That one game you can't talk on Yea Forums because reasons

>That one game you can't talk on Yea Forums because reasons
What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I can't talk about Rhythm Heaven without some horny fags who post that fucking flash or retards who only know the series because references

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Child of Light

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Fuck you Cliffy for virtue signalling and being cocky

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Tomba 2

Borderlands, even before the next games announcement, though Randy is an asshole so I can see why it's hard
Most Sonic games because it's a coin toss whether you'll get swamped by furries or autists

you can't even play that game why would you want to talk about it?

State of Decay 2 because there is nothing to discuss about it.

Phantom Dust. One of my favorite games. Not many people played on release and no ones plays it now.

nu-god of war

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yes user
surely those are the only reasons that Yea Forums and everyone else hated it

Dota 2

The only right answer is TFH

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this really good game.
for obvious reasons

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I used to believe the constant console shitposting was just from the ever trickling influx of teenagers onto Yea Forums until I found out someone I knew in their 30s visited the blatant console shitposting threads and now I don't know what to believe.

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Some people played it, anyway it doesn't matter if it's dead. People still talk about Tribes, Dirty Bomb, Paragon and other dead games all the time

Shut the fuck up. All everyone talks about is fucking Cliffy, transgender bathrooms, spamming 'billion dollar franchise' and other off-topic bullshit. No-one talks about the game, fuck off

your favorite game

Mario 64



>be me 2008
>brother shows me this lego game, i'm in middle school at the time, no friends, fat, hit puberty before everyone else so i was considered gross smelly hairy as a girl described me
>go on roblox
>find other shit on kids on this site who hate their inrl life
>make tons of friends on there, consider them almost family
>move from my original home inrl, lose all the baby fat i had and become popular at my new school
>come back to roblox in grade 12 of HS on a discord full of my old friends from back in the day, use it as a way to keep my mind on studying in the background
>enjoy talking about gaming culture/edgy humor as i couldn't do with inrl normie friends
>some old pals resent me for being a normie now
>that opinion spreads and im kicked out of my old roblox friend group for being too cool inrl/"annoying"
>sees old friends begin to sell items
>have obc lifetime
>my account is worth over a grand
>sell all my items
>help friend develop a game that won game of the year
>take profits, sell profits
>quit the game for good probably around 2017ish haven't had it downloaded since
>friends from the game are all still playing it, one makes good money from a popular game on there still, even has a fan discord of it with 8k people
the rest are all autistic walmart workers and/or depressed lunatics

fuck that community went to shit, used to love foruming on there and felt wanted for once, now its a nonexistent community where it's almost the same as inrl with these stupid developers being hailed as gods, back in the day anyone could be on the front page but now it's like roblox hand picks them.

say what you want about the game being for faggots etc, i actually agree with you because that's what it is/was. only back than it was therapeutic for me as a seemingly hopeless shithead now im praised as a success story got valedictorian of my highschool and currently in engineering at a great university. honestly the game saved me and i'm grateful

Spyro 3


not true really that didn't stick, just give it another month or so and it'll never come up again.


Guild Wars 2 because of autistic furry faggots

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It's ok to be gay.

lol faggot

autism, I'm not reading all this.

>Hollow Knight

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>Xenoblade 2
Fuck Eric and his meming ass

TFH is probably the best entry-level fighter and one of the best fighting games to be made in in years but because the devs worked on a pone fan game before it it is condemned to a single dead general on /mlp/.
If Hasbro's legal team can't argue that it's pony related any more then neither should the mods.

It was fun, but pretty lacking.

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I saw roblox and >be me and stopped reading. Be more interesting next time

Bioshock, especially Bioshock Infinite.

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cool story, hope you do well.

>Star Citizen
Everyone thinks it's a scam, but it's so good. At this point though, I kinda don't want it to get popular until release so that loud and vocal faggots that represent the minority of players don't ruin the game by bitching until devs cave to them.



think im playing

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Any and all Sony games. It just gets derailed with buzzwords and people preventing any kind of discussion. Then in the same exact threads you have those people saying "Yea Forums has a Sony bias!!!"

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>Bioshock Infinite.
What would you even want to discuss about infinite?


>but it's so good.

literally anything on uplay

you forgot muh hunger and wurm

I love Megaman! x3

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OWO I'd like to pet her head :3c

if anyone ever tries to talk about Undertale, Kermit nukes the thread.
kinda sad and possibly ironic

I'm glad, you are a fucking faggot that doesn't deserve to enjoy things.

it's got some warts but there's still fun to be had. hell, i like it more than X4


have you done a samurai run?

>Being upset every time someone posts a funny looking frog

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Any Pokemon game after gen 6 and beyond

what's a samurai run? honest question

Baldurs Gate or any game that beamdog subsequently made an enhanced edition of. Anti-beamdog shill posts in every thread.

Pretty sure he has a script at this point

at this point it's a miracle that borderlands has as much as a following as it does considering randy and burch trying their hardest to fuck it over and a solid majority of the fanbase disliking the humor vehemently
or looter shooters are just shitty enough to have a game like borderlands genuinely be the cream of the crop


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What's that frog got in his hands?

>Got into Roblox as a kid
>Watch it slowly morph from kids working on games as passion projects into a merciless, soulless corporate entity designed to squeeze as much money out of children as possible while it develops an underground ring of people getting 12 year olds to send nudes

Where did it all go wrong

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basically you get the sabre without upgrading your x-buster. it makes it so that you can use it by only charging to yellow. however it's the short range zero style sabre and not the projectile like it normally is. it's tricky to get but once you do it's really satisfying to use and can wreck shit.


Max Payne 3

Usually I could give less of a shit about cunny posters but they'll ruin any Ape Escape threads that pop up. I just want to talk about the music.

Hollow Knight
Five Nights at Freddy's
and Smash

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I don't really understand why people are excited about BL3 at this point. Yes, BL1 was enjoyable, but 2 was mediocre and the less we talk about TPS the better. Not to mention how everything Randy touches lately immediately turns to shit.

What was the name of the BR game he tried to make a quick buck with by the way?

fucking discordfags ruined the threads

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What's it taste like?

Holy fuck man

Star Fox

not that guy, but it's a more bitter version of green tea

Other M
You can't be constructive about it on here. Any mention of it devolves into shitposting.

why did notch sellout?

OBC was the shit. I wanna share one of my stories
>play on this one medieval rp server often
>start seeing this one dude on their nearly every time i happen to go on
>become friends and create a somewhat organization within the server
>Hey lets turn this organization into a group!
>create group because I had OBC but I didn't declare myself the leader. Made the guy I befriended the 'leader'
>slowly but surely start recruiting people into our group
>since we played the server so much, we knew every exploit possible and promised people power
>group becomes quite popular with 700+ members
>people become obsessed with the leader making their own places of the groups HQ with the leader nearly involved everywhere
>I was sprinkled in a few times as well, was mostly refereed as the comedic side kick to the leader
>was perfectly fine with this as i didn't take much shit seriously
>had a dude fucking die in the group
>knew about this because it was a group of brothers
>group got quite close, celebrated birthdays with each other often
>suddenly quit playing after a few years of this
>group now splits into a smaller one since I am inactive
>log in every now and then but just for a day
>two girls in that group found out they live 30 minutes from each other and became best friends
>years fucking pass and I log in again and decide to try and rekindle the group to a discord group
>surprised to find out most were girls
>leader never liked giving away any social media and refuses to join discord group
>the few people in the discord are extremely grateful for the friendships that were forged during that time
>one suffered from suicidal thoughts and says the group helped her from doing anything
>had no idea the amount of impact I had on peoples lives

weird how life works man

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Chrono Cross

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>Sniper Elite
>Battle Arena Toshinden
>Legacy of Kain
>Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (fuck you Yakuzafags, this game is superior in every way to walking and talking subtitle simulator)
>Way of the Samurai
>Any game that isn't Dark Souls
>any game that isn't waifu gacha shit
>any game that isn't just flavor of the month

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Good, because people got fed up of defenders not listening to the actual criticism (gameplay downgrade, lore fuckups, mess of a story) so its resorted to derailment

Get fucked

I think your thinking of Battleborn, it wasn't a br, i think it was a hero shooter but i know nothing about it.
About Bl3, I think a lot of people are hoping it to be a simple return to form. You notice few people are worried that it looks graphically very close to 2 and TPS cause people just want to grind and hope for loot, which is pretty much all I would like from the game personally. All the other looter shooters try for mmo-lite shit alongside other tacked on things while borderlands was comparatively simple and allowed for modding and local co-op (the only way i've ever played borderlands).
As i said in my first post, the fact other looter shooters are kind of mediocre put borderlands in a much better light. And i do want to play it eventually, but I'll be waiting for a goty edition in the future. I only ever played bl2 goty but from what i've heard gearbox really tried to milk people with it before the goty.

>As i said in my first post, the fact other looter shooters are kind of mediocre put borderlands in a much better ligh
Yeah, that's a fair point.

The Coliseum games blow dick anyway

They're better than what the mainline series has been shitting out these last few years

magrunner because apparently virtually no one's played it.

Well, OP, to simply answer your question...

>Western game

>Eastern game

So, no games.

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>Indie game
>Go back to Tumblr

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wait a minute...WE

I can't make a Tombi 2 thread without someone telling me to be quiet or posting about evil pigs and Asiago bagels


>mfw independent George finally kills relationship George.

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MLB the Show. Literally the best sports title over the past decade, but no one else owns it.

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Oblivion. Every time I talk about, people bash it for not being Morrowind

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Atelier threads always die.

WUZ A SHIT TUMBLR TIER MEME! Come up with something new, christ.

did he go into demon mode?

What delay industries

Gale of darkness because the autists cannot control themselves from shitposting the ecks dee

You are completely right. This is an Ar Tonelico board, young man.

cant talk about mother 3 without kumatorafags wanting her to shit on their faces
earthbound threads also will get overrun with shotafags if the OP image is ness


>try to talk about Final Fantasy XIV on /vg/
>"Silly boys. Post cringe while masturbating to my cat's feet."
>try to talk about Final Fantasy XIV on Yea Forums
>"Go back to your containment board."

they don't think it be like it is but it do

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>Fuck you

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Halo Reach

You aren't alone brother. It's the only reason I own a playstation.

There is nothing to discuss about this game

It was fun

Mortal kombat

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Elona, because it belongs to /jp/

Lumping Tribes in as a failure is a weird choice user. One that signals you're not old enough to post on Yea Forums.

That's not what I meant, people always talk about dead games

age of empires or any simpsons game


MW2 because supposedly if you like a single call of duty game you have shit taste in video games.
Original XCOM because nu xcom players bitch about it. I still like Nu xcom, but I prefer the original.
Finally, any NCAAF games, I really enjoyed the series until they put it on hiatus

homosexual faggots are the worst thin ever

most smaller indies because sending video games to /vg/ is funny
luckily the risk of rain bros aren't having it

what game did we ruin for you this time?

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of course not

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Also dang it ron paul 'cause waifufags. Praise Juzobros

>Call of Duty
>Mortal Kombat

Pretty sure that's a false flag. Either way, it only consists of a tiny amount of posts relative to all discussions. Learn to ignore or filter.

No, (You) are what make the threads shit. Still good to see your shitposts about your boogeyman are being deleted on /vp/, awaiting the day you're gone from Yea Forums.

? I have and it's fine. Just ignore the console warriors and goldface faggots.

They aren't wrong, though.

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Are the mods sending your threads to /vg/? Jesus they are truly a bunch of fags

they did along with baba is you, DMC, and rainworld. So far DMC and RoR survived. Dunno others

Can't talk about Bloodborne without shitposters mucking up the thread with
>muh framerate
>muh framerate
>muh Sekiro
>muh framerate
>muh dodge roll
>muh framerate
>muh blood vials

They might not survive until they hit bump limit, but the threads I've seen has always been decent

I am surprised how the mods just get worse year by year. Sure sometimes DMC has a lot of threads, but it is a recent release. That is just what happens

not my fault I can't change the way someone is genetically.

and DMC only persists in 1-2 threads. Meanwhile, we get 20+ smash threads since 2010

The console war shit is worse. Way worse. Plus, going from DS1R or DS2 on PS4 to BB is very jarring and takes a good 5~10 minutes to get used to.

just go to the /trash/ can if you wanna talk deltarune or undertale

This. It's all garbage. I don't even know why I still come here.

no need, cosmo is female

>especially Bioshock Infinite
that's because the game is absolute trash and the trailers promised something entirely different.
I knew it wasn't going to be as they showed it to be, and it was still a huge disappointment.
I will not stop being mad at what they put out.

Kindly kill yourself

BotW anymore

>off topic pokemon threads, 2~4 at a time
>xv-kun still isn't being consistently banned on sight
>"muh eric" fag still hasn't been IP banned from Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is still a shithole filled with brand drones and whines about incels/altright/pol more than stormfront whines about jews and black people
>/qa/ has been trash for years
>console war shit persists

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XV-kun did get banned multiple times. The problem is that he's ban-evading in Aus

He paid over 5 VPNs and a Yea Forums pass just so he could avoid rangebans. Dude's fucked in the head

I meant that mods and jannies should always be keeping daily watch for his usual posts/posting style. Just constant, consistent bans.

No point since there are 50 times more like him in this site. 40% of them are on Yea Forums alone

Lets not forget shilling and false flagging everywhere. Holy shit, it drives me up the wall

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Kingdom hearts. Brings out the autism in kh haters

>off topic threads in general
>waifu threads in general without any vidya discussion
>off topic avatarfagging with threads that start with an image of a loved character posting a vocaroo

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>Talking about video games on Yea Forums
Nigga what?

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>Original XCOM because nu xcom players bitch about it. I still like Nu xcom, but I prefer the original.
I'd say you can't discuss nuXCOM either for similar reasons.
t. user who dislikes nuXCOM very much

breath of fart iv

I guess the fanbases but heads a little too much. xcom general felt like it was 80% nu xcom.

Based as fuck. Colosseum and XD are the greatest turn based RPGs of all time and blow every other Pokemon game out of the water. These games are the reason why I can't enjoy the inferior dreck Gamefreak has been shitting out for the past decade.

this guy seems cool. what did he do you faggots want him banned so badly?

>xcom general felt like it was 80% nu xcom.
Oh sure, you are right about that.

It was better than Overwatch or Battleborn but it still wasn't worth the 40 something bucks it was for an MP only game

Known falseflagger and samefagger that tries to create rivalry between fanbases. Also committed two crimes (Doxxed a girl and threaten to rape her, and posting CP to derail a thread after being found out by a mod)

Rise of Incarnates because it's fucking dead
I loved that game so much despite its flaws. The Gundam Wing battle system with quirky characters was my jam

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>really good
Let's not get excited.

Yea Forums unironically has Marvel vs DC threads, some people just live life as immense faggots.

LoK fans are always pretty chill, but there's so few of us that the threads usually die quick.


I mean look at PUBG that was successful as fuck and was MP only too
That was one of the reasons yes but for me personally I believe the game failed because it didn't have enough marketing and mixed casual cooldown abilities like you see in OW and Apex mixed with the classic arena type gameplay which requires good aim

I think Yea Forums has gotten a little better lately, specially since steven universe "ended". It might be wishful thinking tho.


90% of the fans just talk about gacha shit and the threads are plagued by other fighting game fans calling it shit

I could never get a decent thread going for Fall and War for Cybertron back in the day. I blame Michael Bay for ruining Transformers in the eyes of the public.

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newfag. No really, you are a newfag since he's been shitting up threads of all kinds of games since 2013.

I was a regular on Yea Forums from about 2009 to 2012 and after that it just started going downhill. I went back a few times over the years to check things out but it just seemed to get shittier and shitter.


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i never understood the appeal of gacha games. if people unironically play that shit then Yea Forums is condemned. I've seen at least 2 waifu threads daily about fate/night/whatever/shit in here for at least a year.

Any indie that isn't Hollow Knight

I'd say nowadays it's way better than what it was around 2015 or so, but that wouldn't be saying much.

>try to talk about hollow knight
>for like a solid year every thread was full of one faggot going "wow stop shilling this game".
>now there's just a handful of people that can't git gud and beat the dream bosses

>try to talk about Lisa
>people start posting twitter screencaps

Rest of indies almost have no presence on Yea Forums.

Breath of Fire 4 is a good game.

Kerbal Space Program

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its definitely getting worse lately

never used to see FGO threads now you see them every day

>posting any popular indie game gets you called a shill and your thread moved to /vg/
>actual AAA shill threads and console war faggotry are ignored and even encouraged
>even if the mods don't delete your thread it will inevitably attract the attention of spammers and falseflaggers hell-bent on completely destroying any "flavor of the month" discussion for no reason
This place is a fucking nightmare.

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What games can you actually talk about on Yea Forums? I remember VTMB, but that's over now.

>I never understood the appeal of gacha games
You said it in your own post. Waifufags. Literally 100% of the reason people play it.
Gacha games target weebs and/or people with gambling addictions. Both have poor self control.

Posting a twitter screencap should be an instant ban by an ai trained to recognise them

Lonelyfags are a cancer, anime girls rot your brain.

Elder Scrolls lore threads are almost always kino.

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sounds pretty fucking based to me

>Godzilla goes on all boards
Based lizard

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my words

I was never a big poster there but the comics threads seem decent enough, I havent dared go into a thread that wasn't about comics though

>Rest of indies almost have no presence on Yea Forums.

That's because the retard mods keep banishing them to /vg/ to make room for more Smash threads.

>dumping money into a slot machine that only pays out in porn jpegs and gifs you can find online for free
I don't get it. Even CS:GO gambling makes more sense than gatcha games.

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>these are the people I share the site with
When can we leave bros.


There’s a reason they call it /cotumblr/ now.

I get that niggas don't like it, I didn't at first either, but you don't have to constantly shit up any discussion around the game. It had good ideas that are worth discussing

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Pokemon. /vp/ is filled to the brim with insufferable faggots. Pales in comparison to the actual Pokemon discussion I've had on Yea Forums.

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Leguend of Grimrock because no one cares

I thought Kat poster gave up on his crusade

extremely unbased opinion from the esl retard

I liked the dual wielding flexibility. Stunlocking fags to death 100% of the time with two dragon greatswords was the best part of the game

>instead of a third orre game all these years later we're just getting console mainline games with 3ds assets

I honestly thought the game boring as shit. I even tried minmaxing the game to make it less boring, but it didn't work. also, you know this game is an unanimity in here, right?

Not all gachas give out pretty girls/characters.

Any Dragon Ball game.
I hate what Yea Forums and underage twitterfags have done. Stupid ass fucking LE EPIC SPIC MEMES and CHAD posting
Fucking retards didn't get why spanish deviantart shit was funny and decided WHAT OF WE PRETENDED TO BE RETARDED HAHA EL HERMANO BLANCO CHADHAN. I'd rather go back to the days where people just used the word jobber without fucking knowing what that mean than this cancer. I fucking blame you plague for even making a slight joke about it in your video God damn it

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it had a bunch of threads during both launches though, the first in particular was really popular

Yea Forums has as many genwunners and drones.
>le british meme
Yeah, easy to spot a meming shitposter like you. Go BACK to .

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I don't think I've ever seen a thread about this series at all. It's probably one of the first games I ever remember playing.

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Shits a great game series, shame furries ruin any discussion about it.

Neck yourself faggot. I've never been able to ACTUALLY discuss Pokemon on /vp/ like I have on Yea Forums.

why are the only good pokemon games the ones gamefuck didnt make
makes u think

Outer Worlds. It looks like an interesting game, but Yea Forums will never stop screaming rick and memy and shit like it.


Any untranslated Japanese game, you EOP plebs.

>the sequel to Pokemon Squee

cause its an obscure flash game, but holds serious serious nostalgia. no one has ever heard of it though, ive never seen someone on Yea Forums mention it once

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if you said another wolrd instead of outer worlds i bet you would have a more positive responde.

>Call of Duty
>Five nights at Freddie's
Literally impossible to have meaningful discussions about here

>no games.
But we aren't talking about the PS3

stopped readding there

>It's probably one of the first games I ever remember playing
Based as fuck, same here bro I got stuck on some water level

Fucking zoomer

Attached: 248240-ck_goodbye_large.gif (300x292, 64K)

>Yea Forums absolutely throats Obsidian's cock for YEARS
>they announce a new game
>suddenly Obsidian is now muh SJW libtard boogeyman
I truly, truly hate each and every one of you faggots. It happens every time.

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What are you talking about. Minecraft just recently has some resurgence on Yea Forums, even if it's just nostalgia

Sengoku Rance

you can have decent threads for CoD if you make it about the campaigns

oh fuck i remember playing this with my friend and my sister thank you for reminding me of this good memory

This one?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 33K)

not true i have been in some comfy minecraft threads
even had a autistic argument about hunger mechanism

>on Yea Forums

Maybe you should actually go there, then. Spamming the same old shit isn't really "discussing" anything.

"zoomer nostalgia"
Yea Forums is getting so old that there are competing generation's nostalgias. look at the fag rebuking another fag about fucking commander keen

literal underaged the post
actually leave

ah that makes me very happy to know that someone else enjoyed this game. i sank ENDLESS hours into this game. i remember using the "cheat" to unlock all characters as well and trying to clear stages playing basic enemies like bandit or hunter

Spamming the same old shit is exactly why I don't go to /vp/ you mongoloid.

call of duty is one of the best games ever made, faggot.

>actually liking that show
>actually playing a gayme around it
>actually wanting to talk about it

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Nigga I'm 27 and been here since 2008

Post your best meme

World at War was the last good CoD campaign. Change my mind

no he isnt dude fuck off we know its u

It was a better example of what a made for mobile rpg should feel like.

Phone games need cool shit, let me aim attacks, and write spell runes or something.
No more punching the same 2 buttons all day.

Yes! holy shit
Yeah I kept on getting lost and died to fucking dopefish over and over

This but with Battleborn
>Post literally anything that's not the same shit that's been said 1000 times before
For fuck sake I've seen other anons who've played it and they have similar opinions about the systems and problems, while still being able to enjoy the chaotic mess, but no conversation ever happens because of fags spamming randy being a slimeball on twitter.
>Lel Montanna has small legs and head
>Attikus is overdesigned
>Thorn is ugly
>Taking Oscar Mike's "Feminism is Awesome" quote out of context because of that one trailer
>"Teh Penguin of DOOM", but it's okay when everyone else does it.
And whatever else I missed.
Talking about Battleborn is like trying to start a fire during a monsoon.

PUBG is successful, sure, but nowadays people plays the mobile version which is free. I don't think people buy PUBG on steam anymore

never heard of it, thank god. looks terrible.

>Yea Forumseddit would rather talk about how they can't talk about videogames than actually talk about videogames

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blame /vg/ for that
you literally can't have a /kspg/ on /vg/ because it'll get autosaged because of some completely insane shit that happened through the first half of 2016

no one cares

what happened

ever heard of meta threads?

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>Marvel vs DC threads,
This outright confuses me. I see this shit on Yea Forums and can see no reason to read one and not the other. There's not even exclusives or hundreds of dollar price barrier that gaming has.

>wanting to talk about five nights and cod
no dude ur not ur probably 15 at most
u probably just came here within last few months
litteraly no one over the age of 15 would want to talk about five nights

Consolewar mentality

Alien isolation.

Why would anyone replace their entire diet with a meme drink I'd go insane without actually having to chew on a meal.

what? it's just an old game. there were literally hundreds of threads about this game.

But there is no console. It'd be like if every console had equal specs and exclusives didn't exist. You go to a comic store and both Marvel and DC are right there on the shelf ready for you to buy both.

what a terrible thread trying to be meta and only failing. the average iq of Yea Forums posters are well represented in here.

Even The lord of rings: Spyro version is better than this

Massive amounts of off-topic shitposting that persisted for months
one guy who was only posting random yuri picks, one guy who was only posting pictures of snakes, one guy who was only posting videos of him molesting his cat, one guy posting the same pastas over and over again every single thread, one guy who had a severe mental disorder who would argue for hundreds of posts at a time
the final thread that hit the bump limit got filled with about 200 posts of pokemon porn and real horsecocks, after that the mods nuked it from orbit and set any thread with /kspg/ in the name/subject to autosage on creation.
Allegedly the people in that thread spammed the shit out of other parts of the board sometime before or when that happened but I couldn't find any evidence of that, but I've heard that even mentioning /kspg/ can get the jannies on your ass
tl;dr what happens when all of the "normal" posters leave a general thread and all that's left are the mentally insane, degenerates and massive attention whores

ur right lets have a gay horse piss fetish orgy

never seen someone mention her game before

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In sense that people will argue about absolutely eveything and having the non-idort mentality you ding dong. Some people just believes that you can't like one thing while also liking the other thing at the same time. Just look at the average political discussions everywhere.

The level design in the Japanese levels sucked dick and looked like something you would see in Mass Effect rather than CoDs usually designs

ugh, disgusting. kys

nuuu there will also be sexy naked male clowns hehe

probably a furry. who else would try to be glib with gay horse pissing?

ah ok, thanks user for the quick rundown

>Most Sonic games because it's a coin toss whether you'll get swamped by furries or autists
Wrong Sonic threads are some of the best on Yea Forums if you ignore the falseflagging autist

>not wanting to feel hard horse cock as it pisses all over u and in ur mouth
hahah i think u have the gay

I wouldn't call it a lost cause but Monster Hunter threads got a whole lot less cozier with console war shitflinging since World.

There's still been moderately successful AoE threads ever since African Kingdoms, but it's a matter of starting threads without referring to it by name or boxart. Unit icons and the Town Center from AoE II seem to be common.

that's.. educational

but this is an anonymous board. it happens everytime everywhere. I feel pity for the jannies who voluntarily work here without pay. it must be hell

Ironic I just started this game a couple of days ago. I remember sometime a couple or so years ago (might be further) this game had some threads. Discussing stuff like headpats and sandwhiches. you're better off on /hgg/ or going to 8 chans /hgg/

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The fact that a butthurt furry actually made a bot to flood a specific general that still works today sounds more admirable than what some other generals get, in the way with their own obsessed autists with grudges against them.

I downloaded it for my old laptop and it ran like ass despite the graphical simplicity.
Got a better computer but I don't really want to play something so unoptimized.

10/10 story user, thanks for sharing.

>why are the only good pokemon games the ones gamefuck didnt make

>Colosseum/Gale of Darkness
>Stadium/Battle Revolution
>Mystery Dungeon
>Pokemon Card GB
>Hey You, Pikachu!
>Puzzle League

Holy shit

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he shat on kh3 so hard

litteraly any comptent dev would make a way better mainline pokemon game than gamefreak

There is not a single bad mainline pokemon game

actually both of those are fake falseflags by kh fags to try and frame him because of how hard he shat on kh

>IMMEDIATELY turns into bitching about persona
>the few posters actually talking about SMT are just fags trying to out-hipster each other by arguing when the series turned to shit

any individual sonic game because faggots and shitposters turn it into a war about something
fallout because /fog/ are (or was. not sure if they're still around) a load of faggots
smash bros because of rosterfag/antirosterfags and consolewars babies
overwatch because pron lmao
doom because the doom community is autistic and normalfags are afraid of gatekeeping
spyro because you fucking know why
half life because muh half life was never good and gaben, hl3, ect.
anything thats not a big budget AAA release is called shovelware or indieshit
even godzilla threads, the one thing Yea Forums can discuss besides porn, have turned into Yea Forums garbage. you have to use colossal kaiju combat as a proxy

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Hitman 2

>being okay with that meme
Staying on topic, if no one mentioned it yet, El Subnautica.

is that Onions?

It's a shame
I love the music and really like the fashion

>ctrl+f "breath of the wild"
>0 results
Fucking undiscussable. Mention in once, get about three posts of discussion in, and then come the Linkfag homos, and then comes the sonyfag attack force, and then comes the blind rabid defense force, and then it's just 600+ posts of nothing but shitflinging.


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Sounds like any other game discussion on Yea Forums,

Pokemon has a very low bar to surpass. It's not hard to make a better Pokeman game than gamefrick

he criticizes games they like mercilessly
pretty based; he, or I suppose it was him, who knows, helped me realize Kingdom Hearts 3 was going to suck early on
He's also right that Final Fantasy XV has some strong points that get thrown out with the bathwater, which I'd not have known otherwise because of le aggressive-waste-of-time meme

this holy hell. Trying to discuss anything besides combat, demonfus or powerlevel feels impossible.

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they used to be
now I never see them, and when I do, the quality of the discussion has IMMENSELY dropped

is that s o y - l e n t?

>I honestly thought the game boring as shit.
you would be correct
I was looking for a Wizardry 8 successor and it just wuddn't it

what is she so mad about

if you read the thread you'd know that there are people complaining about threads dying with little or no replies when they try to do as you speak of
fact is, only Sony and Nintendo Flavors of the Month get past 10 replies

seriously why is it called that? did they mispell DX?

It depends on the season or some shit, but FTL threads never get very far before someone who barely played the game start sperging on about RNG.


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The Oddworld franchise
Not enough waifu-bait or console-war potential to get bumps

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Planetside 2
>only functional MMOFPS on the planet has absolutely no players, and maybe a handful of people even recognize it
>daybreak's half baked battle royale game will be listed as the official cause of death

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maybe because it arguably only has 2 good games
they need to release more

COD is as bland as it can be but I actually enjoyed Infinite Warfare for the futuristic setting and the space combat.
That said the game had no chance, specially not after the Modern Warfare remaster preorder fiasco.

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Spider-Man PS4.

I know there's not much to discuss, but i like that game. I'm probably the only person in the world who still plays it.

Damn, you're the only one other than me that posts about Infinite Warfare. It's unironically one of the best COD campaigns. You can tell they wanted to make something other than call of duty

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wow stop shilling this game

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did you play the Vet or Specialist difficulties? I stopped playing the newer CoD's on vet after Advanced War was such a damn cake walk and was hoping that Inf might go back to being hard

funny since that one Smash indie clone ended up having non stop threads for like 4 months

I played on Veteran, the first COD I bothered playing on that difficulty. I've never played advanced warfare's campaign. Is it any good?

its ok, the story acts like it might actually do something cool but its pacing is so cut to shit that it never really does much outside of giving you the reason to shoot the bad dudes despite easily having the ability to do more. the QTEs are really fucking annoying and the gameplay additions like smart grenades and level ups make a pretty easy game pretty much brainless, my vet play-through felt like a regular one of previous CoD titles

From what I remember from my IW playthrough it was entertaining, the campaign is non linear so there's a couple missions you have to do before unlocking the next part of the main story, it was a bit tedious but not that bad overall, the pacing in most of the missions was nice since it changes from ground to vehicle combat and there are missions that give you the option to do stealth runs, at least until things go to shit, I remember the veteran mode to be a bit annoying but mostly because of the explosive spam.
I'd recommend not to do the veteran mode in the first playthrough since your screen can get very busy and some objectives are not very specific on what you have to do, like the prologue mission.

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battlefront 2

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Its apparently not video games despite being a video game. I'm really hoping for Pirate Warriors 4 some time soon, I can only 100% this game so many times.

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I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet

>PBR still looks leagues better than Pokemon SnS despite being on drastically stronger hardware than the Wii

I'm still mad.

>Risk of Rain thread gets deleted by faggot janitor
>Somebody edits a Trump tweet and starts a new thread with it
>Gets through fine and even hits bump limit
>An actual vidya thread has to disguise itself as one of the worst kinds of threads on Yea Forums to get by a-OK

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I feel you, my friend.

I want to talk about the game, not what Suzy's armpit taste like.

Why do discord trannies ruin almost everything?


never forget the injustice done by the mods

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>someone else other than me who liked battleborn
They do exist!

Why does this site have such retarded and strict rules for something so innocuous?

Found the newfag

>One Must Fall 2097
You kids are young.

"Already played it" has got to be the video game version of "Nevermind, fixed it" for computer troubleshooting for all I've heard that on this and other boards. Yes, I've played it too: I'd like to discuss it beyond if it was "fun" or not.

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Indivisible seems really controversial for no adequately explained reason. Hopefully it improves when the game actually comes out and there are things to discuss besides the demo, but as it stands it seems like people are actively looking for things to hate about it. What's worse is that autism from other fanbases has spilled over and now people who dislike the game keep getting accused of being some guy making a shitty Unity game with a grudge against Mike Z. All this drama over nothing, it's like I'm stuck in a middle school girl's locker room but everyone is a fat, hairy manchild.

Lost my shit when I realized they released a figure of Keen in some Bethesda figurine series not too long back.

Also: check out the fan-made "Universe is Toast" trilogy.

Way of the Samurai threads crop up every now and then, and they're comfy without fail, but I'm gonna miss the healthy frequent discussions when they first started getting ported

I liked vorgil

#FE, Undertale, Pokémon XD or anything made before 2010 in general.

People were talking about something they liked? Boo hoo! If it was so undesireable it would have died on its own. There was literally no problem

Yandere Simulator because dev drama
Kaiju Combat because Duncan’s furry mafia
Both are unfinished piles of shit though

Monster Rancher
Probably because the series is completely dead and too niche

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>Sniper Elite
what why?


>tfw remembering all the optimism people had for a smt and fire emblem crossover
>it ended up just being a bargain bin persona game with awakening references
why does it still hurt?

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is possibly the only example I know of a game being irrevocably fucked over by a teaser trailer. It's clear that, while they wanted to cross over elements of FE and SMT, the game was very much it's own thing. And it's a fine game at that, the sound track especially is great. But because of the teaser trailer, people built up this expectation of a tactical SMT game or maybe a Fire Emblem RPG. And then they compare the game we got to this imagined game in their head. It's a flawed premise because obviously a game that you imagine is going to be amazing compared to something that actually exists. But people go on with the false premise regardless and totally ignore or even shit on the game itself, despite the actual game being fine.

Started playing in 2008 too, though all I did was join military clans on and off for 10 years.

Once in a blue moon there's a good fire emblem thread with a healthy amount of waifufagging and game talk, and they're usually only like that because someone is playing through a game or romhack. EVERY other fire emblem thread without fail turns into unhealthy waifufagging and gachashitters

Comicsfags are idiots, they actually watch and enjoy Marvel movies and live-action comic shows, and talk about them on the non-live-action board

It's never ever coming out and it hurts deep within.

Shouldn't we all unite then?

Probably the Hitler DLC mission in V2

All of them.

There's a reason they have a containment board.

cave story, that game is amazing and it has waifus too, why the frick would you not pick it up

>game is a console exclusive
can't do it
>game has anthro characters
WON'T do it
>game is old or from a dead genre
no one else wants to do it

Is there a Yea Forums equivalent to Gridman?

What's amazing about it? Check points every 2 screens and a piss poor difficulty level?

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Unironically persona

Life is Strange.
Can't talk about it, because every 3 posts, someone will think they're original by calling it life is tumblr. or spout some shit about SJWs. Or go full /pol/ and swear it's jewish propaganda meant to degrade our society.

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Just popped in to make sure someone posted this.
Thank you

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>a piss poor difficulty level
how so? this game is pretty hard, or if you pick easy its you know, easy.

>this game is pretty hard
Compared to what user?

Not him, but I found the game to have fair bit of difficulty. I wouldn't call it "hard" But I've died a bunch. The game had just enough push back to really make me try. But not so much that I felt discouraged. The perfect amount of difficulty imo.
The only thing that stopped me, was beating the sacred ground. I didn't like the fact that there was no check point at the boss. I didn't feel like the game respected my time, so I quit after a few boss attempts.

idk i thought it was hard. maybe i was just bad as a kid? i mean i have played it sense i was a kid so like idk man.

>black and white 1/2
>any fable game

mainly because they're all dead games nobody but me gives a shit about, especially black and white, i have LITERALLY never seen anybody talk about it on Yea Forums over the 5-6 years i've been here, even though it's one of the most unique and enjoyable games i've ever played to date

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Hell is definitely hard compared to most games. I'd say the rest of the game isn't easy though, especially considering the worse you're doing, the less powerful your weapons become due to the experience mechanic.

>game in early access
>people play and talk about the game
>game released
>people play and talk about the game
>people finish the game
>people talk about the game
>some time passes
>people post main character and spam "el aguas creatura"

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There hasn't been a fucking FLAOTpost in years, I doubt anyone on Yea Forums even remembers that

>can't talk about it on Yea Forums because of a single autistic furry
>can't talk about it on normalfag sites because of MUH GAMERGATE HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN

Being a GW2 player is suffering

FLAOT is still being posted and I still don't think it's such a good idea anyway

we can't talk about almost any game without faggots ruining it, that's what Yea Forums is all about, user

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Post the porn link

>el diabolico creatura magnifico americano
dios mio


Everyone who plays it is so fucking German, I can't understand that shit. Not to mention it's obscure as hell.

Clonk did it better than Terraria

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Why did they name it XD?

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Nigga got offered a literal billion dollars
That’s the kind of money that makes you money for the rest of your life and the lives of the your next 7 generations of children

Some people live their entire lives as faggots user.
I’d just learn to avoid them

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That faggot refuses to be ignored
If there’s 50 images 35 are his shitty memes he keeps pushing

Blame the console warriors
>B-b-but Nintendo!
Comes up even when it’s completely irrelevant to the conversation

It was so fucking fun bros

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>tfw your favourite indie game's art style is a pleb filter
>solo dev has zero social media presence
feels good

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>Eric fag hasn’t been banned
Oh no they’ve publicly banned him like 50 fucking times.
I don’t know what VPN he’s using or what but this faggot is determined to shit up the board
Like to the point even the better mods have stopped trying

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Ever since it came to PC.

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People never talked about this game even before it came to PC.

Americans are clinically insane.

It's pretty cool.
I don't like qte doesn't work well in pc or is just me being retarded.

Serial ban evaders can't be stopped. There are plenty of them on this site.

Jesus Christ that game never gets a break.
I thought I could share flying machine screen shots not get overrun with gay Link posting

Objectively speaking BotW was a 6/10 tech demo at best.

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Subway: eat fresh


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We used to have regular Bayo threads, but it came to PC and now mustards shitpost in Bayo threads because they can't git gud. Bayo 2 existing didn't help either.

Great game. As is the first one. Why can't you talk about that?

Fuck >movie game shitposters.

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Games coming to PC always ruin discussions. Same thing happened with Monster Hunter World. There was still tons of shitposting and console wars in Monster Hunter threads, but you could still find some actual discussion and people talking about builds/getting help/best weapons and armor/etc. After the PC version, literally every thread turns into nonstop console war faggotry and BING BING WAHOO spammers.

I guess still I expected more than just a mild persona clone

Sonic R, why did you have to be so enjoyable before I knew how bad you were?

Xenoblade 2. Waifunigger secondaries don’t care about the actual game, and incredibly autistic detractors have made it their mission to falseflag/shitpost any threads or related posts into oblivion.

God I wish we had a better way to effectively stop these niggers

It’s a shame because I really like XB2 outside of collecting waifu
I thought Yea Forums would get a kick out of Blushy-Crushy but not it’s just waifuniggers and false flaggers who don’t even own a Switch

>want to discuss FFXIV
>half the thread is "rate my cute character"
>other half is people calling everyone else trannies
The in-game community is actually pretty fucking chill, is it just that /vg/ is incapable of good threads?

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>It's ok to be gay.

No It's not.

Fate/grand order
Waifufags are cancer and anti-gacha fags and muh old type-moonfags as equally as bad.
I just wanna talk about the lore and interesting characters of the game and fun event stories.

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It's supposed to mean Xtra Dimension you bakas

Yeah, Black&White is one of my favorite games. You are alright, user.
Fable was murdered with 3.
I guess there's a general for Smite on /vg/. You don't see much moba discussing on Yea Forums.
Exanima is a unique game, I play arena from time to time, but the developer kinda abandoned it. And it'll never leave the early access hell.

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Monster Hunter World, and the MH games in general.

The shitposting has made every discussion almost totally pointless.
And in the future, when we'll have videos and info about both Iceborne and the new Switch title, the console war will just get worse and worse.

Still did better than my bloodborne machine.

>Epic games

They are correct and you know it.

Because it's a meme, you dumbass.

This is a thread for shit you can't talk about. Why the fuck can't you talk about B&W.
Fucking faggot. Asshole.
Retard. Cunt. Shit smoking brick for brains.
Here's something you can't talk about. The B&W versus mode, that I and only one ever person have ever played together.

We threw rocks and fireballs at each other right as the game started, killing each others peoples and basically damning ourselves from any real progression.

becuase they think they can solve their problems with tits and cutting off their dick

They lack not only creativity but basic logic

Pokemon xD rofl

This one hurts me the most, because I swear MH had one of the best fanbases on Yea Forums before World. But now, whether you love or hate World, the fanbase is fucking destroyed and will literally never be good again. I can't even enter the threads anymore

I have no fucking idea why I even continue to have /mhg/ on my thread watcher. Nothing of note ever happens even outside of a drought.

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w-wait what happened? I remember having a good time with Yea Forums bros a year ago, did they start a discord and descend the circlejerk spiral?

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Fucking this what is wrong with mods


>moderators deleting videogame discussion
Yea Forums - the vidya

Monster Girl Quest
A newfag mod deletes every thread I see for the game.

the framerate actually makes it unplayable

>no one ever has played through BB

Star Ocean Ananmesis has a legit good gameplay and 3D models instead of just PNGs (in fact, nobody who plays it cares about the 2D illustrations, only the 3D models)

It´s also pretty generous with it´s gracha currency.

Textbook definition of "{year}...I am forgotten"

I remember it being a bit of a big deal back when it launched and then nada, zero people talked about it after that

That's exactly why they still make Pokemon. They can put their usual level of effort into each game and people will buy it regardless.

Ape escape it always degenerates to that one fuck spamming lolies

It'd just devolve into Smash autism.

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The rhyming got obnoxious and both the story and combat could have been a bit meatier, but I fucking loved the aesthetics. I will never stop being mad that UbiART Framework, an engine that the devs originally wanted to be widely available, has seen maybe like half a dozen games in total.

>t. worldbabies
just kidding

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What makes you think age stops someone from being a retard?

Imagine mentioning Nier Automata without being called a faggot who just likes 2butt hehe xD

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to be fair, Uncharted was literally advertised as a game that plays like a movie.

But you are welcome to talk about Bioshock any time you wish my good man.

Yea Forums has truly become a parody of itself, its kinda surreal

Too bad the developers decided to appeal to some horny teenagers first.

whats this called and is it SFW/legal or has it -actually- got porn?

Can't discuss any PS4 exclusive unless it's Jap.

>half of those replies
I was wondering why it couldnt be discussed until I saw those replies

Furries did not ruin it user. Every video game thread has someone sexualising some facet of it. We're all used to it by now. It should be unsurprising that someone eventually would sexualise Klonoa, being an attractive character. At some point mods tried to suppress such talk, branding it as against the "furry" rule. By doing this, it created a streisand effect, where people were more interested in the things being censored than the actual on topic discussion, because they want to be naughty and edgy. And so people who don't even care about Klonoa start overriding Klonoa threads, until mods associate Klonoa with something that should be deleted on sight. A similar thing is happening with Tails the fox. People who don't give a shit about Tails have Tails scat porn saved on their harddrive because they want to be edgy and against the rules. Now half of Yea Forums associates Tails with that scat comic. Just don't blame people who actually love Klonoa. Blame the fact that people now associate Klonoa with off-topic posting, which is something you have contributed to as well by condemning all furries in the same post as talking about Klonoa.

Almost never saw Dishonored threads, what's up with 'em ?

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'Yea Forums doesn't play video games' could just as well be enforced at this point

Pokemon XD

kill yourself

I’ve gotten a little discussion out of the colonisation threads but what did the discord fags do? I only started playing a few weeks ago

Is Pokken seriously good? I've been on the fence about buying it.

There was some massive autist who shits up nu-CRPG threads like POE2 or DOS2

I don't give a shit

Saints Row because of GTA fags

>problem gamblers
>nerf gun collectors
>illiterate 3rd worlders
>underage kids who parrot everything 3kliksphilip says
>underage illiterate 3rd worlders who spam about their favorite esports team
>muh 1.6
>muh source
>muh quake 3
>why the fuck are pistols better than rifles

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i just want the negev to not be shit again...

I don't play it but from what I heard the playerbase took a nosedive when Nintendo introduced their paid online model. Which sounds unfortunate for relatively niche games.

I bought it on Wii U and had a lot of fun with it.
Online was surprisingly good/fast for the console and the game had a cool aesthetic, even if it was somewhat lacking in content.


Avoided this game like the plague due to everyone tearing it to shreds. I finally played it and it's not nearly as bad as Yea Forums or everyone else makes it out to be. Certainly not perfect but not a travesty like people make it out to be.

Game happened to come out at the same time as Hat in Time and everyone shat on it when HIT did way better. Both games have a right to exist.

Though I will say its bullshit it took them an entire year to rez down the textures for an 'N64' mode when Hat in Time did the same thing way better in half the time

Attached: SnakeyDealings.jpg (852x437, 133K)

We had tons of Automata plot threads back when it come out but its all been discussed to death so now we just have lewd threads.

Mods would delete a thread about gameplay anyway.

>there still hasn't been any kind of snap sequel
I get that it'd be difficult with all of the new Pokémon but c'mon, that game was well received and actually observing pokémon in their habitat was fucking cool

at least /vr/ has good discussion for doom and a lot of other old stuff

It's the other way around though.

Honestly cant stand talking about risk of rain anymore. Too many fucking normies.

I've been regularly maintaining /vr/'s Doom/Retro FPS threads for a few years now, I'd say the overall thread quality is definitely not what it used to be years ago. There's a myriad of factors within the greater Doom community that don't help (Graf Zahl being a cunt, Zandybam goes further and further behind, etc) but there's also a fair deal of bullshit in-thread.

Attached: Doomjudge.png (456x442, 277K)

Tomba, Spyro, Klonoa, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Yoko Taro games, Fire Emblem...

The first 2 games were very nice tho but you can see where are they going with Life is Strange 2. Hell, one of the dialogues of the character that appear mid chapter 1 it's literally "You're the reason we need that wall"
I'm just heavily disappointed we probably won't see anymore Chloe/Max shenanigans