I didn't know Spike Chunsoft has localization department in california.
inb4 oneangryincel
I didn't know Spike Chunsoft has localization department in california.
inb4 oneangryincel
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder Yea Forums cries the immature word "snoy" when it's a global problem.
But Steam is based. Gabe wouldn't take away our anime, bros.
Good riddance. Anime has always been cringe, will never be art, and frankly I'm happy the West is going after it.
Im happy anime is niche again, gaijins dont deserve it
Enjoy your shonen netflix adaptations ahahahaha
What was censored in zenkai zero
wait, it is censored even on steam?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.... The Purge is real.
Apparently a lot of scenes have been removed completely
not once has a censorship fag ever complained about a good game being censored
What are they even censoring?
it's not like senran kagura where there is fanservice left and right
all the loli stuff since will the characters start as kids
Thanks for the persecution. Everyone will know that the only way the west can compete is to cheat. Same as it's ever been. Enjoy your Streisand effect.
Child abuse (violence, etc), edited CGI (swimsuits, panties, stuff like that), sex jokes, gay jokes, they also completely removed character-related scenes because it involves little kids in their bedrooms
Kys Billy
why are you seething?
>v-v-video games are """art""""
>everything is censored
There are no little kids in the game
>sex jokes, gay jokes
You can be banned for gay/trans jokes in online games now. It's offensive for trans snowflakes
honking intensifies
nothing matters anymore
its a clown world
Are you living under rock? School = little kids. No matter how character looks like. School uniform = little kid.
>game has a story about kid
>lol let's remove all the scenes where you talk to the kids in their room and get some character development ewww they're so creepy
I really can't fucking wait for SJWs to get bored of ruining games. How do we speed this process up? Have them fuck the music industry up for not being inclusive or something
Sorry, I just don't acknowledge how retards. I remember when I was 16, in high school, everyone wanted to get laid.
>How do we speed this process up?
We need to find something more problematic. Hoverer all media entertainment is under their palm. Literature is free more on less.
>How do we speed this process up?
Have you seen the collective hissy fit they're throwing over Sekiro? There's no getting rid of them now.
remember to sage and report onefatshill threads
Everything is censored in this way, you fucking mongoloid. "Problematic" passages of every writer from Plato to Mark Twain are removed or ignored, "bigoted" films are not distributed, music with politically incorrect lyrics will not be signed. What world are you living in?
Wait what is getting censored in Crystar? I was interested in that damn it
I was actually interested in playing this, fuck. Is it only on steam? Will there be a patch of some kind?
Why? There isn't even a link.
Both are censored on PS4 and Steam. Thanks California :)))
I'd rather pay for all the extra costs of importing a japanese version on ps4 than play a version with a noticeable chunk removed
This is a niche game with minimal marketing and on top of that they want to alienate their few potential buyers with censoring bullshit? just how badly do they want this game to fail (in the west at least)?
Because your fat ginger ass is shilling your blog here every time you upload another post, several times a day.
so I can't get this game uncensored?
what the fuck is wrong with americans
And we were going in a direction away from that until this decade.
Next time someone calls you a regressive, don't act like they're not correct.
I wouldn't even know what site it came from if it weren't for nu/v/ bitching about it.
play it in Japanese
I was on the fence about getting game because of the cenorship but the fuck
I'd rather play whatever intended version dev's made. What do you gain from censoring opinions?
You mean, it getting spammed here constantly.
>Everything is censored in this way, you fucking mongoloid
Not same way. Problematic paintings for example. You can freely write rape lit without any problem. It will be art.
Just go search panties on google or something. Its removal to see panties in the game doesn't really affect the gameplay.
I'm 3 months in
I doubt i'll know enough by release
>we were moving away from that
You absolute fucking chimp
There has always been as much censorship, you only realize it now because you now can see the product before it was censored
The game released yesterday
is that confirmed? game isn't out yet.
Not him, but I would if it didn't require me to pay god knows how many times the normal price for importing stuff
if you live in the UK you can even be arrested for misgendering someone kek
>intended version dev's made
its kids in panties not the mona lisa
Art is art, bro.
You better get good enough someday. No dekinai allowed.
oh I was talking about Crystar
I haven't heard about Zanki Zero until today
>There has always been as much censorship
Post censored art
Post censored lit
Let's hope for mod to decensor it.
What I want to know is what do the sois that -want- this kind of censorship get out of it? If they're someone that plays these games what is their thinking process? "Finally, I get to enjoy this game with chunks of the original taken out! Who cares about the original vision the devs had it was creepy"
Or if they don't play them and just like to see """problematic""" content gone, "Yes, by removing what the original we have ensured that this niche game won't sell, will lose the company money, and have people lose faith in the company for the foreseeable future, yay!"
I just don't fucking get it bros.
I'm actually on their side. Stop letting these incel pedo's raid your forum and review bomb your games. People need to stop making games for those faggots because they will turn on you the moment you stop showing loli panties. They are the worst kind of fanbase you can have in any community, and need to be exiled.
Colour me surprised
Are you retarded?
Are you living in reddit or worse yet, America? Fucking retard.
This is literally Steam rules retard.
Pretty sure they removed some ass shot in Crystar english trailer. I don't mind losing some asses and tits shit but if they completely fuck the game up for the sake of censoring then it's a red flag.
Americans do most of this shit and blame it on other countries in Europe or elsewhere. It's their style to ruin things for everyone else.
>OneAngry cuck
Kill yourself, you alt right piece of shit.
yes, anons were showing some comparisons earlier today and it's fucking ridiculous
Even movie industry has less censorship.
One of these days, americans will figure out that anime characters aren't real and that sexualization is actually normal for teenagers.
actually who the fuck is censoring this
why the fuck do they even bother translating it if they're not gonna do it right
are they just doing it for good boy points?
do they even like the original material
Learn Japanese
Maybe people want to play and enjoy a game without having sexual objectification of children being in the game.
Ever think about that? The fact that Japan is such a garbage country that they sexualize children shows a lot about how backwards and incompatible with the west they are.
Then play another game
yet japan has 80% less child abuse cases than the US?????
No, you're wrong. I don't know who taught you how to think, but you need to stop listening to them.
Shame since it was a really cute butt they censored
why don't you make your own original idea that doesn't objectify children then you retarded american instead of changing somebody's material
post comparisons
America is also a far larger country than Japan.
There's plenty of other games they could play instead and that's assuming they know this game even exists in the first place.
Per capita, retard.
>another anime action RPG original made for the Vita
why are people pretending to give a shit about this?
imagine doing these baits for attention, lowest of the lowest
after watching both the japanese and the western trailers, it seems like this frame was the only thing removed / changed from the jap version
And I agree, I can live with a censored trailer but removing actual content like cutscenes, pieces of dialog etc is a deal breaker for me
KYS Billy
Another one for the blacklist.
Spike is on my shitlist now. I probably won't buy it day 1 even if they don't censor the actual game
Is that an actual word?
Fuck off Grayson
>just ignore it bro
Like in SJW case 5 years ago, right?
Or in Russia censorship case
woah so the mc is actually canon nopan ingame? thats kinda hot
Reminder that according the SC this image is too graphic for westerners
wow that is a nice clip, might have to check this game out
does jap version have subtitles at least?
What are you doing to stop it?
>DOAX3 scarlet is censored on PS4
>switch is untouched
>grahically inferior switch version is top seller on playasia while westcuck Snoystation version is absent
Isnt everyone in that game 25 and that loli is the ageless one?
Good games don't get censored.
I mean it kinda is.
But not for this type of game though.
I think at this point, they're just doing it to piss us off.
yes, and google is an actual site, which you should make use of
>I'm 3 months in
>I doubt i'll know enough by release
It was released in Japanese a year ago. I doubt you knew much by then.
To be honest nothing. ResetERA is even in majority in Yea Forums.
It's just a dumb word. The fuck is a snoy? Did you misspell snow? We've had better insults for sonyfags. Snoy is shit.
Yes, it's called the american market.
>I mean it kinda is.
Yikes sweaty there's a lot to unpack here
Yep... looks like SHAFT is animating the 2D animation cutscenes so generally it all looks nice.
What can we do? Liberals got this shit on lock.
Imagine believing this lmfao
>both have PS4 version
here you go
spike chunsoft is just too incompetent to make two versions
Call them niggers
Of course it had to be California, nothing good ever comes out of that shithole.
>I mean it kinda is.
Yaaaaas queen.
Maybe you faggots should actually stop calling dev teams niggers and kikes and actually tell them what you want from them first.
Damn it feels good to be a liberal
fuck off nigger
You should be used to abandoning things by now.
Only money
The whole state needs to be fucking purged. Whenever i hear bad news, it's ALWAYS California.
people will still buy lmao
>gore good
>butt bad
I don't think even americans understand themselves at this point
How many more fires does California need to kill every resident?
I sent an email earlier
I doubt i'll get anything in return though
We're mostly proud of making you guys so fucking asshurt.
The usual retort to that is that they let the offenders get away with it and under-report the incidents. Not that I believe it, but that's what the pro-censorship crowd usually starts arguing when the facts start to disagree with them.
The bean used to make Tofu is currently a target of right wing people to imply a man eating it is producing estrogen based off pseudoscience. Sony happens to have all those letters in their name which makes a quick wordplay.
They already know what people want, they want an uncensored game, they don't want to give an uncensored game
I would love to take a bat to this fat cuck
Well at least you're doing something I hope they respond back
Fuck off kike
It isn't a wordplay, like, at all. Snoy isn't onions.
>300 kilo image
what the fuck
>under-report the incidents
This is bad logical fallacy. That only means US has ten times more under-reports because of population.
>Silicon valley
>enormous percentage of the nation's food supply
>home of the lion's share of all western media
>ooga booga california bad
[spoilers]That goes for all the incels upset that people don't want to sell loli porn in the U.S. as well. Kill yourselves.[/spoilers]
You're fucking stupid. Uniforms can belong to collages, high school, building policy, jobs, etc
>being this retarded
It's a small price to pay to purge the disease that infests it. I hope more fires come and more of you perish.
>[spoilers]That goes for all the incels upset that people don't want to sell loli porn in the U.S. as well. Kill yourselves.[/spoilers]
Hello resetera
Those fires are mainly in conservative areas, dumb dumb.
I hope you die in one of the fires cuck
Hi /pol/
He probably doesn't live in a shitty conservative county lmao
If the wordfilter weren't there they would probably say S*yny
Collages of what?
Actually tell them that instead of just insulting them. They won't change shit if you call them niggers or cucks every twelve hours.
why release a game at all if roughly 1/4 of the original content is removed?
And if it was like say Nekopara back when steam didn't want to sell porn games so they cut half the content of that game but sold it for half the price then I can more or less understand their reasoning, but these fuckers will most likely remove a noticeable chunk of the game and still sell it for $60
Again, small price to pay. California needs to burn to save the rest of the US.
These people have all been infected. They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into NPCs.
This entire city must be purged.
You're dumb, user. If all the conservative areas burn, that just means a higher ratio of liberals to conservatives there.
The game doesn't have any illegal or explicit content. If it did, rating boards would've flipped their shit.
Japanese fans use it to roast Sony for having their California branch force 3rd party developers to censor their games or they'll outright ban said game from releasing on their platforms, even Japanese only releases.
fuck off americans, nobody cares
You totally don't sound like an unhinged maniac likely to shoot people some day
Sounds like said nip is fucking stupid because it's a garbage tier insult. Not everything from Japan is good, weeb.
Why are there people on Yea Forums so eager to defend Cailfornia any time someone dare disparage her name? As for the things you pointed out as coming from there, food is the only important one. The other two things are great examples of why California is terrible.
I do not care about your ratios, California needs to be sterilized in fire.
>silicon valley
Lmao look at this libtard.
>Fashions itself as progressive
>Fascist as hell
They don't care user these "translators" or "devs " only care about how to get good boy points from the twitter trans community or from their wifes so they can fuck her hoping she doesn't go to her bull that night
>Actually tell them that instead of just insulting them
They've been told, the problem is that they don't care, the localization industry is infested by people who's goal is to push a message and jap companies don't give enough of a shit about their niche western audience to do anything about it
Why do you get upset some people like their state? If I shit on Alabama, Alabama fags get sad.
Shit like this is exactly why I started learning Japanese.l
Publisher openly said it.
Let me just help out other anons having troubles understanding by putting California into prospective with a single picture.
Why would we when they changed it for us
>Zanki Zero: Last Beginning is available on Steam right now for $59.99
not in a million years
>Japan is such a garbage country
yet many people enjoy their media
where are all the trannies and faggots?
>full price with content taken out
Such blind fanaticism is unfitting of a human being, people are more than capable of hating where they live.
is anyone excited for what the 2020 Olympics will bring? human rights crackdown on cartoon children in anime and video games?
I'm not sure. We have tranny discords here after all.
Keep telling them and don't immediately go into calling them cucks or niggers, that simply makes them more proud to be against things you like and they see the good boys that think they're women comforting them or other devs. When they see shit like this then they thi k those people are their true fans or the ones they need to market too.
I never claimed that it was a good meme. Just stating the true origin ya dip.
That being said Sony should be on blast for the decision to make CA their HQ.
You see what happened to Nintendo last gen when their NA translating branch got too much power and they were forced to make heavy changes (thankfully to consumer benefits) such as global releases and fan service being allowed both in 1st and 3rd party releases since they widened up and know the loud minority wouldnt be buying those fan service games in the first place.
Now we have the best selling Xeno game and many uncensored 3rd party games hitting the platform (with more on the way as Peach Ball localization is confirmed to be uncensored unlike SK Re;newal was late last year.
A good question. They make up about 2% of the population, yet they get massive attention.
You seem to be missing the part where they don't care they're voluntarily censoring because they don't want you to see the content
I'm excited or the subsequent debauchery that will follow when it's over and Japan can drop the facade and make up for the lost time.
245 all-time peak
Making CA even without taking into account the liberal policies they have there is a baffling decision because Califonia is an expensive shithole of a state. Playstation is a completely digital company and they really dont NEED to be in Califonia that massively taxes them and having high cost of living their their employees. They could easily just position themselves in another cheaper state like washington or texas.
Holy shit, this is the most embarrassing post Ive ever seen.
>is anyone excited for what the 2020 Olympics will bring
Nothing? Like every Olympic/big major shit in "second world" countries. Temporary changes. Like no loli/lewd shit on main shelves.
Going into debt living in the high rises of SF or Hollywood.
Only well off people can afford to waste their time and money pretending to have issues with their gender.
Why are developers such pussies?
>full price for half a game
>tfw already know japanese
>game will include both english dub and original japanese audio
>still need to import a jap copy to circumvent the censorship
Nobody doubts it's in the US.
They do it because now they see """gamers"""" as racist bigots that don't want devs making games about anything other than some racist bullshit or something. Start showing them differently
Yeah they should totally create their own video game console and publish their own games to it.
what did they censor in crystar?
i'm interested in that game
Not even Japanese copies are safe anymore I'm afraid if they port over the Sony release.
It's not the devs, but the localizers and publishers.
This literally has nothing to do with how they see gamers, it is as simple as they see content they don't like so they remove it voluntarily, you can be as nice as you want to them they will never think that loli is okay
Are you retarded? Did you shake off your keeper long enough to post here?
>it's another thread about screeching at boogyemen and pretending the world is shit and everything sucks REEEEEEEEE
>when it's obvious they would censor the loli's butt
Geez. Go outside. Have sex. At least get a long distance girlfriend or something.
The preview trailer for the game cut out a panty/butt when the girl was transforming.
>keep the niche game as is so the true fans and the player base BUY the product
>alienate the already established player base for fucking trans and grrrrril gamers who will NOT buy the game but will give us good boy point on twitter
It's a hard choice user
people are aware they removed more than just loli right?
You first, fag
Are you underage?
>Have sex.
I'm a wizard. You're stuck with me.
Then what's not being a pussy in your mind?
no. its a california problem. the shithole needs to be nuked out of existence.
>burn the areas that bring the country the most money
>left with welfare sucking flyover states who'd be unable to support themselves on their own
Good idea, retard-kun
>gay jokes
I thought the entire cast was female, is this some yurishit game in disguise?
Well, I'm not the "pussy" poster, but what the hell do consoles have to do with anything? The main problem is that the console censorship is now creeping back to PC which is open to literally anything, Steam or not. It is fair to be concerned about that.
Notch did it. The faggot who did undertale did it. Cave story guy, Fate/Stay did it. You don't need to suck dick when you put your game on pc.
>a bloo bloo bloo I won't make as much money if I don't put it on the playstation
If you're slaving away making a game to make money you went in the wrong business.
It's the devs for not having a back bone and telling them to fucking let them make their game.
Uncensored content never hurt anyone.
Eh things will get better with time, if California remains then things will only get worse.
Tumblr fangirls are worse because at least otakus have the decency to pay for things. The former will tear your ass asunder if you ship characters exactly as their bullshit headcanon dictates and refuse to even read/watch/play what you made in the first place and are just there for the "community."
its underaged panties people, they didn't remove anything important
>Notch did it. The faggot who did undertale did it. Cave story guy, Fate/Stay did it.
Is this bait?
I can make the same argument using what you just said.
Why do you care enough that it needs to be removed?
California is one of the top five states that bring the country money.
As much as you hate coastal states, without them America would literally be a 3rd world country.
They did remove story elements retard californian read the thread next time
>they didn't remove anything important
Then why remove it at all?
Again, don't care about your bribery californiacuck, you need to die and so does your state.
So it's like if they released Manhunt but with every disturbing thing removed
Underage panties never hurt anyone
Made extremely popular video games without someone lording over them because they gave them money and telling them what's acceptable? Yeah, sure it's bait.
California is blamed because it's a Democrat controlled state and conservative (Republican/Nazi) right wing talk radio always points to policies in the state as being the cause of all society's ills.
It's not the devs fault it's the localization team's fault, devs don't really have control over that they have to go with what's available. This is normally the part where you would vote with your wallet unfortunately we're reaching a tipping point even if you were to completely boycott all censored releases it wouldn't matter, anime and by extension pretty much all weebshit has gone 100% mainstream, even millionaire ceos and celebrities now feel comfortable tweeting and making memes out of it for the masses, and those masses want a clean and sanitized version and will not only support the companies that censor as they localize but thank them for it as well.
I know it's a stereotypical thing to say but if you actually care about non western gaming beyond simply shitposting or as a passing hobby that you're not willing to invest time in then it's time to learn japanese or accept the increasingly chopped up versions of games you're going to get as more and more censored games succeed and localizers see how much they can get away with.
I live in New York, the true best state in the country
Your flyover welfare state would turn into a africa-esque hellhole if my tax dollars didn't support you.
The only reason we keep you around is to grow corn.
>Have sex
Her navel is covered, so there's nothing sexual about it.
Why wait for the english version to begin with?
>go with the other sex havers, leave us Yea Forumsirgins alone
It's problematic you cishet scum
Again, don't care so don't bother bargaining. Your money is no good if life can't be enjoyed. I'd rather be poor and happy than maintained but a cuck. California needs to be purged like the disease it is.
I wish the people forcing these changes would commit mass suicide
Americans are extremely aggressive and violent while also being very religious and sex-negative.
Muslims with beer guts pretty much.
This post actually makes me want to die. What's the point of going to work every day if I can't enjoy anything?
This is why blacks like you should be wiped out from the earth.
This and when the game comes out much much more
You can't be real. FSN is fucking VN.
>Cave Story, Undertale, Minecraft
I don't even need to comment this. If you don't see why those games can be made by indie devs. Go make MGS5 without money.
Western media is shit though and I don't even like anime. Watch some Turkish or Chinese dramas if you want to see something that isn't woke puke.
You're supposed to say navels aren't sexual so I can retort by posting navels you shitposting underage fuck
They removed characterization
it's current year the sensitive western eyes reading this aren't allowed to see things like that anymore
man that's a really juicy butt for a "loli"
>muslims like 1% of the population
>roughly 1/3 to 1/2 the incidents
I don't think that graph is saying what you want it to user
Uhh, yes? Fuck off.
Why play the game then if you hate the country you fucking retard? Nevermind you wouldn't even like the gameplay and bed time scenes are important
Your life won't be enjoyable if you don't have the funds to repair your roads, build your schools, police your neighborhoods. It's not about personal wealth.
I don't need to bargain for shit, at the end of the day I'm living great.
you should be begging me to keep funding you despite your corporation first agenda, despite it literally hurting everyone except the rich
why do this when those same degenerates prance around half naked in the streets?
Do you think fat trannies are gonna go to japan to watch sports, most people who go to that will come nowhere near all your degeneracy I bet most of them have never seen an anime image in their lives.
Isn't this a dark game about a girl that killed her sister? Where do sparkling, bare asses come into play? Not that I have anything against sparkling, bare asses... Just not what I was expecting to see thematically.
It hurts the feelings of hobbyless WASP women.
because these ones are cute
>my tax dollars didn't support you
t. redditor that works as a barista
It's called a switch and PC
It's blamed because Silicon Valley is festering with degenerates too extreme for Sweden.
Again, don't care for your money it has no power over me if there is no longer anything that I wish to purchase with it. Whatever comes people adapt. Talk all you want and act high and mighty, only person listening to your boasts and threats is yourself and in the end it's just empty.
there're guys too
Don't bother. He won't reply. He doesn't give a shit about facts, just whatever the TV tells him is what he'll parrot.
Reality is it that their audience lives on sony consoles ports on switch for these kind of games dont even sell a 3rd of what the do in the ps4. theres no excuse for PC censorship though.
>tfw slav
>always dreamed about "American Dream"
Why people with good life can't see their good life?
I don't listen to any radio talk shows. I just know California is garbage because there is a culture of dumbasses that comes from there.
>Only listing DOMESTIC terror
>Muslims make up a tiny fraction of the American population but STILL manage to commit half the domestic terror (let's ignore the other incidents lol)
Wow, thanks for proving our point. I'll make sure to cum an extra large load in your wife next time to thank you.
welp, if this ends up being true, it might mean next to nothing in the grand scheme of things but they'll lose my sale at least
Normal people don't care about this shit one way or another. Japan is infamous for being really fucking weird and pervy and I can only imagine all the bitching and moaning when the opening ceremony doesn't involve tentacle rape.
Pretty weird how these people have no presence in public yet they manage to get so much attention online.
>It's not the devs fault it's the localization team's fault
It's the devs fault for not taking interest in how their product is being treated.
>I know it's a stereotypical thing to say but if you actually care about non western gaming beyond simply shitposting or as a passing hobby that you're not willing to invest time in then it's time to learn japanese or accept the increasingly chopped up versions of games you're going to get as more and more censored games succeed and localizers see how much they can get away with.
I already know Japanese and it's getting to the point where that doesn't matter anymore because they're altering it in their region too. See the last star ocean release where they changed the panty thing and all the nips complaining about how westerns are ruining everything.
Just gotta enjoy what you can while you can.
I could be a fucking retail slave and I'd still do more for your state than some small business owner
>it has no power over me
You say that until your roads are 80 percent pot holes, your schools are even more underfunded, and each police officer has to cover 20 square miles by themselves.
You literally need me, act all tough for as long as you want, but when push comes to shove you're the filthy nigger with his hand out for change.
The American dream is a lie.
It's all propaganda, don't fall for it
>liberal fags think their bright ideas are what pay taxes
muh taxes. bragging about the money of Wall St and mega corporations and in the next breath screaming about how they're the end of the world. get real.
>I live in NYC
Just a few more years experience and I can get out of here and become a teacher...
>It's the devs fault for not taking interest in how their product is being treated.
What? Devs are just cogs. They can't make decisions. They obey.
You sure do have this image of you mattering in any way, you don't. You don't matter, you hold no real power over anything just like anyone else and your attempts to brandish it simply make you look pathetic.
>His union literally banned memes
You have no right to talk
>The American dream is a lie.
It's almost like
A good handful of things, but the one that stood out the most is they have a "bed time" event. That's a full body shot of the character in bed with some dialogue. There's CGs for every age (kid, young, middle, old). The kid and old people CGs were removed, despite being more of a gag.
Hence the, they should stop being pussies.
Anyone who supports any kind of censorship should unironically be executed.
I'll trade. A defacto ethnostate with women who don't try to be men, a rich historical background with beautiful architecture and cheap housing?
Let's swap citizenship, which country in slavland is it?
Just ban anime in america already.
Those fuckers ruin everything.
I've a union?
>they should stop being pussies.
Are you same underage user who can't see difference between Undertale indieshit and something like BotW or MGS, or Nier?
>rent free
hell no, I try to avoid fags as much as I can but it's like media in general wants to pretend they're a third of the population instead of less than 3%
You're unwillingly part of one yes
Top row of scenes, among other things.
People who've never known hardship think made up shit like micro aggressions are real.
I mean, just think of all the stories from first generation immigrants that come to america and make something of themselves. They always talk about busting their ass to get where they are. Then they have kids and do everything to give them a better life than they had. But the hard life they had is what made them who they are. So the kids grow up coddled and becomes faggots.
>I could be a fucking retail slave and I'd still do more for your state than some small business owner
what is with this magical thinking? I make six figures. a "retail slave" is not going to fork over as much as I do in state and federal taxes. and if you use phrases like "retail slave" in a city as expensive as New York I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest you may have *taken* money from the state.
lmao you aren't personally paying in jack shit. you're a drain, along with all those housing projects. pointing to the state on your driver's license and claiming to be part of the rich who are getting taxed is delusional. and you want to run your mouth about people you're better than, because you're a loser too.
>removing panty shots
Why? Why now does it seem like sony gives a shit? A couple years back the same team put out DR Ultra despair girls, which has a lewd minigame and a boss battle that can reduce the main girl down to her underwear. Who definitely is a highschooler.
>Let's swap citizenship, which country in slavland is it?
Russia. Not capital city. 300-400$ is average salary here.
>bright ideas pay taxes
The hard working people here pay taxes.
You porch monkeys sit on your asses while sucking up welfare and then vote against welfare, despite needing it.
Wall Street and megacorporations dodge taxes, and then use their money to lobby politicians to fuck over the people
If you weren't born wealthy, you won't become wealthy.
Unless you're part of the 1 in 1 million that got lucky.
That isn't where the word comes from you tranny retard, go back to discord and have sex faggot.
>SJWs to get bored of ruining games
they wont
they ruined academia
they ruined politics
they just keep going
Which would that be?
Should've censored granny shit
where's the robo-loli?
The only people that are insulting anyone on the Steam forums, where the threads keep getting locked, are those who are pro-censorship.
What the fuck is decrying
Why is everything written in that website ESL?
This game has a really interesting concept. Too bad I will never play it due to being censored trash.
Haha imagine licking and smelling that ring after sweaty honoka is done spinning around inside of it splashing her girl sweat all over the place and just how swamped the top of it would be with her sticky sweat haha what kinda loser wants that?
>Why is everything written in that website ESL?
Hello. This website is not US only,
says the person who doesn't know what decrying means
>If you weren't born wealthy, you won't become wealthy.
Only 1-3% of billionaires got their wealth at birth tho
There's a reason it catches on fire every year. God is trying to do a Sodom and Gomorrah round 2.
The absolute state of middle of the country education
Decry: to publicly denounce
I am getting so tired of that shitty-ass state.
Because neo, regressive leftists subscribe to some sort of hard social determinism philosophy that basically says that humans are creatures that are defined by their experiences (sum of their experiences) rather than their choices or a combo of the two.
This belief system ultimately manifests itself as the need to lock down every aspect of reality itself because if humans are just creatures defined by experience and "toxic" people exist then the only logical conclusion (to them) is to enforce a reality where only things they deem (virtuous) are allowed to exist.
tl;dr SJW's are a literal eldritch abomination that seeks to enslave reality itself.
TO stop fucking censoring games for the west. Or make an 18+ version for fuck's sake
>these are the subhumans calling you chud on twitter
I thought it was this guy.
I've never seen anyone manage to make those schmucks look good before. Congratulations, you fucking retard. You did it.
This is part of the reason I miss Vita releases. That same game, with the same content, would be $20 cheaper. DR felt cozy as hell on that thing, especially at a reduced price.
But all this image shows is that people become sexy when mature. Its statement is the opposite of what the censorship team is thinking.
Have sex.
>The hard working people here pay taxes.
their money to lobby politicians to fuck over the people
yeah you're delusional. NYC is a global hub of commerce and you're imagining the corner bodegas and shitty falafel carts generating the tax money? get real.
>You porch monkeys sit on your asses while sucking up welfare and then vote against welfare, despite needing it.
this is an expression for project blacks. I like how you also have contempt for the poor if they aren't crowded into a crime infested project and demanding government handouts.
>If you weren't born wealthy, you won't become wealthy.
*you* certainly won't. I hope you're not older than your mid twenties, because you are really pathetic.
Why are you invading people of incel spaces?
>not showing children's panties is censorship
How far have you fallen
What the fuck is up with all the misinformation in this thread?
>Child abuse (violence, etc), edited CGI (swimsuits, panties, stuff like that), sex jokes, gay jokes
This was initially claimed by a guy in the Gematsu comments section who said he had a review copy. Spike Chunsoft responded to this and said it was false and no review copies were sent out.
>they also completely removed character-related scenes because it involves little kids in their bedrooms
Only this part of that post is actually true and Spike Chunsoft said so themselves.
The only change beyond what was stated in Spike Chunsoft's press release that anyone has provided evidence for is that the scene where Sachika shows her panties has also had the dialogue edited to remove mention of it in the localisation.
Crystar has had a few frames of the opening movie removed in its trailer form and Spike Chunsoft have not commented on whether that will apply to the final game, nor do we know of anything else in Crystar being censored.
For fuck's sake, get your facts straight before you get mad at shit. Bitching about companies doing what they didn't actually do just discredits the opposition to censorship.
id do horribly naughty things to the first three stages of the boy in the black and pink boxer briefs
Anyone got the jap copy wanna tell us if the localisation was any good? Aside from the listed censorship I mean. I really don't want to buy this and see something like "rub a dub dub thanks for the grub"
I think that translation is a little off
All the drakengard games were made with a shoestring budget until nier 2. The first metal gear's budget didn't require more than couple 100 thousand and the only reason MGS5 budget was so large was because of how well the others were revived. The first zelda was made in a literal basement and got to the size it is now of because how popular it became. Also it was backed by the same publisher that published the first so that is the worst choice you could've picked. Honestly you should've at least picked games like battle field or CoD or any game's origin that required a shit load of money.
This is supposed to be a first world country?
She doesn't age so she doesn't have those five variation scenes, she has two different scenes and we don't have comparisons for the altered versions of those scenes so there was no point including those.
>niche title with a small core audience gets released
>core audience won't play it due to censorship
>normies won't play it because it's weeb shit
How many iterations of this and losing money will it take before they can the censorship?
No, it's California
The kid form and old age forms are both obviously jokes but triggered Americans can't process that.
idk, it seems like the issue here is with spike chunsoft's localization team instead of sony or valve.
they wont can the censorship cause otherwise companies wont even allow them to make western releases at all. what is more likely is that games like this will stop being imported at all
i'm personally waiting for it to go on sale anyway. i think it looks interesting too, but not worth $60.
they removed entire scenes? and here I was thinking it couldn't get any worse. Thanks for the heads up. Jesus, and I thought this was just your everyday censorship.
Every time.
thats my thought on it. as a hardcore dangan fan ill probably get it at some point regardless. i really dont think a game like this is worth a 60 dollar price tag at all. im not gonna pay over like, 30
You make it sound like there's outside pressure forcing these changes when it's actually just unwarranted self-censorship in 99% of cases and the other 1% are Sony.
I for one look forward to the establishment of the new caliphate of commiefornia
Different times, different console generations, hell even different salaries. Graphics etc. Why do you think people call indie games "indieshit"? Because they have something similar in all of them. They looks like "indie" shit. Of course maybe there is some exceptions. You need money for graphics, mocap, voice acting etc. Unless you want to make game that looks like indie.
>i-its not censorship g-guys
>they just removed scenes so me and my fellow californians would feel better but not buy it lmao is gook game
So this is what happens if you live in California
thats the thing i dont get about it desu. people who are strongly against loli/shota stuff arent gonna buy the games anyways cause REGARDLESS they'd be financially supporting the dev team that put that stuff in. so why bother? you're not going to appease those people
Because the localisation teams are the ones who want it to be censored because they're the ones offended by it.
Where did I say it wasn't censorship, you drooling retard? I'm just pointing out what actually was and wasn't censored. Go write another half-researched article in need of a dozen corrections, Billy.
>Silicon Valley hasn't made anything worthy in nearly 15 years
>California makes export bullshit that gets burned down or taxed to fuck and back or dies from lack of water.
>Western media, AKA Lies or censorship
Suck on my cock, and eat this trigger.
Back to resetera you dumb fucking nigger!
Much like how you don't have the actual scenes changed for Mary Skelter 2 in Asia so you have to be selectively outraged.
It's not about controlling what you consume, it's about what others consume
Honestly, we need to go back to the days of fan translations. Fuck this nu-Yea Forums small corporate sensibility shit
I remember when people here were saying that japanese games wouldn't be affected by the puritanist SJW's
Can't wait for jap releases to get censored too..
With how everything is streamlined now making a game is actually less expensive to create if you account for inflation. The reason game budgets are so high now a days is because marketing doubles or even triples the cost. The second most expensive thing in making a game in modern times is paying the voice talent.
sometimes it just writes itself
>go back to the days of fan translations
No please.
You know nothing. Fan translations times were worst.
i honestly fear the day that western SJW morality takes over japan as well. i feel its only inevitable
Yea Forums is turning to the same. Mods promote threads that advertise and stroke the dicks of Kotaku, Polygon, Resetera while any criticism of those get banned and deleted
Most fan translations weren't Tales of Phantasia.
Even if you exclude how much more stringent the cero rating system is. It's already happening.
have you seen the pro-translation theses days they have more memes and fanfiction in them than any fan translation.
All I see is mods not doing shit while at any given times we have a dozen article screencap threads and twitter screencap threads.
>muh sensibility, and also relevant online Yea Forums memes guys please screenshot this and buy the game!
>Some bilingual nerd in his basement who's happy with whatever fetish you both share
Sure bud
the fan translation scene is a drama-filled shitshow where games take forever to get translated (if they ever do). no thanks.
opinion disregarded
Youd think its that, them just being lazy. But then you see people shitting on kotaku or kotaku getting sold and the mods actively delete those threads.
They have an agenda
Mary Skelter 2 Asia version was post-OLZ policies but were already printed. A day one patch removed a touch feature and changed some images. The single perturbed player only learned about the touch feature being removed and so that's all that has been shared around Yea Forums since nobody does research.
Just like how Rorona's model was changed in Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists but no one cares enough about that game to go look.
KYS Billy
More like no one cares about MS2 because that's for the Asian release and so it barely affects any of us here and isn't our problem to deal with.
>Just like how Rorona's model was changed in Nelke and the Legendary Alchemists but no one cares enough about that game to go look.
Now what are you on about?
>Some bilingual nerd in his basement who's happy with whatever fetish you both share
In your dream world. In realty out of 10 games only 1 will be translated. After 5 years.
Man, I want to destroy Mirai's butt.
Only appears in Roronas files under English. The Chinese version doesn't have it.
>wanting to only have fan translations
opinion discarded. if that ever happens, you'd better hope that the games you want to play don't get claimed by the big-name translators and then left to rot on their backlog forever.
Just wanna help anons understand California by putting it into perspective with another single image.
You are not providing a sufficient explanation for anyone to tell what you're talking about here.
I wish California was destroyed, because then the red states would destroy themselves without the handouts and the northeast could finally secede and be its own country.
Maybe what we could do is tell someone on the dev team who's chummy enough with people who're higher up on the corporate ladder who might actually have the power to deal with the bullshit caused by their overseas branches.
>but muh GDP!
>but muh overvalued phone apps and capeshit movies!
This is San Francisco
Here's LA
So we can eventually turn things back to the way they were. Don't ever lose hope. That is the only way we can truly lose. To give up completely.
The english localization portion of the files has an extra model for rorona. meaning they changed something exclusively for the game when played in English.
Arethe other states any better? Because i have seen pics of the middle east and it looks worse than my third world shithole
Crystar's director already responded to a few people contacting him on Twitter but said it's out of his hands.
Censored games are mostly made by niche developers. Doubt.
We love to see it folks, communism eating itself
i mean, this IS kinda a niche VN isnt it? i blame the fact that its 60 dollars more than the fact that its censored to be honest
Mexico City is better than any California city. At least everyone has a roof over their heads in MC.
They will move to other states spreading their diseases just like venezuelans do in my country
That's the result of Silicon valley employees needing housing so even a one room studio apartment costs more than a person working 40 hours a week in any lower paying job could afford. Also some drugs and mental illnesses but you know can't pay the state for mental asylums so throw them in the street.
I don't know what they would have changed because there is no way to see under characters' skirts in the first place without somehow hacking the camera. You can't freely control the camera anywhere in Nelke that has character models.
I meant mid west sorry
Falling in battle
Why not both?
WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING AT SONY? They used to have all the lewd games and now they censor everything. I'm about to buy a switch and say fuck sony forever.
Why we should let California secede then build the wall around them too
I'll see if I can get a screenshot.
>Niche game
>No one will buy because content removed or censored.
Censorship got removed in the 1.07 patch of DMC5.
if you have very niche audience and are asking for 60$ a pop censoring your game is going to have big impact on your sells
even game like SK and porn VN's sell better than this
Based Capcom for once.
I'm a CA Democrat, and I think censorship is dumb.
That was replaced with this CG in a patch
>was gonna buy senran burst on ps4
>found out it got censored
>pirated on pc instead
Think I'm gonna enjoy pc gayming.
way too late for it to sell better
>influence from California/the west
>2020 Olympics coming soon
Looks like we’re seeing the beginnings of an anime dark age. Better buckle up. Things will only get worse from here.
Download all the loli you can and bury it.
Don't you anime virgins feel any shame at all for clamoring to see panties in a video game?
>yfw In the Past Sony USA dont allowed 2d games in the intial tiem o fps1 like gunner Heaven/ rapid reload because wanted push the 3d insted the few good looking 2d games in ps1.
I'm not a virgin but still love anime panties. Deal with it, faggot.
And that's a good thing.
I'm tired of the ironic weeb subculture.
but c96 is going to have a ton of loli just like c95
This picture could make a sick album cover honestly. Am I the only one thinking this?
So in the end you made no statement at all and got free boobies.
>And that's a good thing.
>I'm tired of the ironic weeb subculture.
Won't this encourage it though?
Damn that's sad. You can't even come up with an original meme. All you did was changing kek to a jewish clown.
The other versions got both images iirc so Sony still lost.
>censorship is good
Fuck off and die.
The sequel has the same images in all versions
Not that niche, user. Those devs are a household name now for entry-tier weebs. Kinda like Zero Escape and how ZE was popular enough in the west to get a ZTD made
Yeah I guess. I suppose I can actually thank Sony for saving me money.
This is the localized image.
Wish California would just fucking sink already
What the fuck is this game? How does the character aging work?
Anyone have any more info on pic related and other non "loli" changes?
not justifying it but thats not as bad as i assumed. she still coot
Pointless censorship
Isn't that an eroge tha'll alwayst get censored for consoles anyway? Why buy it on anything other than pc?
>made her clothes green and added shorts
Why even bother?
Aww good old skid row... sigh... I miss it and all its crazy jiggaboos
Probably box art or promotional material for that one. Gotta make it Walmart friendly.
Fucking why? Who is this appealing to? Who WANTS this censored, including in such arbitrary ways, and WHY? They can see from recent history that games get fucking annihilated in sales from this shit, WHY DO IT??????
So Im against censorship on principle but some of these guys are making it really hard to make a case. Why would you even bring this over? You'd have to know damn well ahead of time you'd need to censor it past the point of recognition.
Imaginary pedophiles still win.
What even is the point of censoring shit just to tone it down enough to where no one is satisfied.
Well I finally got her to be knocked out but I had to bring no other alchemists with me so I'd actually be weak enough to die and as a result I couldn't get a shot like that, but her panties are definitely still visible. I'll keep trying.
Because they hate you.
A lot of these "translators" really fucking hate the weeb community and go out of their way to make changes just to spite them. If they were good translators they wouldn't be stuck working on children's toys.
All I see in this image is
>neoliberal daddy's girls
>disillusioned communists
They can both die in a spray of napalm
This is literally the only change they made on the boxart? How bad is California?
Is it worth making an argument about the loli's actually being ~20 years old? When you get reborn, you retain all your memories. People joke about 1000 year old dragon loli's and shit so I assume it's not worth arguing with someone.
how is the rest of the swimsuit ok to sjws
Wait what the FUCK? This game was released? When? I swear there was no marketing at all about this
In this scenario it is somewhat valid, but of course the response would be they are in the body of a child and thus shouldnt be sexualized at all even if they are literally mature mentally within this wacky context
Well that makes it more likely some kind of bug fix, but still odd how it's only on the English files
That is the point, there was no marketing not even in Japan and the game flopped there. The director of Spike chunsoft said he regrets not marketing the game more and the best marketing this game got in the West was this censorship drama.
the whole age thing makes it difficult to argue entirely. if they're of age but LOOK young it should be banned? what about animes that have full fledged adult bodies with massive tits, but the girl is like 14. should that still be banned too? the whole idea of trying to police imaginary characters just seems entirely arbitrary and a waste of time for all involved
>censor her panties
>show her cleavage
That's just straight up boxart censorship to make it able to be sold in stores run by the real american Walmart corporation in Bentonville, AR.
that's a foxy grandpa
>game is rated teens, mature or for adults
>game isn't allowed to be for more mature players at all
Why do these ratings even exist anymore.
This is what gets me. The ones crowing for censorship the hardest will regularly admit they don't even play video games, and yet this shit still happens. It can only be an act of spite on the part of the """localization""" team at this point.
Yeah not to mention people really do exist looking kind of child-like but are over 20 years old (monroe being the best example). Most of my ex girlfriends are under 5 feet tall and would occasionally get carded at movie theaters for R rated movies.
This game actually looks like I might like it. Is it any good and is the PC release censored?
In voluntary rating countries: Point to the rating when some concerned parent buys GTA for her kid and sees him shooting hookers.
In Australia, Germany, UK, other government enforced rating countries: To prevent objectionable content from being sold in their country.
>is the PC release censored?
It is censored. Pirate it if you must.
PC version is censored and there are rumors going around that it's a port of the Vita version so some visual effects and textures look like shit compared to the PS4 version.
Is the chinese multilanguage release censored too?
I already bought the jap version, but would rebuy it it meant not going through it at a slow pace
Stop posting twitter screencaps you fucking weirdo.
This is true, refunded it when it looked like it was the Vita port compared to even compressed YT footage I had seen of the PS4 version. Shitty controller support as well.
Wouldn't it be relatively simple to mod the censored bits back in?
The Japanese version came out the same week Omega Labyrinth Z was banned. Anything beyond that date is something you'll have to research.
It seems I would need to use an all-alchemist formation to get the view presented in the other screenshot but I haven't been able to have Rorona get KO'd at all trying that, so this is the best I could manage to get a cap of.
I just really like girls.
>bad port
I'm sure you can bribe the guys who tighten up the graphics.
How bad is this mobile game?
Spike Chunsoft
You say that but faggots will just use it to stroke their egos.
>You don't like my shitty translation that also changes dialogue so my ship will be considered canon by EOPs? FUCK YOU
>Who cares if this shit is stuck at 95% for years? Nobody else is translating it anyways
90% chance that guy wanks to cp. people who support censorship are often projecting like
I can't hear him over the sound of how much he's not buying the game
>Im against censorship on principle but
No. They don't exist unless you get an original japanese console copy, crack it, extract the files from it, make them compatible with the pc version, find where they would be placed in the pc version and replace them. Assuming they just didn't remove a scene entirely.
And when you bought your PS4 version of DMC V, were you not a little pissed about the censorship that version received while the other platforms were uncensored? What if GTA V's scene of the woman who gets sucked into a jet engine got removed because of "violence against women". Would you be upset then? Where does it begin to matter to you?
I dont understand why all those anime games always are censored when in GTA/Call of Duty/Skyrim/Witcher/Fallout you can be a brutal killer with gore and blood
There are multiple removed scenes. It's unfixable.
EOPs BTFO as always
It's okay when the west does it.
Great concept but you need a spreadsheet to min/max
Well from that I can definitely tell her skirt is further down her leg. So probably a quick patch to fix it flipping up in battle?
Because America
>Violence good! Boobies bad!
>music with politically incorrect lyrics will not be signed
then why does nigger rap get promoted despite depicting misogyny, violence, rape, and use of illicit substances?
It's actually a lot better than I was expecting and I'm having far more fun with it than with any mainline Atelier after Ayesha. The town building gives you a lot to manage so it's fun if you're into that sort of autism, with my biggest complaint being that it could use some more functions to streamline things. There are lots of character events and while a bunch of characters don't get models and thus can't be used in battle all the main characters still get portraits and a lot of voiced scenes. I didn't like NOCO's art in Mysterious but here she's actually done a decent job with the other characters, putting aside fucking up Ayesha's nose on the box art.
Combat is super simplistic though and if the difficulty I had getting Rorona KO'd didn't tip you off it's also incredibly easy.
The localisation also still has a number of errors but it's actually nowhere near as bad as the last few main games have been, which is weird. Maybe they changed the contracted company again.
gore and violence and blood are not as bad sexual things
i have searched and gotten 1 guy on a forum telling me it is. But nothing absolutely concrete. Maybe im just in denial.
Unlike with Totori this image is actually accurate for Nelke.
same same
The nudity in GTA doesn't get censored either.
>Panties and boobs are worst than ripping someone's face off
I remember when people complained about Nisa localizing Spike Chunsoft's games, and how people were glad to hear that Spike were getting their own localization team finally, back when the Danganronpas were being brought over.
that's the joke he was making
we don't cotton to girl fetishists 'round here
Censoring blacks is racism, duh.
Because it's kosher nudity. Made by kikes for goyim.
censorship doesnt stop helper
So you're telling me there's a hierarchy of what's politically incorrect? Some things take precedence over others?
>Buy the PS4 Collectors Edition of this shit
>Read that it got censored
>Only Switch got through uncensored but you have to not download the patch.
Is this true? I dont have a switch, but how hard is it to keep the game unpatched? Id be willing to return it for a switch copy of this is the case.
If there were no girls in your party, I don't even think the boys would have gotten censored.
>snoyboys talking about immaturity
>ignoring the endless poop jokes made by Snoyboys
Both gta 5 and RDR 1 have sex scenes which include bare ass, thrusting, and tits. gta 5 has a group of cultists in the hills in which you can see digital dong. The witcher has bear tits, sex with thrusting and lady bush.
All only rated M
But when a nip game shows some panties or lets you touch a girls face it's way out of line and needs to be censored. Even though it's only rated cero c and the cero rating system is 1000x more strict than both pegi and esrb.
Just refuse the update. You aren't forced to install it and even if you accidentally install it you can uninstall updates per game.
it's uncensored on the PC
Don't you violent psychopaths feel a bit of shame when you're playing fake mass shooter games for fun while real people die in the same gruesom ways every day?
Censorship aside, what's the localisation like? I heard claims that jokes at the expense of minority characters or robo girl being disabled were removed and "improved". I want to hope it's not all lost
I want a juicy physical my man
Wrong. The western release is censored everywhere.
>muh olympics
I'm tired of this retarded argument
>bear tits
I do not remember that.
>Even the grannies
Oh mama
Why is the rest of America so Tsundere for California?
>I-it's not like I n-need your money, b-baka!~
Its not Sony this time though
Pretty sure he was talking about Death Mark, not Zanki Zero
It's ded jim
>1% of the population
This graph is globally, user. There are over a billion muslims, which is far greater than 1%
Way to be an illiterate tard.
He’s talking about independently publishing games on your own platform. You fucking retard. Those games weren’t released on preexisting platforms. Minecraft had its own, and the other two were sold at doujin events.
Censoring games is so fucking stupid when you can find the full uncensored version on pc really easily. They are just hurting themselves by doing this shit. Only people that buy games that require this bullshit censorship are super weebs. Normies have no idea they even exist.
That's only backed up by a random comment on an article who also claimed he got this info from review copies which I believe Spike Chunsoft said never existed.
Sure but does anyone who actually has the japanese copy want to say something? Was this game really so unpopular?
>calling Pepe "Kek"
No one receives money from california. The millionaires keep it for themselves.
I make OAG screencap threads that always reach bump limit, ama
>assume it was censored because the girl is in highschool
>game features another highschool girl in nothing but her underwear earlier in the game
I don't get it...
Still a surprisingly good game though, I hope they localize the sequel soon. Chapter 6 was the best part of the game as far as puzzle solving, atmosphere, and partner interactions. Only downside is it turned Murashita into an asshole.
based. weebs getting shatted on
>Sure but does anyone who actually has the japanese copy want to say something? Was this game really so unpopular?
The English demo has already been available for over a month, English translations of the Japanese version exist of everything that was covered in the English demo, no one found even a single instance of what that guy claimed.
The fuck is OAG
Follow the forums for CCP, there are loads of games talked about in there that they haven't added to the curator for no reason.