Anyone else constantly getting an error message when trying to update Fire Emblem Heroes?

Anyone else constantly getting an error message when trying to update Fire Emblem Heroes?

Attached: C2fE0HtUcAAi800.0.jpg (1200x800, 215K)




Play a better game

Wish DD4 and Warding Stance seal would get added to the unit builder already.

What's the other TT Seals?

No I dont seem to be having any issues

>Cainegihs +hp/-def
Should I keep him? Is DD4 useful?

>Have shit luck for two months
>Decide to use 20 orbs I got from doing chapters on the new banner
>Fallen Robin (M) with +ATK -HP
>Rhajat with +ATK -DEF
>Caineghis with +DEF -SPD

I wish I knew how to build teams because I've got tons of top tier units now

Why is blatant furry agenda celebrated? I swear to god people who like Tellius are such fucking philistines.

Attached: 500px-Ranulf_Friend_of_Nations_Face.png (500x600, 165K)

Used my free rolls and wound up with a second Tibarn. Who should I fodder his skills off to?

Attached: Tibarn norm.png (1600x1920, 788K)

>Is DD4 useful?

It snuffs bladetomes, so that's kinda neat. A character with a counter weapon could make good use out of it

Some unit you don't have or care about.

>trying so hard to get Ishtar
>Thea spook
>already have Cordelia +10'd
>nobody even wants her fodder

>spooked by a 4*

why is this shit even allowed? 5* pulls should always be base 5*s

Attached: 1510547707022.png (512x411, 222K)

Vanguard seems fun, even if not always ideal.

Attached: Dv7d0ahX0AAiBjm.jpg (1200x848, 137K)

Don't die yet thread, we have a new calendar.

Attached: Screenshot_20190410-220124.png (540x960, 575K)

>april seasonals
Did we have any April seasonals last year?

No, we didn't, we had a Thracia and a Fates banner last April. Because of the title of the Tap Battle people are claiming it might be an early bridal banner, but I doubt it,

Man, they really have no faith the characters that aren't in the game yet will sell.

Aether Resort is about as pointless as it sounds but god damn if Laegjarn and Deirdre playing in the hot springs isn't the cutest fucking thing I've ever done did see.

Attached: 1501429055495 2.jpg (531x800, 111K)

the units on the banner that i wanted had relatively inoffensive IVs but i rolled for merges
all the off banner units are either -atk or -spd, except for ephriam who is +spd/-def, which is arguably also bad


Attached: Screenshot_20190410-232408.png (1080x1920, 1.95M)

It's cute and all, but I wish it was the homescreen. I leave the app open there more often while I do other stuff. It would be nice to customize the homescreen in the same while having the necessary buildings being the stuff that's already there.

Attached: family vacation.png (1536x2048, 3.15M)

Imagine the smell

Attached: Imagine the smell.png (720x1280, 1.01M)

Thea prf refine when?

Well, the next TT is far enough away to where I can use some coins. Darting Blow and Warding Stance are the last 2 relevant ones I have to upgrade. Which should I do first?

is this real?

How is this bitch not dead yet?

Where's the content?

Attached: sadgirl.gif (500x280, 1.95M)

God himself is trying to save you from that shit game. Take the hint user

In the blue boxes. Also Arena and Aether Raids.

Do you have enough free space on your phone? You need like 700MB free space for the update.

Yeah I was surprised when I saw her alive.

Looks like some good stuff

I kinda wish you would die