd IS the good/interesting thing about the game.
This is like saying gampley or graphics or sound effects are a crutch shitty devs use to mask the fact there is nothing good nor interesting about their game.
>Lewd IS the good/interesting thing about the game.
Wrong, because its also shit in the game too. The only people who like it are the ones with only air in their skulls.
how do i model shit without the model getting fucked up
Fair warning, a 3D metroidvania is not something you can just decide to make on a whim. There's a reason why there are barely any of them. It's already hard enough to do it in 2D, let alone 3D. If you have already made full games before then ignore what I said, otherwise, you might want to start with something much smaller like a simple 3D action/platformer or something like that. Even if you don't feel like doing it right now and just want to go straight to a metroidvania, believe me, you'll appreciate all that knowledge later.
Make a candy box esque game then using ascii art. I would literally pay money for more type of that shit.
really capturing the personality of Asuka there
Good Job!
>awesum geims dun guick
>Good gameplay is a crutch shitty devs use when there is nothing good nor interesting about their game.
It doesn't look too good.
The backgrounds are intrusive and cluttered, it's too difficult to tell whats in the foreground and what's in the background. The foreground action is similarly cluttered and the screep shake is distracting.
There is a good game in there somewhere, but it's some work on the art and minor tweaks away.
As it is now, it's not great.
Is there any possible way to make decent art assets if you're so artistically challenged you can't even draw Kirby properly or am I absolutely fucked?
I'd say the game looks great but not excellent, something simple removing the black outlines from the backgrounds wouldn't be to hard and it would make visibility easier.
>it's my artstyleâ„¢
sorry for being late, I'm the user who asked
you're fucking good man, keep the good job
>Can't even draw their hair right
Lewd is inherently more interesting than clothed so you're wrong there
If your game isnt bad, why bother?
Wtf is wrong with you.
The thing that bothered me about the game were these benches at the start, it's incredibly hard to tell whether you should be able to step on them or not.
whatever it is, it's deep withing him!
just realized that the player area has an extra white outline to separated it from the background and maybe is mostly the compression of the video fucking it up, but making the backgrounds a bit more easy to separate would be nice.
Practice, fucker. Can't expect to be a good drawer/modeller without putting a ton of hours into it. And don't give me that artistically challenged bullshit, those are excuses for the lazy that have already given up before trying for real. If you really want to, you can do it, you just need persistence. Practice every day, grab a Kirby reference, draw it, go back to it the next day and draw it again and the next and the next, etc. Eventually you'll start getting better, then you can change instead of Kirby, some other thing that's a bit harder like Yoshi or some shit, it's up to you. If you don't want to practice because you're not enjoying it, then maybe consider this just isn't for you but don't expect to be Kentaro Miura in 4 days. Specially at first it's a long and frustrating experience but if you really want to do it, you can endure any struggle.
I was talking about drawing but this applies to any creative discipline. In my case, I'm a game and narrative designer, I love making stories but I often have a very hard time writing dialogues because I'm not good at it. What do I do? I write all the fucking time.
The shota is cute but tits are not!
thanks man!
I've been trying to make a fucking video of my game, but sweet fuck is it hard to get the length, size and no sound webms to not look like total ballsack.
>paying for unity games
>calling unity a game engine
The absolute state...
>mfw making 2D assets
>mfw I lost a day of work because I overwritten a file
Making art is complicated, but I'm gonna make it.
i believe in you!
>t. worthless nodev
This looks amazing so far.
Voice acting on the list of stuff you plan for?
friendly reminder, before you make a game you should fully learn C++, everything from template metaprogramming to lockfree programming, as doing so will teach you everything you need to know about programming
if you do not, your lack of skills will gimp your own vision
Thanks, the problem is not even drawing, design things is complicated, I'm trying to simplifying things as much as I can.
Didn't stop YIIK
Didn't stop the asshole who made this thread either
What is this?
Cuphead was made with Unity.
Is that shitty Tony hawk rip off game still being shilled?
You're a fucking brainlet. Where's the issue if the game's still good?
t. NRS employee
Godspeed, user. I am looking foward for a Freelancer spiritual sequel
>61 user reviews
I like the chair shitting our capsules.
based /agdg/ making the fake games from anime real
>another bitch pretending to be Tamers
Yeah, right.
can I shill my itch in this thread
>(15 people have bought this game so far)
Kinda gives me hope for my game.
i like the look of this
this looks cool
Yeah at some point i'll add voices.
I'll probably do that last after cutscenes and proper music/sfx - I'm just using placeholder royalty free music, and a bunch of free foley at the moment to iron out the vibe etc, but that may pose problems if i ever intend to sell the game.
It's mostly set in eastern Europe (Ukraine and Poland) though so I'd probably want actual authentic slav accents (in English tho) in it.
It's a beat em up!
the best game ever
also, thanks for the kind words!
I've yet to draw any animated characters in high res (game's at 1080p, but sprites are like 480 or something horrible) cos i'm working out the best, most efficient method. Thinking of using spine or something similar, but i'm not a huge fan of "flash animation" looking shit, so I may just bite the bullet and draw out every single frame, monkey island 3 style!
A sims clone with a more appealing artstyle and other changes.
Tip of the day:
Take your time to document every ingame system and where you can find it's pieces. There is nothing worse than returning to your game after few months of procrastinating and having no idea where certain things are.
That's why I use takenote and onenote.
>More than 400% the sales of someone who did no advertising
I have racism, a bit of violence against women and children (though that's generally to show gratuity in war) as well as some tranny jokes in my game.
It's not in there for shock value, it just fits the world and characters.
Funny thing is, a lot of retard "journos" can't separate a character from the writer, so will likely think that it's all in there to rile people up instead of showing the world as it is.
If you're just making a game to be edgy though, as long as you don't call it something blatantly dumb, or draw attention to the edginess you should be able to secure a steam release.
Why does everyone want to charge for their shitty games they made in their free time? These things were made for free back in the day and everyone seemed happier.
cos the cost of living is fucking expensive these days?
Personally i'd be happy to release my shit for free, and would be cool with niggas donating if they felt so inclined.
But gasoline is like $8.70 a gallon in my country.
And i'm also hungry!
Some music I wrote from an unfinished game. Hope you like Sega Genesis music.
Also pls check out Demon's Tilt on Steam.
all work is work and deserves remuneration
making games was much harder but then there was no reasonable way to charge for your game unless you sold your sold to Reflexive or some similar distributor of shitty games. only very few of shareware games made it.
I have one moment specificaly made for this ocasion.
You play as a child and you never saw a black person in your live. There is a sidequest to meet someone who is black, but you don't know that. You meet some people who decide to play a prank on you. They tell you there is a demon in the building called "Nigger". He looks like a human, but his skin is black. They tell you to run and scream his name if you see him. So you go, find him, get scared and start screaming "Help! There is a nigger in the building!" while everyone watches you. You go back to the guys who pranked you and they start laughing at you. The black guy than explains everything, you apologise and you become friends with him later.
>not working on your game every day to the point where you dream with the game's code
Is it a good idea to use RPG Maker VX to make an RPG? I want to try at least making one game but coding feels like a pain to learn.
What is "back in the day"? In the 80s lots of commercial games were made by one guy in his free time, especially computer games. Even a big team then was like, 6 people. Can't blame people for hoping to do what others did before.
Katawa Shojo
I have nothing againts selling games if it is your only way of making money. Nothing wrong with that.
What makes me angry are the people who have jobs but still want to make more from selling games that could be put to shame by 2007 freeware titles. Especialy if they put in things just because it will make them more money. You can just FEEL they had no fun making the game, but they still want it to make money so they can quit their jobs and make more shit full time.
A action game based around screwing with time and shit. Kind of like Devil Sword Dante in DMC5 but with a far wider moveset.
Story involves you traveling through time to cause and stop certain events and how you progress in the story and what ending you'll get depends on how you go through the stages because that'll be up to you entirely.
I also have another game idea that takes place in a digital reality where the art-style is very bright, saturated and pixelated, denizens of the world will basically have a "Cyberpunk" theme to them but with a lot more pixels and "digitization" involved. The game is, again, an action game where the MC installs chips and mods to his weapon to change it's form and abilities. Later in the game he can even modify himself to start "glitching" reality (basically magic shit but instead of it looking magic it's purposefully meant to look like he's causing a glitch in the game) the abilities range from simple space manipulation to outright warping time to reset enemy positions.
I also had some ideas for a playable second character who would use giant "digitize" fists to beat up and tear apart her enemies.
The story for this one is basically MC is a lucrative detective who finds a girl who ends up sending him on an escapade against the largest government body in their reality and at the end a very surprise ending occurs (though it is hinted at) that the girl you met was actually the consciousness of the girl who's dreaming that entire reality up and she wanted to soft-reboot it because she grew tired of it. The closing "true ending" would be a few cutscenes of a girl with a degraded, old and crippled form hooked up to giant machine, floating in space ala the Shelter music video.
Too bad I can't code or draw for shit haha.
Why would somebody want to quit their job to make games full time if they don't enjoy making games? Indie game development has no job security or benefits, and if you can manage to put together a game that sells enough to allow you to live on it, you obviously have enough skill and work ethic to get a decent job.
Pobably the best engine for starters. You can do a lot without any coding knowledge, but you can do much more if you decide to learn. It even teaches you some coding basics, like conditions, variables, switches, arrays and so on.
protip if your game idea involves more story and aesthetic than actual game design ideas, you're not going to make it.
lol, tell that to naughty dog!
it's different when you're working with an unlimited budget
noice, I'm on an PC98 music binge right now
JRPG where the protagonist is a detective and there's investigation and deduction style gameplay separate from the combat.
thps/thug clone made from the ground up for multiplayer and user crated content. with coop/competitive missions.
not really an idea but a fucking dream game
was going to make a basic 2D action game/princess maker game.
You play a princess who gets her kingdom invaded and destroyed by orcs/whatever and she gets raped by the enemies. One day she escapes and gives birth to the rape baby. She wants to kill it at first but decides not to because the baby technically didn't do anything wrong and it's her own son.
Player has to survive in the wilderness while raising a baby, fighting and hunting monsters for food. The food you eat affects the nutrition value of your breast milk which in turn affects the growth and development of your rape baby.
Eventually he grows up and he starts being able to help you in combat, but you have to protect him. If he takes enough damage it will affect his growth. Eventually the princess' body breaks down around puberty and the son will be in charge of taking care of her and you take control of him.
Yes it is possible to fuck your rape child. But it's going to affect his development, like everything.
This is the most haram thing I have ever read.
Boner why
Fat zombie lolis
Please seek professional help
Without a professional artist/coding team to help you, the game wouldn't be as amazing as it truly could be!
Four man, co op action dungeon crawler.
Mostly focused around traps, sneaking, preparation and strategy, and comfy camping and cooking in between combat.
It would need deep, deep food preparation and bonus effects mechanics, and dragon's crown tier meal art.
Maybe one day I'll have enough of my wageslave money to hire a team for it
What an absolute bro.
I have no talent or brains
Just make a kickstarter at that point
That's cool.
What is it about/what type of game?
What kinda game?
Can you molest the creeper?
That space t-rex game
That trippy procedurally generated game that is sort of stylized like down well but with colours
I'm going to assume suits and sandals browses here too
at least it has soul, son
okay i made a new progress
UH GUYS I learned and was very good with Java in college but WHAT IDE or language should i use now if I want to get back into coding for myself 4 years later? What's a common or recommended development environment?
I like how im fucking crazy paranoid and dont post anything i write, but this nigger fucks up within lol
>using java in 2019
time to move on to C#
Wow the new FGO update is looking great!
Nice. Check out Valis II's ost. It is a favorite of mine.
Thanks. It's a sci-fi story with branching dialogues. Shares some themes of cosmic horror too if you're into that, but there's no lovecraftian stuff or cthulhu mythos.
>UH GUYS I learned and was very good with Java in college but WHAT IDE or language should i use now if I want to get back into coding for myself 4 years later?
IntelliJ is currently the most common Java IDE
eclipse is for faggots that like broken maven shit
netbeans is basically non-existant at this point
cool as fuck
>Still using Java
I never knew a language was capable of making me angry.
You know now.
And while you were at it you saved the medical bill for your autism diagnosis as well.
I don't think any other shota games are platformers unless you count Zell23's games
Plus if they wants to target a Japanese audience they'll have to localize which would be a pain with a massive text driven story
i got loads of ideas
>Symphogear rhythm fighting game
>Cawadooty but it's little girls playing pretend
>An FPS but you get more points the more you suck.
>You're a skeleton warrior that steals fresh bones from your enemies so you can replenish your HP and remove your curse of flesh corruption or un-die trying
>2nd-person cyberpunk survival horror where your visuals are tied to stationary security cameras (that you can change which one you look through) but your audio input is tied to the character's position
>Tfw Symphogear and YuYuYu will never get actual good games
It hurts
Yeah, hope to have it out this year.
Fucking rad.
I wanna buy it!
Goodnight lads.
I hope you all achieve your dreams!
>80s evangelion
use C++
Where are the trains Trainwiz ?
kay is cute
No need to be triggered.
You were retarded and got called out.
Please seethe silently.
Thank you. Despite the effort and money it's taking and me being basically broke I want it to be free with an optional pay-what-you-want on, although maybe I'll release it on Steam too if I can ever afford it. Also, shameful plug but my twitter is @YorkeEGJ if you're interested in seeing more of the game. I don't post too often though but hey, at least I don't spam.
he means 00's, when bedroom developers very rarely charged for their work and a single man or a team of few guys making a million-seller was long history
steam greenlight and free access to good 3d engines flipped everything on its head
the people who make shitty games are usually """"artists""" who can't program and """artists""" are incredibly entitled
that sounds really good, I love it
RPG Action Game about a magical fantasy world gets invaded by high tech aliens.
They’re in another part of space, though that star system does have a trainyard to handle extraregional freight from there.
You could make your walk cycle a bit better, specifically the hand flick that's in it.
Would you prefer to play from the perspective from a group of heroes and see how their story plays out or play as an OC and having your own story while also see how their story plays out as a 3rd party?
I'm good with either as long as it's executed well.
YIIK is so fucking ugly.
just use big slimes
No, I'm the other guy.
Also, I'm surprised this thread is still up.
Oh I intend to.
That's just a place holder.
You might have noticed there's only a forward left and right walk done, and no shading or shadow too. I figured it was enough to convey shit, and I'd do a proper version of character animation and spriting when I had the rest of the gameplay and story beats in.
The final version will have twice as many frames per action, and as I said here: I'm not sure if I'll use a bendy, stretchy skellington rigged 2d animation software, or just man up and painstakingly draw it all.
The latter, if you could accidentally fuck it all up somehow.
Absolutely based
Depends on if you're going for something unsettling. If the rest of the world is going to be a sketched-out looking world, perhaps a traditionally draw walk cycle would be better. If you paper-doll it then everything else would need to share the same form of animation and you'd need to rig every other character the same way.
That being said, making a rig would allow for more versatile animations but again; I don't know what kind of atmosphere you're wanting to go with.
Add in skimpy costumes for your lolis. That's all you need to do to piss all the faggots off and get free advertisement.
>shota on shortstack
i'd love it but you gotta lose to get h-scenes so i dislike this
Are you a literal brainlet?
Keep doing it. No one is good at that stuff right off the bat.
>That trippy procedurally generated game that is sort of stylized like down well but with colours
you mean Risk of Rain or a different game?
>Being SFW is a crutch shitty devs use to mask they don't want to risk upsetting SJW because their game isn't good enough to stand the hate
Nah don't listen to these people telling you it's good. Your first impression of your ability is spot on. This isn't something paying customers will care about without a lot of extra fluff, like great music and a great story or characters.
its amazing how different the cultures are on this. Japanese love RoR & GOR, westerners are less into it though. Their arrogance doesn't let them lose even a single player game that was designed for you to lose to it (and by extension, really 'winning' it).
I'm still waiting for blonde loli user to update, I have faith.
I wish you luck user. I would suggest animal killing, people get riled up if a domesticated animal gets killed.
moment would have more impact if you (the player) didn't immediately realize what was happening.
would be better if the "demon"'s name was obfuscated at first so the player, like their character, legitimately believes there is a demon with some forbidden name in the building, then reveal what it actually is once you scream the name.
it'll certainly make it seem more """poignant""" and not just like you're trying to be edgy but you're not actually making a game and made up this scenario for (you)s anyway
You all complained, but can you do better?
Doesn't every Unity game do that? If you're an amateur why hinder yourself?
If you are scared and easily intimidated of people yelling at your project because you advertised it in a public place or is being clear about it then you would be better not making a game. Advertising is just like that, it is necessary.
Risk of Rain started in agdg. that isn't an excuse.
The first. That's why I am making also a game like that. It will be narrative focused, not a walking simulator, but I want to make sure the writing is decent in some way and characters are charismatic, so I am taking my time on that.
>tfw obsessively used gamemaker during the 5.3 days
>could do a lot in the trial version, $20 to unlock 3D and easier to use functions
I guess yoyo truly fucked it in the end.
wut dis frum
Love+ but for the PC with VR integration.
This might sound stupid but your post gave me some hope. I haven't gave up completely but now I realize it's the peace I look for at this point, to know that regardless of quality or return, I accomplished something that holds such importance in my life at a point that I have been spending years thinking about the project every single day and developing its concepts in the process. I should just do the thing
I wish I could still program. Always wanted to team up with someone who'd make the art assets.
This is why you have to start young and make simple games while still having that childlike glee from figuring out how to make a jump arc.
I love when people do weird things in Excel.
Well what the fuck else would you call it, you moron?
The latter is something I thought of when I was designing how the game would be laid out. The story is split into 4 parts and a create-a-character mode would be an option for the later games and figure, why not do it from the start since it can work there too.
The story itself existed before any idea of wanting to make a game. I don't really care to use a game to tell my story, so I was thinking it could work if I "adapted" in a way where it doesn't necessarily have to focus on my main characters.
Humanoid Slime lolis.
just remember
the "indiepocalypse" thing is a meme
if you know how to market, any game can make money
even i have
uhhh minecraft much???
very soulful I like it
Never heard of the "indiepocalypse." What is it?
it's a minecraft clone user
the average amount of money games on steam are making is dropping
but this doesn't factor into account that the average game on steam is now "majong anime titty 29", the games that were making money on steam are making just as much as ever
The TL;DR is that it's Dark Souls with Neptunia art.
link to game?
this was shitgame kino
Literally anytime I go there, 90% of the people can't draw for shit and most of the time are programmers
I used to make games. Unfortunately they looked like this so I stopped
I unironically like this
Show gameplay
holy shit it looks fucking nice user
this reminds me of that guy making a MSpaint art game with a plant girl, has that ever gone anywhere?
the idea was that you walk around collecting stuff and making potions out of it, and you use the potions to solve puzzles and progress the game.
This guy won't let you into the World Science Headquarters, so you get some toxic waste from behind his building and use it to poison applesauce that you make with apples from the tree outside the tower. Then you kill him to get in & access the portal to hell.
It's pretty boring. To make it more interesting I added multiplayer where you use the potions to fight each other and each one does something different, but it's pretty janky. if I were trying again today I would redo the potion brewing mechanics to be deeper like item synthesis in atelier or something.