It's been 17 (arguably 25) years since Virtua Fighter set the competitive skill ceiling so high no other fighting game was ever able to reach it, or even getting close. It also did it while pioneering and shaping the 3D subgenre as we know it, and also did it with style by being the most graphically impressive game in the world by far at that point, TWICE. Why doesn't VF get the respect and playerbase it rightfully deserves? Why do 2Dfags delude themselves to their own ability by playing entry-levels like SF and memes like KoF compared to the one true king of the entire genre?
It's been 17 (arguably 25) years since Virtua Fighter set the competitive skill ceiling so high no other fighting game...
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You see, VF is the old man living up in the mountain.
That old man trained all his life to be the absolute best at martial arts.
He can shatter a boulder in two with a single chop.
"i'm fucking amazing, i'm the best", he constantly thinks to himself.
And he might be right, but the thing is, he hasn't interacted with anyone else in years.
He doesn't know what's going on anywhere else, he lives in a cave, hunts, cooks, eats, takes a shit, train, then sleeps.
And so the old man dies in his cave, being the best ever, but nobody cared.
You're going to have to grow up some day and realize it just wasn't popular in the west for some reason. I know you're an angry young man, the writing is on the wall (you made this thread after all), but there's no point in lashing out at other games because yours wasn't up to snuff. You're so angry, just like the Bloody Roar fags. If VF came back tomorrow, nobody would play it. It would be DOA (just like DOA was). It's best to think about the fun times you had with the game instead of being bitter.
That’s based though
I don't want a Virtua Fighter 6, shit would be dead on arrival in today's fighting game market. half of the roster would be cut content to be sold later, there would be peculiar amount of attention to guest DLC characters, and the game, once released, would have less content on launch than an empty cardboard box.
Also if we really want to be real here for a second:
SEGA is to blame.
Recently there was a PS4 port of VF5, included as a minigame in Yakuza 6.
For some ungodly, retarded, incredibly autistic reason, this port wasn't also released as a stand alone product on PSN.
This makes exactly 0 sense.
They literally have a PS4 port of VF5 that is fully finished but they didn't release it stand alone, anyone trying to play it must boot up Yakuza 6 every time.
Imagine just how batshit retarded SEGA must be for this timeline to be actually happening right now.
It really depends who's making it and if they can get their game up and running. GGRev has tons of content. Took a year after release, but it came with like 6 hours of shitty movies, a ton of singleplayer modes, tons of art, music from the old games, unlockable outfits, avatar and lobby shit, and a whole diorama mode,.
Holy shit, VF5 looked so good back at the start of the gen.
Literally more people would play it as a minigame in yakuza then if they released it on the PS store tomorrow. I know why SEGA did it, because they knew there was very little chance of moving copies of it, but this was a good way to keep it in people's minds.
What in the ungodly fuck are you talking about, you complete brainlet?
Do you even understand how many people would buy this if it was released as a stand alone digital title on PSN?
Keep the price low, and it'll sell.
I can't believe i even need to point this out to you.
Of course don't make physical copies, sell it digital and keep the price low, you autistic bastards.
This, and I’ve loved the series since 4 vanilla, but it just sadly never caught on in the west. Play Guilty Gear, it’s got a similar degree of technical skill ceiling.
The problem is its in a weird spot. As weird as Tekken looks with its juggles, the rest of the animations are spot-on. It's a pretty game in motion. The same can't really be said for VF5, which has fucky-looking juggles and animations. Realistically, a fighting game has to get by on either fan hype or being a fun game to watch... I don't think VF is fun to watch, and I feel like its fanbase is quite small outside of Japan. It still has the occasional locals on NY and Cali, so it's not completely dead, but it's like sub-Vampire Savior levels of dead. my favorite games are dead, but I still have fun at locals.
You'd probably not even cover the 50k Sony requires for a release on the store even at 5$ a pop user.
>Do you even understand how many people would buy this if it was released as a stand alone digital title on PSN?
like 5 people. game is dead
actual answer: Sega doesn't care about VF
Yes, VF is super niche, but make a PS4 digital release at a reasonable price and it'll sell.
Salt and jealousy aside, I always viewed this series as Yu Suzuki's baby; maybe once Shenmue 3 finishes and this gen ends, we can see another VF game.
okay man whatever
maybe they'll do it and you'll be happy. i hope they do.
It seems I didn't get my point across. Of course it didn't get widespread popularity in the west by default, and that's just the reality of it. The point is it gets routinely overlooked by the so-called high end of the FGC or the 'underground' crowd here and elsewhere in favor of King of Scrubs and the like, the same community which won't shut up skill levels and about Tekken or DoA being scrub button mashers and juggle-fests (even if those actually take more skill when you compare them to SF, GG and the like). Those games also happen to be either as obscure (KoF) or flat-out older and surpassed. So is it just massive hypocrisy and dishonest nostalgia? Why are technically inferior games being put on pedestal in an ethos all about technical prowess and skill? Stop your bullshit and play old-school VF.
Wasn't SonicFox the best American VF player?
I don't know about that, but he was really good.
And before anyone makes jokes: the VF community famously had one guy that would literally get paid by people to grapple them online over and over and they'd both get off over the animations, so it's not even the weirdest shit that you can find in it.
Because the poster boy is knock-off Ryu.
It doesn't help that poster boy is one of the hardest characters to play in the game.
But he is actually hard to use and plays nothing like Ryu.
SonicFox has never played a real fighting game user.
SF was legitimately part of the VF community, he's not making it up.
He was? How? He must have been in the 3rd grade. How was he part of the "community". Unless my math is shit literally how user?
He played against other kids. No Japs I think.
>Why doesn't VF get the respect and playerbase it rightfully deserves?
1) Because 3D gameplay is not as fun as 2D, regardless of its depth.
2) The characters are boring as fuck. Fighting games are anime. Period. Ideally, characters must be as appealing as the gameplay itself.
he was young af yeah
He was young, yeah.
I know it's popular to shit on SF because he's a gay furry but the truth is, he's been playing fightign games his entire life pretty much.
He's pretty legit.