Why do people take it so personal when they get shittalked in a game nowadays?

why do people take it so personal when they get shittalked in a game nowadays?
im talking videos like this, everyones having a good time and playing along with the rager. today most people would immediately complain back and report the person, no fun allowed.
playing games must suck now, youre playing with 100 people yet feel so alone

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw I accuse everyone who's better than me of being a hacker

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imagine thinking this is what makes games fun

why would you hang out with people you don't like?

Gen X raised shitty kids who became Millennials, who are now raising shitty kids.

Players learned the use of the ignore & report buttons & more games actually made reports matter in a significant way.

It’s because literally everything is a bannable offense now and people don’t wanna go through the effort of making a new account.

I don’t know why people get so bent out of shape about some random person on the internet trash talking them, like who cares, you’ll likely never come across the person ever again, or even if you do you won’t remember them.

>playing games must suck now, youre playing with 100 people yet feel so alone
Is it really so goddamn hard to be nice to each other and not feel alone that way?
What the fuck is wrong with you.

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Because they're raised by basedboy dads and batshit crazy SJW moms and they're not even allowed to make a gay dad joke anymore because 35% of males under the age of 18 are gay and 46% are bi in the US and 39% are gay and 53% bi in the general EU

>why do people take it so personal when they get shittalked in a game nowadays?
No more dedicated servers with players setting their own rules. So now everything has to be serious all the time and if you aren't you get banned from the entire game instead of just an individual server.


I'm 32-years-old and my best friend is a dad with two kids. One is a preteen and the other is under eight. Both are entitled brats that cry due to how badly the parents coddle their bullshit.

Sad thing is that the majority of the issues stem from the mom being an uber cunt that wants to live through the kids.

I'm nice, I always help new players if they have questions, and always play properly, but I still think it's fun to talk trash sometimes.

People have literally been talking trash for fun for thousands of years.

if you think it's funny after the 5th fucking time, you're a faggot

You have to understand that not everyone is like you and some people either don't want to trash talk or don't want to interact with others at all.
Get some friends. Trash talk them.

I do understand that, it's pretty easy to tell if someone else likes trash talking or not. I don't just do it to everyone all the time.

>why do people take it so personal when they get shittalked in a game nowadays?

Beats me. What's even more confusing is why do shit talkers take it personal when they get shit talked?

I've had so many zoomers come at me for not trying to sound cool on mic and the moment you come back on them they mute u or just shut down and get all mopey.

Then what's the issue? Why are you even asking what you're asking?

But I didn't ask to be with you outside of you being my opponent. Fortunately I can just go mute & mute everyone the entire game.

Call me a fag, but I've got pretty thin skin. Legitimate insults hurt pretty bad, but that's why I don't really enjoy or play team games. I can't imagine someone like me subjecting themselves to that sort of thing and demanding that the environment change for them.


rage thread?

Nah you aren't a fag you are just honest. Unlike 99% of the people here that would get bodied in an instant on most games and cry like a baby if someone called them a doodoo head.

competitive anything isnt for you, then. Go play a single player game.

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Thin skin fag here, The best solution is to talk like an upbeat anime protagonist, constantly compliment your team, and bind one liners for whenever you do anything cool
Especially if you play more supportive and team oriented, More often than not everyones just amused rather than mad, and if you do get shittalked, keep the shitty anime character persona up and banter back

Same. I'm a thin skinned bitch that gets easily insulted. I used to laugh at "banter" with friends in school, but personally it hurt me.

There is nothing wrong with beeing hurt, but removing freedom of speach because someone MIGHT get their feelings hurt is retarded.
And by exposure to shit talk you can either break or get immune to it. And some rando shittalk will hurt your feelings you better don't go out.

Why did XBL voice chat make everybody sound the same?

People changing isn't the problem. It's just becoming more okay to be honest about your feelings and we are no longer pretending that the broken people that neglect and hostility produces don't exist because of the internet.

I'm not the OP but people being afraid to talk a little trash for fun because a game has strict rules and you might get banned makes people act fake.

Normal people play games now. It's not all self loathing incels like it was before.

Of course they wouldn't like your autistic"bantz"

This generation is coddled. They don't know how to take any heat.

You need to grow up if you're "broken" over some random faggot calling you a faggot.

I’m the same age and I don’t fucking judge the parental skills of others.

I'm honestly the same and thin skinned to a pretty serious degree. It's for this reason that I typically don't play online games. I don't even like playing Smash Bros online because despite the lack of communication, the "teabagging" actually upsets me. I just hold sportsmanship to a high degree. While I can't, and wouldn't want to, control how people act, I can control who I play with, so it's only single player and local multiplayer for me.

gamers have fragile egos

In the past natural selection would take care of it but in modern day there are too many safety nets.
But at the same time there are ways to help so many people who would have died with same issues 30 years ago.
So on the one side we are promoting shit genes/envoirement/culture on the other we are making life easier/longer.

Why do people make false arguments by already agreeing with themselves? There's nothing to debate here, you're not interested in a discussion, you're just whinging. Fuck off, retard. And this isn't shit-talking, I dislike you as a person and want you to leave, go fuck yourself.

Special snowflake mentality, internet making people socially handicapped, parents teaching them to change the world rather than teaching them to be tough... take your pick.


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Don't worry. I'm fine with people trash talking me, for the most part anyways - we all have our limits. But understanding that there are others who don't want that in their lives is important.
If you are enough of a mongoloid to force your trash talking down your team's or your opponent's throat then you are no better than a nigger.
By the way, if you paid enough attention, any competitive game actually encourages people to respect each other. Because that is how a competitive person should behave.
So people acting "fake" is just so much worse than upsetting someone because you're just that awful?


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>mfw I only played online PC games during my teenage years
>only played offline on consoles
>never experienced the shitfest that was online console gaming.

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IDK. I don't play online mutliplayer games or games with other people in general. I haven't done so in months.

Mentally ill trannies

this doesnt make any sense. if anything there were more normal people playing mainstream games before. youre right, i never made an argument. it was an observation and an opinion

>So people acting "fake" is just so much worse than upsetting someone because you're just that awful?
Not sure what you're talking about. Or it sounds like you can't differentiate between innocent trash talk, and raging harassment. I've been talking trash to someone who was doing it back and we were both laughing, but I wouldn't do it to someone who was getting upset over it and didn't like it.

But yeah, people acting fake because of the rules being overly strict and afraid of being punished is pretty awful.

>things that would result in 4th degree assault charges if you said them to someone in real life

Just suck it up and accept your ban you internet tough guy.

What happened to calling out this behavior as the pathetic attempt to delude oneself that they have some sort of control over there own lives? This was what we called that behavior back then and I have no idea why faggots are idealizing it now.

>Uses the word "nowadays"
>Asks why modern kids are pussies while posting an 11 year old video

Kids have always been bitches, it's because they're kids.

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Lack of actual male role models.

its more fun when you have some raging faggot who cant do anything than banning everyone who says fuck in the game chat.
id take chaos over your helicopter mom style "order" any fucking day, faggot


I don't know what the fuck all of you are talking about, I very rarely see people get pissy and butthurt over shit talk.

People don't really take it any more personally than they did before, which wasn't much.

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This is what happens when you aren't signed up for team sports as a kid
You turn into a woman

>internet tough guy act

Once again, say that shit to someone's face and either prepare to pick your teeth of the ground if they are bigger then you with no legal repercussions for yourself because you provoked him or take an up to 5k fine or 6 month's in jail for 4th degree assault.

Also just imagine this situation in real life.
>24 year old is shitting on a 12 year old because he isn't as good at basketball as he is
Do that not strike you as fucking pathetic? Do you think a "real man" would act like that?

See this internet tough guy

If a kid is shitty it's 95% the parents fault. This is an inescapable fact, especially when single parent children are massively more likely to be failed human beings.

shut the fuck up man you sound like a fag.

>one kid raging and calling everyone names
>everyone laughs at him and he deserves it for being a little shit
>a bunch of people calling one person a nigger
>only they are laughing and one person who doesn't deserve it feels like shit

If you can't see the difference here you're being obtuse on purpose.

>Im still gonna act like a tough guy on the internet

You're times the fag I could ever be and I suck dicks

Maybe because shittalking has gotten just dumb and lazy.

1999: “some inventive joke about your mom being fat”
2019: “nigger!”

Haha look at these things skinned weak ass pussy bitch faggots haha

I like to teabag ass clowns like you and I'd dab on you if I could

>But understanding that there are others who don't want that in their lives is important.
Trash talk is literally in every competitive environment. It's a tool. Making someone angry is a valid strategy. Welcome to the real world, nigga.

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no need to get mad man, its not my fault your brain is messed up, doesnt stop you from saying gay things

Getting someone banned for talking shit is also a pretty valid strategy tbqh


Maybe before the advent of the non-shit camera phone but now a days you are just asking for heavy fines if not a total loss on contract if you do it anywhere but Twitter. And if you go too hard on Twitter you will lose your contract anyways.

>still trying to save face

Lmao you internet tough guys are hilarious, you haven't even had a real comeback yet you say you can trash talk.

Protip:slurs are trashtalk for 14 year olds and after that its pretty pathetic if that's all you got.

>start video

Yeah, I just don't get it. Clearly this level of witty repartee is beyond some people. Can't handle the epic bantz, lolz!

listening to some tryhard bitch lose his shit over a video game is always funny

This, but unironically.

>internet tough guys
i didnt know calling someone a fag makes them an internet tough guy, what a retard
>yet you say you can trash talk.
yes i said this, again youre retarded
i didnt know saying that someone is saying gay things is a slur, again you're a retard
3 strikes junior, youre out.

We raised a generation to have thin skin.

ok i did call you a faggot but that is what you call gay people, so its dismissed

>Getting someone banned for talking shit is also a pretty valid strategy tbqh
sure, in TFC they would DDOS our servers and all kinds of other shit. Still held 3 titles. Some people want to win at all cost.
what the fuck do phones have to do with anything? I got my nuts yanked in water polo, elbowed, kneed and eye poked. In basketball I was kicked in the achilless talon etc etc We had a half breed on my team and the blacks on the opposite team would shit talk him non stop.

Like I said, welcome to the real world. People are not nice. The problem is our society shitting out sheltered weaklings with snow plow parents.

>but but but just be nice

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If someone is being a shit online I casually tell them I'm black/gay/jewish and that I'm offended and wait for them to call me nigger/fag/kike. Then I report them and usually a few hours later I get a notice that they've been banned/suspended. It's pretty great and they fall for it almost every time. Best part is if they've done it enough times before they could actually lose their entire account and have to buy the game again.

>tfw turned into irredeemable reprobate despite having two great parents
Truly the greatest shame

me no habla ingles

I might have to try that. That sounds pretty fun actually.

the funny thing about trash talk is how sometimes the most innocuous shit can push a person's buttons
the one that sticks out in my mind most was on an old css server; dude would always say "you die in a dream, you die in real life brah" whenever he got a kill. harmless
one day, this other guy just starts losing his shit every time he died to the guy because of the catchphrase
like yelling, screaming just being obnoxious
so what does the server do?
we ALL start saying it any time we killed him; dude eventually rage quit and never came back to our server
good times

Go outside and call someone a fag, see what happens. This is why you are an internet tough guy trying to save face on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. You can only get away with that shit pre-high school graduation. After you turn 18 your ass is fair game for using fag or any other slur and you will eat pavement or a fine from the local courthouse.

but i do admit that was a rude of me regardless, so i apologize for what i said

maybe he have a license for that

>High school sports
>an example of real life

Lmao go home and get back to me when you have some real world examples

>play game for fun
>some fag on your team starts screaming about how bad you or someone else on your team is, nothing constructive just relentless shitting
>mute them, report if they said any no-no words
>continue playing game, having fun
>check Yea Forums afterwards
>"Say word, lose $60" thread pops up
I don't understand how some of you guys don't take advantage of the power reporting people gives you over the entire playerbase of a game

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because it's not worth my time when I can just ignore them and move on to the next game

I've been fucking looking for this
Thank you

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This. There's no cleverness or wit to any of this stuff, it's all about who's willing to yell the loudest and longest.

People forgot how to forgive and don't hold evil on people. Especially know how bros can shit talk each other and give zero shits about it. That was real tolerance.

Why can you report people for inappropriate chat when the mute/block button exists? That makes no sense.

these days i turn off audio for everything that isnt in game sounds and turn off chat as well, not because of toxicity, but because im tired of autists

Because it's easy to fudge the report saying that someone did say a "no-no" word when they didn't. The whole "War against Toxicity" just created a new type of bully that is protected by the companies themselves since you have Blizzard being so adamant over community moderation, they would sacrifice their own development team for Overwatch to handle it.

Also it's easier to just use the mute/ignore function, I won't see them again and the report function is better off for reporting bots or hackers.

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>high school sports
>not real life

So you're an unathletic high school dropout? I can believe that.

Those kinds will be hit especially hard if some big shit happens in the world.

Xbox Live lobby shit-talking was the best and there'll never be anything like it ever again

2008 was 11 years ago


>when a kid using one of the built in voice modulators comes in and everyone makes fun of him


These people were culturally brought up thinking that the real world is scary and parents will always be there to protect you. They can't handle any conflict whatsoever now and no matter how many you report they keep coming until the rules change to allow their shit.

if they dont want trash talk or to interact with others why the fuck would they be playing a multiplayer game. sorry kiddo, but on the internet youre at the mercy of my twelve inch cock getting rammed down your pussy throat

>on the internet I get to say whatever I want!

Ur not an internet tough guy how again?

Did the Xbox have a built in modulator? I know the PS3 did, because I remember messing with it and forgetting to set it back and then having some faggot try and mock me for being a "pussy".

>mom! theyre saying mean things to me on the xbox again!

>I hide my angst about having no control over my life by calling 12 year olds niggers

why do you hate freedom of speech so much?

Depends on the game. I play FF14 for example and yeah, I will just report asshole mentors taking a massive shit on sprouts.

>I have no idea what freedom of speech means

Are you a teenage Republican? Because that is who spouts that kind of horse shit

what the fuck is it then you mega faggot? if its not being able to say whatever you want then its not freedom of speech

Found the actual underage, lol

Freedom of speech means the government can't persecute you for what you say unless it endangers others. It doesn't stop other citizens from kicking you in the teeth for calling them a slur though.

You have the freedom to call your government a pack of money grubbing twats, not little Tommy down the street.

Now don't come back until you pass your freshman government class

these posts are all the same poster
they're made by chinese-backed tranny discords

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people's moods declined because we're the first generation of Americans in over a century growing up at a level of income lower than our parents on average

doesn't matter how many amenities you have, all social standing is measured relatively. we feel like failures in what's literally devolved into a developing nation. its not about games or PC culture or any of that bullshit, when you get old enough you begin to understand that those are Plato's shadows on the wall. the way people treat you is 90% their own perceived economic security and progress, and 10% all the other horseshit that people actually talk about.

you will now post 3 more images on a vpn where you've edited the page source to further your astroturfing effort

words cant endanger people what the fuck do you mean?

>i can get sent to jail for calling tommy a nigger
since fucking when?

>chinese-backed tranny discords
either this is the post of a century or the tranny discord is taking notes from the actual CIA playbook and doing hilarious absurdist disinfo to convince people they don't exist

remember that time those trannies tried to force their way into CIA hq about a year and a half ago

just saying

If you shout "Allah hu ackbar" on a crowded subway and cause a panic, then yeah it can hurt somebody and the government can get you for that.

>I have no idea what 4th degree assault is

Yep. Sure is underage in here.

>tfw i only play singleplayer games and miss out on the shenanigans

how does this apply to pointing out you're a man in a wig with a mutilated penis online?

if you think a chinese intelligence operation would involve sending trannies to invade the CIA, i feel legitimately sorry for you. i hope you're at least younger than 17.
go out more, meet an operative (either sf or legit clandestine) who drinks too much and has legit credentials. if you live in a major city, it isnt hard. intelligence, foreign and domestic, are total clown shows of insane levels of competence. some light yagami shit, not sending trannies into the CIA HQ.

except that nobody says those words anymore for that very reason

that's literally assault in the fourth degree
>language beyond the bounds of human decency
that's the letter of the law in most states

don't they make you take an intro law course in college these days? or... did you not go?

how the fuck is this related to trash talk in video games?

>i can get arrested for saying mean things on the internet

Because you changed the subject and asked "How can words endanger others?" since it seems you haven't taken 8th grade social studies yet.

lmao (emphasis on mao)

next time do a google search and you'll find that you actually can be before you make an idiot of yourself

>ad hominid

Go home little middle schooler

Go home

how does this apply to pointing out you're a man in a wig with a mutilated penis online?

based schizoposter

have sex

>he is literally losing it

I thought you where a thick skinned trash talker? What happened bro?

reminds me of desTINY in those debates he lost

why have i not been arrested yet? why do i not see people going to jail for calling people niggers. you guys are so fucking stupid and gay

>2008 was 11 years ago

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Based retard.
Freedom of speech is a concept, not an amendment.
It just happens to be such a fundamentally important concept that it was codified as the 1st amendment.

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>implying anyone wants to hear someone's faggot voice in any game unless you're in a discord with friends
besides emoting on someone's dead corpse and watching them sperg out is much more fun

I'm not the one repeating himself because hes out of ammo broski


no, it involves language that implies imminent threat of violence
saying "I'm going to kill you" while aggressively approaching someone is assault
calling someone a faggot is not

some retard ragekid lives downstairs from me, 25 or so; he literally runs through apt screaming and throwing and smashing shit, i believe he plays a fucking *NBA* game, which he seems to suck horribly at or he wouldnt rage so much and could curry his team or whatevef, i know what raging bad is like but he gets to violently extreme(this is a multidaily occurance), stomped floor for first time in the ~5 monts they lived here and called landlord about it for 2nd time in 9 years ive lived in this apt despite having previous neighbors down there we had to literally call the police on multiple times per week for almost a year previously

to;dr ragekids who go too far everyday suck and shoult kts or just stop, they suck

Nice try, you tranny chink.
We all know your leader Winnie the Pooh was getting sick of his entire country getting banned from online games for hacking, so he sent you trannies over to just ruin gaming altogether.

The lack of voice chat these days is really disappointing. Either the devs restrict it heavily (like team chat only) or people don't talk or turn on their mic.

>Freedom of Speech isn't an amendment
>It just happens that it's also an amendment
Honestly after what i've seen in this thread i'm not sure if you're being serious or not.

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There's nothing wrong with some trash talk in good humor, but condescending remarks with no constructive input and "uninstall and kys" tier comments just really pisses me off.

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>threatens to leave if they don't stop
Listen to that entitlement, my god. I miss shit like this.

you're a tranny snowflake

You know there are servers designed for people just fucking around, right? Some fag who hasn't played the game before shouldn't be in ranked matches.

>implying calling someone a slur isn't pre-beatdown language.

You never existed before the 90.

no u

>unfunny uncreative child-like failed liberal """humor"""
thanks for confirming

This isn't a difficult concept.
Other countries/organizations/companies also have various laws and practices supporting free speech, but they don't all call it "the 1st amendment", they call it "free speech".

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what the fuck is going on and why aren't there more rage videos

Lol, he's crying because he's a little nigger boy! MONKEY MONKEY MONKEY!!!! That little nigger child escaped from the san Fransisco zoo!

by itself, it's not
now chances are, if you're calling someone a faggot, you're probably not holding your tongue enough to avoid also saying something that counts as assault
but simply saying "you're a fucking faggot" before just walking away is not

It varies a lot for me, getting trash talked in most games doesn't bother me - but something about FPS makes me REEEEEEEEEE (probably because the only thing you can blame is your own aiming)

Imagine being so fucking bad at video games that you're unironically getting ranked with people who are just fucking around, and thinking that everyone else is the problem.

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Don't make me anime

>Im still showing my age

When someone said a slur in the 80's on the street to you they usually followed it up with a beatdown from them and there buddies, and if you think you are walking away from calling someone a fag or whatever in the 80's that mother fucker would chase you down with the nearest piece of rebar and shove it up your ass.

Now go graduate middle school kiddo

I'm literally seething.

All the forced positivity bullshit on the internet makes me feel like I'm playing with soulless robots rather than actual people

It's the same general concept anywhere. Freedom of speech is just the ability to say whatever you want without being censored with certain limits. Usually the limits are that it can't endanger or threaten people. The first amendment is what people usually are talking about in this context.

so was your dad when he found out about your front hole

It's called etiquette, sportsmanship, and tact and it sets man apart from the monkeys

>The first amendment is what people usually are talking about in this context.
No, that's what they're blatantly trying to confuse it with, because they're too stupid to understand the importance of free speech, so choose to limit their understanding to "it's only bad if the government does it".

Most of us have grown up and dealt with it. We're tired of it.

>people who break down crying and slam the report button because someone said "gg 2ez"

why did you screech when she lost then