Why aren't you playing MechWarrior Online?

Why aren't you playing MechWarrior Online?
>lots of unique mechs
>lots of weapons and playstyles
>lots of strategy and skill
>graphically good because it runs on CryEngine but -
>FPS chugger, older PCs aren't cut to snuff

The grind isn't even bad for a F2P game because you can buy ANY mech you want instead of doing some tech tree gatekeeping bullshit. Takes less than a day to get a new mech, and new players get a credit bonus that enables them to get any mech they want fully equipped.

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I would report anyone with such a decal. Gross.

This, it screams of reddit

Because living legends is coming back

Is there a steep learning curve? I'm always wary of starting up a game where I'll be facing autists with already 10,000 hours played.

it's f2p p2w who cares

The learning curve isn't particularly complex, it's just if you care to learn you'll learn quickly. Don't worry about being "bad" at the game because to be very honest with you the average player in MWO has an IQ of 55 and their brain is a potato.

It's incredibly easy in MWO - despite being a 12v12 game - to stomp and win just because of your own skill. Not that you'll have 100% win rate but the presence of a good player on any one side can tip the scales.

This isn't WoT where it's impossible to carry because you're a weaker or lighter vehicle, mechs in MWO are relatively balanced so skill and strategy are more determinant to winning.

But I am.
No, you get free, mostly competitive, trial mechs that change every few months. All you have to remember is where to shoot on enemies and to stick together.

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It's not P2W at all.

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>ghost heat
No thanks.

do you have a better idea to stop people from running 6 PPC Stalkers? I have no problem with Ghost Heat but I think they should be more generous with applying limit quirks to certain mechs. Something like the Super Nova should be able to fire at least 3 ERLL's at once.

Why would I want to stop something that's always been a thing?

>western mecha

>Takes less than a day to get a new mech, and new players get a credit bonus that enables them to get any mech they want fully equipped.
ok retard

it takes fucking forever to get enough credits to buy and kit out a full heavy or assault mech, but I do love my dual PPC and dual UAC-5 marauder.

what's wrong with that statement?

>New Mechs are released as 20$ pay for only packs, with some variants only in the 35$ pack
>These mechs release a YEAR before they can be bought with C-bills
>Hero mechs have hardpoints that can't be obtained anywhere else
It's totally not pay to win.

I don't know why you replied to that guy but mech timed exclusivity isn't P2W at all.
>Hero mechs
and most of them are side-grades or completely inferior OR have builds which can be done on mechs that you can buy with C-Bills

How about actually reworking gear availability so that homebrew mechs aren't just loaded with more lostech than actually exists in the entire universe?


It's not p2w as you can easily stomp with trial mechs, the problem is that the game:

1. is dead
2. has a whale based economy relying on mechdads and sym autists
3. has mind-blowingly bad balance decisions made literally every patch

Any time I play the game for more than a few days I quit cause watching the devs stomp my favorite franchise into the dirt and shit on it just stresses me out

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Homebrew is when you make the mech yourself in the mechbay.

Homebrew is fun, but it isn't what the original game's gear was balanced around.

Adding counter-intuitive mechanics like ghost heat are just stupid band-aids rather than reworking the mechbay system.

Rebalancing the weapons isn't a good idea as it makes stock builds worthless.

The devs know the original TT values aren't balanced for MWO because of simple strategy with no dice rolls and 3D environment. GH is a way better limiter than limiting builds - which is what they're doing in MW5 but that's definitely more immersive.

All f2p games deserve to die

What's the single player content like?

Cause I think western mechs look like shit

why in the name of god would i play this trash, it's not good compared to the real prior games, and even a fan project for totally free completely shows it up as well as showcases how battletech was a multi-front factor of warfare and not just mechs shooting eachother

>even a fan project for totally free completely shows it up as well as showcases how battletech was a multi-front factor of warfare and not just mechs shooting eachother

No one who says this has actually played LL. It's fine for a fan project but it has the worst gameplay out of the entire series.

Really? I wouldnt mind playing a few rounds. Even though I have no idea what I am doing.

Small playerbase. Employs a WoT F2P model where everything is expensive as fuck if you actually want to use real money like a scrub. Updates (were) far and few between. Game keeps running worse with each update.

Treated my brother to a PC upgrade a few years ago for that fucking game because it was extremely CPU hungry for no excusable reason, what with the simple environments, and the matches not being large scale.

>Why aren't you playing MechWarrior Online?

Way too nerdy.

No VR support.

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How is that game? It looked a little meme-y

Because this recks a reddit.

>forced to do 2 hour long slog of a tutorial before actually getting to play online
No thanks.

Too limited in scope, but not much you can do for a multiplayer-focused VR title. It's the kind of title I wish the devs would just support regular desktop players on to fill out the queues more, plus an excuse to expand the game.

>totally assblasts 5 opponents in a row with the same weapon by holding M1+W and doing 0 maneuvering
Seems deep, really puts AC to shame

let's see you do it :^)

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I don't know if it still has it nowadays, but one of the "TECHNOLOGY!" things I liked about MWO was that third-person camera used to be a drone that physical hovered behind your mech, and other players could see it/fuck with it iirc.

You wanted to play first person though for minimap access.

>sym autists

I miss Exteel

Turns out multiplayer mechwarrior is slow and boring as fuck. Also the devs can't balance worth a damn.

MW4 mechbay is the easiest to balance while still retaining real customization.

Me too brother
NCsoft is forever on my shitlist for shutting it down with no good reason, and nobody has released a similar game since
Fuck that slow paced realism shit, gimme them stylish Code Geass type mechs

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I'd rather play Hawken or TiF2 for my mech urges. Fucking RIP

What happened to Hawken again? Like what was the update that killed it?

I do and I like it. The fedcom civil war update added a lot of good new tech, the game shits c-bills on you especially with premium and the skill grind is linear: you need 91 points and each point costs the same amount of XP. Meaning every game you’re making very real improvements and you aren’t trying to finish the last box in a skill tree for weeks.

Yeah just do what MW4 did and add slot limits to each hardpoint.

Shouldn't I play the original MechWarrior games including their expansions first?

you can skip 1

They’re all standalone games with little overlap but I would definitely encourage anyone to play MW2/3/4

Because you may as well play any generic shooter considering that the mechs don't feel any beefier than a human in any other game

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