Linux still doesn't have nvidia support

>Linux still doesn't have nvidia support

What a piece of shit

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it does you fucking retard but nvidia is dogshit anyway
get a goddamn amd card

linux is shit as a desktop OS

>amd on linux when a large amount of your games will be relying on opengl

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>5 years with ubuntu intel nvidia build. >Never played shit on pc because ubuntu.
>Suddenly you can play a bunch of games
>on 18.04 everything works.
>decide to upgrade to 18.10 cosmic shit.
>everything about nvidia fucked can't even go to startup if I don't purge everything nvidia related.

Fuck this shit

>nvidia still doesn't have linux support

No wayland nvidia support

Not shilling or any will to promote win 10 but I like how it goes well with steam. I miss ubuntu a bit.

The drivers are the same as on Windows. Nvidia just doesn't have better community made drivers like there are for AMD because Nvidia won't let anyone help them.

Linux does have nvidia support though, and performance characteristics tend to not even be that far off since the core driver code is fundamentally the same.

>Ubuntu to Windows 10
Honestly, who actually does this? If you were going to troll you could have at least made it believable by trying to talk up Windows 7, or mentioned how you were able to de-crapify 8.1.
Who would willingly install known malware after running Linux?

It's well-known that AMD hardware is subpar compared to Intel + Nvidia hardware. This is also further compounded by the fact that Intel + Nvidia have better drivers and a better relationship with game developers. Intel + Nvidia is well-supported and well optimized.

AMD is the budget-bin bargain thrift-store 2nd-rate bottom-bucket off-brand no-name poor-people choice. AMD tried to make up for this with Mantle, but Mantle failed and was salvaged by a third party to create Vulkan, an API that's hardly in anything.
Why would you go to McDonald's for a hamburger when you can go to 5 Guys or In and Out?

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Install xorg manually or use anything non gnome

The Mesa RadeonSI OpenGL driver for AMD cards is roughly twice as fast as the official AMD OpenGL driver on Windows.

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Gnome is actually one of the only DEs to support Nvidia within Wayland, KDE actually has more problems with the Nvidia driver.

Based and Nvidiapilled

This is honestly just embarrassing. How is AMD this incompetent? Why don't they just hire the open source driver devs to do their official drivers?

>itt: Yea Forums thinks they're smarter than /g/

>Vulkan, an API that's hardly in anything.
>Trash talking Vulkan in a Linux thread.

Its obvious you don't know what you're talking about user. All the coolest stuff on Linux uses Vulkan.

>/g/ smart
dont kid yourself

Everyone is smarter than /g/.

>All the coolest stuff on Linux

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Fuck wayland.
Fuck systemd.
Fuck pulseaudio.
Fuck GNOME3.
All this half-assed attempt to make Linux more like Mac made me actually buy a Mac.

/g/ knows as much about technology as Yea Forums knows about video games.

You mean ucuntu? With that faggot penguin?

> Why don't they just hire the open source driver devs to do their official drivers?
They did, or at least they hired all the ones that Valve didn't. They're just unwilling to do a complete ground-up rewrite of their drivers when they have commercial customers whose CAD software depend on the legacy behavior of their current driver. They've basically issued statements to the effect that if you're interested in gaming with AMD hardware you need to use the drivers from the Mesa project.

Windows game reviewers have so far been unwilling to upgrade their OS to test with the recommended drivers despite the obvious benefits even for Windows titles.

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Does Hitman 2 have native Linux support like the previous game did, or is this through Wine and therefor even more embarrassing?

wow, real clever...


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>using memecucks for everyday life stuff
it's good for servers but there's literally no reason to use it over windows for anything else

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Time for some history lesson.
When Hector Ruiz was CEO of AMD, and he went to acquire ATI, then try to force AMD's way into ATI, many ATI employee didn't like it. They shit on their already inferior driver, then left the company. AMD's left with a huge mess of a driver code nobody dared to touch, lest the card would just crash in ways they didn't know.

>Proton (Wine+DXVK) running Windows version of a game faster than Windows
>This is supposed to be embarrassing for Linux.

Its already running better and it hasn't even gotten the official Vulkan upgrade from Feral Interactive yet.

Nvidia's very paranoid when it comes to their desktop drivers. Who knows what kind of multi-million dollar NDA proprietary technology's contained inside it. You gotta admit, their OpenGL performance is very very good though, and the extensions do work.

>embarrassing for Linux
No, embarrassing for AMD.

Oh, my bad...ucuntu kinte

Why do you mean do you need 100 apps blowing up in your face and the desktop look like a Christmas tree

u wot m8

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AMD has better hardware for pure dumb computation if you can work around their shitty driver and hardware bugs. This is why crypto miners hoard their cards.

drivers even have parity with windows features (vulkan, freesync support, etc...)

about the only thing missing is stuff like shadowplay, not that you can't setup something similar either way

Nvidia's concern is that they've coded a lot of things in a very non-standard way, which other drivers have had to work around in games where the developers were 'aided' by Nvidia in order to get the best performance. If they opened up their code developers in the Mesa project would be able to more directly understand the shortcuts Nvidia used to achieve higher performance and could place them into the open drivers. Instead of their current need to reverse engineer to understand what Nvidia has intentionally done wrong to hurt other vendors.
How else did you think Nvidia have a gaming performance advantage, when every independent benchmark shows AMD cards having more terraflops of computing power?

You still have NVENC support so it doesn't really matter. Shadowplay is honestly kind of shite anyway.

AMD has already admitted defeat and told people to use RadeonSI and RadV. Their actual official position is that the driver they provide is only for professional use and as a reference for the open source developers.

m8. You don't need to use any of that toss. I have a very modern Linux system, it has no systemd, no pulseaudio, no Gnome anything, no modern KDE (I use a an up to date clone of KDE3, you know when it was good, Trinity) and I don't even know what wayland is, nor do I ever care to discover.

A modern Linux can look and feel just like the good old days and yet still run everything new. You don't have to adapt to stay up to date like Windows users do, you can make the OS adapt to your inflexibility and old fashionedness. I sure do with my 20 year old looking desktop.

People like things like games, applications, and printers to actually work Pajeet.

>printers to actually work
Are you trying to make an argument FOR Linux here?

CUPS is shit.

>tfw you have none of those as well
feels good

using a barebone xfce4, openrc, and JACK (do have to use a alsa to jack bridge for a few things like Wine though, hope it gets proper support back someday)

Exactly right. There's no better feeling than getting a piece of hardware throwing away the malware infested Windows 'drivers' they want you to install, plugging it into a GNU/Linux system and having it work perfectly the first time with no shit to deal with like there is on Windows.

>Buy a new printer (or pretty much any piece of hardware)
>Plug it in
>It just werks(tm) on Linux
>meanwhile on windows you spend 4 hours trying to get the drivers to work and when you finally get something to print sometimes the drivers will just randomly fuck up and refuse to print until you reboot or some other asinine issue
Yeah, way better.

>All the coolest stuff on Linux
Oh no what am I going to do without GIMP and Tux Kart??

How retarded do you have to be to fuck up printing on Windows? There are some distros of Linux (Fedora for example) where printing flat out doesn't work.

Linux has come a long way.
I await the day when Digimend is built in to repositories so I can just plug in my Huion tablet without spending 2 minutes installing it.

>There are some distros of Linux (Fedora for example) where printing flat out doesn't work.
Legit have never had any problems printing on Linux. Just make sure your printer can talk standard protocols and it just works.

install gentoo

Attached: install gentoo.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)

How retarded to you have to be to fuck up printing on Linux?

>tfw you've had plenty of problems but you were trying to print using linux in 1998 or so

I'll stick with Arch, I like packages too much

Gentoo has packages you fucking retard, they're just source packages instead of binary packages.

>tfw so easy to setup hooks and user patches without having to literally make your own packages every time you want to change something

>tranny OS
fuck that shit

>tranny OS
You mean MacOS and iOS?

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CUPS is fucking awful and if you can actually get it to work, it's worthy of putting on a resume.

>tranny OS
use bsd

>streetshitter OS

>he says, on the tranny hobby board

>browse linux kernel changelogs on official site
>about every single one has changes committed by people whose email ends in
t-this is fine, right?

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>browse windows kernel changelogs on official site
>about every single one has changes commited by people whose email ends in
t-this is fine, right?

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>runs on Linux
name 50 games

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dumb frogposter

protondb, dumb frogposter

I can name over 10k that run natively, and like 90% of every windows games that also run just fine on linux

fuck me is that why i've been getting worse performance on my 1080 than my old r9 280?

what drivers are you using?

hope you're not on nouveau, it's garbage for anything except very old cards

Performance with nvidia cards is completely fine on Linux if you aren't using nouveau.

Not anymore faggot, nvidia surpassed AYYYMD even in gpu computing, all good miners are optimized for nvidia nowadays

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yeah i'm not on nouveau. FFXIV on wine is like half the fps it used to be on my old ass amd card

Are you using drivers that are actually up to date? I don't mean the most recent version your package manager installed, I mean actually up to date with what nvidia has released.

yeah i'm seeing if the newer ones help now. i'm on 390 because thats the latest proprietary. when i saw "open source" on 418 at first i thought it was shitty noveou

dxvk + absolute latest drivers (important for vulkan features even on older cards) should be working just fine for FFXIV, I'm seeing people running it just fine at 100+ fps on a 1080 (I imagine 144 is probably possible with right settings and more recent dxvk)

Yeah that's fucking ancient.

>has no retort

>see news of new vulkan extensions that got added
>go to dxvk's github
>latest commit: now making use of that feature that got added yesterday and needs bleeding edge beta drivers
almost every time, feels like vulkan is being developed for dxvk to use at times, except when it added garbage for stadia anyway

It legitimately is, Vulkan is getting Linux-specific features added for compatibility tools.
RadV, DXVK and Vulkan itself are being developed in lock step.
Most of it being funded by Valve.

Are you fucking retarded? Linux is all about OpenGL and Vulkan.

turns out i'm a turbofaggot for using PoL and didn't even have vulkan installed

reinstalling everything with lutris now

PoL still exist?

I don't use lutris (prefer to manage things myself) but it's certainly more up to date and with a proper copies of wine with the latest features. I use it at reference at times when I can't find info on games.

Not videogames.