Gimme all the memes

Gimme all the memes.

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Or what, slag?

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I'd ask nicely?

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shield-chan feels way more soul-ful than chicken-chan who was just a cute face. I know it's all peoples' meme headcanon but I'm loving these

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what if she was fucking him at the same time wouldn't that be funny haha


wtf this isn’t memes?

With her dick?

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Haha wouldnt it be funny if they both got gangraped by chavs?


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MMF bi is patrician porn.

Well, how can she fuck him without a penis, smart guy?

Will they be the villain team?

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that's a spicey meme

also go to london it's filled with somalies they will just attack you for no reason. god i hope the nips put in blacks and somali muggers in the game lol

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God bless whoever wrote this.

it's a fuckin doduo ya cunt

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love me water types
love me mystic water
love galar
'ate grass types
'ate gassium Z
'ate kalos

simple as

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This still gives me a chuckle and an erection every time I read it.

God bless if this is the first game you can go barefoot

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this guy looks like my last flight instructor

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You got anything to post instead?

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For you

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I can't even understand like 75% of what she says and that just makes the whole thing way scarier

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neva gun make it guvna

fuck me I remember when this was first posted
that thread was legendary

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>south asian muslim men
what now?

Brits consider the Middle East as part of Asia

Is she pegging him? haha

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Pegging isn't funny.

Now a futa fucking a guy in the ass, that's funny. Imagine she had a huge penis and was slamming his butt. hahahaha

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That's just fucking gay.

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god i hate how well done this is

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