Choose wisely, Yea Forums

Choose wisely, Yea Forums...

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Obviously red. Every person who also chooses red might take 5 years from me but I also take 5 years from them, plus a surplus of every person who sees the post but does not respond at all. Minimum 0 years lost, maximum infinite.


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I swallow the entire box of red pills

which one turns me into a girl! lol

Blue pill

blue pill, i don't want those with bright futures to suffer

based tranny

blue pill, cause I'm a coward.

>Wanting to live in a world where Africa is 50% of the global population

>take red
>post once
>blacklist file hash
If it's not the same file hash, it's not the same post.

>Actually wanting to live longer
Enjoy suffering constantly after 100

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Red pill can only increase or keep your life span the same as it was before...
I pick red easy

Blue Pill, because moralfaggotry.

Red, since the worst-case scenario there is every other user takes red and ends up exactly where they started

Do I have to choose a pill?

You should take whatever pill cures autism

No, but you're already losing like 20 years just based on the responses.

bitch you aint gaining shit from me fuck off back to bumming cigs from people

Rainbow pill, please.

Blue bros

Thank god

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Assuming everybody participates, there is no difference between the two.


The pill that turns me 2D and into an anime girl of my choice so that I can better pleasure cocks.

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If the blue pill gives you immunity then the only posters you'd be taking years from also took the red pill. If everyone takes five years from everyone else and then readds them to their own, then the end result is that nobody's lifespan changes.

Blue just be safe.

redpill me senpai

This is the Prisoner's Dilemma again isn't it
fuck you Sigma

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It's just people who SEE the post, so if they don't respond or take either pill, they still lose years and you still gain them.

at one point looking at this picture will kill anyone instantly

oh man I had no idea that image was going to be so autistic, it was just the only image I had with a relevant named file

Red, because you'll end up with more life than before unless more than half the people who see the post take the blue pill


Taking the blue pill, senpai

>Living after 60

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Red Pill is obvious, the worst case scenario is the blue pill but best case is extra life.

Red please

The red pill is a closed loop of diminishing returns, reds only effect reds so you'll both neutralize eachother, its a limit function toward a finite number. The only noticeable quotient would be if its an odd number of people at the end, the last man would likely gain x/5+x years of their life, x being the sample size. So the only person that'd benefit is the last person to both see the image and take the red pill. So red I guess.

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Your math sucks user, If even one user sees that post, does not pick red or blue, then the red users average life span will all go up a small amount, or maybe all by five, or maybe only a couple by five depending on how it works.

I have severe clinical depression and i'm planning on killing myself in 2 weeks time. Give me a pill for that, faggot.

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CYOA thread? Here's a short one because Yea Forums is the fastest board.

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Blue da ba dee da ba die

do you have that without the shit circles

No it isn't. It isn't in our best interest to cooperate, the only rules for winning this game is to play. The only losers are those who do not play.

If you take the red pill, at worst your lifespan doesn't change assuming everybody who looks at the post plays the game. It doesn't matter what they pick.

If you pick the blue pill, your life doesn't change.

If you don't play, you will die instantly.

The "correct" answer, amoral, is red pill.

just do it now pussy

gib warrior gf

No retard because people who see the post also lose life to red pills.

Red obviously

I'll have what she's having

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Your math’s wrong, the lifegain is actually given bey the following function:
Y = (5*X) - (5*Z)
In which Z cannot be greater than X (you have to see the post to choose the red pill)
Because of that last bit, the absolute worst case scenario for any red pill taker is Z=X (everyone who sees the post takes red), resulting in a net change of 0.

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It would take you 2 seconds to remove htem yourself.

You cant not make a choice. Do you see that option, choose neither? No you dont.

Isn't this a self-cancelling consequence? The only losers are the ones who do nothing.

Red has literally no downsides since you will never lose more than you gain.

Is there a pill that just gives all your years to the redpill guy

Blue pill. I don’t need to live for a crazy long time anyways. Plus you couldn’t take any years from other blue pillers and red pillers would just cancel your 5 years gained from them.


Also my bad here you lazy faggot.

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If I'm already black and take the finna pill what happens?

Anyway this is super easy. Finna pill, Hitler did nothing wrong, and Redpill.

Basically the only change in my life is I'm a meme on pol.


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>using 10 seconds of time to solve a hypothetical is autistic
I need to take 1,000 pills just to get my shower working.

It’s for (yous), I take the red pill I guess.

Except, Anons can literally not choose, as everybody who has saw this thread and didn't choose did, and therefore redpill is the best.

If you didn't intend your shitty image to be that way learn how to write.

People that want to live forever are fucked. The human psyche hasn't adapted to being conscious for that long, they'd go insane.

Literally was just about to say this.

But what about the green pill? I like green.
If it's just this then I'll choose red.

>If I'm already black and take the finna pill what happens?

Attached: We're 100% BLACK.png (1442x803, 417K)

>If I'm already black and take the finna pill what happens?
double nigger

blue pill, fuck redfags

me too

Blue pill

I pick red

>not replacing hitler did nothing wrong with the gay so you become a black and gay /pol/ack

>Living after 30

News flash retards. You can’t be an user if you don’t even post. Therefore, both pills have literally the same effect unless someone chooses not to take a pill.

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the circles go over the drawings so if he had it would be faster, reverse image gave me pinterest thumbnails
thanks pic related

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