Dear I say, is he.... /our/ guy?
Dear I say, is he.... /our/ guy?
>can you swim?
I haven't seen anyone try to argue that racism doesn't exist, what is this nig nog talking about?
>Overwatch on consoles
I want to kill myself
>that muffled FUCK NIGGERS in the background
My sides, ty OP
>console player
>/pol/figs are spergs and play bad game Overwatch
Not surprise
>/pol/ interacts with others irl
>mercy main is a female
>also a nigger
>people still playing overwatch in 2019
Fucking yikes. How do people still find it fun?
look here
have sex
Damn. And here I was thinking that we had eliminated racism.
Thanks a lot white people.
>Plays Mercy
Why does she even own a game console
>For people who don't think racism exists
who the fuck has ever said that racism doesn't exist? did she really think she would play an online multiplayer game and not encounter a single racist?
>playing overwatch
>and playing it on a console
>playing mercy too
>and just standing still, open to attacks, while she heals
She deserved all those insults.
Everyone loves to point and scream the “muh /pol/“ and “muh Reddit trannies” boogeymen. How did a website hurt you so much?
This video is not worth anyone's time.
AND on fucking console, no less. Forgot to add that. Holy shit that's embarrassing.
/pol/fags are literally the niggers of white people, and this video is a pretty good example of that.
please post this thread for the next five weeks i cannot simply get enough of it
>You're very disrespectful.
>Oh no.
he is absolutely our guy, based and redpilled, and hopefully the sheboon never plays one of OUR games ever again
Who in there right mind seriously thinks racism doesn't exist?
Pretty edgy, it used to be that I get called a nigger and hope my family burns in a fire rather than going into the "hAhA bLaCkS cAnT sWiM" embarrassing shit
kids can't even be toxic properly these days, sad
Agreed, lasted 10 seconds and got bored