Boss has an obvious weakness

>Boss has an obvious weakness
>The Boss actually does the sensible thing and fixes it
What games do this?

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Wait but doesnt his powers come from the helmet?

based jug

No. It cones from a ruby in his chest.

No. Juggernaut is magically empowered by an extra-dimensional god

It comes from some ancient Cthulu monster he found in Korea

The helmet is mostly used for dealing with indirect kinds of threats like telepathy.

His powers come from his Gauntlets. His helmet is only there to protect him from fucking telepaths.

Silly bitch. Your weapons cannot harm me.


"Crimson Gem of Cyttorak
On entering, Marko finds and holds a huge ruby and reads the inscription on the stone aloud: "Whosoever touches this gem shall be granted the power of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak! Henceforth, you who read these words, shall become ... forevermore ... a human juggernaut!""

I'm the juggernaut bitch

What does he do to that girl next?


Unironically The Metroid prime.
>Gets assblasted by shots to the face in it's exoskeleton
>Sheds it and becomes immune to all but phazon overload
>dies, regenerates in the same form as the person who killed it.
>Gets assraped by Samus after a one on one fight because it can't Dodge for shit
>Becomes invisible and mimics more of Samus' moves, still gets assraped
>Too bad she went insane, and decided to opt for phazon overload as her Achilles heel again, dies in an extra dimension.
>Still somehow regens, this time fully composed. Attacks Samus and the crew suddenly. Brain washes her allies and ruins Samus's biology to wittle her down.
>faces off one more time, now immune to phazon overload. Could win at any moment, turning Samus into the Prime's clone thanks to 99% corruption.
>Only dies because all phazon in the universe gets destroyed because of miss walking EXTERMINATUS.

She got so close to winning, that it took the literal universe wide destruction of phazon to stop her. Imagine if she got another go around.

Never read it but I guarantee its all of the above thanks to atleast a dozen retcons, different universes, and atleast one writer that was unfamiliar with the property

Extra-dimensional god after touching a magic ruby he found in Korea

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Wheatly in Portal 2 when facing Chell at the end, like with the white wall shields and some other things I'm forgetting since its been a while since I played the Portal series.

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Nah, he's magically empowered by a god
The helmet just protects him against telepaths, like Magnetos helmet

Basically all the gimmick fights in Punch Out Wii.

Punch her so hard she's forgotten for the next 2 years

what thrilling nonsense; tell me, oh purveyor of fine images, does she touch the stone and become juggernaut 2.0?

let's just say no one can stop the juggerNUTT

I don't know what happens in the rest of that comic but I do know that the new Juggernaut was Colossus.


Wasn't this the story where Colossus becomes Unstoppable Colossus?

No, Colossus does, all according to keikaku

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Maybe. All I know from Juggs' looks there is that this is a tie-in to the Fear Itself story arc.

Mr Freeze in Arkham City

>His fucking face

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Pokémon "bosses"?
Most high-level trainer's mons have moves that counter their weaknesses.

more like the Smuggernaut. Fucking love Cain

original juggs > unstoppable colossus