It's pretty fun
It's pretty fun
cod are for pussies i play halo
You need Xbox One for that, no thanks
MW2 is better
>remaster a 2007 game
>don't even remaster the whole thing
>don't even release all maps for multiplayer on launch day, the entire reason people would even care to begin with
>alter voices for multiplayer for whatever reason
>do not even include the quality of life improvements from later games
Fucking trash, absolute trash.
I said "pretty fun", not perfect
The fact they cannot fully remaster a game from 200 and fucking 7 is an embarrassment and shows just how greedy Activision is. Fuck that shit they get no praise at all here.
What parts weren't "fully remastered", autist?
How about go and look up the game for yourself retard
Uh oh, someone got caught talking out of his ass again!
Campaign is still spectacular. MP is still total shit.
I haven't played cod4 since like 2010, i can't remember what the game had that this doesn't t. OP
*Ruins your MP*
Camping and unbalanced snipers as well
Just played through the original on Veteran last week, I miss when CoD campaigns were still good
>mfw True veterans get headshots
>unbalanced Snipers
its not like CoD2 where there was no reason to use any weapon that wasnt a bolt action
Most people don't even use that lol
As well as juggernaut, stopping power and last stand.
Are you retarded?
The only thing that wasn't remastered at launch was the DLC maps that nobody gives a shit about
I wanted to download this since it was "free" from Plus last month, but my dumb ass forgot to add it to my library, haha JUST
Shotguns have such terrible range its ridiculous.
>that nobody gives a shit about
Chinatown was a great map you faggot.
The killstreaks ruin the MP just fine, thank you very much.
I got the trilogy along with BO1 and BO2. My god what have I become.
The problem with CoD was never that it was unfun
It was that it was overdone and failed to innovate
The core stop'n pop gameplay is never really bad
It's fucking shit
>every match is nothing but m16 sweats
no thanks
This, since black ops you can liken the cod series to a worse version of the WoW expansions after WotLK
WaW > Black Ops > 2 > 1 > 4 >>>>>> Shit >>>> the rest of them
Literally every FPS is some baby's first fps
Why none of the games that came after Black Ops 2 used branching paths or that RTS thing I did not understand.
Even United Offensive?
It goes with 1, thanks for reminder
Shotguns are crazy powerful on the tanker map, shipment and vacant.
The range feels fine. W1200>>>>>M1014
Why do people like Blops so much? Even when they went out of their way to balance it, it was still a shitstorm with awful MP spawning.
I was talking about the MMO World of Warcraft, and how the consecutive expansions after a certain one failed to innovate and instead regressed.
Blacks Ops 2 was somewhat fun but it was overall garbage the same game simplified and dumbed down for the casual audience.
Little to no redeeming qualities
Campaign was kino and zombies was fun
the only truly good cod
in a week you won't haha
>awful MP spawning
oh boy if you played Mw3 back in the day, it was so bad FFA was unplayable to a point where they had to fuck with the spawns and even then it was horrid
Last cod i played was Black ops 2 and i only played that for like 2 hours. I just play the old classics
I did play it. I prestiged within a week and sold it on that same day. It was all downhill from there.
Anyone else just play for the campaigns and ignore multiplayer, other than maybe zombies?
cod ghosts was kino.
why did call of duty banepost
You forgot:
>add tons of new unlockable skins and customizations
>even add new weapons
This game alone is enough to convince me "the jews" is a legitimate excuse for what's wrong with corporations
>the grenades
>the spawns
Fuarrk, it's all coming back to me.
the only thing funnier than pro halo players is pro cawadoody players
it was all apart of the plan
God that is disgusting. First MW is even loved enough that they could have sold it as the yearly main COD game only remastered. It could have even went for 60 bucks and people still would have bought it since MW was that loved and by 2016 people were begging for Modern Warfare COD games again. The assets were already done so it isn't like they had to try hard at all but no these jews just have to have even more money and shoved in microtransaction bullshit wow. I hate this industry so much.