Why do I have to prove someone else guilty to get my client acquitted? That's not how trials work

Why do I have to prove someone else guilty to get my client acquitted? That's not how trials work.

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's a videogame you retarded faggot

Because it's a video game.

better question

why is wright such a faggot?
why is edgeworth so much better?
and why is maya such a shit waifu compared to kay?

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I would say that's the least crazy thing that happens in an Ace Attorney trial

the writers didn't feel like putting in separate fail-state algorithms for near end game moments where the judge would (more realistically) say "NOT GUILTY" and then fade out to a relative bad end of not knowing who did it.

Just don't fuck up in general, all the cases are winnable.

Yeah 2015 was a weird time for our legal system.

>almost done a court day
>"I wonder what happens if I lose"
>have to restart the whole trial from the beginning
Great game so far, but fuck that.

Cases don’t last 3 days either


There are a few cases where this happens, 6-5 for example has I think 4 bad endings depending on where you lose.

It just bothers my smartass mind to see so many situations where it's realistic to win the trial early simply by making it impossible for the prosecution to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt your client did it.

>Why is wright such a faggot
He's got a fucking harem. Not even death keeps girls from lusting after his dick.
>why is edgeworth so much better
I'll give you this one. Edgeworth is pretty cool.
>why is maya such a shit waifu compared to kay
Kay is one of the worst assistants in the series.
GUMSHOE > Emma(1-5) > Rayfa = Maya > Ray = Trucy > Pearl > Athena > Kay

CHADworth can solve 9 murders in the span of a week.

Kay isn't afraid to wear skirts that barely go past her waist.

It goes back much further than that.

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Literally who gives a fuck about Britain's backward bullshit?

I notice no one has mentioned a real reason is that it's partially satire of the Japanese court system. Fun fact: Japan has over a 99 percent conviction rate. This is also reflected in the way cops and prosecutors are treated compared to Phoenix by the public, judge and system at large.

That wasn't a fun fact at all you faggot.

That's from case 1, which took place here in the US, in the early days of our country, before the great state of Japan officially changed its name to Japanifornia.

What are other AAOnline video trials I could watch? This one was pretty great

The judge is remarkably based, though.

maya is a hack
kay is THE yattagarasu
she has actual tools while maya has DUDE GHOSTS LMAO

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Well in America something like 98% of cases don't even go to trial due to plea bargains. They are not too far apart from Japan in that respect, America has made a fully corporatized industry out of imprisoning people.

>Phoenix Wright trials aren't realistic
WOOOOW genius, how long did that take?

The localization of the games adapts the story to take place in an alternate-universe Los Angeles in which Japanese culture has been allowed to flourish and blend into American culture, instead of being met with fierce historical resistance as in real life.[1] Although elements of east Asian culture such as Japanese restaurants and Japanophilic fandoms are a common sight in North American cities in the real-life 2010s period as well as in-game, this was not the case in the mid-to-late aughts when the original trilogy was released outside of Japan.

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Japan has a conviction rate above 99% in cases that make it to trial.
Not that that has anything to do with Ace Attorney, of course...
Eat your hamburgers.

LOL are you talking about those rumors about a 'top secret trial' that had to be completed in like, 12 hours or else there would be an international incident? Where renowned imperial prosecutor Payne was taken down by a literal child? Yeah that definitely actually happened you dummy.


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It is a fact that America has an extremely high conviction rate much like Japan, you can infer from that whatever you want but I wasn't saying anything about the country.

I don't disagree that America has a hugely corrupt system it's just different than Japan. Like one issue in Japan is the culture dictates being subservient to authority figures and people "above" you. This causes issues with people not wanting to second guess cops and prosecutors. Like I said, this dynamic is reflected in PW games because they are satire of specifically Japan.

Also another thing to consider is that conviction rates are usually high because usually only the best cases, those with the most evidence, go to trial in the first place. Both sides don't like to go into a trial they aren't sure they will win. This is true in almost any country. 98-99 is obviously higher than it should be though unless you think police and prosecutors are near perfect.

Because only convicted criminals would go to court with actual evidence in Japan. They let people who do small crime off in Japan.

I just finished the second case in this game. That was the dumbest shit ever. Granted, I haven't played an Ace Attorney game since Apollo Justice, like ten years ago. Even so, I don't remember this series being this retarded.

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Don't you cross examine a parrot in the first one?

thats probably because of the lack of roaming packs of niggers honestly

Dumber than the first case?

That game is kind of a mess because it was clearly written with sequels in mind from the start, rather than to give a satisfying experience by itself (and then they rush to close the series in the 2nd game since it didn't sell as well as expected).

In the games, the only way to prove that your client didn't do it is to show that someone else did it.
They need to convict someone of the crime and if the only person who could have committed it is Punny Name then they're who gets convicted.

But in AA the evidence usually loops back around several times throughout the trial, where you may prove that the murder wasn't committed the way it seemed, but then with the new evidence only your client could have committed it, so you now have to prove that someone else could have, and so on.

You could defiantly make that argument but unless your Japanese were two foreigners arguing over a system that we really have no first hand knowledge or experience of and you can find writing online that expresses many different views about Japan's crime rates. For example they are frequently cited as having high suicide rates due to a cultural predisposition to it and there is certainly a lot of truth to that however I have also about how many unsolved murders in Japan are ruled suicides or accidents in order to keep crime rates down. Is it true? I don't really know nor do I know how true it is that Japan has cultural issues with courts, it's just also something I have read and I noticed that those cultural issues seem to be being satirized in PW.

Other countries have a higher suicide rate than Japan now. If life is shit and there's no drugs to take the edge off, people go kill themselves.

Americans do plenty of cop/troop worship as well. But Japan does seem to be more intense on that front of social hierarchy.
On the second part, I completely agree. Prosecutors drop cases where they aren't sure that they can secure convictions all the time, as they should, since going to trial is a very lengthy and frustrating process for all parties (In that sense, plea bargains are a good thing since they save everyone time, unless the defendant is legitimately innocent, in which case they should not take a plea bargain). So naturally, the conviction rate will be very high.

IMO a parrot is actually a more trustworthy witness than any human, as they can record events with 100% accuracy.

I guess from a narrative standpoint it would feel satisfying if the case went unsolved.


Save the fucking game sometimes.

Just finished that circus case in the 2nd game. To be honest it was not logical at all and felt weaker than the rest of the episodes in the first and second game.

unsatisfying*, I meant.

It's most people's least favorite.

Post yer rankin' boys

AA3 > AAI2 > SoJ > AA > DD > AA2 > AJ > AAI

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I'd rather they planned for a bigger overarching plot, I'm tired of the self-contained "old case referenced in first case, it's a backdrop in most cases, resolved alongside with other murder in the last case" shtick they've had since 3.

>Mid-to-late aughts


What about PLvsAA?

Why couldnt they make an orchestra soundtrack for the new Trilogy port? Something to refresh the experience would have been nice.
Also i hate that the voice lines are tied to the sound effects volume, i get tired of the dialogue beeps after 30 straight minutes of it.

literally the worst case in the whole series, I'd say only 4-2 and 4-3 come close, the first one because of how irrelevant and dull it is, and the other one due to the main piece of evidence you're forced to watch like 20 times.

I haven't played it, but I've already been spoiled on it but I heard it's also shit

The anime actually did this case justice.

Why 4-2?

Is the AA trilogy worth picking up? Never really got into the series but it seems fun

Yeah, it's pretty shit. I can suspend my disbelief for ghosts, but PLvsAA is beyond absurd.

How so?

Yeah, that case sucks major ass. IMO the entire second game is weak, but I keep hearing people love the final case. Don't really see it myself, it's a total clusterfuck. Don't worry about it though, it's worth it, the entire third game is amazing.

It follows the Layton bullshit thats why.

I can't remember absolutely anything about that case, and since every other one is somewhat enjoyable and memorable at the very least I have to say it's the second worst by process of elimination. 2-3 is the worst because it's aggressively bad.
not bad, the mob cross-examinations were a neat mechanic, but the twist is absolutely retarded, as expected from Layton games.

I've played all Phoenix Wright (and derivative games) and nearly every Layton game

PWvsAA was my favorite bar maybe the third AA.

Am I the only one who loves 2-2?

All the Ace Attorney games have crazy bullshit to be fair. It's better for one to at least give it shot and try it out. AA7 isn't anytime soon after all.

2001 >>> 2013 > 2016 > 2004 >>> 2002

2007 > 2013 > 2016

2016 > 2013

Cause fuck you Prosecutor/Defense Attorney/Detective.

Yes. You're stuck with some bad character visuals, but the games are worth it at $10 a pop.

I like it but it's sad as fuck and it depresses me. Also it makes me mad that everyone is an idiot and can't notice the urn is fixed wrong.

>aai2 e4

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It’s because there has to be a conviction in 3 days. If you can’t prove it’s anyone who isn’t the defendant, then by default the defendant is convicted.

>I'm the only person in the entire universe that believes this is the best objection theme
Just because it comes from the worst game does not mean it's the worst.

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you posted this in the last thread and had quite a few people agreeing with you


It's a fun game series with a good chunk of laughs, feels, and strange localization in each one

Got to disagree with you there. I think that for DD and SoJ they did much better and had great overarching plot.

5-1 is a prelude to 5-4 and 5-5 which may be some of my favorite cases in regards to twists. 5-3 has Juniper who is apparent to be important in 5-1, and shows up a little in 5-5. The only filler case is 5-2, but that case kind of acts as a bonding experience between Apollo and Athena, which makes it harder later when Apollo begins to have his doubts in Athena's innocence and goes off on his own.

6-1 of course serves as an introduction to how backwards Khura'in's legal system is. Alhough 6-2 kind of is more of a "prove you're a man" moment for Apollo since he not only saves Wright's daughter butnthe agency too it nonetheless shows Apollo is not just a rookie anymore, and he also seems to have made amends with Athena too. 6-3 of course gives Maya back and we meet Datz and Dhurke, which lead straight into 6-5. 6-4 is only the blatantly obvious filler case but I liked Athena, Blackquill and Nayhuta banter.

Seeing as how I recently finished DD/SoJ, I'm craving more AA so maybe I'll check it out. I'm already planning to replay the Trilogy on PC, playing the DGS1 translation, so maybe I'll play that game before I try out a fan game. I hope the last thing I'm doing isn't going to be regrettable.

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If you're playing the 3DS AA titles in any way other than on a real 3DS with the 3D on, you're missing out on the most atmospheric way to see the visuals.

Does anyone else not like AA3?
I found all the cases disappointing

Can't say, but it has one of the two best cross-examination themes.

Other is this.

But AA3 is the best AA.

3-1 is good with a great villain, 3-2 and 3-3 are pretty meh, but they have their moments. 3-4 is forgettable, but again the villain carries it, and 3-5 has probably the strongest emotional ending of the series.
not me but I'm glad more people agree
6-2 and 6-3 were so good it surprised me 6-4 was so brutally bad, it was rescued by Blackquill being Blackquill.

Why is Franziska so erotic?

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Is this mechanic seriously listen to Sherlock bullshit for ten minutes then point out that he's wrong? I'm only on the second case so to be fair, it was just introduced, but it was grueling even for a introductory tutorial.

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>What's that? Impossible to prove you say?
>It'd be a shame if someone requested an updated autopsy report

1. It's a video game with its own system of law
2. That system of law is based most heavily on Japanese law, where the conviction rate is something insane like 98% and lawyers really do have to perform incredible feats to get their clients acquitted.

>Everyone freezes in place when they ring a bell
>They don't fall asleep, because someone who is standing up remains standing
>They just fucking freeze
>From hearing a bell
>And it's caused by smelling ink on some paper that you might not even be anywhere near
How is this not beyond absurd?

excellent list
AA3 > AAI2 > AA > SoJ > AA2 > DD > AJ > AAI

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You literally get a not guilty in case 3 without exposing the real killer. Even though you were wrong and your client WAS the killer.

She cute, and shaming hardass cunts is super hot.

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Well, it was from drinking the water, but yeah. Why don't they just crumple into heaps? Most everything else in that story I can swallow, even as silly as it is.

You're supposed to crinjoy Sherlock's autism, but I don't know if the patch translated it well.

What did you dislike about case 2? Seemed pretty inoffensive to me.

I think in general every Detention Center theme up to and including AJ is fantastic but they never get mentioned.

I also think that youtube.com/watch?v=l3EVBxlElNE is one of the best pieces of non-courtroom music in the series and perfectly captures the melancholy atmosphere of the first game.
It's really hard for me to like courtroom songs more than their AA1 counterparts but this cross examination is definitely excellent. It also has an incredibly fucked up time signature 27/4 IIRC

Have you ever played a Layton game?

Well, shit.
Maybe I should finish a game before referencing it.

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Gotta agree there. Although it was good for laughs and I thought if was nice with Athena and Blackquill teaming up because their literally the opposite, it doesn't save it from being a bad case.

Honestly I place it higher then garbage cases like 2-3 and 4-3 probably because it has Best defense girl sorry Mia

what the fuck was his problem?

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It's dumber than every Layton twist, save for Diabolical Box. Diabolical Box is in a retarded realm of its own.

It's fairly simple but really catchy.

i agree with you 100% now be my boyfriend

It’s time to remember the finest case in the series

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Why are Ace Attorney girls so hot when they need to piss?

He's gay.

good one user

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wait nevermind JFA isn't the worst game, FUCK you faggot

>time travelling lawyer magic
Why do you think it's the finest, exactly?

Kristoph was actually a god tier villain. Shame the case was so short.

I wouldn't consider it a joke if you said 4-1, but 4-4 was a bit of a letdown.

Why was Megundal so based?

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>Ranking by game
>Not by case
1-4, 3-5
2-4, 4-1, 6-5
1-2, 3-4, 1-5, 5-3, 6-4, I2-5, PL3
3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 4-4, AAI-4, 6-2, I2-1, I2-3, I2-4
1-3, 5-1, 5-4+5, 6-1, 6-3, AAI-5, I2-2, PL2, PL4
1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, AAI-1, AAI-2, AAI-3, PL1(best music though)
4-2, 4-3

What was wrong with them?

Cute girls needing to piss is always hot.

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Farewell, my Turnabout > Bridge to the Turnabout > Turnabout Goodbyes > rest

Save your game you fucking idiot.

He was a colossal faggot to be quite honest with you my family. I was waiting for him to really develop as a character beyond 'eccentric rich guy who is kind of a jerk' but he never did.

In fairness most of the other culprits in that game were really forgettable except the first one.

That's the point.

They were really forgettable to me. AAI-2 could probably go up a tier since the setting was interesting and the villain at least was memorable. AAI-3 had an excellent opening cinematic but everything else about it felt too drawn out, Oldbag returned, and there were no really standout moments/lines that I enjoyed.

got any more?

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>the villain at least was memorable
I suppose in the sense that she was fuckable and had a hilariously out of place theme. Other than that I can't remember much.

God tier taste on assistants
Emma is a miracle

Everyone always forgets the first Maggey Byrde trial almost concluded without Phoenix finding the murderer.

Or 5-4, for that matter.

I disagree.
That's not based at all then. I had no real emotions toward him one way or the other, to be a good villain/antagonist you need to make me dislike you. I was angrier at fucking Juror #3 than I was at Willy Wonka over there.

I probably should have clarified it as 'comparatively memorable' since I literally cannot remember who the culprit in AAI-3 is. AAI-2 I can picture both the culprit and more or less remember their 'gimmick'.

My D&D party listened to this while I made them solve a murders mystery. It was a good time.

>5-3 higher then 5-4+5
How could anyone like professor memes and MUH DARK AGE OF DAH LAW over a genuinely good case, a shit ton of crazy twists and feels galore in the final act

>professor memes

>since I literally cannot remember who the culprit in AAI-3 is
Most people can't. Literally the only thing remotely interesting/memorable about him is his fucking damage animation.

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Nothing I can post.

Means is my least favorite part of 5-3. I really like how unabashedly anime it is and I enjoy the student characters. It also has a better Klavier segment than the entirety of AJ, and some pretty great moments/humor (Fullbright popping out of the window, and Athena making bondage jokes off the top of my head).
5-4+5 is just such an underwhelming finale after what the trilogy had led me to expect. There weren't any really huge twists and my emotional investment was quite low because I didn't really care all that much about Athena. The best part of those combined cases was when Blackquill says that the captain is a ghost in 5-4 and the judge freaks the fuck out.

>Means is my least favorite part of 5-3
Why's that?

Here's hoping for QOL mods to be available on PC

He's just not as compelling as every other character in the case. He feels like he ought to be this imposing, powerful figure that is well versed enough in the law to be a tricky adversary. Sort of like Gant pulling all his policy bullshit and refusing to testify and whatever in 1-5. Instead he's really pretty easy to take down and his breakdown is pathetic, which I didn't find especially satisfying. His being evil is also really not very surprising so the 'what a twist' element doesn't really factor in compared to something like 4-1 or the Phantom's ultimate identity.


AJ is one of my lowest ranking AA games overall, but good god some of the themes were atmospheric as fuck.

Paups is a qt

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superior underappreciated girl coming through

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I think you undersold 6-2.

Why did Lance keep calling her a loli?

I always heard her lines in my mind's ear with the voice of Nika Futterman.

Because muh lolipop pun

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>There weren't any really huge twists and my emotional investment was quite low because I didn't really care all that much about Athena.

IMO the biggest thing holding 5-4+5 back from being emotional is that we never actually met Clay Terran as a character.
If he had actually shown up in 5-2 and 5-3 as a supporting character, being helpful and likable and generally making an impression on the player, the finale would've been way more meaningful and emotional. Instead he's just mentioned in a few offhand comments by Apollo and we're simply told, rather than shown, that they were good friends. As a result his death carries no weight for the player, despite the entire drama of the arc revolving around it.

6-2 is a lot of fun and it has the best breakdown in the series but at its heart it's still just a filler case. I really really like 3-2 and 3-3 as well but to get above 'good' a filler case needs to resonate with me on some higher level. 5-3 and 6-4 both do that for me while the cases below did not.

I respect your opinion though and would have no problems with any of the cases I've listed in this post being placed anywhere in High or Good tiers according to personal taste.

The three things AJ had going for it were, in order:
1) 4-1
2) Excellent music
3) Excellent spritework

Well in that case I can't tell you off if you didn't like Athena. Personally I really like her character and story so I guess I just enjoyed it just that much more. I personally found it heartbreaking when Athena tried to fix her mother and I honestly like the idea of a the Phantom. The fear of not knowing, of the unknown, is something that scares me. Something like a Phantom would be fucking terrifying if it were real. The fact that it's personal to EVERYONE is what gets it for me.

>Killed Apollo's best friend, a promising young astronaut
>Killed Athena's mother
>Essentially gave Blackquill the non-choice of taking the blame and sentencing him to death
>All of which tears the agency apart since Apollo doesn't trust Athena

But like I said, if you don't think of it that way then I got no reason to judge. It makes sense to me if you didn't find the characters emotionally worth investing in then you wouldn't get a gain.

It's a shame that what you posted wasn't true. Hell, it would even be better since Athena gets to defend her childhood friend and wins, but Apollo is torn since Clay is dead and as he said, "IT'S NOT FAIR!"

Poor Apollo. He's had it rough.

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should i get it on the eshop or from amazon japan? i really want it physical.

Welcome to the Japanese legal system.

I wanna pet Simon's bird.


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The Phantom was an excellent concept but it was already explored in previous villains. DeKiller hits the whole 'yeah I was just doing a job, nothing personal. Also I'm a master of disguise and you don't know who or what I really look like' aspect while Manfred does a great job of the whole THIS IS PERSONAL FOR EVERYONE since Edgeworth, Phoenix, and Maya all have strong reasons to hate his guts.

I like 5-4+5 a fair bit, but it just never really 'wows' me.
I can agree with a lot of this. Clay not being mentioned at all in AJ also impacts my lack of investment in him. Nahyuta (who I actually like but for completely different reasons) is the same deal, Apollo cares about him a lot but I don't give nearly as much of a shit about saving him as I did Edgeworth in AA1 for example.

He has fuck you money
He's like Redd White, but better

Apollo Justice has the best first case, music and atmosphere in the whole series.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: You could.
But they're really good and it's a shame everything else is just ok.

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honestly you're right, they really are the best

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somewhere out there is a dimension where the rest of apollo justice is as good as its first case and the game is universally regarded as the peak of the franchise

hee hee hee...

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My headcanon thinks he has several birb

I wonder what next trope they'll go with. We've already had

>Corrupt prosecutors/police/attorneys
>Corrupt businessme
>Every degree of asshole
>A fucking theocratic dictator

What next? An actual terrorist mastermind? Serial killer? I haven't played DGS1/DGS2 but I'd personally like to see some

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You don't. It just happens. Wright simply happens to excel at prosecuting by way of defending.

Atmosphere in Ace Attorney is better.
Ace Attorney is the only game that really nails the somber atmosphere of a corrupt world. You aren't going to colorful circuses or traveling abroad to mystical temples. You visit a park, a hotel room, a parking lot, and the police station. Yeah you go to a movie studio but even that is mostly muted, neutral colors. Every game after AA1 presents this zany absurd world with colorful scooby-doo like characters or literal magic bullshit going on. There are way more 'realistic' characters (Grossberg, Dee, Penny, even Lotta and Oldbag are pretty normal in their first appearances) and that really helps sell the setting and atmosphere as just the real world but where everything is just slightly shittier than it ought to be, even the legal system.

3-3 is such a weird case to me
There’s something just not quite right about it

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I'm still holding out for a corrupt judge.
Serial Killer would be nice too. I'd love if in DGS there was something like Jack The Ripper and in one case you prove that your client was framed and isn't actually Jack and in another you prove that it wasn't actually Jack who murdered the victim, it was a copycat trying to use the sensationalism of a serial killer to kill without being suspected or whatever.

Then of course at the very end you actually do catch him.

Great music though.

Well user, you get your wish, because dgs2 has two of them

Anyone here played the console versions?
They changed something?

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>the first three games AGAIN

So when are they ever releasing Investigations, the 3DS ones and all the other games in a collection? Who cares about the trilogy everyone played already

I shouldn't have looked. Hopefully I'll have forgotten by the time the translation comes out.

>tfw you literally posted my ranking
Though I'm just gonna append DGS and PLvsAA into that since I've played them.

AA3 > AAI2 > SoJ > AA > DGS > DD > AA2 > AJ > AAI > PLvsAA

Huh? user if it doesn't have the words 'Phoenix Wright' in the [english] title, I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist.

I spoilered it for a reason pal.

I am aware. I have no one to blame by myself.

Betty is gay.

Prove me wrong.

But that's why it's the best in the series.

Also, it's not like that doesn't happen in real life.


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It was meant to be in JFA if that's any help.

I wonder what the case would've been like if Franziska had been prosecutor for it.

1 is the most grounded, and it does have a somewhat "real world" atmosphere. But Apollo Justice had this kind of depressing atmosphere that, even with all the zany characters like a magician/lie detector girl or a rockstar prosecutor, made you feel that things really have changed from the times Phoenix was a lawyer (seriously, hobo Phoenix was a cool idea, and it's a shame they got cold feet with that).

Too bad Apollo was relegated to the background in his own game.

phoenix wright is maybe the most interesting game ever made in terms of writing, because to americans it comes off as a wacky joke game but to japanese people it's a scathing political satire

A reminder that Von Karma predicted that Wright would cross examine the parrot so he retrained it. Also worth noting that he doesn't rely on anyone else as that creates records, he did it all by himself across a few nights.

>someone actually putting 1-4 above 2-4 for once
I like you, user.

>Betty is secretly in love with Trucy but doesn't know how to show it

It would certainly explain a lot.

Ya ever just come across a character and the first thing that pops into your head is “I hope this character gets shot and killed...”

The 3rd cases are generally not great. In fact if you asked me what the worst cases in the game are I would probably exclusively list 3rd cases.

It's bad wrighting

The only game that doesn't have a complete dogshit third case is AAI2 thanks to based Greg, and SOJ which wasn't great but wasn't bad either.

The real life date of the past part of Turnabout Succession is a little over a week from now.

>Playing Phoenix vs Layton
>end of the game
>all the mysteries have been revealed
>suddenly play as Layton, who is accusing Estella of still being a witch
>accidentally lose
>Estella is a witch, GAME OVER.

But...Layton was on the prosecutions side.

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Because he's playing devil's advocate to move things along. He isn't actually prosecuting.

But the Judge didn't know that, and by that point Estella had already been proven innocent.

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Will it be streamed?

Bingo. Tsundere lesbian bat girl.

AA > AA3 > AAI2 > SoJ > PWvsPL > DGS > DD > AAI > JFA > AJ

I feel the first game has a tone that was never really met again. It's such a cold and lonely game that feels the most oppressive in terms of music and people you interact with. You can't really trust anyone to give you advice or even real testimony and have to dig it out yourself.

This is reinforced by who exactly Phoenix is in this world. He's a rookie who, to everyone else, is defending guilty people. His assistant is a young, somewhat annoying, spirit medium who is totally unrelated to law and that's about it.

The OST is perfect for the game as well, the cross examination theme is the only one that feels desperate. It feels like you have no idea what you're doing, it's loud and high pitched to give a sense of worry almost like time is running out. The allegro is the same but with a more "I know this fuck is lying, how can I prove it?"

It's why I love 1-4 over any other case, the atmosphere and situation of the first game play it off perfectly.

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Will Athena get a starring role in AA7?

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>yfw you realize the reason spirit mediums have such a major presence in the original trilogy is because a defense attorney in japan defending a presumed guilty client only has a ghost of a chance

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Wait a minute...

Haven't got to DD or SoJ yet.

based AJ music lads

I unironically hope she does.

Hollywood logic

actual best girl coming in

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Japan dosn't have this but I damn well know China does.

I hope they throw her a boner because she kind of got shafted in SoJ in terms of character development, but then again that game was more so supposed to be about Apollo anyways, so it's only natural she got cock blocked

Okay jokes aside I am actually looking forward to more Athena, but I don't think I'd want a full game though.

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What the fuck why did my post just spoiler all the rs

I just wanted to make one cock joke

It's not trying to represent even the Japanese system at all. It's a completely made up system and as such is a joke to nips as well. Stop spouting your shitty headcanon as fact.

for the same reason you listed
Ridiculously funky, and was introduced in a really cool context
A lot of 2's music was really unsettling for some reason, especially

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kay has shit tier writing, at least maya has somewhat of a personality

>move cursor to literally any object
>click on it
>edgeworth: "This is [Object.]
>HEY EDGEWORTH can i STEAL that because im a THIEF LMAO

this isn't even specific just to kay, more newer assistants like Trucy and stuff have a gimmick where that one gimmick is literally all they talk about in any dialogue ever
i didn't even like Trucy until Spirits of Justice, where 6-2 actually fleshed her out and gave her more of an actual personality

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shit i forgot Investigations
I don't know why this series is so good at "totally innocuous song sounds really unsettling because of context", but I like it

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