Post a picture, Anons recommend games based on it

Post a picture, Anons recommend games based on it.

Attached: PaintRef1.jpg (1500x873, 258K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: Rain.jpg (1920x1200, 488K)

inb4 niggas only posting pictures and no reccommendations

Max Payne 2

Heavy Rain
Spec Ops: The Line

Frostpunk is the closest thing I have to this.

>Spec Ops: The Line
game looks like crap desu

Attached: 1502333893457.webm (640x1136, 2.09M)

Just get it a sell.

Attached: 1548651735509.jpg (1440x1080, 732K)


Attached: 1552096157515.jpg (164x202, 5K)

Dead or Alive Volleyball

Honey Select or any games like that.

Sleeping Dogs
Detroit Become Human

Attached: 14edittop1.jpg (795x819, 209K)

Dantes inferno

Attached: 1549284347450.jpg (2048x1094, 411K)

Watch dogs would be fun for you for like 10 hours.

Lost Planet 2

Ape Escape

train simulator or transport tycoon !

Teaching Feeling

Attached: thosewerethedays.jpg (536x767, 86K)

There is no game for that feel

Not being SF

Attached: 15548196654854.jpg (1000x623, 250K)

The Darkness early on.

Attached: 1540853277696.jpg (286x327, 17K)

Attached: just-one-tree-1920x1080-wallpaper-6859.jpg (1920x1080, 1.74M)

Attached: Yamato - 02 [10bit BD 1080p] [3C58542B].mkv_snapshot_12.00_[2018.12.22_21.49.12].png (1440x1080, 1.56M)

>has a fucking grenade in her hand and pulled the pin
>crying and acting like she's the victim


Attached: thelads.jpg (567x401, 82K)

wallpaper thread

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I think that's because she's supposed to be scared.
Also women lmao.

Attached: 1547860919387.jpg (500x700, 127K)

She is the victim because they need her DNA. They aimed at her and told her to get on the ground so she had to kill herself.

>you will never ride your bike through your small, cozy town to pick up flowers from your gf in the sunshine.

why even live

Attached: v1.jpg (206x305, 19K)

Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2

Don’t say subnautica or abzu

Attached: B450E048-53DA-4209-BC60-C94D83CCB6E1.jpg (1727x2000, 1.8M)

woman lmao

Maybe Ghost of Tsushima but we'll have to see

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There is no way anyone finds this caked up mulatto whore attractive

Yeah, I'm trying figure out how the world can be scared of her.

Mad Max

Red Dead Redemption


>I think that's because she's supposed to be scared.
That's even dumber since she's had to have been thinking about using a grenade for a while if she went out of her way to fucking get one.

>they need her dna
oh no i need to go and give a bit of my blood better take out a nade and threaten to use it

But you can still get DNA from a corpse.

t. Roastie

Look at that fucking abs, that children bearing hips HNNNGH

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The white liquid reminds me of those robot guys from Alien: Isolation.


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Outlast 2

The World Ends With You

GTA 3 & 4

>Definitely Resident Evil 7. Or Ghoul Forest.

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Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and Blood Trail

Attached: 3E195267-89BF-4C00-8E37-171F38DB0B14.jpg (830x535, 97K)

Valkyria Chronicles

Brutal Legend

Attached: sergey-lameyko-l6-ce-cut-big-w.jpg (1920x1125, 759K)

cod modern warfare 2, gta v, and fortnite

Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (Elena, Ibuki Stage)

>photos as wallpapers
Idk how people find this pleasing, they're often incredibly busy, and my screen is either too big and close to feel comfortable about it, or on a laptop and too small to enjoy it

Degrees of Lewdity


Nioh/Sekiro, in Nioh there's an actual mission where you fight alongside him againts demons

I would love to do something like this. Also some on rails shooter like House of The Dead

Attached: 62a34f7.jpg (720x960, 55K)



no stalker, no last of us

Attached: Dz_44sXU8AEq1U5.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 482K)

Are those prosthetics? Those are prosthetics, right?

Last of stalker


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Ethan Carter.

Dying Light

Far Cry New Dawn

Imagine the amount of fuckhuge spiders you catch with your face while doing this

just put some anime titties as your wallpaper then

The picture is melancholy and impressionistic. GTA is more satirical and realistic. So I wouldn't say its the right fit for what OP posted.

I just want that classic wow feel back. But not nu classic wow

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Metro: Exodus
Battlefield 2

Dark Souls

Games for this feel?

Attached: skyking 34yy34345345u.jpg (360x300, 6K)

Breath of the Wild

Attached: 155.jpg (374x1003, 168K)

Please dont touch anything

Beyond Good & Evil
LOVERS in a dangerous Spacetime
Papers, Please

Yeah they look like teeth caps

Attached: 1551921197091.jpg (960x720, 114K)

Left 4 Dead

Attached: 20190326_042848.jpg (692x923, 272K)

Ace Combat

Attached: 1466963125774.jpg (3000x1705, 855K)

Fallout New Vegas


Attached: 43245654543.png (990x1146, 884K)

that one dynasty warriors boat level


Battlefield V

Forza Racing

Grand theft auto
sauce please im begging who is the artist

Attached: neo kobe city.jpg (383x316, 19K)

X-Plane 11
Grand Theft Auto 5
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Max Payne 3

Unforeseen incidents

its rebis

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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Battlefield: 2142

The Forest


Attached: tumblr_pfq8gkx8iX1w22gauo1_500.jpg (500x666, 70K)

Gears of War

Attached: 609877.jpg (1111x800, 426K)

Majora's Mask

Alien Isolation

or that Giger style Point and Click game for PC.

Duke Nukem Forever

Corruption of Champions

Attached: make me sad.jpg (480x488, 45K)

fragile dreams: farewell ruins of the moon

Attached: diplomacy_and_culture.png (400x225, 79K)

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The artist for this actually did some work on doom 1's art style. So doom

Persona 4


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