Yakuza 0. Why the fuck didn't I win?
Yakuza 0. Why the fuck didn't I win?
How do you even play Chinese Scrabble?
Your hand has no yaku
You have no yaku.
You have no Yaku, when you open your hand you basically cut the yaku you can make in half.
lol retard
>mfw mahjong
>mfw shogi
>mfw I'm walking around the park and all the chinese people wanna play their fucking dice games
Thanks guys. I knew I could count on you.
Cee-lo and cho-han are the easiest games in the world to understand. Oicho-kabu is basically just gook blackjack. Koi-koi is the only card one that's hard to grasp because you need to be able to recognize hanafuda suits.
Shogi and mahjong need a lot of practice admittedly.
it took me 3 days to get that Riichi Ippatsu
>Finish Kiwami
>oh well time to unnistal
>Haruka affection bar
Otometal My Life 3 2 1 GO!
>there is a substory in Yakuza 2 where learning this game is essential to a substory
Was this added to punish the west?
Touchest minigames in Yakuza games is actually roulette.
Cee-lo is fun to play
Yeah it's basically impossible to lose if/when you start snowballing.
You fucked up. Don't steal tiles until you've burned all the yaku into your brain
It's basically 4 player rummy
the fuck is rummy
>the fuck is google
Koi-koi just requires you to learn the high value hands, how Seasons is formed, and how poems work. After that it's basically just matching the backgrounds. Honestly, just going for the red moon instantly raises your chances of winning by a ridiculous amount and then going for the rose or the yellow and red spiky flower makes it go even further.
>Bet on 0 or 00
>Savescum until you win
>For even more fun savescum the high stakes to get millions if you win even once.
Takes no more than half an hour if your luck is abysmal. Hell, you only need to win it once usually just to finish every single requirement in any game.
A lot of retards don't realize that majong tiles are essentially just used like playing cards.
Money in Yakuza 0 is pointless, I ended with 10B¥ in both Majima and Kazuma and just played poker a few times becuase I like that. They gave you too much money for anything you do.
In every other game it's not though, Kiwami in particular it's nightmarish to get money unless you save scum high stakes roulette. The fastest method outside of that is to spend roughly an hour and a half Tiger Dropping people in the final tournament to buy one dagger that sells for 1 or 1.5 million.
Mahjong is actually fun.
They were doing us a favor. Those of us not literally too stupid to learn it, anyway.
It's basically mahjong.
I know, I ended Kiwami just with 2M¥... I just liked Yui so much, couldn't stop going to Jewel.
>only people who play mahjong willingly are the Chinese and Jews
Really makes you think
No Yaku lel. This is why you don't open your hand.
Getting to rank 1 in ranked mahjong in Kiwami was pretty shitty. It really drops all the pretense that the game is in any way authentic or fair. But this also goes both ways. It feeds your opponents complete hands but it also does the same for you. Rather than having to learn and master mahjong, getting to rank 1 is about how well you can game the system that decides how big your odds at drawing anything are.
Like for example if you have all three dragon tiles in your starting hand, even if there's just one each, your odds of drawing into at least shou san gen are like 66%+.
>In 2017, Hatano made a guest appearance on the Taiwanese public television program Guess Who (Chinese: 誰來晚餐, Who is Coming to Dinner?). She was invited to learn more about the Hand Angel (Chinese: 手天使) nonprofit, which provides sexual services for those who are physically disabled.
What were you even going for?
Composed stair?
the best yakuza minigame is bowling because you don't have to play against cheating AI
>that darts substory in 0 where your opponent makes you get drunk between rounds and starts banging out triples
I believe he's shooting for the Confused Stare.
I played Yakuza Kiwami first before heading over to Yakuza 0. Is it just me or does it take WAY fucking longer to get upgrades for your styles in 0 compared to Kiwami? I played at a decent pace doing a bunch of substories in between chapters and doing some of the Real Estate/Cabaret stuff, but I just reached the Finale chapter with Kiryu/Majima and I still have 40% of each upgrade tree, while in Kiwami I had them pretty much filled out by this point. That's not even counting all the grinding you've gotta do to get all the properties and invest in them. Same thing with Majima, except with Majima it's a fucking slog getting his weapons/gear and expeditions going.
You literally just have to fight Shakedown a handful of times and that's it to max out your trees. You only need to fight his final version like 10ish times on each character and that's everything filled (Once you unlock the whole tree of course).
These threads are always funny to me because I can spot the problem immediately.
I've only fought Mr. Shakedown three times, but it's not for lack of trying. I found him sleeping in a park and took all his money like 15 hours ago but no matter when I return as Kiryu/Majima he just never shows up or still has 0 yen
Stealing yen is a waste of time, don't do it. Shakedown will always retain 0 yen until you beat him again or you die to him. You just need to keep beating him until the substory for that specific one is complete and then he'll come at you with 700 million to 2 billion per encounter. Also, if you have beaten a Shakedown you need to go through a loading screen (Like into a store or a restaurant) and then back out of it in order to get Shakedown wandering around the map again. If you have the Encounter Finder it shows you exactly where he is, Majima gets his from a substory, Kiryu's is missable if you don't pick the right box in a Miracle substory.
tfw you accidentally played a Full Straight while knowing nothing about Mahjong.
I have no idea how I 100% this game.
Yep, don't even have to open the image to know exactly what's happening
in the kiwami version there's a cheat tile a floor above the mahjong parlor
Love Riichi mahjong now.
Your hand a score of 0 therefore you can't win
Things that would have given it a score of at least 1
- not making your hand open by picking the 8 of bamboo so that you could call riichi or tsumo
- making 2-3-4 and 6-7-8 of bamboo so that you would achieve "all simple"
- replacing the 5-6-7 of letter and 2-3-4 of coin with other bamboo combination in order to achieve "single color"
Riichi mahjong is the sleeper best tabletop game
>telling him to go for a yakuman instead of just keeping his hand closed
He's saying to go for honitsu/chinitsu, not ryuu iisou.
I've never heard the term "color" used for that, my bad
>that feeling when I can kind of play riichi mahjong thanks to it being introduced to FFXIV but can remember fuckall how points are calculated
no one actually knows how it works, the chinese just make it up as they go along
That's why you have computers to do it for you. Even when people play with real tiles they use scoring charts like this so all you have to do is count fu and han without doing the actual equation.
>no 25 fu
You can easily memorize every 1-4 han 20-50 fu combination (since kans are so rare, so 60-70 fu hands are nearly non-existent), for oya just multiply by 1.5, for tsumo do the 1:1:2 spread and you are done.
Also, mahjong is THE game, brainlets are filtered from the get go. Post your favourite strats:
>mfw being in damaten on 4 30 hand
>doing that stupid but effective quasi ryanmen tanki wait
>faking toitoi or honitsu and going for chanta instead
also, death to open tanyao plebs
What’s the ruleset that has a Han/Yaku floor that doesn’t even allow open tanyao only
because I hate that shit
open tanyao is literally the most dumb hand in existence, especially if you are playing with red doras. All of the players are trying to play defensively and scramble to set up interesting closed hands, but there must be that one dumfuck who wins in 6th turn with "LOL OPEN TANYAO 3 DORA MANGAN!1!". Well, at the same time, open tanyao is the easiest hand to punish by damaten, but still - by allowing an open tanyao you are severely limitng a number of yaku played - since everybody will be just dora hunting.
Oh, and the rule is called 'kuitan'
ari - open tanyao allowed
nashi - not allowed
Open tanyao is fine. Good way to add value to hands that are otherwise pointlessly cheap like open sanshoku or toitoi. Aka dora is the real dumb shit.
I don't understand why this bothers people so much, open tanyaos are cheap shit hands 99% of the time unless they're stacking dora and when you see that happening you can just go defensive
Their problem is that they are a) too fast, b) too easy. You can easily get into tenpai by the 4th or 5th turn and lock the rest of the table off, just to win that 1k points. Besides, going for open tanyao forces bad habits and ultimately, won't add to developing your skills, that's why in my country it's banned in casual play (sadly it's allowed in tournaments, but who would attend them lol).
>You can easily get into tenpai by the 4th or 5th turn and lock the rest of the table off, just to win that 1k points.
The point is it doesn't stop people from pushing when they're only gonna lose one or two thousand. Someone can push fast open tanyaos all game and they'll still lose the moment one person gets an east mangan or something.
Hey you guys wanna play some sum-fun with me?
I really like playing the game but I know I will never ever play it IRL ever.
>taught my family to 0pay riichi and now we play regularly
I'm so pleased. Really surprised my parents were able to pick up the rules.
>not knowing mahjong
>not destroying your opponent and their mind at the same time
>browse the mahjong thread on /jp/
>see similar posts in this thread
I liked Saki more
cee-lo is one of the funniest games I've ever played. someone is always getting fucked, sucks when its you though.
How does one even memorize all this shit?
is it worth completing the majima club substory before finishing the game?
Currently wrapping up Kiryus estate shit and its not really fun i just wanna do it lulz
By playing. You start by working with the easiest and most common ones (tanyao, yakuhai, pinfu, riichi) then gradually expand your awareness to slightly less common ones (chiitoitsu, toitoi, sanshokudoujun, itsu, iipeikou, honitsu/chinitsu), then uncommon ones (chanta/junchan, sanankou), then outright rare ones (sanshokudoukou, shousangen, honroutou, ryanpeikou, sankantsu, all the yakuman) until eventually you simply know all of them at once. Once you know them all, they all make sense and you can perceive their potential in your hand without thinking about it, so there's no real need to consciously remember the individual requirements. You can put off memorizing things like yakuman because of how rare they are, and there are also plenty of yaku that just happen incidentally by pure luck like tsumo, double riichi, ippatsu, rinshan, haitei which don't have to be actively remembered when constructing a hand.
>using japanese yaku names for a new player
Why do retards do this?
Because the english names are frequently inconsistent and many of them only make sense in context. "Pure double chi" makes about as much sense as iipeikou. In the end it's easier to remember the japanese ones. If you're playing riichi mahjong you're already a fucking weeb anyway.
>"Pure double chi" makes about as much sense as iipeikou.
No it doesn't, "pure double chi" actually tells you something about what it is. Listing off a bunch of Japanese terms is fucking pointless because they mean literally nothing to someone who's completely new to the game and has never seen the terms before. What do you expect him to do, just look them all up one by one to find out what they actually are?
Especially when the context is a reply to an image containing all the translated yaku names, you're a douchenozzle weeaboo for not using them
because fuck your Pungs, Kongs and Chows, like it's some kind of necessity to call everything not like those bugmen
way better score table to read here
>What do you expect him to do, just look them all up one by one to find out what they actually are?
Yes. You will have to do that anyway. Only a handful of english translated names give enough information to actually intuit the requirements of the yaku without looking it up. Shit like "No points hand" or "mixed triple chi" mean nothing if you don't already know what those refer to.
>Yes. You will have to do that anyway.
Totally missing the point and the context, good job
You learn the Japanese terms over time but using them in a quick summary post of what a completely new player should go for is incredibly stupid, especially (like I already said) when they replied to a list using the English terms
Nobody's saying to use pung/chow/kong because neither the japanese nor chinese/american terms for those mean anything you fucking retard
>way better score table
you don't need ching chong ping pong to read numbers and guess that bottom table is for dealer
He can look at this then.
if you want a quick retard-friendly guide to playing mahjong, don't put any terminals in your hand unless you plan on riichi'ing
once you know what you're doing and learn which hands you can either keep open or closed, you can chimp out to your heart's content
How to spot faggots that aren't even close to descend to hell (left).
Are you perchance a lesbian?
Fucking kill me.
he's probably, may allah forgive me for uttering this word, a yurifag
>I just liked Yui so much, couldn't stop going to Jewel.
Good taste
>faking toitoi or honitsu and going for chanta instead
Nobody really falls for shit like that. People only deal in because dealing the tile gets them closer to tenpai and your shitty hand is worth to take the risk
I bought a mahjong set and taught roommates and friends to play, the key is to start off small so they get the basics, and then what a winning hand is, and then about how the fuck points work.
And to actually have friends
Yeah and once you have a 3han hand, all those wins turn out to be meaningless for the open tanyao faggot
just play with old chinese people and jewish women
Mahjong is a trash game.
I would tell you since there often fags who don't post code in neither filename or title but I just checked and you can find it by using reverse image search.
One of the first results even has a megalink
gay male
same sex love is pure, regardless of gender
This is what a casual filter looks like
It's really not that bad, they're all pretty clear (except for the wacky yakuman hands that you don't really need to pay attention to at all starting out) and you learn them bit by bit. As you'll play you'll start building up an arsenal of yaku you remember and are familiar with going for and eventually you'll just have them all down.
Also hey, at least it's not as bad as "american" "mahjong"
You also don't have to buy a new $8 score card every year
American Mahjong is wacky as fuck. I played it with a few older women when I was younger. Hands are so specific it ends in draws a lot, even with jokers and Charlestons. God Charlestons are so weird. Cannot endorse as a game, but I'll say this, within a few weeks of playing with these grandmas they wanted me to marry their grand daughters and run for mayor of our town. Would recommend for those pursuing political careers, the networking potential is insane.
I want an automatic table