Old man with no ill will against you has to fight you at the end

>old man with no ill will against you has to fight you at the end
Brazo, FROM

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Other urls found in this thread:


>King Vendrick is the shittiest one
>Dark Souls 2 is the shittiest game
makes sense

that nigger wanted to eat my dark soul, how is that no ill will

Vendrick isn't at the end. He's the halfway mark. He's also hollow.

is the one in white from DeSouls? looks like an anime villain

It's actually not the "true" final boss, just an image of him. The true final boss is just a pathetic blob that basically can't kill you.

Need to bring back the soul succ move.

For those bosses DS3 > BB > Sekiro > DeS > DS1 > DS2

>King Allant
>No ill will
You listen to this and tell me that guy wasn't the biggest douchebag in the game

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I love that symbolism. Dunno how poeple were disappointed in that ending.

False King Allant was literally a demon, he had ONLY ill will against you.

game was a drag before this guy, easily the best fight in years.

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Agree, and False King is hard as fuck so it's not like you were robbed out of a satisfying ending.

>Tonight, Gehrman joins the Hunt

Why does Bloodborne have the most kino bosses?

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>Gael is worse
>DS3 is also worse

>>Gael is worse

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So this just cements the fact that old man bosses are always the best in vidya.

Bloodborne just feels like the game Miyazaki always wanted to make. Demon's Souls was his first passion project, Dark Souls was a more streamlined and traditionally "good" version of it, and Bloodborne was his magnum opus.

Isshin is the best one. Shounen Protag Grandpa who just wants to have fun fighting Sekiro whom he dotes on till the radical end.

Also, Allant has nothing but ill-will, he's pure evil.

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Neither of those things are true you faggot, stop being contrarian just to fit in

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>halfway mark
Unless you're doing DLC, he's very close to the end.
>He's also hollow
So was Gwyn and Gael once his second phase starts.

Gael is bad? C'mon.

Phase 2? This shit starts playing?
He pulls out Guts' fucking crank crossbow and bolts of lightning start shooting everywhere? It's so good.

Vendrick was literally a health sponge. You had to be a brainlet to get killed by him.

>Vendrick isn't at the end. He's the halfway mark. He's also hollow.

Also, he doesn't have to fight you, nor do you have to fight him. It's an optional fight.

every single From final boss is amazing, except for Nashandra and Aldia which are both incredibly lame

How exactly is dark souls a more streamlined demons souls besides the abscence of world tendency and equip load? Dark souls added a ton of new mechanics.

sauce on the gif?

they know what character archetypes are kino

>"I'll stick you in my prayers. A fine Dark Souls 3: The Fire Fades Edition to you!"
Jesus christ Hackazaki, what was he thinking?

Vendrick isn't the same as the other fights OP listed. The closest DaS2 parallel would be Burnt Ivory King from the last dlc. And I'll say that as someone who generally disliked DaS2, that fight was fantastic and climactic. As far as I'm concerned, that was the true final boss to close out the game, not Aldia.

those 2 had potential for kino though, really liked their design and lore

Nashandra is definitely a cool character, the fight is just really bad and easy.

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All 6 Grandpas fight each other, who wins?

>got burnt out on das2 before i could even bother with ivory king

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Demon's Souls was made with the expectation of failure, so they just did whatever they wanted, with zero regard for what is considered good game design.
>dying reduces your max health
>crystal lizards don't respawn
>you're forced to die at the start
>one of the major bosses kills herself
>penultimate boss can suck your levels away
>final boss is pathetic and harmless
This made it a really quirky cult classic, but wouldn't be viable as a cash cow. Dark Souls is a "better" game designed to be more approachable and traditional so it can sell and be marketed better.

>muh contrarian argument
fuck off faggot, not everyone has shit taste like you. DS3 is fucking garbage, sorry you're a shitter who can't beat Sekiro or Bloodborne so you pretend that DS3 is good because it was made for children like you

most underrated boss in souls

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>this is my final word, this is my Dark Souls 3

Really from Soft?

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Does Sekiro have any online shit really worth noting?

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I've beaten Sekiro you little nigger, DaS3 is better than Bloodborne and DaS2 and if you can't see that then you clearly have shit taste

>lmao what he players had to fight Priscilla, O&S, and Lady Maria back to back to back, and each phase was harder than the boss they were based on, wouldn't that be funny?!

>chart proves ds2 and 3 are the worst
flawless victory.

Hardest boss in the series IMO. Even Orphan and Midir were easier for me.

no and who cares, you are like a month behind you fucking tortoise. you absolute mongrel. bet you can't get outta your rock without being burned by the sun like a loser haha, no wonder you never get any news you can't go outside


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>so they just did whatever they wanted, with zero regard for what is considered good game design.

That's every game From Soft has ever made, including Dark Souls.

holy fucking shit. I can understand taking DS3 over DS2 if you're a fag who cares about graphics or whatever, but Bloodborne is better than DS3 in literally every way. You're either a PC/XboxFag who can't play Bloodborne or just a retard, and I feel bad for you either way.

Literally spammed the Champ's weapon art and she only grazed me in phase 3.

>dude let me just regurgitate everything mathewmatosis says xD
God I fucking hate Souls threads.

Aww, I remember waifuing the fuck out of her when I first played the dlc, fuck I wanna go back and enjoy things the way I used to, it hurts so much

>implying i used summons for anything but midir and fuck you midir is a health sponge anyways

Whats Sekiro then?

maybe hes a fag that cares about fashion souls

>I can understand taking DS3 over DS2 if you're a fag who cares about graphics

or gameplay, or responsive controls, or level design, or bosses, or PvE in general

but muh PvP which is only slightly better than the other games because the game was so fucking awful at release that they had to keep patching it for years after (yet there are still two or three covenants that don't even work lmao)

In the Bloodborne DLC you kill a newborn baby who hates you on top of its dead mother.

>wait, who is that? is that a berserk reference?? I know Berserk! i read Berserk before! he's like guts! I'm like guts too! it's a big berserk reference!
>wait, he did the Artorias throw!! I love Artorias! I played Dark Souls 1, the game in which Artorias was and did the Artorias throw!!!
>is that Guts' crossbow in his left hand?! guts has a crossbow in his left hand! guts left hand is a crossbow! I know that, I read it in Berserk!
>it's like guts and Artorias! everyone clap!!

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that's a lot of words just to say "I'm upset"

He had it coming

You should really write a book about how fucking autistic you are. I won't read it, but it will give you something to do instead of posting these stupid fucking posts.

>moon presence

>wojak posting


also, "is that a Berserk reference?" could be said about most things in any Dark Souls game, you retard

It’s because souls memers only care about dick measuring with using le epicly difficult bosses as a benchmark. A meaningful final boss that’s more thematic than mechanical or difficult offers them no such benchmark to dick measure with, so they hate it like pleb brainlets they are.

I agree everything in fantasy is a berserk reference; berserk invented high fantasy, in fact. Did you know anything with wolf motifs is a berserk reference?
Did you know berserk invented the iron maiden?
Did you know berserk is literally where Lord of the Rings came from?
Also, everything in dark souls, they even copied a large slab of metal being used as a 2-handed sword, bunch of HACKS

man i wish reality wasn't just a big berserk reference

Lol fucking animeme weebshitters btfo

Contest him.

>Like ermagad guts!!! Based Miyazaki did it again!!
You fags did the same shit with Artorias.

MP holds a special place in my heart for the bad end cutscene where he just drops down from the moon and ices you if you didn't do the ritual. The first time playing the game I was blown away wondering what I had just missed. Also the roar that reduces your HP to 1 but gives you all Rallying HP is an awesome mechanic for that game.

He does get totally overshadowed by Gherman and Orphan as final bosses though.


Vendrick is optional, and you don't even really get anything for it.

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>gameplay, or responsive controls
if you think spamming rolls with no recovery is good gameplay then congrats, you just outed yourself as a shitter
>level design
DS3 is linear as fuck and has some of the worst levels in the franchise
>PvE in general
again, linear as fuck PvE with bosses that look "anime" so they appeal to casuals such as yourself, but again, the gameplay is made for shitters that just spam rolls so any chance at bosses that are challenging and fun was lost
I'd take any other From game over DS2, but it at least has some redeeming factors like powerstancing, a world that isn't a fucking straight line, a 2nd act, good PvP, stamina that matters, lore that isn't complete fucking nonsense, etc. DS3 has fucking nothing besides muh cool anime bosses and exists as a game for fags who want to pretend they beat a souls game.

Gael is the most overrated boss fight in the franchise
He's just another flippy knight dude with the same predictable moveset, who is overcome by you rolling and poking him

Yes I am mad because any character that is a berserk reference you fags eat up and I don't know why.

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why not?

Vendrick looks like a Morrowind screenshot.

Who was harder, Sword Saint or Owl Father?

Dark Souls is made by Japanese people, you retard. They unironically read little sister fetish fanfics and call it "novels", of course they think Berserk is the peak of Western fantasy settings.

Sword Saint
fuck that guy seriously

God awful fight. Get rid of that shitty phase 1 and 2.

sounds like you lack stamina

the one where he tried to do something different but had lost the spark after one too many low-effort cash grabs

Some people aren't prepared for having their expectations played with. When I first played Demon's Souls I hated the ending with passion. I was literally expecting an actual decent battle against a dragon (I thought the Dragon God would return since the fight against him was pathetic), and I thought my char would take the Maiden in Black and they would live happily forever. I thought that was a reasonable expectation for finishing that hellish game.
Believe it or not, people can have that kind of expectations. No wonder I was disapointed.

Even though I hated its ending I loved the game, so I played again and again until I understood its ending, which I came to love as well.
It is so unfair we will not get a remaster of it.

MP had a good build up and I went into it with exceptions after the first 2 ending (which was better than the 3rd when you wake up without killing Gherman is my favorite) but the fight itself was underwhelming all you had to do is dodge the usually big body boss moves when he fall easily and when he reduces your hp to 1 to be hones first I panicked what thr fuck is happening but when I realized I can rally it, its just became a free burst dmg phase nothing else. In short moon presence was a wasted potential imo

She was overkill, imo.

Demons Souls is a better game.

Nah, I feel like these guys were underrated, the ost in the first phase with the twins is by far one of the best sounding ever, the second phase would’ve be perfect if it wasn’t for the massive health pool.

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This is the hardest boss in the DLC for me. I seriously can't beat it solo.

I liked how different he was to every other standard souls boss. You had to physically chase him in a maze like arena. All the while you listen to his seemingly inane (but very lore heavy) ramblings and mocks the hunter by howling like a beast as he runs away like a madman. Easily my most memorable boss, even if he was shit.

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Best boss of the DLCs imodesu. DS3s DLCs weren't worth the money in my book but that's one fight I really loved.

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>fighting these fucking faggots at SL1
Holy shit I was 3 tries away from quitting. Absolutely fucked my ass with no lube.

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probably the only tag team fight besides O+S i like

Do you count Darklurker as a tag team fight? Because that one was good too.

Bitch if you think False Allant had no ill will against you then you deserve to get soulsucked seven times a day.

I beat it in my second attempt, lol.
I died countless times on Midir though.

fuck that fight, that fight is pure garbage. horribly designed.

Allant had ill will.
Gwyn, Gael, and Vendrick become hollow schizoids.
Only Gehrman had no ill will, and wanted you to not be bound forever to the Dream, lest you suffer his fate.
Not sure about Isshin though, haven't gotten to him yet.
Shit thread OP.

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That is literally the hardest Souls boss ever in my opinion.

I'm not saying I disagree with anything he said. I just hate how much people just flat-out repeat lines from Matt's videos on here. Like that poster didn't even try to hide it.

nah i don't really count it but i didn't really find it noteworthy either way
i don't unambiguously hate DS2 either i just am not a big fan of the boss

Gehrman is still the best

>Alant was a demon cosplaying as the real king who wanted to end the world
>Gherman is trying to stop you from communing with the old ones and effectively bringing about an entire new eldritch horror species
>Gael is literally trying to mug and kill you
>Vendrick wasn't the final boss

As a massive soulsfag I've literally never read berserk and I like Gael. Sure he's not the best fight in the series, but fighting an immortal knight while the world is literally in the process of collapsing around you is cool as fuck.

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Isshin is just respecting the will of someone who gave their life for him.

This is the best duo fight in the series. The whole role-switching mechanic is actually well done and adds a lot of strategy. It took me so many tries but finally killing the prince felt so damn good.

Vendrick at his peak shits on all the other gramps

Peak strength or in their current state?

It'd probably go
Isshin > Gael > Gehrman > Allant > Gwyn > Vendrick

Isshin cheats a bit since you fight him at his peak. Old Isshin would be somewhere around Allant.

Isshin and Gehrman have guns.

It's great

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Gwyn is an epic climax for the game even if he's hollowed, he still has a cool moveset with a flaming sword and the music for the fight is dramatic. He's the final boss.
Vendrick is the exact opposite of an epic climax. Most people didn't even realize you could fight him at all on the first encounter because of his overbuffed health from not having any giant souls, you'd smack him over and over and nothing happens. He completely shits on the player's expectations for another Gwyn. If you ever actually manage to go through the labor of collecting 5 giant souls he still fights like the Last Giant or Giant Lord, just mindlessly dragging his sword around for the most part. Instead of dramatic music you get spooky atmospheric music.
Finding Vendrick was kino if you played the game blind.

>Above anyone else that isn't Hollow

"Epic" is probably the last word I would ever use to describe Gwyn when you fight him, can't understand how you got that at all. It was just as subversive if not more than Vendrick.

Doesn't Gael just want the dark soul for the painting? No real ill will to you.

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Why does not having Kuro's charm have to make the enemies so beefy? Dogs take like 8 hits for fucks sake. What's the point of that?

Who dis? She'd match up well with Sven.

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Final Isshin has the mortal blade, lightning of tomoe, and the divine dragons wind.
Wolf is also one of the strongest player characters at the time of the fight and Isshin was still a complete badass. The only one stronger than Isshin was Tomoe who beat him shortly before his peak and he learned how to harness her lightning just from their fight.

>reaching this hard to try and make DS2 and DS3 count

It's sven.

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Beat Genichiro, what do now?

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If he's right then what's the problem?

>Wolf is one of the strongest player characters
Wolf is weak as fuck, what are you talking about? The only thing he has above the other MCs is more mobility, but his strength and vitality are complete shit. He's really fun to play as, I won't deny that, but he's nowhere close to the powerlevel of the other guys.

Those are some pretty nice skills, Isshin.
It would be a shame if you forgot how to use them.

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>Vendrick the shittiest
>Not Gwyn
>Not Gael


For You

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not seeing it, that was more like the scene where Griffith rescued Casca when she was just a child

as fights, Vendrick is objectively the worst, he's just a punching bag

It has nothing to do with "dick measuring".
The vast majority of people want a game's final boss to be a good culmination of the game's mechanics. When it's a joke you can basically sleepwalk through, it's considered a disappointment. Plenty of people disliked Yu Yevon for example.
Furthermore, gameplay is deeper than themes, when it comes to games. There's much more to appreciate about a challenging mechanically sound fight than there is a gimmick that gets by purely on theme purveyed mostly through presentation. Once you "get" Allant, which you will in half a second, there's nothing left to the fight. Bosses that are actual fights but still have a solid thematic resonance are what good games should strive for.

I like that you can talk to him when he was still human. I wonder how powerful Prime Vendrick was.

I should clarify that DeS at least has False King Allant, but an optional fight will inevitably have a different feeling than the actual final boss.

>weak as fuck
He is the only player character capable of using boss level skills at the drop of a hat and has massive versatility through his fast use prosthetics. Mikiri alone would shit a lot of weapons the other player characters have, high monk would straight up go over every single attack from other games, and his resurrection is only deathblow for gameplay reasons. At the point of fighting Isshin, wolf has 3 resurrections.


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>Can't damage past a wooden shield
Wolf is versatile and an excellent fighter, that's true. But he is far outclassed in terms of sheer strength. This isn't even mentioning magic and stuff the others have.

The shield guys are just there to teach you how to use prosthetics to counter enemies. they aren't even programmed to be countered by flame vent which would make sense since you're intended to use the axe.

a lot of enemies use projectiles, some of them use flame and a good bit use lightning magic. the only one better at dealing with projectiles is the hunter.

Dark Souls has a lot more features and is probably a better game overall but is severely gimped from Demon's Souls in a lot of ways. Run speed is slowed to an absolute crawl compared to Demon's Souls, weapon movesets are more varied but are also seriously trash. Shit like Halberd stumbles and all the clunky heavy attacks are a downgrade in movesets. There's more spells/pyros/miracles but a lot of it is just nerfed versions of Demon's Souls spells.

It still shows that Wolf isn't that strong in comparison to the other MCs. He could probably do something else against them, but he would need to rely more on trickery or something like that. He'd get destroyed in a straight up fight.
Anyway, I wonder how Gherman would scale in Sekiro.

>Sekiro is difficult
You can basically just mash parry the second an enemy moves. The timing is more forgiving than any Dark Souls parry, with a faster startup and less punishing on failure.
With two lives you basically have like eight chances to fail to parry against everything bar Sword Saint.

I don't know what to tell you besides given basic research into Fromsoft's earlier games, which reveal they're no stranger to making bargain bin games, anyone can come to the same conclusion, and instead of everyone parroting this youtuber, the youtuber just said the same incredibly obvious thing people already knew. And now contrarians such as yourself associate everyone who thinks the very common thing with that hack.

Delusional DS2 fags being butthurt about truth again I see.

People aren't he's hard, he's just a trash ''fight''.

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Bloodborne is legitimately easier than DS3

>crystal lizards don't respawn
Wow, really? That's probably the wildest thing of the bunch

Worst expansion or worst expansion?

>pose designed to avoid drawing hands or feet

This image is reaching further than Owl's sword.

I don't like the Isshin fight. I mean, it's a fine fight sans context, if a bit too long, I just don't feel like it's narratively justified. The second Mortal Blade feels really awkwardly shoved into the story, seemingly purely to justify this one fight. It gets referenced by one scroll and that's about it. So if you missed it or forgot about it (I know I did), you'll be confused by what's even going on and it detracts from the whole affair.

I LOVE the Isshin fight because it further shows how big of an incredible retard Genichiro is, being perfectly aware that he could just make his grandfather come back from the dead as a healthy and strong lord ready to stomp the Ministry in the face all over again, and yet choosing to run after Kuro's gimmicky immortality instead.

>Final Isshin has the mortal blade,
Won't work on them anyway, since none of them are even immortal. It's basically just a regular sword.
>lightning of tomoe
So regular, tiny, fucking lightning?
>divine dragons wind
Woah, so fucking scary. Isshin is easily the weakest of the 6.

The mortal blade is obviously still very powerful, and while it doesn't exactly work this way in the gameplay it supposedly kills any mortals who even see it. It could even injure a literal immortal god.

I mean, Gehrman is just a guy with a Hunter's Bone and a gun. He's even wearing his normal clothes.

The mortal blade allows the user to kill the infested, outside of that it isn't a special weapon and we never see it do anything else other than execute people. I don't know why you retards thinks it's something akin to a super sharp laser sword that can cut through metal when there's nothing to even hinting at this.
> it supposedly kills any mortals who even see it
No, it only takes the life of the person who draws the blade from the sheath.
>it could even injure a god
Yeah, because that was what is was designed for, and it still didn't kill the dragon.

Gehrman is empowered by a cosmic deity and has moon magic in phase 2.

phase two is just the Hunter's Bone

>No, it only takes the life of the person who draws the blade from the sheath.
Fair enough, I misremembered that. Still seems pretty obvious based on its importance and even just its animations when used that it's pretty fucking powerful. Not like there's a real way to judge consistent powerlevels between universes though I suppose.

I really enjoy that Isshin gets to know you through out the game and is even the one to name you Sekiro. I feel that interactions between you and Gehrman really helped in that regard as well. The rest feel like so far behind due to this it's not even funny

>Still seems pretty obvious based on its importance and even just its animations when used that it's pretty fucking powerful
You have absolutely no proof that it's a super powerful weapon like you want to think it is. It only serves one purpose.

have you seen the animations for it and/or have you ever played a video game before

>DS3 doesn't let you fight Based Lord Ludleth
I really wanted to. He's so nice and friendly and helpful you just know he could absolutely wreck you. Probably.

that nigga ain't got no legs

>have you seen the animations for it?
Yeah, he stabs people with it, so what? He also stabs people with Kusabimaru. Its animations are nothing special.

He should have partly turned in to a humanity sprite and floated around like a ghost.

Fight him mounted on a Primordial Serpent then

>was hype as fuck for Gael since he was gonna be the standoff for the series
>the setup was perfect for a memorable boss fight that encapsulated the whole series
>As the world dies with a whimper, two losers in the grand scheme of things (a piece of burnt ash and a failed slave knight) are the only two people left fighting over what little scraps of power remain
>cutscene ends with him doing the Artorias throw
>whole first phase is just Artorias flippy shit, second and third phases feel like a generic ds3 humanoid boss with fast combos and that one attack where he holds the animation long enough to punish panic rolls
>his fight feels no different from any other in DS3, just dodge his attack chain then punish, just like most of the bosses in 3
>suddenly feel bored and disappointed

I don't get it, everyone else I talk to about this fight say it's the best in the series and is an amazing way to end it, and I'm here feeling like I played something else entirely. It's not like the fight was bad mechanically, it just felt so similar to all the other fights in 3 that it just didn't have any impact that it was supposed to.

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It was not the best way to end things, the best way to end things would have been stabbing this cunt.
That said, what would you have liked out of him, user? How could the fight have been better for you?

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>the best way to end things would have been stabbing this cunt.
No, that would've been even worse. Fighting any one of serpents would completely contradict their place in Dark Souls' narrative (not that DS2&3 don't already shit on DS1 just by existing, mind you).

I would have preferred if the fight felt more like a pathetic, desperate struggle between the player and Gael, make his abilities more inline with the player, have him almost move or fight like a player. I feel like this would really hammer home the tone I feel like the setting of the fight was going for, all the major godlike players in this world are dead or decaying while the only two people left who can fight are brutally murdering each other for a tiny scrap of what power remains in the dying world. Instead of you fight SSG Santa Claus Ultra Instinct as lightning strikes down like were fighting some random final fantasy boss who has merged with god. Basically I wanted it to forgo trying to give the player a big challenging "roll through his combo or die" affair and try to make the fight more thematic, kinda like the fist fight between snake and liquid in mgs4, not exactly challenging, but memorable.

Miyazaki always does what he wants though, that's why he's in general loved by most people, and Fromsoft is considered a based maker of grandpa fights in this day and age

On one hand, it completely contradicts their place in Dark Souls narrative.
On the other hand, I'm blueballed as fuck right now because of them user you have no idea.
I'm not one for narrative denial at all, I need to blow my climatic boss fight load.

Ah, so your complaint is more about it not being thematically appealing rather than anything being wrong with it on a base emechanical level, then? Because I was gonna say, you mentioned it fighting much like any other boss in DS3, and htinking back on it I can't wrap my mind much around that complaint. Outside of fringe cases like, say, O&S, for example, I can't see many differences between DS1/DS2 bosses either, the basis logic behind Quelaag is the same behind Artorias is the same behind Manus is the same behind Iron Golem is the same behind Fume Knight is the same behind Ivory King is the same behind Sir Alonne.

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King Vendrick is fucking hilarious to me.
>has a single, slow move
>can kill you in one hit
>has a million health
>also has a random laser beam he can pull out of his ass once in a blue moon

It's like Dark Souls distilled to it's rawest, most primitive form to the point it could almost be read as satire. I'd call it shitty but honestly it just seems endearingly bad.

Gael and False King definitely carried ill will toward you.
And while Gherman certainly didn't hate you or anything, he was far from caring even an ounce about you.
Meanwhile Vendrick (nowhere near the end) and Gwyn are hollowed.

Isshin is the only one who fights you out of respect and desire to test both of your skills.

The cyclical nature of the world is one of the most prominent themes in the Soulsborn series
It carries over maybe a little in Sekiro but Sekiro is different in more ways

Do what your shota Lord tells you and go find the mcguffins.

The bottom shot is referencing Berserk, but not the fucking panel you just posted. Good job you failed spectacularly.

>The only one stronger than Isshin was Tomoe who beat him shortly before his peak
I don't think that's the case. IIRC the only thing alluding to Tomoe vs Isshin was Isshin's comment about how beautiful she looked while fighting, but that moment of distraction is the closest he's ever been to dying. It implies either a stalemate or a win on his part, as well as saying that the only reason he came close to death is because he hesitated.

>your complaint is more about it not being thematically appealing rather than anything being wrong with it on a base emechanical level
Yeah pretty much, but you're also not wrong, if you really pay attention most of the bosses do feel similar in how you fight them in the series, but I feel like the other games do a good job at masking this, usually with unique boss mechanics or the occasional curve ball like old monk, Oreos and smores, and Maiden Astraea. Dark souls three in comparison played the same cards so often this illusion was shattered; almost all were multi phased, vaguely humanoid, and employed similar tricks such as the "fake-out" attack where the hold their animation to catch panic rolls. The game did this so much that I felt disappointed it just did it again at the very end without trying to shake things up for the finale

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Don't forget World Tendency. That shit is the most infuriating of them all, it's almost like an intentional trolling attempt.

>People keep posting Vendrick.

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If a crystal lizard sees you and disappears before you kill it, it's gone forever.
Unlike the lizards in the rest of the series which will be back where they originally appeared if they escape you.

>the shittiest
Bloodborne, DaS and DeS are all contenders for best, and all three have fantastic final bosses.


>Closet Isshin has ever come to death is hesitating against Tomoe
>Proceeds to let Sekiro know over and over again
Tomoe really left her mark on Isshin. Can't wait to fight her in the inevitable dlc where we play tennis with lightning. No way lightning reflect works in the dlc with how broken it is

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I love Sekiro but so many of the fights are jokes. Goddamn you can skip the entire second phase of the corrupted monk fight by just standing in one spot then jumping down to do a deathblow

>It's basically just a regular sword.
Mortal draw and bestowal that essentially turns his regular sword into the mortal blade which he learns by using the mortal blade both prove the mortal blade is a very powerful sword. It's only gameplay limited by emblem cost. If mortal draw didn't cost emblems you'd never use anything else.
>regular, tiny, fucking lightning?
Massive lightning empowered attacks that will one shot you. They're significantly bigger than the lightning bolts in souls. The only reason they aren't a issue is because Wolf is capable of reversing them after being hit mid-air. No other souls character would be able to do that.
>Woah, so fucking scary.
It adds big long range shockwaves to his attacks that would made ds2 hitboxes blush and allows him to cut the air to create large projectile slashes.

You're massively underplaying just how strong Isshin is.
It's possible he's stronger than her.
All we have to go off of is the state Isshin is left in after their fight she won.

>No way lightning reflect works in the dlc with how broken it is
There's a theory that since it's called lightning of tomoe that she will be capable of a counter to lightning reversal, just like the experienced shinobi Owl is capable of using Mikiri.

>if you reversal Tomoe's lightning, she mirrors it back at you for twice as much damage

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Gwyn was terrible dude.

>so poorly animated and programmed that his attacks can't even hit you

Sometimes I feel bad for the B-Team. They must have had some legitimate Downs afflicted retards working on DaS2.

when the contrarianism starts rotting your fucking brain

i don't even care that isshin coming back from the underworld to try to kill sekiro makes no sense whatsoever because the fight was so epic. just beat him again on NG+ today (did the shura ending as well earlier but backed up my save beforehand so i could get the platinum)

>Mortal draw
Does jack shit even in combat
Required the element of surprise and has nothing to actually do with the Mortal Blade. All it does is extend its reach, nothing more. You guys are acting like it's a fucking apocalypse tier weapon. That's low tier shit even by fromsoft standards.
>massive lightning
Lightning in Sekiro is not massive at all, unless you're specifically referring to the Dragon and not Isshin.
>adds long range
So what? this is exactly what all the other moves do and every other old man int he OP pic can do far more than this. Isshin is unironically the weakest person there and he isn't even the fastest either.

if sword saint is supposed to be "in his prime" isshin why is he a one eyed 60 year old man?

It has some potential,but its still just another watered down souls type game and it could have been much more authentic.

Combat is fun,but the souls jankyness ruins the combat many times in the game

Owl 2
SS Isshin phase 1 is a bit of a pushover phase 2 is mikiri bait and phase 3 is lightning reversal bait and mikiri bait and goes down quicker than 2 because of it.

Owl 2 is relentless as fuck and you fight him in a small ass enclosure making it even more difficult dealing with i'm cause his attacks have such long range

Sekiro was as unique and authentic as you'll get from Miyazaki. It is more unique than Bloodborne was. Bloodborne just had a better setting. Sekiro is a larger departure from the Souls roots, regardless of if you liked the game or not. It's an objective fact. There's a new dark fantasy game in the works, it will most likely have multiplayer, and Tanimura is working on it, so expect a true Souls iteration soon.



It's true, check Sekiro's credits, he didn't work on Sekiro at all, while most of the Bloodborne team did. Tanimura is busy with this other project.


the second phase of friede is nowhere near as hard as O&S though. in fact it's the easiest phase in that entire boss fight.

>Does jack shit even in combat
It has long range and is one of the stronger combat arts. It's only not used because emblems are limited and better used on prosthetics.
>Required the element of surprise
All it requires is to be behind the target when you deathblow. Vault allows this mid-combat.
>has nothing to actually do with the Mortal Blade.
Wolff learned it after killing the centipede with the mortal blade.
>All it does is extend its reach, nothing more.
And makes all attacks undeflectable.
>Lightning in Sekiro is not massive at all
>this is exactly what all the other moves do
All the other moves have a range three to six times the length of the weapon? I seem to not remember that every other move in other games were like that.
>and every other old man int he OP pic can do far more than this
The only one that can is Gael.

Oh my eyes are watered to see someone with actual reasoning here

>King Allant and Gael
>no ill will

Realizing that ds3 is shit doesn't make you a ds2fag. ds3 is by far the worst, and while ds2 is a lot better it's still easily behind BB, DS1, and Sekiro

Best duo fight in froms history, shots on friede and her dad and is a more realized version of O&S

>it's gone forever
Each boss you kill in the same ''world'' adds additional respawn for the lizards. So they have multiple respawns but once they're out it's gone until the next NG cycle.

Right, but you have to land consecutive parries to do anything whereas in the Souls games if you can parry a boss or enemy it's an instant change to crit damage them or at the very least leave them stunned for free hits and if you don't press on your advantage after parrying, the enemy will regen their posture.

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best one is Gehrman

Attached: Bloodborne.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

>DS3 is by far the worst
I don't really understand by what metric but whatever, you can keep being delusional.

Dude you are in abject denial if you think DS3 is better than anything. That game was a fucking mess that was running on fumes and nostalgia for better games. Every single thing, save Soul Memory, you have against DS2 is in DS3.

Old Isshin has a fucking cool moveset with his dodges and no useless movement style

>every single thing you have against DS2 is in DS3
Not in Dark Souls 3
>Lifegem / healing item spam that makes PvE a joke
Not in Dark Souls 3
>Lack of Full Red Eye Orb or severe limitation on other invasion items
Not the case in Dark Souls 3
>Slow as molasses janky gameplay that feels like it's happening underwater
Not in Dark Souls 3
>tonally inconsistent level and enemy design that feels like it's from WoW and not Dark Souls
Not in Dark Souls 3
>slow as molasses garbage heap joke bosses
Mostly not the case with Dark Souls 3
>tiny, corridor-like levels without any interconnectedness
Not in Dark Souls 3 aside from one or two levels

Your move, ds2 fellating faggotron.

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based. artorias at least had some interesting lore. Gael is a nobody that transforms into guts for no reason, and doesn't actually add anything of value to the world besides another garbage "anime" fight.
Every time I bring up the obvious flaws, the DS3fags disappear. You'd think the guy who make claims like "DS3 is better than Bloodborne" would try to back it up but I guess he realized how shit his opinion was.
The entire game is a straight line, it is completely devoid of a second act (cut), it has garbage gameplay that devolved into spamming rolls with no timing, stamina is pointless, there's no innovation (also cut), the bosses are not engaging or fun due to how easy the gameplay is, the lore is completely nonsensical and is insulting to DS1 fans, etc

>Not in Dark Souls 3
I will never understand why faggots can't just time their rolls.

you can even tell just by comparing the dlcs.
DS2 dlcs:
>the dlcs have standalone lore and stories which get tied up with the actual lore and story of the main game by using the crowns and the mc actually gets a resolve from it as well after beating all of them since he went to drangleic to find a cure for his curse
>since there is 3 of them the conclusion seems more refined and well paced
>the lore from the dlcs were foreshadowed or mentioned in the main game before they were released
>they have interesting exploration mechanics and backtracking aspects to them which improves the discovery even more
>good themes with the areas
>they all fell unique and consistent with the main lore

as for DS3
>dlcs feel so random since they were never foreshadowed or mentioned
>pacing issues since there is only 2
>the dlcs are completely feel unrelated escept for gael but since he was a random nobody it didnt help with connecting them together one bit since he wasnt mentioned or he didnt get any build up for his character
>there is no symbolic or thematic touch to its context since everything feels so random and instead of coming up with something unique they decided to expand the lore of ds1 even more with the dlcs for no reason which felt very awkward and out of place
>areas were boring and they didnt have any interesting mechanics that encourage people to backtrack or explore they felt linear and plain just like the main game

you can see the quality difference if you actually use some of the little brain you have

Most bossfights are MEH but the ones that are good, man, they are fucking good.

When you are in the flow ducking and weaving, parrying, constantly attacking and applying pressure, it's extremely cathartic when you scape by. And when you master your enemy, the fight becomes a spectacle.

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Dark souls 3 is still better, fag.

LOl faggot

>the entire game is a straight line
The linearity is a bit meh but the actual levels have a lot to explore and find in them and they flow in an enjoyable way so I'm not hugely bothered by that.

>completely devoid of a second act
It's way longer than Sekiro or Bloodborne, maybe they just don't want a 100 hour game where half is low quality filler like Dark Souls 2.

The core issue with ADP is that on low ADP you will get hit by things not landing even close to the player model visually, which is a major design flaw. Additionally ADP is another example of DS2 encouraging defeating obstacles by stat increases and discourage skill by slowing everything down and emphasizing taising your stats.

Basically all I hear from that text is you gulping down a gallon of Tanimura semen. It's also interesting that you try to spin DS2 dlcs clearly cut from the base game to be sold separately a good thing given the foreshadowing in the main game.

And DS3's DLC themes and lore were completely consistent with DS3's base game but you twist the facts to fit you DS2 GOOD DS3 BAD narrative.

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Basically all I hear from that text is you gulping down a gallon of Memezaki semen.See both can play that game.

As for your argument with DS3 being consistent, it is because it was consistently bad through and out since it was literally copy pasting the elements from the first game with the additional spice of anime boss fights and ebin enchanting visuals to trick your low iq impaired brain into thinking it is actually good

>slow as molasses garbage heap joke bosses
>Mostly not the case with Dark Souls 3
>tiny, corridor-like levels without any interconnectedness
>Not in Dark Souls 3 aside from one or two levels
So they are in DS3 then, huh dipshit?

Also, you can spam Estus like no tomorrow so take that bullet off too.

Are you so mindlessly devoted that you're unable to come up with an actual counter?

Boss fights alone put DS3 way above DS2, faggot.

>You can spam Estus like no tomorrow
I see you're full on denying reality at this point. DS3 hard caps you Estus flask at 15 charged while multiple varieties of DS2 lifegems go to 99....

>To trick your low i.q brain into thinking it's actually good
Ahh yes, DS2 being unenjoyable trash is only because you need to be an intellectual to see past the janky and miserable excuse for gameplay.

>M-Miyazaki semen
Yeah, Miyazaki's vision is not only what made the Souls games into existence in the first place but his vision also drives the creative decisions within the company. DS2 was the odd one out, the game that didn't represent his creative vision which is why it felt like a cheap emulation instead of an actual Soulsborne title. And Sekiro, DS3 and BB prove that DS2 style games are thankfully not the direction FromSoft's games are heading.

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This, I actually didn't find the scroll and when Jobichiro said "I have the other mortal blade" I was sitting there screaming WHAT? The he cuts his fucking neck open and out pops grand papi, I was finished. Fucking amazing fight though.

You're an idiot, everyone in souls and BB kills literal actual fucking Gods, you realise that right? You consume up enough power from killing things in those games that you slay actual living, breathing gods.

I can't fucking beat these guys.

His vision is literally stealing from other works that were released before even your father was sentient and his direction is very sloppy and flashy without actual substance.You see these epic anime fights and your brain immediately starts thinking by saying
'' it is a masterpiece holy shit bros''since your mind is unable to comprehend there are other factors which redeems a game.

Dark Souls 2 had a catastrophic development process since in the middle of the whole thing the actual director was fired and Tanimura was assigned to his position with no real time left to rearrange every thing in the game despite that he did a good job putting together an unfinished game with little to no time and he actually proved his worth with the DLCs but it was too late since he was involved with the release of the base game and he had all the responsibility for it.

every. artist. steals. you're exceptionally delusional if you don't realise this, they steal enough and slap in a bit of their own creativity and it becomes unique. there is no singular piece of work that is like dark souls.

Yeah, it was Shibuya's fault the base game was so fucked up and Tanimura saved what he could but the end result was a mess.

Sekiro is the only one of those games with a final boss that isn't an anti-climactic letdown.

How was False King or Gehrman a let down? I personally loved Gwyn for the lore, music and atmosphere though.

What did Kafka steal?

Miyazaki's vision is literally masturbating on suiciding. Oh, the world is disintegrating, oh, let's bait the player into suiciding, oh, it was quite possibly all dog's dream anyway, oh I'll run all the tropes I introduce into the ground, oh, animated maggot-infested corpses with flashy death animations, oh, sympathetic characters unwinding to their obsession-fueled courses to death over the course of the game, oh let's just have a mandatory story-related suicide or jump to the bottomless pit, etc. etc. etc.

You are baited to suicide in game. There is literally nothing more to it.

None of those are a let down

>jump to the bottomless pit
DS2 opens up with this in it's intro and jerks off to the same despair as the rest of the games, they just don't execute it anywhere close to the style the rest of the gakes did.

Why do suicidally depressed people create such excellent art?

I haven't read his stuff.

And most of all, his games bait the player to replay them endlessly (not in the least fueled by nonsensical and self-contradictory '"lore'") thus wasting dozens of times more hours than their content (level-design and combat system) is worth - the hours the hooked player will never, ever get back.

In other words, if there is a constructive message connected to Miyazaki's games, it's that you are getting physically older (as opposed to mature) while playing them.

Wut. If you're going to use DLCs the last boss in DaS2 is the ivory king. If not, I would say it's Natasha.

This could simply be a reference, as opposed to metaphor, as in Miyazaki's games.

you are making these games sound so much better

>no ill will
>final boss
>taking final boss of vanilla game for ds1 and bloodborne but final boss of dlc for ds3

So what you're saying is that Dark Souls 2 is more shallow than Miyazaki's games? Yeah, I definitely agree with that, it was a hollow emulation of what made the rest of the games great.

Don't forget the memory soul system

It forces me to run to the agape ring the first thing in the game every time

Isshin, because he has a revolver. Gehrman only has a blunderbuss.

Even Armored Core has an old man who was a former champion fighting you at the end as a fallen hero who has become the very thing he sought to destroy when he was young.


Vendrick isn't the ds2 endboss

>False King
>No ill will

That dude was a Black Phantom made to look like an idealized version of the actual person. He was 100% ill will down to his literal bones and soul.

>the game Miyazaki always wanted to make
Actually, before Bloodborne, Miyazaki used to say that bloody, "gross-out" design is cheap and tacky. He still did it with Sony money, though.

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Genichiro should have gotten a desperation power up and stayed the final boss I really loved the idea of a From game where there's a consistent main antagonist until the very end

Aldia was cool for having a number of unconventional attacks that could hit like a truck and show off. He required a lot of defensive play and felt a lot like a Demon's Souls boss, which was refreshing after the epidemic of sameness all of DaS II's bosses had in how you confronted them. It also helped that he was a character who tried adding to the threadbare plot and turning it into something that told a story of its own.

>2 phases before the real fight that are made to be played slowly just to piss you the fuck off before the real fight
>third phase just has very few openings to hit her
>has 200 move combos she'll randomly pop out of for no reason

She's the most antifun boss in the game and incredibly boring

beat it in three tries, git gud faggot

Op doesn't say ''final boss'', it says ''at the end'' which can be taken to mean any part of the endgame.

Never said she was hard faggot, learn to read

If Vendrick has his sky-high defense from when a player has no Giant Souls, he could probably beat the rest with attrition and his tremendous range. He also seems to mix up his timings and posture on purpose after enough time has passed or damage has been taken. He hits insanely hard, and if he does his extremely rare projectile attack, its automatic infliction of DaS II's Curse status might count as a guaranteed instant kill on anyone who can't function as an undead.

If he's in his prime, then he's almost certain to win. He's literally invincible and can will the player to get the heck out of his time period and return to their own.

your post is just crying because it took your 3 hours

It makes sense, but it's still an asspull. The black mortal blade can bring people back from the underworld in their prime. Isshin thrives on war, loves Ashina and wants to fulfil his grandsons dying wish.


>For Midir

Just target the head. He's the one giant boss not designed to be fought at his ankles or ass.

I mean sure, since you just seem to be pulling random shit out of the air.

>its a git gud fag has reading comprehension issues episode

Vendrick on his prime, even hollowed he's near invincible unless you acquire the soul of a giant

its a someone is bad at the game and can't enjoy a great bossfight so he samefags on a chink imageboard episode

>all these soulscucks thinking peak Isshin wouldn't decimate the entire lineup at once when some balding fat manlet with purple hair could beat them all just by doing rolly pollys and swinging a clunky ass sword incredibly slowly

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>its a retard can't understand that someone might not enjoy a fight, so the only explanation is that they're bad

1 int

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its a someone used the inspect element tool episode
wow great post user.
Sorry you are stuck on Friede

seething friede cuck

that nigger absorbed literal millions of souls to beat actual literal gods. the BB protag kills beings that live in a different plane of existence and are so far above and beyond human comprehension that attempting to commune with them makes you go insane. isshin wouldn't last a minute.

>gael and vendrick don't even fit the description
>both are from garbage games
absolute pottery

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genichiro is just an extention of isshin's past ambitions. the summoned isshin is not only a manifestation of isshin in his prime but also genichiro's will, which heavily overlaps with past isshin's desire to restore ashina.

>what is SL1
Fuck outta here with your faggy lore shit nigga.

seething shitter

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so basically isshin would still get destroyed

>Implying Gehrman, Gael, and Vendrick are the last bosses of their respective games

The reason you must do battle with the father in each game is because in Nippon the father is absolute; very final boss.

this post really made me think

>Allant is a crazy demon obsessed with power who has no qualms about wiping about the population of his kingdom
>Gwyn was killing anybody who dared to get close to the flame
>Gael wanted your soul
>Vendrick is some crazy undead
Haven't played BB, but pretty sure only Isshin fits the description, since he's the only one who's interacting more than 30 seconds with you.

Gael was being driven mad by the dark soul's power and didnt actually need your soul.

Gwyn was deeply hollowed and also not in control of himself, by the time you get to him hes already thrown himself into the flame.

Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet. Did you get this shitriddled when your underage brain could not remotely understand The Stranger too?

If they've gone crazy from hollowing/the dark souls they don't qualify for "having no ill will" against you.

>old man with no ill will against you
Allant wasn't even an old man, he wasn't even really Allant, he was a fucking demon impostor full of malice. He might as well have been hate incarnate.

So WTF happened with Genichiro before the Sword Saint fight? Is the old bastard really crawling out of his dead son? That shit really creeped me out.

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>being this brainlet
Genichiro was Isshin all along. The other Isshin was an illusion technique created by Lady butterfly.

He needed kuro's blood to revive his gramp

>FROM or at the very least Miyazaki obviously absolutely love Berserk and reference it every chance they get
>Souls games are all god-tier, yes even II you crybaby
>Berserk has only dogshit for games
>No FROM Berserk game

Is that DSP with another one of his hot takes?

he obtained the blacksword, it requires a sacrifice to bring back a retard who cant read

Just here to inform you all that using the n-word will automatically delete your post and get yourself a warning.

I for one am glad 4chinel is becoming an inclusive, diverse and family friendly board.

No one cares what you think weirdo stalker


ishhin ain't old here, use the shura ending isshin you retard

literally the greatest boss fight of the entire trilogy, better than any boss in sekiro,bb,demon souls.

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bloodborne isn't gross out design, stop this meme

I don't fancy French socialist farts.

Demons Souls Fans hate Dark Souls Fans
>because the spiritual succesor eclipsed their game
Dark Souls Fans hate Demons Souls fans, Dark Souls 2 Fans, Bloodborne Fans and Dark Souls 3 Fans
>because demons souls fans never shut up, because Dark Souls 2 fans are legally insane, Bloodborne Fans are extremely vocal, and Dark Souls 3 fans won't listen to their ranting
Dark Souls 2 fans hate Dark Souls fans, Dark Souls 3 fans and Bloodborne fans
>because Dark Souls fans seem to enjoy beating up someone born without arms or legs, Because Dark Souls 3 fans need not endlessly defend their product from their higher ground, and because Bloodborne eclipsed their games ephemeral time in the spotlight
Bloodborne Fans hate anything that's not exclusive to the PS ecosystem
>because it just "wouldn't feel right" any other way
Dark Souls 3 Fans hate Dark Souls 2 Fans
>because they are retarded
Sekiro Fans hate Bloodborne Fans
>because they are on full defence force mode

Thus began, a great schism. A deep, splintering force.

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That still doesn't make things very much in his favor either I think. The reason Kuro is so resistant to giving Genichiro anything is because he doesn't want to turn people into mindless monsters with his power, if the request asked wasn't "Hey give me blood so I can be technically immortal but also make everything a little bit worse every time I come back" but instead "Hey give me blood so I can bring grandpa back at full power and with no strings attached" I wonder how different it would have been.

Unless you fight Musashi in sekiro you didn't beat a true sword saint, musashi was so good that he beat the second best swordsman to death with an oar

based literal who history-kun

Who was the best King in Soulsbornekiro Corefield?

It's like Final Fantasy all over again.

the endless cycle

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Gravelord Nito and you cannot prove it to be wrong unless you don't want to consider him a true king.
I also really, really like Gwyndolin but that's just me.

isshin is the only final boss that is harder than the rest of the boss cast in his game.

Why do people keep saying False Allant is the final boss. Cant you fight him super early on?

The Dark Souls 1 bias in this post is astounding.

They are saying they wish he was the final boss.
In a way he is supposed to be a pre-final boss fight but you can actually run to him after defeating one of the arch demons.

The best

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Just what i wanted to post user, you read my mind. Even excluding that true Allant is the final boss, you can fight F.A. after beating an archdemon(es Dragon God). It's a "player standard" to do 1-4 as last level but nowhere it says you have to do so and the game doesn't force you to.

Storm King is the final boss.

lads what build do I play in DaS2 not to get bored to death?


Anything you want, really

PS bone fist

Not Faith, I can tell you that much. Hexes are alright in it, or you can always take a big hammer and go around whacking fools with it. Maybe a Grand Lance run? Maybe POWERSTANCING Grand Lances?

the uninstall wizard

Which one fucked the most?

Probably Vendrick or Gwyn. Isshin could easily fuck but he was too busy studying the blade.

Gwyn is confirmed to have multiple children and he is based off of Zeus who fucked a ton of women in the greek mythology.

>False King was a demon who didn't care about stuff like that
>Gwyn had a lot of kids that look different from each other, and no mother is ever mentioned
>Vendrick was devoted to Nashandra
>Gael was dedicated to other causes
>Gehrman owned a book about picking up fair maidens and modelled a doll after his crush
>Isshin was too busy studying the blade

>grab attacks that track you with cut off animations so you get teleported into them

deepest lore

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king vendrick is also the only one that is completely weakened and hollow, meanwhile all the others have anime power

>random fuck with no consequence
>artorias: old edition is so cool and epig guise
>le hand it le over le that le thing le dark soulsâ„¢ XDD

simply epikk
miyazoter truly is a visionary

>Gwyn is hollow
Give me one proof. He is hollow.
His entire body andclothes are burnt up.

ishhin party'd alot, there is no way he didn't fuck, he just pulled out with speed and precision.

he was crazy at the time

>Gehrman owned a book about picking up fair maidens
Interesting, any source on this?
Also, it's interesting we pretty much never see any of these kings with their queens except Vendrick and Nashandra, makes me think Miyazaki was raised by a single parent.

this but hold the irnoy

>Interesting, any source on this?
Books in the Dream have stuff like that on them.

DaS2 had a lot of stuff with kings and queens, but all of those queens were sisters that tried to lead their king to ruin.

Attached: How-to-pick-up-fair-maidens.jpg (600x800, 83K)

King Vendrick wasn't supposed to be a hard fight. By the time you meet him he was completely hollow (even Gwyn seemed to have some soul left in him) and it's an entirely optional fight.

>King Vendrick wasn't supposed to be a hard fight.
no one said he was

>hard = good
>not hard = bad
you = dumb

Fromsoft makes the best old geezers

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>even Gwyn seemed to have some soul left

I always wondered why he defends the first flame and all subsequent linkers do it as well, at first it seemed like he was hollow but he is not a human and looks like the nameless king (skeletal) and his soul is still fucking powerful so he is not gone at all, he is attacking you on purpose, almost as if to prevent you from linking the fire

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This guy is just a cunt, he doesn't have ill will against you personally but he doesn't much care for anyone.

Eh I would say yes and no. Gwyn manipulated events to get humans to do his job for him but he still had no way of knowing whether it was a Fire linking human or the Dark Lord finally out of hiding. And considering you have a dark soul with a massive amount of strength behind it and he probably would've attacked any human on sight

Challenging fights are generally speaking the most satisfying in my opinion. Feels like a big emotional rush when you both feel the satisfaction from winning a tough / interesting fight and get emotional payoff from the boss as a character.

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You know what, fuck the Hirata Estate.
Fuck that little patch of land right in front of the main manor IN PARTICULAR.
Fuck every single enemy there. Fuck every single one of them raw in the ass until they're wimpering on the floor.
The lone shadows can stay though they're cool.

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Don't fix what ain't broke

>Born a vileblood
>Explicitly trained to avoid using her Vileblood powers at all costs
>Gets into a fight with you while protecting Bergenwyth's darkest secret
>Allows herself to cave and start using Vileblood powers in force

Challenging as well as WELL DESIGNED. A fight being well designed is by far the most important factor. But replying to a post calling the fight shit by saying "Well he wasn't meant to be hard!" makes no sense. A fight being hard doesn't instantly make it good, and a fight being easy doesn't instantly make it bad. Vendrick was hard for me and it was a shit fight, even on the 2nd playthrough when I found him to be babby mode he was shit. Gwyn was an easy boss who was great for other reasons. Your response to the guy calling Vendrick's fight shit just made no sense.

Vendrick is a retard swinging around a sword. How the fuck was he hard?

I didn't know about iframes until I got to the end of dark souls 2. The game doesn't tell you about this mechanic and I'd never heard of iframes in my life before.

he oneshots you. you have to chip him for 10 minutes in the most mind numbing gameplay ever and if you lose focus for 1 millisecond and dodge wrong you need to start all over.

Yeah, Sony money and being on a real system let him finally make the masterpiece he always wanted to make.
Which I guess is why Sekiro felt like a completely shitty wet fart of a game: he's made his best possible work and he's just completely burned out and doesn't want to do it anymore, but feels he has to, so he shoved some quick garbage out to keep people occupied until Bloodborne 2 when we get some quality again.

Oh yeah, I agree. Vendrick is trash both as a fight and design wise. He is not interesting to fight in the slightest, the has no response to you staying behind him and hacking away at his ankles but he has a fuckton of hp so it takes ages and a single swipe from his sword taking off massive health combined with ds2 hitboxes makes him tedious as shit. True allant was shit as a boss but the presentation of him as a near-helpless almost pitiable slime ball was great.

>Challenging as well as WELL DESIGNED
This. Gwyn was difficult (without parry) but he was designed well. He's hyper aggressive and will punish healing everytime. Because by that point you shouldn't be clutching so hard on estus. But it would've been so easy for them to fuck it up by saying

>Lol you got touched so I'm gonna sink your entire stamina bar blocking/ dodging me gut gid skrub

Normal Isshin.

That fucker gave me more trouble than both those two. I think it was partially because Ema is so much harder as an opening phase than that pussy Genichiro.

gehrman isnt the final boss though

>Gael is the most overrated boss fight in the franchise
He might be,but hes almost one of the must fun fights.
>who is overcome by you rolling and poking him
Like literally every boss?

>4 fucking healthbars
>unruly attack pattern

sword saint more like fucking nigger

>who is overcome by you rolling and poking

like every fucking boss in every fucking souls game ever including sekiro where it's completely MANDATORY thanks to the stupid posture tied to vitality recharge

Gehrman is one of the three possible final bosses and the op does not even use the wording ''final boss''

he is the only good final boss

Not even remotely closed nor for implies, meanings or pathos. Those are litterally two different things like a rock and a cloud.
This is what anime\manga does to your brain. Whats next? All the jojo references you think you saw in sekiro?

why is everything a berserk reference

A different game

Look at this Kosm worshipping idiot. Bet you think you were chosen by the Great Ones of the cosmos and have been slurping up tentacles

>being anything more than a way to refresh your revives and warming up at this point
>getting hit at phase 1
>not just taking the free lightning reversal victory at phase 3
You just need to beat him at phase 2 and you've pretty much already won.

Midir is much harder with summons

and the fact that the typical way to get around that is to kill yourself in the hub and have cling ring occupy one of your ring slots forever. also
>no way to pardon yourself if you aggro some NPC
>they are aggressive for the remainder of the playthrough
>DeS just happens to have very strong NPCs as well

DeS NPCs are pushovers with the exception of the Black Phantom NPCs and Old Burger King which are hostile by default. Well except the old king but you're kinda supposed to fight him to prove you're worthy of the sword in the crypt.

Sword Saint > Isshin Ashina > Owl Father > Owl > Demon

Not if they all have Pestilent Mercury

DaS > Sekiro > Bb > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2 (brainlets)
Personally I hate Bb fags because they are insufferable and overrate their game too much. Bb has mediocre bosses in it's majority and while the DLC improves it, the level design in that is a mediocre corridor.

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Sekiro's map design is a worse version of Dark Souls 2 map design, you realise that right? Sekiro has great combat and enemy design but it pales in comparison to BB in almost every other way. The story is lame as hell, the characters are mostly really boring, questlines lead to nothing and they usually die at the end of their questline after giving you a really shit reward. Lore is sparse, but good in some places. The world just isn't as in depth or interesting. I would say Sekiro only has better combat than BB, BB is better in every other way.

Found the snoyfanboy

>DaS > Sekiro > Bb > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2
DaS > Bb > Sekiro > DeS > DaS3 > DaS2

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No, I love Sekiro, that and Bloodborne will be two of three games I'll have ever got plat for. If you can tell me in what way I'm wrong, go ahead.

>not a single memorable score
>better than bloodborne
you are lucky you have isshin

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>The story is lame as hell
It was serviceable and at least there was a story
>the characters are mostly really boring
I found them more interesting and memorable than BB, the only good characters in BB are the whore, Gehrman and Doll
>questlines lead to nothing and they usually die at the end of their questline after giving you a really shit reward
So same as BB
>The world just isn't as in depth or interesting
Seems very subjective and mostly comes down to whether you like Britbong gothic shit or Jap sengoku shit.

Based B-team

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t. ignorant slave

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Mechanically Wolf is so much stronger than every soulsborne protag it's ridiculous, I don't think you can contest this.
>fast as fuck, can omnidirectional sprint forever and attack out of it, along with jumps and infinite wallkicks
>can use any of his combat arts or prosthetics in midair, giving him insane combat versatility
>fuck, he can attack in midair, period
>can block any projectiles for free in midair
>shuriken is honestly better than any gun or projectile a souls protagonist can use, the stagger potential and the amazing followup attack make it ridiculous for closing distance

dude's busted

i don't think it can be ovestated how forgettable if not outright bad the vast majority of bloodborne's vanilla bosses are

Mergo's wet nurse is legitimately one of the worst fights I've ever had in a soulsborne game

Where are you the BotC, Aldia, and Shanalotte nowadays?

The only one I really remember was Headless. Who made Sekiro's score?

People need to appreciate boss presentation more.

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I really like both settings, but Sekiro didn't provide the same level of detail in the environments and enemies, to give it all a meaningful place in the world. Bloodborne has a story, and it's great. Who was more memorable than the characters in BB? You didn't think Micolash, the vileblood queen, Eileen, Ludwig, Maria were all good? Sekiro has Sekiro, the sculptor and Genichiro. As much as I like Isshin he really lacks depth, he doesn't do anything about his son trying to steal the divine heir and just runs around in a tengu outfit laughing at Sekiro or sitting in his man cave coughing.

Bloodbornes questlines, in my opinion, actually had way more interesting dialogue and events than Sekiro's. With Eileen for example, you help her kill hunters drunk on blood, hear her story before seeing her die for an actual reason, because she fought someone she couldn't beat because she felt it was her duty to do so, in this crumbling world.

>i hear music
>gonna follow the music
>oh you stopped the music

>i feed the carp
>oh no the carp is dead

>i wanna be a carp!
>feed this to the great carp
>becomes a carp
>literally nothing comes from it

I'm being a little reductive, but I think I've put my point across. I don't know what it is you're seeing in Sekiro that is better than BB.

I never fought him in my life. The fucker doesn't deserve that.
I wouldn't even kill his hammer bro if I had the option.

I agree with this. Never played DeS though.

Any Boss with kept dialog in a souls game somehow ends up more Kino than normal. This is why people like Ocieros and Twin Princes in DaS III

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Best atmosphere of any Souls area. Snowfield looks ridiciulously fucking good and when you manage to kill all 75 wolves at once it feels fucking great.

Then DeSfags complain that Gwyn was too easy while at the same time praising the shitty Allant boss inside the Old One.

how the absolute fuck does anyone defend the king vendrick fight? You literally cannot die to him.

>dark souls 1 anywhere near the top
Cringe and oofpilled

So why did Isshin fight you anyway? Why was his younger self stuck inside Genichiro? What happened to his body in Ashina Castle?

Isshin asks Emma to deliver the note to Sekiro to get him to give a shit again and rescue Kuro from Genichiro, who's not his son, but his adopted grandson.

When Sekiro fails to do this, and gets "killed" by Genichiro on the flowery promontory, the game begins, you meet Isshin as Tengu, etc. who is interested in assisting Kuro's ambition to sever his immortal ties.

It sounds like you've willingly embraced the entirety of Bloodborne's story, characters and all the extraneous lore compartmentalised and glossed over by countless youtubers and analysts without so much as gracing whatever Sekiro has to offer for a fleeting second.

Personally, I thought the way it handled npc's and characters was superior to practically every other souls-like for the sheer notion of it not overly relying on incorporeal item descriptions to fill in the gaps.

What you're saying is literally
Not even that guy, but jesus, get a grip, I understand not being able to connect to Sekiro's narrative due to not being familiar with more explicitly traditional japanese folklore and narrative tropes, but please stop pretending it doesn't do the exact same thing twists as Souls/BB.

You should make better use of the eavesdrop feature.
Isshin mention early on if you decide to talk to him again after you get the mortal blade then ease drop he says something like.
>A crimson mortal blade....that means it wasn't the same one....

Earlier in the game you can catch isshin talking about another sword that genichiro has. This sword is the opposite of the mortal blade. It brings people back from the dead.
Genichiro loses to you again so he sacrifices himself to bring back Ishinn. Ishinn decides to honor the death of his son by killing you and fighting for Ashina one last time.

>why did Isshin fight you?
His grandson sacrificed himself to bring him back from the underworld to save Ashina and Wolf was standing in his way. He wants to honor his dying wish and is also itching for a good fight.
>why was his younger self stuck inside Genichiro
The black mortal blade opens a gate from the underworld and brings a soul back in his prime body.
>What happened to his body in Ashina Castle?
Emma probably buried him.

isshin succumbed to his illness so his soul went to the underworld, genichiros black blade can bring back the souls of the dead with a sacrifice, isshin wanted to grant the wish of his dumb as fuck grandson, his body in the castle is still there

It's a shit fight, but I'd argue that was the point. It's supposed to be pathetic to show how far he fell when he turned hollow. It also contrasts with what he's like in the memories, but that's mostly DLC/SotFS stuff

False King Allant>Gwyn
Blob Allant

Was the fight truly supposed to adhere to the lore or was the development team just lazy? It seems like DS2 fans can spin it any way they want in defense of the game. I guess thats the beauty of having super vague lore.
I dont hate DS2, I actually enjoyed it (not as much as other from titles), but I wont defend its short comings.

It seems to adhere to the lore, at least. Vendrick himself looks like a big hollow and fights like one. It could have been more exciting, but I thought the whole fight was supposed to be pitiful on purpose.

What are you talking about? Elaborate on what you're saying - because that's not what I'm saying, not in the slightest. Sekiro tries to do a more traditional way of storytelling while also trying to do what soulsborne did before it, without doing either well enough. I like the setting and traditional Japanese narratives, I'm basically a weeb.

Yeah son was a typo. I realise he helped Sekiro by giving him the esoteric text and getting Emma to give you the note, but when you go Shura he's quite happy to fight you even in his illness - why does he do nothing to physically stop his grandson running around like a little brat? I've taken in what I could from Sekiro. For example, the ending, in which Genichiro has a 2nd mortal blade which is spoken about very very briefly in ONE hidden eavesdrop I believe? And then there's a scroll for it, but Genichiro just has it - the only point of this is so that we can fight prime Isshin.

I really enjoyed the backstory of the sculptor, his friend and the guardian ape. Genichiro is pretty great. But I didn't catch anything else half as interesting as those.

the ost works in the heat of the battle even if it's unmemorable noise for the most part. old isshins boss music is a great example.

>Sekiro tries to do a more traditional way of storytelling while also trying to do what soulsborne did before it, without doing either well enough
How isn't doing it well enough when it does the same exact fucking thing?
Are you being dumb on purpose?
O'Rin's story alone is literally the same exact narrative you'll find in all the Souls games starting with DeS, and she' a minor character, the corrupted monk is a giant shout out to the folk story of Yao Bikuni which also helps tying up the entire aesthetic and lore behind Fountainhead/Minamoto palace and Mibu, the Senpou Temple is the usual old trope of the religious order led astray by greed and ambitions that led to the loss of humanity, the main fucking story is the same exact theme of the dying nation lead by a leader recurring to desperate means to keep the place together out of pride and love for the land despite destroying it with their own hands and so on.
I cannot believe you're being actually honest, either you're trolling or you're actually stupid enough to not see how they're the same exact thing done in the same exact way, the only difference being that Sekiro has a definite main character with definite goals, which also leads to a more characterized and personal relationship with the main villains of the story.

Fuck you thats my dad, I bet he could beat up your dad.

At least my dad doesn't penetrate me from behind

>Sekiro's map design is a worse version of Dark Souls 2 map design, you realise that right?
Pls explain, cause Sekiro has great level design, it's just too short.

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I never said it didn't do the same thing, I actually said in that bit you quoted that it does the same thing, just not as well. Mensis, the healing church and byrgenwerth for example feel far more fleshed out than anything in Sekiro. If I need to know more about Japanese folklore and mythos to get this, then fair enough? But I don't know the real life stuff in order to make those sort of interesting connections, and I don't think I should need to.

>which also leads to a more characterized and personal relationship with the main villains of the story.
Yep, I agree, which is why I like Sekiro and Genichiro. As an overall package, and with the side characters, the story and all the bosses, I just don't think it's close to as interested or as fleshed out as Bloodborne. I'm not talking about the themes - I have no issue with the themes explored in the game.

ost wise DeS and Bb are the strongest, but the most important aspect of a game in the gameplay, and Sekiro has the best boss fights in every From game.

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It's just a big main area (Ashina Castle/Outskirts) with a bunch of branching linear paths. I will admit I probably exaggerated when I said worse than Dark Souls 2, that game is a pile of shit, at least most of Sekiro's areas make sense and feel like they fit in. The shortcut from kuro's room to the temple makes no sense physically or as a useful shortcut though, but that's not a huge problem.

>The shortcut from kuro's room to the temple makes no sense
it's not just a revolving wall thats directly connected between the two points. they both lead to a dark tunnel that has a hidden path between the doors. as someone mentioned earlier the hidden path makes sense storywise because emma travels between the temple and the castle on teh regular and having her traverse the same route you take would be quite retarded.

>It's just a big main area (Ashina Castle/Outskirts) with a bunch of branching linear paths
So like Bloodborne?

Sekiro's mobility is a blessing and a curse. You simply cannot make something on par with DeS and Bb level design when the player character has so much mobility.
I think it's not fair to compare the level designs of Sekiro with the other games for this reason. For what they were going for, Sekiro has a pretty good level design.

Its literally less linear than BB.

>Mensis, the healing church and byrgenwerth for example feel far more fleshed out than anything in Sekiro.
How are they more fleshed out?
The pursuit of immortality of the Senpou monks alone has more connections to the entire story than those do in BB's concept since they connect to literally everything, from Genichiro's desperate effort in researching a way to create an army of immortals (Dojun is a Senpou monk and you can find jars with centipede maggots in the dungeon too, Dojun also happens to be aquainted with Dogen, which also connects him to Emma, especially since she know what Dojun is doing) to the entire story behind the nobles in Minamoto palace, which in turn connect to Mibu, which is connected to Ashina's general lore as even Jinzaemon tells you about Mibu as being a village no one should go, as his father told him, then you have all this stuff reconnect with the main theme of immortality since the monks were trying to replicate to immortality effect achieved through the dragon's blood, which again, reconnects to Minamoto palace and the Divine Dragon, the rejuvenating waters, the entire reason the interior ministry is after Ashina and the reason why Genichiro is doing what he does etc.
It's actually the most cohesive lore they've written so far. without even leaving the element of mystery behind, I cannot fathom what brings you to say BB or Souls had more fleshed out lore than Sekiro when they factually have much more nebulous writing for the sake of it.

DaS III hate is a meme of two fronts. The first is to argue that DaS II is better, the second is to perpetuate envy towards BB that has been perceived as partially lost due to DaS III being launched since the idea of a good multiplat souls sequel takes away the anal rage people have towards BB being Sony exclusive.

Yea Forums really reamed the living fuck out of DaS II and DaS II's launch was even responsible for most of the salt regarding BBs development. This caused people to denounce it entirely despite the game having some value and being enjoyable to play despite being the worst souls game.
So people are now trying to meme it as an underrated gem by shitting on DaS III.

It is indeed fruitless to compare.

What would be the point of a shortcut like the cages in mensis dropping back to the early lamp if you could just grappling hook your way up in seconds.

Take Senpou Temple for an example, in the area after you fight the armoured knight, you can grapple up upon the large temple building, jump up onto a ledge grab wall and therefore skip the centipede miniboss, and the entirety of that small mount kongo cliff bit.

In Bodhisattva valley, it's never neccesary for the player to so much as touch the poison pools at the bottom of the map because you can just grapple your way to and from the guardian ape.

In Ashina Castle, you never have to so much as touch the outer courtyards, or even enter the interior of the upper main castle, you can just grapple right to the top, ignoring two minibosses.


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>no ill will
the guy fucking hated humans

Tomoe wasn’t a jobber tho. She was literally labeled a heretic.

>couldn't get the Mortal Blade from the weak ass monks
>fails to break the Dragon Heritage
>is the teacher of the biggest jobber in the game
>die accomplishing nothing
Sounds like a jobber to me

this is why it's especially infuriating when there is an actual one way shortcut and you cant use grapple and the ledge doesnt allow hanging. like the one near poison pool idol.

You don't know what jobber means AND you got the entire backstory about Tomoe wrong, congratulations on being the biggest brainlet and mouthbreather in this thread.

Gael and the sword saints are the best ones in the soul series you shitty ds2 brainlet.

Second half of fountain head is full of shit like this, and I hate that part for this. Feel quite unfinished when compared to the other areas

Sword Saint easily he also has a gun and you must fight him 3 times.

>when I saw the darksign I clapped!
>when he said dark soul I clapped!

show me where I'm wrong

who are you quoting you shithead?

the average ds3 player

>true souls iteration
>the man that directed the shittiest game in the franchise and the worst part of dark souls 3

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That's not how quote works, retard no wonder why ds2 fags have fame of being the most retarded faggots.

what parts of 3 did he direct?

how does it feel to like a game so bad that the only way to praise it is to sandbag the shittiest entry in the series?

Enemy placement in ringed city and ashes of ariandel

jesus, he's the worse

How does it feels praising the worst game of the serie? lmao.
you must be a retard to like shit honestly my dude is not healthy.

>Enemy placement in ringed city and ashes of ariandel
If this is true, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. Enemy placement in these two DLCs are just fucking terrible, especially the area in AoA with the hundred wolves. Shit was annoying and not even worth the hassle as there was no loot.

Vendrick was kinda disappointing.


git gud

Vendrick was also kinda terrifying. You made one mistake and it was either instakill or 90% damage.
Worth it tho for that armor.

i realise it's not just a revolving door that directly connects two points, i would like you to describe how it's possible that you go from the top of ashina castle, through a revolving door in the wall, all the way to the dilapidated temple. it makes sense that emma would use this, but i dont know about you, i never had a reason to use it.

yeah i can get behind that. the grapple hook is another of my gripes though, i mean, its good and bad but the way it's implemented is extremely rigid, and actually using the thing can feel inconsistent at times. that might be more down to my expectations prior to release.

Yep it all connects but none of it feels like it has any depth, I had actual characters who were part of the church, mensis and the school who i know about and could learn more about in terms of the major actions they did in influencing the world as it currently is. i'm prepared to go back in to sekiro today and try to learn more about what you've just said, but as it stands, emma lacks any chracters for me to care about her place and connection to the rest of what you said, dogen is never seen and is barely explored other than his inventions, the ministry has no one of importance and barely any actual depth other than theyre the bad guys invading ashina, senpou temple you could make a case for as well as fountainhead. dojun and jinzaemon are nothing. sekiro might be more cohesive in that its separate parts are far easier and clearer to link up, but there's less to those individual parts. as i say, im prepared to go back in to the game and try to see what you're seeing, but as of now im not getting whatever it is you're getting. maybe it's just that sekiro's story is in a far smaller scale than bloodborne is, i don't know, but it really didn't grip me all that much.

He didnt really mean it

Also, youre being rude

Dark Souls 2 was disappointing

Nowhere as disappointing as Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro


He saved DaS2 from being much, much worse.

Gehrman is good guy tier

Point out where he got Tomoe's story wrong though. She tried to kill herself, never got the mortal blade, couldn't achieve severance, never beat Isshin, has a failure of a student, and was so bad at living that Takeru started dying of dragonrot.

>Souls/Sekiro thread
>Always filled with the same people shitting on the other games
Doesn't it get tiring?

yes, it does
why can't das2 brainlets understand?

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>slide down a mysteriously slippery surface
>die instantly
do soulsfags enjoy this gameplay

Which had the most tragic character?

wasn't good or hard, was just long. 4 phase was just a cheap trick. Fromsoft disappointed me

I really enjoyed DS2 when I first played it, but going back to it is a little rough. They had some great ideas and quirks stuffed in there, but the bloat and crappy development drama shit fucked the whole game over.

Who said 30 has to be your prime? That's like saying Goku at 20 (weaker than Raditz) is stronger than Goku at 50 (ultra instinct).

well considering he's fighting you with weapons you'd think he'd be more stronger/athletic in his 20s/30s than his 50s/60s even if he's picked up more skills with age. kind of like how professional sports athletes pretty much all retire before they turn 40.

>Dark Souls 2 is the only one where the end boss is not the same rehash
>it's the best From Software game

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>is retarded

It's not a long fight though. Especially the first two phases are super fast to posture break. (and I guess the third phase as well if you manage to cheese him by extending the sword phase)

>no image poster
>is from reddit

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and water is wet, etc

It's easily one of the weakest combat arts and its main focus is increasing range, like the bestowal ninjutsu seems to imply.
>All it requires is to be behind the target when you deathblow.
Yeah, because people like Gwynand Gehrman are doing to get their posture broken in 2 hits. Nice logic.
>Wolff learned it after killing the centipede with the mortal blade.
The move itself has nothing to do with the mortal blade, it's its own move.
>>Lightning in Sekiro is not massive at all
They aren't. If you think this is "massive" you are delusional. The fucking lightning striking int he background is bigger than that shit. That's thin and long, it isn't big and can easily be avoided.

I think it might be based on his age when he conquered the place.

I was thinking it was right before he got sick


That wasn't Allant though. It was a demon born of his corruption when he became the Old One. The true Allant was a sad lumbering cancer who no longer had control of his actions and was driven to instinctively lash out at anything by the power of the Old One. It was a metaphor to show that men corrupted by evil are capable of capable of terrible destruction and appear powerful but deep down their true selves are weak, ugly, and pitiful, with no control over themselves.

first 2 phase is not long alright but the last 2 phase is a normal boss fight duration. At least it was for me. Bastard never throw lightning at me. Also getting used to 3 entirely different skillset was frustrating

I guess he still looks a bit older in-game. I took it as a hint that he is wearing the helmet though.

That could be it too. If you're a 100% animu technique autist our real life concerns about fitness might not be that important.

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can I get a quick rundown on DaS2 fags? how do you end up being the biggest contrarian of all time?

Owl is harder, Isshin is a joke as far as fights are concerned.

I assume you're talking about Owl (Father), because regular Owl is a joke

Great Shinobi Owl was unironically harder than Owl 2. I don't understand this meme, I beat Owl 2 on my first attempt.

Actually, after getting this
>if there is a constructive message connected to Miyazaki's games, it's that you are getting physically older (as opposed to mature) while playing them
I can see now, I was so very wrong.

Miyazaki is clearly a good guy, a modernist, exploring videogaming from an angle no one else currently does.

This is what modern art is. Not what modern art looks like, what modern art, partly, in its small part, currently IS.

How was Great Shinobi Owl difficult in any way? He's a slower Owl (Father) with bigger openings.

Owl 2 is only faster with his one move where he quick jumps between two spots, but this isn't really much of an issue to deal with because he only ever fallows up with a weak attack. He ends up just using Owl 1's moveset in phase 2 + the owl to teleport but the owl is such a weak piece of shit and it's so easy to avoid is't almost not even a factor to the fight. Not only that but Owl 2 is trivialized by the fact that he does lunge attacks while owl 1 doesn't, so he can be mikiri countered easily. Also Owl 1's arena is far smaller and he does dirty tricks like using smoke bombs and throwing health blocking mist bombs. Anyone who thought Owl 2 was harder is probably just retarded.

Also >He's a slower Owl (Father) with bigger openings.
Did you miss the part where Owl 2 will slowly charge up an overhead swing that have 0 tracking and leaves him open for 2-3 back attacks? That's worse than anything Owl 1 does.

Maybe I'll change my mind once I fight him again in NG++, but I remember all of Owl 1's attacks being easy to deflect or avoid. I even got Lloyd'd a few times, but it didn't affect me because I never needed to heal. Owl 2, despite having more counters, took me thirty minutes. His first phase was a lot more aggressive. That slow overhead swing move is also a feint. If you get out of the way too soon, he does a hard to dodge slash. Maybe he'll be easier when I fight him again.

>>Personally, I thought the way it handled npc's and characters was superior to practically every other souls-like
>Kuro tells you to ask Emma about something
>she tells you
>you have to go and tell Kuro her response

The Boletarian Palace is the only world with an additional level in it, it has some of the toughest enemies in the entire game, and the False King provides the most souls when defeated. Also, you need to defeat at least one Archdemon beforehand, meaning that he's important enough that at the very least he can't be the first one defeated. The False King is as close as possible to the final boss while still maximizing the "any order" nature of the game.

>despite having more counters, took me thirty minutes.
That sounds like a personal problem.

>but his adopted grandson
Stopped reading at this part. Nobody knows anything about Genichiro's parents at the moment.

Biorr was pretty strong.


You're supposed to parry the slow overhead swing, not get out of the way of it


No you're not, you hit him twice, dodge and hit him again

the sickness might be related to getting fried by tomoe's lightning shit when they dueled after isshin usurped lord takeru's castle

Probably was.
Regardless, both Isshins are much harder than Owl 1

Parrying the overhead swing, or dodging it at the last second, it far better than moving out of the way early. It opens him up for more hits.

Parrying it knocks you back so a late dodge is objectively best

>can get mikiri countered
>isshin Shura has less moves
>Sword Saint has a huge arena and isn't very aggressive in regards to actually chasing Wolf (he just walks slowly a lot)
>every perilous attack he does can be cancelled by just hitting him instead of avoiding
>has less hyper armor moves
>does lightning attacks which are so easy to reverse that it makes his third phase trivial
>never locks wolf out of healing
>never uses smoke bombs to block player vision
Sword Saint has more health and his gun attack is hard to see but that's about it. I refuse to believe that there are people who got stuck in this fucker for 10+ hours when he's basically just a slightly upgraded Genichiro.

False Allant basically is the final boss, implying the turd before the credits roll holds that spot is just being anal for the sake of being anal.

>Sword Saint has more health
He goes down quicker though because his posture regen is much slower

He also doesn't jump around at much as Owl does, so he's easier to stick to.

>has less hyper Armor
Spear Isshin has hyper armor on a lot of his moves which are quick as fuck, while you can stagger Owl out of nearly attack, except for the slow overhead.

>FTH build
He asked for it.

Why does From hate FTH builds?

You must literally chug battery acid to think 2 is even remotely worth defending at all.
>DS2's map is just as linear as 3's
>stamina and movement in 2 was an objective downgrade from 1
>rolling sucks dick, character moves like a bag of potatoes
>adaptability is an annoying waste of levels
>soul memory
>even more OP sorcery-spamming homos in PvP than in DS1
>quests are glitchy as fuck and often times require you to keep dumb ass NPC's alive through bossfights for no real reason since they're phantoms in your world
>story is irrelevant to both 1 and 3, just a shitty sidestory with no actually interesting characters except Alva and Sully
>hitboxes are janky and broken
>enemies in areas like the Iron Keep start homing in on you as you enter the area
>good/fair level design of 1 is replaced with "lel let's just put 69 annoying ass enemies that aren't even fun to fight between you and the boss wall XD"
>enemies despawn after killing them a certain number of times, highlighting my previous point - the devs literally knew their areas were annoying cancer and gave you a way to permanently clear enemies away
>can also just run passeed literary everything

This post is not even me defending DS3, I don't give a shit what you think about that game at all. I just had to explain to you that you're a mouthbreathing retard that belongs in a gas chamber for praising anything about DS2. Fuck that game and fuck you, goddamn nigger.

But True King Allant is the final boss. He has an attack. It's a really easy fight and kinda poor but he is 100% the final boss.

Attack my ass, if you aren't doing a no hit run you can kick his shit in without any regards to anything.

So? I can beat other bosses in the game without regards to anything

They hate magic in general for being overpowered.

removed from annals because miyazaki is a fool

you don't get it faith is supposed to become worse because they are tales of the gods and 90% of them are dead as the series go on so they become worse as the tales get tattered and forgotten, you get this hint by the heald excerpt in dark souls 1 :le vaati/vg/stealerfaec:

>BotC and Shanalotte get removed
>Presumably still alive and being immortal
>Alva and Zullie don't get removed
>Immense tragedy and their daughter is in a rape dungeon
Maybe they dodged a bullet there

If you summoned your first play through of any of the From games you can leave this thread

difficulty is subjective in DaS games and 3 tries is nothing impressive, I did Friede in 2 and Ornstein and Smough in 1. git gud faggots are cancer.