There are reviewers who literally didn't crush Crash N Sane for destroying the first two games

>there are reviewers who literally didn't crush Crash N Sane for destroying the first two games

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Forgot my picture

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You already made this thread the other day, cry more.

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So wait, how can it destroy the first two but not the third as well?

What's wrong with it beyond it being challenging and looking different?

Good. It's a great game

Crash was never good
t.someone who was introduced to gaming via Crash

yeah... sure

But that's wrong, you faggot.
t.someone who was introduced to gaming via Crash.

>Pill Shaped Hitboxes vs Square Hitboxes of original
>Crash 3 physics for first two games
>No adjustments for either of these facts in the level design

They changed the collision detect which in turn changes the underlying physics. Of a series based upon platforming.
>jest get gidd nube
That's not the point. They changed an integral component of the game.

Yeah. After playing other 3D platformers I realised that Crash was pretty lacking.

also crash has a smaller jump arc in the remakes
for example, you can't do what this guy does at 1:33 in the remakes:

Only legit complaint is the bridge levels for being cancer on time trials. Rest is fine, I've played through all the originals and got the plat for each game in n sane.

There was no way they were going to get everything 100% perfect, and while I will agree that some of the changes did hurt the initial experience, I adapted to the changes and it didn't hurt my overall enjoyment.

They didn't destroy anything, the originals are right there for you to play. They merely attempted to recreate it in a totally different engine and got it like 90% correct.

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90% is not enough for Yea Forums autism, I'm afraid.

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These changes honestly aren't a big deal. Unless you fucking suck at video games, of course.

The loading screens are too long, that’s the only problem with it.

Wasn't this long fixed with the patch when the game went multi-plat?

>>that’s the only problem with it

The first game does a fine job of destroying itself on its own

My big gripe: They made crash 1 easier. Now you don't have to complete a level without dying to get the gems, just get all the boxes

Get out.

This. This so fucking much.
Destroying Crash 1's difficulty and turning the music shit was what made the N.Sane trilogy completely inferior to the originals to me.

You're a funny guy, faggot.

Are you angry because I'm right?

Don't give him (you)s

>implying N. Sane Trilogy isn't the definitive way to play the Naughty Dog trilogy
Cry more.

How were the first two """crushed""" faggot?

Crash 1 and 3 are fine honestly, but 2 was rushed out the fucking door and so were most of Warped's boss animations.

Nigga Crash 1 is my favourite game on the ps1 and I loved the remake. Its literally a matter of git gud

Fuck you, this is a Nina thread now.

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It matters for Crash 1, the bridge levels went from shit to complete and utter bullshit.

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What's the point of this board if they can't enjoy video games?

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Exactly. There's nothing wrong with it if you adapt to it really quickly.

so this boy hit the far edge of the silver jump box just like what you have to do in N. Sane. It matters where you land the boxes if you have to make those kind of jumps, especially in Crash 1

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Wait, whats this from?

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crash team racing. notice Dingodile's tank and the winners circle.

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Recent twitter revealing the preorder bonus outfits for Crash, Coco and Cortex. Special animations on the podium.

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Gonna need to see what Cortex is gonna be

Please be Coco again.

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what's with the tail

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I need a doctor, I'm running out of time

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no u

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What noise do the fruit make?

kind of sounds like a bird chirping

Attached: 1550308782197.jpg (540x404, 75K) however they sound in this series

fuck off crashfags, I can see people saying Spyro was a remake that changed too much (still great though), the Crash remake was close as fuck to the original.
>muh pill shape!!
Oh wow suddenly the big bad hard Sekiro game bros can't handle a slight change that barely changes anything to non crash autists?


Why does the switch version feel so insanely delayed? It feels like there's about a full second delay, and the movement just feels really shitty and slower than I remember the originals feeling.

Also, holy shit they really fucked up the water jet board sections in 2. It is completely random whether or not you get sucked into one of the whirlpools.

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