How much faith do you put in critic reviews, Yea Forums?

How much faith do you put in critic reviews, Yea Forums?

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Ouch. Is Del taco still the director for this one?

Nope, hard pass

It looked like shit anyways. The dude needs to go back to punching nazis in stranger things

I normally don't care, but there comes a point when even the worst critics know when something stinks.

use your fucking eyes

>trusting the same critics that treated Nig Panther and Captain Fungus as if they were the highest form of kino

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For this unnecessary reboot? Complete faith. Why did they reboot this? Why did they wait 11 years to make a new Hellboy movie?

None when I realize these are the same people who couldn't do the first jump in cup head

Yo lil donnie
How bout you stop ur putin buttbuddy's bots from reviewbombing the greatest movie of the decade, else imma have to not wash my mits after wiping and shake your hand you sunnofabitch

>How much faith do you put in critic reviews, Yea Forums?
None whatsoever, I don't need a group of fags to tell me if I should like something or not.

I didn't even know there was a new Hellboy movie

Nobody asked for it. Nobody wanted it. The trailer showed you everything you need to know.

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I’m gonna see this with my dad tomorrow, he’s a huge fan of the del toro ones, will he/I hate it?

I honestly don't understand where they think the market is. They clearly think Hellboy is a marketable film franchise, but then they decided to alienate fans of the previous movies.


I lost all my faith in them when printed magazines were still a thing. I still remember the specific game and article that opened my eyes, and things have only gotten worse since them.

I don't entirely blame them, I blame the hellish working environment they got themselves into

Anyone with a name and a face can never be truly honest 100% of the time. There are too many relationships to consider, and positioning oneself politically so that you don't clash with the group around you.

Anyway, while OP gave the example of a film critic, I think game critics are parasites. They're by-and-large unskilled at games, talentless as writers, obnoxious plagiarists politically, and exist solely to stir controversy to generate traffic from a medium they contribute literally nothing to.

You cannot be a blogger, critic, or journalist depending on how someone criticized you.

Leaking a fucking video game's release date doesn't make you a fucking "journalist", like what Jason Schreier pretends to be.

Literally fuck that whole cottage industry.

Zero, they've proven time and again to be incredibly politicized and pompous.

Why didnt they just make a sequel? I'm sick of remakes of remakes of remakes of retellings and origin stories all different all garbage. Fuck modern movies holy hell.

What a fat cunt.

>Del Toro never made a third film
>the animated movie with Lobster Johnson was canned
>The comics are a total shitshow that are slowly limping to the finishline
>Mike is a shell of the man he once was
>this garbage exists
Everything hurts

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After years of shopping his script around, no studio was willing to fund GDT's Hellboy 3 since 2 didn't do so hot at the box office. Subsequently Dark Horse tried to do their own 3 without him, but Ron Perlman and Doug Jones weren't interested unless GDT was helming it, so it was rebooted into its own thing.

The bizarre thing is, Del Toro couldn't get a backer for a modest-budget Hellboy 3, but then Lionsgate were fine funding a complete reboot and then sending it out to die by sandwiching it in between Captain Marvel, Shazam and Avengers 4.

It's fake you dunce

This. Especially since a lot of "critics" get paid to have a good opinion on something. Even if it's mediocre shit.

i wish this was real

>since 2 didn't do so hot at the box office
The retarded thing is that it wasn't even because people thought the film was bad, it just happened to release while The Dark Knight was slaughtering the box office

lol why is like 70% of this thread shitbrained politics crap?


Like, if the critics and the users are both saying its ass, they're probably right and it's not any good. If the critics think it's terrible, but the users really love it, it's probably meant to be a popcorn movie with a bunch of dumb action and a few sad scenes. If the critics love it, and the users hate it, it's probably pretentious garbage or something that pushes a controversial agenda.

If both think it's awesome, it's probably a good movie.

>How will I know if it's shit if I don't eat it myself?

I instead put half faith on my (few) favorite gaming youtubers, and the other half by my own research.

The original isn't even that old and from the trailers the effects in this one look worse somehow. Is this one of those shitty films made in less than a month so they don't lose the license like the Doom one?

What angle do you think critics play in order to generate any interest in their shit opinions whatsoever when your average consumer just wants a "Yes." or "No." answer?

If you're enough of a tool to support the practice of politicking in order to generate traffic, and unironically agree with it, at least fess up to it.

>I'm such a braindead retard that I can't decide anything for myself, including telling if something is worth my time or not

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It's under a different production company and Dark Horse are involved, so I don't think it's a rights retention grab like Fox's Fant4stic and Sony's Amazing Spider-Man movies.

I know it isn't because he can't Tweet without seething about Trump. I like his films but he needs to chill out

i'm asking about all the people posting trump shit, retard

Originals were shit.

>he can't Tweet without seething about Trump
same with perlman

You didn't make that distinction at all, double tard.

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>I'm a retard with no sense of instinct and will blindly go against popular consensus to be a "free thinking" contrarian and feel superior to the masses even though all signs point to things being shit

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Oh shut the fuck up, bitching about people bitching about politics is annoying too

The saddest thing is that most of them don't even get paid for giving positive reviews, they are usually coerced into drinking the corporate cool-aid with the scummiest tactics ever devised by man. I worked in a Europoor website dedicated to pop culture """""criticism"""" and it was fucking hell.

>Ask my dad if he wants to see Shazam! because he used to show me old episodes of the kid super power hour from when he was a kid
>he says he'd rather see this pile of trash because he liked the old Hellboy movies
>point out it's not the same cast or the same director and it's going to be completely different
>he still wants to see it over Shazam
I hate having a former nerd but currently normie dad.

Please stop pissing in your hand

so is bitching about people bitching about people who bitch about politics

his torso looks gross wtf

Who took out your Monster™ Dewrito™ Code Black® Max™ Onions tube? You're harshing people's vibes and taking them outside of their comfort zone with problematic comments like this.

I expect a public apology on Twitter by 8:00 AM tomorrow morning. You've made our new MtF hire Chelsea feel unsafe, and she hasn't stopped playing with toys at her desk for 30 minutes.

Harbour has the voice of a man who's 5'8" and no charisma, the costume design is goddamnawful, its tonally all over the place, co-star is cliche "little girl with an attitude whos extremely mature for her age", just generally feels like capeshit, im finna pass senpai

>he keeps replying
Gotta milk those bumps right? Faggot

I honestly don't get why they made this. The gritty comic book movie era has come and gone. I can understand people thinking the GDT ones were too goofy but this is taking it from 0 to 100.
Hellboy's face looks awful, the CGI is laughable, plenty of useless gore that's not even particularly interesting to look at, I just don't get it.

What about people bitching about people bitching people who actually bitch about politics? Isn't that annoying too?

every big budget movie is for the same market user. This is for the average stupid, poor american and for chinese insects

You joke but it was almost exactly like this, and I left before the SJW craze started.

have you not seen the trailers for this one? they look way fucking goofier than del toros movies. the only thing remotely edgy about this new movie is hellboys design, kind of. it mostly just looks like lumpy shit though

and the violence, but Deadpool did that too

dude sjws. dude trannies. nigger. antifa. maga. trannies again

Having him as Hellboy screams of "This was the one guy who didn't have anything better to do" Pretty bad choice. But to be fair, it's hard to match the guy who already is the closest to Hellboy there is.

A bit. It's rare that journos are completely off the mare

I work in an office with a MtF who's unironically like this, I feel like I understand what you were describing at least 65%.

Literally wears a Dragon Ball Z varsity jacket, Hello Kitty hoodies, chokers, and disgusting bottom-tier goth girl shit when he looks like Chris-Chan, and smells like something is rotting.

Here's hoping your current workplace is at least an improvement.

Are you OK user?

>Literally looks worse then the Del toro one
>Doesn’t have the same charm as the one before
>completely made the Peranomal division into a literal Merc Kill squad that isn’t like a Discount SCP
No wonder it bombed

That had political bullshit around it, Hellboy doesn't.

>Here's hoping your current workplace is at least an improvement.
Oh yes it is, thank you

0. I don't need someone else to tell me if I like something or not.

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It looks goofy but not because it's on purpose. The GDT movies had a lot of comedic moments that were clearly meant to be comedic, this one seems to want to be taken super duper seriously, with half the screen being dark shadows, but ends up being funny because it's bad. Hell, it's likely not even bad enough to be funny.
Although the dark lighting with more contrasting shadows MIGHT be to get it closer to Mignola's art style, but if that's the case, it isn't working.

>I hate my dad for not loving nucapeshit like I do
What a disappointing son you are.

Breathe. Unclench your jaw.

How is Hellboy any different?

That's something you need to ask your dad

I'm asking you because you seem to have strong opinions on an obviously shitty movie, you fucking nigger.

But I'm not your dad.

Do you want to be? :3

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How can you be so sure?


I forgot Milla was involved. I still don't know if she's a good actress but always chooses terrible scripts or if she's a bad actress and B-movies are the best she can do.


I'm still gonna watch ot just because that oil driller kike of Pearlman is not involved

They used digital cameras to film the reboot. As such this flick looks like garbage


she's a bad actress who is only famous because of her director husband

fuck off raz0rfag

this fagg0t, he's jealous about her hair.

She's had good movies. The Resident Evil movies might've actually killed what could have been a decent career.
Also she's in the Monster Hunter Movie. Can't wait to see that shitshow.

Thats what they get for making Hellboy look like a metal fan junkie.

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the first 4 are enjoyable, retribution gave me autism

It was made to defraud taxpayers. It was always meant to lose money.

The first three are comfy, the rest is dogshit.

>getting mogged by a 15 year old movie

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4 has some lit music tho

enough to know to not touch that flaming bag of shit with my wallet

They're that kind of "bad but funny". You just go along for the ride to see what stupid shit they do and say. 1 is the only one I'd say is decent, but even then it's a movie that jumped way too fast into the ridiculous bullshit of Resident Evil.

>last jedi 90% on RT


to be fair, the games are retarded too. also milla makes my dick hard lol.

That's the thing, the games took a while before they became parodies. In the movies, the first one already jumps into the more parody parts of the later games. Had they tried to keep the horror, thriller aspect for longer instead of going full on RE6 retarded, it might've worked better.

There's a new hellboy movie?

the first film didn't seem like a parody to me, but then again, i've only played parts of 4 and 5's demos.

It's been a long time since I last saw it so maybe I'm just blending all the movies into one. It's entirely likely.

4 is where it starts to lose is grounding, but is still decent, 5 was soviet zombies with chainsaws doing wheelies on motorbikes then exploding for no reason, 6 was just gay.

You can never trust the critic reviews but, these days, you can’t even trust audience reviews. All that has to happen is some kike screams kike philosophy, while their pets spread it media wise, then the score must be “protected” from even verified purchasers. That’s not even counting paid for bot farms for positive or negative scores to competitive products.

You know what's sad? I don't even know if you're talking about the games or the movies. I only played part of 5 so I wouldn't even be surprised if that description fit the game.

You know, Hellboy's comics are pretty laid back and fun to read like it's a mythology tale. To be honest, GDT Hellboy wasn't even a good adaptation to begin with since it was so snarky when in reality, Red is just a professional that actually likes his job.

>I work in an office with a MtF who's unironically like this, I feel like I understand what you were describing at least 65%.
>Literally wears a Dragon Ball Z varsity jacket, Hello Kitty hoodies, chokers, and disgusting bottom-tier goth girl shit when he looks like Chris-Chan, and smells like something is rotting.

I read about the working conditions americans have and the bubbles some people work in and wonder how a client or another coworker haven't crushed them in body and soul.

I work on a sales office as an executive and the first thing you'll learn about clients is that they're looking for a flaw to scapegoat themselves from what they came to ask for. So you have to comb your hair, take a shower, look presentable and stay strong but kind. It's the most basic kind of business, and anyone not being strong has to go or will tarnish everybody else's job. We stick together as a team, i mean.

How does these people cope with the real world?

>I read about the working conditions americans have and the bubbles some people work in and wonder how a client or another coworker haven't crushed them in body and soul.
HR is a bitch and you don't fuck with "the oppressed"

>tfw the one comic movie i really wanted still hasn't fucking come out yet
give me the goon, powell, you son of a bitch

Less than absolutely nothing

>I listen to what other people tell me to like

Zero. Doesn't mean they are always wrong, but it's pretty safe to assume they are full of shit and paid off.

It's not even Ron Pearlman anymore.

Why do you go here. This isn't ResetEra and it never will be you fucking retard

None, you average what critics and viewers say about the thing. Now that's a pretty good overall score.

Yea Forums is actually a good reviewer if you think about it. Read what it's said here, then do the opposite. And if it's talked about, it's something worth checking out, even if it's good or bad. Truly bad/mediocre shit doesn't get replies at all.

>The Goon
Based taste. It might happen eventually, given that David Fincher is still involved in animation and the studio that made the b-roll footage.

Nope, it's from the guy who directed The Descent, which was fantastic, but that was 14 years ago

Rotten Tomatoes is getting paid by Marvel and DC.

isn't obvious?

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how could they fuck it up so badly? I really liked Hellboy 1 and 2.

Wasn't there some blackwashing controversy?

>then do the opposite
Not necessarily. Yea Forums really has many people can really give good insight about games, but you have to learn to filter the obvious shitposting.
Granted, that's becoming harder by the day, but still.

I'm just gonna end it here and say bitching in general is annoying.

None, the only time I see people talking about review scores is when I'm on Yea Forums or Yea Forums, everybody other than me has shit taste so I don't listen to them.

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Still going to see it. If it sucks just walk out of the theater, don’t see the problem

They're scared of long running franchieses cuz maybe not literally everybody will go see them cuz they haven't seen all the old movies.

Hence EVERYTHING being a reboot.

Yeah i'm doing too much of an hyperbole. Actually when i ask about something but do it the right way I get sincere answers and can talk just fine. Yes, some idiot comes for their dopamine dose and posts their (you) bait but that's it.

I'm honestly invested in seeing where the third movie can possibly go after tlj shit on most of the plot points of the original movie so that it could have side characters running around quipping and accomplishing absolutely nothing for 2 hours, looks like rian johnston is a secret genius after all.

they cast a white guy as an Asian character initially, then recast him after the backlash

shit i forgot that one thanks for reminding me you resetera tranny discord nigger. ctr

My theater doubles as a restaurant so even if the movie is shit, the food is great

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and yet Marvel keeps chugging along making billions every other month

But didn't they cast a black woman as a white character and called people who complained racist or am I thinking of a different movie?

oh yeah that happened too

I'm in the same boat. I'm morbidly looking forward to it because I can't see them getting out of that hole.


Yeah cuz they aren't completely fucking retarded and know nostalgia sells shit without having to be constantly redone.

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>14 years ago

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>Let's just make a Marvel movie

Critics are literal retards. Even Yea Forums's favorite critic called Polyphia a math rock band like the bald onions mong he is

>New Marvel and Hellboy films shit the bed
>New DC movie is actually fucking great
What fucking alternate dimension did I fucking enter?

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Only when they seem to match what I expected. In this case it looked like shit and the reviewers also think it’s shit, so it seems all the evidence points to it being shit. Just because you disagree with reviewers one thing doesn’t mean there aren’t some things almost everyone agrees are shit

DC got their shit together and realized that they can do lighthearted movies without copying Marvel's quippy humor, Captain Marvel isn't that bad, it's just mediocre, which is arguably worse than bad, but Brie Larson's shitty acting certainly didn't help

I think we're witnessing the first signs of superhero fatigue. I'd be pretty par for the course if DC got their shit together at the exact point people stop caring about superhero movies.

Endgame is still going to rake in gorillions

Considering how fast Endgame tickets sold out, I doubt there's a fatigue
>Captain Marvel isn't that bad, it's just mediocre, which is arguably worse than bad
I think the big thing is that for the most part, Marvel films still have a decent amount of charm if not quality, but Brie is a fucking charisma vacuum that not even the 90s nostalgia can save it

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Not much, honestly.

90% of yhe time, pro reviewers just spew buzzwords and hype, or do the exact opposite and spew different buzzwords and hate. No honest to goodness middle ground a lot of times. It all screams "I'm being paid to say this!" Or "they didn't pay up, so I'm smearing them!" To me.
The other 10% is generally overly serious types who are trying too hard. I can't take them too seriously, because they talk about games like other people talk about politics. And that's just sad.

User reviews are worse, because then you have to deal with fanbois, meme bullshit and people outright trying to tank or boost scores. Very, very few honest user reviews, unless you find an honest one on Gamefaqs and just stick with them. But you always eventually run into something they either hate irrationally, or love beyond reason, and the honesty is lost.

When I want to know if a game will be decent or not, I look up no commentaty gameplay vids on youtube and watch different people play the game.

If it looks fun, I buy. If it looks lile shit, I pass. End of story.

based ozenfag

>Considering how fast Endgame tickets sold out, I doubt there's a fatigue
No shit people want to see the conclusion of infinity war. I think that the future of superhero movies depend of how they handle that. I suspect normies will not handle well when they obviously undo the snapping.


Reminder The Last Jedi got 90%

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>I suspect normies will not handle well when they obviously undo the snapping
I thought normies knew that comics always reset or go back to status quo as much as possible every few years.

>knowing shit about anything, specially about comics
Yeah, nah.

DC is constantly experimenting and just happened to get someone who knew what they were doing for this film. Marvel makes the same safe and bland 7/10 films over and over but this time hired the shitiest actress imaginable to lead it. I can't tell you why the writing is worse though, maybe they were just trying to remain faithful to the comic

Most based post in this thread.

>not knowing everything about comics
shut the fuck up capeshit tard

I don't give a rat ass about capeshit but thanks for your valuable input

They wouldnt be able to do Hellboy 3 anyway unless they decided to get rid of Selma Blair's character, which would have been retarded. Hope she gets better, she was always a qt.

>DC is constantly experimenting

No, they just had/have no long-term plan or cohesive vision for the franchise and hastily tried to catch up to Marvel instead of laying their foundations and setting everything up properly. Shazam is good because it seems like it was largely able to just do and be its own thing and has no real, direct connection to the trainwreck that is the DCEU aside from simply being set in it. Shit on Marvel all you want and call the movies bland, they had a clear, cohesive vision and plan for the franchise and put all their pieces in place the right way.

>New Marvel and Hellboy films shit the bed
What, Captain Marvel?


It made a billion dollars, it did fine even if it was kind of boring, seething incels don't make up the whole of the movie-going public.

>I suspect normies will not handle well when they obviously undo the snapping.
Why the fuck would they not like that? They were relatively surprised and shocked by Infinity War's ending, I think most of them want to see everyone comeback and be okay.

Have you seen it? It's the blandest Marvel movie yet. I liked it but it wasn't anywhere near as good as critics are making it out to be. The only reason people are going see it is because everyone knows she's going to be important in End Game and people want to know who she is going into that.

>movie is capeshit
>trying to give an opinion about it

>It made a billion dollars
So did Bayformers: Age of Extinction, box office numbers ain't a fucking sign of quality

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Yeah it was kind of bland and by-the-numbers but that's hardly "shitting the bed" and again its made like a billion dollars so far. I don't think any MCU movie has "shit the bed" yet, the least-impressive showing was among Ed Norton's Hulk, the second Thor or one of the two Iron Man sequels and I didn't think any of them were close to being truly bad.

The Last Knight nosedived really hard domestically though, and Age of Extinction was also down domestically from the first three. People are tired of Bayformers, which is a shame because Bumblebee looked head-and-shoulders better than anything else in the franchise and wasn't a pile of rancid diarrhea.

Making lots of money and generally good word-of-mouth and critical reception is a fairly good indicator of quality, however. The Transformers franchise has made shitloads of money but it still got universally panned by audiences and critics after the first one.


the fact that it's by the numbers isn't even the biggest issue with it, it's the fact that she keeps getting told that she's too emotional but the girl never fucking emotes

it's like they expected to cast someone who could actually act and ended up with brie larson and realized it was too late to change the script. fucking scarlet johansen emotes more than larson did.

I'm more inclined to believe bad reviews than good reviews but I still take them with a grain of salt because of stuff like Cutie Honey Universe. Fucking Crybaby bandwagoners.

There's a theater deep downtown in my city that's like this. It's a hole in the wall with only 2 screens but the food is amazing and the atmosphere is perfect. I go there for movies I'm actually looking forward to because anybody that knows about the place is a movie fan and not just a movie goer.

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>People are tired of Bayformers, which is a shame because Bumblebee looked head-and-shoulders better than anything else in the franchise and wasn't a pile of rancid diarrhea.
Because it wasn't directed by Bay.

>it's the fact that she keeps getting told that she's too emotional but the girl never fucking emotes
I'd guess that's the point

That's a good quality post you got there, user.

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No, you're being retarded. She constantly gets told that she's too emotional. That she lets her emotions control her. That she gives in and lets her emotions rule her during combat, and it happens constantly.

But she's a fucking stoic brick wall for the entire movie, never once emoting. It's the opposite of the point. It's bad acting, and it makes the entire plot point of "ur too emotional girl calm down" feel like something that's tacked on because she's a strong womyn and she needed something to rebel against, because only when she actually lets herself be emotional does she TRULY gain her full powers. But she doesn't actually change anything but the color of her costume when she does this, and she just gets 100x stronger because she finally remembered that she had a limiter collar on her neck for the entire movie.

I wish he'd have fucked off after the second like he said he was going to.

Yikes, that's bad.
Its a shame the old one was great.

None whatsoever. Critics told me Bright was the worst movie of 2017 and it was great.

Bumblebee was pretty fun for what it was but it just made me think, man, they're rebooting transformers AGAIN? It wasn't that long ago that hasbro made a new continuity with the release of the transformers games from high moon.

You can thank Megan Fox for that not happening. She wouldn't shut up about how much of a hack he was so he stayed on longer and kicked her out for shit talking him.

>its made like a billion dollars so far
Because disney is buying their own tickets to save face. Do you think they want and MCU movie to tank before they release the culmination of a decade of marvel movies? It's why you hear stories of empty theaters, no shows numbering exactly 25, and ticket sellers partnering with clothing stores to give away tickets with purchases.

Absolutely zero.

I couldn't get past how much a cunt her character is. which in a way isn't surprising since Brie Larson herself comes off as this holier than thou CaliCunt. I really enjoy watching actor interviews when it's not just marketing fluff because they'll go into characters or the state of the industry etc. Anthony Mackie has a great interview where he discusses how the rise of the superhero genre is the death of the actor. You don't get that from the movies. You really get a feel for who the actor is and how that will help them bring nuance to the character. But Brie Larson is just this megabitch supreme. She's so condescending in everything she says and does. And that reflects in Captain Marvel. It just made no sense why anyone would root for her since everything she says is either a sarcastic quip at someone else's expense, usually her allies, or just that brick wall delivery of exposition. Even the extended tease for Endgame where she says that shit about how they didn't have her so that's why they lost just came off as her being this snarky dickhead.

>Even the extended tease for Endgame where she says that shit about how they didn't have her so that's why they lost just came off as her being this snarky dickhead
And then thor comes up and gives her his blessing. Fucking feige was doing so well with the MCU stuff but he just had to shoehorn his favorite mary sue donut steel at the 11th hour.

that just means you have shit taste, Bright is horrendous

>Mignola is a shell of the man he once was
W-what happened?

>Because disney is buying their own tickets to save face

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Will audiences accept Captain Marvel like that?

They lost because Thor was a dumbass and disdn't go for the head or at least chop the arm with the gauntlet off.

t. Illiterate


Can't say I'm surprised, didn't look interesting, where the fuck was Abe?

She has a terrible agent (her husband) and is slightly below average in skill as an actor.

But she is/was crazy attractive and her husband is also a producer/director so she works.

I mean, if you have anything to prove me wrong, I'd be happy to consider it.
Word is thanos poofs her so maybe she'll get sympathy points that way.

I doubt Feige had final say on Carol's inclusion, Marvel has been trying to make Carol work for almost 10 years now

less than none.

anyone who says more should kill themselves

Unless Mandalore and Sseth count as critics, absolutely none

I know what genres I like and can discern from promo material whether I'd like a game or not.

None but I wasn't finna watch this shit anyways

>he thinks Alamo is rare

I've been to several and the food is average to above average at most of the locations. It's on the level with your typical chain restaurant.

Service can be good if the staff knows how to communicate effectively with hand signals.

Since Endgame is being brought up...

Please, PLEASE have Captain Marvel die in the first ill-thought fight in the movie's opening, bring her back with the Stones at the end. That bitch does NOT deserve to bring down Thanos, that belongs to either Thor, Cap, or Iron Man, if not a true team effort.

"Before you didn't have me" get the fuck out of here with the Mary-Sue shit.

>Feiges waifu donut steel
You know pisses me off the most about that shit? She's not even that powerful in the comics. You can go to Marvels own fucking website right now and look at her power rankings and she's pretty meh and that's accounting for her Binary form which she can only use for a limited amount of time because she'll burn out. She has yet to have a singular good comics run and yet she's getting preferable treatment over everyone else. Speaking of Thor that giganigga is ranked almost solid 9s and 10s across the board. But nope, he's not the strongest anymore even. He's now just some dumb fucking fat boy with ego problems because gotta make way for Uguu Carol Danvers so tsundere.

Feige IS marvel. The movie side at least. The only side that counts. What, are you trying to tell me disney handed down a mandate saying the MCU needed to add captain marvel to try and boost her comic sales? Not a chance.
And unless he's lying, captain marvel is a feige favorite.

I actively disbelieve everything they say at this point. If they rate a film as shit, I will probably go see it. If they say its good, I definitely won't because its a guarantee that its shit.

Opening night Imax screening near me.
Two singles, in clear violation of policy.

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>I mean, if you have anything to prove me wrong, I'd be happy to consider it.
Burden of proof is on you, you insipid faggot. You said they bought their own fucking tickets, prove it.

they might've done, the Carol push only started after Disney bought Marvel

>in clear violation of policy
>can't go to the movies by yourself
What kind of fucked up policy is that?

If they explained it or took their time with it it'd be more acceptable, but nope, she's just the strongest now, fuck your decade of world-building.

Scarlet Witch is doing it well, she fears her power and her untapped potential is clear, but it will take time. Captain Marvel needed an inhibitor to keep her in check because just too stronk, then she removes it and top tier stronk.

The issue with their dumb Superman shit here is that Carol doesn't have a Kryptonite to keep her interesting, to make her feel in peril, and introducing one will be sexist.

well hopefully Thanos slaps her shit for being overconfident and the OG THREE kick his ass in the final showdown

Same policy that shitcans non-3D showings like two-days in so you have to spend more on a 3D ticket.

Movie theaters are top-tier Jewish.

>These two things vaguely line up (even though they really don't) so let's eschew any/all actual evidence and assume he's lying because FUCKING DISNEY JEWS ESS JAY DUBBELYOOS REEEEEEE

>prove it
I did. There's tons of people who said theaters were either empty or sparsely populated. And then all those tickets they basically gave away all counted towards sales. Doesn't matter if the people who got them actually used them.

Really want this. The opening has me thinking it might actually happen, they HAVE to fail for them to be all depressed later (judging by Nat's hair) and neither Banner nor Stark are on the Benatar, which points to the smarter members realizing how stupid this is and staying behind.

Carol isn't seen anywhere past that point so far, so I hope she dies in the opening and gets brought back with the Stones later. Losing their "best weapon" like it was nothing would easily spread the hopelessness until the Quantum Realm plan.

Why do you assume she's stronger, Thor would have easily killed Thanos if he hadn't fucked up and let Thanos use the gauntlet.

I'm pretty sure the old Marvel films head laughed at the idea of Captain Marvel, then the Disney buy-out and Wonder Woman led to a rushed Captain Marvel.

Might've just been a rumor though.

>they might've done
Why in the FUCK would disney push a fucking hero no one likes whose comic sales don't even break 100k?
>well they made an antman movie and he's obscure
Antman isn't a fucking pariah among comic book fans.

I don't trust critics for the most part, unless it's like a steam curator who I can look up past reviews to decide if our opinions are on the same wavelength.

The only true, objective gauge I have for games is not someone saying it's good or bad, but rather if discussion on sites like Yea Forums is regular and consistent enough to warrant looking into. Some of the "best" games that have huge critic reviews and even user reviews fail to capture any lasting audience because of flaws that can't be easily put into words, while some stuff that absolutely bombs still has thousands of people sticking around to play it because there's some stuff it does right.

>I did. There's tons of people who said theaters were either empty or sparsely populated
lol okay, sure thing you fucking muppet

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Feige has openly said so numerous times, plus she herself says it in the trailer.

>culture faggot gets btfo not one but TWO times
>can't even contain his butthurt

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needed a Wonder Woman whose movie rights they actually own

Yeah, sounds like a bunk rumor, unless you have an actual source

Because of Wonder Woman and the related political shit that goes along with it.

>then the Disney buy-out and Wonder Woman led to a rushed Captain Marvel.
What likely happened was disney saw ww doing well, thought they should have a strong female hero of their own, and told feige to come up with something. feige comes up with his tranny waifu.

>Why in the FUCK would disney push a fucking hero no one likes whose comic sales don't even break 100k?
Because the actual fans who read the comics don't overlap much, if at all, with the MCU fans. You think anyone who even read the first few pages of Civil War 2 wants to see Captain Marvel on screen? Granted CW2 was a total shit show of a comic and everyone got written like absolute ass, but Carol in CW2 still closely resembles Carol in her Solo run. And look, we probably just need to right writer to come at Carol and give her an actual identity with a good story and good villains instead of being an Avengers D lister throw away. Especially since OG Captain Marvel is technically more popular than her in the Comics side.

But until then, it's just like an earlier user pointed out. Wonder Woman did fucking bank at the box office.

The movie had been planned years before WW hit theaters


They didn't need shit. They already had wonder woman and scarlet witch in the MCU. They could've done solo movies with them, or given widow a larger roll in endgame. And ffs if they absolutely had to have their ww, they could've picked someone way better than fucking captain marvel. Holy shit.

Will she fuck best boy Haida?


Black Widow is getting a solo movie, been planned for a while

Scarlet Witch had the shared rights with Fox, so she was out. Widow was never going to be a Wonder Woman type. Who's left that isn't an X-Man or tied to a male character?

Literally zero, if something catches my internet then I'll watch/play it and decide for myself what I thought of it. People should not make a living wage blogging about their consumed media and acting like their opinion is objective.

Retard, 90% of the shit you know and do is based of what someone else told you. From the vegetables you eat to the mere fact that you are probably not sitting naked in your house. Please disprove me by putting your hand in an open flame to make sure its hot.

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Didn't say that at all.

90% of people herd have no issue with Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Gamora & Nebula etc. Because they're actual characters with personality and history.

Danvers is a wooden board that literally tells you she's strong.

Carol as Captain Marvel was pushed since like 2011, before the DCEU even started

She didn't get one before captain literally who though. Something scarjo is pissed about, if rumors are to be believed.

And how does her being a boring character equate to "political nonsense" exactly?

Oh, right, it doesn't, its just retarded seething incels projecting it onto everything, such as they always do.

She doesn't actually. She just can't be called a mutant, Marvel had full rights to do whatever they wanted to, and Danvers in the comics is intrinsically connected to a man, they just retconned Mar-Vell's gender in the movie, what kind of retarded shit is that anyway? "Tied to a male character" faggot.

Most people may not read the comics, but they certainly care about the characters. If they didn't, capeshit movies wouldn't be as popular as they are. No one cared about captain marvel, so the marketing team went full feminist to try and sell it.


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between zero and none

Not him but when I heard there's literally a line where a guy tells her to smile more, I cringed.

I'd be a little mad for the few minutes every day my hand wasn't glued to the inside of my vagina and/or rectum if I were her

Okay but none of that has anything to do with politics, its just incel virgins projecting it onto every single issue.

>Widow was never going to be a Wonder Woman type
She was never going to be flipping tanks, no, but she doesn't have to in order to be a good female hero. Acting like a man isn't what will make a good female hero.

>dumb anime poster is incoherent
Really makes you think

Guys telling girls to smile more is a feminist talking point. Yes, it's political.

It's literally a big issue for feminists, outside of that there's a montage implying that she's been held down by big bad men her whole life.

Like her in training and the big mean dudes laughing that she's going to die, or a fellow pilot saying "you know why it's called a cockpit right??! huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu" it's cringe and obvious.

For games, I look around at scores and reviews and compare the numbers but also how hyped I am for said game after I read the scores and such usually determines if I pull the trigger on it.
For movies, critics are purely for entertainment purposes as If theres a movie I feel like seeing then Ill go see it. Reviews are for after the movie.

I'm just tired of this goddamn culture war. It's even seeped into the places i go for escapism. It's all so tiresome.

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>captain marvel movie was shit and hated
>REAL captain marvel movie was great and loved
I never thought I'd live long enough to see the rise of the DC chad.

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It's always been there, Wonder Woman for example IS a feminist icon, it's part of what she is.

However, as the "issues" become more petty and unreasonable the annoyance is more prevalent.

Honestly the issue with this being so on the nose is that her transition to becoming a hero doesn't feel earned at all. The movie would probably still get some shit for being borderline propaganda, but if it felt like she actually had to struggle to overcome then it wouldn't have been that bad.

Into the Spider Verse did it almost perfectly. We see Miles as he tries, fails, experiences loss, and gets put down for not being strong enough. But he overcomes it and rises to the occasion to be an actual hero and the audience absolutely loved it. But with Captain Marvel we don't really see any loss, or frustration, or failure. We just see her get held back for dumb plot reason moments, and then she comes out on top, roll credits.

Its because Shazam had an actual plot beyond the gender of the main character.

Challenge: These are the highest reviewed games, remove all that you consider overrated

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>Mister Mind in post-credits.

I'll admit, I'm interested that DC seems willing to delve into the goofy aspects. Black Manta was done pretty well in Aquaman, too, and I still have high hopes for Deathstroke.

>Wonder Woman for example IS a feminist icon
She was, until the feminists decided she wasn't feminist enough and disowned her. Either way, she was never about tearing down men to prop herself up.

Guy just literally cannot draw anymore. His art has degraded to that of a child's or someone with severe arthritis or something. It is what it is, but they need to either accept it for what it is or stop having him do art.
In one of the art books (First 20 Years I think) the actual forward to the whole thing had a 2 page apology thing from whoever was doing the forward for how Mike can't or won't draw like the old days so get over it and his less line work is just an evolution of his style.

The guy is well past his prime and should be put out to pasture for the art world. They openly cover for him proactively and it makes it all look worse somehow for it.
The whole shebang should have ended like 8 years ago.

Mike nuked off the bulk of the Hellboy comic cast unceremoniously after discarding two prominent Hellboy writers. Mike basically took it to himself to finish up his stories but he's doing a terrible job at it.

There was some review I watched that states the issue with Carol is that shoe doesn't change, AT ALL throughout the film, she starts as a cocky egotist and ends that way; nothing is earned, nothing is lost.

Compare that with say Thor, who also starts his journey as a cocky egotist, but his experiences humble him and turn him into an honorable man and a hero.

>co-star is cliche "little girl with an attitude whos extremely mature for her age
I just want to point out that she is a character in hellboy comics, but she's also an eldrich god that basically kinda likes humans so tries to lead them along.

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I wanted this to be good god fucking damnit

Literally have no idea why MGS1 on the fucking GameBoy is doing on this

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How long has Captain Marvel been planned? I just don't see why it was necessary. Killing everyone but (mainly) the original characters was a great way to set up the conclusions for the ones who have been built up for 10 fucking years. I'm not even going to talk about what I think of Captain Marvel, but just bringing in some god to deal with the problem just feels cheap.
I really hope the movie's more then what the trailer makes it out to be, Captain Marvel just being a quippy cunt and winning while learning nothing.

None these days. You can usually go watch a video of extended gameplay weeks in advance of a release and decide for yourself what you think. Even if you need more detailed information you can get that from actual players on release and it'll likely be more reliable seeing as you can jump into threads full of people with similar tastes and skill levels easier than finding one critic with the same.

No, its not.

Have sex.

Can you post some pics? I’m not finding anything too egregious online

>Mister Mind in post-credits.
Not just that but the fucking shazam family. The snyder era is long gone.

>The movie would probably still get some shit for being borderline propaganda
Have sex, holy shit, ts not fucking propaganda because you hate women.

t. illiterate

Yes, it is.

Have sex. With me.

>"Professional opinions"

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No, you'll stay an incel virgin forever.

I honestly do think she's going to die in the opening fight, then be brought back with all the dusted at the end.

Banner, Stark and Hawkeye not being on the Benatar, and the state of depression AFTER (as can be seen by Widow's hair) really points towards them losing and their "best weapon" getting BTFO, plus she hasn't been seen anywhere besides Avenger HQ opening, or the Benatar; no Quantum-realm suit for example.

Nigga fuck off with your ad hominem shit. Either refute our points or go back to your own circlejerk.

>tells me to have sex
>but won't have sex with me

Please, do explain how the movie is/would be propaganda.

I'll have sex with you user

5 years years from now, you tards will still be bitching about Captain Marvel despite how "bad" you say it is. Holy shit, now I know what DCucks feel like with Man of Steel/BvS.

Some leaker has said she dies to thanos but at the end she's the head of the new avengers.

It's too late. I've already posted my manifesto to twitter. This will be my last post.

People won't even remember captain marvel in two years. Unless they make her the new face of the MCU but who would be dumb enough to do that haha.

That's prett much been confirmed, she's the "new face" for Phase 4, unfortunately.

I'm fine with that, but she has not earned the place to just come in and beat Thanos, that needs to go to Cap, Iron Man, Thor, or Hulk, or just a true team effort of the OG MCU.

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I really hope you're right mate. Apparently this shit's supposed to be over three hours long, so that would be plenty of time for designated Marvel screentime, death, then good shit. I just want to see a respectful conclusion for the characters.

>I'm fine with a completely miscast character that doesn't have a character arc being the main character going forward
why tho

>No Pearlman
>No Del Taco
hard pass


>I don't need a group of fags to tell me if I should like something or not.
>if I should
Found the brainlet. A bad critic (which is the vast majority) will tell you what you should think. A good critic will tell you what they think and why. It's all about perspective and gaining an understanding from others. Find the good critics and stick by them; there are too few out there.

>instead of
Yeah its fake.

Who the hell reserves a seat all the way on the left? You know what? Incels deserve to be bullied.

Seconding this

Because there's a fair chance that I'll be jumping off soon, partly because of this decision, but I at least want the original decade long story to be wrapped up properly, not with a Mary-Sue.

So since the MCU is gonna be shit after endgame, and DC is on a roll with their recent capeshit movies, everyone's gonna switch over right?
What's the next DC film on the way, wonder woman?

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That or Suicide Squad 2 (for whatever reason), I'm pretty sure the Flash movie is still planned to be Flashpoint and a soft-reboot, so a large portion of the continuity might be irrelevant at the moment.

Supes and Bats need a complete reboot, make Justice League have not happened.

Dumb stockholme syndrome DC beggar. The nolanverse is the only good film you got.

Dumb nolan nigger. DC movies are in a renaissance now that snyder is gone and everything he had in motion is done and forgotten.

I don't have pics handy but look up art from Seed of Chaos (Volume 1 of Hellboy) then look up art from Hellboy in Hell.
Stark contrast.
Hell, look up the forward for First 20 Years. Amazon still lets you look thru books right? Should all be there pretty easy to find.



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They're just gonna play it off as Sith lying and shit. Like her parents will be special (probably Luke's daughter or some shit) and Kylo lied the whole time. They can "retcon" plenty of stuff by making it not actually important.

And both still look "fine."
It is just the way they treat Mignola like some reverent dali llama that they can't ever let slights reach makes it seem worse than it all really is.

I grew up reading this comic as my only long running buy. Shit sucks how they treat the guy. Sucks how he lets himself be treated. It all just sucks.

15 years, Jesus!

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