This image is so retarded

This image is so retarded

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PErson who made this probably dosen't even play games or maybe pirates 1 to 2 games a year.

Then what the fuck is fun?

Devil May Cry 1,3,4, and 5.

>I need a reason to hate something and not be called out for it
This is the same logic that obese people trying to normalize obesity use

Doing something fulfilling with your life instead of playing video games

Fun is a buzzword.

then why did you post it, retard?

This looks like it was made in a very personal way considering hotline miami and payday:TH are there

Problaby made by OP but trying to mask it by "hey guys look at this cringe lmao"

>fallout 3
>not nufun

It was made 2 years ago newfag
Also this, I was hoping it would never see the light of day again

>false sense of fun
So you're telling me I think I'm having fun but I'm actually not.
This is some real autism here. It's one thing to dislike something, but it's another thing to be unable to rationalize that people enjoy things you do not. I am certain whoever made that image is someone who looks at a pre-2000 game and thinks to himself: "Anyone who enjoys that is merely pretending".


buzzword is a buzzword.

so basically all modern vidya is bad, you won't trigger many people with that, you have to take a side if you want your trolling to be succesful

Describing something as a buzzword is a buzz adjective

have you tried not being cynical?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Games I like

Like posting on 4channel

One thing I love about Yea Forums is that there's always some more autistic out there than me and I love the constant reminders.

>Devil May Cry 3
>Devil May Cry 4
>Devil May Cry 5

Yea Forums is a special place.

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It's pretty accurate desu, the what games are included in each category just upsets you.


Is Pong fun?

it is but it's not as good as yar's revenge


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based and funpilled

Fun games are fun. Fun is just a childish novelty and everyone understands this, they are all just arguing disingenuously by conflating the intended meaning with a more general one. Games that don't try to be pleasant, that have actual challenge or experience driven design that doesn't just try to make things as streamlined as possible, games that force you to take them seriously enter a realm of enjoyment that goes beyond fun.

People get very triggered when you call a game they like bad because it makes them question their intelligence for liking a bad game.

it might be funny if it didn't seem like the games for each category were chosen at random

user one entire third of that image is dedicated to saying a bean can dictate people's ideologies and what they perceive as enjoyable. Of course it's retarded.

Sorry basedchugger

lol look guys some one said it again! :^)

Imagine writing that. I bet you like gourmet food

Take out the games from the studio that bans the word fun and you've got yourself a deal.

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Remember when this was a joke?

Attached: 4415C186-00B3-4823-B812-A8A2DF82566B.jpg (680x738, 76K)

>food analogies

Wow no fucking shit it's almost as if some fucking retarded, pathetic Yea Forumsirgin made this shit in his basement to get a reaction out of people

>remember when platinum club members hiveminded something and were all wrong?
happens all the time

It's almost as if it applies to you directly and this makes you upset

Fair enough, i bet you like designer clothes


Fuck Naughty Dog
Their games are fun, I don't care if they don't want me to think of them as fun

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>Boomer fucking PD:TH in the picture

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You are a buzzword

I seriously hope you guys don't have a false sense of fun.

who gives a fuck about fun.

>obesity use
how do you use obesity

first column should have the souls games

Average age here is 15 and average IQ is 85. The vast majority of NPCs here fall for hype and other false senses of fun, enjoying games for all the wrong reasons.

Copypasta material

>enjoying games for all the wrong reasons
Imagine being so pretentious.

Anyone playing a game

I wouldn't put Last of Us 2 in with Mario and Zelda. They belong in a fourth column, "No Fun"

Why are you on this board if you don't enjoy the hobby? Kill yourself.

You havent played last of us 2 tho
