What kind of races do you like in your fantasy or sci-fi video games, Yea Forums?
What kind of races do you like in your fantasy or sci-fi video games, Yea Forums?
human, blue human, green human, human with weird ears, big human, and small human
This is honestly the best you're going to get. Most people don't like anything more than that.
I only like humans, vanilla elfs, dwarves, and maybe orcs or goblins. Everyone else says any races beyond those are weird and sub human and cant be empathized with or projected onto in a fantasy game. And because they are the safest bet when it comes to any kind of fantasy setting.
get that shit out of here
Moon rabbits! Well, Reisen in particular!
>this thread
Star Control 2 had the best alien races I've seen in a sci-fi game. Some actual alien shit.
Regardless I play for immersion, so I end up maining human in basically every game.
I like somewhat realistic races with thematic significance. Pic related, the humble Dromad. A nomadic dromedary that barters with water.
I like all of them as long as the females have big stonkin' tiddies. Can I get an amen?
Would you an arrowtongue?
>Be best girl stuck in worst game
Vetra didnt deserve this
Absolutely correct.
man, bug people are so cool.
>china is cool
come again
It's an entire country where you can go around exterminating insects and there are no consequences.
not those kind of bug people you dork, i'm talking about insect and arthropod based races.
>muh real people = x animal
Sick of /pol/ immigrants thinking they are so funny and witty with that shit. you get it when it comes to lizard people too.
>muh jews
I don't give a shit about your dumbass racist memes. A jewish or chinese person will never be as cool as actual insect or lizardpeople, and comparing them is an insult.
This guy knows what's up.
What games even had bugs?
>Bug person lives in a hive for their entire life
>comes to human society as a diplomat
>doesn't understand what it is to be an individual until then
You heard me. Get some new material for once. Ironic that you're the guys who ran with the npc meme, when you're the ones who often sound like broken records without any original thought.
True dat. Actually no, fuck you.
Grimrock and 2
Pigmen and pig girls are always best
Plebeian tier taste.
>Human with a stick up their ass
>Human that looks like another animal
>Human with two sticks up their ass
>Oldschool Human
>Random animal that acts like a human
>Assorted parts from living beings mashed together that acts like a totally different human
The more monstery the better.
Having said that the setting still has to have humans or it's shit.
Also dragons. Good ones, not two-legged ones
Name one game with pig girls.
Sorta this, but instead of tiddies I'm looking for hips
Predator looking races are always cool.
Does Dead By Daylight count
What are some good space/sci-fi games that aren't Ass Effect? Doesn't even have to have aliens (thought it'd be better if it had), I just got a real itch right now.
I mean it depends what genre you're looking at bud. Theres always Dead Space 1 & 2 if you want horror/mainly action
Lizard men.
Shit I forgot about that. I'm looking more for RPGs or action in general.
Fat Princess
Fuck Nar Shaddaa.
filthy reptilians
Outcast Second Contact
Dead Space then fits your action. Deus Ex works for your action/rpg fix though no ayys. Really I don't know of anything that fits what you want perfectly.
Avians. Especially when they actually use it to the fullest extent rather than be "humans with bird heads"