Are there any games where genocide is actually the right answer? Like, the protags actually do at first think there's a peaceful way to live together with the other party but after one event they finally decide to just kill all the fuckers and it's actually portrayed as the right thing to do?
Are there any games where genocide is actually the right answer? Like...
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in almost every game genocide is the right answer, but it's because the villains and their underlings are comically bad. the protag isn't a tinfoiled conspiracy nut raving about jews
neither were the nazis
Not 100% certain but that kinda looks like the plot of that new game Darkborn, where youre playing as like some weird monsters that are getting fucked up by vikings and you retaliate against them.
Jewish influence over the western world is not a tinfoiled conspiracy.
yes they were. exile is the answer, not murder.
every group of people has influence over the world. this is retarded.
and exile is what they did
are you retarded?
Tales of the Abyss, at least for the main protag. He's scared as fuck of killing people in the beginning.
But thats literally what they did, blamed all of the country's problems on the jewish population and not the fact that they had just lost a major war 10 years ago and basically got their economy blown the fuck up. Tbh i dont know precisely what to believe about the whole thing, truthfully its possible that after the first world war jewish investors DID move en masse into the country and start buying up businesses and property and eventually by extension become embedded into the german elite/political system. The question arises then, is this "evil" or a reality that comes naturally when a country"s economy is ravaged by an expensive protracted war.
What retarded boomer made up the nambu katana
Is the Kriegsmesser the best sword in existence?
Yes the people of zimbabwe are the ones telling us all to circumcise our children
>Are there any games where genocide is actually the right answer?
Real life.
Destroy All Humans
The genophage of the Krogan race is the correct answer in Mass Effect.
But the jews did do exactly that. In fact, if you were to look into the history of israel and palistine youd see that the jews have been and are buying up or actively taking land en-mass since the 1950s. Its literally the same tactics.
>impressionable retards and mutilating their kids
this is more funny than evil.
Xenogears actually had an entire country be wiped out from existence to be effectively a good thing.
Granted, it was an accidental genocide, but it kind of counts.
FFTA, if you assume that the "people" living in Ivalice are sentient and not all minds transferred into new bodies from actual humans, like the bullies from the intro.
There's a Fallout 3 quest that always ends in SOMEBODY getting genocided
And That's A Good Thing (from a certain point of view)
kinda, but everything you do in E.Y.E is bad, no matter what way you play or what options you choose
besides killing the demons, but those might not even exist in the first place
But the genophage was made to dramatically reduce their numbers not outright kill them all off
no it doesn't. I'm talking real genocide, these people are the source of all our problems, kill them all and life will be good again, genocide is what I'm looking for
Diablo 1/2 count? They tried to tame hell and then decided to say fuck it and kill em all
the genophage in effectively and necessary forced birth control, not genocide.
Stillbirths kind of lose impact when you learn that Krogan bred in litters, and there's a sizable presence of them in the system, because despite the genophage and their penchant for risky jobs, they are much MUCH more durable than the average race.
Curing the genophage is actually a HUGE liability, and Shepard is hoping that Wrex and co. change their culture for the better. If their race falls under a corrupt leadership, it could be more disastrous for the Krogan themselves.
All these faggots need to burn
>sell the country out to kikes because shitty at waging war due to germanic genome.
>"wtf, how could you kikes buy the country?!!?"
the germans killing the jews is the genocide equivalent of a junkie killing their own dealer because they're addicted to drugs
Nah, it's just krauts being all
>Hei Hans, how about we take dein messer, but make it großer und scharfer?
>Damn Siegmar, you must be ein genius, now we can krieg harder mit this, let me add ein crossguard while we are at it
Basket swords were still superior in the same environment.
>german rulers say peasants can't carry swords
>doesn't say anything about knives
>autistic germans just make really fuckin big knives
Playing Skyrim as anyone but a Nord. You find out pretty quickly that they are all backwards retards that can't even into magic, architecture, or Daedra, so might as well just play an elf and clean the whole place up a bit and level enchanting along the way with all of your fresh souls. Filthy N'wahs had it coming.
if you want to get skewered by a rapier, yes.
o _
o ¯
And in doing that they created the best one edged sword ever.
Solaris was the source of all the problems in that planet, and it effectively gets destroyed during the course of the game.
They are an unwitting and effectively conditioned extension of the Gazel Ministry, which has been manipulating everything from behind the scenes at the expense of the Lambs living in the worlds surface. They are all aware of the suffering of the Lambs, and believe its their fault for being born unprivileged.
It's a knife, officer. Clearly. It's in the name and all.
any good games?
Swords are just big knives faget
I can't think of any original game universes where that's true but that pretty well describes LotR. Its not the same scenario but totally eradicating super mutants is an unspoken underlying goal in Fallout.
They don't even share a single letter. They've nothing to do with one another. I've no idea how you could possibly see that and think knife. I mean, think sword! It is a knife.
If this seems retarded, it's because retarded medieval German law classified swords by their handle construction, with a hammered tang making something a sword, and a riveted handle making something a knife
I actually want to make a game about misunderstood and oppressed undead, orcs, hellspawn being the player's perspective fighting the evil human empire, but I'm not sure how to make it appealing enough and justifiable enough.
>They don't even share a single letter.
That doesn't answer the question of what it's classified as when the handle is made out of a pistol.
>s w o r d
>k n i f e
I don't think he meant "messer" and "schwert", Herr user
Etrian Odyssey.
You are actually retarded if you think the "influence" of literally ANY group matches that of the Jewish ethnic group. Jews have been responsible for the entire cultural critique and uprooting of all our previous morals for new ones that weaken us. You can't just say "no they don't do that that's a conspiracy theory"
The burden is on YOU to tell me how I'm wrong, because I can point to 10 books and various essays that prove me right. Also your a faggot
The tang of the sword is shoved and welded into the open bolt (and possibly magazine) of the pistol, making it a sword with an odd handle and poor handling. Sword-pistols actually exist, and are usually considered to be both, but are sub-par if not horrible at preforming both roles.
But if you riveted it instead of welding, you should be good in medieval Germany, since it's just a knife, right?
Except that the main Character is only on the good side, because there's a bigger evil than him.
i honestly dont give a shit user. i know your life is shit because you can't adapt and need to find an external tormentor, but this just outs you as low quality.
World of Warcraft, regardless of which side you play.
>maybe we can reason with the Horde?
>promises of the alliance have many times been broken but maybe we can work toge--
I'm sorry if it sounds edgy but I'm getting really tired of moralfag protagonists in vidya.
make your own game without one
Skaven are a menace and their genocide would be a massive benefit to the world.
Norscans are subhuman trash and contribute nothing to the world. Nobody would shed a tear if they're gone.
Is that weapon real?
In Pathfinder Kingmaker you are pretty much always better off killing any monsters that try to make "civilized" society but I don't think you can actually commit in game genocide.
I'm sick of playing life tho
Hit me up with those books, wouldn't mind some good reading.
not him, but my life is pretty ok, but i dont like the obvious jewish influence in Western civilization either. this isn't even a left/right issue.
>Kill the ghouls cause they were going to kill the Tenpenny residents
>Lose Karma cause supposed predjuice
>3Dog calls me racist scumbag over the radio and have some pretty good trustworthy recommendations.
What games let me use a katana with a gun for a hilt?
No, you dumb fucking yokel, they don't make videogames for trailer trash like you. Now go fetch that roadkill, it's almost dinner time, I reckon.
No, they don't, actually. Could you be more specific? You and are concerned with the outsized influence of the wealthy, and you've bought the lie that it's all controlled by Jews. Newsflash, ALL the rich people are screwing you over, living like gods, and will never know or care that you exist or that you hate Jews. I guarantee you 99.99% of the people you complain about are not in the world's top wealthiest 1%, let alone top .1%. No one takes you seriously because your argument is a joke that anyone without your insane bias can see through immediately, because there are tons of bastards out there and some of them are Jews but plenty of them aren't.
t. schizoid
Did you mean schizo, retard?
The only right answer is OFF
This. The rich can go fuck themselves. Anyone who thinks "It's all the Jews' fault!" is not only retarded but also blind and deaf.
Actual unironic answer
Warcraft 3
Based and Informedpilled.
not him or that other user but if you wanna lay down and die then go ahead, no one gives a shit, but spreading disinformation as if it’s when you self-admittedly don’t care to be right is dishonest, malicious and makes you a piece of shit desu
as if it’s fact*
>no BoF IV mentioned
it takes a lot for a society to become truly completely irredeemable where the only option left is extermination, and that society passed that point hundreds of years ago.
What the hell? But why? How?
>baby's first redpill
leave while you can still be happy, you don't want this, it truly is better to just be ignorant of the truth, go back to tumblr and I actually say this with your own interest at heart.
lol there's no fucking way this is all true
companies with thousands of employees and you have pictures of people who you say are jews that have worked there at one point? this pic implies they are all working there at the same time but they aren't.
b-bad goy
Hahaha holy shit are you guys serious? Most people's parents even know this as a fact, it's not some big well kept secret
Google Epicyte if you want to shit your pants
I fucking want that but in a broadsword form and the gun replaced with a desert eagle...
How old is this image? I wonder if it's still up to date?
Not with that kitchen knife handle it isn't
>showing every jew that ever worked there even 100 years ago
>use it to imply they are all working there now
you don't see the flaw in the logic here do you?
>no sources
>no dates for employment times
amazing, and no doubt i will be flooded with replies of "look it up yourself tard", despite the fact i will come up with extremely varying and indecisive results, which will then be handwaved as "they control the media though, clearly only MY sources can be trusted!"
get over yourselves.
hello comrades
but user he does have dates, he shows there was a jew working there as recently as 1933!
If you think thats bad, just wait till you see who's making all the porn.
imagine, still willingly shilling in the year 2019
ah, who am I kidding, you don't need to pay jews to shill, it's probably one of the only things on this planet that they will actually do for free.
Shit like this is why I became a right winger, when it comes down to brass tacks the "nazis" just post facts and lefties scream and shit their pants with muh fee fees and hurl insults and gotcha-isms with zero argument.
Actually hate the fact I'm jewish, rip
>Defending da joos this hard
I get that you're lobotomized lefties and all and I guess it isn't ENTIRELY your fault, but even if this image is heavily fabricated, those are in fact real people that work in the media and go out of their way to create reactionary bullshit for every waking hour for the majority of channels listed. Basically, if you're white and you're not paying attention to this shit, you need to wake the fuck up because it's more plain than ever that YOU are their primary target.
the facts are you post an image with no information in it and get pissy when people call you out on it
>B-but you're stoopid xb
Only users 18+ old are allowed on Yea Forums.
...What? What is your thought process, the image itself contained nothing but information. I self verified it awhile ago since that was one of the first "right wing" pictures I saw during my transition into a "jewish nazi" way back when.
Honestly sometimes I think lefties don't actually know how normal human logical processes work, they can't comprehend deductive reasoning, and heaven forbid actually think/research for themselves.
then why are you here?
>No u
Thank you for proving my point
i'm not gonna roleplay with you bro
This is pretty much every strategy game with a diplomacy feature.
>gets roasted
>y-yyou were just proving my point!
>shits pants
>hillary calls them nerd virgins in the 2016 election
>they still shill
is this a new form of stockholme syndrome?
>Le peepee frog
The Gunslashes in PSO games are very broadsword-like, but they follow the bayonet design.
>posts emojis
>hates pepe
do /pol/fags even know anything about Yea Forums culture or are they straight from whatever 30 year old nazi forum they're from?
No seriously, what?
You're actually posting incoherent nonsense.
literally EVERYONE in the media fucking EVER creates reactionary titles to, guess what, make money. this isn't some amazingly unique feature to da joos, it's literally every journalist ever.
Even herodotus fabricated numbers and events to promote his own biases.
Nethack comes to mind, under very specific & certain circumstances, you can wipe out an entire race of living beings, you often can use it to your advantage to stop encountering certain type of powerful enemies.
fuck, the game was good
>Dude Pepe was cool at one point so it has to be now!
If you were really an oldfag you would vomit at the sight of pepe by now lmfao
Okay allow me to clarify.
I do not desire to erotic roleplay with you while you pretend to be a nazi jew.
Right wingers are usually cucks that bow down to ultra capitalism where jews shine just as much as leftie politics if not more. At least communism leads to the top sperg killing the jews too. And that aside there have been jews that didn't join the flock and fought it instead even if very few in comparison.
Based schizo poster
In Fire Emblem Awakening the game's backstory is that 1000 years before the game there was a big ass evil dragon fucking shit up and then the good dragon god blessed a legendary hero and buffed his sword to seal the evil dragon god away. Standard Fire Emblem fare.
Cut to present, and the game's MC, Chrom, runs a small band of volunteers doling out justice, because his sister, the head-of-state, dissolved their military out of a desire for peace and also because they literally cannot pay for one, because their now-deceased father ran a massive genocide campaign against their neighbors for worshiping and attempting to revive the evil dragon god mentioned earlier.
The game's subtitle, Awakening, refers to the parallel plot points of the evil dragon god awakening under a new avatar(as is tradition in the franchise of people with blood bonds), and Chrom awakening as the latest champion of the good dragon god, unleashing his legendary sword's true powers, and saving the world from a zombie dragon monster the size of a small country.
But it's not like there's some moral about "wow we shouldn't genocide people that are different from us." There's explorations of how bigotry and prejudice makes people do dumb shit, as well as how effective forcing people to submit to peace under threat of violence works in the long term, but this conflict between religions never enters that conversation because holy shit these people are trying to revive a Cthulhu dragon capable of destroying the entire world, and further more the dragon literally builds itself out of the bodies of worshippers, hence the genocide.
To that end, for how collected he usually is, Chrom is brazenly bloodthirsty as far as Fire Emblem protagonists go, and even when he's undergoing his character development as he inherits the crown, the game really just kinda shrugs and lets him go, "I'll become a king that will unite the world under a banner of peace but right after I massacre these motherfuckers."