Find a single flaw.
Find a single flaw
Not enough enemy variety.
Folding Screen Monkeys
Demon of Hatred
The first Corrupted Monk fight
need a mod to get over 60fps
hitboxes on ogre grabs.
Needs 12+ threads on Yea Forums at any given time
>Folding Screen Monkeys
He said flaw.
Only one cunny
The AI can be pretty brain dead
Stealth kills are absurdly easy. Ive come up to guards thinking they were NPC’s and been right next to them, and they don't react
Firecrackers are way too good
Parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry parry
How the fuck do I avoidissins lightning attack in the third phase.
Lightning Reversal it.
>puzzle fight can be completed without figuring out the puzzle
It's bad
I cant there are none. It’s literally perfect.
Location variety feels lacking.
Mini-bosses end up being reskinned late game and make bosses feel less significant.
Prosthetic tools end up being pretty useless when you can get through most fights just parrying and mikiri counters.
Most skills are pointless.
No builds or different weapons take away many reasons to replay.
Grappling hook would be inconsistent at times.
I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
Its just a lower quality version of ninja gaiden sigma
Its a bad game with a couple of cool things thats shilled 4free by fromdrones.
Filtered by Chained Ogre.
Stand a fair distance from him. Just a bit out of spear range, you can still do the mikiri counter as it'll magically pull him toward you.
Unironically very little replay value.
your git gud meme doesn't work here redditor, you have to go back. I completed the game and its pure dogshit.
Just jump around the last bits of his animation of him getting the lightning right before he swings and reverse that shit or you can't save pic related.
>I completed the game
With or without cheats?
You don't automatically crouch after doing a deathblow from stealth.
Games journo spotted. The game is a masterpiece.
You don't really need to play it to come to that conclusion. You can make that inference by watching someone play it. So I ask why you wasted your money.
I said I completed it you brain dead fromdrone, it implies no cheating
Are you not embarrassed to do this? From is probably not even paying you, what do you get from passive aggressively defending your failed 60$ investment?
I would never pay a cent for a fromshit game, its obviously pirated.
Cool. Why did you take the time to play at all if you know it's shit?
>it implies no cheating
Fair enough. No reason to get so upset.
Hold up, how do you fight Owl there? Is that a different time of day gamestate from when you fight Genichiro up there?
>take the time
Its a 10 hour game with no content, its not really time consuming
but that's 10 hours you could put into a real game.
>Hold up, how do you fight Owl there?
Clear Ashina Depths and Sunken Valley and return to Kuro.
You can also fight him in Hirata Estate, if you do a certain ending.
he's not part of the ending he's just required to get the pieces for it. you can easily set up 3 different endings.
I can't, it's perfect.
>Its a 10 hour game with no content
Imagine being so mad that From made another masterpiece that you deliberately enter a thread and blatantly lie about the game.
>got btfo by DMC5
>japanese rehash of dark souls
>sales yet to meet bb and ds3
>hp bars literally don't matter
>99% of the skills you acquire are a gimmick, spam firecrackers to win
>no penalty for spamming block like a monkey
>worst hitboxes in a souls game to day
And thats only the shit on top of my tongue
could've used some more enemy variety, needed more motivators for multiple playthroughs other than the story line
I already sinked 60 hours in DMC5GOTY, I was hoping for more good things in march but they ended with the final boss fight of 5.
Please stop posting on Yea Forums and go back to r/darksouls.
it's a mod
>japanese rehash of dark souls
>hp bars literally don't matter
Wrong, the lower an enemy's vitality, the slower their posture regains.
>no penalty for spamming block like a monkey
Also wrong. Spamming the block button reduces the window for deflecting.
>worst hitboxes in a souls game to day
Dark Souls 2 exists.
I see, that's exactly where I am right now actually. Just taking a break after 2 failed runs against Donkey Kong.
Why are you lying you seething fromdrone, unlike you I played the game. Shitkiro makes DS2 look like game of the century.
Use the Loaded Spear twice on his head in the second phase and you do massive posture damage to him.
there's other stuff.
people keep saying it's a 10-hour game but I'm already nearing 20 hours and I'm spending less than half an hour on most bosses
I guess if you flawless everything and deliberately speed run the game you'd hit 10 hours but that just seems unlikely
>find a single flaw
Everything already mentioned in this thread plus its already dead and its been like 2 weeks since its release. Jesus Christ how embarassing, but that's what they get for being lazy and not adding weapons/armor/enemy variety.
too easy
I took 40 hours on my first run. I also did every boss and mini-boss.
it's basically a boss rush
Good looks user, I'll give that a go on my next attempt. I was trying out fire to see if that would do anything, my logic being fur+fire=bad times for the ape but it didn't look like it did very much.
The enemy tracking on some enemies and bosses is unacceptably broken
Firecrackers are very effective versus him in the first phase. If you can, bait out his shit attack, get two hits in, firecrackers and then get two more hits in. Just save some emblems for phase 2, so you can use the Loaded Spear.
It won't suck my dick.
Yet I'm on my third playthrough. If the game is good without replayability then that says a lot.
You're supposed to be deflecting, not dodging.
Boy you are fucking mad huh? Show me on the doll where Isshin touched you
skill progression is waaaaaaaaay too slow and makes the first half of the game very boring and uninteresting
nigga if carl is anybody he's Patches.
I have 80 hours into my first playthrough and I’m on Isshin now.
I unironically think the game would be too easy without tracking, since your attacks cost no stamina, are really fast, and almost always stagger until they start blocking again
works out for you anyway since parry/block is instant and it benefits you to land parries
The itemization and all the rpg elements feel half-baked as fuck. Skills, arts, prosthetics all feel like fluff and rarely do anything better than simple normal attacking can do. Items suck and mind as well not even exist. What's that around the corner hidden away? Oh, it's another fucking ceramic shard.
>not remembering the carl threads
And now I feel old
I'm amazed this game has gotten zero patch support since its release. All the fucking skills need rebalancing or a cost rework. It feels like they put this shit in the game at the last second.
they feel half baked because it's not an rpg to begin with, just because a game has stats does not automatically make it an rpg.
No easy mode
I feel like I grew up without internet.
At least the sugars are super handy and plentiful. I love using the period of time after landing a deathblow on a boss to eat an Ako's Sugar, it looks cool and is very helpful.
Wow, you’re mad aren’t you? Pretty mad over a game that apparently sucks so much. I don’t go to threads about games I don’t like and SEETHE all over the place.
I'm just getting to Issin and haven't upgraded any prosthetic tools other than the first shuriken one
I haven't unlocked any skills other than whirlwind strike, miriki counter, and the passives
I finally figured out the dragon mask and have just been pumping up my attack damage as much as I can
rebalancing all of it takes a lot of consideration, it's not just change the numbers and get the patch out.
>He didn't upgrade the Axe
For what purpose?
>Shitkiro makes DS2 look like game of the century.
How can anyone be THIS devoted to defending such a piece of shit game
No moonlight sword
You're not getting that upgrade until the end of the game.
>spend 15 minutes slashing away at boss while they take chip damage
>get his twice
>die like a bitch
What did they mean by this?
>He doesn't know
t--there was a puzzle?
Too many idols/bonfires.
Warping available from the start.
ds2 was fun so is sekiro
now mod in Chikage or Black Blade
>ds2 was fun
shoulda rolled lol
keep playing the fucking game
I mean even if you don't roll how hard is it to press the button to stop two handing your bow and raise your shield?
Apparently they intended there to be one.
Only thing I genuinely fucking despise is divine confetti with apparition enemies. It doesn't matter much in the late game but having several minibosses that are almost fucking impossible without a finite item is dumb.
>finite item
Info Broker sells infinite amounts of them, after you beat Corrupted Monk.
No replay value
He knows user, that's why he says that it doesn't matter much in the late game. It's the lack of confetti up to that point that he dislikes, and I agree entirely.
press the x button
Each monkey has a specific way to catch them using the different rooms in the hall.
But you can just run around and smack them.
stop spoiling yourself
I don't see how it's a problem then. All those mini-bosses are obviously intended to be late game. It's also not required to beat Headless or Shichimen Warrior.
It's too late, I was already spoiled thanks to a co-worker who refused to respect my wishes of "don't fucking tell me shit about the game I haven't played yet"
>cheese every boss i can
>get to Ishinn
>can't cheese anything and actually have to deflect
Im fucked.
you can run all the fight, get closer after some of his attacks, hit him once or twice, rinse and repeat
>4 endings
>no replay value
What did he mean by this