I made this thread a little while ago, but nobody replied. Is Iron Rain seriously dead on arrival? It's out now

I made this thread a little while ago, but nobody replied. Is Iron Rain seriously dead on arrival? It's out now.

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>PS4 only
I watched trailer 4 and was pretty erect, but by the end remembered I can't play it and went soft

Still waiting for 5 on pc

The only ones saying is shit are pctards I'm gonna get this the moment its released.

It's not out yet in burgerland?


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comes out tomorrow apparently

Didn't realize this was coming out so quickly, still not sure if I want to get it

>Not developed by Sandlot
>Boring aesthetic.
>Using crazy items deducts funds from your rewards.
>Weapons are unlocked in a linear "recipe" fashion that isn't random but based on specific missions.
>Jet pack class isn't a sexy girl.
>Heavy wears a skirt.
>No air raider shennanigans

Prowl rider looks cool but that's about it. I'll pass on Insect Armageddon 2.

Oh no, is this gonna be another one of those MHW deals where the game has less/worse features but PS4ponies will act like it's the second coming because it's not on some other platform?

Don't fucking turn this shit into console wars you dumb fucks.

Game's okay but it's nothing on EDF 5, or EDF in general. It just feels too cookie cutter, it doesn't have that physicality of EDF proper. Aiming also feels too slow on low sensitivity but impossibility twitchy on high. Prowl Rider is the most fun gear, but the others feel poorly considered against it.

it's not out yet you fag

Playing it literally right now. Ausfailia.

Oh, two other major complaints: collision on alive or dead enemy bodies is fucking enormous, it's miles out from their actual model. This frequently traps you in tight places and makes the game feel perpetually claustrophobic. On top of that, if an explosion happens anywhere near you, including robot death explosions (which now damage you, as does them falling over or stepping), your character covers their eyes for a second, stopping everything you're doing. Most attacks also knock you down, which can spiral out of control since there's no grace
period on damage.
That might have been more than two.

Oh, and ANOTHER thing; the minimap still indicates height of enemies, but ONLY above you or below you, it doesn't indicate how far, which makes it surprisingly hard to find enemies quickly quite often.

yeah right fag

Anyone know if currency gathering is a global collective on online coop

That would only happen if it was also established on Nintendo consoles, but all they ever got was a never-localized norse EDF instead

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Haven't even been able to find anyone online yet. Only tried once, though.

>Jet pack class isn't a sexy girl.
I believe they have character customization in IR.

>No air raider shennanigans
This is the shit that worries me the most. That was the best class in the game.

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Any class can now call vehicles and place turrets and use grenades (and some other stuff) as items. Thing is they reduce your payout from finishing the mission, and in the case of vehicles it's by quite a lot (relative to the amounts you're getting early on, looks like higher difficulties/later missions might pay out significantly more). Apparently there are airstrikes too but I haven't gotten any yet. None of it is as satisfying or tactical as the Air Raider, though, but I really hope Sandlot takes the idea of giving each class way more weapon options in that respect. Two main weapons is still way too limiting for the 'actual' weapons though, you have to pick so safe that most of the wildcard picks just never make sense.

>norse edf
what the FUCK I need to get a rom of this

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It works much better with an actual wiimote, but it's pretty great once you get past the early missions. Early on it seems like it's not going anywhere, but it does.

What's it called user

Air Raider is imbalanced as fuck and should be dropped from the roster entirely.

Sorry user. EDF was always one of those overrated, wacky japanese games without much substance. Now that they are shitting them out yearly with minimum changes, the franchise is as good as dead.

Zangeki no Reginleiv. Hope you can read the nipgos or guess your way through menus well, because there's only the most rudimentary partial menu translation out there (and I can't find an untranslated ISO at all).

>458105852 (You)

me and my buddy played through EDF5
it was good, but i think overall we enjoyed 2025 more
I got this one preordered (it's not out yet in NA)
the thing im worried the most about from the trailers is that it seems too melodramatic?
can anyone confirm? is all the goofy fun dialogue gone and replaced with generic sci fi plot?

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I love Air Raider, but it definitely needs some adjustments so it's not so fucking cancer to try and play solo on harder difficulties.

>He doesn't like constantly carpet bombing and calling in orbital strikes while the rest of group suffers from extreme screen shake syndrome if they don't turn it off

They did that in 5 but went too far in the opposite direction. Air Raider is easy mode now.
I like it just fine but it needs to be removed since they'll never get it just right.

>constantly carpet bombing

More like
>calling in one airstrike then hiding behind everyone else plinking with a limpet gun until you get enough credits to do it again

EDF5 is already only on PS4 but hardly anybody talks about it

It's still goofy sci fi so far, but more like Independence Day made by Japan than 1960s B roll stuff.

>class needs to be removed because it's too fun

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>Still suck with the shitty fucking Limpet Gun that's so bad that 99% of air raiders opt to not use it entirely when playing in a group

In EDF5 there are lots of air strikes that reload automatically with time, not points.