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Dante would it kill you to mind giving your Nephew a few lessons on combat?
Or you going to just hog all those styles and advanced techniques for yourself?
Move fast baby don't be slow
So, Vergil and Ladies Night DLC, when?
Nero is a huge faget and I fucking hate him.
no u
Just beat Bloody Palace as Nero, jesus FUCK I got hit by vergil once and I was in danger but I eeked it out
I pirated this because I needed to play it before some cunt spoiled it but I wasn't about to pay $60
Honestly it's so great I'm tempted to buy a copy now (I never ever buy games for more than like $10) or maybe during the first real sale that it gets
Wait for Special Edition
Oh yeah, that's a good idea
My only problem with the game is that I get fairly bad hitching when I first start playing, until the effects get cached. Is that a VRAM issue? I think I fucked up by getting the 3GB version of the 1060 instead of the 6GB version
Not a vram issue.
What am I in for?
I have a 1060 as well and have the exact same issue with this and RE2, its getting obnoxious fiddling with settings that do nothing
Getting hit once in DMD makes me wonder why they even bother having Hell and Hell mode in the first place.
1 is a horror action game, 3 and onwards are character action, 2 is just action, it's pretty hard to style, just spam OP guns and get done with it, the last boss is actually pretty good tho
Who's the best DMC player?
A 4 hour game where the longest segment is the boss fights as you wait for them to die from holding the shoot button.
Gigamacho Dante
Cute Lucia
The last god tier DMC OST
Classy dodge animations
Hmm, It looks like it probably isn't a VRAM issue, MSI Afterburner says it was only using 2400 MB. Guess I might just need a faster card. Maybe I'll try moving the installation to my SSD instead of my slow ass 5400 RPM hard drive and see if that helps
I think it's a Direct X and monitor issue if only because playing it through HDMI on my TV (1080p instead of 4K) with Direct X 11.3 in the ini file makes it so there's literally none of that stuttering at all.
Are you guys installing the game on a SSD or a mechanical drive? I had the same problems with both games until I put them on my SSD.
Nero is to be protected, no bully.
I just realized that Nico and Nero are literally the 2 membered scooby gang.
god I would obliterate V's pelvis
I don't have an SSD, that was my next assumption
Like I said, I have it on a 5400 RPM HDD. Ya know what, I'm gonna stick it on my SSD right now and post the results after
Hmm, I'm on W7 so I can't use DX11.3 unfortunately. Don't see how the monitor or connection type could affect anything, though
hopefully they will add Lucia, now instead of Dante, Nero and Vergil i is going to be Trish, Lady and Lucia
Give it a try, I was having the same problem no matter what setting I chose, but now they run fine even with resolution scaling.
Got it transferring right now to my SSD. What are your specs?
i5 6600/ GTX 970 and 16gb of ram, so probably a lot worse than yours.
I fucking suck as Nero. I'm on DMD and I can't manage more than S rank in a fight, and I die to Fury an embarrassing amount.
Keep shit up in the air as much as possible, his grapple is his greatest tool
Weird. I'm still getting stuttering/hitching even running it off my SSD. I have a 1060 like I said, but my i5 2500k is probably worse than your CPU even with the 4 GHz overclock it has. I also have 16GB of RAM but it's kinda slow (1333 MHz)
Are you on Windows 10? The other guy said he was running it in DX 11.3 mode, maybe that's got something to do with something
Second best in the series.
Fuck off to /vg/
Where were you when you realized Nero in DMC5 is just Dante from DMC (Which was actually a gem, btw) with white hair?
theres like 6 threads about dudes jerking off to anime games, eat shit faggot
3 >= 5 >> 4 ≠< 1 > DmC
Fucking ur mom
Windows 10, other that that the only setting I have on low is volumetric lighting.
So, comparing it to Rebellion and Sparda, what are your thoughts on DSD?
Dante in DMC has white hair you retard. Do you perhaps mean DmC?
Ugly ass sword
Good mechanics
>Do you perhaps mean DmC?
No shit that's what I mean, you autist, god damn.
So basically, they wanted to take the "organic matter integrated with metal" aspect of Sparda while maintaining the essential silhouette of Rebellion. While they succeeded with the blade part of the weapon by giving it that damascus shimmer and a powered up "split" variant, the cross guard and hilt are the most low effort garbage possible. Sticking rathalos talons in the shape of Rebellion's cross guard is basically unforgivable for what is supposed to be the end-all be-all of Dante's soul. I can't believe the same guy that conceptualized Red Queen is responsible for this garbage.
The pendant in the pommel is a nice touch, but should've been a centerpiece at the bridge between hilt and blade. If the blade was constantly glowing with embers in random patterns like FFXIV Ifrit weapons were, it'd go a long way.
TL;DR extremely lacking in style, blade is cool, could be much better
>Windows 10
Alright, that's gotta be it. I've tweaked every setting and nothing helps much. Seems everyone but me is running W10 and everyone but me runs this game fine. Guess I'll be installing Windows 10 then, thanks for the info anons.
this is fucking sad now
the game came out a month ago, it was fun, we all finished it, it was great but not fantastic thanks to the 10 year drought and impossible expectations, stop making vapid threads that devolve into mindless waifu posts and void discussion, you are pathetic
How do I git gud? I feel like I'm just mediocre at best after 2 playthroughs of the story.
It will never top the Rebellion sword.
It's not as cool as either, though I like how it comes into the story.
I fucking adore it. I know a lot of people don't care for the look but I think it suits Dante incredibly well, the opening effect when in DT or using Sword Formation is cool, I love the claw hilt, etc. Etc.
And I literally came when the name was revealed in the story. It was the hypest shit to me.
I wish I had a good image of it vertical that I could use as a wallpaper.
fast faced action bores me to tears. while i find slow, methodical games very engaging and exciting isnt that weird lol
Make us bitch I'd love to fucking see you try
Shit ost, shit levels, dumbest ai, based edm theme become pop-trash with shitty vocals right after 1:20 up until the end=below average game, that barely holds its ground thanks to combat, got praised bc muh nostalgia, fucking kill yourselves inbreds
Nothing wrong with that. Just different playstyles. I enjoy both but I can see why something that requires more precision, prediction and considered movements might appeal to someone more than something that requires more reflexes and speed.
What the hell happened in 2? What was Argosax exactly?
Why can't I enjoy this game
>Mundus gets kicked into non-existence for anywhere between 20 to 2000 years after Dante beats him in DMC1
>Power vaccum in hell
>Demons start fighting over to see who is the new strongest
>Argosax gets to rule for a while
>Then he dies
>Then argosax right hand man, Balrog, tries to do the same thing and invade earth, gets kicked by Dante
>Then Urizen shows up with Yamato, opens a hueg fuck hole between the two worlds, successfully bring the Qliphoth into the human world, and tell every other demon to suck his dick, he is King now.