Which one, Yea Forums?

Which one, Yea Forums?

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is this mafia wars?

charles has a suit in prison, so he has the best connects

But charles also seems more likely to turn on you, or use you as a pawn

But he also makes you go shirtless everywhere and ruin yourself with tattoos

Charles will stab you in the back once you get too much power, but Frank looks like he'd be loyal.

left , right looks like a puss lmfao

Attached: mafia city nine.webm (480x480, 2.74M)

bloatboys unite

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Frank may be dumb but he looks out for his men never trust a man in a suit in prison

Why does this thread always have the same replies word for word?

Why does this guy have a knife holster in prison and what's that thing on the back of his shirt looks like a radio or something?

Because those are the two stereotypical character archetypes that they look like.

I'll go with Charles. Camarilla forever.

dude got serious connects

That’s how the mafia works

Damn, prison bitches look like THAT?

Because most people on Yea Forums that say those things have more experience in a life of crime than you do.

simulation's acting up again.
don't worry, we'll fix it soon

I thought it was mafia city?

well i AM wise so i'll join the mobster with the cartel gang members


>"join my gang or else"
>get beat up if i dont join
>"you would be wise to join my gang"
>no negatives to turning him down are implied
Easy choice.


I'd prefer to be neutral and not join either.

Hey Tone

Oh, the naivete of youth

*robs and rapes you*
thats how mafia works


Twenty years in the can, taking it up the ass.

I choose this one

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My favorite ep of it's always sunny

Summer is early

That's how mafia works

I choose...


I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose free will

Underage newfags out.

t.seething brainlet that doesnt know how mafia works

>am I fitting it yet XD

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NPCs parroting the same jokes ad nauseam. Their limited brains can only intake information and reproduce it, they don't have the mental capacity to write their own, original jokes. It's the same people who post Wojak and Pepe recolors.

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>am I fitting in yet XD

Does this really happen in prison?

Is that Rick Harrison?

I can make it happen blood

>no u
Blatant underage newfaggotry

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yeah, everything has gotten extremely shit, looking at this site is a huge fucking travesty in general now. i might finally fully migrate to other chans and abandon this piece of shit zomer shithole for real this time. unfortunately im really drunk and already dont remember writing this

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>git out of muh sikret club
No user, you are the newfags

charles has more muscle behind him, but I'd hate to be in the showers alone with Frank.

Might as well, they've been shitting this place up for years. It's not going to get better any time soon.
>muh sikret club posting
>no u again

Attached: (You).jpg (3192x2124, 678K)



its always the newfags who post that secret club shit


Oh shit how will I ever recover.

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looks like a bunch of old queers about to go clubbing

That guy in the back looks like a mafia version of todd howard.

>literally blindly spamming anti-newfag shit without even thinking for himself
>dares to call others new

Attached: Yikes!.jpg (1000x262, 106K)

i'm sure we've had this thread, but like,in a creepy way, all the replies are the same and everything. am i stuck in a time loop?


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There's not much you can do with this "topic", and you're probably talking to some of the same people from other threads.



which one Yea Forums?

Attached: frank.png (861x810, 1.13M)

Attached: charles.png (861x810, 713K)

Frankie, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

>4channel is supper serious and is only for edgy kids like me who never ever use irony! only adult autists pls!

Attached: Double Yikes.png (467x316, 26K)

moderate lel.

>If you don't spout normalfag shit you're just an edgy kid who is also somehow an adult autist
We are reaching new levels

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Frank is the one threatening you straight up. He's a brutal fuckhead who'll try to kill you the moment you displease him.
Charles at least pretends to be civilized even if he'll use you.

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.elows gnikool eh esuaceb ,knarF

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pucker up then big boy

frank is a Kuwabara type though.

>joining up with a crew of old fat guys larping as Italians who will make you do all the work while they reap all the benefits

>ur both just dummies

Attached: 481521.png (400x200, 73K)

>porn stars are on the same level as sweat shop workers and literal slaves

Well at least I made you laugh.

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If you choose not to decide
you still have made a choice

I've always had this nagging feeling Yea Forums was just a few people making the same threads and replying to themselves
that it's all a big scheme and there's only a few real people on the site

how does tony get away with those shirts and not look like a huge putz

The right guy seems to be a leader. has a suit and probably good management skills. He won't send you to do things you can't do.


The left one is probably too dominating and will kill you for nothing.


Man, those gender bender fags invaded my wholesome mafia city.

Why is there a pair of pot plants in the foreground?

Spread dem checks fag

C. Deathwish

I don't get it, do minorities not have access to amenities?

Frank looks pretty brotier.

Defend Frank
Defend Charles
>Refuse to choose a side

Tags: transformation voyeur garters_on role_reversal

Frank is loyal and going with him gives the good ending
Charles is essentially playing the game on easy mode but it gives you the bad ending

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Frank got a gold chain

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nah dude, i can tell you from a glance that people like frank who are very straightforward are unlikely to stab you in the back. he probably tells it to you straight that you will be his enemy if you dont join him because he likes keeping people in two simple categories, friends and enemies. i promise you, if you join him, he will always be loyal to you but will also expect complete loyalty from you as well.

charles seems better if you don't want to commit to a gang in general, since he's both likely to backstab you eventually, but he also doesn't seem like he would hold much of a grudge if you eventually cut ties with him

The game wants to give you that impression so they can give you the plot twist that charles is actually good guy that respects you while frank starts out as a bro that becomes more unhinged over time.

there are lots of people on the site, but reddit, facebook, twitter, and this site are all used as experimental grounds to test memetic and social engineering. that is, most of the time, the threads you see day to day are created by bots or people paid to create them, with specific responses and/or sentiments repeated ad nauseum to control and contort not only public opinion but public action and desires, wants, etc.

They look like they are about to sip a Zero Carb Monster than fuck people up. Loltalians.

>"You would be wise..."
>no negative implied
imagine being this low iq

frank if I'm white, charles if I'm white(hispanic)

The sad truth is that there's no many bots or social engineering, people are just that dumb

the first one is just banter (or at worst you'll catch a beating) and the second one is a subtle threat to gas you in your sleep

regardless, if you join one then the other's threat becomes largely null due to gang protection

After a couple of months, they do, if you catch my drift.

>where did these ads even play? I never saw them myself

My favourite is vanilla

God I wish that were me.

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I've replied to this comment before.

>Wears a suit in prison
>Makes his henchmen go shirtless
he's a homosexual that will take advantage of you

It's a really blunt piece drawing attention to the hypocrisy of privileged white girls crying about injustice while benefiting from living in a society built on the exploitative labor of less privileged individuals.
I'm fucking blown away, the point of it may as well be hitting you in the face with a bat.

Clearly Frank because he has Danny Devito's voice rather than Charles who sounds like Charlie pretending to be rich

Have sex

Great minds think alike

Do a 360 then walk away

Is there a bigger groups of cucks than level 1 crooks?

Are you forcing me to have sex? That's rape.

Not if you enjoy it, faggot

Okay then, bend over.

its mafia municipality


Thats how Passione works.

the one with the thick daddy

>picking up lipstick magically makes ur body slim lose ur tats grow long blonde hair when they were bald and obviously not naturally blonde and does ur makeup for u and dresses u
soo is this what trannies believe?

Why the fuck are you playing the first one when the sequel is already out?

Attached: prison mafia super wars edition part 2.jpg (1722x810, 605K)

whats the bad end

>*posts same image every other /pol/fag does*
fuck off NPC, you're the same as them

Charles. His guys have giant crosses on their bodies. Probably very pious gang who repented their bad deeds and now are trying to preach the gospel.

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Frank is HAPPY WITH HIS LIFE and won't cause you trouble once you grow past low-level gang activities. Charles wears a suit to inappropriate places, he wants more, he'll try to stay on top of you forever.


That's a fucking great camera.

>Charles has the bigger brain AND dick

>It's a really blunt piece drawing attention to the hypocrisy of privileged white girls crying about injustice while benefiting from living in a society
shoulda stopped there

you fucking die

Charles. Never trust a man in a suit. Best to stay on his good side.

Neither, you're both going to join me in forming my own gang

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Why is the player character just Sam Fisher from Double Agent?

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because Yea Forums is full of retarded drones that parrot the same thing day in and day out

this place is just discount reddit with anonymity

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what the fuck is that

You Would Be Wise Not To Be So Rustled.......................


I agree.

We can see that with some shitty indie titles threads being created over and over again.