What was your original PSN ID Yea Forums? bonus points for edgyness
What was your original PSN ID Yea Forums? bonus points for edgyness
something something zoomers
Xbox, steam, and switch is for zoomer, zoy boy
let me know when I can change ID without a single downside
Mine is just my name followed by the year I made the account because my name by itself was already taken. I am very unimaginative person.
>xbox live, the thing that came out 4 years earlier than the PSN is for zoomers
big fucking wew
>not assuming your old identity
I only changed my Steam username, but beside that, i always kept my old ones.
This, but with my birth year.
honestly this is a very based choice. I always thought the idea of giving yourself a nickname was annoying. People around you give you your nickname. Choosing your own is so dorky
Unit4485 because it was the last four digits of my telephone number and Unit because I made it for Battlefront II and the Droids were all named Unit XXXX, and I liked playing as the droids.
Thank you bhased sony for removing this curse.
this is the laziest dox attempt I've ever seen FBI
I don't plan on playing online and I don't plan on ever playing online so I don't care what it is. Might as well make it bland and mature.
Wait what happened?
>breaks a bunch of games
I'll just keep my stupid name.
has anyone asked for your psn name at a job interview yet?
what ya got to hide son?
No but my colleagues ask me if I have a PSN and I tell them yes. The next day they lol at my lack of plats.
Literally just a couple of shovelware.
I got it from this free to play RPG game that I was fucking obsessed with as a kid
>tankstellenpriester is making fun of xxDark_DragonSLAYERxx names
any name that has 2 digits of characters is way too long
haha wow this is an epic twitter screencap where did you find it? i love twitter which is why i come to Yea Forums
I was watching the original Dragonball when I made it and it was the 25'th of that month.
playing online shooters was miserable. almost every game there was a black guy on mic shouting "da po poooo". I was not aware of black 'culture' and just liked mr popo
you can do it on xbox