How do we make Digimon at least halfway decent?, preferably in the good-great range

How do we make Digimon at least halfway decent?, preferably in the good-great range.

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Other urls found in this thread:

thought that was his dick there for a second


Oh don't worry, Karabiner has drawn plenty of that.

Do you put nail polish on your dick or something?

Have a poll, top ~40 rookies get in, at least 10 being obscure, not including recolors cause theyre piss easy to make. Add a handful of new ones each time maybe like 5, tack on a new gimmick each time YuGiOh style, maybe keep maybe dont. Healthy mix of tamagotchi and spinoff games, maybe like a one to one ratio, with two every 5 years?

Attached: Bearmon2.jpg (320x320, 61K)

holy fuck I need to jerk off now

who was your digibro Yea Forums?

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To be honest, it doesn't look like he's wearing pants either.

>feel funny when he shows up
>years later realize he was my first husbando

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Bring back card battles

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Imagine a cyber sleuth game but with big budget and less cringy stuff and less filler.

Imagine Cyber Sleuth.

I'll do you one better, digi bro and favorite crest/egg/whatever?
My lad right here, and reliability/honesty depending on the translation.

make digimon world 1 with better graphics

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I used her throughout the entire DS RPG game.

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>been rewatching tamers and frontier
>this thread
you fags better get off my head. I just want a by-the-books RPG with a shitload of mons to evolve through sorta like world 3

Attached: all of its evolutions are horrible.jpg (409x512, 20K)

>it wasnt a purple penis

Where has he been anyway? I remember finding his stuff as kid on Kazaa and being completely floored.

I just noticied how big he is
>0 good lewds
is trash

Am I the only person that liked pic related? I'd play more of it in an instant.

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at least official art shows how thicc he is

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>gay furry

Honestly never noticied it
He looks great, got more?

Admit it Yea Forums
You are gay because of pic related

Attached: flamedramon.png (650x650, 159K)

nah leomon is the one that did me in

tell me about dmw4 user. I only ever played until after you get out of some big, factory-like area into an open, kinda desert-looking field. I was really looking forward to slowly building up my character, evolving, battling bosses and shit...then I remembered acopalymon's bullshit. then I found out you go from rookie to mega instantly. then I remembered the boat / river section. then I realized the amount of grinding I would need to do would put Ys to shame. then I remembered I have no friends.
knowing all that should I still try to keep going? I'm the kind of madman whose dedication can make him enjoy even the most horrid games and dmw4 seemed like it might be the sorta game that gets good later on but after a big time investment. pic barely related

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also his previous evolution has a massive bulge

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I always wanted to be flamedramon and the season 4 plotline didn't helped either

On April 1st he deleted his website and replaced it with a page of moonrune text that's so broken in Google translate that I still can't read it, but from what I can make out he's "retired" from art.


Attached: ExVeemon.png (650x650, 230K)


What a twunk

Has to be. It's a fucking garbage dungeon crawling game and a massive disappointment coming from a kid who loves DW3 so much.

Megadramon in 1 and 2. We were best homies
Armormon in 3 (followed by its evolution, cannondramon). That guy got me hella card boosters because of fish buster

Before anything we execute all furries

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If you're not into it at that point then I'd not recommend finishing. You've already gotten most of the fun you'll get I'm guessing.

I wish I had friends to play it with too. I got two of mine to play online with me once but they got bored after the first dungeon

But he is also my husbandomon

Attached: angemon.jpg (707x1000, 102K)

Probably helps that that's the only digimon game I've played, Save that fighting game that was mostly just smash bros, but I only played it an hour or so.

Would a Dynasty Warriors style game work? 25? characters, stages are different worlds controlled by corrupt Digimon, with bosses like Devimon, Myotismon, etc. You can digivolve to Champion/Ultimate with maybe a Mega as a super. Maybe make a daycare system that you can drop Digis in for exp and upgrade to keep that tamagotchi feel in the background.

it was his fault

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Flamedramon X when?

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I don't think you know who you're talking to, user. last year I made a promise to myself in order to test my stubbornness: 100% every mainline sonic game and eventually all sonic games. since then I already got all emblems in SADX, SA2 and Heroes, all A ranks in Shadow the Hedgehog plus all keys, all gold medals, characters and extreme gears in sonic riders, ALL A RANKS AND GOLDEN MEDALS IN SONIC 2006 and so far all gold medals and red rings in sonic and the secret rings. and I ain't stopping because I am having fun. so I'll ask you two things:
- is this a slow burn game with fun buried deep in it? because if it is then I can and will get used to what it throws at me.
- wanna play online after I get an internet cable in my room and proper net?

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if you think thats big

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metaletemon is thiccer

hate to break it to you user but that's at least 40% puffed up fur

No. For me it was Etemon when he fused with the dark network. Something about his massive muscles, the network cables throbbing like veins, him becoming more powerful by consuming all the weaklings, and being super powerful grabbed young me's attention.

So we've had

>lost in a magical world with an animal friend
>above but lamer
>meta narrative with deeper character focus
>retread of the first but lamer and now the kids turn into the monsters instead of having friends
>literally pokemon+digimon war
>shitty attempt to bring back the original but DURKER and MORE MUTURE

What's next?

got the whole thing? asking for a friend

etemon is a puppet, his bulge is just stuffing

but that's just basically naked apocalymon

Wrong. It's thanks to these two that I have fantasies of being sandwiched between two beefcakes.

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naked? yeah but can't post it here

and their feet right?

Nope, but it's his wonderful fat paw toes. So even better!

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Damn why hasn't Pokemon done this? I know they had that DS game or whatever but it makes a lot of sense if it was done like Hyrule Warriors.

I'm not the etemon fag you're replying to, just some other twat. I like floramon

I just want a game where we get to see the actual politics of the Digital World and you can pick a side to join.
So like SMT except Royal Knights are the Lawfags, Bancho is the Neutralfags and Olympus are the Chaosfags.

He was the first character who made me think that lizards could be sexy

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and their butts

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you can post links or point out to them

Can cyber sluts be emulated yet?

tamers > frontier > adventure
there are no others

Tentamon and apparently the two biggest sluts in the digiverse before I knew what furries were

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make it a porn game

God I want to cum on Were's face before I feel his sexy body.

>Buster Blader
based taste

>that one fanfic about Veemon and Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures

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The original but doubling down even further the shitty drama and romance and removing anything about digimon, with more incest undertone

looks like she got injected to have popeye legs

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Some Stratosphere tier patrician taste right there.

I can tell I have a fellow haughty fag.

What was it about?

Data Squad is better than Frontier and Adventure is better than both.

ExVeemon, WereGarurumon, Leomon, Wargreymon. I have a type

>Make a good combat system.
>Give people access to the digimon they want as quickly as possible.

Wow. Such hard.

>Jade from Jackie Chan Adventures

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nice feet

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She uses the rat talisman to bring him to life from a digimon backpack, then they fool around in the attic of an opera house while hiding from some goons. There's even a sequel where she does it again and he digivolves into Exveemon, and he reverts back once he explosively fires off a salvo of cum 200 feet into the air with his giant dragon cock and dislodges it.

>ExVeemon, WereGarurumon, Leomon, Wargreymon
>sames one as me
what the fuck
how do you call this type???

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sure thing, faggot

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God I want to be in that foursome.


>het shit

Are any of the shows good?
What about the games?

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If the factory looking place was the last bit of death valley and you hit dry land then you were still pretty early in the game. It picks up a bit in the desert area you were in, once your skills start leveling up slightly faster than a fucking snail's pace and magic, if you've been using it, starts to actually do something

But it stays at that level through the rest of the game. Or at least, the rest of it that I played. I made it to the last area and then quit playing.

I'm absolutely fucked with work and grad school for the next month-ish. I'd be down weeknights/weekends after that though


I'm not familiar enough with Digimon to pick anyone other than one of the main characters' partners off the top of my head. I remember liking Guilmon and Veemon, though.

For me, it's Magnamon. The first time I saw him, with the color scheme, mask, armor, exposed skin, proportions, voice, etc., he just awakened something in me. It's like those stories where you hear about someone changing their life over their waifu in a VN.

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Fucking solid taste in everything

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Have you ever seen JCA? I mean Jade's a little girl, what do you expect?

I think they were all 100% made to be gay bait

The comic "Roommates" by Spelunker Sal is what got me into that kind of stuff.

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yeah but it could have been salvaged if she grew a dick, that'd be hot

you have terrible taste if you find his characters design hot

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>that digimon character that after all these years keep making your peepee go hard

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They're kaiju combined with american-comic style heroes and villains. The creators were greatly inspired by the American comics at the time which had for the first time been easily accessible to Nipp readers.

Is karabiner still active? That fluffy bastard's work is nice

This. Everything was going fine in my life until I watched the episode where this faggot digivolved into this piece of shit. Like, fuck furry's but also like FUCK this guy, y'know what I mean?

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>bad boy
>a werewolf on top


I'm ruined for my future wife now!

Can't get wrong with Digimon males. They have sexy quads.

Attached: wargreymon_gem08_february14_2018.jpg (1200x1200, 313K)

guess I'll keep pushing through. I was pretty bummed that my nigga guilmon was magic-heavy (at least if I remember correctly) and that was always running out, but if it actually becomes decent down the line I'll stick with him

I'd be down with that. steam id is jonathan48

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>those thights
>giant feet
why are digimon so perfect?

I love how they're practically all muscle. Closest we'll get for a male version of female toddy figures.

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but digimon is fine as is. it's not stellar but it's not constantly getting worse like pokemon

Eh, Impmon's hotter anyways.

I'm almost 100% me being gay is his fucking fault

user their last output was tri and it was the same KANTOOOOOO pandering garbage

>tri is a video game

I guess I have terrible taste then.

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I was always disappointed with Metalgarurumon. Also the garurus in Frontier were garbage holy shity.

Well your post made it seem like franchise in general. Hell their next release is literally more Adventure pandering

I barely played digimon world and dropped it because I got stuck and couldn't read english yet
any worth playing digimon games?

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>duh you must be talking about anime on the video game board
aside from the game featuring agumon for the 900th time i didn't see any adventure pandering in the survive trailers

It's too bad he and Blackweregarurumon have nearly no art together. Bandai/Toei needs to put in something together to get the fan-artists' juices flowing.

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Gay type. I bet you there's at least one pic where all of them are stroking each other's massive dick.

>kinda wanted to talk about digimon vidya
>thread is just about what digimon you want to fuck
Im in hell desu
Anyway Stories > World style games.

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god hishe looks awful

>that art of the 2 of them being extra thicc and almost fucking
I think is the best one out there

>stories > world
that's only because there's 2 (translated) world games and instead of improving on the formula that the first set next order tried to be it's own thing

Digimon World is considered the most "Digimon" game and of recent ones Cyber Sleuth is very popular.

>mentions plainly Digimon
>talks solely about games and not the whole franchise
>especially when they ignore their games anyway

Post the thong version. Also there was no Black WereGarurumon angsting for his "original", so there was no fuel for an incest ship.

How did you know?

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She's the only good one left

these are some massive feet...

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This. Look for drks's WereGarurumon x BlackWereGarurumon art pack.

All anthro Digimon have big feet and hands

habu needs to bring in konaka to write a game. konaka's actually expressed interest in doing it recently. instant goty.

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>That episode of Frontier where the BlackWeregarumon and Doggymon were fucking Dick Dastardly and Muttley.

They're hot.

>werefaggot is retarded

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Renamon is also a child-level.

metalmamemon or bust

i knew i wasnt alone
but now i'm disappointed

>Look for drks's WereGarurumon x BlackWereGarurumon art pack.
You are a man of taste user
I like you

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frontier makes a lot of references to western stuff, it's almost a bit weird


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>retard trying to save face because he has no idea of digimon

Will laugh if you think 9999th Story rehash is great or if Survive has little game play elements.

>Mamemon looks nothing like Mametchi.

>Are any of the shows good?
adventure, tamers and savers are great. the rest ranges from mediocre to awful.
>What about the games?
cyber sleuth and hacker's memory are awesome. rumble arena 2 is a decent smash clone.

Are they hotglued yet? Preferably together in the same stream.
I want to imagine they're competing who gets the most cum.

Attached: bwgm ggem.jpg (800x533, 86K)

>if a fucking srpg has little game play elements


He's also doing Fox and Wolf

don't worry it's a male presenting nipple so it's safe even on tumblr

I have the wargreymon one and fuck no. I love him but I would never cum on it because the quality is fantastic

Digimon can stay the same form for eons, now if you want the actual children MC's then jailtime is for you.

>he thinks it's gonna be an srpg and not a light novel with some srpg elements

>He's also doing Fox and Wolf
did he posted any tease pics? Link to the announcement? I saw a wolf a week go and not sure if it was his wolf

Do it on their feet.

even full on porn games like ray romono kamidori and tears to tiara had more gameplay than porn/story


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Survive seems to be in development hell.

>absolute succubi like Angewomon, Beelstarrmon, and Kari
>all the porn's yaoi and/or furry

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The proper term is twunk

sadly no.

Funny story though, Karabiner's porn was so good Toei contracted him to do the art for a Digimon game manuel.

honey you mean TWUNKULES

Because it would be panned for being a shitty Smash clone.

>Karabiner's porn was so good Toei contracted him to do the art for a Digimon game manuel.
which one?

>Karabiner's porn was so good Toei contracted him to do the art for a Digimon game manuel.
no fucking way. source or bullshit

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Wargreymon looks better with hip windows.

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you mean bandai? they also hired a hentai artist to make artwork for a mobile card game.

It'd have to have Agumon (with Skullgreymon as an alt), Gabumon, Tentamon, Patamon, and maybe Palmon. Gatomon, Veemon, and Wormmon, fuck the rest. Guilmon, Terriermon, Renamon, and Impmon. Should the rest be recent mons or random earlier gens.

So there are Furries working for Toei. Fuckin' knew it.

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Do people not like the Cyber Sleuth games?

>MORE adventure pandering
no fucking thank you

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If they're good and have competitive rates, developers can forgive some pretty questionable stuff in an artist's portfolio.

wow... a metal greymon and a metal mamemon!

>not wanting based Gomamon
Absolute abysmal taste.

>what? i'm speaking plain old english

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Victorygreymon has Canon thong.

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Congratulations OP. Somehow you manage to start a digimon thread in a worse way than with pictures of Angewomon.

World 3 is good so is ds and dawn/dusk

Is Flamedramon overrated?

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Just what is it about Veemon's line?

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yes by both normies and gayboys

Not him, but I'm starting DW2003 for the first time, is it really that different from DW3?
I liked it, but the loading on PS2 was ridiculous, 3+ min for each screen, that dread base thing was a nightmare, the game is always better with someone to play it

keramon is cute!

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Why is he mad?

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Absolutely not. I need my lifesize Flamedramon plush.

there are only a handful of digimon games that are even in the same genre
>dw1 is a monster raising simulator
>dw2 is pokemon mystery dungeon + standard turn based battles
>dw3 is disgaea movement in a pokemon game
>dw4 is diablo but shit

Their armor leaves a lot to imagination
Seriously, that's it

I wonder if having large batch releases would improve the diversity of more recent Digimon. Most are "new game mascot" or evolution of existing popular Digimon. I guess Appmon tried, but is in its own ecosystem so might not cross over.

There's like 4 of you, so I guessed

In case I was wrong, my steam is Deekin and I've got a gondola avatar

i liked it as a kid but dw4 is probably the shittiest dungeon crawler in existence
>speed runs are 99% grinding goburimon and scorpions because exp requirements are fucking bullshit
>those fucking sound effects
>digivolving not only borderline locked to postgame but also resets your fucking level for some reason
>everything about venom jungle
>fucking mummymon puzzles

Because someone forced him into blackface and he doesn't want to seem racist.

Didn't know there's a black wargreymon ver

it's the gay furfag equivalent of eeveelutions.

>Are any of the shows good?
Adventure, Tamers, and Frontier is good
>What about the games?
None of the games are great, but the ones I considered to be good are:
Next Order
Cyber Slut/HM
Battle Spirit (I forgot which ones)
Rumble Arena 1/2
Card Battle
DW2003 is DW3

Because you won't hurry up and take your pants off

>tfw Shoutmon is my absolute favorite Digimon but have no desire to lewd him unlike my other favorite Digimon, WereGarurumon

I'm always amazed how sexy their feet are

Reminder that there's a husbando stuck in a gacha game Bandai refuses to localize.

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>Frontier is good

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Don't like the spikes or the face.

Sounds expensive. A daki would probably be cheaper.

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Is he a joke?
Why did they kill him every season?
Also why are his paws so huge?

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I love this edgy dude
And Skullmeramon, Metal/Etemon, and Angelmon

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Calling someone gay and a fag seems kinda redundant.

Well, at least they are all RPG and are really good at hiding info


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no way

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Adventure is a classic.
02 has some good stuff, but most of it is wasted and squandered. Ken deserved better.
Tamers tricks you into thinking, "Oh, it's just season 1, but now they start in the real world" and then you realize that Japanese Ozzy Osbourne is the same guy that wrote Serial Experiments Lain and htey let him write a children's show and it gets dark fast.
Frontier is solid once you get past the "no digimon partners" thing. The Royal Knights arc deserves all the shit it gets.
Savers is the best season no one watched, the MC has to sucker punch ever increasingly more powerful digimon to evolve his partner.
Xros Wars was interesting, playing fast and loose with powerlevels to interesting effect.
Young Hunters was dogshit, even worse than 02.
Tri was alright, had some really nice stuff, but mostly dull. The ending was great.

It's not Digimon if a Leomon doesn't bite the dust.

He's the resident digi-whore;meaty fingers to figner chicks and large paws to jerk off the guys.

Are there any good digimon dakis?

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ok really, what's with the v mon line that attracts and produce so much faggotry ?

>tfw no fluffy Renamon to cuddle in bed with

beelze is the best.

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No._He only makes up 5% of all Digimon images in e621.

>I have that same image but cropped higher
My hats off to you, sir. You like to live dangerously.

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>best boy

granny has great taste

He can wait

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Been pretty into mainline pokemon since gen 1, and have followed digimon decently and played several of its games. My biggest problems with digimon and why I've always felt it was inferior to pokemon:
>Your team is never permanent, you can invest a ton of time into some digimon you really like and lol they are dead of old age and now you have to start over
>Obscure af evolution web and many more stages to evolution where multiple different mons can evolve to/from the same mon. Sometimes this gives you more options, often times it just makes them feel less unique
>evolutions often have a lot more variance from one stage to the next so what you see in rookie stage might be nothing like champion, which might be nothing like ultimate, etc. You can get a champion you think is really fucking cool, and then it evolves into an ultimate that looks like shit and has a completely warped theme
>significantly simpler typing system makes for a very basic battle. pokemon has a much more fleshed out battle system. Digimon at its best seems more like a slightly deeper version of rock-paper-scissors
>a lot more emphasis on narrative, but never has narrative that is really that engaging. cyber sleuth was probably the best story of the digimon games I played, and it had pretty good characters, but I don't really want to play a story with a digimon game necessarily I'd just watch the anime for that. I just want to train up mons and build a cool team

Who's that, user?

Its a basic furfag model except it has a modicum of quality

t. literally only played the first digimon game



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Why did Digimon fizzled out? I want a proper resurgence.

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One of my best mons in Cyber Sleuth, kept him like this the entire game. The rest of the team was all the humanoid female Digimon. Lucky little bastard.

Attached: Lucemon.jpg (800x320, 53K)

it didn't fizzle out though. it's been chugging along as an AA franchise for 10+ years now
monster rancher on the other hand...

>implying only Veemon is guilty of this

Attached: Growmonx.jpg (430x430, 39K)

>can't even get lucemon till near endgame
>"kept him like this the entire game"

Increased animation budget means they didn't need to waste time developing the characters and could instead just focus solely on big monster battles and shit.

Literally that's the reason why Adventure is the way it was. They needed something to make up for the fact that the animation sucked.

Soon. If Bakugan is doing well despite the waves of NOT MUH BAKUGAN then there's hope for Digimon

how do those belts even work

Guilmon is like a little bro you want to look after.

Even when he's 70 feet tall and made of metal. You just wanna cuddle him and feed him bread.

The games sucked, unlike Pokemon

Came across a speedrun of this the other month, and it looked fun

Attached: 1530053777734.jpg (324x385, 48K)

Big sexy paws are a stable of Digimon.

Is it cancelled?

Attached: digimon survive.jpg (800x534, 111K)

no they aren't

Sora was the worst of the kids. Like holy shit you could drop her from the first series and the only notable thing is how much of a sausage fest the cast becomes.

Xros Wars is so underrated. Doesn't help that the dub is atrocious.

it hasn't. it's a multi-billion-dollar franchise that still gets new games, anime and merch.

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Whoa, modern Digimon looks like that?!

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but they are

Attached: tri.jpg (474x399, 24K)

digimon is just barely in "multi billion" over the course of 22 years. the game and anime departments aren't even close to a billion

Attached: file.png (1677x150, 28K)

over $6 billion is not bad and certainly not close to "fizzling out," considering it's still getting new content.

I liked the accents.

both cyber sleuth games combined sold less in their lifespans than risk of rain 2 did its first week

Need more of this and bulges

>that guilmon animation will never be finish

Why did they make so many digimon so hot?

here you go user, could've just asked

>male lions are sluts
is it bad that i like this meme?

Post a page of the best digimon doujin you know
Or just post the name

Rate it

Attached: 1553138935973.png (543x313, 281K)

Stop targeting the kids and make it SMT style

To make kids feel funny and buy merchandise when they're old enough.

no, it's a prominent, recurring Japanese kemono meme

whiich one?

that's already what they're doing.

i want this little bastard to degrade me so much

I noticed that Angemon and Magnangemon both had nice asses in Cyber Sleuth

The new game is literally DeSu but with digiman

>meaty fingers to figner chicks

Oh fuck, that artist brings back memories.

Attached: giru.webm (560x424, 2.72M)

Which Digimon is that?

I'm so glad for this. There's like 20+ digimon I'd gladly get footjobs/pawjobs from.

name them


Attached: c5196c36ae6748e6fd5c29df6ca98037.jpg (500x500, 42K)

the one by anhes and i think chicobo

It isn't a dragon or knight, so it is a step in the right direction.

i can't believe i downloaded this shit game

There are 2 big reasons why I used Belphemon on my team.

Attached: ass.png (846x470, 761K)

>Anhes will never go back to that Zootopia comic

Attached: horrible.jpg (1024x942, 194K)

gay furry niggas. if you've got nothing to talk about, other than wanting to fuck every dog in this tv show/movie/game/card game or whatever the fuck, then please stop shitting up ths board for no reason. just get a discord server or some shit, and you'll even be able to post uncropped porn to touch your little dicks to as much as you want.

>272 Posts
>82 IPs

Attached: 1477012870190.jpg (640x424, 33K)

Looks tasty

>mommy why are people posting more than once

thank god, his coloring is great but the designs looked terrible

This sounds like a guilty pleasure of mine but it honestly could work.

There were only a couple of moments I really liked in Tri, but Gabumon going full unreciprocated gay towards Yamato was my favorite.

Attached: hug.png (1187x667, 451K)

more like why are you not going to your containment server instead of talking to the same 4 people or so right now

That was pretty much the only good thing about it.

Attached: 12.png (500x313, 148K)

Is Tri worth watching if all I care about is qt Hikari

Attached: flamey23.jpg (800x700, 113K)

we always have a canine digimon in each series

Sometimes gay furries, sometimes demons, sometimes giant metal killing machines, sometimes a plush doll piloted by a slimy thing. Digimon has a lot of variety, even if some niches like Deep Savers feel underpopulated.

It's not worth it for pretty much any reason.

Attached: 500.jpg (500x375, 64K)

hikari gets used as a fleshlite by god offscreen so no

Baby steps.

There were definitely some great moments, though. Gomamon and Palmon vs Imperialdramon or Tentomon sacrificing himself to keep everyone from escaping before the reset were massive highlights.

>all I care about is qt Hikari
It's a big no, she barely has moments and goes full retard in the end.

your attempts at enraging me are not working user kun

why the fuck was he so girly/gay in TRI
is gabumon gay? did I miss something?

Attached: 12464676675.jpg (1200x675, 76K)


>82 IPs
>4 people
It's more like 4 posts per person. Get your maths gooder.


it was pic related

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Attached: feet.gif (629x456, 2M)

If that was the intention it was really well executed.

hello new phone wallpaper

>the semen demon she creates in the last part when she's lost to despair

Attached: 1541127729991.png (95x100, 18K)

Why are furfags so universally incapable of keeping their animal-fucking fetish in their proper channels?

I don't remember Digimon having much to do with it really.

Attached: 1455579118957.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)

>the semen demon she creates in the last part when she's lost to despair that does basically fucking nothing and dies

Gabumon is the loyal kind of wolf-wearing lizard. Even if you go full retard and try to kill your friend because a tree told you to, he will stay with you.

Remember when Hikari started doing weird shit in Adventure? Started glowing and talking with a different, full grown, woman's voice and other shit?
That shows up again, it's name is Homeostasis.
Or Homo Stacy.

Digimon aren't animals dumbass.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 32K)

If your digimon was gay for you, what would you do?


Attached: ocean man.png (525x441, 264K)

Tri didn't

evolve it and fuck with him
what a stupid question

Digivolve them in the middle of it.

I kind of liked Xross Wars. Still no Lost Story translation. Cyber Sleuth games are mediocre and the second one flopped hard. Tri was utter shit yet raked in viewers thanks to boomer nostalgia.
It's Tamers turn to get a godawful reboot now.

nigga I'm gay as fuck it's a win for the both of us

Attached: Kirby happy.png (640x480, 83K)

who's your digimon?

Xross Wars had a couple good OPs at least.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

give him a fucking kiss and shove my dick into his mouth

I would've liked Xros Wars if the two friends did shit other than being purely supporting characters. Having the same MC saving the day every episode was boring.

>the second one flopped hard.

Because it was the exact same game as the first one.

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who is the best digigirl?

I think it was for World 3

Ordinemon was so bizarre. Mostly just tripping over itself and having a big butt. But worse was how they made Ofanimon FDM do absolutely nothing. And then Gennai Black claims this is all according to keikaku somehow despite the extremely contrived circumstances which involved many operators. It really feels like they gave up on having a story partway through and just hit up the beats without making them flow.


>Healslut thread deleted
>not-so-stealth furfag thread up still

Really makes me think. Do the same furfags that run Discord run Yea Forums?

How was the second Digimon World? The dungeon crawling one. I remember only playing a little of it 'cause I didn't know english and the starting part felt eternal and then I'd run out of fuel too quickly in the dungeons.


The thighs king.

You couldn't pick a thread that actually makes sense to complain about getting deleted first?

The Tamers boxset had an audio drama which was basically the pitch for a sequel series, but Toei didn't bite.

i'm still upset that meicoomon wasn't a tie in with the lore in dw4
>cat that turns insane because of a magic virus with x's all over it's body is unrelated to the x-virus that originated in dw4 where ophanimon and seraphimon are major characters
>also has alphamon in the first few episodes who made his game debut in dw4
w h y

Awful and slow as hell

it's probably because this thread is at least related to video games

although they'll probably get deleted if they get posted too much

All the knight/mecha Digimon are top tier. I'm glad they went more in this direction than just staying as Pokemon but internet.

Attached: Gallantmon.png (421x470, 54K)


I want him to crush my head while I suck his dick

>It's Tamers turn to get a godawful reboot now.
kek, no it isn't. it's adventure's turn to get another godawful sequel next year.

>this thread is at least related to video games
all of you are just talking about how much you want to fuck dragons and how big of a faggot they all are in your mentally ill heads, there is no video game discussion anywhere

Do you like riding around in a tank and fighting endless battles? If yes, yes. If not, no. Probably the worst offender of grindy among Digimon games with the mechanics having you hit level cap and combine with the offspring a level stage and 2 levels higher. Planning your equipment between refuel, repair, and recruitment is fun at least. Really shouldn't have been called Digimon World 2 when it so unrelated to the first though.

there are actually some people here talking about the games, dingus


>your mentally ill heads

...You were just crying about a healslut thread getting deleted.

>game discussion on Yea Forums
just leave

that's higher than the Yea Forums average

no. i will stay here to make you mad until you leave yourself :^)

Guys ignore the shitposters
Lets keep talking about what digimons we like.

Attached: 2748110_1338316547956.99res_500_375.jpg (500x375, 24K)

Great now I'm fucking furious

mission complete...

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RizeGreymon is basically just WarGreymon but better.

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>that ass
don't do this to me

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Most of that stuff is in all of the Digimon games I've ever played, although personally I'd say only the first point and the point about the simplistic type system are really problems. I generally like that Digimon have complex evolutionary webs, for instance, and that you can potentially go from one type of Digimon to a completely different looking one. However, the fact that your team is constantly in a state of flux is pretty lame, if only because it means that you've got to periodically take a break from the game to grind everyone ALL the way back up to a usable level. I seriously have no idea what the fascination is with that approach.

I loved the mecha-knight Digimon up to and including Tamers, but only because they were rare and tend to be reserved for main heroes and otherwise very important figures. For the most part, I prefer Digital Monsters to actually look like monsters, particularly the more brutal ones from the early days of the franchise that look like they could've come from a metal album cover.

And then of course there's the superior 2SWORDS mode that I forgot about. Thread needs more gundam mons.

Attached: Dukemon_crimson_crusader.png (400x400, 210K)

it already is faggot fuck you
I know it's bait because every thread on Yea Forums needs to have bait in the OP to get replies but still fuck you

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That would have made too much sense to tie it to X. Tri has a really weird feeling where they definitely picked up some things from Digimon's previous works, but the flavor is way off. Considering Meicoomon also had Nyaromon and Plotmon variants which only appeared in a Japanese tie-in phone app along with the "normal" Meicrackmon and Rasielmon, might be the "Digimon can't into cross-media consistency" rearing its head again.

I know you are a cringe normie

Oh, this episode was really cute, thanks for reminding me. It's the one Tsunomon that everyone bullies, right?

I'm pretty excited for Megidramon to finally come to Digimon Masters. Now they just need to add Valkyriemon and mutants and they'll have successfully stolen everything from Digimon Battle.

Im not the one who designed him.


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glad you agree NIGGER

Attached: 1554945679341.jpg (688x692, 61K)

I mean there's still monster looking mechs such as Andromon. Even little guys like that one that's just 3 gears. The most boring Digimon to me are the ones that just look like dinosaurs or regular animals with some kind of weird pattern on them.

Attached: Andromon_b.jpg (320x320, 46K)

>it means that you've got to periodically take a break from the game to grind everyone ALL the way back up to a usable level
holy shit play the fucking games retard
>digimon only die in the world games and retain some of the stats upon being reborn meaning you start out higher than you did initially
>digimon level gets reset when digivolving in cyber sleuth but if you actually look at their stats they again start out far higher than the level before
>the only digimon game where everything gets reset 100% when digivolving is 4 which is universally considered the worst game
>most digimon while they can digivolve into a fuckton of different things also have static evolutionary lines that persist through games such as agumon > greymon > metalgreymon > wargreymon

Attached: RizeGreymon_Crusader_card.png (342x499, 234K)

>can’t read moon
>don’t own a ps3, ps4 nor vita
>PSP version of re:digitze has significantly less content than decode
>decode translation going absolutely nowhere because tl team is full of logic-defying retards and the project leader is supposedly going fucking blind if not lying through his teeth
>ds games are just ok at best, lost evolution tl also on ice
>almost at the end of frontier, the last watchable season
I should aim for the center of my skull with the gun inside my mouth, right? not on the side of my head?

Attached: 66B61729-5090-40EF-A0D6-CEAF889D2E82.png (539x416, 162K)

don't make me look for porn

>not owning at least one of ps3 4 or vita
what the hell are you doing user

Obama says Anime & Manga: Must Watch...

Attached: Anime Girl.png (675x536, 421K)

Play the mmo and pray survive is good

wtf this is so cool LOL "karatey karaokey" xd

>Anime Girl
Do you just save random anime girls without even trying to figure out where they are from? I'm insulted that someone would post my wife while giving her such a generic moniker. You nigger.

Attached: 1479026367622.png (800x1185, 191K)

Don't be posting corruptible stuff like this.

saving money. Also I don’t live in a first world country so I gotta get a console by the end of its life cycle when pirates have cracked it open so ps4 is out of the question for now until sony stops pushing updates. I also just don’t like the vita’s library but I got a PSP

I can’t go back to masters after the owner switch. it used to be such a f2p friendly game and now you can’t do anything exciting without using up your hard earned shekels

They need to go full shitpost and make an Omegamon-shaped Mugendramonesque composite of different Greymons. Like has the gun arm from RiseGrey, MetalGrey claw arm, BlitzGreymon electric stabby things, Giaoumon's plates, VictoryGreymon's sword, like 4 sets of wings, and has Shinegreymon and WarGreymon handheads.

shut up furfaggot i dont care didnt even read


Attached: bio.gif (352x264, 1.06M)

It's definitely gotten into some gacha hell areas, but the free 4/5 eggs they're giving out as login bonuses sucked me back in.


Attached: tod.png (250x250, 89K)

I'm going to assume this is your first Yea Forums post ever because you're a retarded old meme loving newfag who replied to this on page 1.

As in I don't need to be seeing things that look lewd.

>He doesn't know

dinosaurs a cool

Attached: Deltamon2.jpg (400x400, 85K)

yup, it's gonna be another "fantasize until you fall asleep" night

yeah? no.. im an originalfag i jus hate this site now and furries i just drank a LOT lot lot of whiskey so im kinda drunk yea i took

Attached: 184440.jpg (600x600, 45K)

They reset, but not to such an extent that they don't need to be grinded up again. The level tends to drop so much that you'll still be outmatched against the enemies you're facing, and this happens extremely frequently. And if I remember correctly, in World 1 you had to get your Tamer score to a certain level before your Digimon would start retaining any amount of their stats.

I'll grant you that there were some boring monsters, like Whamon as much of a bro as he was in Adventure or Akatorimon, but most of them were pretty distinctive. And like I said, my problem isn't with the mech-like designs per se. I'm pretty big on mecha anime, and a lot of my favorite Digimon fit that criteria. I just don't want to see them become overused, which was happening around the time I stopped paying attention to the anime (Data Squad). I'm pretty sure every one of the main characters had some sort of "warrior with more-or-less human proportions" as a Mega, and since the Royal Knights served as major antagonists, of course they fit the bill as well.

Also this.

i think you suck

God, I wish my game franchise could be successful enough to hire porn artists.

Man, I can't believe Karabiner is fucking dead

Attached: 473144f523bf8f57943b8d5a1c2cfe2f.jpg (627x800, 119K)

>almost 400 posts of digimimon husbando talk
Mods didn't see the thread or we got lucky and they actually let us have it?
Whatever happened it has been a great thread guys. Hope we can have it again.

Attached: gabumon.jpg (222x206, 11K)

>thinks the level drops enough to be outmatched against the enemies you're facing
holy shit fucking leave

What's your franchise, user?

You just summoned a falseflagger.

shotgun yourself

But at least the memories live forever

Attached: fbe1f79b92af0095c198bb0a0599de82.jpg (564x800, 95K)

Let it happen. Some retard trying to summon Lee even got deleted.

But at least the memories live forever

Attached: D.jpg (750x865, 59K)

japan has a history of having hentai artist making even popular manga series that likely get an anime adaptation unlike westerns who once they find out you made porn they go with torches and pitchfork to ruin your art career


I'm sensing some mad people in this thread.

Attached: 120.gif (500x230, 1.95M)

idk why I got this responses. I was being honest.

I don't have one, but I want one.

I know. Some mad fag is just trying to call attention to it.

Attached: 1023092170.jpg (1280x1172, 203K)


>digimon survival still no updated news
it hurts, i hope they don't cancel it.

cheer up user, don't let your dreams die, im also trying to work on something, too. even if its not succesful, at least my soul can rest knowing that i made it happen

Attached: omegamon beta 1.png (369x383, 262K)

>some fag
says the guy that says i want to fuck a little male kid and have a footjob from him and molest anha

You should make one, user. Then porn artists will flock to your creative vision.
What are you working on, user?

I'm workin g on a undertale fan game! =) link here:

I want to see a digimon with a gut.

Beerus and Champa are the only two good things about that Super shitshow.

How old is Impmon?

Attached: Impmon.png (238x198, 44K)

Survive is looking good

>What are you working on, user?
a monster series, i know is not original and already run to the ground but is something i want to do.

Attached: omegamon beta 2.jpg (307x363, 31K)

Also this guy

Attached: Majora.png (640x904, 586K)

i dont know but he has a short body which awakens your pedophilic sexual thoughtzz >:(

Somehow we went from Omekamon and Chaosmon taking the piss out of Omegamon clones to having at least three distinct new Omegamon and a recolor in a short period of time. At least Rafflesimon didn't take the knight with rose and lotus hands approach.

Well, keep at it, user.

Impmon killed a guy. I'm pretty sure he's not a kid.

Attached: qt.png (1003x1171, 290K)


Attached: aaa.jpg (640x480, 61K)

>opening has eyes opened
>never opens eyes in the series
was this a mistake by toei or last minute change?

wait. cant kids kill guys too?..thats no excuse dude...

I have never seen them before. Could be larger like Champa for me to care

>enter digimon thread
>its just gay furries
back to pokemon I guess

Attached: 1539581632394.jpg (780x585, 73K)

The version that seems to have been recycled into Sagittarimon.

Children can't murder people?
Also Digimon youth is not comparable to Human youth.

>pokemon being different
Nice bait

>Impmon killed a guy
By being a cum sucking fag?

>sollyz sundyz
based and redpilled

He used a gun too.
He also had sex with Guilmon at his park house.


>solly sundyz
bored and yawnpilled

ill get more whiskey ill brb

Attached: me.png (620x640, 345K)

It happened in a canon comic.

I'm back with more drinkzzz. can i see the comic please? i'll behave from now on i promise.

tell us all about it user

No, I think you're baiting me.


Attached: 62652943_p0.png (655x655, 320K)

Regardless of whether you're trying to trick me into linking porn or not, learn how to use sadpanda either way.

tell me the name at least : (
i dont have a sad panda anymore but i can use the other version e- henta

That's stupid. It takes a lot of effort supporting oneself on an art career, and porn is comparatively steady money. A willingness to do dirty books just tells you that they know the value of a dollar.

i want to see the murder and gardensex scene maan;,

Attached: hes jailed wtf-small.gif (500x382, 549K)

Don't sleep on the ratgod genius, he's one of the best cards in Heroes.

Attached: quitela-shhhhhhn.png (850x474, 188K)

Majora is a blind fighter from Universe 4.

Attached: Majora.png (600x1000, 146K)

Niggas, it's just a dog wearing jeans.

For me, it's moonmilleniummon


Attached: 193731201329700.gif (500x708, 472K)

To be fair, a canon comic where impmon and guilmon fuck sounds pretty far fetched.

dudeh im so lonely everyone always ignores me whhhhyyy

Attached: 1554935602143.png (312x260, 84K)

Terriermon and/or Lopmon.
Their whole lines are fantastic.

>it's just a dog wearing jeans.
and thats what so sexy about it

Now that I think about it, is Impmon a gimp?

based thread

Attached: DhcR9XAUcAA7p_h.jpg (847x1200, 140K)

Weregarurumon is amazing for how it absolutely nails the idea of "werewolf" in Digimon design logic.

ask the other guy not me

Attached: 0.jpg (250x250, 5K)


source me now

he cute


>Leomon dies again in Tri
>nobody really cares for longer than 3 minutes

And thats when I decided to hate Tri.

Attached: 13643517_1749183895294992_37650393_n.jpg (360x450, 58K)

Gaomon is the cutest digi

Attached: 1531640456679.png (1000x1200, 225K)

So what do furries think about Devimon and Vamdemon? Are bat themed at least.

i want bara digimon to violate my ass

DemiDevimon is cuter than both.

>those genderbent weregarurumon pics on this site

It's Veemon but a dog

pretty good taste for a fujo

Being a Gazimon relative is the weirdest flex in bio. What do they possibly have in common compared to other doggish mons? All the other sub-species make sense like Greymons, -Dramons, Kabuterimons.

No, that's Gabumon

inb4 entire thread gets bannu

Attached: 1439485100.waddledox_exveemon.png (1280x1280, 1.19M)

does anyone have his murder+rape scene or not ?? did the other dude leave im so confused now d

Attached: 4e8d326e3d06bf0afa6b21cf58bbb322.jpg (706x900, 262K)

Imagine having such a versatile husbando.

Attached: 1553931627621.png (4535x5814, 3.54M)

BUSTER sword...

Attached: ZD426.jpg (740x455, 31K)

he is such a mary sue oc one of his evolutions funded the royal knights and allowed 2 of his other possible evolutions to join

I have a gut feeling a couple of those are cropped porn...

Attached: 1461478938.waddledox_exveemon.png (1280x1067, 1.22M)

Like him, but would like him more with a gut.

I'm still here and I told you its on sadpanda. So figure it out.

>tfw no exveemon to play videogames with

Attached: Partner.jpg (1000x704, 143K)

but i dont know the doujin name.

Attached: sakurai_nov2018.jpg (400x600, 36K)

OP is literally a gay image

>all that marco exveemon porn

Then look up the character name.

Attached: 1546202125505.png (720x540, 495K)

He's fucking hot, i'd play videogames on his dick
>that size difference

You are a man with a great taste

Attached: DZ4JYEGU0AAy6wt.jpg (1000x750, 153K)

HOLY SHIT i love sam %max. but ill try thanxx u


We need more Wargreymons

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Attached: 1438456513.waddledox_greymon.png (1280x1280, 1.12M)

Veemon wants the GIRTH

Who here likes Zudomon?

Attached: 97b8e04878055361bf3ca576c1b4e6bf.jpg (700x774, 292K)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is gay for WereGarurumon.

This thread just confirmed that Digimon is absolutely fucking gay with a queer fucking fanbase. At least Pokemon is diverse. And no, everyone loves Renamon, mostly people who don't give a fuck about Digimon.

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when are we gonna get the WGM/BWGM fusion?

Attached: BWGM.jpg (1080x1440, 137K)

You have Angewomon and stuff.

literally every eevee

That is what happens when you take the hero of a manga, design a younger form, evolve it in a different way, and also have an incherchange armor gimmick that doesn't get explored properly from the second usage. Good thing they don't have the entire V-dramon Sentai. DORUmon is the second worst offender of Mary Sue bullshit with entire dedicated evolution line for data, virus, and vaccine, and then two super final forms one of which is making another dragon its bitchsword instead of an even combination.

how is this thread still up

I hate Renamon.

I know the shadow of his body is hiding it, but I can still see the outline...

Wargreymon is fucking sexy, my dude.

Attached: wargeymon.gif (288x216, 956K)

Attached: 1532806714364.png (2560x1440, 2.03M)

Digimon has games.

Attached: 1516561453406.jpg (3300x2550, 613K)

Idk but most of it is garbage taste

I think it would have been more popular if the digimon world games were easier. I liked 3 but I can't imagine a 12 year old having the competence to beat the game without a guide.

he dab

>it's the full clip
the absolute madman

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Merry christmas Yea Forums!

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what the fucj

Snow Greymon line when?

Attached: Aryan Greymon.jpg (1118x715, 129K)

Yes... it's Digimon.



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Attached: 1464271573.raymond158_leomon.jpg (800x800, 385K)

Anhes does a great Guilmon.

Attached: guil.png (487x910, 444K)

So he come "x, but black" seems to get more follow through than other recolors? Like Yuki Agumon and Psychemon have neato gimmicks, but don't have icy WarGreymon that has icicles for claws or a fucking crazy looking Metalgarurumon who is mostly smoke and mirrors to confound enemies and exhaust them?

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH i cant fidn the doujin and the thread is gone soon im gonna diey i hate life

Attached: 253.png (1436x896, 820K)


>still no rips of raymond's belphemon doujin

why must I suffer

That Greymon is looking pretty Geo

stop being underage and poor and buy it yourself

Just search for guilmon you silly homo

>He's Taiwanese or something like that so it's impossible to find

Attached: tumblr_mrad350n3V1rtjgwno1_500.gif (500x425, 547K)


but theres like.. alot of results... idk what to look at....

>Cared more for the dangerous MarySuemon that killed him and ran away

Mei is such a fucking worthless addition.

see it's only sold in taiwanese kemoket, same with his renekton x nasus doujin


Attached: 1258347534.jpg (750x1050, 185K)

Because it's the rival to the MC, the Vegeta to the Goku, the Kaiba to the Yugi. Any third member is like adding losers like Joey or Gohan.

Attached: WarGreymon_and_BlackWarGreymon_re_collectors_card.jpg (360x480, 66K)

>feral/normal proportioned guilmon on the poster
>beefy bara anthro guilmon bouncer


Attached: 1544482925270.jpg (562x750, 50K)

Why is he being shat on?


Seriously, this. She murdered him and everyone was just like "OH NO, MARYSUEMON MUST FEEL PRETTY BAD RIGHT NOW, WE MUST FIND HER AND COMFORT HER."

Attached: tri.png (596x655, 472K)

nipple torture leomon doujin was hot

why does he look fat

he is fat

I want to penetrate Exveemon

Attached: drill.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

This is racist against Data.

im sad. i was mean sorry to you all

Attached: lol m.png (362x447, 124K)

You call that official rule 34?

I don't even need to edit anything.

Attached: official rule 34.png (640x1136, 525K)

But you cant determin renamons gender in that clip

tfw I love obscuremon like Dorulumon for porn

also nice post limit

The writers wrote it from the "Leomon always dies" meme instead of what characters seeing the reincarnation of a friend who died years ago perspective.

i want to bury my face in his fat belly!

Thread's almost over and no posted the partner piece.

Attached: DeOog6yVwAA1RUZ.jpg_orig.jpg (1224x1836, 342K)

>gay digimon thread managed to reach 500+ posts


Morgana is fat

Attached: 1552793516.boxmingle_vore.png (709x590, 107K)


The Angewomon posters are going to get jealous.



...The show?

Attached: thisshouldntbeallowedonbeforethewatershed.png (480x347, 125K)

Renamon, gayfurries, fujoshi,and spics are the main four pillars.

Digimon don't have genders. So its not gay.


How buttblasted were they by FetusX?

so what's that penis on weregarurumon's groin

More of what? Screenshots from the show?

Attached: well.png (688x483, 708K)

Yeah, the ones that look incredibly nsfw please

It's canon that they don't have genders.

Attached: 10811091.png (706x603, 545K)

Reminder this is how they look like under that armor.

Attached: xbodies.png (960x540, 1.74M)

I swear you've been typing like a fucking spaz this whole thread on purpose. You're not fooling me.


nigga it depends on the continuity

How is he trying to fool you?

Only in some continuities.

I wouldn't be shocked if he was purposely reporting his own posts for low-quality or some stupid shit. He apparently found the Impmon comic, got it deleted because dick, and then asked for it again.

Do ya have a folder of this shit?