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What was the golden age of speed running and when did it all go to sh*t?

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Trannies, all things they touch turn to shit.

tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny

Here we go again

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Yeah 2013 was the peak, 2014 was aight then it drove off a cliff

What is this creature


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Original video link? I wanna hear this faggot cry.

What did he used to look like when he was Cosmo?

Those were the days

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1 word

he's still cosmo you faggot, dressing up as a girl doesn't change your gender

Can you stop?

>wanting the event to be in a small as fuck room with a bunch of smelly incel virgins.

Not only that but runs are more professional now and the people speedrunning them are better than ever before.

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Cosmo is long dead user, narcissa took over and will take itself down along with cosmo.

2013 when that stupid fuck Caveman got Chibi banned. That was the start of "No Fun Allowed" because the stupid fucking staff started implementing a bunch of rules and stuff.

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Yeah how dare those nerdy boys enjoy their hobby

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Low-effort bait.

Strats evolve over time, and nothing about ProtoMagicalGhoul's menacing is professional. It's a hostile work environment with a fuckton of internal tension.


Surprised I havn't seen this here yet

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Coporate shill

I'd rather have the event be more mainstream and inclusive to everyone than be an elitist circlejerk shithole like it was before.

Are you there for the runs or not, you turbofaggot?

what happened to bonesaw anyway

blame the cursed couch

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Me on the left

I think he's been unbanned for a while but moved to Japan or something and just hasn't felt like coming back, I think he's more into cosplay and other shit now.

when it went to shit: SJW/tranny shit at every gdq.

Link the video faggot

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Why doesn't somebody help this person? This is not healthy

Here is the fucking video


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lmao so this is what this site's all about? y'all are pathetic making fun of trans people.

when did salad fingers grow hair holy shit


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Don't shortchange them, they're pathetic for a whole host of reasons, not just that.

Does this dude not have ANYBODY to talk to? He needs serious therapy.

made my fucking night

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welcome to Yea Forums
we'll be here all day buddy

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I really do not like the noises that dude is making in that video, good on you for finding the whole thing with the sound.

Also, I really like that picture.

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Even trans people dislike Cosmo

Nature fixes itself

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He has refused help for 4 years. The only help he accepts is financial donations.

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>two gay boys sitting with a touhou dolls
>one of them puts his arm around the other

This was the microscopic cancer that started way back in 2013 before becoming full blown in 2019. Someone should have told guys like that to stop being a fucking bitch on stream and we wouldn't be where we are today.

So how does this creature get money now?

Legit feel bad for this guy.



I don't think he's in a position where he can even decide if he needs help or not

Why did this video make me sad?
Inb4 "cuz your a faggot"

This video made me grin from ear to ear. Is something wrong with me?

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Because you are experiencing someone who thought they were absolute rock bottom sink even further

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cuz your a faggot

But where does Count von Skullet land on here?

>hasn't posted anything in 2 weeks
>v is still obsessed

Considering the fact that this dude is a total shut in with no job other than begging for scraps, he probably doesn't leave the house very often at all.

Since I don't think anyone other than Cosmo has appeared on stream, he doesn't seem to have anyone to turn to, and definitely can't afford to get help.

hi cosmo

He is right about one thing though. Literally the only way he gets any sort of major attention (Other than having a very tiny amount of loyal viewers who tosses him money) is getting poked fun at by weird strangers online.

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Because that's the normal reaction to seeing something like that.

GDQ turned corporate + trannies found a niche market with a large audience that they can infest if they put in a few hours a day playing a game no one's touched before.


exactly where it should be

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Because society tells it that it's perfectly fine to be subhuman.
And so, more retards cut their dicks off thinking it's going to solve any problems. It just creates more.

Sad, but in a way, it is Darwin's law. If you're stupid enough to do it, then you have to get out of it yourself, or you die.
But hey, all's good as long as we're inclusive of all genders, races and creeds, right? :) We're so progressive!

You don't think people tried? He was taking hormones (which were obtained illegally) in private for at least a year before the Nintendo World Championship. The only people he actually confides in are probably those that encourage this type of self-destructive bullshit behavior.

the first tranny president will be on the 45 dollar bill.

the absolute state of the usa

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no bully

>Cosmo could go easily back to making a reasonable living with a fun and fulfilling Twitch channel if he just apologized and appealed his ban like DarksydePhil did, and actually played/speedran games instead of doing weird suicidal breakdown/sleeping/drug/Pornhub shit
>stays alone and in poverty because ???

They are a legitimate sociopath.

crazy maka a cute

tranny fart fetish

ask and ye shall receive

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>tfw none of this would have happened if cosmo managed to keep his shit together after his gf left and move on like a normal human being

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forgot link

holy fuck

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Because acting rationally is completely beyond him at this point. He's a very very ill person that'll inevitably do some extreme shit in the very near future

To be fair, he also got NUMBERED. The Cosmo Wright we knew never made it out of that walljump screen alive.

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This is where speedrunning fucking peaked.

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Reminder that it was him who created the thread, reminder that the video it's just him crying, reminder that he linked his patreon in the video description to stop bullying

You'd have to already be a little unhinged for not knowing how to walljump in New Super Mario Bros at some competition to push you off the edge

Belongs in an institution. I feel bad in the same way I feel bad watching a downie trying to tie their shoelaces. Jesus...

Doot doo doo

He as high as a fucking kite

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chibi was fucking based

>Wersker will never be able to say nigger live at AGDQ ever again

>the timer

you are very very beautiful

Agreed, top 3 for sure

He got the testosterone beat out of him

>"Why would you apologize?"
this. seriously, what the fuck was cosmo even doing? took like 4 minutes just to get to the fucking water section and by that time jon already beat bowser.
kino as its best

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Fucking hell, why did this have to become corporate shill fest where the only entertaining person is the guy who tells everyone yelling reddit memes in the audience to stand in the freeway

What? Did he cut it off?

Yep, he made several threads on Yea Forums

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Looks like a fucked up clone of Todd Rundgren.

>No one calling out the bullshit self-censorship in the OP

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I think I might be kill all trannies guy lol

Sorry I don't watch anime that panders to incels

Bonesaw's Jak run is pure kino.


>that look of optimism at the start of the thread
Fucking hell

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Look at his fucking SHOULDERS

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What makes your eyes dilate like that, amphetamines/stimulants like acid?


Hello, it's me

>Calls someone a bigot

He's asking to get an ass beating. Someone will unleash the Dragon of Dojima on him.