Video games

Video games(video game related)

Attached: eso1907a.jpg (1600x900, 68K)

I hate video games.

I fucking hate Yea Forumsermin.

Attached: IQ'd.jpg (478x523, 105K)

That image is racist, please dont post it

is black holes suck in light and the light particles had to travel back to the telescope after hitting the black hole then thats fake because the particle waves would nt escape the black hole

What is the image?

What you're seeing are the light particles around the light particles that can't escape.

my anus

Black Hole-chan has enough sucking power that even when you blow she still sucks and no matter what. You can't tell her to stop. You cannot slap her. She won't stop. You can't even pull away. She won't stop. She keeps on sucking and sucking until you are no more.

Attached: Blackholechan.jpg (800x757, 110K)

Just make it a golden sony wojak already

The image is fake, NASA lies. In reality the earth is cubic

You: posts that image
Me: LOL!

Just another black breaking the laws of physics, Nothing more.

Why is this black hole special?



you mean over the pictures of others? oh wait, there isn't any

It's really black

That Interstellar movie had like ten.

Here's your final boss, bro

Attached: 1u9VKFB.png (646x320, 231K)

it's the darksign senpai

First one to have its picture taken by some monkeys.

If you are talking about something that is rare as fuck and is amazing,powerful and cool?

Well you are talking about...
Sekiro shadows die twice

Attached: 1553819374913.gif (600x338, 853K)

Anyone just have the image on its own?